<?xml version="1.0"?>
<muse version="1.0">
      # Drum Set List for AKAI SG01v Bank dr1
      # generated by babarosa
      # please report changes and errors
      # to muse mailing list
      <name>SYN. RIM</name>
      <name>MM CLIC C2</name>
      <name>MM CLIK C5</name>
      <name>SYN. KICK</name>
      <name>SDS5 KICK3</name>
      <name>SIDE STICK</name>
      <name>SYN. SNRE 2</name>
      <name>SYN. CLAPS</name>
      <name>SIM. SNRE</name>
      <name>MID AC TOM</name>
      <name>SYN. CL-HAT</name>
      <name>MID AC TOM</name>
      <name>SYN. HLF-HAT</name>
      <name>MID AC TOM</name>
      <name>SYN. OP-HAT</name>
      <name>MID AC TOM</name>
      <name>MID AC TOM</name>
      <name>MID AC TOM</name>
      <name>RIDE SYMBAL</name>
      <name>RIDE SYMBAL</name>
      <name>FINGER SNAPS</name>
      <name>RIDE SYMBAL</name>
      <name>HI CONGA SL</name>
      <name>HI CONGA SL</name>
      <name>LO CONGA SL</name>
      <name>HI CONGA OP</name>
      <name>LOW CONGA OP</name>
      <name>AGOGO 1</name>
      <name>AGOGO 1</name>
      <name>SYN. MARACAS</name>
      <name>   </name>
      <name>POWER KICK</name>
      <name>SYN. RIM</name>
      <name>POWER SNRE</name>
      <name>BIG CLAP</name>
      <name>SDS5 SNARE9</name>
      <name>MID E.TOM</name>
      <name>CL HAT</name>
      <name>MID E.TOM</name>
      <name>HLF HAT</name>
      <name>MID E.TOM</name>
      <name>OP HAT</name>
      <name>MID E.TOM</name>
      <name>MID E.TOM</name>
      <name>MID E.TOM</name>
      <name>RIDE SYMBAL</name>
      <name>WHITE NOISE</name>
      <name>   </name>
      <name>SYN. LO-CONGA</name>
      <name>SYN. COWBELL</name>
      <name>SYN. LO-CONGA</name>
      <name>SYN. CLAVES</name>
      <name>SYN. LO-CONGA</name>