% -*- Fundamental -*- (emacs-20 mf mode mucks % feta-pendaal.mf -- piano pedal markings % % part of LilyPond's pretty-but-neat music font % % source file of the Feta (not the Font-En-Tja) music font % % (c) 2000--2009 Jan Nieuwenhuizen <janneke@gnu.org> % % Voor Cup % Kerning % % Pe = -0.034 pedalh == -0.07 staff-space % ed = -0.27 pedalh == -0.53 staff-space fet_begingroup ("pedal"); pedalpha = 40; pedbeta = 25; penh# = 0.7 linethickness#; penw# = 2 penh# + 0.14 staff_space#; define_pixels (penh, penw); pedalh# = 2 staff_space#; pedalbh# = 4/7 pedalh#; define_pixels (pedalh, pedalbh); fet_beginchar ("Pedal asterisk", "*"); save bulb, p, radius, thin, inner_r; path pat; set_char_box (0, 7/9 pedalh#, 0, pedalh#); z0 = (1/2 w, h - 1/2 w); thin = 0.8 linethickness; bulb + 2 radius = w; 0.9 thin + bulb = (radius * pi * 2) / 8; pickup pencircle scaled penh; penpos1 (bulb, 180); penpos2 (bulb, 0); penpos3 (thin, 0); z1 = z0 + (0, radius); z2 = z1; inner_r = .45 radius; z4l = z0 + inner_r * dir (90 + 360/16); z4r = z0 + inner_r * dir (90 - 360/16); z4 = .5 [z4l, z4r]; z3 = .75 [z1, z4]; penlabels (0, 1, 2, 3, 4); pat := z3r{up} .. z1l{up} .. z2l{down} .. z3l{down} .. z4l{dir (180 + 360/16)}; for i = 1 upto 7: pat := pat .. ((z3r{up} .. z1l{up} .. z2l{down} .. z3l{down} .. z4l{dir (180 + 360/16)}) rotatedaround (z0, 360/8 i)); endfor; pat := pat .. cycle; fill pat; pickup pencircle scaled (7/8 inner_r); undrawdot z0; fet_endchar; %% ugh. rounded corners! fet_beginchar ("Pedal dash", "M"); save dash_thickness; dash_thickness# := penw#; define_whole_vertical_blacker_pixels (dash_thickness); set_char_box (0, 3 penw#, 0, pedalbh#); penpos1 (dash_thickness, 60); penpos2 (dash_thickness, 60); z1l = (0, vround (2/3 h - 1/2 penw)); z2r = (w, vround (y1l + 1.2 penw)); penlabels (1, 2, 3); penstroke z1e{dir 40} ..tension 1.2.. z2e{dir 40}; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Pedal dot", "."); set_char_box (0, penw#, 0, penw#); pickup pencircle scaled penw; drawdot (hround (1/2 penw), vround (1/2 penw)); fet_endchar; def draw_pedal_P (expr show_labels) = begingroup; clearxy; penpos1 (hround penh, 0); penpos2 (penw, 55); penpos3 (penw, pedalpha); penpos4 (1.2 penh, -pedalpha); penpos5 (penh, -pedalpha); penpos6 (penh, 180 - pedalpha); penpos7 (penh, 180 - pedalpha); penpos8 (penh, 90); penpos9 (4/3 penw, 50); penpos10 (1.4 penw, 50); penpos11 (penh, 90 + pedalpha); z1r = (hround 0.6 w, h); x2l = hround (x1l - penw) + xpart feta_offset; y2 = vround (0.7 h) + ypart feta_offset; x3r = hround (x2l + 2 penw); y3r = 0.4 h; z4l = z5r + 1/4 (z3r - z5r); x5 = 1/4 w; y5r = 0; z6 = z5; z7l = z6r + 1/3 (z8r - z6r); z8r = z5r + 3/5 (z3r - z5r); x9l = x10l - penh; y9l = 1/4 penh; x10l = w - tand (90 - pedalpha) * y11l; y10l = 1/4 penh; x11l = w; y11 = 1/5 h; % don't stick out at the top z1' = round (0.9 [z2, z1]) + (xpart feta_offset, 0); penpos1' (penh, 0); % shift start point of pen stroke to avoid overlapping contours z8'l = z8l; y8'r = y8r; z8'r = z8l + whatever * (z3r - z8l); penpos12 (hround penh, 0); penpos13 (penw, -90 - pedbeta); penpos14 (vround penh, 90); penpos15 (penw, -90 + pedbeta); penpos16 (penh, 180 + pedbeta); z12r = (hround (5/9 x1 + 1/2 hround penh), y2); z13l = (1/2 x12r, y15r); z14r = z1r; z15l = (1/2 [x16, w], y2l + 0.5 penw); x16 = 1/4 [x1, w]; y16r = y2r; % We now do a correction to `center' the stem horizontally. While % this is not the most elegant solution, it is definitely the % easiest... save horz_corr; horz_corr = 1/5 [x12, x16] - x2l; x2 := x2 + horz_corr; x2l := x2l + horz_corr; x2r := x2r + horz_corr; penstroke z1'e ..tension 2.5.. z2e ..tension 1.5.. z3e ..tension 2.5.. {dir (225)}z4e; soft_end_penstroke z8'e{right} ..tension 1.5.. z9e{dir (-pedalpha)} .. z10e ..tension 2.5.. z11e; fill z4r{dir (225)} ..tension 1.5.. z5r{left} .. z6r ..tension 1.5.. z7r ..tension 1.5.. z8r{right} -- cycle; soft_penstroke z12e{down} ..tension 1.1.. z13e{dir (180 - pedbeta)} ..tension 1.1.. z14e{right} ..tension 1.1.. z15e{dir (180 + pedbeta)} ..tension 1.1.. z16e{dir (90 + pedbeta)}; if show_labels = 1: penlabels (range 1 thru 16); penlabels (1', 8'); fi; endgroup; enddef; def draw_pedal_d (expr show_labels) = begingroup; clearxy; penpos1 (vround penh, -10 - 90); penpos2 (hround penw, 190); penpos3 (vround (2 penh), 90); penpos4 (hround (3/4 penw), 0); penpos5 (penh, -70); x1r = 0; y1l = h; z2 = (w - 1/2 hround penw, 1/2 pedalbh + penh); z4l = (hround (1/3 w), 1/2 pedalbh); z5l = (2/3 w, pedalbh); z3l = (hround x5l, 0); if show_labels = 1: penlabels (1, 2, 3, 4, 5); fi; soft_start_penstroke z1e{dir (-10)} ..tension 1.1.. z2e{dir (-90 + 10)} ..tension 1.1.. z3e{left} ..tension 1.1.. z4e{up} ..tension 1.1.. z5e{dir (-70 + 90)}; endgroup; enddef; def draw_pedal_e (expr show_labels) = begingroup; clearxy; penpos1 (penh, pedalpha - 90); penpos2 (penh, pedalpha - 90); penpos3 (3/5 penw, pedalpha); penpos4 (1.2 penh, 90 + pedalpha); penpos5 (2/3 penw, 180); penpos6 (penw, 180 + pedalpha); penpos7 (2/3 penw, -90 - 20); penpos8 (penh, pedalpha - 90); z1l = (0, 1/5 pedalh); % this helps to make the path go through z2 at low resolutions z2 = round (z1 + dir pedalpha * penw) + feta_offset; z3 = (3/5 w, 8/9 h); z4 = (2/9 w, y3); x4r := hround x4r; x5r = 0; y5 = y2; x6 = 3/8 w; y6r = 1/2 penh; z7l = (x6l + penh, y6l); x8r = w; y8 = 1/5 pedalh; soft_penstroke z1e -- z2e{z2 - z1} ..tension 1.1.. z3e ..tension 1.05.. z4e ..tension 1.1.. z5e ..tension 1.5.. z6e{dir - pedalpha} ..tension 1.1.. z7e ..tension 2.5.. z8e; if show_labels = 1: penlabels (range 1 thru 8); fi; endgroup; enddef; fet_beginchar ("Pedal P", "P"); set_char_box (0, 5/6 pedalh#, 0, pedalh#); draw_pedal_P (1); fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Pedal d", "d"); set_char_box (0, 2/3 pedalh#, 0, 7/8 pedalh#); draw_pedal_d (1); fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Pedal e", "e"); set_char_box (0, 2/5 pedalh#, 0, pedalbh#); draw_pedal_e (1); fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Pedal Ped", "Ped"); P_width# = 5/6 pedalh#; e_width# = 2/5 pedalh#; d_width# = 2/3 pedalh#; define_pixels (P_width, e_width, d_width); e_height = pedalbh; d_height = 7/8 pedalh; % Pe = -0.034 pedalh == -0.07 staff-space % ed = -0.27 pedalh == -0.53 staff-space Pe_kern# = -0.034 pedalh#; ed_kern# = -0.27 pedalh#; define_pixels (Pe_kern, ed_kern); w := hround d_width; h := vround d_height; draw_pedal_d (0); currentpicture := currentpicture shifted (hround (e_width + ed_kern), 0); w := hround e_width; h := vround e_height; draw_pedal_e (0); currentpicture := currentpicture shifted (hround (P_width + Pe_kern), 0); w := hround P_width; h := vround pedalh; draw_pedal_P (0); set_char_box (0, P_width# + Pe_kern# + e_width# + ed_kern# + d_width#, 0, pedalh#); fet_endchar; fet_endgroup ("pedal");