% feta-eindelijk.mf -- implement rest symbols -*-Fundamental-*-
% part of LilyPond's pretty-but-neat music font
% source file of the Feta (not the Font-En-Tja) music font
% (c) 1997--2009 Jan Nieuwenhuizen <janneke@gnu.org>

fet_begingroup ("rests");

save block_rest_y, block_rest_x;
save breve_rest_y, breve_rest_x;

breve_rest_y# = staff_space#;
breve_rest_x# = 3/5 staff_space#;
block_rest_y# = 5/8 staff_space#;
block_rest_x# = 3/2 staff_space#;

define_whole_pixels (block_rest_y, block_rest_x);
define_whole_pixels (breve_rest_y, breve_rest_x);

def block_rest =
	draw_block ((0, 0), (block_rest_x, block_rest_y));

fet_beginchar ("whole rest", "0");
	set_char_box (0, block_rest_x#,
		      block_rest_y#, 0);

	currentpicture := currentpicture
			    shifted (0, -block_rest_y + feta_space_shift);

	draw_staff (-2, 2, 0);

fet_beginchar ("half rest", "1");
	set_char_box (0, block_rest_x#, 0, block_rest_y#);


	draw_staff (-2, 2, 0);

% should use ledgerline thickness?
fet_beginchar ("whole rest (outside staff)", "0o");
	set_char_box (0, block_rest_x#,
		      block_rest_y#, ledgerlinethickness# / 2);

	currentpicture := currentpicture shifted (0, -block_rest_y);

	pickup pencircle scaled ledgerlinethickness;

	y5 = y6 = 0;
	lft x5 = -b - block_rest_y;
	rt x6 = w + block_rest_y;
	draw_gridline (z5, z6, ledgerlinethickness_rounded);

	draw_staff (-2, 2, -3);

fet_beginchar ("half rest (outside staff)", "1o");
	set_char_box (0, block_rest_x#,
		      ledgerlinethickness# / 2, block_rest_y#);


	pickup pencircle scaled ledgerlinethickness;

	y5 = y6 = 0;
	lft x5 = -b - block_rest_y;
	rt x6 = w + block_rest_y;

	draw_gridline (z5, z6, ledgerlinethickness_rounded);

	draw_staff (-2, 2, 3);

fet_beginchar ("maxima rest", "M3");
	set_char_box (0, 3 breve_rest_x#, breve_rest_y#, breve_rest_y#);

	draw_block ((0, -breve_rest_y + feta_shift),
		    (breve_rest_x, breve_rest_y));

	addto currentpicture also currentpicture shifted (2 breve_rest_x, 0);

	draw_staff (-2, 2, 0);

fet_beginchar ("longa rest", "M2");
	set_char_box (0, breve_rest_x#, breve_rest_y#, breve_rest_y#);

	draw_block ((0, -breve_rest_y + feta_shift),
		    (breve_rest_x, breve_rest_y));

	draw_staff (-2, 2, 0);

fet_beginchar ("breve rest", "M1");
	set_char_box (0, breve_rest_x#, 0, breve_rest_y#);

	draw_block ((0, 0), (breve_rest_x, breve_rest_y));

	draw_staff (-2, 2, 0);

fet_beginchar ("Quarter rest", "2");
	save alpha, yshift, height;
	save xcenter;

	yshift# := -1.25 staff_space#;
	height# := 2.8125 staff_space#;
	define_pixels (yshift, height);

	alpha := -50;
	thick := 1/4 staff_space;
	rthin := 1.25 linethickness;
	xcenter := -0.1 staff_space;
	rthick := 2 thick + rthin;

	set_char_box (0, 0.95 staff_space#, -yshift#, yshift# + height#);

	save ne, nw, se, sw;
	pair ne, nw, se, sw;

	se = dir alpha;
	ne = dir (alpha + 90);
	nw = dir (alpha + 180);
	sw = dir (alpha + 270);

	penpos1 (rthin, alpha + 90);
	penpos2 (5/4 rthick, alpha);
	penpos4 (5/4 rthick, alpha);
	penpos5 (rthin, alpha + 90);
	penpos3 (3/4 rthick, alpha);
%	penpos6 (5/8 rthick, alpha);
	penpos6 (2/3 rthick, alpha);
	penpos7 (1/2 rthin, alpha + 90);

	z10 = z2l + 1/2 rthin * sw;
%	z11 = z4l + 1/2 rthin * sw;
	z11 = z4l + 1/2 rthin * sw + 1/2 rthin * se;
	z12 = z4r + 1/2 rthin * ne;
%	z13 = z2r + 1/2 rthin * ne;
	z13 = z2r + 1/2 rthin * ne + 1/2 rthin * nw;

	y1r = h;
	x1l = xcenter + 1/3 staff_space;
	z2r = z1 + staff_space * se;
	z3 = 1/2 [z2, z4];
	x4 = xcenter + 3/8 staff_space;
	y4 = 0;
	y4l := vround y4l;
	z5 = round (z4l + 1.3 staff_space * se) + feta_offset;
	x6l = x4l;
	y6l = vround y4r;
	x6r := hround x6r + xpart feta_offset;
	y6r := vround y6r + ypart feta_offset;
	x7 = hround (xcenter + 2/5 staff_space) + xpart feta_offset;
	y7 = -d;

	save before, after;
	path before, after;
	before = z11{se}
		 .. {se}z5l;
	after = z5r{nw}
		..tension1.4.. z6l;
	(u, v) = before intersectiontimes after;

	fill z1l{se}
	     .. {se}z10
	     .. z3l
	     .. subpath (0, u) of before
	     .. subpath (v, infinity) of after
	     ..tension1.4.. {se}z7l
	     .. z7r{nw}
	     ..tension1.4.. z6r
	     ..tension1.4.. {se}z5l
	     .. z5r{nw}
	     .. {nw}z12
	     .. z3r
	     .. z13{nw}
	     .. {nw}z1r
	     .. cycle;

	penlabels (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7);
	penlabels (10, 11, 12, 13);

	draw_staff (-2, 2, 0);

% Notes about 8th rest:
% * 8th rest should be no wider than the black note head
% * The inside corner of the horizontal portion is usually a little blotted.
% * The top of the crook chops off the vertical brush
% * The crook widens a little
% * The bottom of the brush is slightly flat, as it has to align with
% stafflines if it is inside the staff.
% * The top of the brush usually is a little lower than the top of bulb.
% * The bulb can vary. Sometimes it is open (like in the clefs). Sometimes
% it is closed, or even a flare.

% from an email to Rune Zedeler:
% For example, the 8th rest was vaguely based on a book with trumpet
% studies by Duhem, and by Baerenreiters cello suites. I included my
% findings in a comment in the mf file.  One of the things that I tried
% to do was make the rest a little lighter and narrower than the black
% note head. I think this looks better in polyphonic music, when the
% rest is below a head from a different voice.

save bulb_diam, thin, thick;

bulb_diam# := 0.64 staff_space#;
thin# := 1.4 linethickness# - 0.02 staff_space#;
thick# := 2.2 linethickness#;

crook_thin := 0.5 linethickness + 0.08 staff_space;
lower_brush := 1.5 linethickness;

define_pixels (bulb_diam);
define_whole_blacker_pixels (thin, thick);

% PAT is a compact way to pass the brush shape to the routine.

def draw_rest_bulb (expr ycenter, ycut, pat, stretch, show_labels) =
	save x, y, pt, res;

	z1l = point 0 of pat;
	z2l = point 1 of pat;
	z2r = point 3 of pat;
	z1r = point 4 of pat;
	z1 = 0.5 [z1l, z1r];
	z2 = 0.5 [z2l, z2r];
	y10 = ycenter;
	z10 = whatever [z2, z1] + left * bulb_diam * stretch;

	% this enforces similar bulb shapes for lower resolutions
	x10 := hround x10;

	z3 = z10 + bulb_diam / 2.15 * dir (-72);
	y3 := hround y3;
	z5 = z10 + up * bulb_diam / 2 + right * linethickness / 3;
	y5 := hround y5;

	z7 = 0.5 [z4, z5] + crook_thin * (0.45, 0.4) / 1.3;
	x8 = hround (x10 - 0.4 bulb_diam);
	y8 = y10 + 0.25 linethickness;

	z6 = whatever [z1l, z2l];
	z6 = z3 + whatever * dir (12);

	z4 = z3 + whatever * (z6 - z3)
	     + 1.1 crook_thin * (unitvector (z6 - z3) rotated 90);
	x4 = x10 + bulb_diam * .62;
	y4 := vround y4;

	(pt, whatever) = pat intersectiontimes ((0, ycut) -- (w, ycut));

	path res;
	res = point pt of pat {-direction pt of pat}
	      ..tension 2.. z4{left}
	      ..tension 0.9.. z7
	      .. z5{left}
	      .. z8
	      .. z3{right}
	      .. {curl 0.2}z6;

	if show_labels = 1:
		labels (3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10);


def draw_eighth_rest (expr show_labels) =
	save ycenter;
	save pat, bulb;
	path pat, bulb;

	set_char_box (0, 1.0 staff_space#,
		      1.0 staff_space# + 0.5 linethickness#,
		      0.5 staff_space# + bulb_diam# / 2);

	penpos1 (thick, 0);
	penpos2 (thin, 10);

	y1 = -staff_space_rounded;
	y2 = h - vround lower_brush;
	x2r = w;
	z2 = z1 + whatever * dir (72);
	z9 = z2 + 0.5 linethickness * dir (angle (z2 - z1) - 10);
	y9 := vround y9;

	x1l := hround x1l;
	x1r := hround x1r;
	x1 := .5 [x1l, x1r];

	if show_labels = 1:
		penlabels (1, 2);
		labels (9);

	pat = z1l
	      -- z2l
	      .. z9
	      .. z2r
	      -- z1r
	      .. cycle;
	bulb = draw_rest_bulb (0.5 staff_space, y2r, pat, 1.0, show_labels);

	fill simple_serif (z1l, z1r, 40)
	     -- z2r
	     .. z9
	     .. bulb
	     -- z1l
	     .. cycle;

	draw_staff (-2, 2, 0);

fet_beginchar ("Classical quarter rest", "2classical");
	draw_eighth_rest (0);
	currentpicture := currentpicture xscaled -1 shifted (w, 0);

fet_beginchar ("8th rest", "3");
	draw_eighth_rest (1);

% TODO: the X dimensions of the rests are fucked up:
% they can collide with augmentation dots.

fet_beginchar ("16th rest", "4");
	save ycenter;
	save pat, bulb_a, bulb_b;
	path pat, bulb_a, bulb_b;

	set_char_box (0, 1.2 staff_space#,
		      2.0 staff_space# + 0.5 linethickness#,
		      0.5 staff_space# + bulb_diam# / 2);

	penpos1 (thick, 0);
	penpos2 (thin, 10);

	y1 = -2 staff_space_rounded;
	y2 = h - vround lower_brush;
	x2r = w;
	z2 = z1 + whatever * dir (74);
       	z9 = z2 + 0.5 linethickness * dir (angle (z2 - z1) - 10);
	y9 := vround y9;

	x1l := hround x1l;
	x1r := hround x1r;
	x1 := .5 [x1l, x1r];

	pat = z1l
	      -- z2l
	      .. z9
	      .. z2r
	      -- z1r
	      .. cycle;
	bulb_a = draw_rest_bulb (.5 staff_space,
				 y2r, pat, 0.98, 1);
	bulb_b = draw_rest_bulb (.5 staff_space - staff_space_rounded,
				 hround ((-0.5 + 0.2) * staff_space),
				 pat, 1.02, 1);

	fill simple_serif (z1l, z1r, 40)
	     -- z2r
	     .. z9
	     .. bulb_a
	     -- bulb_b
	     -- z1l
	     .. cycle;

	penlabels (1, 2);
	labels (9);

	draw_staff (-2, 2, 0);

fet_beginchar ("32th rest", "5");
	save ycenter;
	save pat, bulb_a, bulb_b, bulb_c;
	path pat, bulb_a, bulb_b, bulb_c;

	set_char_box (0, 1.3 staff_space#,
		      2.0 staff_space# + 0.5 linethickness#,
		      1.5 staff_space# + bulb_diam# / 2);

	penpos1 (thick, 0);
	penpos2 (thin, 10);

	y1 = -2 staff_space_rounded;
	y2 = h - vround lower_brush;
	x2r = w;
	z2 = z1 + whatever * dir (76);
       	z9 = z2 + 0.5 linethickness * dir (angle (z2 - z1) - 10);
	y9 := vround y9;

	x1l := hround x1l;
	x1r := hround x1r;
	x1 := .5 [x1l, x1r];

	pat = z1l
	      -- z2l
	      .. z9
	      .. z2r
	      -- z1r
	      .. cycle;
	bulb_a = draw_rest_bulb (.5 staff_space + staff_space_rounded,
				 y2r, pat, 0.96, 1);
	bulb_b = draw_rest_bulb (.5 staff_space,
				 hround ((0.5 + 0.2) * staff_space),
				 pat, 1.00, 1);
	bulb_c = draw_rest_bulb (.5 staff_space - staff_space_rounded,
				 hround ((-0.5 + 0.21) * staff_space),
				 pat, 1.04, 1);

	fill simple_serif (z1l, z1r, 40)
	     -- z2r
	     .. z9
	     .. bulb_a
	     -- bulb_b
	     -- bulb_c
	     -- z1l
	     .. cycle;

	penlabels (1, 2);
	labels (9);

	draw_staff (-2, 2, 0);

fet_beginchar ("64th rest", "6");
	save ycenter;
	save pat, bulb_a, bulb_b, bulb_c, bulb_d;
	path pat, bulb_a, bulb_b, bulb_c, bulb_d;

	set_char_box (0, 1.4 staff_space#,
		      3.0 staff_space# + 0.5 linethickness#,
		      1.5 staff_space# + bulb_diam# / 2);

	penpos1 (thick, 0);
	penpos2 (thin, 10);

	y1 = -3 staff_space_rounded;
	y2 = h - vround lower_brush;
	x2r = w;
	z2 = z1 + whatever * dir (78);
       	z9 = z2 + 0.5 linethickness * dir (angle (z2 - z1) - 10);
	y9 := vround y9;

	x1l := hround x1l;
	x1r := hround x1r;
	x1 := .5 [x1l, x1r];

	pat = z1l
	      -- z2l
	      .. z9
	      .. z2r
	      -- z1r
	      .. cycle;
	bulb_a = draw_rest_bulb (.5 staff_space + staff_space_rounded,
				 y2r, pat, 0.94, 1);
	bulb_b = draw_rest_bulb (.5 staff_space,
				 hround ((0.5 + 0.20) * staff_space),
				 pat, 0.98, 1);
	bulb_c = draw_rest_bulb (.5 staff_space - staff_space_rounded,
				 hround ((-0.5 + 0.21) * staff_space),
				 pat, 1.02, 1);
	bulb_d = draw_rest_bulb (.5 staff_space - 2 staff_space_rounded,
				 hround ((-1.5 + 0.22) * staff_space),
				 pat, 1.06, 1);

	fill simple_serif (z1l, z1r, 40)
	     -- z2r
	     .. z9
	     .. bulb_a
	     -- bulb_b
	     -- bulb_c
	     -- bulb_d
	     -- z1l
	     .. cycle;

	penlabels (1, 2);
	labels (9);

	draw_staff (-2, 2, 0);

fet_beginchar ("128th rest", "7");
	save ycenter;
	save pat, bulb_a, bulb_b, bulb_c, bulb_d, bulb_e;
	path pat, bulb_a, bulb_b, bulb_c, bulb_d, bulb_e;

	set_char_box (0, 1.5 staff_space#,
		      3.0 staff_space# + 0.5 linethickness#,
		      2.5 staff_space# + bulb_diam# / 2);

	penpos1 (thick, 0);
	penpos2 (thin, 10);

	y1 = -3 staff_space_rounded;
	y2 = h - vround lower_brush;
	x2r = w;
	z2 = z1 + whatever * dir (80);
       	z9 = z2 + 0.5 linethickness * dir (angle (z2 - z1)- 10);
	y9 := vround y9;

	x1l := hround x1l;
	x1r := hround x1r;
	x1 := .5 [x1l, x1r];

	pat = z1l
	      -- z2l
	      .. z9
	      .. z2r
	      -- z1r
	      .. cycle;
	bulb_a = draw_rest_bulb (.5 staff_space + 2 staff_space_rounded,
				 y2r, pat, 0.92, 1);
	bulb_b = draw_rest_bulb (.5 staff_space + staff_space_rounded,
				 hround ((1.5 + 0.20) * staff_space),
				 pat, 0.96, 1);
	bulb_c = draw_rest_bulb (.5 staff_space,
				 hround ((0.5 + 0.21) * staff_space),
				 pat, 1.0, 1);
	bulb_d = draw_rest_bulb (.5 staff_space - staff_space_rounded,
				 hround ((-0.5 + 0.22) * staff_space),
				 pat, 1.04, 1);
	bulb_e = draw_rest_bulb (.5 staff_space - 2 staff_space_rounded,
				 hround ((-1.5 + 0.23) * staff_space),
				 pat, 1.08, 1);

	fill simple_serif (z1l, z1r, 40)
	     -- z2r
	     .. z9
	     .. bulb_a
	     -- bulb_b
	     -- bulb_c
	     -- bulb_d
	     -- bulb_e
	     -- z1l
	     .. cycle;

	penlabels (1, 2);
	labels (9);

	draw_staff (-2, 2, 0);

fet_endgroup ("rests");