@default Add Midi Track Ajouter une Piste Midi Add Drum Track Ajouter une Piste de Batterie Add Wave Track Ajouter une Piste Audio Add Audio Output Add Audio Group Add Audio Input Add Aux Send Add Synth Select project directory Route dest name="%1"/ Warning: No output devices! Open midi config... Empty ports <none> channelMask="%1" Bad timing Timing source frequency is %1hz, which is below the recommended minimum: 500hz! This could lead to audible timing problems for MIDI. Please see the FAQ on http://muse-sequencer.org for remedies. Also please check console output for any further error messages. AboutBox AboutBox Version 2 (C) Copyright 1999-2012 Werner Schweer and others. See http://www.muse-sequencer.org for new versions and more information. Published under the GNU Public License &Keep On Rocking! Alt+K AppearanceDialogBase Apply Appliquer Ok Ok Cancel Annuler Arranger Arrangeur Parts Pièces show names montrer les noms show events montrer les évènements show Cakewalk Style montrer dans le style Cakewalk y-stretch Events Evènements note on note on poly pressure pression poly controller contrôleurs aftertouch pression (aftertouch) pitch bend molette de hauteur (pitch) program change sélection de programme (prog. change) special spécial Background picture image de fond show snap grid voir la grille de positionnement Colors couleurs Items Objets Style/Fonts Styles/Polices QT Theme Thème Windows Windows MusE MusE Metal Metal Norwegian Wood Norwegian Wood Platinum Platinum CDE CDE Motif Motif Motif Plus Motif Plus May require restarting MusE for best results Fonts Polices Family Famille Size Taille Font 1 Police 1 Font 2 Police 2 Font 3 Police 3 Font 0 Police 0 Bold Gras Italic Italique ... ... Font 4 Police 4 Font 5 Couleurs clear MusE: Appearance settings add ajouter remove enlever Palette add to palette B S S H V G R R Color name: Global opacity Style Sheet: Font 6 Couleurs {6?} ArrangerColumnsBase Configure arranger columns Columns: Name: Nom: Controller type: Midi controller type Control7 Control7 Control14 Control8 RPN RPN NRPN NRPN RPN14 NRPN14 Pitch Hauteur Program H-Ctrl H-Ctrl Midi controller number high byte L-Ctrl L-Ctrl Midi controller number low byte * wild card affect CCs at begin of song current position &Add &Delete Done Awl::MidiVolEntry off off db Awl::VolEntry off off ClipListEditorBase MusE: ClipList MusE: Liste de Clips Name Nom Refs Réfs Samplerate Len Long Data Donnée Clip Properties Propriétés du Clip Pos: Pos: Len: Long: CommentBase Form1 Forme1 Track Comment Commentaire pour la Piste Track 1 Piste 1 ConfigMidiFileBase MusE: Config Midi File Import/Export Import: Split tracks into &parts Alt+P Split tracks into parts, or one single part Export: 96 96 192 192 384 384 Enable extended smf format (currently not implemented) Use &2-byte time signatures instead of standard 4 Alt+2 Copyright: Format: Note: Format 0 uses the FIRST midi track's name/comment in the arranger Division: Save space by replacing note-offs with &zero velocity note-ons Alt+Z 0 (single track) 1 (multiple tracks) &OK &Cancel &Annuler CrescendoBase MusE: Crescendo/Decrescendo Range Looped Events Evènements bouclés Selected Looped Values Valeurs Start velocity % End velocity Absolute Relative OK OK Cancel Annuler DeicsOnzeGui Save configuration Critical Error Cannot open file %1 Parsing error for file %1 Load category dialog Load set dialog Save set dialog New category Delete category Load category Save category Load set Save set Delete set New subcategory Delete subcategory Load subcategory Save subcategory New preset Delete preset Load preset Save preset No more category supported You can not add more categories Do you really want to delete %1 ? &Yes &No No category selected You must first select a category. Replace or add %1 is supposed to be affected to the hbank number %2, but there is already one on this slot. Do you want to replace it or to add it in the next free slot ? &Replace &Add Download error There is no more free category slot. Save category dialog No more subcategory supported You can not add more subcategories No subcategory selected You must first select a subcategory. Load subcategory dialog %1 is supposed to be affected to the lbank number %2, but there is already one on this slot. Do you want to replace it or to add it in the next free slot ? There is no more free subcategory slot. Save subcategory dialog No more preset supported You can not add more presets No preset selected You must first select a preset. Load preset dialog %1 is supposed to be affected to the prog number %2, but there is already one on this slot. Do you want to replace it or to add it in the next free slot ? There is no more free preset slot. Save preset dialog Browse set dialog Browse image dialog DeicsOnzeGuiBase DeicsOnze &Preset Program numerous INITVOICE LBank Subcategory Bank numerous NONE HBank Category Prog Preset DeicsOnze v0.5.5 Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Nil Geisweiller. Published under GPL licence. &Global Pitch Envelope PL3 PL2 PL1 PR1 PR2 PR3 Pitch modulation depth LFO LFO LFO Sync Pitch modulation sensitivity Pitch Modulation Sensitivity LFO Delay LFO delay LFO speed Amplitude modulation depth Amplitude modulation sensitivity Amplitude Modulation Sensitivity AMS LFO Waveform Pitch Modulation Depth PMD LFO Speed AMD Speed Vitesse Delay Délai PMS Modulation Matrix <b>Algorithm 1</b> : <i>Op 1</i> modulated by <i>Op 2</i> modulated by <i>Op 3</i> modulated by <i>Op 4</i><br> <b>Algorithm 2</b> : <i>Op 1</i> modulated by <i>Op 2</i> modulated by both <i>Op 3</i> and <i>Op 4</i><br> <b>Algorithm 3</b> : <i>Op 1</i> modulated by both <i>Op 4</i> and <i>Op 2</i> modulated by <i>Op 3</i><br> <b>Algorithm 4</b> : <i>Op 1</i> modulated by both <i>Op 2</i> and <i>Op 3</i> modulated by <i>Op 4</i><br> <b>Algorithm 5</b> : (<i>Op 1</i> modulated by <i>Op 2</i>) add to (<i>Op 3</i> modulated by <i>Op 4</i>) <br> <b>Algorithm 6</b> : addition of the three <i>Op 1, 2, 3</i> all modulated by <i>Op 4</i><br> <b>Algorithm 7</b> : addition of the three <i>Op 1, 2, 3</i> with <i>Op 3</i> modulated by <i>Op 4</i><br> <b>Algorithm 8</b> : addition of the four <i>Op 1, 2, 3, 4</i> Op4 Feedback Feedback level of the operator 4 Transpose Transposition Op &1 Scaling 1 LS1 RS1 Rate Scaling Attack Rate of the operator 1 Level Scaling Amplitude Envelope 1 RR1 D1R1 D1L1 D2R1 Release Rate 2° Decay Rate 1° Decay Level 1° Decay Rate Attack Rate AR1 Detune, OSCWave, EGShift 1 DET1 Detune Désaccordage EG Shift 96dB 48dB 24dB 12dB Wave form Wave form 1 = <i>sin(<b>t</b>)</i><br> Wave form 2 = <i>sin(<b>t</b>)*abs(sin(<b>t</b>))</i><br> Wave form 3 = <i>if <b>t</b>&#060 pi then sin(<b>t</b>) else 0</i><br> Wave form 4 = <i>if <b>t</b>&#060 pi then sin(<b>t</b>)*abs(sin(<b>t</b>)) else 0</i><br> Wave form 5 = <i>if <b>t</b>&#060 pi then sin(2*<b>t</b>) else 0</i><br> Wave form 6 = <i>if <b>t</b>&#060 pi then sin(2*<b>t</b>)*abs(sin(2*<b>t</b>)) else 0</i><br> Wave form 7 = <i>if <b>t</b>&#060 pi then abs(sin(2*<b>t</b>)) else 0</i><br> Wave form 8 = <i>if <b>t</b>&#060 pi then sin(2*<b>t</b>)*sin(2*<b>t</b>) else 0</i> Sensitivity 1 KVS1 Amplitude Modulation Enable AME1 Keyboard Velocity Sensitivity Key Velocity Sensitivity EBS1 EG Bias Sensitivity Eg Bias Sensitivity Frequency 1 Coarse 1 Coarse Ratio Fine 1 Fine Ratio Freq 1 Fixed Frequency Toggle Fix Frequency FIX OUT 1 Output Volume Volume Volume Op &2 Amplitude Envelope 2 D1R2 D1L2 D2R2 RR2 AR2 Frequency 2 Coarse 2 Fine 2 Freq 2 Scaling 2 LS2 RS2 OUT 2 Detune, OSCWave, EGShift 2 DET2 Sensitivity 2 EBS2 KVS2 AME2 Op &3 Amplitude Envelope 3 D1R3 D1L3 D2R3 RR3 AR3 Scaling 3 LS3 RS3 OUT 3 Frequency 3 Coarse 3 Fine 3 Freq 3 Detune, OSCWave, EGShift 3 DET3 Sensitivity 3 EBS3 KVS3 AME3 Op &4 amplitude Envelope 4 AR4 D1R4 D1L4 D2R4 RR4 Frequency 4 Coarse 4 Fine 4 Freq 4 Scaling 4 LS4 RS4 OUT 4 Detune, OSCWave, EGShift 4 DET4 Sensitivity 4 EBS4 KVS4 AME4 &Func Delay Pan Depth Delay Pan LFO Freq Delay Ch Send Level Channel Chorus Delay Feedback Delay On/Off, Return Level On On Delay Beat Ratio Delay BPM Foot Control Pitch Bend Range Pitch Hauteur Amplitude Modulation Wheel Breath Control Pitch Bias Envelope Bias After Touch Pression (After Touch) Phony Mode POLY MONO Potamento Portamento Mode FINGER FULL PT Portamento Time C&horus Chorus Parameters Channel send level On/Off and Return level Select LADSPA plugin Change plugin &Reverb Reverb Parameters &Config &Configuration Font Size Quality High Middle Low Ultra low Filter Filtre Save Mode (into the song) Save only the used presets Save the entire set Save the configuration Configuration File Save... Load... Save as default Colors couleurs Text Texte Background Edit Text Edit Background Red Blue Green Set Path Image in the background : Browse... Load the set at the initialization : Set Brightness, Detune, Attack and Release of the current channel to default Res. Ctrl Cut all notes off Panic! Number of Voices Number of voices Enable Channel Canal Vol Channel Ctrl Release Relachement Attack Attaque Brightness Modulation Pan Pan DelOverlapsBase MusE: Delete Overlaps Range All Events Tous les Evènements Selected Events Evènements choisis Looped Events Evènements bouclés Selected Looped OK OK Cancel Annuler DidYouKnow Did you know? Don't show on startup Next tip Close Fermer DuplicateTracksBase Duplicate tracks Number of copies Copy all routes Default routing No routes Copy parts Copy standard controllers (vol, pan) Copy effects rack plugins Copy plugin controllers Ok Ok Cancel Annuler EditCtrlBase MusE: Edit Controller Event Time Position Available Controller: Create New Controller textLabel3 Value Valeur Controller Contrôle H-Bank H-Bank L-Bank L-Bank Program off off pushButton4 &OK &Cancel &Annuler EditGainBase MusE: Modify gain Gain Gain 200% 5 1/3' {200%?} 100% 5 1/3' {100%?} 0% 5 1/3' {0%?} &Reset Alt+R &Apply &Appliquer Alt+A &Cancel &Annuler Alt+C EditInstrumentBase MusE: Instrument Editor Instrument Name: Selected instrument name. List of defined instruments. Pa&tches List of groups and patches. Group/Patch Properties Propriétés Name: Nom: Group or patch name High Bank: Patch high bank number Patch high bank number. --- means don't care. --- dont care Low Bank: Patch low bank number Patch low bank number. --- means don't care. --- Program: Patch program number Drum patch If set, the patch is available only for drum channels. Drum Batterie GM patch If set, the patch is available in a 'GM' or 'NO' midi song type. GM GM GS patch If set, the patch is available in a 'GS' or 'NO' midi song type. GS GS XG patch If set, the patch is available in an 'XG' or 'NO' midi song type. XG XG Delete group or patch &Delete Alt+D New patch New &Patch Alt+P New group New &Group Alt+G Contro&ller Common: This is a list of commonly used midi controllers. Note that in MusE pitch and program changes are handled like normal controllers. List of defined controllers List of defined controllers. Name Nom Type Type H-Ctrl H-Ctrl L-Ctrl L-Ctrl Min Max Def Midi controller name Type: Type: Midi controller type Control7 Control7 Control14 Control8 RPN RPN NRPN NRPN RPN14 NRPN14 Pitch Hauteur Program Midi controller number high byte Midi controller number low byte (* means drum controller) Midi controller number low byte. If low byte is * then the controller is a 'drum controller'. For drum tracks and GS/XG type songs and instruments. Allows controllers for each instrument in Muse's drum map. The low byte will be replaced by the 'ANote' in the drum map. Examples: The GS and XG instruments' Drum controllers. * wild card Range: Min Minimum value. If negative, auto-translate. Minimum value. If the minimum value is negative, the range will automatically be translated to a positive range. Useful for controllers which should be displayed with zero bias. For example, 'Pan': Minimum: -64 Maximum: 63 True range: Min: 0 Max: 127 (bias = 64) 'CoarseTuning': Min: -24 Max: 23 True range: Min: 40 Max: 87 (bias = 64) Bias is determined from controller type: 7-bit Controller7 / RPN: Bias = 64 14-bit Controller14 / RPN14: Bias = 8192 Type 'Pitch' is the exception. It is biased at zero, even with a negative minimum: 'Pitch': Min: -8192 Max: 8191 True range: Min: -8192 Max: 8191 (bias 0) Max Maximum value Default: L-Bank L-Bank off off Progr. Progr. ??? ??? H-Bank H-Bank Default value. Off: No default. Default (initial) value. Off means no default. If a default value is chosen, the value will be sent to the controller when the controller is added to the song (in piano roll or event editor). When the song is re-loaded, the value is sent again. Otherwise the controller remains at its last value. Controllers are also automatically added to a song upon reception of a midi controller event. Caution! Watch out for controllers such as 'Sustain' and 'ResetAllController' with default values. You should probably turn 'off' their default (in piano roll or drum edit, and instrument editor). off dont care off Add common controller &Add Alt+A Delete controller Create a new controller New &Controller Alt+C Null Param Hi: Null parameter number High byte If set, these 'null' parameter numbers will be sent after each RPN/NRPN event. This prevents subsequent 'data' events from corrupting the RPN/NRPN controller. Typically, set to 127/127, or an unused RPN/NRPN controller number. Lo: Null parameter number Low byte S&ysEx SysEx List: Hex Entry: New SysE&x Alt+X Tools Outils &File &Fichier &Help &Aide &New &Nouveau New Nouveau Ctrl+N &Open... &Ouvrir... Open Ouvrir Ctrl+O &Save Save Ctrl+S Save &As... Sauvegarder &sous... Save As Sauvegarder sous E&xit &Quitter Exit Quitter new item What's this? EditNoteDialogBase MusE: Enter Note Mus2: Entrer la Note OK OK Cancel Annuler Length: Longueur: Time Position: Position temporelle: Pitch: Hauteur Velocity On: Vélocité On: Velocity Off: Vélocité Off: EditSysexDialogBase MusE: Enter SysEx MusE: Entrer le Sysex TimePosition: Position temporelle Comment: Commentaire: OK OK Cancel Annuler FLUIDGui FLUID: open Soundfile FLUIDGuiBase Form1 Form1 Soundfont Set de Sons Load Charger FLUIDSynthGuiBase FLUID Synth FLUID Synth Gain Gain Room Size Dimension de la chambre Damping Atténuation Level Niveau Width Largeur Speed Vitesse Depth Profondeur Number Nombre Type Type Sine Sinusoide Triangle Triangle Reverb Réverb Chorus Chorus Load charger Delete Effacer Dump Info ID Fontname Chnl Soundfont Set de Sons Drum Chnl CHANNEL SETUP LOADED SOUNDFONTS FileDialogButtons Global Global User Utilisateur Project Projet read Midi Port Configuration write window states fdialogbuttons FluidSynthGui Choose soundfont GateTimeBase Range Entre All Events Tous les Evènements Selected Events Evènements choisis Looped Events Evènements bouclés MusE: Modify Note Length Selected Looped Values Valeurs Rate: Vitesse: Offset: Décalage: % % lenNew = (lenOld * rate) + offset OK OK Cancel Annuler GlobalSettingsDialogBase MusE: Global Settings MusE: Paramètres Audio Audio Mixer Mixeur dB dB min. Meter Value Métrage mini Midi Midi Ticks Tics 1024 1024 2048 2048 4096 4096 Displayed Resolution (Ticks/Quarternote) Résolution affichée (Tics par 1/4 de note) 48 48 96 96 192 192 384 384 768 768 1536 1536 3072 3072 6144 6144 12288 12288 RTC Resolution (Ticks/Sec) Résolution RTC (Tics par sec.) /sec /sec GUI Refresh Rate Vitesse de rafraîchissement de l'interface Use project save dialog Some popup menus stay open (else hold Ctrl) Allows some popup menus to stay open. Otherwise, hold Ctrl to keep them open. In some areas, the middle mouse button decreases values, while the right button increases. Users without a middle mouse button can select this option to make the left button behave like the middle button in such areas. Use left mouse button for decreasing values Shift + Right click sets left range marker Allow adding hidden tracks in track list menu Unhide tracks when adding hidden tracks Smart focus After editing, controls will return focus to their respective canvas GUI Style MDI-subwindowness and sharing menus Presets: traditional MusE SDI Cakewalk-like MDI Borland-/Mac-like MDI &Apply &Appliquer &Ok &Ok &Cancel &Annuler Application Views y-pos show x-pos height width Mixer A Mixer B Big Time Transport Transport set current values Cur Start Muse show splash screen show "Did you know?" dialog Start song start with last song start with song min. Slider Val Enable denormal protection Enable output limiter External Waveditor External Waveditor command Note: External editor opened from the internal editor. Dummy Audio Driver (settings require restart) Hz Period size (Frames per period): 16 16 Project directory Projects: ... ... Main Window Choose start song or template Reset to default start with template Start template or song: Read MIDI Ports configuration from file, or else automatically configure Read MIDI Ports configuration Try to use Jack Freewheel Speeds bounce operations Use Jack Freewheel mode if possible. This dramatically speeds bounce operations. VST in-place Enable VST in-place processing (restart required) Enable VST in-place processing. Turn this off if VST Ladspa effect rack plugins do not work or feedback loudly, even if they are supposed to be in-place capable. Setting requires a restart. Minimum control period Minimum audio controller process period (samples). Minimum audio controller process period (samples). Adjusts responsiveness of audio controls and controller graphs. Set a low value for fast, smooth control. If it causes performance problems, set a higher value. 1 1 2 2 4 4 8 8 32 32 64 64 128 128 256 256 512 512 Sample rate Shorter periods give better midi playback resolution. 8192 5 1/3' {8192?} 16384 5 1/3' {16384?} 32768 5 1/3' {32768?} Midi Resolution (Ticks/Quarternote) GUI Behaviour Use old-style stop shortcut: Move single armed track with selection On Launch Behavior LegatoBase MusE: Legato Range All Events Tous les Evènements Selected Events Evènements choisis Looped Events Evènements bouclés Selected Looped Settings ticks Minimum Length Allow shortening notes OK OK Cancel Annuler MITTransposeBase MusE: Midi Input Plugin: Transpose MusE: Plugin d'Entrée Midi: Transposition On On TriggerKey Note de Déclenchement Transpose: Transposition: +0 +0 MRConfigBase MusE: Midi Input Plugin: Remote Control MusE: Plugin d'Entrée Midi: Contrôle Distant Activate Activer On On Actions Actions Stop Stop Record Enregistre Goto Left Mark Aller � la Marque Gauche Play Jouer Insert rest (step rec) MdiSettingsBase Form GroupBox MDI subwin Shares menu when subwin Shares menu when free MetronomeConfigBase MusE: Metronome Config MusE: Configuration du Métronome Metronome Métronome Audio Beep Bip audio MIDI Click Clic MIDI Midi Channel Canal Midi Measure Note Note Mesure Measure Velocity Vélocité de la Mesure Beat Velocity Résolution (Beat) de la Vélocité Beat Note Note de Résolution (Beat) Midi Port Port MIDI Precount Pré-compte enable activer Bars Mesures From Mastertrack de la Piste Principale / / Signature Signature Prerecord Pré-enregistrement Preroll PreRoll &Apply &Appliquer &OK &Ok &Cancel &Annuler Choose outputs... 50 5 1/3' {50?} % Audio volume Hint: Enable metronome in Transportpanel Alt+A Alt+O Alt+C MidiAudioControlBase Midi control Port: Channel: Control type: Control7 Control7 Control14 Control8 RPN RPN NRPN NRPN RPN14 NRPN14 Pitch Hauteur Program Hi: Lo: Learn MidiFilterConfigBase MusE: Midi Input Filter MusE: Filtre Entrée Midi Record Filter Filtre d'Enregistrement Note On Note On Poly Pressure Pression Poly Controller Contrôle Program Change Changement de son (Program Change) After Touch Pression (After Touch) Pitch Bend Molette de modulation - Hauteur Sysex SysEx Thru Filter Filtre Thru Controller Filter Filtre de contrôle Channel Filter Filtre Canal 14 14 10 10 6 6 12 12 4 4 2 2 9 9 8 8 3 3 13 13 15 15 16 16 7 7 11 11 5 5 1 1 MidiInputTransformDialogBase MusE: Midi Input Transformator MusE: Transformateur d'Entrée Midi Filter Filtre All Tous Equal Egal Unequal Différent de Note Note Poly Pressure Pression Poly Control Change Contrôle de Changement Aftertouch Pression Pitch Bend Molette de modulation NRPN NRPN RPN RPN Value 2 Valeur 2 Value 1 Valeur 1 Event Type Type d'Evènements Ignore Ignore Higher Plus Haut Lower Plus Bas Inside A l'intérieur Outside Al'extérieur Channel Canal Port Port Processing Travail Keep Garder Fix Fixer Plus Plus Minus Moins Multiply Multiplier Divide Diviser Invert Inverser ScaleMap Echelle Flip Retourner Dyn Dyn Random Aléatoire Modules Modules 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 enable modul 1 Activer module 1 enable modul 2 Activer module 2 enable modul 3 Activer module 3 enable modul 4 Activer module 4 Preset Réglages enregistrés Name: Nom: Comment: Commentaires: Function Fonction &New &Nouveau create new preset Crée un nouveau réglage &Delete &Efface delete preset efface un réglage &Dismiss &Rejeter PresetList Liste de Réglages MidiSyncConfigBase MusE: Midi Sync MusE: Synchro Midi Apply Appliquer Ok Ok Cancel Annuler hour heure h h minute minute m m second second s s frame trame (frame) f f subframe trame fine (subframe) 24 24 25 25 30D 30D 30N 30N MTC MTC Type: Type: Offset: Décalage: Sync receiving and sending Send and receive Jack transport Send and receive Jack transport information, including stop, start and position. Use Jack transport Make MusE the Jack transport Timebase Master Make MusE the Jack transport Timebase Master. Allows Jack to show time as MusE Bars, Beats, and Ticks. MusE will try to become master, but other Jack clients can also take over later. You can always click here again for Master. Jack transport Timebase Master Control MusE timing by external midi clock or MTC sync When in slave mode, tempo is controlled externally. MusE can sync to midi clock, or MTC quarter frame sync. Enabled inputs in the list will be in effect (RMC, RMMC, RMTC). Slave to external sync Send start to first clock delay Allows 'slow sync' devices time to synchronize to MusE. This value is the delay from sending start to sending the first clock. ms Send sync delay Note: Sync delay and MTC sync currently not fully implemented MidiTrackInfoBase MusE: TrackInfo MusE: InfoPiste output channel canal de sortie % % output port port de sortie (Output Ch.) off off Transp. Transp. Channel Info Info canal Rec: Bank Select MSB. Ctrl-double-click on/off. Bank Select LSB. Ctrl-double-click on/off. Program. Ctrl-double-click on/off. Prog Volume. Ctrl-double-click on/off. Vol Change stereo position. Ctrl-double-click on/off. Pan Pan Delay Délai H-Bank H-Bank Compr. Compr. L-Bank L-Bank Velocity Vélocité Length Longueur all midi events are sent to this output channel Out ch input routing output routing chemin de sortie (routing) input detect Input detect indicator. Detects all note on-off, controller, aftertouch, program change, and pitchbend (but not sysex or realtime) events on the selected channels, on the selected midi ports. W Midi thru Pass input events through ('thru') to output. Select instrument patch <unknown> Add all settings to song All Tous Add bank + prog settings to song Add vol setting to song Add pan setting to song MidiTransformDialogBase MusE: Midi Transformator MusE: Transformateur Midi &New &Nouveau &Delete &Effacer &Apply &Appliquer &OK &Ok &Cancel &Annuler PresetList ListRéglages Processing Transformations Event Type Type d'évènements Keep Garder Fix Fixer Note Note Poly Pressure Pression Poly Control Change Changement de Contrôle Aftertouch Pression Pitch Bend Molette de modulation NRPN NRPN RPN RPN Plus Addition Minus Soustraction Multiply Multiplication Divide Division Value 2 Valeur 2 Invert Inverser ScaleMap Echelle Flip Retourner Dyn Dyn Random Aléatoire Value 1 Valeur 1 Length Longueur Position Position Filter Filtre All Tous Equal Egal Unequal Différent Ignore Ignore Higher Plus haut Lower Plus bas Inside A l'intérieur Outside A l'extérieur Bar Range Type de mesure Preset Réglages Name: Nom: Comment: Commentaire: Range Type process all events Transformer tous les évènements selected tracks pistes sélectionnées inside loop dans la boucle Function fonction Select Sélectionner Quantize Quantiser Delete Effacer Transform Transformer Insert Insérer Copy Copier Extract Extraire Quantize Value Valeur de Quantisation MixdownFileDialogBase MusE: Set Mixdown Wavefile MusE: Fichier wav pour mixage &OK &OK &Cancel &Annuler File Path Chemin d'accés Channel Canal Stereo Stéréo Mono Mono 5.1 5.1 wav,16 Bit wav,16 Bit wav, 24 Bit wav, 24 Bit wav, 32 Bit (float) wav, 32 Bit (flottant) Format Format MoveBase MusE: Move Notes Range All Events Tous les Evènements Selected Events Evènements choisis Looped Events Evènements bouclés Selected Looped Value Valeur Move by ticks OK OK Cancel Annuler MusECore::Song Jack shutdown! Jack has detected a performance problem which has lead to MusE being disconnected. This could happen due to a number of reasons: - a performance issue with your particular setup. - a bug in MusE (or possibly in another connected software). - a random hiccup which might never occur again. - jack was voluntary stopped by you or someone else - jack crashed If there is a persisting problem you are much welcome to discuss it on the MusE mailinglist. (there is information about joining the mailinglist on the MusE homepage which is available through the help menu) To proceed check the status of Jack and try to restart it and then . click on the Restart button. Automation: previous event next event set event add event erase event erase range clear automation Midi control Assign Clear Clear all controller events? &Ok &Ok &Cancel &Annuler MusE: Tempo list External tempo changes were recorded. Transfer them to master tempo list? MusE - external script failed MusE was unable to launch the script, error message: %1 MusEGui::Appearance Main application font, and default font for any controls not defined here. Mixer strips and effects racks. Midi track info panel. Midi control panel entry box. Transport controls. Time scale upper, and time signature. Controller graph and S/X buttons. Time scale lower, and arranger part name overlay. Tempo scale, and markers. Mixer labels. Auto-font-sizing up to chosen font size. Word-breaking but only with spaces. Maximum mixer label auto-font-sizing font size. Global opacity (opposite of transparency). Standard Custom Keep Qt system style MusE: load image MusE: charger une image Select style sheet Qt style sheets (*.qss) MusEGui::Arranger Enable Recording Activer l'Enregistrement Mute/Off Indicator Solo Indicator Indicateur de Solo Track Type Type de Piste Track Name Midi output channel number or audio channels Midi output port or synth midi port Time Lock Vérouillage d'Horloge Automation parameter selection Notation clef Enable recording. Click to toggle. Mute indicator. Click to toggle. Right-click to toggle track on/off. Mute is designed for rapid, repeated action. On/Off is not! Solo indicator. Click to toggle. Connected tracks are also 'phantom' soloed, indicated by a dark square. Track type. Right-click to change midi and drum track types. Track name. Double-click to edit. Right-click for more options. Midi/drum track: Output channel number. Audio track: Channels. Mid/right-click to change. Midi/drum track: Output port. Synth track: Assigned midi port. Left-click to change. Right-click to show GUI. Time lock Notation clef. Select this tracks notation clef. Arranger Arrangeur Cursor Curseur Off Bar Mesure Snap Aligne Len Long song length - bars Type Type NO NON GM GM GS GS XG XG midi song type type de fichier midi Pitch Hauteur midi pitch hauteur midi global midi pitch shift transposition midi globale Tempo Tempo midi tempo tempo midi N N TrackInfo InfoPiste R R M M S S C C Track Piste Port Port Ch T T Automation Clef MusEGui::ArrangerView MusE: Arranger C&ut Co&uper &Copy &Copier Copy in range &Paste Paste (show dialog) Paste c&lone Paste clone (show dialog) &Insert Empty Measure Delete Selected Tracks Duplicate Selected Tracks Shrink selected parts Expand selected parts Clean selected parts Add Track Ajouter Piste Select Sélectionner Select &All Selectionner &Tout &Deselect All &Dé-selectionner tout Invert &Selection Inverser la &Sélection &Inside Loop A l'&intérieur de la Boucle &Outside Loop A l'e&xtérieur de la Boucle All &Parts on Track Tous les &bouts de la Piste Score Partition all tracks in one staff one staff per track New score window Pianoroll Rouleau-Piano Drums Batterie List Liste Wave Forme d'Onde Mastertrack PistePrincipale Graphic Graphique Midi &Transform &Transformation MIDI Global Cut Couper tout Global Insert Insérer tout Global Split Diviser Tout Global Cut - selected tracks Global Insert - selected tracks Global Split - selected tracks &Edit &Structure &Structure Functions Fonctions &Quantize Notes Change note &length Change note &velocity Crescendo/Decrescendo Transpose Transposition Erase Events (Not Parts) Move Events (Not Parts) Set Fixed Note Length Delete Overlapping Notes Legato Window &Config Configure &custom columns New Nouveau Changed Settings Unfortunately, the changed arranger column settings cannot be applied while MusE is running. To apply the changes, please restart MusE. Sorry. (we'll try to fix that) MusEGui::AudioMixerApp &Create &Créer &View Routing Show Midi Tracks Show Drum Tracks Show Wave Tracks Show Inputs Show Outputs Show Groups Show Auxs Show Synthesizers MusEGui::AudioStrip panorama aux send level Pan Pan 1/2 channel 1/2 canal Pre Pre pre fader - post fader pre fader - post fader dB dB record mute silence record downmix enregistrer mixdown solo mode off off input routing output routing chemin de sortie (routing) Off Read Touch Write automation type MusEGui::BigTime format display bar beat tick minute minute second second frame trame (frame) subframe trame fine (subframe) MusE: Bigtime MusE: GrandChrono MusEGui::ClipListEdit MusE: Clip List Editor MusE: Editeur de la Liste de Clips Window &Config MusEGui::ComboQuant Off MusEGui::CtrlCanvas Drawing hint: Hold Ctrl to affect only existing events Use shift + pencil or line tool to draw new events MusEGui::CtrlPanel S S select controller Choisissez le contrôle X remove panel enlever le panneau manual adjust ctrl-double-click on/off off off Velocity Vélocité add new ... Instrument-defined Add ... Others Edit instrument ... Common Controls MusEGui::DrumEdit mute instrument Rendre muet l'instrument sound name Nom du son volume percent quantisation quantisation this input note triggers the sound cette note en entrée déclenche le son note length longueur de note this is the note which is played output channel (hold ctl to affect all rows) output port (hold ctl to affect all rows) shift + control key: draw velocity level 1 control key: draw velocity level 2 shift key: draw velocity level 3 draw velocity level 4 output channel (ctl: affect all rows) output port (ctl: affect all rows) &File &Fichier Load Map Charger set de batterie Save Map Enregistrer set de batterie Reset GM Map &Edit Cut Couper Copy Copier Copy events in range Paste Coller Paste (with Dialog) Delete Events &Select &Sélectionner Select All Select None Dé-sélectionner Invert Inverser Inside Loop Outside Loop Previous Part Next Part Fu&nctions Re-order list Set Fixed Length Modify Velocity Modifier la vélocité Crescendo/Decrescendo Quantize Quantiser Erase Event Move Notes Delete Overlaps &Plugins Window &Config Drum tools Load Drummap Charger Set de Batterie Store Drummap Enregistrer Set de Batterie Step Record Midi Input cursor tools Set step size for cursor edit ctrl ctrl Add Controller View M M Sound Son Vol QNT QNT E-Note E-Note Len Long A-Note A-Note Ch Port Port LV1 LV1 LV2 LV2 LV3 LV3 LV4 LV4 Muse: Load Drum Map MusE: Charger Set de Batterie MusE: Store Drum Map MusE: Enregistrer Set de Batterie Drum map Reset the drum map with GM defaults? MusEGui::EditCAfterDialog MusE: Enter Channel Aftertouch MusE: Entrez le Canal de Pression (AfterTouch) Time Position Pressure Pression MusEGui::EditEventDialog Ok Ok Cancel Annuler MusEGui::EditInstrument MusE: Create file failed MusE: Write File failed MusE: échec de l'enregistrement MusE: Save Instrument Definition Instrument Definition (*.idf) MusE: Save instrument as Enter a new unique instrument name: The user instrument '%1' already exists. This will overwrite its .idf instrument file. Are you sure? MusE: Bad instrument name Please choose a unique instrument name. (The name might be used by a hidden instrument.) MusE: Bad patch name Please choose a unique patch name MusE: Bad patchgroup name Please choose a unique patchgroup name MusE: Bad controller name Please choose a unique controller name MusE: Cannot add common controller A controller named '%1' already exists. A controller number %1 already exists. MusE MusE The current Instrument contains unsaved data Save Current Instrument? &Save &Nosave &Pas d'enregistrement &Abort &Annuler MusEGui::EditMetaDialog MusE: Enter Meta Event Time Position Meta Type Meta Type Enter Hex MusEGui::EditPAfterDialog MusE: Enter Poly Aftertouch Muse: Entrer la Pression polyphonique Time Position Pitch Hauteur Pressure Pression MusEGui::EditToolBar select Pointer Tool: with the pointer tool you can: select parts move parts copy parts Choisir l'Outil de Pointage: avec l'outil de pointage vous pouvez: choisir des pièces déplacer des pièces copier des pièces select Pencil Tool: with the pencil tool you can: create new parts modify length of parts Choisir l'Outil Crayon avec le crayon vous pouvez: créer de nouvelles pièces modifier la longueur des pièces select Delete Tool: with the delete tool you can delete parts choisir l'Outil Gomme: avec la gomme vous pouvez effacer les pièces select Cut Tool: with the cut tool you can split a part Choisir l'Outil Ciseaux avec les ciseaux vous pouver couper une pièce select Glue Tool: with the glue tool you can glue two parts Choisir l'Outil Colle: avec la colle vous pouvez coller deux pièces ensemble select Score Tool: Choisir l'Outil Partition select Quantize Tool: insert display quantize event Choisir l'Outil Quantisation: pour voir les marques de quantisation select Drawing Tool Choisir l'Outil de Dessin select Muting Tool: click on part to mute/unmute Choisir l'Outil Silence: cliquez sur une pièces pour la rendre muette ou pas. Manipulate automation Cursor tool pointer pointeur pencil crayon eraser cutter ciseaux score partition glue quantize quantisation draw dessin mute parts silence edit automation cursor Edit Tools Outils d'Edition MusEGui::EffectRack effect rack rack d'effets new nouveau change changement move up Déplacer vers le haut move down Déplacer vers le bas remove enlever bypass direct show gui montrer l'interface show native gui save preset MusE: Save Preset Replace effect Do you really want to replace the effect %1? MusEGui::GlobalSettingsConfig MusE: Choose start template or song MusEGui::Header Track Info Columns MusEGui::LMaster MusE: Mastertrack &Edit Insert Tempo Insert Signature Insert Key Edit Positon Edit Value Delete Event Window &Config Edit tools Tempo Tempo Timesig Signature Temporelle Key new tempo nouveau tempo new signature nouvelle signature new key Meter Métrage Time Temps Type Type Value Valeur Reposition of the initial tempo and signature events is not allowed MusE: List Editor Input error, conversion not OK or value out of range Reposition of tempo and signature events to start position is not allowed! MusEGui::ListEdit insert Note insére une note insert SysEx insère une commande midi SysEx insert Ctrl insére un caractère de Contrôle insert Meta insére une balise Meta insert Channel Aftertouch insére un canal de Pression (AfterTouch) insert Poly Aftertouch insère une Pression (AfterTouch) polyphonique &Edit Cut Couper Copy Copier Paste Coller Delete Events Window &Config Insert tools Tick Tic Bar Mesure Type Type Ch Val A Val A Val B Val B Val C Val C Len Long Comment Commentaire MusEGui::MPConfig Default input connections Are you sure you want to apply to all existing midi tracks now? Default output connections Setting will apply to new midi tracks. Do you want to apply to all existing midi tracks now? MusE: bad device name please choose a unique device name in out Show first aliases Show second aliases Toggle all Change all tracks now Create Jack device Port Number Numéro de port Enable gui Enable reading Enable writing Port instrument Midi device name. Click to edit (Jack) Connections from Jack Midi outputs Connections to Jack Midi inputs Auto-connect these channels to new midi tracks Auto-connect new midi tracks to these channels Auto-connect new midi tracks to this channel Device state Enable gui for device Enable reading from device Enable writing to device Name of the midi device associated with this port number. Click to edit Jack midi name. Instrument connected to port Instrument connecté au port Connections from Jack Midi output ports Connections to Jack Midi input ports Auto-connect these channels, on this port, to new midi tracks. Connect new midi tracks to these channels, on this port. Connect new midi tracks to this channel, on this port. State: result of opening the device Etat: résultat de l'ouverture du port Port Port GUI GUI I O Instrument Instrument Device Name Nom du Périphérique In routes Out routes Def in ch Def out ch State Etat <unknown> <none> MusEGui::MTScale bar scale MusEGui::MTScaleFlo bar scale MusEGui::MarkerView MusE: Marker MusE: Marqueur add marker Ajouter marqueur delete marker Effacer Marqueur &Edit Window &Config edit tools outils d'édition Bar:Beat:Tick Mesure:Résolution(Beat):Tic Hr:Mn:Sc:Fr:Sf Hr:Mn:Sc:Fr:Sf Lock Verrouillage Text Texte Marker Properties Propriétés du Marqueur MusEGui::MasterEdit MusE: Mastertrack Window &Config Enable master Enable Enable usage of master track Info Info Cursor Curseur time at cursor position Temps à la position du curseur tempo at cursor position Temps � la position du curseur Off Bar Mesure Snap Aligne CurPos PosCur tempo at current position tempo � la position en cours time signature at current position Signature temporelle à la position en cours MusEGui::MidiInputTransformDialog New Nouveau MusEGui::MidiStrip off off ctrl-double-click on/off VariationSend Var Var ReverbSend Rev Rev ChorusSend Cho Cho dB dB Pan/Balance Pan Pan record mute silence solo mode input routing output routing chemin de sortie (routing) MusEGui::MidiSyncConfig Port Number Numéro de port Name of the midi device associated with this port number Midi clock input detected Midi tick input detected Midi real time input detected MMC input detected MTC input detected Detected SMPTE format Receive id number. 127 = Global. Double click to edit. Accept midi clock input Accept midi real time input Accept MMC input Accept MTC input Receive start rewinds before playing Transmit id number. 127 = Global. Double click to edit. Send midi clock output Send midi realtime output Send MMC output Send MTC output Midi clock input detected. Current port actually used is red. Click to force a port to be used. Midi realtime input detected, including start/stop/continue, and song position. MMC input detected, including stop/play/deferred play, and locate. MTC input detected, including forward quarter-frame sync and full-frame locate. Current port actually used is red. Click to force a port to be current. Detected SMPTE format: 24fps, 25fps, 30fps drop frame, or 30fps non-drop Detects format of MTC quarter and full frame, and MMC locate. Receive id number. 127 = global receive all, even if not global. Accept midi clock input. Only one input is used for clock. Auto-acquire: If two or more port realtime inputs are enabled, the first clock detected is used, until clock is lost, then another can take over. Best if each turns off its clock at stop, so MusE can re-acquire the clock from another port. Click on detect indicator to force another. Accept midi realtime input, including start/stop/continue, and song position. Non-clock events (start,stop etc) are accepted by ALL enabled ports. This means you may have several master devices connected, and muse will accept input from them. Accept MMC input, including stop/play/deferred play, and locate. Accept MTC input, including forward quarter-frame sync and full-frame locate. See 'rc' column for more help. When start is received, rewind before playing. Note: It may be impossible to rewind fast enough to synchronize with the external device. Transmit id number. 127 = global transmit to all. Send midi clock output. If 'Slave to External Sync' is chosen, muse can re-transmit clock to any other chosen ports. Send midi realtime output, including start/stop/continue, and song position. If 'Slave to external sync' is chosen, muse can re-transmit midi realtime input messages to any other chosen ports. This means you may have several slave devices connected, and muse can re-send realtime messages to any or all of them. Port Port Device Name Nom du Périphérique c k r m m t type rid rc rr rm rt rw tid tc tr tm tt MusE MusE Settings have changed Apply sync settings? &Apply &Appliquer &No &Abort &Annuler <none> MusEGui::MidiTrackInfo <unknown> MusEGui::MidiTransformerDialog New Nouveau MusEGui::MixdownFileDialog Wave Files (*.wav);;All Files (*) Fichiers Wave (*.wav);;Tous les Fichiers (*) MusEGui::MusE Failed to start audio! Was not able to start audio, check if jack is running. Timeout waiting for audio to run. Check if jack is running. Und&o &Annuler Re&do Re&faire undo last change to song Annuler le dernier changement sur la chanson redo last undo Refaire ce qui a été annulé en dernier Loop Boucle loop between left mark and right mark Boucler entre les marqueurs gauche et droit Punchin Punch-In record starts at left mark l'enregistrement démarre au marqueur gauche Punchout Punch-Out record stops at right mark l'enregistrement s'arrète au marqueur droit Start rewind to start position revenir � la position de départ Rewind Rembobiner rewind current position revenir � la position en cours Forward Avance move current position déplacer la position en cours Stop Stop stop sequencer arréter le séquenceur Play Jouer start sequencer play démarrer la lecture du séquenceur Record Enregistre to record press record and then play pour enregistrer, presser Enregistrement (Record) puis Lecture (Play) Panic Panique! send note off to all midi channels envoyer ordre de relachement de note � tous les canaux midi &New &Nouveau Create New Song Créer une nouvelle chanson &Open &Ouvrir Click this button to open a <em>new song</em>.<br>You can also select the <b>Open command</b> from the File menu. Open &Recent Ouvrir &Récent &Save Click this button to save the song you are editing. You will be prompted for a file name. You can also select the Save command from the File menu. Save &As Enregistrer &Sous Import Midifile Importer fichier MIDI Export Midifile Exporter fichier MIDI Import Part Import Wave File Importer fichier WAV Find unused wave files &Quit &Quitter Song Info Transport Panel Panneau de Contrôle Bigtime Window Fenêtre GrandeHorloge Mixer A Mixer B Cliplist ListClip Marker View Arranger View Fullscreen &Plugins Edit Instrument Input Plugins Plugins d'Entrée Transpose Transposition Midi Input Transform Transformations Entrée MIDI Midi Input Filter Filtres pour l'Entrée MIDI Midi Remote Control Contrôle MIDI à distance Rhythm Generator Reset Instr. Ré-initialisation des Instruments Init Instr. Init. Instr. Local Off Local Off Bounce to Track Rebondir (bounce) sur la piste Bounce to File Rebondir (bounce) sur Fichier Restart Audio Mixer Automation Take Snapshot Clear Automation Data Cascade Tile In rows In columns Global Settings Paramètres Généraux Configure Shortcuts Follow Song suivre la chanson Don't Follow Song Ne pas suivre la chanson Follow Page Défilement par page Follow Continuous Défilement fin Metronome Métronome Midi Sync Synchro MIDI Midi File Import/Export Appearance Settings Apparence Midi Ports / Soft Synth &Manual &MusE Homepage &Report Bug... &About MusE Song Position Tempo Tempo Signature Signature File Buttons Undo/Redo Transport Transport &File &Fichier &View &Midi &MIDI &Audio &Audio A&utomation &Windows MusE Se&ttings &Help &Aide About &Qt Cannot read template File open error File read error Unknown File Format: %1 MusE: Song: %1 MusE: load project Muse: charger Projet MusE: load template MusE: Write File failed MusE: échec de l'enregistrement The current Project contains unsaved data Save Current Project? Le Projet en cours contient des données non encore sauvegardées. Enregistrer? S&kip &Cancel &Annuler MusE: Save As MusE: enregistrer sous Nothing to edit Rien � éditer MusE: Bounce to Track MusE: Rebondir sur la piste (bounce) No wave tracks found No audio output tracks found Select one audio output track, and one target wave track Select one target wave track Select one target wave track, and one audio output track MusE: Bounce to File Select one audio output track MusE: Bounce set left/right marker for bounce range The current Project contains unsaved data Load overwrites current Project: Save Current Project? Le Projet en cours contient des données non sauvegardées. Voulez-vous l'enregistrer avant d'en ouvrir un autre? &Abort &Annuler This will clear all automation data on all audio tracks! Proceed? This takes an automation snapshot of all controllers on all audio tracks, at the current position. Proceed? MusE: Export Midi MusE: exporter fichier MIDI no help found at: Pas d'aide trouvée ici: MusE: Open Help MusE: Ouvrir l'Aide Unable to launch help For some reason MusE has to launch the default browser on your machine. MusE: Import Midi MusE: importer fichier MIDI Add midi file to current project? &Add to Project &Replace reading midifile lecture du fichier MIDI failed: échec: Import part is only valid for midi and wave tracks! MusE: load part No track selected for import %n part(s) out of %1 could not be imported. Likely the selected track is the wrong type. %n part(s) could not be imported. Likely the selected track is the wrong type. to import an audio file you have first to selecta wave track Import Wavefile This wave file has a samplerate of %1, as opposed to current setting %2. Do you still want to import it? &Yes &No MusEGui::NoteInfo Note Info Info Note delta/absolute mode Start Len Long Pitch Hauteur Velo On Vélo on Velo Off Vélo off MusEGui::PartCanvas Cannot copy/move/clone to different Track-Type Ne peut copier/déplacer vers une type de Piste différent C&ut Co&uper &Copy &Copier s&elect clones rename renommer color couleur delete effacer split séparer glue super glue (merge selection) de-clone annuler-clônage save part to disk wave edit édition wav file info MusE: save part Part name: %1 Files: Remove selected %n part(s) out of %1 could not be pasted. Likely the selected track is the wrong type. %n part(s) could not be pasted. Likely the selected track is the wrong type. Cannot paste: multiple tracks selected Ne peut coller: plusieurs pistes sélectionnées Cannot paste: no track selected Ne peut coller: pas de piste choisie Can only paste to midi/drum track Can only paste to wave track Can only paste to midi or wave track Cannot paste: wrong data type Ne peut coller: mauvais type de donnée MusEGui::PasteDialog %n quarter(s) %1 quarter for floating-point arguments like 1.5 %1 quarters for floating-point arguments like 1.5 MusEGui::PasteEventsDialog %n quarter(s) %1 quarter for floating-point arguments like 1.5 %1 quarters for floating-point arguments like 1.5 MusEGui::PianoRoll &Edit C&ut Co&uper &Copy &Copier Copy events in range &Paste Paste (with dialog) Delete &Events &Select &Sélectionner Select &All Selectionner &Tout &Deselect All &Dé-selectionner tout Invert &Selection Inverser la &Sélection &Inside Loop A l'&intérieur de la Boucle &Outside Loop A l'e&xtérieur de la Boucle &Previous Part &Next Part Fu&nctions Quantize Quantiser Modify Note Length Modify Velocity Modifier la vélocité Crescendo/Decrescendo Transpose Transposition Erase Events Move Notes Set Fixed Length Delete Overlaps Legato &Plugins Window &Config &Event Color &Blue &Pitch colors &Velocity colors Pianoroll tools Step Record Midi Input Play Events Jouer Evènements ctrl ctrl Add Controller View MusEGui::PluginDialog MusE: select plugin MusE: choisir plugin Type Type Lib Lib Label Label Name Nom AI AI AO AO CI CI CO CO IP IP id id Maker Fabrique Copyright Copyright Audio inputs Audio outputs Control inputs Control outputs In-place capable ID number Ok Ok Cancel Annuler Show plugs: Mono and Stereo Stereo Stéréo Mono Mono Show All Select which types of plugins should be visible in the list.<br>Note that using mono plugins on stereo tracks is not a problem, two will be used in parallel.<br>Also beware that the 'all' alternative includes plugins that may not be useful in an effect rack. dssi synth dssi effect ladspa Search in 'Label' and 'Name': MusEGui::PluginGui File Buttons Load Preset Charger réglages Save Preset Enregistrer réglages bypass plugin Plugin de Direct (bypass) MusE: load preset MusE: charger réglages Error reading preset. Might not be right type for this plugin MusE: save preset MusE: enregistrer réglages MusEGui::ProjectCreateImpl Select directory MusEGui::RoutePopupMenu Channel Canal Soloing chain Audio returns Warning: No input devices! Open midi config... <none> Toggle all More... Audio sends Midi port sends MusEGui::ScoreCanvas Treble Bass Grand Staff Remove staff Ambiguous part There are two or more possible parts you could add the note to, but none matches the selected part. Please select the destination part by clicking on any note belonging to it and try again, or add a new stave containing only the destination part. No part There are no parts you could add the note to. MusEGui::ScoreEdit Step recording tools Step Record Note settings Note length: last Apply to new notes: Apply to selected notes: Velocity: Off-Velocity: Quantisation settings Quantisation: Pixels per whole: &Edit C&ut Co&uper &Copy &Copier Copy events in range &Paste Paste (with dialog) Delete &Events &Select &Sélectionner Select &All Selectionner &Tout &Deselect All &Dé-selectionner tout Invert &Selection Inverser la &Sélection &Inside Loop A l'&intérieur de la Boucle &Outside Loop A l'e&xtérieur de la Boucle Fu&nctions &Quantize Change note &length Change note &velocity Crescendo/Decrescendo Transpose Transposition Erase Events Move Notes Set Fixed Length Delete Overlaps Legato Window &Config Note head &colors &Black &Velocity &Part Set up &preamble Display &key signature Display &time signature Set Score &name Enter the new score title Error Changing score title failed: the selected title is not unique MusEGui::ScrollScale next page page suivante previous page page précédente current page number numéro de page courante MusEGui::ShortcutCaptureDialog Ok Ok Cancel Annuler Shortcut conflicts with %1 Undefined MusEGui::SigScale signature scale Echelle de la signature MusEGui::SigToolbarWidget time signature at current position Signature temporelle à la position en cours Signature: MusEGui::Strip Remove track? MusEGui::TList <none> visible no clef Treble Bass Grand off off <unknown> MusE: bad trackname please choose a unique track name Unused Devices Update drummap? Do you want to use same port for all instruments in the drummap? &Yes &No show gui montrer l'interface show native gui Midi control Assign Clear Treble clef Bass clef Grand Staff Viewable automation Internal Synth Delete Track Track Comment Commentaire pour la Piste Insert Track Midi Midi Drum Batterie Do you want to use same port and channel for all instruments in the drummap? MusEGui::TempoSig Tempo/Sig Tempo/Sig MusEGui::TempoToolbarWidget tempo at current position tempo � la position en cours Tempo: MusEGui::Toolbar1 Off Solo Solo Cursor Curseur Snap Aligne MusEGui::TopWin As subwindow Shares tools and menu Fullscreen Undo/Redo tools Panic Panique! Transport Transport Song Position Tempo Tempo Signature Signature Piano roll List editor Drum editor Master track editor Master track list editor Wave editor Clip list Marker view Score editor Arranger Arrangeur <unknown toplevel type> MusEGui::TrackComment MusE: Track Comment Muse: Commentaire de Piste Track Comment: Commentaire de Piste: MusEGui::Transport Overdub Sur-enregistrement (Overdub) Replace Remplace Rec Mode Mode Enregistrement Normal Normal Mix Mix Cycle Rec Enr. Cycle punchin Punch-In loop boucle punchout Punch-Out Punch In Punch-In Loop Boucle Punch Out Punch-Out Left Mark Marque Gauche Right Mark Marque Droite rewind to start rembobine au départ Click this button to rewind to start position Cliquez sur ce bouton pour revenir � la position de départ rewind rembobiner Click this button to rewind Cliquez sur ce bouton pour revenir en arrière forward avance Click this button to forward current play position Cliquez sur ce bouton pour avancer dans la lecture stop stop Click this button to stop playback Cliquez sur ce bouton pour arréter la lecture play jouer Click this button to start playback Cliquez sur ce bouton pour démarrer la lecture record Click this button to enable recording Cliquez sur ce bouton pour activer l'enregistrement AC AC quantize during record quantise pendant l'enregistrement Click Clic metronom click on/off clic du métronome oui/non Sync Synchro external sync on/off synchro externe oui/non Jack Jack transport sync on/off Master use master track Utiliser la piste principale MusEGui::VisibleTracks Show wave tracks Show group tracks Show aux tracks Show input tracks Show output tracks Show midi tracks Show synth tracks Visible track types MusEGui::WaveEdit &Edit Func&tions &Gain Other &Copy &Copier C&ut Co&uper &Paste Edit in E&xternal Editor Mute Selection Normalize Selection Fade In Selection Fade Out Selection Reverse Selection Select Sélectionner Select &All Selectionner &Tout &Deselect All &Dé-selectionner tout Window &Config WaveEdit tools Solo Solo Cursor Curseur MusEGui::WaveView MusE - external editor failed MusE was unable to launch the external editor check if the editor setting in: Global Settings->Audio:External Waveditor is set to a valid editor. MusE - file size changed When editing in external editor - you should not change the filesize since it must fit the selected region. Missing data is muted OrganGuiBase MusE: Organ MusE: Orgue O-1 O-1 Oscillator Oscillateur Brass Cuivres Reed Roseau Flute Flûte Drawbars Grands Tuyaux 16' 16' 4' 4' 2 2/3' 2 2/3' 2' 2' 8' 8' 5 1/3' 5 1/3' Envelope Lo Enveloppe basse (Lo) Envelope Hi Enveloppe Haute (Hi) Release Relachement Sustain Tenue Decay Affaiblissement Attack Attaque ms cB Velocity Vélocité PasteDialogBase MusE: Paste Parts Number and raster insert times raster ticks Move, Merge, Clone Move everything to the right Move only affected parts to the right Put everything into a single track Merge with existing parts Insert as clones (where possible) OK OK Cancel Annuler PasteEventsDialogBase MusE: Paste Events Number and raster insert times raster ticks Paste options Always into existing parts Never into existing parts Into existing parts if part has not to be expanded by more than Put everything into the (selected) part OK OK Cancel Annuler ProjectCreate Create Project Projects folder: ... ... Project Name: Project is a Template Write window state Project song file type: Project Path to song file: Create project folder (recommended for audio projects) Song information: QObject Error Please first select the range for crescendo with the loop markers. QWidget Cannot convert sysex string Ne peut convertir le code sysex Hex String too long (2048 bytes limit) Code Hexa tro long (limite: 2048 octets) generic midi MIDI générique new nouveau create peakfile for créer fichier de crêtes pour MusE: get file name MusE: avoir le nom du fichier The directory %1 does not exist. Create it? MusE: create directory MusE: créer un répertoire creating dir failed échec de la création du répertoire File %1 exists. Overwrite? Open File %1 failed: %2 MusE: write MusE: écriture MusE: Open File MusE: Ouvrir un Fichier None No selection. Ignoring QuantBase MusE: Quantize Range All Events Tous les Evènements Selected Events Evènements choisis Looped Events Evènements bouclés Selected Looped Values Valeurs Strength: % % Threshold (ticks): Quantize Len Raster Trame Whole Half 4th 4th Triplet 8th 8th Triplet 16th 16th Triplet 32th 32th Triplet Swing: If the proposed change in tick or length is smaller than threshold, nothing is done. If swing=0, this is normal If swing is 33, you get a 2:1-rhythm. If swing is -33, you get a 1:2-rhythm. OK OK Cancel Annuler RemoveBase MusE: Erase Notes Range All Events Tous les Evènements Selected Events Evènements choisis Looped Events Evènements bouclés Selected Looped Thresholds ticks Velocity Vélocité Length Longueur <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:7px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">If nothing is checked, everything is removed.</p> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:7px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">If velocity is checked, only notes with velo &lt; threshold are removed.</p> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">If both are checked, notes with velo &lt; threshold OR with length &lt; threshold are removed.</p></body></html> OK OK Cancel Annuler RouteDialogBase MusE: Routing Add Route Source: Destination: connect source to destination Connect Current Routes Source Destination remove selected route Remove SS_PluginChooserBase SimpleDrums - Ladspa Plugin Chooser Name Nom Label Label Inports Outports Creator &Cancel &Annuler Alt+C &OK Alt+O SS_PluginFront Clear and unload effect Load effect Toggle display of effect parameters Turn effect on/off SetlenBase MusE: Set Note Length Range All Events Tous les Evènements Selected Events Evènements choisis Looped Events Evènements bouclés Selected Looped Value Valeur New length ticks OK OK Cancel Annuler ShortcutCaptureDialogBase Enter shortcut sequence Press keys to enter shortcut sequence! Old shortcut: Undefined New shortcut: OK OK Cancel Annuler ShortcutConfigBase Configure Keyboard Shortcuts Shortcut Category Description Shortcut &Clear Alt+C &Define Alt+D &Apply &Appliquer Alt+A SimpleDrumsGuiBase DrumSynth 0.1 SimpleSynthGui &Load setup &Save setup Load sample dialog SongInfo Song Information Show on song load &Cancel &Annuler Alt+C &Ok &Ok Alt+O SynthConfigBase Soft Synthesizer Synthétiseur Virtuel File Fichier Instances Exemplaires Name Nom list of available software synthesizers liste des synthétiseurs virtuels disponibles Add Instance Ajouter un Exemplaire Remove Instance Retirer un Exemplaire Midi Port Port MIDI Midi Port and Soft Synth Configuration Type Type Midi connections Inst Version Description TransposeBase MusE: Transpose Range All Events Tous les Evènements Selected Events Evènements choisis Looped Events Evènements bouclés Selected Looped Value Valeur Halftone-steps OK OK Cancel Annuler UnusedWaveFiles Dialog List of unused audio files in current project directory: Current project All .med files in current directory Move files to 'unused' subdir Cancel Annuler VAMGui MusE: Load VAM Presets MusE: Save VAM Presets VAMGuiBase Virtual Analogue for MusE Synthé Analogique Virtuel pour Muse LFO LFO Freq Frèq Waveform Forme d'Onde Sine Sinusoïde Pulse Impulsion Saw Dents-de-scie Triangle Triangle Filter Filtre EnvMod ModEnv Attack Attaque Decay Affaiblissement Sustain Tenue Release Relachement Cutoff Limiteur (CutOff) Resonance Résonance Invert Inverser KeyTrack PisteClef Presets Presets Set Set load preset list charger la liste des presets save preset list enregistrer la liste des presets save preset list to a new file enregistrer la liste des presets dans un nouveau fichier delete preset efface le preset DCO 1 DCO 1 Pitch Hauteur Detune Désaccordage PWM PWM FM FM PW PW DCO 2 DCO 2 On On VAM 1.0beta3 Virtual Analog for MusE Released under GPL. Copyright(C) 2002 Jotsif Lindman Hörnlund ( jotsif@linux.nu ) Copyright(C) 2005 Robert Jonsson (rj@spamatica.se) VelocityBase MusE: Modify Velocity Muse: Modifier la vélocité Range Taille All Events Tous les Evènements Selected Events Evènements choisis Looped Events Evènements bouclés Values Valeurs Rate: Vitesse: Offset: Décalage: % % Selected Looped veloNew = (veloOld * rate) + offset OK OK Cancel Annuler file_patterns Midi/Kar (*.mid *.MID *.kar *.KAR *.mid.gz *.mid.bz2) Midi (*.mid *.MID *.mid.gz *.mid.bz2) Karaoke (*.kar *.KAR *.kar.gz *.kar.bz2) All Files (*) Tous les Fichiers (*) Midi (*.mid) Karaoke (*.kar) all known files (*.med *.med.gz *.med.bz2 *.mid *.midi *.kar) med Files (*.med *.med.gz *.med.bz2) Uncompressed med Files (*.med) gzip compressed med Files (*.med.gz) bzip2 compressed med Files (*.med.bz2) mid Files (*.mid *.midi *.kar *.MID *.MIDI *.KAR) (*.jpg *.gif *.png) (*.jpg) (*.gif) (*.png) part Files (*.mpt *.mpt.gz *.mpt.bz2) part Files (*.mpt) gzip compressed part Files (*.mpt.gz) bzip2 compressed part Files (*.mpt.bz2) Presets (*.pre *.pre.gz *.pre.bz2) Presets (*.pre) gzip compressed presets (*.pre.gz) bzip2 compressed presets (*.pre.bz2) Presets (*.map *.map.gz *.map.bz2) Presets (*.map) gzip compressed presets (*.map.gz) bzip2 compressed presets (*.map.bz2) Wave/Binary (*.wav *.ogg *.bin) Wave (*.wav *.ogg) Binary (*.bin) freeverb FreeVerb Room Size Dimension de la chambre Damping Atténuation Wet Level Tap-Reverberator Decay [ms] dB dB Dry Level [dB] Wet Level [dB] Preset: AfterBurn AfterBurn (Long) Ambience Ambience (Thick) Ambience (Thick) - HD Cathedral Cathedral - HD Drum Chamber Garage Garage (Bright) Gymnasium Gymnasium (Bright) Gymnasium (Bright) - HD Hall (Small) Hall (Medium) Hall (Large) Hall (Large) - HD Plate (Small) Plate (Medium) Plate (Large) Plate (Large) - HD Pulse Chamber Pulse Chamber (Reverse) Resonator (96 ms) Resonator (152 ms) Resonator (208 ms) Room (Small) Room (Medium) Room (Large) Room (Large) - HD Slap Chamber Slap Chamber - HD Slap Chamber (Bright) Slap Chamber (Bright) HD Smooth Hall (Small) Smooth Hall (Medium) Smooth Hall (Large) Smooth Hall (Large) - HD Vocal Plate Vocal Plate - HD Warble Chamber Warehoouse Warehouse - HD Comb Filters Allpass Filters Bandpass Filters Enhanced Stereo shortcuts Transport: Start playback from current location Transport: Toggle metronome Transport: Stop Playback Transport: Goto Start Transport: Play, Stop, Rewind Transport: Goto left marker Transport: Goto right marker Transport: Toggle Loop section Transport: Toggle Record Transport: Clear all rec enabled tracks Toggle fullscreen Edit: Copy Edit: Copy in range Edit: Undo Edit: Redo Edit: Cut Edit: Paste Edit: Paste (with dialog) Edit: Delete File: New project File: Open from disk File: Save project File: Open recent file File: Save as File: Load template File: Import midi file File: Export midi file File: Import midi part File: Import audio file File: Quit MusE Edit: Select parts on track Open pianoroll Open drumeditor Open listeditor Open waveeditor Open graphical mastertrack editor Open list mastertrack editor Open midi transformer Add midi track Add drum track Add wave track Add audio output Add audio group Add audio input Add audio aux Structure: Global cut Structure: Global insert Structure: Global split Structure: Cut events View: Open mixer #1 window View: Open mixer #2 window View: Toggle transport window View: Toggle bigtime window View: Open marker window Settings: Follow song by page Settings: Follow song off Settings: Follow song continuous Settings: Global configuration Settings: Configure shortcuts Settings: Configure metronome Settings: Midi sync configuration Settings: Midi file import/export configuration Settings: Appearance settings Settings: Midi ports / Soft Synth Settings: Audio subsystem configuration Midi: Edit midi instruments Midi: Open midi input transform Midi: Open midi input filter Midi: Midi input transpose Midi: Midi remote control Midi: Random rhythm generator Midi: Reset midi Midi: Init midi Midi: Midi local off Audio: Bounce audio to track Audio: Bounce audio to file Audio: Restart audio Automation: Mixer automation Automation: Take mixer snapshot Automation: Clear mixer automation Help: Open Manual Help: Toggle whatsthis mode Edit: Edit selected part Edit: Select nearest part on track above Edit: Add nearest part on track above Edit: Select nearest part on track below Edit: Add nearest part on track below Edit: Insert empty measure Edit: Paste as clones Edit: Paste as clones (with dialog) Select track above Select track below Midi: Transpose Edit: Select all Edit: Select none Edit: Invert Selection Edit: Select events/parts inside locators Edit: Select events/parts outside locators Edit: Select previous part Edit: Select next part Edit: Select nearest part/event to the left or move cursor Edit: Add nearest part/event to the left to selection Edit: Select nearest part/event to the right or move cursor Edit: Add nearest part/event to the right to selection Edit: Set locators to selection Edit: Increase pitch Edit: Decrease pitch Edit: Increase event position Edit: Decrease event position View: Zoom in View: Zoom out View: Goto Current Position View: Scroll left Edit: Set Fixed Length on Midi Events Quantize Quantiser Modify Note Length Modify Velocity Modifier la vélocité Edit: Crescendo Edit: Thin Out Edit: Erase Event Edit: Delete Overlaps Edit: Note Shift Edit: Move Clock Edit: Copy Measure Edit: Erase Measure Edit: Delete Measure Edit: Create Measure Edit: Change Event Color Tool: Pointer Tool: Pencil Tool: Eraser Tool: Line Draw Tool: Cursor Add note velocity 1 Add note velocity 2 Add note velocity 3 Add note velocity 4 Cursor step size: larger Cursor step size: smaller Instrument/Cursor up Instrument/Cursor down Tool: Scissor Tool: Glue Tool: Mute Transport: Increase current position Transport: Decrease current position Transport: Increase current position, no snap Transport: Decrease current position, no snap Quantize: Set quantize to 1/1 note Quantize: Set quantize to 1/2 note Quantize: Set quantize to 1/4 note Quantize: Set quantize to 1/8 note Quantize: Set quantize to 1/16 note Quantize: Set quantize to 1/32 note Quantize: Set quantize to 1/64 note Quantize: Toggle triol quantization Quantize: Toggle punctuation quantization Quantize: Toggle punctuation quantization (2) Edit: Insert at location Edit: Increase length Edit: Decrease length Insert Note Insérer Note Insert SysEx Insérer SysEx Insert Ctrl Insérer Ctrl Insert Meta Insérer Meta Insert Channel Aftertouch Insérer Canal de Pression Insert Key Aftertouch Insérer une note de Pression Insert Tempo Insert Signature Change Event Position Edit Event Value Insert Key Goto Next Marker Goto Prev Marker