% -%-Fundamental-%- -*-Metafont-*-
% parmesan-clefs.mf -- implement ancient clefs
% source file of LilyPond's pretty-but-neat music font
% (c) 2001--2009 Juergen Reuter <reuter@ipd.uka.de>

fet_begingroup ("clefs");

% character aligment:
%   Each clef is associated with a particular pitch: the treble clef
%   with the `g', the alto clef with the `c', the bass clef with the
%   `f', etc.  The shape of each clef character defines a vertical
%   position that is assumed to represent this pitch.  For the treble
%   clef, it is the vertical position of the center of the spiral
%   ending that represents the `g' pitch.  For the bass clef, it is
%   the center between the two fat dots that define the vertical
%   position of the `f' pitch.  For the alto clef, it is the vertical
%   center of the clef that is aligned with the `c' pitch.  For each
%   clef character, this center should be vertically aligned with the
%   point (0, 0).  The horizontal alignment of each clef character
%   should be such that the vertical line through the point (0, 0)
%   touches the left-most edge of the clef.
%   TODO: document exact_center
% set_char_box() conventions:
% * breapth: Ignored (as far as I know).  Should be set to 0.
% * width: Should match the clef's width.
% * depth: Should match the bottom edge of the clef.  Affects vertical
%   collision handling.
% * height: Should match the top edge of the clef.  Affects vertical
%   collision handling.

% Editio Vaticana
def draw_vaticana_do_clef (expr exact_center, reduction) = 
	save reduced_il;

	reduced_il# = staff_space# * reduction;

	set_char_box (0 - xpart exact_center,
		      0.5 reduced_il# + xpart exact_center,
		      0.8 reduced_il# - ypart exact_center,
		      0.8 reduced_il# + ypart exact_center);

	define_pixels (reduced_il);

	save pat, ellipse, clef, T;
	path pat, ellipse, clef;
	transform T;

	T := identity xscaled 0.6 linethickness
		      yscaled 0.6 reduced_il;
	pickup pencircle transformed T;
	ellipse := reverse fullcircle transformed T;

	save xoffs, yoffs;

	xoffs# = xpart exact_center;
	yoffs# = ypart exact_center;

	define_pixels (xoffs, yoffs);

	rt z11 = (xoffs + 0.50 reduced_il, yoffs - .45 reduced_il);
	z12 = (xoffs + 0.25 reduced_il, yoffs - .50 reduced_il);
	lft z13 = (xoffs + 0.00 reduced_il, yoffs - .28 reduced_il);
	lft z14 = (xoffs, yoffs);

	pat := z11
	       .. z12
	       .. z13
	       -- z14;

	save shift;
	pair shift;

	% adjust vertically to fit into bounding box
	shift = find_tangent_shift (((0, -d + 0.3 reduced_il)
				     -- (w, -d + 0.3 reduced_il)), pat,
				    (0, -d / 2), (0, d / 2));
	pat := pat shifted shift;

	clef := rt z14{down}
		.. top (point 1 of pat)
		.. get_subpath (ellipse,
				-direction 0 of pat, direction 0 of pat,
				point 0 of pat)
		.. bot (point 1 of pat)
		.. get_subpath (ellipse,
				direction 2 of pat, up,
				point 2 of pat);

	fill clef
	     -- reverse clef yscaled -1
	     -- cycle;

	labels (11, 12, 13, 14);

fet_beginchar ("Ed. Vat. do clef", "vaticana.do");
	if test = 1:
		draw_staff (-1, 3, 0.0);
	draw_vaticana_do_clef ((0, 0), 1.0);

fet_beginchar ("Ed. Vat. do clef", "vaticana.do_change");
	draw_vaticana_do_clef ((0, 0), 1.0); % no reduction

def draw_vaticana_fa_clef (expr exact_center, reduction) = 
	save reduced_il, xoffs, yoffs;

	reduced_il# = staff_space# * reduction;
	xoffs# = xpart exact_center;
	yoffs# = ypart exact_center;

	define_pixels (reduced_il, xoffs, yoffs);

	% left-handed punctum
	save ellipse, pat, T;
	path ellipse, pat;
	transform T;

	T := identity xscaled 0.6 linethickness
		      yscaled 0.5 reduced_il;
	pickup pencircle transformed T;
	ellipse := reverse fullcircle transformed T;

	lft z21 = (xoffs + 0.00 reduced_il, yoffs + 0.00 reduced_il);
	z22 = (xoffs + 0.25 reduced_il, yoffs + 0.05 reduced_il);
	rt z23 = (xoffs + 0.50 reduced_il, yoffs - 0.05 reduced_il);

	pat := z21
	       .. z22
	       .. z23;	

	fill get_subpath (ellipse,
			  -direction 0 of pat, direction 0 of pat, z21)
	     .. top z22
	     .. get_subpath (ellipse,
			     direction 2 of pat, -direction 2 of pat, z23)
	     .. bot z22
	     .. cycle;

	% stem
	pickup pencircle scaled 0.6 linethickness;

	x23 = x24;
	yoffs = bot y24 + 1.5 reduced_il;

	draw_rounded_block (bot lft z24, top rt z23, 0.6 linethickness);

	labels (21, 22, 23, 24);

	% right-handed puncta as in do clef
	draw_vaticana_do_clef (exact_center + (0.55 reduced_il#, 0),

	set_char_box (0 - xpart exact_center,
		      1.05 reduced_il# + xpart exact_center,
		      1.5 reduced_il# - ypart exact_center,
		      0.8 reduced_il# + ypart exact_center);

fet_beginchar ("Ed. Vat. fa clef", "vaticana.fa");
	if test = 1:
		draw_staff (-1, 3, 0.0);
	draw_vaticana_fa_clef ((0, 0), 1.0);

fet_beginchar ("Ed. Vat. fa clef", "vaticana.fa_change");
	draw_vaticana_fa_clef ((0, 0), 1.0); % no reduction

% Editio Medicaea
def draw_medicaea_do_clef (expr exact_center, reduction) = 
	save reduced_il, reduced_slt;

	reduced_il# = staff_space# * reduction;
	reduced_slt# = linethickness# * reduction;

	define_pixels (reduced_il);
	define_pixels (reduced_slt);

	set_char_box (0 - xpart exact_center,
		      1.0 reduced_il# + xpart exact_center,
		      1.5 reduced_il# - ypart exact_center,
		      1.5 reduced_il# + ypart exact_center);

	save flag_height;

	flag_height# = 0.5 reduced_il#;

	define_pixels (flag_height);

	save xoffs, yoffs;

	xoffs# = xpart exact_center;
	yoffs# = ypart exact_center;

	define_pixels (xoffs, yoffs);

	% flags
	save ellipse, T;
	path ellipse;
	transform T;

	T := identity xscaled reduced_slt
		      yscaled flag_height;
	pickup pencircle transformed T;
	ellipse := reverse fullcircle transformed T;

	xoffs = lft x1 = rt x2 - reduced_il;
	y1 = yoffs + 0.5 (reduced_il - flag_height - staff_space);
	y2 = y1 - reduced_il + flag_height;

	fill top z1
	     -- get_subpath (ellipse, z2 - z1, z1 - z2, z2)
	     -- bot z1
	     -- cycle;

	xoffs = lft x3 = rt x4 - reduced_il;
	y3 = yoffs + 0.5 (reduced_il - flag_height + staff_space);
	y4 = y3 - reduced_il + flag_height;

	fill top z3
	     -- get_subpath (ellipse, z4 - z3, z3 - z4, z4)
	     -- bot z3
	     -- cycle;

	% stem
	pickup pencircle scaled reduced_slt;

	lft x5 = lft x6 = xoffs;
	yoffs = top y6 - 1.5 reduced_il = bot y5 + 1.5 reduced_il;

	draw_rounded_block (bot lft z5, top rt z6, reduced_slt);

	labels (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6);

fet_beginchar ("Ed. Med. do clef", "medicaea.do");
	if test = 1:
		draw_staff (-1, 3, 0.0);
	draw_medicaea_do_clef ((0, 0), 1.0);

fet_beginchar ("Ed. Med. do clef", "medicaea.do_change");
	draw_medicaea_do_clef ((0, 0), .8);

def draw_medicaea_fa_clef (expr exact_center, reduction) = 
	% inspired by Regensburger Edition of Medicaea (1885/86), in:
	% MGG, volume 2, col. 1327 ("Choralreform"), fig. 2.

	save reduced_il, reduced_slt;

	reduced_il# = staff_space# * reduction;
	reduced_slt# = linethickness# * reduction;

	define_pixels (reduced_il);
	define_pixels (reduced_slt);

	save xoffs, yoffs;

	xoffs# = xpart exact_center;
	yoffs# = ypart exact_center;

	define_pixels (xoffs, yoffs);

	% stem
	pickup pencircle scaled reduced_slt;

	x11 = x12 = xoffs + 0.4 reduced_il;
	y11 = yoffs = bot y12 + 1.5 reduced_il;

	draw_rounded_block (bot lft z12, top rt z11, reduced_slt);

	% left-handed punctum
	save ellipse, T;
	path ellipse;
	transform T;

	T := identity xscaled reduced_slt
		      yscaled reduced_il;
	pickup pencircle transformed T;
	ellipse := reverse fullcircle transformed T;

	lft z13 = (xoffs, yoffs);
	rt z14 = z11 + (reduced_slt / 2, 0);

	fill get_subpath (ellipse, left, right, z13)
	     -- get_subpath (ellipse, right, left, z14)
	     -- cycle;

	labels (11, 12, 13, 14);

	% right-handed puncta as in do clef
	draw_medicaea_do_clef (exact_center + (0.7 reduced_il#, 0),

	set_char_box (0 - xpart exact_center,
		      1.7 reduced_il# + xpart exact_center,
		      1.5 reduced_il# - ypart exact_center,
		      1.5 reduced_il# + ypart exact_center);

fet_beginchar ("Ed. Med. fa clef", "medicaea.fa");
	if test = 1:
		draw_staff (-1, 3, 0.0);
	draw_medicaea_fa_clef ((0, 0), 1.0);

fet_beginchar ("Ed. Med. fa clef", "medicaea.fa_change");
	draw_medicaea_fa_clef ((0, 0), .8);

% Mensural Notation

% width:        interval from left end to right end
% height:       interval from bottom of lower beam to top of upper beam
% exact_center: the coordinates of the vertical center point of the
%               left edge.
def draw_brevis (expr exact_center, bwidth, bheight, blinethickness) =
	save brevis_width, brevis_height, linethickness;

	brevis_width# = bwidth;
	brevis_height# = bheight;
	linethickness# = blinethickness;

	save beam_width, beam_height;
	save serif_size, serif_protrude, hole_height;

	beam_width# = 1.4 linethickness#;
	hole_height# = 3 linethickness#;
	2 beam_height# + hole_height# = brevis_height#;
	serif_size# = (hole_height# - linethickness#) / 2;
	serif_protrude# = 1.5 serif_size#;

	save xoffs, yoffs;

	xoffs# = xpart exact_center;
	yoffs# = ypart exact_center;

	define_pixels (xoffs, yoffs);
	define_pixels (brevis_width, brevis_height, linethickness);
	define_pixels (beam_width, beam_height, serif_size, serif_protrude);

	z1l = (xoffs, yoffs - linethickness);
	z2r = z1r + serif_size * (1, -1);
	z3l = z2l + (-serif_size, -serif_protrude);

	penpos1 (beam_width, 0);
	penpos2 (beam_height, 90);
	penpos3 (beam_width, 180);

	save pat_in, pat_out;
	path pat_in, pat_out;

	pat_out := z3r{down}
		   .. z3l{up}
		   .. z2l{right};
	pat_out := pat_out
		   -- reverse pat_out xscaled -1
				      shifted (2 xoffs + brevis_width, 0);
	pat_out := pat_out
		   -- reverse pat_out yscaled -1
				      shifted (0, 2 yoffs)
		   -- cycle;

	pat_in := z1r{down}
		  .. z2r{right};
	pat_in := pat_in
		  -- reverse pat_in xscaled -1
				    shifted (2 xoffs + brevis_width, 0);
	pat_in := pat_in
		  -- reverse pat_in yscaled -1
				    shifted (0, 2 yoffs)
		  -- cycle;

	fill pat_out;
	unfill pat_in;

	penlabels (1, 2, 3);

% Draw two brevis notes; the second one shifted down by `shift'.
% The other parameters are the same as with `draw_brevis'.
def draw_double_brevis (expr exact_center, bwidth, bheight,
			     blinethickness, shift) =
	save brevis_width, brevis_height, linethickness;

	brevis_width# = bwidth;
	brevis_height# = bheight;
	linethickness# = blinethickness;

	save beam_width, beam_height;
	save serif_size, serif_protrude, hole_height;

	beam_width# = 1.4 linethickness#;
	hole_height# = 3 linethickness#;
	2 beam_height# + hole_height# = brevis_height#;
	serif_size# = (hole_height# - linethickness#) / 2;
	serif_protrude# = 1.5 serif_size#;

	save xoffs, yoffs;

	xoffs# = xpart exact_center;
	yoffs# = ypart exact_center;

	define_pixels (xoffs, yoffs);
	define_pixels (brevis_width, brevis_height, linethickness);
	define_pixels (beam_width, beam_height, serif_size, serif_protrude);

	z1l = (xoffs, yoffs - linethickness);
	z2r = z1r + serif_size * (1, -1);
	z3l = z2l + (-serif_size, -serif_protrude);

	penpos1 (beam_width, 0);
	penpos2 (beam_height, 90);
	penpos3 (beam_width, 180);

	z4 = z1 shifted (0, -shift);
	z5 = z2 shifted (0, -shift);
	z6 = z3 shifted (0, -shift);
	penpos4 (beam_width, 0);
	penpos5 (beam_height, 90);
	penpos6 (beam_width, 180);

	save pat_in, pat_out;
	path pat_in, pat_out;

	pat_out := z6r{down}
		   .. z6l{up}
		   .. z5l{right};
	pat_out := pat_out
		   -- reverse pat_out xscaled -1
				      shifted (2 xoffs + brevis_width, 0);
	pat_out := pat_out
		   -- reverse pat_out yscaled -1
				      shifted (0, shift - 2 yoffs)
		   -- cycle;

	fill pat_out;

	pat_in := z1r{down}
		  .. z2r{right};
	pat_in := pat_in
		  -- reverse pat_in xscaled -1
				    shifted (2 xoffs + brevis_width, 0);
	pat_in := pat_in
		  -- reverse pat_in yscaled -1
				    shifted (0, 2 yoffs)
		  -- cycle;

	unfill pat_in;
	unfill pat_in shifted (0, -shift);

	penlabels (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6);

% Draw three brevis notes; the second one shifted down by `shift',
% the third one by `2 shift'.
% The other parameters are the same as with `draw_brevis'.
def draw_triple_brevis (expr exact_center, bwidth, bheight,
			     blinethickness, shift) =
	save brevis_width, brevis_height, linethickness;

	brevis_width# = bwidth;
	brevis_height# = bheight;
	linethickness# = blinethickness;

	save beam_width, beam_height;
	save serif_size, serif_protrude, hole_height;

	beam_width# = 1.4 linethickness#;
	hole_height# = 3 linethickness#;
	2 beam_height# + hole_height# = brevis_height#;
	serif_size# = (hole_height# - linethickness#) / 2;
	serif_protrude# = 1.5 serif_size#;

	save xoffs, yoffs;

	xoffs# = xpart exact_center;
	yoffs# = ypart exact_center;

	define_pixels (xoffs, yoffs);
	define_pixels (brevis_width, brevis_height, linethickness);
	define_pixels (beam_width, beam_height, serif_size, serif_protrude);

	z1l = (xoffs, yoffs - linethickness);
	z2r = z1r + serif_size * (1, -1);
	z3l = z2l + (-serif_size, -serif_protrude);

	penpos1 (beam_width, 0);
	penpos2 (beam_height, 90);
	penpos3 (beam_width, 180);

	z7 = z1 shifted (0, -2 shift);
	z8 = z2 shifted (0, -2 shift);
	z9 = z3 shifted (0, -2 shift);
	penpos7 (beam_width, 0);
	penpos8 (beam_height, 90);
	penpos9 (beam_width, 180);

	save pat_in, pat_out;
	path pat_in, pat_out;

	pat_out := z9r{down}
		   .. z9l{up}
		   .. z8l{right};
	pat_out := pat_out
		   -- reverse pat_out xscaled -1
				      shifted (2 xoffs + brevis_width, 0);
	pat_out := pat_out
		   -- reverse pat_out yscaled -1
				      shifted (0, -2 yoffs)
		   -- cycle;

	fill pat_out;

	pat_in := z1r{down}
		  .. z2r{right};
	pat_in := pat_in
		  -- reverse pat_in xscaled -1
				    shifted (2 xoffs + brevis_width, 0);
	pat_in := pat_in
		  -- reverse pat_in yscaled -1
				    shifted (0, 2 yoffs)
		  -- cycle;

	unfill pat_in;
	unfill pat_in shifted (0, -shift);
	unfill pat_in shifted (0, -2 shift);

	penlabels (1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9);

def draw_neomensural_c_clef (expr exact_center, reduction) = 
	save reduced_il, reduced_slt, stem_width;

	reduced_il# = staff_space# * reduction;
	reduced_slt# = linethickness# * reduction;
	stem_width# = 1.4 reduced_slt#;

	define_pixels (reduced_il, reduced_slt, stem_width);

	set_char_box (0 - xpart exact_center,
		      2 reduced_il# + 6 reduced_slt# + xpart exact_center,
		      2 reduced_il# - ypart exact_center,
		      2 reduced_il# + ypart exact_center);

	draw_brevis (exact_center + (3 reduced_slt#, 0),
		     2 reduced_il#, reduced_il#, reduced_slt#);

	save xoffs, yoffs;

	xoffs# = xpart exact_center;
	yoffs# = ypart exact_center;

	define_pixels (xoffs, yoffs);

	save ellipse, pat, T;
	path ellipse, pat;
	transform T;

	T := identity xscaled stem_width
		      yscaled blot_diameter;
	pickup pencircle transformed T;
	ellipse := fullcircle transformed T;

	lft x11 = lft x12 = xoffs;
	top y12 - bot y11 = 4 reduced_il;
	top y12 + bot y11 = 2 yoffs;
	x13 = x3;
	y13 = y11;
	rt x14 = rt x15 = w;
	y14 = y11;
	y15 = y12;

	pat := get_subpath (ellipse, down, up, z13)
	       -- z3l
	       -- z3r
	       -- cycle;

	fill get_subpath (ellipse, down, up, z11)
	     -- get_subpath (ellipse, up, down, z12)
	     -- cycle;
	fill get_subpath (ellipse, down, up, z14)
	     -- get_subpath (ellipse, up, down, z15)
	     -- cycle;

	fill pat;
	fill pat xscaled -1
		 shifted (w, 0);
	fill pat yscaled -1
		 shifted (0, 2 yoffs);
	fill pat scaled -1
		 shifted (w, 2 yoffs);

	labels (11, 12, 13, 14, 15);

fet_beginchar ("neo-mensural c clef", "neomensural.c");
	if test = 1:
		draw_staff (-1, 3, 0.0);
	draw_neomensural_c_clef ((0, 0), 1.0);

fet_beginchar ("neo-mensural c clef", "neomensural.c_change");
	draw_neomensural_c_clef ((0, 0), .8);

def draw_petrucci_c_clef (expr exact_center, flare_align, reduction) = 
	% inspired by Josquin Desprez, "Stabat Mater", Libro tertio,
	% 1519, printed by Petrucci, in: MGG, volume 7, Table 11.
	% Also by Petrucci's Canti C, Venedig 1503.  In: MGG, volume
	% 9, p. 1681/1682.

	save reduced_il, reduced_slt;

	reduced_il# = staff_space# * reduction;
	reduced_slt# = linethickness# * reduction;

	define_pixels (reduced_il);

	draw_double_brevis (exact_center + (0, 0.5 staff_space#),
			    reduced_il#, reduced_il#, reduced_slt#,

	save half_reduced_il, left_depth, left_height;

	half_reduced_il# = staff_space# * sqrt (reduction);
	left_height# = half_reduced_il# * min (3.2, 3.2 + 0.2 + flare_align);
	left_depth# = half_reduced_il# * min (3.2, 3.2 + 0.2 - flare_align);

	define_pixels (half_reduced_il);
	define_pixels (left_depth, left_height);

	set_char_box (0 - xpart exact_center,
		      reduced_il# + xpart exact_center,
		      left_depth# - ypart exact_center,
		      left_height# + ypart exact_center);

	save xoffs, yoffs;

	xoffs# = xpart exact_center;
	yoffs# = ypart exact_center;

	define_pixels (xoffs, yoffs);

	save ellipse, T;
	path ellipse;
	transform T;

	T := identity xscaled 1.4 linethickness
		      yscaled blot_diameter;
	pickup pencircle transformed T;
	ellipse := fullcircle transformed T;

	lft x11 = lft x13 = xoffs;
	top y11 = yoffs + left_height;
	bot y13 = yoffs - left_depth;
	rt x15 = rt x17 = xoffs + brevis_width;
	y15 = min (y11 - 0.2 half_reduced_il, yoffs + 2.2 half_reduced_il);
	y17 = max (y13 + 0.2 half_reduced_il, yoffs - 2.2 half_reduced_il);

	z12 = z14 yscaled -1;
	z14 = z6;
	z16 = z18 yscaled -1;
	rt z18 = lft z14 shifted (brevis_width, 0);

	penpos12 (1.4 linethickness, 0);
	penpos14 (1.4 linethickness, 0);
	penpos16 (1.4 linethickness, 0);
	penpos18 (1.4 linethickness, 0);

	if top y11 > -y6 + 0.7 linethickness:
		fill get_subpath (ellipse, up, down, z11)
		     -- z12l
		     -- z12r
		     -- cycle;
	if bot y13 < y6 - 0.7 linethickness:
		fill get_subpath (ellipse, down, up, z13)
		     -- z14r
		     -- z14l
		     -- cycle;
	if top y15 > -y6 + 0.7 linethickness:
		fill get_subpath (ellipse, up, down, z15)
		     -- z16l
		     -- z16r
		     -- cycle;
	if bot y17 < y6 - 0.7 linethickness:
		fill get_subpath (ellipse, down, up, z17)
		     -- z18r
		     -- z18l
		     -- cycle;

	labels (11, 13, 15, 17);
	penlabels (12, 14, 16, 18);

fet_beginchar ("petrucci c1 clef", "petrucci.c1");
	if test = 1:
		draw_staff (-1, 3, 0.0);
	draw_petrucci_c_clef ((0, 0), +2, 1.0);

fet_beginchar ("petrucci c1 clef", "petrucci.c1_change");
	draw_petrucci_c_clef ((0, 0), +2, .8);

fet_beginchar ("petrucci c2 clef", "petrucci.c2");
	if test = 1:
		draw_staff (-1, 3, 0.0);
	draw_petrucci_c_clef ((0, 0), +1, 1.0);

fet_beginchar ("petrucci c2 clef", "petrucci.c2_change");
	draw_petrucci_c_clef ((0, 0), +1, .8);

fet_beginchar ("petrucci c3 clef", "petrucci.c3");
	if test = 1:
		draw_staff (-1, 3, 0.0);
	draw_petrucci_c_clef ((0, 0), 0, 1.0);

fet_beginchar ("petrucci c3 clef", "petrucci.c3_change");
	draw_petrucci_c_clef ((0, 0), 0, .8);

fet_beginchar ("petrucci c4 clef", "petrucci.c4");
	if test = 1:
		draw_staff (-1, 3, 0.0);
	draw_petrucci_c_clef ((0, 0), -1, 1.0);

fet_beginchar ("petrucci c4 clef", "petrucci.c4_change");
	draw_petrucci_c_clef ((0, 0), -1, .8);

fet_beginchar ("petrucci c5 clef", "petrucci.c5");
	if test = 1:
		draw_staff (-1, 3, 0.0);
	draw_petrucci_c_clef ((0, 0), -2, 1.0);

fet_beginchar ("petrucci c5 clef", "petrucci.c5_change");
	draw_petrucci_c_clef ((0, 0), -2, .8);

def draw_mensural_c_clef (expr exact_center, reduction) =
	% inspired by Ockeghem, "Missa Prolationum", in: MGG, volume
	% 9, table 94.

	save reduced_il;

	reduced_il# = staff_space# * reduction;

	define_pixels (reduced_il);

	draw_triple_brevis (exact_center + (0, 0.5 staff_space#),
			    2 reduced_il#, 0.8 staff_space#,
			    0.8 linethickness#, staff_space);

	save half_reduced_il;

	half_reduced_il# = staff_space# * sqrt (reduction);

	define_pixels (half_reduced_il);

	set_char_box (0 - xpart exact_center,
		      2 reduced_il# + xpart exact_center,
		      2.2 half_reduced_il# + staff_space# -
			2 ypart exact_center,
		      2.2 half_reduced_il# + 2 ypart exact_center);

	save xoffs, yoffs;

	xoffs# = xpart exact_center;
	yoffs# = ypart exact_center;

	define_pixels (xoffs, yoffs);

	save ellipse, T;
	path ellipse;
	transform T;

	T := identity xscaled 1.4 linethickness
		      yscaled blot_diameter;
	pickup pencircle transformed T;
	ellipse := fullcircle transformed T;

	lft x11 = lft x13 = xoffs;
	top y11 = yoffs + 2.2 half_reduced_il;
	bot y13 = yoffs - 2.2 half_reduced_il - staff_space;
	rt x15 = rt x17 = xoffs + brevis_width;
	y15 = yoffs + 1.4 half_reduced_il;
	y17 = yoffs - 1.4 half_reduced_il - staff_space;

	z12 = z14 yscaled -1 shifted (0, -staff_space);
	z14 = z9;
	z16 = z18 yscaled -1 shifted (0, -staff_space);
	rt z18 = lft z14 shifted (brevis_width, 0);

	penpos12 (1.4 linethickness, 0);
	penpos14 (1.4 linethickness, 0);
	penpos16 (1.4 linethickness, 0);
	penpos18 (1.4 linethickness, 0);

	fill get_subpath (ellipse, up, down, z11)
	     -- z12l
	     -- z12r
	     -- cycle;
	fill get_subpath (ellipse, down, up, z13)
	     -- z14r
	     -- z14l
	     -- cycle;
	fill get_subpath (ellipse, up, down, z15)
	     -- z16l
	     -- z16r
	     -- cycle;
	fill get_subpath (ellipse, down, up, z17)
	     -- z18r
	     -- z18l
	     -- cycle;

	labels (11, 13, 15, 17);
	penlabels (12, 14, 16, 18);

fet_beginchar ("mensural c clef", "mensural.c");
	if test = 1:
		draw_staff (-1, 3, 0.0);
	draw_mensural_c_clef ((0, 0), 1.0);

fet_beginchar ("mensural c clef", "mensural.c_change");
	draw_mensural_c_clef ((0, 0), .8);

def draw_diamond (expr exact_center, reduction) =
	save stem_width, reduced_nht, holeheight, beamheight;
	save rh_height, rh_width;

	stem_width# = 1.4 reduced_slt#;
	reduced_nht# = noteheight# * reduction;
	holeheight# = 3 reduced_slt#;
	beamheight# = 0.4 (reduced_nht# - holeheight#);

	rh_height# = 1.2 staff_space# * reduction;
	rh_width# / rh_height# = tand (30);

	define_pixels (beamheight, stem_width);
	define_pixels (rh_height, rh_width);

	save xoffs, yoffs;

	xoffs# = xpart exact_center;
	yoffs# = ypart exact_center;

	define_pixels (xoffs, yoffs);

	save ellipse, T;
	path ellipse;
	transform T;

	T := identity xscaled beamheight
		      yscaled stem_width
		      rotated 45;
	pickup pencircle transformed T;
	ellipse := reverse fullcircle transformed T;

	x21 := xoffs - rh_width / 2;
	y21 := yoffs;
	x22 := xoffs;
	y22 := yoffs + rh_height / 2;
	x23 := xoffs + rh_width / 2;
	y23 := yoffs;
	x24 := xoffs;
	y24 := yoffs - rh_height / 2;

	fill get_subpath (ellipse, z21 - z24, z22 - z21, z21)
	     -- get_subpath (ellipse, z22 - z21, z23 - z22, z22)
	     -- get_subpath (ellipse, z23 - z22, z24 - z23, z23)
	     -- get_subpath (ellipse, z24 - z23, z21 - z24, z24)
	     -- cycle;

	save l;
	path l[];

	l2122 := (directionpoint (z21 - z22) of ellipse) shifted z21
		 -- (directionpoint (z21 - z22) of ellipse) shifted z22;
	l2223 := (directionpoint (z22 - z23) of ellipse) shifted z22
		 -- (directionpoint (z22 - z23) of ellipse) shifted z23;
	l2324 := (directionpoint (z23 - z24) of ellipse) shifted z23
		 -- (directionpoint (z23 - z24) of ellipse) shifted z24;
	l2421 := (directionpoint (z24 - z21) of ellipse) shifted z24
		 -- (directionpoint (z24 - z21) of ellipse) shifted z21;

	unfill l2122 intersectionpoint l2223
	       -- l2223 intersectionpoint l2324
	       -- l2324 intersectionpoint l2421
	       -- l2421 intersectionpoint l2122
	       -- cycle;

	labels (21, 22, 23, 24);

def draw_petrucci_f_clef (expr exact_center, reduction) =
	% inspired by L'homme arme super voces musicales in Misse
	% Josquin, 1502, Petrucci, in: MGG, volume 7, col. 200; also
	% inspired by Gaspar van Weerbeke, "Virgo Maria" (1502), in:
	% MGG, volume 9, col. 653 ("Motette"), fig. 3.; also by Andr'e
	% Campra, "Entr'ee des s'er'enades" (1710), in: MGG, volume 2,
	% col. 1649 ("Contredanse"), fig. 2.

	save interline, reduced_il, reduced_slt;

	interline# = staff_space#;
	reduced_il# = staff_space# * reduction;
	reduced_slt# = linethickness# * reduction;

	draw_brevis (exact_center, reduced_il#, reduced_il#, reduced_slt#);
	draw_diamond (exact_center +
			(1.6 interline# * reduction, interline# / 2),
	draw_diamond (exact_center +
			(1.6 interline# * reduction, -interline# / 2),

	define_pixels (interline, reduced_il, reduced_slt);

	save stem_width;

	stem_width# = 1.4 reduced_slt#;

	define_pixels (stem_width);

	save xoffs, yoffs;

	xoffs# = xpart exact_center;
	yoffs# = ypart exact_center;

	define_pixels (xoffs, yoffs);

	% brevis stem
	save ellipse, T;
	path ellipse;
	transform T;

	T := identity xscaled stem_width
		      yscaled blot_diameter;
	pickup pencircle transformed T;
	ellipse := fullcircle transformed T;

	rt x8 = xoffs + reduced_il;
	y8 = y3;
	rt z9 = (xoffs + reduced_il, yoffs - 4 reduced_il);

	penpos8 (stem_width, 0);

	fill get_subpath (ellipse, down, up, z9)
	     -- z8r
	     -- z8l
	     -- cycle;

	% upper diamond's stem
	z10 = (xoffs + 1.6 interline * reduction + stem_width / 2,
	       yoffs + interline * reduction);
	top z11 = z10 + (0, 1.5 interline * reduction);

	penpos10 (stem_width, 0);

	fill get_subpath (ellipse, up, down, z11)
	     -- z10l
	     -- z10r
	     -- cycle;

	% lower diamond's stem
	z12 = (xoffs + 1.6 interline * reduction - stem_width / 2,
	       yoffs - interline * reduction);
	bot z13 = z12 + (0, -3.5 interline * reduction);

	penpos12 (stem_width, 0);

	fill get_subpath (ellipse, down, up, z13)
	     -- z12r
	     -- z12l
	     -- cycle;

	save reduced_il, rh_height, rh_width;

	reduced_il# = staff_space# * reduction;
	rh_height# = 1.2 reduced_il#;
	rh_width# / rh_height# = tand (30);

	set_char_box (0 - xpart exact_center,
		      1.6 interline# * reduction + 0.5 rh_width# +
			xpart exact_center,
		      4.5 interline# * reduction - ypart exact_center,
		      2.5 interline# * reduction + ypart exact_center);

	labels (9, 11, 13);
	penlabels (8, 10, 12);

fet_beginchar ("petrucci f clef", "petrucci.f");
	if test = 1:
		draw_staff (-1, 3, 0.0);
	draw_petrucci_f_clef ((0, 0), 1.0);

fet_beginchar ("petrucci f clef", "petrucci.f_change");
	draw_petrucci_f_clef ((0, 0), .8);

def draw_mensural_f_clef (expr exact_center, reduction) =
	% inspired by Philippe le Duc, "Dite Signori" (1590), in: MGG,
	% volume 3, col. 848 ("Duc"); also by John Dowland, "The First
	% Booke of Songes" (1597), in: MGG, volume 3, col. 721
	% ("Dowland"), fig. 3.

	save width, reduced_slt, stem_width, dot_diameter;

	width# = 1.2 staff_space# * reduction;
	reduced_slt# = linethickness# * reduction;
	stem_width# = 1.4 reduced_slt#;
	dot_diameter# = 0.1 reduction * staff_space#;

	define_pixels (width, stem_width, staff_space, dot_diameter);

	save xoffs, yoffs;

	xoffs# = xpart exact_center;
	yoffs# = ypart exact_center;

	define_pixels (xoffs, yoffs);

	save ellipse, T;
	path ellipse;
	transform T;

	T := identity xscaled 0.2 width
		      yscaled stem_width
		      rotated 45;
	pickup pencircle transformed T;
	ellipse := fullcircle transformed T;

	% half circle
	lft z10 = (0, 0);

	save pat;
	path pat;

	pat := halfcircle scaled width
			  rotated -90
			  shifted (z10 - (xoffs, yoffs));

	z5 = point 0 of pat;
	z6 = point 1 of pat;
	z7 = point 2 of pat;
	z8 = point 3 of pat;
	z9 = point 4 of pat;

	save dirs;
	pair dirs[];

	dirs5 := direction 0 of pat;
	dirs6 := direction 1 of pat;
	dirs7 := direction 2 of pat;
	dirs8 := direction 3 of pat;
	dirs9 := direction 4 of pat;

	% we approximate `draw pat'
	fill get_subpath (ellipse, -dirs5, dirs5, z5)
	     .. get_subpoint (ellipse, dirs6, z6)
	     .. get_subpoint (ellipse, dirs7, z7)
	     .. get_subpoint (ellipse, dirs8, z8)
	     .. get_subpath (ellipse, dirs9, -dirs9, z9)
	     .. get_subpoint (ellipse, -dirs8, z8)
	     .. get_subpoint (ellipse, -dirs7, z7)
	     .. get_subpoint (ellipse, -dirs6, z6)
	     .. cycle;

	% upper dot
	rt x2 = xoffs + width;
	top y1 = yoffs + 0.5 width;
	z2 - z1 = (dot_diameter, -dot_diameter);

	fill get_subpath (ellipse, z1 - z2, z2 - z1, z1)
	     -- get_subpath (ellipse, z2 - z1, z1 - z2, z2)
	     -- cycle;

	% lower dot
	x3 = x1;
	top y1 - bot y4 = width;
	z4 - z3 = (dot_diameter, -dot_diameter);

	fill get_subpath (ellipse, z3 - z4, z4 - z3, z3)
	     -- get_subpath (ellipse, z4 - z3, z3 - z4, z4)
	     -- cycle;

	set_char_box (0 - xpart exact_center,
		      width# + xpart exact_center,
		      0.5 width# - ypart exact_center,
		      0.5 width# + ypart exact_center);

	labels (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10);

fet_beginchar ("mensural f clef", "mensural.f");
	if test = 1:
		draw_staff (-1, 3, 0.0);
	draw_mensural_f_clef ((0, 0), 1.0);

fet_beginchar ("mensural f clef", "mensural.f_change");
	draw_mensural_f_clef ((0, 0), .8);

def draw_petrucci_g_clef (expr exact_center, reduction) =
	% inspired by Josquin Desprez, "Stabat Mater", Libro tertio,
	% 1519, printed by Petrucci, in: MGG, volume 7, Table 11.

	save reduced_il, reduced_slt;

	reduced_il# = staff_space# * reduction;
	reduced_slt# = linethickness# * reduction;
	define_pixels (reduced_il, reduced_slt);

	set_char_box (0 - xpart exact_center,
		      1.25 reduced_il# + xpart exact_center,
		      0.65 reduced_il# - ypart exact_center,
		      3.80 reduced_il# + ypart exact_center);

	save xoffs, yoffs;

	xoffs# = xpart exact_center;
	yoffs# = ypart exact_center;

	define_pixels (xoffs, yoffs);

	save ellipse, paths, sub_path, outlines, sub_outlines, T;
	path ellipse, paths[], sub_path, outlines[], sub_outlines[];
	transform T;

	T := identity xscaled 0.5 reduced_slt
		      yscaled 0.22 reduced_il
		      rotated -35;
	pickup pencircle transformed T;
	ellipse := fullcircle transformed T;

	lft z1 = (xoffs + 0.80 reduced_il, yoffs + 0.00 reduced_il);
	lft z2 = (xoffs + 1.00 reduced_il, yoffs + 1.20 reduced_il);
	lft z3 = (xoffs + 0.70 reduced_il, yoffs + 2.00 reduced_il);
	lft z4 = (xoffs + 0.30 reduced_il, yoffs + 3.00 reduced_il);
	lft z5 = (xoffs + 0.80 reduced_il, yoffs + 3.70 reduced_il);
	lft z6 = (xoffs + 1.00 reduced_il, yoffs + 3.00 reduced_il);
	lft z7 = (xoffs + 0.60 reduced_il, yoffs + 2.00 reduced_il);
	lft z8 = (xoffs + 0.30 reduced_il, yoffs + 1.70 reduced_il);
	lft z9 = (xoffs + 0.00 reduced_il, yoffs + 0.75 reduced_il);
	lft z10 = (xoffs + 0.20 reduced_il, yoffs + 0.60 reduced_il);

	paths1 := z1{-1, 2}
		  .. z2
		  .. z3
		  .. z4
		  .. z5
		  .. z6
		  .. z7
		  .. z8
		  .. z9
		  .. z10;

	save dirs, s;
	pair dirs[];

	s := 1/4;

	% we approximate `draw paths1'
	for i = 1 step s until (length paths1 + 1):
		dirs[i] := direction (i - 1) of paths1;

	outlines1 := get_subpath (ellipse, -dirs1, dirs1, z1)
		     for i = (1 + s) step s until (length paths1 + 1 - s):
			     .. get_subpoint (ellipse, dirs[i],
					      point (i - 1) of paths1)
		     .. get_subpath (ellipse, dirs10, -dirs10, z10)
		     for i = (length paths1 + 1 - s) step -s until (1 + s):
			     .. get_subpoint (ellipse, -dirs[i],
					      point (i - 1) of paths1)
		     .. cycle;

	save len;

	len := length outlines1;

	sub_outlines1 := subpath (0,
				  floor (1/4 len)) of outlines1;
	sub_outlines2 := subpath (floor (1/4 len),
				  floor (2/4 len)) of outlines1;
	sub_outlines3 := subpath (floor (2/4 len),
				  floor (3/4 len)) of outlines1;
	sub_outlines4 := subpath (floor (3/4 len),
				  len) of outlines1;

	save times;
	numeric times[];

	(times12, times21) = sub_outlines1 intersectiontimes sub_outlines2;
	(times13, times31) = sub_outlines1 intersectiontimes sub_outlines3;
	(times42, times24) = sub_outlines4 intersectiontimes sub_outlines2;
	(times43, times34) = sub_outlines4 intersectiontimes sub_outlines3;

	T := identity xscaled 0.75 reduced_slt
		      yscaled 0.33 reduced_il
		      rotated -35;
	pickup pencircle transformed T;
	ellipse := fullcircle transformed T;

	lft z21 = (xoffs + 1.05 reduced_il, yoffs + 0.45 reduced_il);
	lft z22 = (xoffs + 0.55 reduced_il, yoffs + 0.45 reduced_il);
	lft z23 = (xoffs + 0.55 reduced_il, yoffs - 0.45 reduced_il);
	lft z24 = (xoffs + 1.05 reduced_il, yoffs - 0.45 reduced_il);
	lft z25 = (xoffs + 1.10 reduced_il, yoffs + 0.00 reduced_il);
	lft z26 = (xoffs + 0.80 reduced_il, yoffs + 0.00 reduced_il);

	paths2 := z21
		  .. z22
		  .. z23
		  .. z24
		  .. {up}z25
		  -- z26;

	sub_path := subpath (0, 1) of paths2;

	times1 = xpart (sub_outlines1 intersectiontimes sub_path);
	times4 = xpart (sub_outlines4 intersectiontimes sub_path);

	% we have to find the envelope intersections (if any)
	save t;
	numeric t[];

	t1 = find_envelope_cusp (reverse ellipse,
				 subpath (1, 2) of paths2,
				 1/256) + 1;
	if t1 < 1:
		t1 := 1;
		t2 := 1;
		t2 = find_envelope_cusp (ellipse,
					 subpath (3, 4) of reverse paths2,
					 1/256) + 3;
		t2 := length paths2 - t2;

	t3 = find_envelope_cusp (reverse ellipse,
				 subpath (2, 4 - epsilon) of paths2,
				 1/256) + 2;
	if t3 < 2:
		t3 := 3;
		t4 := 3;
		t4 = find_envelope_cusp (ellipse,
					 subpath (1 + epsilon, 3)
					   of reverse paths2,
					 1/256) + 1;
		t4 := length paths2 - t4;

	fill subpath (times1 + s / 4, times13) of sub_outlines1
	     -- subpath (times31, infinity) of sub_outlines3
	     & subpath (0, times42) of sub_outlines4
	     -- subpath (times24, infinity) of sub_outlines2
	     & subpath (0, times34) of sub_outlines3
	     -- subpath (times43, times4 - s / 4) of sub_outlines4
	     -- cycle;
	unfill subpath (times12, infinity) of sub_outlines1
	       & subpath (0, times21) of sub_outlines2
	       -- cycle;
	fill subpath (times4 + s / 4, infinity) of sub_outlines4
	     & subpath (0, times1 - s / 4) of sub_outlines1
	     -- cycle;

	% we approximate `draw paths2'
	for i = 1 step s until (length paths2 - s):
		dirs[i + 20] := direction (i - 1) of paths2;

	sub_outlines21 := get_subpath (ellipse, -dirs21, dirs21, z21)
			  for i = (1 + s) step s until (length paths2 - s):
				  .. get_subpoint (ellipse, dirs[i + 20],
						   point (i - 1) of paths2)
			  .. get_subpath (ellipse, up, z26 - z25, z25);
	sub_outlines22 := get_subpath (ellipse, z26 - z25, z25 - z26, z26)
			  -- get_subpoint (ellipse, z25 - z26, z25);
	sub_outlines23 := get_subpoint (ellipse, down, z25)
			  for i = (length paths2 - s) step -s until (t4 + 1):
				  .. get_subpoint (ellipse, -dirs[i + 20],
						   point (i - 1) of paths2)
			  .. get_subpoint (ellipse, -direction t4 of paths2,
					   point t4 of paths2);
	sub_outlines24 := get_subpoint (ellipse, -direction t3 of paths2,
					point t3 of paths2)
			  for i = (floor (t3 / s) * s + 1) step -s until (t2 + 1):
				  .. get_subpoint (ellipse, -dirs[i + 20],
						   point (i - 1) of paths2)
			  .. get_subpoint (ellipse, -direction t2 of paths2,
					   point t2 of paths2);
	sub_outlines25 := get_subpoint (ellipse, -direction t1 of paths2,
					point t1 of paths2)
			  for i = (floor (t1 / s) * s + 1) step -s until (1 + s):
				  .. get_subpoint (ellipse, -dirs[i + 20],
						   point (i - 1) of paths2)

	(times2223, times2322) = sub_outlines22 intersectiontimes sub_outlines23;
	(times2324, times2423) = sub_outlines23 intersectiontimes sub_outlines24;
	(times2425, times2524) = sub_outlines24 intersectiontimes sub_outlines25;

	fill sub_outlines21
	     -- subpath (0, times2223) of sub_outlines22
	     -- subpath (times2322, times2324) of sub_outlines23
	     -- subpath (times2423, times2425) of sub_outlines24
	     -- subpath (times2524, infinity) of sub_outlines25
	     .. cycle;

	labels (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10);
	labels (21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26);

fet_beginchar ("petrucci g clef", "petrucci.g");
	if test = 1:
		draw_staff (-1, 3, 0.0);
	draw_petrucci_g_clef ((0, 0), 1.0);

fet_beginchar ("petrucci g clef", "petrucci.g_change");
	draw_petrucci_g_clef ((0, 0), .8);

def draw_mensural_g_clef (expr exact_center, reduction) =
  % TODO: Rewrite me.  The former mensural g clef looked ugly, and the
  % code was removed when it broke for small font sizes after some
  % global changes in the font.  Currently, the character is mapped to
  % a copy of the petrucci g clef (which, after all, *is* a mensural g
  % clef, but not the one that we have in mind here). -- jr
  % Possible sources of inspiration for this clef include: Francisco
  % Guerrero, "Lib. 1.  Missarum" (1566), in: MGG, volume 3, col. 858
  % ("Ducis"); Stefano Fabri, "Quam speciosa veteranis" (1611), in:
  % MGG, volume 3, col. 1698 ("Fabri"); Philippus Dulichius,
  % "Fasciculus novus ..."  (1598), in: MGG, volume 3, col. 919
  % ("Dulichius"), fig. 1; Noe Faignient, "Ic sal de Heer myn God
  % gebenedye" (1568), in: MGG, volume 3, col. 1735 ("Faignient").

% FIXME: This clef is preliminarily mapped to the petrucci g clef
% until the code for the mensural g clef will be rewritten.
fet_beginchar ("mensural g clef", "mensural.g");
	if test = 1:
		draw_staff (-1, 3, 0.0);
	draw_petrucci_g_clef ((0, 0), 1.0);

fet_beginchar ("mensural g clef", "mensural.g_change");
	draw_petrucci_g_clef ((0, 0), .8);

% Hufnagel
def draw_hufnagel_do_clef (expr exact_center, reduction) =
	% inspired by Graduale of Friedrich Zollner (1442), in: MGG,
	% volume 9, col. 1413 ("Neustift"), fig. 1.

	save reduced_il;

	reduced_il# = staff_space# * reduction;

	define_pixels (reduced_il);

	set_char_box (0 - xpart exact_center,
		      1.10 reduced_il# + xpart exact_center,
		      0.70 reduced_il# - ypart exact_center,
		      0.75 reduced_il# + ypart exact_center);

	save xoffs, yoffs;

	xoffs# = xpart exact_center;
	yoffs# = ypart exact_center;

	define_pixels (xoffs, yoffs);

	save ellipse, pat, T;
	path ellipse, pat;
	transform T;

	T := identity xscaled 0.6 reduced_il
		      yscaled 0.1 reduced_il
		      rotated 40;
	pickup pencircle transformed T;
	ellipse := fullcircle transformed T;

	z1 = (xoffs + 0.90 reduced_il, yoffs + .45 reduced_il);
	z2 = (xoffs + 0.80 reduced_il, yoffs + .45 reduced_il);
	z3 = (xoffs + 0.50 reduced_il, yoffs + .60 reduced_il);
	z4 = (xoffs + 0.20 reduced_il, yoffs + .45 reduced_il);
	z5 = (xoffs + 0.20 reduced_il, yoffs - .45 reduced_il);
	z6 = (xoffs + 0.40 reduced_il, yoffs - .55 reduced_il);

	pat := z1
	       .. z2
	       .. z3
	       -- z4
	       -- z5
	       -- z6;

	fill get_subpath (ellipse,
			  -direction 0 of pat, direction 0 of pat, z1)
	     .. get_subpoint (ellipse, direction 1 of pat, z2)
	     .. get_subpath (ellipse,
			     direction (2 - epsilon) of pat, z4 - z3, z3)
	     -- get_subpath (ellipse,
			     z4 - z3, z5 - z4, z4)
	     -- get_subpath (ellipse,
			     z5 - z4, z6 - z5, z5)
	     -- get_subpath (ellipse,
			     z6 - z5, z5 - z6, z6)
	     -- get_subpoint (ellipse, z5 - z6, z5)
	     -- get_subpoint (ellipse, z4 - z5, z5)
	     -- get_subpoint (ellipse, z4 - z5, z4)
	     -- get_subpoint (ellipse, -direction (2 - epsilon) of pat, z3)
	     .. get_subpath (ellipse,
			     -direction 1 of pat, -direction 1 of pat, z2)
	     .. cycle;

	labels (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6);

fet_beginchar ("Hufnagel do clef", "hufnagel.do");
	if test = 1:
		draw_staff (-1, 3, 0.0);
	draw_hufnagel_do_clef ((0, 0), 1.0);

fet_beginchar ("Hufnagel do clef", "hufnagel.do_change");
	draw_hufnagel_do_clef ((0, 0), .8);

def draw_hufnagel_fa_clef (expr exact_center, reduction) =
	% inspired by Bamberger Manuscript (15th century), in:
	% MGG, volume 2, table 59.

	save reduced_il;

	reduced_il# = staff_space# * reduction;

	define_pixels (reduced_il);

	set_char_box (0 - xpart exact_center,
		      1.20 reduced_il# + xpart exact_center,
		      1.15 reduced_il# - ypart exact_center,
		      1.00 reduced_il# + ypart exact_center);

	save xoffs, yoffs;

	xoffs# = xpart exact_center;
	yoffs# = ypart exact_center;

	define_pixels (xoffs, yoffs);

	save ellipse, pat, T;
	path ellipse, pat;
	transform T;

	T := identity xscaled 0.6 reduced_il
		      yscaled 0.1 reduced_il
		      rotated 40;
	pickup pencircle transformed T;
	ellipse := fullcircle transformed T;

	z11 = (xoffs + 0.90 reduced_il, yoffs + 0.70 reduced_il);
	z12 = (xoffs + 0.80 reduced_il, yoffs + 0.70 reduced_il);
	z13 = (xoffs + 0.50 reduced_il, yoffs + 0.85 reduced_il);
	z14 = (xoffs + 0.20 reduced_il, yoffs + 0.70 reduced_il);
	z15 = (xoffs + 0.20 reduced_il, yoffs - 1.10 reduced_il);

	pat := z11
	       .. z12
	       .. z13
	       -- z14
	       -- z15;

	fill get_subpath (ellipse,
			  -direction 0 of pat, direction 0 of pat, z11)
	     .. get_subpoint (ellipse, direction 1 of pat, z12)
	     .. get_subpath (ellipse,
			     direction (2 - epsilon) of pat, z14 - z13, z13)
	     -- get_subpath (ellipse,
			     z14 - z13, z15 - z14, z14)
	     -- get_subpath (ellipse,
			     z15 - z14, z14 - z15, z15)
	     -- get_subpoint (ellipse, z14 - z15, z14)
	     -- get_subpoint (ellipse, -direction (2 - epsilon) of pat, z13)
	     .. get_subpath (ellipse,
			     -direction 1 of pat, -direction 1 of pat, z12)
	     .. cycle;

	z16 = (xoffs + 0.90 reduced_il, yoffs - 0.05 reduced_il);
	z17 = (xoffs + 0.80 reduced_il, yoffs - 0.05 reduced_il);
	z18 = (xoffs + 0.50 reduced_il, yoffs + 0.10 reduced_il);
	z19 = (xoffs + 0.20 reduced_il, yoffs - 0.05 reduced_il);

	pat := z16
	       .. z17
	       .. z18
	       -- z19;

	fill get_subpath (ellipse,
			  -direction 0 of pat, direction 0 of pat, z16)
	     .. get_subpoint (ellipse, direction 1 of pat, z17)
	     .. get_subpath (ellipse,
			     direction (2 - epsilon) of pat, z19 - z18, z18)
	     -- get_subpoint (ellipse, z19 - z18, z19)
	     -- get_subpoint (ellipse, -direction (2 - epsilon) of pat, z18)
	     .. get_subpoint (ellipse, -direction 1 of pat, z17)
	     .. cycle;

	labels (11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19);

fet_beginchar ("Hufnagel fa clef", "hufnagel.fa");
	if test = 1:
		draw_staff (-1, 3, 0.0);
	draw_hufnagel_fa_clef ((0, 0), 1.0);

fet_beginchar ("Hufnagel fa clef", "hufnagel.fa_change");
	draw_hufnagel_fa_clef ((0, 0), .8);

def draw_hufnagel_do_fa_clef (expr exact_center, reduction) =
	draw_hufnagel_do_clef (exact_center, reduction);
	draw_hufnagel_fa_clef (exact_center + (0, -2 staff_space#), reduction);

	set_char_box (0 - xpart exact_center,
		      1.20 reduced_il# + xpart exact_center,
		      1.15 reduced_il# + 2 staff_space# - ypart exact_center,
		      0.75 reduced_il# + ypart exact_center);

fet_beginchar ("Hufnagel do/fa clef", "hufnagel.do.fa");
	if test = 1:
		draw_staff (-1, 3, 0.0);
	draw_hufnagel_do_fa_clef ((0, 0), 1.0);

fet_beginchar ("Hufnagel do/fa clef", "hufnagel.do.fa_change");
	draw_hufnagel_do_fa_clef ((0, 0), .8);

fet_endgroup ("clefs");