% % feta-banier.mf -- draw flags % % source file of the GNU LilyPond music typesetter % % (c) 1997--2009 Han-Wen Nienhuys <hanwen@xs4all.nl> fet_begingroup ("flags"); save outer_path; path outer_path; % % Flags pointing down overlap with the notehead (in x-direction), so % the down-flag can be bigger. % upflag_width# = .65 black_notehead_width# + stemthickness# / 2; downflag_width# = .833 black_notehead_width# + stemthickness# / 2; right_upflag_space# = .0 upflag_width#; right_downflag_space# = .0 downflag_width#; % % Flags pointing down cannot overlap with the notehead in y-direction, % so they have less slant. % % Because of optical illusion, the utmost flag (bottom for % down-pointing, top for up-pointing) should be smaller than the other % flags. Adobe Sonata doesn't do this correctly. (Instead they have % an extension flag, which looks less elegant.) % save hip_thickness, foot_thickness; hip_thickness# = 1.0 linethickness# + 0.069 staff_space#; foot_thickness# = 1.2055 linethickness# + 0.06 staff_space#; define_pixels (hip_thickness, foot_thickness); % % Inspired by Adobe Sonata and [Wanske]. % For example, see POSTSCRIPT Language -- program design, % page 119, and [Wanske], p 41, 42. % def draw_flag (expr center, flare, dims, hip_depth, foot_wid, hip_thickness, foot_thickness, show_labels) = save c; clearxy; c = 0.7; penpos1 (flare, 90); penpos2 (whatever, 0); x2r - x2l = hround (hip_thickness); penpos3 (foot_thickness, -20.0); z1r = center; z2r = center + (xpart (dims), -ypart (dims) * hip_depth); z3r = center + (xpart (dims) * foot_wid, -ypart (dims)); x2r := hround x2r; y2r := vround y2r; outer_path := z3r{curl c} .. z2r{up} .. {up}z1r; if show_labels = 1: penlabels (1, 2, 3); fi; fill z1l{curl 0} ..tension 1.1.. z2l{down} .. {curl c}simple_serif (z3l, z3r, 80) & outer_path & z1r -- cycle; enddef; % % TODO: calculate intersectpoint (see TeX book, p. 137) % TODO: calculate incision_depth % def add_flag (expr yoff, flare, hip_wid_multiplier, hip_dep_multiplier, intersectpoint, hip_thickness, foot_thickness) = begingroup save prev_center, prev_xextreme, prev_yextreme; save rel_foot, ip, center, incision_depth; save prev_hipwid, prev_footdep, prev_hipdep, wid, dep, hip_dep; save hip_dep_ratio, foot_wid_ratio; pair prev_center, center, foot, prev_xextreme, prev_yextreme; pair ip, rel_foot; incision_depth = 1.013; prev_center = point 2 of outer_path; prev_xextreme = point 1 of outer_path; prev_yextreme = point 0 of outer_path; prev_hipwid = xpart (prev_xextreme - prev_center); prev_footdep = -ypart (prev_yextreme - prev_center); prev_hipdep = -ypart (prev_xextreme - prev_center); ip = point intersectpoint of outer_path; wid = prev_hipwid * hip_wid_multiplier; hip_dep = prev_hipdep * hip_dep_multiplier; center = prev_center + (0, yoff); rel_foot = incision_depth [(wid, hip_dep), ip - center]; dep = -ypart (rel_foot); foot_wid_ratio = xpart (rel_foot) / wid; hip_dep_ratio = hip_dep / dep; draw_flag (center, flare, (wid, dep), hip_dep_ratio, foot_wid_ratio, hip_thickness, foot_thickness, 0); endgroup enddef; fet_beginchar ("8th Flag (up)", "u3"); save flare, hip_depth_ratio, hip_width, foot_depth, foot_width_ratio; flare = staff_space; hip_depth_ratio = .72; foot_width_ratio = .8; hip_width# = upflag_width# - hip_thickness# / 2; foot_depth# = 3 staff_space# - blot_diameter# / 2; define_pixels (hip_width, foot_depth); set_char_box (0, hip_width# + stemthickness# / 2 + right_upflag_space#, foot_depth# + foot_thickness# / 2, stemthickness# / 2); draw_flag ((0,0), flare, (hip_width, foot_depth), hip_depth_ratio, foot_width_ratio, hip_thickness, foot_thickness, 1); draw_square_block ((-0.5 stemthickness_rounded, -staff_space_rounded), (0, 0)); fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("16th Flag (up)", "u4"); save flare, hip_depth_ratio, hip_width, foot_depth, foot_width_ratio; save flagspace, total_depth, flag_count; total_depth# = 3.5 staff_space# - blot_diameter# / 2; flag_count = 2; flare = .85 staff_space; flagspace# = .85 staff_space#; hip_depth_ratio = .72; hip_width# = upflag_width# - hip_thickness# / 2; flagspace# + foot_depth# = total_depth#; foot_width_ratio = .8; define_pixels (hip_width, foot_depth); define_whole_vertical_pixels (flagspace); set_char_box (0, hip_width# + stemthickness# / 2 + right_upflag_space#, total_depth# + foot_thickness# / 2, stemthickness# / 2); draw_flag ((0, -flagspace), flare, (hip_width, foot_depth), hip_depth_ratio, foot_width_ratio, hip_thickness, foot_thickness, 1); add_flag (flagspace, flare, .97, 1.00, 1.25, hip_thickness, foot_thickness); draw_square_block ((-0.5 stemthickness_rounded, 0), (0, -2 staff_space_rounded)); fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("32nd Flag (up)", "u5"); save flare, hip_depth_ratio, hip_width, foot_depth, foot_width_ratio; save flagspace, total_depth, flag_count; flag_count = 3; total_depth# = 4.25 staff_space#; flare = .85 staff_space; flagspace# = .87 staff_space#; hip_depth_ratio = .72; hip_width# = upflag_width# - hip_thickness# / 2; foot_width_ratio = .8; (flag_count - 1) * flagspace# + foot_depth# = total_depth#; define_pixels (hip_width, foot_depth); define_whole_vertical_pixels (flagspace); set_char_box (0, hip_width# + right_upflag_space#, total_depth# + foot_thickness# / 2, stemthickness# / 2); draw_flag ((0, -2 flagspace), flare, (hip_width, foot_depth), hip_depth_ratio, foot_width_ratio, hip_thickness, foot_thickness, 1); add_flag (flagspace, flare, .97, 1.00, 1.25, hip_thickness, foot_thickness); add_flag (flagspace, flare, .95, 1.05, 1.25, hip_thickness, foot_thickness); draw_square_block ((-0.5 stemthickness_rounded, 0), (0, -3 staff_space_rounded)); fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("64th Flag (up)", "u6"); save flare, hip_depth_ratio, hip_width, foot_depth, foot_width_ratio; save flagspace, total_depth, flag_count; flag_count = 4; flare = .85 staff_space; flagspace# = .9 staff_space#; hip_depth_ratio = .72; hip_width# = upflag_width# - hip_thickness# / 2; total_depth# = 5.25 staff_space#; foot_width_ratio = .8; (flag_count - 1) * flagspace# + foot_depth# = total_depth#; define_pixels (hip_width, foot_depth); define_whole_vertical_pixels (flagspace); set_char_box (0, hip_width# + right_upflag_space#, total_depth# + foot_thickness# / 2, stemthickness# / 2); draw_flag ((0, -(flag_count - 1) * flagspace), flare, (hip_width, foot_depth), hip_depth_ratio, foot_width_ratio, hip_thickness, foot_thickness, 1); add_flag (flagspace, flare, .97, 1.00, 1.3, hip_thickness, foot_thickness); add_flag (flagspace, flare, 1.00, 1.00, 1.25, hip_thickness, foot_thickness); add_flag (flagspace, flare, .95, 1.05, 1.25, hip_thickness, foot_thickness); draw_square_block ((-0.5 stemthickness_rounded, 0), (0, -4 staff_space_rounded)); fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("128th Flag (up)", "u7"); save flare, hip_depth_ratio, hip_width, foot_depth, foot_width_ratio; save flagspace, total_depth, flag_count; flag_count = 5; flare = .85 staff_space; flagspace# = .93 staff_space#; hip_depth_ratio = .72; hip_width# = upflag_width# - hip_thickness# / 2; total_depth# = 6.25 staff_space#; foot_width_ratio = .8; (flag_count - 1) * flagspace# + foot_depth# = total_depth#; define_pixels (hip_width, foot_depth); define_whole_vertical_pixels (flagspace); set_char_box (0, hip_width# + right_upflag_space#, total_depth# + foot_thickness# / 2, stemthickness# / 2); draw_flag ((0, -(flag_count - 1) * flagspace), flare, (hip_width, foot_depth), hip_depth_ratio, foot_width_ratio, hip_thickness, foot_thickness, 1); add_flag (flagspace, flare, .97, 1.00, 1.3, hip_thickness, foot_thickness); add_flag (flagspace, flare, 1.00, 1.00, 1.25, hip_thickness, foot_thickness); add_flag (flagspace, flare, 1.00, 1.00, 1.25, hip_thickness, foot_thickness); add_flag (flagspace, flare, 0.95, 1.05, 1.25, hip_thickness, foot_thickness); draw_square_block ((-0.5 stemthickness_rounded, 0), (0, -5 staff_space_rounded)); fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("8th (down)", "d3"); save flare, hip_depth_ratio, hip_width, foot_depth, foot_width_ratio; save flagspace, total_depth, flag_count; flag_count = 1; flare = staff_space; flagspace# = .9 staff_space#; hip_depth_ratio = .72; hip_width# = downflag_width# - hip_thickness# / 2; total_depth# = 2.85 staff_space#; foot_width_ratio = .8; (flag_count - 1) * flagspace# + foot_depth# = total_depth#; define_pixels (hip_width, flagspace, foot_depth); set_char_box (0, hip_width# + right_downflag_space#, total_depth# + foot_thickness# / 2, stemthickness# / 2) draw_flag ((0, -(flag_count - 1) * flagspace), flare, (hip_width, foot_depth), hip_depth_ratio, foot_width_ratio, hip_thickness, foot_thickness, 0); draw_square_block ((-0.5 stemthickness_rounded, 0), (0, -staff_space_rounded)); y_mirror_char; fet_endchar; %%%%%%%% % % Single Stroke for Short Appogiatura % fet_beginchar ("grace dash (up)", "ugrace"); save flare, hip_depth_ratio, hip_width, foot_depth; hip_depth_ratio = .72; flare# = staff_space#; hip_width# = upflag_width# - hip_thickness# / 2; foot_depth# = 3 staff_space#; define_pixels (hip_width, foot_depth); set_char_box (hip_width# * hip_depth_ratio, hip_width# + right_upflag_space#, foot_depth# * hip_depth_ratio, -flare#) pickup pencircle scaled 1.5 stemthickness; z1 = (-b, -d); z2 = (w, h); penpos1 (1.5 stemthickness, angle (z2 - z1) - 90); penpos2 (1.5 stemthickness, angle (z2 - z1) - 90); fill z1l -- z2l .. top z2 .. rt z2 .. z2r -- z1r .. bot z1 .. lft z1 .. cycle; penlabels (1, 2); fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("grace dash (down)", "dgrace"); save flare, hip_depth_ratio, hip_width, foot_depth; save total_depth; hip_depth_ratio = .72 ; flare# = .99 staff_space#; hip_width# = downflag_width# - hip_thickness# / 2; total_depth# = 2.85 staff_space#; foot_depth# = total_depth#; foot_width_ratio = .8; define_pixels (hip_width, foot_depth); set_char_box (hip_width# * hip_depth_ratio, hip_width# + right_downflag_space#, foot_depth# * hip_depth_ratio, -flare#) pickup pencircle scaled 1.5 stemthickness; z1 = (-b, -d); z2 = (w, h); penpos1 (1.5 stemthickness, angle (z2 - z1) - 90); penpos2 (1.5 stemthickness, angle (z2 - z1) - 90); fill z1l -- z2l .. top z2 .. rt z2 .. z2r -- z1r .. bot z1 .. lft z1 .. cycle; y_mirror_char; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("16th (down)", "d4"); save flare, hip_depth_ratio, hip_width, foot_depth, foot_width_ratio; save flagspace, total_depth, flag_count; flag_count = 2; flare = .8 staff_space; flagspace# = .9 staff_space#; hip_depth_ratio = .85; hip_width# = downflag_width# - hip_thickness# / 2; total_depth# = 3.0 staff_space# - blot_diameter# / 2; foot_width_ratio = .95; (flag_count - 1) * flagspace# + foot_depth# = total_depth#; set_char_box (0, hip_width# + right_downflag_space#, total_depth# + foot_thickness# / 2, stemthickness# / 2); define_pixels (hip_width, foot_depth); define_whole_vertical_pixels (flagspace); draw_flag ((0, -(flag_count - 1) * flagspace), flare, (hip_width, foot_depth), hip_depth_ratio, foot_width_ratio, hip_thickness, foot_thickness, 0); add_flag (flagspace, flare, .95, 1.00, 1.25, hip_thickness, foot_thickness); draw_square_block ((-0.5 stemthickness_rounded, 0), (0, -2 staff_space_rounded)); y_mirror_char; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("32nd (down)", "d5"); save flare, hip_depth_ratio, hip_width, foot_depth, foot_width_ratio; save flagspace, total_depth, flag_count; flag_count = 3; flare = .84 staff_space; flagspace# = .9 staff_space#; hip_depth_ratio = .85; hip_width# = downflag_width# - hip_thickness# / 2; total_depth# = 3.85 staff_space#; foot_width_ratio = .95; (flag_count - 1) * flagspace# + foot_depth# = total_depth#; define_pixels (hip_width, foot_depth); define_whole_vertical_pixels (flagspace); set_char_box (0, hip_width# + right_downflag_space#, total_depth# + foot_thickness# / 2, stemthickness# / 2); draw_flag ((0, -(flag_count - 1) * flagspace), flare, (hip_width, foot_depth), hip_depth_ratio, foot_width_ratio, hip_thickness, foot_thickness, 0); add_flag (flagspace, flare, .97, 1.00, 1.25, hip_thickness, foot_thickness); add_flag (flagspace, flare, .95, 1.05, 1.25, hip_thickness, foot_thickness); draw_square_block ((-0.5 stemthickness_rounded, 0), (0, -3 staff_space_rounded)); y_mirror_char; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("64th (down)", "d6"); save flare, hip_depth_ratio, hip_width, foot_depth, foot_width_ratio; save flagspace, total_depth, flag_count; flag_count = 4; flare = .8 staff_space; flagspace# = .9 staff_space#; hip_depth_ratio = .85; hip_width# = downflag_width# - hip_thickness# / 2; total_depth# = 4.35 staff_space#; foot_width_ratio = .98; (flag_count - 1) * flagspace# + foot_depth# = total_depth#; define_pixels (hip_width, foot_depth); define_whole_vertical_pixels (flagspace); set_char_box (0, hip_width# + right_downflag_space#, total_depth# + foot_thickness# / 2, stemthickness# / 2); draw_flag ((0, -(flag_count - 1) * flagspace), flare, (hip_width, foot_depth), hip_depth_ratio, foot_width_ratio, hip_thickness, foot_thickness, 0); add_flag (flagspace, flare, .97, 1.20, 1.175, hip_thickness, foot_thickness); add_flag (flagspace, flare, .97, 1.10, 1.175, hip_thickness, foot_thickness); add_flag (.98 flagspace, flare, .91, 1.05, 1.2, hip_thickness, foot_thickness); draw_square_block ((-0.5 stemthickness_rounded, 0), (0, -4 staff_space_rounded)); y_mirror_char; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("128th (down)", "d7"); save flare, hip_depth_ratio, hip_width, foot_depth, foot_width_ratio; save flagspace, total_depth, flag_count; flag_count = 5; flare = .8 staff_space; flagspace# = .9 staff_space#; hip_depth_ratio = .85; hip_width# = downflag_width# - hip_thickness# / 2; total_depth# = 5.25 staff_space#; foot_width_ratio = .98; (flag_count - 1) * flagspace# + foot_depth# = total_depth#; define_pixels (hip_width, foot_depth); define_whole_vertical_pixels (flagspace); set_char_box (0, hip_width# + right_downflag_space#, total_depth# + foot_thickness# / 2, stemthickness# / 2); draw_flag ((0, -(flag_count - 1) * flagspace), flare, (hip_width, foot_depth), hip_depth_ratio, foot_width_ratio, hip_thickness, foot_thickness, 0); add_flag (flagspace, flare, .97, 1.20, 1.175, hip_thickness, foot_thickness); add_flag (flagspace, flare, .97, 1.10, 1.175, hip_thickness, foot_thickness); add_flag (.98 flagspace, flare, .91, 1.05, 1.2, hip_thickness, foot_thickness); add_flag (.98 flagspace, flare, .91, 1.05, 1.2, hip_thickness, foot_thickness); draw_square_block ((-0.5 stemthickness_rounded, 0), (0, -5 staff_space_rounded)); y_mirror_char; fet_endchar; fet_endgroup ("flags");