MusE - The Linux (Midi) Music Editor

2. Installation

2.1 How to Obtain MusE

MusE is available at the MusE Homepage, located at Download the latest non-beta release and follow the installation instructions below.

2.2 System Requirements

To run MusE on your workstation, the following conditions must be met:

2.3 Compiliation and Installation

Unpack the newly-downloaded tarball into a directory and edit the file

The most important variables to set in this file are:

Point QTDIR to where your QT libraries are installed. ALSA and OSS are boolean values (ie. yes or no) that tell MusE how to handle Midi and Audio on your system. It is safe to say yes to both.

A sample config:

	QTDIR = /usr/local/qt
	ALSA = no
	OSS = yes

When done, save and run the following commands:

	make depend
	make install

Note that make install will ask for the root password, as MusE is installed as a setuid-root binary. Setuid-root is needed to allow MusE to get proper timing functions from the Linux kernel.

Hint: To get even better timing than that, run MusE with the -R option.