% -%-Fundamental-%- -*-Metafont-*-
% parmesan-heads.mf -- implement ancient note heads
% source file of LilyPond's pretty-but-neat music font
% (c) 2001--2009 Juergen Reuter <reuter@ipd.uka.de>
% Neo-mensural heads originally by
% Christian Mondrup and Mats Bengtsson

save black_notehead_width;
numeric black_notehead_width;

fet_begingroup ("noteheads");

% character aligment:
%   The head is assumed to be vertically centered around (0, 0).
%   The left-most edge of the head should touch the vertical line
%   that goes though the point (0, 0).
% set_char_box() conventions:
% * breapth: Ignored (as far as I know).  Should be set to 0.
% * width: Should match the head's width.
% * depth: Should match the bottom edge of the head.  Affects vertical
%   collision handling.
% * height: Should match the top edge of the head.  Affects vertical
%   collision handling.
% TODO: should depth/height include appendages/stems?

overdone_heads = 0;
noteheight# := staff_space# + (1 + overdone_heads) * stafflinethickness#;
define_pixels (noteheight);


def draw_neomensural_brevis (expr brevwid) =
	save beamheight, head_width;
	save holeheight, stem_width;
	save serif_size, serif_protrude;

	head_width# = brevwid;
	holeheight = 3 stafflinethickness;
	stem_width = 1.4 stafflinethickness;

	define_pixels (head_width);

	set_char_box (0, head_width#,
		      noteheight# / 2, noteheight# / 2);
	2 beamheight + holeheight = noteheight;
	serif_size = (holeheight - stafflinethickness) / 2;
	serif_protrude = 1.5 serif_size;

	z1l = (0, 0);
	z2l = (0, -stafflinethickness / 2);
	z3r = z2r + serif_size * (1, -1);
	y4r = y3r;
	x4r = head_width / 2;
	z5l = z3l + (-serif_size, -serif_protrude);

	penpos1 (stem_width, 0);
	penpos2 (stem_width, 0);
	penpos3 (beamheight, 90);
	penpos4 (beamheight, 90);
	penpos5 (stem_width, 180);

	save pat_in, pat_out;
	path pat_in, pat_out;

	pat_out := z4l
		   -- z3l{left}
		   .. z5l{down}
		   .. z5r{up}
		   -- z1l;
	pat_out := pat_out
		   -- reverse pat_out yscaled -1;
	pat_out := pat_out
		   -- reverse pat_out shifted (-x4r, 0)
				      xscaled -1
				      shifted (x4l, 0)
		   -- cycle;
	fill pat_out;

	pat_in := z4r
		  -- z3r{left}
		  .. z2r{up}
		  -- z1r;
	pat_in := pat_in
		  -- reverse pat_in yscaled -1;
	pat_in := pat_in
		  -- reverse pat_in shifted (-x4r, 0)
				    xscaled -1
				    shifted (x4l, 0)
		  -- cycle;
	unfill pat_in;

	penlabels (1, 2, 3, 4, 5);

%%% This head does not seem to be used anywhere.  Junk me?  -- jr
def draw_neomensural_left_stemmed_head (expr wid) =
	draw_neomensural_brevis (wid);

	x6 = x7 = stem_width / 2;
	y6 = y5;
	y7 = y5 - 2.25 staff_space;

	z17 = (x7, y7 - stem_width / 2);

	penpos6 (stem_width, 0);
	penpos7 (stem_width, 0);

	fill z7l
	     -- z6l
	     -- z6r
	     -- z7r
	     .. z17
	     .. cycle;

	penlabels (6, 7);
	labels (17);

%%% This head does not seem to be used anywhere.  Junk me?  -- jr
fet_beginchar ("Left stemmed notehead", "slneomensural");
	draw_neomensural_left_stemmed_head (2 staff_space#);

% Some sources (eg. Musix/OpusTeX) think that the appendage should be on
% the left, some say right.  Right wins democratically.
def draw_neomensural_longa (expr wid) =
	draw_neomensural_brevis (wid);

	save theta;

	x7r = head_width;
	y7 = y5;
	z6 - z7 = (stem_width / 2, -staff_space);
	theta = angle (z6 - z7) + 90;

	penpos7 (stem_width, 0);
	penpos6 (1.2 stem_width, theta);
	z7' = find_tangent (z6l, pat_out,
			    (x7l + 0.5 stem_width, y7l),
			    (x7l - 0.5 stem_width, y7l));

	fill z7r
	     .. z6r{z6 - z7}
	     .. {z7 - z6}z6l
	     -- z7'
	     -- cycle;

	penlabels (6, 7);
	labels (7');

% En wij presenteren U: de opvolgster van Emily
% (ze is wel breed)
fet_beginchar ("Neo-mensural maxima notehead", "sM3neomensural");
	draw_neomensural_longa (2.6 staff_space#);

fet_beginchar ("Neo-mensural longa notehead", "sM2neomensural");
	draw_neomensural_longa (2 staff_space#);

fet_beginchar ("Neo-mensural brevis notehead", "sM1neomensural");
	draw_neomensural_brevis (2 staff_space#);

def draw_neomensural_black_head (expr wid, height) =
	save head_width;
	save ne, nw, ne_dist, nw_dist;
	pair ne, nw, ne_dist, nw_dist;

	head_width# = wid;

	set_char_box (0, head_width#,
		      height / 2, height / 2);
	charwx := head_width# / 2;
	charwy := height / 2;

	y3 = y1 = 0;
	x2 = x4 = (x1 + x3) / 2;

	pickup pencircle scaled blot_diameter;

	top y2 = h;
	bot y4 = -d;
	lft x1 = 0;
	rt x3 = w;

	ne := unitvector (z2 - z1);
	nw_dist := (ne rotated 90) * 0.5 blot_diameter;
	nw := unitvector (z2 - z3);
	ne_dist := (nw rotated -90) * 0.5 blot_diameter;

	fill lft z1{up}
	     .. (z1 + nw_dist){ne}
	     -- (z2 + nw_dist){ne}
	     .. top z2{right}
	     .. (z2 + ne_dist){-nw}
	     -- (z3 + ne_dist){-nw}
	     .. rt z3{down}
	     .. (z3 - nw_dist){-ne}
	     -- (z4 - nw_dist){-ne}
	     .. bot z4{left}
	     .. (z4 - ne_dist){nw}
	     -- (z1 - ne_dist){nw}
	     .. cycle;

	labels (1, 2, 3, 4);

def draw_neomensural_open_head (expr wid, height)=
	draw_neomensural_black_head (wid, height);

	save diamNW, diamSW;

	diamNW = length (z2 - z1) + blot_diameter;
	diamSW = length (z4 - z1) + blot_diameter;
	save hole_widthNW, hole_widthSW;

	hole_widthNW = 0.34 diamNW ;
	hole_widthSW + 2.6 linethickness = diamSW;

	(z7 + z5) / 2 = (w / 2, 0);
	(z8 + z6) / 2 = (w / 2, 0);
	z6 - z5 = hole_widthNW * unitvector (z2 - z1);
	z7 - z6 = hole_widthSW * unitvector (z4 - z1);

	unfill z5
	       -- z6
	       -- z7
	       -- z8
	       -- cycle;

	labels (5, 6, 7, 8);

% WL says the thin lines should be thinner.
fet_beginchar ("Harmonic notehead (Neo-mensural open)", "s0harmonic");
	draw_neomensural_open_head (1.3 staff_space#, 1.3 noteheight#);
	charwx := head_width#;
	charwy := 0;

fet_beginchar ("Harmonic notehead (Neo-mensural black)", "s2harmonic");
	draw_neomensural_black_head (1.3 staff_space#, 1.3 noteheight#);
	charwx := head_width#;
	charwy := 0;

fet_beginchar ("Neo-mensural semibrevis head", "s0neomensural");
	draw_neomensural_open_head (staff_space#, noteheight#);

fet_beginchar ("Neo-mensural minima head", "s1neomensural");
	draw_neomensural_open_head (staff_space#, noteheight#);

fet_beginchar ("Neo-mensural semiminima head", "s2neomensural");
	draw_neomensural_black_head (staff_space#, noteheight#);

def draw_mensural_brevis (expr wid) =
	% TODO.  For the moment, fall back to draw_neomensural_brevis.
	draw_neomensural_brevis (wid);

%%% This head does not seem to be used anywhere.  Junk me?  -- jr
def draw_mensural_left_stemmed_head (expr wid) =
	draw_mensural_brevis (wid);

	x6 = x7 = stem_width / 2;
	y6 = y5;
	y7 = y5 - 2.25 staff_space;

	z17 = (x7, y7 - stem_width / 2);

	penpos6 (stem_width, 0);
	penpos7 (stem_width, 0);

	fill z7l
	     -- z6l
	     -- z6r
	     -- z7r
	     .. z17
	     .. cycle;

	penlabels (6, 7);
	labels (17);

def draw_mensural_longa (expr wid) =
	draw_mensural_brevis (wid);

	x6 = x7 = head_width - stem_width / 2;
	y6 = y5;
	y7 = y5 - 2.25 staff_space;

	z17 = (x7, y7 - stem_width / 2);

	penpos6 (stem_width, 0);
	penpos7 (stem_width, 0);

	fill z7l
	     -- z6l
	     -- z6r
	     -- z7r
	     .. z17
	     .. cycle;

	penlabels (6, 7);
	labels (17);

%%% This head does not seem to be used anywhere.  Junk me?  -- jr
fet_beginchar ("Mensural left stemmed notehead", "slmensural");
	draw_mensural_left_stemmed_head (staff_space#);

fet_beginchar ("Mensural maxima notehead", "sM3mensural");
	draw_mensural_longa (2.0 staff_space#);

fet_beginchar ("Mensural longa notehead", "sM2mensural");
	draw_mensural_longa (staff_space#);

fet_beginchar ("Mensural brevis notehead", "sM1mensural");
	draw_mensural_brevis (staff_space#);

def draw_diamond_head (expr head_h, pen_w, pen_h, angle, open) =
	save head_width, head_height;
	save ellipse, ellipse_r;
	path ellipse, ellipse_r, diamond_shape;

	head_height# = head_h;
	head_width# / head_height# = tand (angle);

	set_char_box (0, head_width#,
		      head_height# / 2, head_height# / 2);

	charwx := head_width# / 2;
	charwy := head_height# / 2 - linethickness#;

	define_pixels (head_width, head_height);

	ellipse := reverse fullcircle
		     xscaled (max (blot_diameter, pen_w * head_width))
		     yscaled (max (blot_diameter, pen_h * head_width))
		     rotated -angle;

	z1 = find_tangent_shift (((0, h) -- (0, -h)), ellipse,
				 (0, 0), (w / 2, 0));
	z2 = find_tangent_shift (((0, h) -- (w, h)), ellipse,
				 (w / 2, h), (w / 2, 0));
	z3 = find_tangent_shift (((w, h) -- (w, -h)), ellipse,
				 (w, 0), (w / 2, 0));
	z4 = find_tangent_shift (((0, -h) -- (w, -h)), ellipse,
				 (w / 2, -h), (w / 2, 0));

	diamond_shape := get_subpath (ellipse, z1 - z4, z2 - z1, z1)
			 -- get_subpath (ellipse, z2 - z1, z3 - z2, z2)
			 -- get_subpath (ellipse, z3 - z2, z4 - z3, z3)
			 -- get_subpath (ellipse, z4 - z3, z1 - z4, z4)
			 -- cycle;
	fill diamond_shape;

	if open:
		save l;
		path l[];

		l12 := (directionpoint (z1 - z2) of ellipse) shifted z1
			-- (directionpoint (z1 - z2) of ellipse) shifted z2;
		l23 := (directionpoint (z2 - z3) of ellipse) shifted z2
			-- (directionpoint (z2 - z3) of ellipse) shifted z3;
		l34 := (directionpoint (z3 - z4) of ellipse) shifted z3
			-- (directionpoint (z3 - z4) of ellipse) shifted z4;
		l41 := (directionpoint (z4 - z1) of ellipse) shifted z4
			-- (directionpoint (z4 - z1) of ellipse) shifted z1;

		unfill l12 intersectionpoint l23
		       -- l23 intersectionpoint l34
		       -- l34 intersectionpoint l41
		       -- l41 intersectionpoint l12
		       -- cycle;

	labels (1, 2, 3, 4);

fet_beginchar ("Mensural semibrevis head", "s0mensural");
	draw_diamond_head (staff_space#, 0.15, 0.30, 30, true);

fet_beginchar ("Mensural minima head", "s1mensural");
	draw_diamond_head (staff_space#, 0.15, 0.30, 30, true);

fet_beginchar ("Mensural semiminima head", "s2mensural");
	draw_diamond_head (staff_space#, 0.15, 0.30, 30, false);

fet_beginchar ("Petrucci semibrevis head", "s0petrucci");
%	draw_diamond_head (1.8 staff_space#, 0.15, 0.40, 30, true);
	draw_neomensural_open_head (staff_space#, 1.8 staff_space#);

fet_beginchar ("Petrucci minima head", "s1petrucci");
%	draw_diamond_head (1.8 staff_space#, 0.15, 0.40, 30, true);
	draw_neomensural_open_head (staff_space#, 1.8 staff_space#);

fet_beginchar ("Petrucci semiminima head", "s2petrucci");
%	draw_diamond_head (1.8 staff_space#, 0.15, 0.40, 30, false);
	draw_neomensural_black_head (staff_space#, 1.8 staff_space#);

% EDITIO VATICANA (including solesmes extensions)

def vat_punctum_char (expr verbose_name, internal_name,
			   linea, cavum, straight, auctum,
			   d_up, up_shift, down_shift, mag) =
	fet_beginchar (verbose_name, "s" & internal_name);
		save a_b, b_h, a_w;

		a_b := 1.54; % b_h * a_b / a_w = wd / ht
		b_h := 0.85;
		a_w := 1.09;

		save a, beta, ht, wd;

		ht# = noteheight# * mag;
		2 beta = ht# * b_h;
		a = beta * a_b;
		wd# = 2 a / a_w;
		black_notehead_width# := wd#;

		% direction
		save d_, d_sign;
		pair d_;

		if d_up:
			d_ := up;
			d_sign := 1;
			d_ := down;
			d_sign := -1;

		% convexity and eccentricity
		save u_convexity, u_eccentricity;

		if straight:
			u_convexity# := -0.01 ht#;
			u_eccentricity# := 0.0 ht#; % dummy
		elseif auctum:
			u_convexity# := -0.03 ht#;
			u_eccentricity# := +0.25 ht#;
			u_convexity# := -0.05 ht#;
			u_eccentricity# := 0.0 ht#; % dummy

		save convexity, eccentricity;

		convexity# := d_sign * u_convexity#;
		eccentricity# := d_sign * u_eccentricity#;

		% y shift offset
		save yoffs;

		if up_shift:
			yoffs# := 0.08 ht#;
		elseif down_shift:
			yoffs# := -0.11 ht#;
			yoffs# := 0.00 ht#;

		define_pixels (convexity, eccentricity, yoffs, ht, wd);

		pickup pencircle scaled linethickness;

		save height, yoffs_bt, p, circle, circle_r;
		path p, circle, circle_r;

		height# = 0.47 ht#;
		yoffs_bt# = yoffs# - 0.5 height# - 0.25 convexity#;

		define_pixels (height, yoffs_bt);

		circle := fullcircle scaled linethickness;

		x1 = x6;
		x2 = x5;
		x3 = x4;
		y1 + height = y6;
		y2 + height = y5;
		y3 + height = y4;

		save box_top, box_bt;

		if auctum:
			z1 = (0.00 wd + linethickness / 2, yoffs_bt);
			z2 = (0.21 wd, yoffs_bt + convexity);
			z3 = (0.42 wd - linethickness/ 2,
			      yoffs_bt + eccentricity);
			box_top# = height# + yoffs_bt# +
				     max (0, convexity#, eccentricity#);
			box_bt# = yoffs_bt# +
				     min (0, convexity#, eccentricity#);
			p = z1
			    .. {right}z2
			    .. {d_}z3
			    -- z4{-d_}
			    .. z5{left}
			    .. z6
			    -- cycle;
			z1 = (0.00 wd + linethickness / 2, yoffs_bt);
			z2 = (0.21 wd, yoffs_bt + convexity);
			z3 = (0.42 wd - linethickness / 2, yoffs_bt);
			box_top# = height# + yoffs_bt# + max (0, convexity#);
			box_bt# = yoffs_bt# + min (0, convexity#);
			p = z1
			    .. z2
			    .. z3
			    -- z4
			    .. z5
			    .. z6
			    -- cycle;

		labels (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6);

		save dirs;
		pair dirs[];

		dirs12 := direction (0 + epsilon) of p;
		dirs2 := direction 1 of p;
		dirs32 := direction (2 - epsilon) of p;
		dirs45 := direction (3 + epsilon) of p;
		dirs5 := direction 4 of p;
		dirs65 := direction (5 - epsilon) of p;

		fill get_subpath (circle, down, dirs12, z1)
		     .. (bot z2){dirs2}
		     .. get_subpath (circle, dirs32, up, z3)
		     -- get_subpath (circle, up, dirs45, z4)
		     .. (top z5){dirs5}
		     .. get_subpath (circle, dirs65, down, z6)
		     -- cycle;

		if cavum:
			save pat, t;
			path pat[];
			numeric t[];

			pat123 := ((directionpoint -dirs12 of circle)
				    shifted z1){dirs12}
				  .. (top z2){dirs2}
				  .. {dirs32}((directionpoint -dirs32 of circle)
				       shifted z3);
			pat34 := lft z3
				 -- lft z4;
			pat456 := ((directionpoint -dirs45 of circle)
				    shifted z4){dirs45}
				  .. (bot z5){dirs5}
				  .. {dirs65}((directionpoint -dirs65 of circle)
				       shifted z6);
			pat61 := rt z6
				 -- rt z1;

			t61 := ypart (pat61 intersectiontimes pat123);
			t12 := xpart (pat123 intersectiontimes pat34);
			t34 := ypart (pat34 intersectiontimes pat456);
			t45 := xpart (pat456 intersectiontimes pat61);

			unfill subpath (t61, t12) of pat123
			       -- subpath (t34, t45) of pat456
			       -- cycle;

		set_char_box (0.00 wd#, 0.42 wd#,
			      max (0, -box_bt#) + linethickness# / 2,
			      max (0, box_top#) + linethickness# / 2);

		if linea:
			save linea_width, linea_height;

			linea_width# = 0.6 linethickness#;
			linea_height# = 0.7 ht#;

			define_pixels (linea_width, linea_height);

			pickup pencircle scaled 0.6 linethickness;

			draw_rounded_block ((-0.10 wd - linea_width / 2,
					     -linea_height / 2),
					    (-0.10 wd + linea_width / 2,
					     +linea_height / 2),
					    0.6 linethickness);
			draw_rounded_block ((+0.52 wd - linea_width / 2,
					     -linea_height / 2),
					    (+0.52 wd + linea_width / 2,
					     +linea_height / 2),
					    0.6 linethickness);

			set_char_box (0, 0.62 wd# + linea_width#,
				      linea_height# / 2,
				      linea_height# / 2);

			currentpicture := currentpicture
				shifted (0.10 wd + linea_width / 2, 0);

def plica_char (expr verbose_name, internal_name,
		     d_up, mag) =
	fet_beginchar (verbose_name, "s" & internal_name);
		save a_b, b_h, a_w;

		a_b := 1.54; % b_h * a_b / a_w = wd / ht
		b_h := 0.85;
		a_w := 1.09;

		save a, beta, ht, wd;

		ht# = noteheight# * mag;
		2 beta = ht# * b_h;
		a = beta * a_b;
		wd# = 2 a / a_w;
		black_notehead_width# := wd#;

		% direction
		save d_, d_sign;
		pair d_;

		if d_up:
			d_ := up;
			d_sign := 1;
			d_ := down;
			d_sign := -1;

		% convexity and eccentricity
		save convexity, eccentricity;

		convexity# := d_sign * -0.10 ht#;
		eccentricity# := d_sign * -0.12 ht#;

		% y shift offset
		save yoffs;

		yoffs# := -0.11 ht#;

		define_pixels (convexity, eccentricity, yoffs, ht, wd);

		pickup pencircle scaled linethickness;

		save height, yoffs_bt, p, circle, circle_r;
		path p, circle, circle_r;

		height# = 0.47 ht#;
		yoffs_bt# = yoffs# - 0.5 height# - 0.25 convexity#;

		define_pixels (height, yoffs_bt);

		circle := fullcircle scaled linethickness;

		x1 = x6;
		x2 = x5;
		x3 = x4;
		y1 + height = y6;
		y2 + height = y5;
		y3 + height = y4;

		save box_top, box_bt;

		z1 = (0.00 wd + linethickness / 2, yoffs_bt);
		z2 = (0.21 wd, yoffs_bt + convexity);
		z3 = (0.42 wd - linethickness/ 2, yoffs_bt + eccentricity);
		box_top# = height# + yoffs_bt# +
			     max (0, convexity#, eccentricity#);
		box_bt# = yoffs_bt# +
			     min (0, convexity#, eccentricity#);
		p = z1
		    .. z2{right}
		    .. z3
		    -- z4
		    .. z5{left}
		    .. z6
		    -- cycle;

		labels (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6);

		save dirs;
		pair dirs[];

		dirs12 := direction (0 + epsilon) of p;
		dirs2 := direction 1 of p;
		dirs32 := direction (2 - epsilon) of p;
		dirs45 := direction (3 + epsilon) of p;
		dirs5 := direction 4 of p;
		dirs65 := direction (5 - epsilon) of p;

		fill get_subpath (circle, down, dirs12, z1)
		     .. (bot z2){dirs2}
		     .. get_subpath (circle, dirs32, up, z3)
		     -- get_subpath (circle, up, dirs45, z4)
		     .. (top z5){dirs5}
		     .. get_subpath (circle, dirs65, down, z6)
		     -- cycle;

		pickup pencircle scaled 0.6 linethickness;

		save stem_bt;

		set_char_box (0.00 wd#, 0.42 wd#,
			      max (0, -box_bt#) + linethickness# / 2,
			      max (0, box_top#) + linethickness# / 2);


def epiphonus_char (expr verbose_name, internal_name,
			 left_stem, d_up, down_shift, mag) =
	fet_beginchar (verbose_name, "s" & internal_name);
		save a_b, b_h, a_w;

		a_b := 1.54; % b_h * a_b / a_w = wd / ht
		b_h := 0.85;
		a_w := 1.09;

		save a, beta, ht, wd;

		ht# = noteheight# * mag;
		2 beta = ht# * b_h;
		a = beta * a_b;
		wd# = 2 a / a_w;
		black_notehead_width# := wd#;

		% direction
		save d_, d_sign;
		pair d_;

		if d_up:
			d_ := up;
			d_sign := 1;
			d_ := down;
			d_sign := -1;

		% convexity and eccentricity
		save convexity;

		convexity# := d_sign * -0.05ht#;

		% y shift offset
		save yoffs;

		if down_shift:
			yoffs# := -0.11 ht#;
			yoffs# := 0.00 ht#;

		define_pixels (convexity, yoffs, ht, wd);

		pickup pencircle scaled linethickness;

		save height, yoffs_bt, p, circle, circle_r;
		path p, circle, circle_r;

		height# = 0.47 ht#;
		yoffs_bt# = yoffs# - 0.5 height# - 0.25 convexity#;

		define_pixels (height, yoffs_bt);

		circle := fullcircle scaled linethickness;

		x1 = x6;
		x2 = x5;
		x3 = x4;
		y1 + height = y6;
		y2 + height = y5;
		y3 + height = y4;

		save box_top, box_bt;

		z1 = (0.00 wd + linethickness / 2, yoffs_bt - 2.5 convexity);
		z2 = (0.06 wd, yoffs_bt + 1.4 convexity);
		z3 = (0.42 wd - linethickness / 2, yoffs_bt - 1.0 convexity);
		box_top# = height# + yoffs_bt# +
			     max (-1.0 convexity#, 1.4 convexity#, 0);
		box_bt# = yoffs_bt# +
			     min (-1.0 convexity#, 1.4 convexity#, 0);
		p = z1{-d_}
		    .. {curl 1}z2{right}
		    .. z3
		    -- z4
		    .. {left}z5{curl 1}
		    .. {d_}z6
		    -- cycle;

		labels (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6);

		save dirs;
		pair dirs[];

		dirs12 := direction (0 + epsilon) of p;
		dirs21 := direction (1 - epsilon) of p;
		dirs23 := direction (1 + epsilon) of p;
		dirs32 := direction (2 - epsilon) of p;
		dirs45 := direction (3 + epsilon) of p;
		dirs54 := direction (4 - epsilon) of p;
		dirs56 := direction (4 + epsilon) of p;
		dirs65 := direction (5 - epsilon) of p;

		fill get_subpath (circle, down, dirs12, z1)
		     .. get_subpath (circle, dirs21, dirs23, z2)
		     .. get_subpath (circle, dirs32, up, z3)
		     -- get_subpath (circle, up, dirs45, z4)
		     .. get_subpath (circle, dirs54, dirs56, z5)
		     .. get_subpath (circle, dirs65, down, z6)
		     -- cycle;

		save stem_bt;

		if left_stem:
			pickup pencircle scaled 0.6 linethickness;

			lft x11 = x1 - linethickness / 2;
			bot y11 = yoffs - 1.1 ht - linethickness / 2;
			x12 = x11;
			y12 = y1;

			draw_rounded_block (bot lft z11, top rt z12,
					    0.6 linethickness);
			stem_bt# = yoffs# - 1.1 ht#;

			labels (11, 12);
			stem_bt# = 0;

		set_char_box (0.00 wd#, 0.42 wd#,
			      max (0, -box_bt#, -stem_bt#) + linethickness# / 2,
			      max (0, box_top#) + linethickness# / 2);

def inclinatum_char (expr verbose_name, internal_name,
			  small, stropha, auctum) =
	fet_beginchar (verbose_name, "s" & internal_name);
		save ht, alpha;

		alpha := 35;

		if small:
			ht# = 0.50 noteheight#;
			ht# = 0.80 noteheight#;

		draw_diamond_head (ht#, 0, 0, alpha, false);

		save off_angle;

		off_angle := alpha + 15;

		save stropha_ellipse, auctum_hook, circle;
		path stropha_ellipse, auctum_hook, circle;

		circle := reverse fullcircle scaled linethickness;

		stropha_ellipse := fullcircle xscaled 0.25 head_height
					      yscaled 0.55 head_height
					      rotated alpha;

		z11 = z12
		      + linethickness / 2 * dir (180 - off_angle)
		      - directionpoint dir (90 - off_angle)
			  of stropha_ellipse;
		z12 = directionpoint -dir (90 - off_angle) of diamond_shape +
			linethickness / 2 * dir (180 - off_angle);
		z13 = (0, -0.5 head_height + linethickness);

		auctum_hook := z12{-dir (90 - off_angle)}
			       .. {dir (90 + alpha)}z13;

		labels (12);

		if (stropha and not auctum):

			save t_in, t_out;

			t_in := xpart ((stropha_ellipse shifted z11)
				       get_subpath (diamond_shape,
						    left, up,
						    (0, 0)));
			t_out := xpart ((stropha_ellipse shifted z11)
					get_subpath (diamond_shape,
						     up, right,
						     (0, 0)));

			% the addition or subtraction of `1' is necessary
			% so that we get the right starting point
			fill get_subpath_i (diamond_shape,
					    dir (angle (z2 - z1) - 1),
					    dir (angle (z1 - z4) + 1),
					    (0, 0))
			     -- get_subpath (stropha_ellipse,
					     direction t_in of stropha_ellipse,
					     direction t_out of stropha_ellipse,
			     -- cycle;

			labels (11);

		if (auctum and not stropha):

			fill get_subpath (diamond_shape,
					  -dir (90 - off_angle),
					  (0, 0))
			     .. get_subpath (circle,
					     dir (90 + alpha),
					     -dir (90 + alpha),
			     .. get_subpath (circle,
					     dir (90 - off_angle),
			     -- cycle;

			labels (13);

		if (auctum and stropha):

			save t;

			t := xpart ((stropha_ellipse shifted z11)
				    get_subpath (diamond_shape, up, right,
						 (0, 0)));

			% the addition or subtraction of `1' is necessary
			% so that we get the right starting point
			fill get_subpath_i (diamond_shape,
					    dir (angle (z2 - z1) - 1),
					    -dir (90 - off_angle),
					    (0, 0))
			     .. get_subpath (circle,
					     dir (90 + alpha),
					     -dir (90 + alpha),
			     .. get_subpath (stropha_ellipse,
					     dir (90 - off_angle),
					     direction t of stropha_ellipse,
			     -- cycle;

			labels (11, 13);

% punctum
vat_punctum_char ("Ed. Vat. punctum", "vaticana.punctum",
		  false, false, false, false,
		  false, false, false, 1.0);

% punctum cavum (for OpusTeX compatibility)
vat_punctum_char ("Ed. Vat. punctum cavum", "vaticana.punctum.cavum",
		  false, true, false, false,
		  false, false, false, 1.0);

% linea punctum (for OpusTeX compatibility)
vat_punctum_char ("Ed. Vat. linea punctum", "vaticana.linea.punctum",
		  true, false, false, false,
		  false, false, false, 1.0);

% linea punctum cavum (for OpusTeX compatibility)
vat_punctum_char ("Ed. Vat. linea punctum cavum", "vaticana.linea.punctum.cavum",
		  true, true, false, false,
		  false, false, false, 1.0);

% punctum inclinatum
inclinatum_char ("Ed. Vat. inclinatum", "vaticana.inclinatum",
		 false, false, false);

% pes lower punctum
vat_punctum_char ("Ed. Vat. pes lower punctum", "vaticana.lpes",
		  false, false, true, false,
		  true, false, false, 1.0);

% pes lower punctum
vat_punctum_char ("Ed. Vat. pes var lower punctum", "vaticana.vlpes",
		  false, false, true, false,
		  true, false, true, 1.0);

% pes upper punctum
vat_punctum_char ("Ed. Vat. pes upper punctum", "vaticana.upes", 
		  false, false, true, false,
		  false, false, false, 1.0);

% pes upper punctum (shifted variation)
% This note head is used instead of the regular pes upper punctum to
% avoid collision with the lower punctum note of the pes when the upper
% punctum sits directly on top of the lower punctum.
vat_punctum_char ("Ed. Vat. var pes upper punctum", "vaticana.vupes",
		  false, false, true, false,
		  false, true, false, 1.0);

% small punctum as used in epiphonus
vat_punctum_char ("Ed. Vat. plica", "vaticana.plica", 
		  false, false, false, false,
		  false, false, false, 0.6);

% small punctum as used in epiphonus
plica_char ("Ed. Vat. var plica", "vaticana.vplica", 
	    false, 0.6);

% eccentric punctum as used in epiphonus
epiphonus_char ("Ed. Vat. epiphonus", "vaticana.epiphonus", 
		false, true, false, 1.0);

% eccentric punctum as used in epiphonus (shifted variation)
% This note head is used instead of the regular epiphonus punctum to
% avoid collision with the plica head when the plica sits directly on
% top of the lower head.
epiphonus_char ("Ed. Vat. var epiphonus", "vaticana.vepiphonus",
		false, true, true, 1.0);

% small punctum as used in cephalicus
vat_punctum_char ("Ed. Vat. rev. plica", "vaticana.reverse.plica",
		  false, false, false, false,
		  true, false, false, 0.6);

% small punctum as used in cephalicus
plica_char ("Ed. Vat. rev. var plica", "vaticana.reverse.vplica",
	    true, 0.6);

% eccentric punctum as used in cephalicus; without left stem
epiphonus_char ("Ed. Vat. inner cephalicus", "vaticana.inner.cephalicus",
		false, false, false, 1.0);

% eccentric punctum as used in cephalicus; with left stem
epiphonus_char ("Ed. Vat. cephalicus", "vaticana.cephalicus",
		true, false, false, 1.0);

% quilisma
fet_beginchar ("Ed. Vat. quilisma", "svaticana.quilisma");
	save a_b, b_h, a_w;

	a_b := 1.54; % b_h * a_b / a_w = wd / ht
	b_h := 0.85;
	a_w := 1.09;

	save a, beta, ht, wd;

	ht# = noteheight#;
	2 beta = ht# * b_h;
	a = beta * a_b;
	wd# = 2 a / a_w;

	set_char_box (0, 0.42 wd#, 0.28 ht#, 0.36 ht#);

	black_notehead_width# := wd#;

	define_pixels (ht, wd);

	save ellipse, T;
	path ellipse;
	transform T;

	T := identity xscaled linethickness
		      yscaled 0.44 ht;
	pickup pencircle transformed T;
	ellipse := reverse fullcircle transformed T;

	z1 = (rt 0.00 wd, top -0.28 ht);
	z2 = (0.11 wd, -0.14 ht);
	z3 = (0.12 wd, +0.03 ht);
	z4 = (0.25 wd, -0.09 ht);
	z5 = (0.25 wd, +0.08 ht);
	z6 = (lft 0.42 wd, -0.04 ht);
	z7 = (lft 0.40 wd, bot +0.36 ht);

	fill get_subpath (ellipse, z1 - z2, z2 - z1, z1)
	     -- get_subpath (ellipse, z2 - z1, z1 - z2, z2)
	     -- cycle;
	fill get_subpath (ellipse, z3 - z4, z4 - z3, z3)
	     -- get_subpath (ellipse, z4 - z3, z3 - z4, z4)
	     -- cycle;
	fill get_subpath (ellipse, z5 - z6, z6 - z5, z5)
	     -- point 0 of get_subpath (ellipse, z6 - z5, z5 - z6, z6)
	     -- get_subpath (ellipse, z7 - z6, z6 - z7, z7)
	     -- get_subpath (ellipse, z6 - z7, z5 - z6, z6)
	     -- cycle;

	labels (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7);

% solesmes punctum inclinatum parvum
inclinatum_char ("Solesmes punctum inclinatum parvum", "solesmes.incl.parvum",
		 true, false, false);

% solesmes punctum auctum ascendens
vat_punctum_char ("Solesmes punctum auctum ascendens", "solesmes.auct.asc",
		  false, false, false, true,
		  true, false, false, 1.0);

% solesmes punctum auctum descendens
vat_punctum_char ("Solesmes punctum auctum descendens", "solesmes.auct.desc",
		  false, false, false, true,
		  false, false, false, 1.0);

% solesmes punctum inclinatum auctum
inclinatum_char ("Solesmes punctum incl. auctum", "solesmes.incl.auctum",
		 false, false, true);

% solesmes stropha
inclinatum_char ("Solesmes stropha", "solesmes.stropha",
		 false, true, false);

% solesmes stropha aucta
inclinatum_char ("Solesmes stropha aucta", "solesmes.stropha.aucta",
		 false, true, true);

% solesmes oriscus
fet_beginchar ("Solesmes oriscus", "ssolesmes.oriscus");
	save a_b, b_h, a_w;

	a_b := 1.54; % b_h * a_b / a_w = wd / ht
	b_h := 0.85;
	a_w := 1.09;

	save a, beta, ht, wd;

	ht# = noteheight#;
	2 beta = ht# * b_h;
	a = beta * a_b;
	wd# = 2 a / a_w;
	black_notehead_width# := wd#;

	save convexity;

	convexity# = +0.05 ht#;

	define_pixels (ht, wd, convexity);

	set_char_box (0.00 wd#, 0.50 wd#,
		      0.25 ht# + convexity#, 0.25 ht# + convexity#);

	z1 = (0.00 wd + blot_diameter / 2, -convexity);
	z2 = (1/6 wd, +convexity);
	z3 = (2/6 wd, -convexity);
	z4 = (0.50 wd - blot_diameter / 2, +convexity);

	save height;

	height = 2 ypart (directionpoint right of (z1
						   .. z2
						   .. z3
						   .. z4));

	save ellipse, T;
	path ellipse;
	transform T;

	T := identity xscaled blot_diameter
		      yscaled (h + d - height);
	pickup pencircle transformed T;
	ellipse := fullcircle transformed T;

	% Adjust vertical coordinates to touch bounding box.
	y1 := top -d;
	y4 := bot h;

	save d_;
	pair d_;

	d_ := direction 0 of (z1
			      .. z2
			      .. z3
			      .. z4);

	fill get_subpath (ellipse, -d_, d_, z1)
	     .. bot z2
	     .. bot z3
	     .. get_subpath (ellipse, d_, -d_, z4)
	     .. top z3
	     .. top z2
	     .. cycle;

	labels (1, 2, 3, 4);


% inclinatum
fet_beginchar ("Ed. Med. inclinatum", "smedicaea.inclinatum");
	draw_diamond_head (1.2 staff_space#, 0, 0, 35, false);

def med_punctum_char (expr verbose_name, internal_name,
			   left_up_stem, left_down_stem) =
	fet_beginchar (verbose_name, "s" & internal_name);
		save a, ht, wd;

		ht# = 2 staff_space#;
		wd# = ht#;
		black_notehead_width# := wd#;

		define_pixels (ht, wd);

		save ellipse;
		path ellipse;

		ellipse := fullcircle xscaled blot_diameter
				      yscaled 0.50 ht;

		z1 = (0.00 wd + blot_diameter / 2, 0);
		z2 = (0.4 wd - blot_diameter / 2, 0);

		labels (1, 2);

		pickup pencircle scaled linethickness;

		if left_down_stem:
			z4 = (0.00 wd + linethickness / 2, -1.25 ht);

			fill get_subpath (ellipse, left, down, z1)
			     -- top lft z4{down}
			     .. z4{right}
			     .. top rt z4{up}
			     -- (rt x4, -.5 ht / 2)
			     -- get_subpath (ellipse, right, left, z2)
			     -- cycle;

			labels (4);

			set_char_box (0.0, 0.4 wd#, 1.25 ht#, 0.25 ht#);
		elseif left_up_stem:
			z4 = (0.00 wd + linethickness / 2, +1.25 ht);

			fill get_subpath (ellipse, down, right, z1)
			     -- get_subpath (ellipse, right, left, z2)
			     -- (rt x4, .5 ht / 2)
			     -- bot rt z4{up}
			     .. z4{left}
			     .. bot lft z4{down}
			     -- cycle;

			labels (4);

			set_char_box (0.0, 0.4 wd#, 0.25 ht#, 1.25 ht#);
			fill get_subpath (ellipse, left, right, z1)
			     -- get_subpath (ellipse, right, left, z2)
			     -- cycle;

			set_char_box (0.0, 0.4 wd#, 0.25 ht#, 0.25 ht#);


% punctum
med_punctum_char ("Ed. Med. punctum", "medicaea.punctum", 
		  false, false);

% left up-stemmed punctum
med_punctum_char ("Ed. Med. reverse virga", "medicaea.rvirga",
		  true, false);

% virga (i.e. left down-stemmed punctum)
med_punctum_char ("Ed. Med. virga", "medicaea.virga", 
		  false, true);


def huf_punctum_char (expr verbose_name, internal_name,
			   down_stem) =
	fet_beginchar (verbose_name, "s" & internal_name);
		save alpha;

		alpha = 55;

		draw_diamond_head (staff_space#, 0, 0, alpha, false);

		if down_stem:
			set_char_box (0, head_width#,
				      1.5 staff_space#, head_height# / 2);

			save ellipse;
			path ellipse;

			ellipse := reverse fullcircle xscaled blot_diameter
						      yscaled 0.7 staff_space
						      rotated -alpha;

			z11 = (head_width / 2, 0);
			z12 = find_tangent_shift (((0, -d) -- (w, -d)), ellipse,
						  (w / 2, -d), (w / 2, 0));

			fill get_subpath (ellipse, up, down, z11)
			     -- get_subpath (ellipse, down, up, z12)
			     -- cycle;

			labels (11, 12);

% punctum
huf_punctum_char ("Hufnagel punctum", "hufnagel.punctum", false)

% virga
huf_punctum_char ("Hufnagel virga", "hufnagel.virga", true)

% pes lower punctum
fet_beginchar ("Hufnagel pes lower punctum", "shufnagel.lpes")
	save width, height, alpha;

	width# = 2 * staff_space#;
	height# = 0.7 * staff_space#;
	alpha = 35;

	set_char_box (0, width#, height# / 2, height# / 2);

	define_pixels (width, height);

	save circle;
	path circle;

	circle := reverse fullcircle scaled linethickness;

	pickup pencircle scaled linethickness;

	rt x3 = -lft x1 = width / 2;
	y2 = y3 = height / 2;
	y1 = y4 = -height / 2;

	tand (alpha) * (y2 - y1) = x2 - x1 = x3 - x4;

	fill get_subpath (circle, left, z2 - z1, z1)
	     -- get_subpath (circle, z2 - z1, right, z2)
	     -- get_subpath (circle, right, z4 - z3, z3)
	     -- get_subpath (circle, z4 - z3, left, z4)
	     -- cycle;

	currentpicture := currentpicture shifted (width/2, 0);

%	labels (1, 2, 3, 4);

fet_endgroup ("noteheads");