<?xml version="1.0"?>
<muse version="1.0">
      # Drum Set List for KURZWEIL SP2X Drum Map GM ReMap
      # generated by babarosa
      # please report changes and errors
      # to muse mailing list
      <name>Metronome Click</name>
      <name>Kick Drum 2</name>
      <name>Kick Drum 1</name>
      <name>Side Stick</name>
      <name>Snare Drum 1</name>
      <name>Hand Clap</name>
      <name>Snare Drum 2</name>
      <name>Lo Tom 2</name>
      <name>Closed Hi Hat</name>
      <name>Lo Tom 1</name>
      <name>Pedal Hi Hat</name>
      <name>Mid Tom 2</name>
      <name>Open Hi Hat</name>
      <name>Mid Tom 1</name>
      <name>Hi Tom 2</name>
      <name>Crash Cymbal 1</name>
      <name>Hi Tom 1</name>
      <name>Ride Cymbal 1</name>
      <name>Ride Bell</name>
      <name>Splash Cymbal</name>
      <name>Crash Cymbal 2</name>
      <name>Ride Cymbal 2</name>
      <name>Hi Bongo</name>
      <name>Lo Bongo</name>
      <name>Mute Conga</name>
      <name>Hi Conga</name>
      <name>Lo Conga</name>
      <name>Hi Timbale</name>
      <name>Lo Timbale</name>
      <name>Hi Agogo</name>
      <name>Lo Agogo</name>
      <name>Triangle Mute</name>
      <name>Triangle Open</name>