% -%-Fundamental-%- -*-Metafont-*-
% parmesan-custodes.mf -- implement ancient custodes
% source file of LilyPond's pretty-but-neat music font
% (c) 2000--2009 Juergen Reuter <reuter@ipd.uka.de>

save black_notehead_width;
numeric black_notehead_width;

fet_begingroup ("custodes");

% character aligment:
%   The custos is assumed to be vertically centered around (0, 0).
%   The left-most edge of the custos should touch the vertical line
%   that goes though the point (0, 0).
% set_char_box() conventions:
% * breapth: Ignored (as far as I know).  Should be set to 0.
% * width: Should cover the horizontal range of the custos that is to
%   be printed in the staff.  If the custos has an appendage that is
%   supposed to reach beyond the right end of the staff, the width
%   should be set such that the appendage is outside of the char box.
% * depth: Should match the bottom edge of the custos.  Affects
%   vertical collision handling.
% * height: Should match the top edge of the custos.  Affects vertical
%   collision handling.

save between_staff_lines, on_staff_line, anywhere;

between_staff_lines := 0;
on_staff_line := 1;
anywhere := 2;

save dir_up, dir_down;

dir_up := 1;
dir_down := -1;

% Hufnagel style

% parameterized hufnagel custos
def custos_hufnagel (expr verbose_name, internal_name, 
			  direction, staffline_adjustment) =

	fet_beginchar (verbose_name, internal_name);
		save alpha, dalpha, ht, wd, stem_ht, pen_size;

		ht# = noteheight#;
		wd# / ht# = 0.6;
		alpha = 35;
		dalpha = direction * alpha;

		if staffline_adjustment = between_staff_lines:
			stem_ht# = 1.00 staff_space#;
		elseif staffline_adjustment = on_staff_line:
			stem_ht# = 1.50 staff_space#;
		else: % staffline_adjustment = anywhere
			stem_ht# = 1.25 staff_space#;

		pen_size# = 0.5 (wd# ++ ht#);

		define_pixels (ht, wd, pen_size, stem_ht);

		save ellipse, pat, T;
		path ellipse, pat;
		transform T;

		T := identity xscaled linethickness
			      yscaled pen_size
			      rotated -dalpha;
		pickup pencircle transformed T;
		ellipse := fullcircle transformed T;

		if direction = dir_up:
			top y1 = ht / 2;
			bot y2 = -ht / 2;
			bot y1 = -ht / 2;
			top y2 = ht / 2;

		lft x1 = 0;
		rt  x2 = wd;
		y3 - y2 = direction * stem_ht;
		(y3 - y2) = (x3 - x2) * tand (90 - dalpha);

		fill get_subpath (ellipse, z1 - z2, z2 - z1, z1)
		     if direction > 0:
			     -- get_subpath (ellipse, z2 - z1, z3 - z2, z2)
			     -- get_subpoint (ellipse, z2 - z1, z2)
			     -- get_subpoint (ellipse, z3 - z2, z2)
		     -- get_subpath (ellipse, z3 - z2, z2 - z3, z3)
		     if direction > 0:
			     -- get_subpoint (ellipse, z2 - z3, z2)
			     -- get_subpoint (ellipse, z1 - z2, z2)
			     -- get_subpath (ellipse, z2 - z3, z1 - z2, z2)
		     -- cycle;

		% The stem is intentionally outside of the char box.
		if direction > 0:
			set_char_box (0, wd#, ht# / 2, stem_ht#);
			set_char_box (0, wd#, stem_ht#, ht# / 2);

		labels (1, 2, 3);

% custos hufnagel, stem up, between staff lines
custos_hufnagel ("Custos Hufnagel", "hufnagel.u0", 
		 dir_up, between_staff_lines);

% custos hufnagel, stem up, on staff line
custos_hufnagel ("Custos Hufnagel", "hufnagel.u1", 
		 dir_up, on_staff_line);

% custos hufnagel, stem up, anywhere
custos_hufnagel ("Custos Hufnagel", "hufnagel.u2", 
		 dir_up, anywhere);

% custos hufnagel, stem down, between staff lines
custos_hufnagel ("Reverse Custos Hufnagel", "hufnagel.d0",
		 dir_down, between_staff_lines);

% custos hufnagel, stem down, on staff line
custos_hufnagel ("Reverse Custos Hufnagel", "hufnagel.d1",
		 dir_down, on_staff_line);

% custos hufnagel, stem down, anywhere
custos_hufnagel ("Reverse Custos Hufnagel", "hufnagel.d2",
		 dir_down, anywhere);

% Medicaea style

def custos_medicaea (expr verbose_name, internal_name, 
			  direction, staffline_adjustment) =
	fet_beginchar (verbose_name, internal_name);
		save ht, wd, stem_ht;

		ht# = noteheight#;
		wd# / ht# = 0.25;

		if staffline_adjustment = between_staff_lines:
			stem_ht# = 1.00 staff_space#;
		elseif staffline_adjustment = on_staff_line:
			stem_ht# = 1.50 staff_space#;
		else: % staffline_adjustment = anywhere
			stem_ht# = 1.25 staff_space#;

		define_pixels (ht, wd, stem_ht);

		save ellipse, T;
		path ellipse;
		transform T;

		T := identity xscaled 0.6 linethickness
			      yscaled ht;
		pickup pencircle transformed T;
		ellipse := fullcircle transformed T;

		lft x1 = 0;
		y1 = 0;
		rt x2 = wd;
		y2 = y1;

		fill get_subpath (ellipse, left, right, z1)
		     -- get_subpath (ellipse, right, left, z2)
		     -- cycle;

		pickup pencircle scaled 0.6 linethickness;

		rt x3 = wd;
		y3 = 0;
		x4 = x3;
		if direction > 0:
			top y4 = stem_ht;
			draw_rounded_block (bot lft z3, top rt z4,
					    0.6 linethickness);
			bot y4 = -stem_ht;
			draw_rounded_block (bot lft z4, top rt z3,
					    0.6 linethickness);

		if direction > 0:
			set_char_box (0, wd#, ht# / 2, stem_ht#);
			set_char_box (0, wd#, stem_ht#, ht# / 2);

		labels (1, 2, 3, 4);

% custos medicaea, stem up, between staff lines
custos_medicaea ("Custos Med.", "medicaea.u0", 
		 dir_up, between_staff_lines);

% custos medicaea, stem up, on staff line
custos_medicaea ("Custos Med.", "medicaea.u1", 
		 dir_up, on_staff_line);

% custos medicaea, stem up, anywhere
custos_medicaea ("Custos Med.", "medicaea.u2", 
		 dir_up, anywhere);

% custos medicaea, stem down, between staff lines
custos_medicaea ("Reverse Custos Med.", "medicaea.d0", 
		dir_down, between_staff_lines);

% custos medicaea, stem down, on staff line
custos_medicaea ("Reverse Custos Med.", "medicaea.d1", 
		 dir_down, on_staff_line);

% custos medicaea, stem down, anywhere
custos_medicaea ("Reverse Custos Med.", "medicaea.d2", 
		 dir_down, anywhere);

% Editio Vaticana style

def custos_vaticana (expr verbose_name, internal_name, 
			  direction, staffline_adjustment) =
	fet_beginchar (verbose_name, internal_name);
		save ht, wd, u_offs, l_offs, stem_size, stem_end;
		save pen_ht, l_shift, curve_ht, bend_ht;

		ht# = noteheight#;
		wd# = 0.24 ht#;

		if staffline_adjustment = between_staff_lines:
			stem_size# = 1.00;
		elseif staffline_adjustment = on_staff_line:
			stem_size# = 1.50;
		else: % staffline_adjustment = anywhere
			stem_size# = 1.25;

		curve_ht# = 0.6 ht#;
		bend_ht# = 0.10 ht#;
		l_shift# = 0.04 ht#;
		u_offs# = +direction * 0.5 * (bend_ht# + l_shift#);
		l_offs# = -direction * 0.5 * (bend_ht# - l_shift#);
		stem_end# = direction * stem_size# * staff_space#;
		pen_ht# = curve_ht# - l_shift#;

		define_pixels (u_offs, l_offs, stem_end, ht, wd, pen_ht);

		pickup pencircle scaled 0.6 linethickness;

		z1 = (0, u_offs);
		z2 = (0.7 wd, l_offs);
		z3 = (wd, l_offs);

		penpos1 (pen_ht, 90);
		penpos2 (pen_ht, 90);
		penpos3 (pen_ht, 90);

		penstroke z1e{z2 - z1}
			  .. {right}z2e
			  .. z3e;

		rt x4 = wd;
		x5 = x4;

		if direction > 0:
			y4 = y3r;
			top y5 = stem_end;
			draw_rounded_block (bot lft z4, top rt z5,
					    0.6 linethickness);
			y4 = y3l;
			bot y5 = stem_end;
			draw_rounded_block (bot lft z5, top rt z4,
					    0.6 linethickness);

		if direction > 0:
			set_char_box (0, wd#,
				      -l_offs# + 0.5 pen_ht#, stem_end#);
			set_char_box (0, wd#,
				      -stem_end#, +l_offs# + 0.5 pen_ht#);

		penlabels (1, 2, 3);
		labels (4, 5);

% custos vaticana, stem up, between staff lines
custos_vaticana ("Custos Ed. Vat.", "vaticana.u0", 
		 dir_up, between_staff_lines);

% custos vaticana, stem up, on staff line
custos_vaticana ("Custos Ed. Vat.", "vaticana.u1", 
		 dir_up, on_staff_line);

% custos vaticana, stem up, anywhere
custos_vaticana ("Custos Ed. Vat.", "vaticana.u2", 
		 dir_up, anywhere);

% custos vaticana, stem down, between staff lines
custos_vaticana ("Reverse Custos Ed. Vat.", "vaticana.d0", 
		 dir_down, between_staff_lines);

% custos vaticana, stem down, on_staff_line
custos_vaticana ("Reverse Custos Ed. Vat.", "vaticana.d1", 
		 dir_down, on_staff_line);

% custos vaticana, stem down, anywhere
custos_vaticana ("Reverse Custos Ed. Vat.", "vaticana.d2", 
		 dir_down, anywhere);

% Mensural style

def custos_mensural (expr verbose_name, internal_name, 
			  direction, staffline_adjustment) =
	fet_beginchar (verbose_name, internal_name);
		save alpha, dalpha, ht, wd, stem_ht;

		ht# = noteheight#;
		wd# / ht# = 1.2;
		alpha = 35;
		dalpha = direction * alpha;

		if staffline_adjustment = between_staff_lines:
			stem_ht# = 1.00 staff_space#;
		elseif staffline_adjustment = on_staff_line:
			stem_ht# = 1.50 staff_space#;
		else: % staffline_adjustment = anywhere
			stem_ht# = 1.25 staff_space#;

		define_pixels (ht, wd, stem_ht);

		save ellipse, T;
		path ellipse;
		transform T;

		T := identity xscaled linethickness
			      yscaled 0.4 ht
			      rotated -dalpha;
		pickup pencircle transformed T;
		ellipse := fullcircle transformed T;

		if direction > 0:
			bot y1 = bot y3 = bot y5 = -direction * 0.33 ht;
			top y2 = top y4 = +direction * 0.33 ht;
			top y1 = top y3 = top y5 = -direction * 0.33 ht;
			bot y2 = bot y4 = +direction * 0.33 ht;

		lft x1 = 0.0 wd;
		lft x2 = 0.2 wd;
		lft x3 = 0.4 wd;
		lft x4 = 0.6 wd;
		lft x5 = 0.8 wd;

		y6 - y5 = direction * stem_ht;
		y6 - y5 = (x6 - x5) * tand (90 - dalpha);

		if direction > 0:
			fill get_subpath (ellipse, z1 - z2, z2 - z1, z1)
			     -- get_subpoint (ellipse, z2 - z1, z2)
			     -- get_subpoint (ellipse, z3 - z2, z2)
			     -- get_subpath (ellipse, z3 - z2, z4 - z3, z3)
			     -- get_subpoint (ellipse, z4 - z3, z4)
			     -- get_subpoint (ellipse, z5 - z4, z4)
			     -- get_subpath (ellipse, z5 - z4, z6 - z5, z5)
			     -- get_subpath (ellipse, z6 - z5, z5 - z6, z6)
			     -- get_subpoint (ellipse, z5 - z6, z5)
			     -- get_subpoint (ellipse, z4 - z5, z5)
			     -- get_subpath (ellipse, z4 - z5, z3 - z4, z4)
			     -- get_subpoint (ellipse, z3 - z4, z3)
			     -- get_subpoint (ellipse, z2 - z3, z3)
			     -- get_subpath (ellipse, z2 - z3, z1 - z2, z2)
			     -- cycle;
			fill get_subpath (ellipse, z1 - z2, z2 - z1, z1)
			     -- get_subpath (ellipse, z2 -z1, z3 - z2, z2)
			     -- get_subpoint (ellipse, z3 - z2, z3)
			     -- get_subpoint (ellipse, z4 - z3, z3)
			     -- get_subpath (ellipse, z4 -z3, z5 - z4, z4)
			     -- get_subpoint (ellipse, z5 - z4, z5)
			     -- get_subpoint (ellipse, z6 - z5, z5)
			     -- get_subpath (ellipse, z6 - z5, z5 - z6, z6)
			     -- get_subpath (ellipse, z5 - z6, z4 - z5, z5)
			     -- get_subpoint (ellipse, z4 - z5, z4)
			     -- get_subpoint (ellipse, z3 - z4, z4)
			     -- get_subpath (ellipse, z3 - z4, z2 - z3, z3)
			     -- get_subpoint (ellipse, z2 - z3, z2)
			     -- get_subpoint (ellipse, z1 - z2, z2)
			     -- cycle;

		% The stem is intentionally outside of the char box.
		if direction > 0:
			set_char_box (0, wd#,
				      +direction * 0.33 ht#, stem_ht#);
			set_char_box (0, wd#,
				      stem_ht#, -direction * 0.33 ht#);

		labels (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6);

% custos mensural, stem up, between staff lines
custos_mensural ("Custos Mensural", "mensural.u0", 
		 dir_up, between_staff_lines);

% custos mensural, stem up, on staff line
custos_mensural ("Custos Mensural", "mensural.u1", 
		 dir_up, on_staff_line);

% custos mensural, stem up, anywhere
custos_mensural ("Custos Mensural", "mensural.u2", 
		 dir_up, anywhere);

% custos mensural, stem down, between staff lines
custos_mensural ("Reverse Custos Mensural", "mensural.d0", 
		 dir_down, between_staff_lines);

% custos mensural, stem down, on staff line
custos_mensural ("Reverse Custos Mensural", "mensural.d1", 
		 dir_down, on_staff_line);

% custos mensural, stem down, anywhere
custos_mensural ("Reverse Custos Mensural", "mensural.d2", 
		 dir_down, anywhere);

fet_endgroup ("custodes");