% -%-Fundamental-%- -*-Metafont-*- % parmesan-accidentals.mf -- implement ancient accidentals % % source file of LilyPond's pretty-but-neat music font % % (c) 2001--2009 Juergen Reuter <reuter@ipd.uka.de> % fet_begingroup ("accidentals"); %%%%%%%% % % % % EDITIO MEDICAEA % % % fet_beginchar ("Ed. Med. Flat" , "medicaeaM1"); set_char_box (0.1 staff_space#, 0.6 staff_space#, 0.6 staff_space#, 1.0 staff_space#); save ellipse, pat, outline, T; path ellipse, pat, outline; transform T; T := identity xscaled 0.50 linethickness yscaled 0.22 staff_space; pickup pencircle transformed T; ellipse := fullcircle transformed T; x1 = x2 = 0; top y1 = h; bot y2 = -d; fill get_subpath (ellipse, up, down, z1) -- get_subpath (ellipse, down, up, z2) -- cycle; T := identity xscaled 0.50 linethickness yscaled 0.22 staff_space rotated -63; pickup pencircle transformed T; ellipse := fullcircle transformed T; z3 = (0.10 staff_space, -0.50 staff_space); z4 = (0.40 staff_space, +0.40 staff_space); z5 = (0.10 staff_space, +0.40 staff_space); pat := z3{(1, 2)} .. z4 .. z5{(-1, -1)}; % the original envelope curve created with `draw' contains % cusps which we avoid outline := get_subpath (ellipse, -direction 0 of pat, direction 0 of pat, z3) .. get_subpoint (ellipse, direction 1 of pat, z4) .. get_subpath (ellipse, direction 2 of pat, -direction 1.8 of pat, z5) .. get_subpoint (ellipse, -direction 1 of pat, z4) {-direction 1 of pat} .. cycle; save shift; pair shift; % make the outline touch the bounding box shift = find_tangent_shift (((w, -d) -- (w, h)), outline, (b, 0), (-b, 0)); outline := outline shifted shift; fill outline; labels (1, 2, 3, 4, 5); fet_endchar; %%%%%%%% % % % % EDITIO VATICANA % % % fet_beginchar ("Ed. Vat. Flat" , "vaticanaM1"); z1 = (0.00 staff_space, +0.80 staff_space); z2 = (0.00 staff_space, -0.08 staff_space); z3 = (0.25 staff_space, -0.23 staff_space); z4 = (0.50 staff_space, -0.24 staff_space); z5 = (0.50 staff_space, +0.03 staff_space); z6 = (0.25 staff_space, +0.20 staff_space); z7 = (0.15 staff_space, +0.26 staff_space); save pat, ellipse, T; path pat, ellipse; transform T; T := identity xscaled 0.50 linethickness yscaled 0.22 staff_space; pickup pencircle transformed T; ellipse := fullcircle transformed T; pat := z1 -- z2{down} ... z3 ... {up}z4 -- z5{up} .. z6 .. z7; % the original envelope curve created with `draw' contains % cusps which we avoid fill get_subpath (ellipse, up, down, z1) -- get_subpath (ellipse, down, direction 1.1 of pat, z2) ... bot z3 ... get_subpath (ellipse, direction 2.9 of pat, up, z4) -- get_subpath (ellipse, up, direction 4.1 of pat, z5) .. top z6 .. get_subpath (ellipse, direction 6 of pat, -direction 6 of pat, z7) .. bot z6 .. {down}bot lft z5 -- top lft z4{down} ... top z3 ... top rt z2{up} -- cycle; set_char_box (0.00 staff_space# + 0.25 linethickness#, 0.50 staff_space# + 0.25 linethickness#, 0.23 staff_space# + 0.11 staff_space#, 0.80 staff_space# + 0.11 staff_space#); labels (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7); fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Ed. Vat. Natural" , "vaticana0"); save ellipse, T; path ellipse; transform T; T := identity xscaled 0.80 linethickness yscaled 0.22 staff_space; pickup pencircle transformed T; ellipse := fullcircle transformed T; z1 = (0.00 staff_space, +0.65 staff_space); z2 = (0.00 staff_space, -0.35 staff_space); fill get_subpath (ellipse, up, down, z1) -- get_subpath (ellipse, down, up, z2) -- cycle; pickup penrazor scaled 0.22 staff_space rotated 90; z3 = (0.00 staff_space, -0.30 staff_space); z4 = (0.40 staff_space, -0.08 staff_space); draw z3 -- z4; addto currentpicture also currentpicture xscaled -1 yscaled -1 shifted (0.40 staff_space, 0.0 staff_space); set_char_box (0.00 staff_space# + 0.40 linethickness#, 0.40 staff_space# + 0.40 linethickness#, 0.65 staff_space# + 0.11 staff_space#, 0.65 staff_space# + 0.11 staff_space#); labels (1, 2, 3, 4); fet_endchar; %%%%%%%% % % % % MENSURAL NOTATION % % % fet_beginchar ("Mensural Sharp" , "mensural1"); save stemthick; define_pixels (stemthick); stemthick# = linethickness#; save circle, pat, T; path circle, pat; transform T; T := identity scaled 0.8 stemthick; pickup pencircle transformed T; circle := fullcircle transformed T; z1 = 0.4 staff_space * (0.8, 1); z1 = -z2; pat := get_subpath (circle, z1 - z2, z2 - z1, z1) -- get_subpath (circle, z2 - z1, z1 - z2, z2) -- cycle; fill pat; fill pat xscaled -1; fill pat shifted (0.20 staff_space, 0); fill pat xscaled -1 shifted (0.20 staff_space, 0); set_char_box (0.8 * 0.4 staff_space# + 0.4 stemthick#, (0.8 * 0.4 + 0.2) * staff_space# + 0.4 stemthick#, 0.4 staff_space# + 0.4 stemthick#, 0.4 staff_space# + 0.4 stemthick#); labels (1, 2); fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Mensural Flat" , "mensuralM1"); save stemthick; define_pixels (stemthick); stemthick# = linethickness#; save ellipse, pat, outline, T; path ellipse, pat, outline; transform T; T := identity xscaled 1.4 stemthick yscaled 0.6 stemthick rotated 45; pickup pencircle transformed T; ellipse := fullcircle transformed T; z1 = (0.00 staff_space, +1.80 staff_space); z2 = (0.00 staff_space, -0.25 staff_space); z3 = (0.35 staff_space, -0.25 staff_space); z4 = (0.35 staff_space, +0.25 staff_space); z5 = (0.00 staff_space, +0.25 staff_space); pat := z2 .. z3 .. z4 .. z5; save dirs, s; pair dirs[]; s := 1/4; % we approximate `draw pat' for i = 2 step s until (length pat + 2): dirs[i] := direction (i - 2) of pat; endfor; outline := get_subpath (ellipse, up, down, z1) -- get_subpath (ellipse, down, dirs2, z2) for i = (2 + s) step s until (length pat + 2 - s): .. get_subpoint (ellipse, dirs[i], point (i - 2) of pat) endfor .. top z5 -- bot z5 for i = (length pat + 2 - s) step -s until 2: .. get_subpoint (ellipse, -dirs[i], point (i - 2) of pat) endfor -- get_subpoint (ellipse, up, z2) -- cycle; fill outline; set_char_box (0.00 staff_space# + 0.75 stemthick#, 0.40 staff_space# + 0.75 stemthick#, 0.25 staff_space# + 0.75 stemthick#, 1.80 staff_space# + 0.75 stemthick#); labels (1, 2, 3, 4, 5); fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Hufnagel Flat" , "hufnagelM1"); save stemthick; define_pixels (stemthick); stemthick# = linethickness#; save ellipse, pat, T; path ellipse, pat; transform T; T := identity xscaled 2.4 stemthick yscaled 0.4 stemthick rotated 45; pickup pencircle transformed T; ellipse := fullcircle transformed T; z1 = (0.00 staff_space, +1.80 staff_space); z2 = (0.00 staff_space, -0.15 staff_space); z3 = (0.25 staff_space, -0.30 staff_space); z4 = (0.50 staff_space, +0.00 staff_space); z5 = (0.30 staff_space, +0.30 staff_space); z6 = (0.00 staff_space, +0.15 staff_space); pat := z3 .. z4 .. z5; save t; numeric t[]; % we have to find the envelope intersections (if any) t1 = find_envelope_cusp (reverse ellipse, pat, 1/256) + 3; if t1 < 3: t1 := 3; fi; t2 = find_envelope_cusp (ellipse, reverse pat, 1/256); if t2 < 0: t2 := 3; else: t2 := length pat - t2 + 3; fi; save dirs, s; pair dirs[]; s := 1/8; % we approximate `draw pat' for i = 3 step s until 5: dirs[i] := direction (i - 3) of pat; endfor; fill get_subpath (ellipse, up, down, z1) -- get_subpath (ellipse, down, z3 - z2, z2) -- get_subpoint (ellipse, z3 - z2, z3) for i = 3 step s until 5: .. get_subpoint (ellipse, dirs[i], point (i - 3) of pat) endfor .. get_subpoint (ellipse, z6 - z5, z5) -- get_subpoint (ellipse, z6 - z5, z6) -- get_subpoint (ellipse, z5 - z6, z6) -- get_subpoint (ellipse, z5 - z6, z5) -- get_subpoint (ellipse, -dirs[5], z5) for i = (5 - s) step -s until t2: .. get_subpoint (ellipse, -dirs[i], point (i - 3) of pat) endfor .. get_subpoint (ellipse, -direction (t2 - 3) of pat, point (t2 - 3) of pat) -- get_subpoint (ellipse, -direction (t1 - 3) of pat, point (t1 - 3) of pat) for i = (floor ((t1 - 3) / s) * s + 3) step -s until (3 + s): .. get_subpoint (ellipse, -dirs[i], point (i - 3) of pat) endfor .. get_subpoint (ellipse, -dirs[3], z3) -- get_subpoint (ellipse, z2 - z3, z3) -- get_subpoint (ellipse, z2 - z3, z2) -- get_subpoint (ellipse, up, z2) -- cycle; % draw z1 % -- z2 % -- pat % -- z6; set_char_box (0.00 staff_space# + 1.0 stemthick#, 0.50 staff_space# + 1.0 stemthick#, 0.30 staff_space# + 0.5 stemthick#, 1.80 staff_space# + 0.5 stemthick#); labels (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6); fet_endchar; fet_endgroup ("accidentals");