//========================================================= // MusE // Linux Music Editor // $Id: view.cpp,v 2009/04/06 01:24:55 terminator356 Exp $ // (C) Copyright 1999 Werner Schweer (ws@seh.de) // Additions, modifications (C) Copyright 2011 Tim E. Real (terminator356 on users DOT sourceforge DOT net) // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of // the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. // //========================================================= #include "view.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "math.h" #include "al/sig.h" // Don't use this, it was just for debugging. // It's much slower than muse-1 no matter how hard I tried. // The left/right pixmap shifters in seXPos setYPos // just ate up all the time no matter what I tried. //#defines VIEW_USE_DOUBLE_BUFFERING 1 namespace MusEGui { //--------------------------------------------------------- // View::View // double xMag = (xmag < 0) ? 1.0/-xmag : double(xmag) //--------------------------------------------------------- View::View(QWidget* w, int xm, int ym, const char* name) : QWidget(w) { setAttribute(Qt::WA_NoSystemBackground); setAttribute(Qt::WA_StaticContents); // This is absolutely required for speed! Otherwise painfully slow because we get // full rect paint events even on small scrolls! See help on QPainter::scroll(). setAttribute(Qt::WA_OpaquePaintEvent); setObjectName(QString(name)); xmag = xm; ymag = ym; xpos = 0; ypos = 0; xorg = 0; yorg = 0; _virt = true; setBackgroundRole(QPalette::NoRole); brush.setStyle(Qt::SolidPattern); brush.setColor(Qt::lightGray); #ifdef VIEW_USE_DOUBLE_BUFFERING pmValid = false; #endif } //--------------------------------------------------------- // setOrigin //--------------------------------------------------------- void View::setOrigin(int x, int y) { xorg = x; yorg = y; redraw(); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // setXMag //--------------------------------------------------------- void View::setXMag(int xs) { xmag = xs; redraw(); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // seqYMag //--------------------------------------------------------- void View::setYMag(int ys) { ymag = ys; redraw(); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // setXPos // x - phys offset //--------------------------------------------------------- void View::setXPos(int x) { int delta = xpos - x; // - -> shift left xpos = x; #ifdef VIEW_USE_DOUBLE_BUFFERING if (pm.isNull()) return; if (!pmValid) { //printf("View::setXPos !pmValid x:%d width:%d delta:%d\n", x, width(), delta); redraw(); return; } int w = width(); int h = height(); QRect r; if (delta >= w || delta <= -w) r = QRect(0, 0, w, h); else if (delta < 0) { // shift left //bitBlt(&pm, 0, 0, &pm, -delta, 0, w + delta, h, CopyROP, true); QPainter p(&pm); p.setRenderHints(QPainter::Antialiasing | QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform | QPainter::HighQualityAntialiasing, false); //printf("View::setXPos x:%d w:%d delta:%d r.x:%d r.w:%d\n", // x, w, delta, r.x(), r.width()); p.drawPixmap(0, 0, pm, -delta, 0, w + delta, h); r = QRect(w + delta, 0, -delta, h); } else { // shift right //bitBlt(&pm, delta, 0, &pm, 0, 0, w-delta, h, CopyROP, true); QPainter p(&pm); p.setRenderHints(QPainter::Antialiasing | QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform | QPainter::HighQualityAntialiasing, false); //printf("View::setXPos x:%d w:%d delta:%d r.x:%d r.w:%d\n", // x, w, delta, r.x(), r.width()); p.drawPixmap(delta, 0, pm, 0, 0, w-delta, h); r = QRect(0, 0, delta, h); } QRect olr = overlayRect(); QRect olr1(olr); olr1.translate(delta, 0); r |= olr; r |= olr1; //printf("View::setXPos x:%d w:%d delta:%d r.x:%d r.w:%d\n", x, w, delta, r.x(), r.width()); //printf("View::setXPos paint delta:%d r.x:%d r.y:%d r.w:%d r.h:%d\n", delta, r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), r.height()); paint(r); update(); #else scroll(delta, 0); QRect olr = overlayRect(); // Is there an overlay? if(!olr.isNull()) { // Are we shifting right (moving left)? if(delta >= 0) { // Translate not good - need to set x to delta. //olr.translate(delta, 0); olr.setX(delta); olr.setWidth(olr.x() + olr.width() + delta); } else // We are shifting left (moving right). { // Translate not good - need to limit x to 0. //olr.translate(delta, 0); olr.setX(olr.x() + delta); } if(olr.x() < 0) olr.setX(0); if(olr.right() > width()) olr.setRight(width()); if(olr.y() < 0) olr.setY(0); if(olr.bottom() > height()) olr.setBottom(height()); //printf("scroll X update: x:%d y:%d w:%d h:%d\n", olr.x(), olr.y(), olr.width(), olr.height()); update(olr); } #endif } //--------------------------------------------------------- // setYPos //--------------------------------------------------------- void View::setYPos(int y) { int delta = ypos - y; // - -> shift up ypos = y; #ifdef VIEW_USE_DOUBLE_BUFFERING if (pm.isNull()) return; if (!pmValid) { //printf("View::setYPos !pmValid y:%d height:%d delta:%d\n", y, height(), delta); redraw(); return; } int w = width(); int h = height(); QRect r; if (delta >= h || delta <= -h) r = QRect(0, 0, w, h); else if (delta < 0) { // shift up //bitBlt(&pm, 0, 0, &pm, 0, -delta, w, h + delta, CopyROP, true); QPainter p(&pm); p.drawPixmap(0, 0, pm, 0, -delta, w, h + delta); r = QRect(0, h + delta, w, -delta); } else { // shift down //bitBlt(&pm, 0, delta, &pm, 0, 0, w, h-delta, CopyROP, true); QPainter p(&pm); p.drawPixmap(0, delta, pm, 0, 0, w, h-delta); r = QRect(0, 0, w, delta); } QRect olr = overlayRect(); QRect olr1(olr); olr1.translate(0, delta); r |= olr; r |= olr1; //printf("View::setYPos paint delta:%d r.x:%d r.y:%d r.w:%d r.h:%d\n", delta, r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), r.height()); paint(r); update(); #else scroll(0, delta); QRect olr = overlayRect(); // Is there an overlay? if(!olr.isNull()) { // Are we shifting down (moving up)? if(delta >= 0) { // Translate not good - need to set y to delta. //olr.translate(0, delta); olr.setY(delta); olr.setHeight(olr.y() + olr.height() + delta); } else // We are shifting up (moving down). { // Translate not good - need to limit y to 0. //olr.translate(0, delta); olr.setY(olr.y() + delta); } if(olr.x() < 0) olr.setX(0); if(olr.right() > width()) olr.setRight(width()); if(olr.y() < 0) olr.setY(0); if(olr.bottom() > height()) olr.setBottom(height()); //printf("scroll Y update: x:%d y:%d w:%d h:%d\n", olr.x(), olr.y(), olr.width(), olr.height()); update(olr); } #endif } //--------------------------------------------------------- // resizeEvent //--------------------------------------------------------- void View::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent* ev) { QWidget::resizeEvent(ev); #ifdef VIEW_USE_DOUBLE_BUFFERING //pm.resize(ev->size()); //printf("View::resizeEvent width:%d height:%d\n", // ev->size().width(), ev->size().height()); if(pm.isNull()) { //printf("View::resizeEvent pixmap is null\n"); pm = QPixmap(ev->size().width(), ev->size().height()); } else pm = pm.copy(QRect(QPoint(0, 0), ev->size())); pmValid = false; #endif } //--------------------------------------------------------- // paintEvent //--------------------------------------------------------- void View::paintEvent(QPaintEvent* ev) { //printf("View::paintEvent x:%d width:%d y:%d height:%d\n", // ev->rect().x(), ev->rect().width(), ev->rect().y(), ev->rect().height()); #ifdef VIEW_USE_DOUBLE_BUFFERING if (!pmValid) paint(ev->rect()); //bitBlt(this, ev->rect().topLeft(), &pm, ev->rect(), CopyROP, true); QPainter p(this); //p.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_Source); p.drawPixmap(ev->rect().topLeft(), pm, ev->rect()); #else paint(ev->rect()); #endif } //--------------------------------------------------------- // redraw //--------------------------------------------------------- void View::redraw() { //printf("View::redraw()\n"); #ifdef VIEW_USE_DOUBLE_BUFFERING QRect r(0, 0, pm.width(), pm.height()); //printf("View::redraw() r.x:%d r.w:%d\n", r.x(), r.width()); paint(r); #endif update(); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // redraw //--------------------------------------------------------- void View::redraw(const QRect& r) { //printf("View::redraw(QRect& r) r.x:%d r.w:%d\n", r.x(), r.width()); #ifdef VIEW_USE_DOUBLE_BUFFERING paint(r); #endif update(r); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // paint // r - phys coord system //--------------------------------------------------------- void View::paint(const QRect& r) { #ifdef VIEW_USE_DOUBLE_BUFFERING if (pm.isNull()) return; #endif QRect rr(r); //printf("View::paint x:%d width:%d y:%d height:%d\n", r.x(), r.width(), r.y(), r.height()); #ifdef VIEW_USE_DOUBLE_BUFFERING if (!pmValid) { pmValid = true; rr = QRect(0, 0, pm.width(), pm.height()); } QPainter p(&pm); #else QPainter p(this); #endif p.setRenderHints(QPainter::Antialiasing | QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform | QPainter::HighQualityAntialiasing, false); if (bgPixmap.isNull()) p.fillRect(rr, brush); else p.drawTiledPixmap(rr, bgPixmap, QPoint(xpos + rmapx(xorg) + rr.x(), ypos + rmapy(yorg) + rr.y())); p.setClipRegion(rr); //printf("View::paint r.x:%d w:%d\n", rr.x(), rr.width()); pdraw(p, rr); // draw into pixmap p.resetMatrix(); // Q3 support says use resetMatrix instead, but resetMatrix advises resetTransform instead... //p.resetTransform(); drawOverlay(p); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // keyPressEvent //--------------------------------------------------------- void View::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent* event) { viewKeyPressEvent(event); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // viewKeyPressEvent //--------------------------------------------------------- void View::viewKeyPressEvent(QKeyEvent* event) { event->ignore(); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // mousePressEvent //--------------------------------------------------------- void View::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent* ev) { QMouseEvent e(ev->type(), mapDev(ev->pos()), ev->globalPos(), ev->button(), ev->buttons(), ev->modifiers()); viewMousePressEvent(&e); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // mouseDoubleClickEvent //--------------------------------------------------------- void View::mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent* ev) { QMouseEvent e(ev->type(), mapDev(ev->pos()), ev->globalPos(), ev->button(), ev->buttons(), ev->modifiers()); viewMouseDoubleClickEvent(&e); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // mouseMoveEvent //--------------------------------------------------------- void View::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent* ev) { QMouseEvent e(ev->type(), mapDev(ev->pos()), ev->globalPos(), ev->button(), ev->buttons(), ev->modifiers()); viewMouseMoveEvent(&e); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // mouseReleaseEvent //--------------------------------------------------------- void View::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent* ev) { QMouseEvent e(ev->type(), mapDev(ev->pos()), ev->globalPos(), ev->button(), ev->buttons(), ev->modifiers()); viewMouseReleaseEvent(&e); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // dropEvent //--------------------------------------------------------- void View::dropEvent(QDropEvent* ev) { // From Q3 support: // "Sets the drop to happen at the given point. You do not normally need to use this // as it will be set internally before your widget receives the drop event." // But we need to remap it here... //ev->setPoint(mapDev(ev->pos())); QDropEvent nev(mapDev(ev->pos()), ev->possibleActions(), ev->mimeData(), ev->mouseButtons(), ev->keyboardModifiers(), ev->type()); //viewDropEvent(ev); viewDropEvent(&nev); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // setBg //--------------------------------------------------------- void View::setBg(const QPixmap& bgpm) { bgPixmap = bgpm; redraw(); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // pdraw // r - phys coords //--------------------------------------------------------- void View::pdraw(QPainter& p, const QRect& r) { //printf("View::pdraw virt:%d x:%d width:%d y:%d height:%d\n", virt(), r.x(), r.width(), r.y(), r.height()); if (virt()) { setPainter(p); int x = r.x(); int y = r.y(); int w = r.width(); int h = r.height(); if (xmag <= 0) { // TODO These adjustments are required, otherwise gaps. Tried, unable to remove them for now. p4.0.30 x -= 1; w += 2; //x = (x + xpos + rmapx(xorg)) * (-xmag); x = lrint((double(x + xpos) + rmapx_f(xorg)) * double(-xmag)); w = w * (-xmag); } else { //x = (x + xpos + rmapx(xorg)) / xmag; x = lrint((double(x + xpos) + rmapx_f(xorg)) / double(xmag)); //w = (w + xmag - 1) / xmag; w = lrint(double(w) / double(xmag)); x -= 1; w += 2; } if (ymag <= 0) { y -= 1; h += 2; //y = (y + ypos + rmapy(yorg)) * (-ymag); y = lrint((double(y + ypos) + rmapy_f(yorg)) * double(-ymag)); h = h * (-ymag); } else { //y = (y + ypos + rmapy(yorg)) / ymag; y = lrint((double(y + ypos) + rmapy_f(yorg)) / double(ymag)); //h = (h + ymag - 1) / ymag; h = lrint(double(h) / double(ymag)); y -= 1; h += 2; } if (x < 0) x = 0; if (y < 0) y = 0; draw(p, QRect(x, y, w, h)); } else draw(p, r); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // setPainter //--------------------------------------------------------- void View::setPainter(QPainter& p) { p.resetMatrix(); // Q3 support says use resetMatrix instead, but resetMatrix advises resetTransform instead... //p.resetTransform(); //p.translate(double(-(xpos+rmapx(xorg))), double(-(ypos+rmapy(yorg)))); p.translate( -(double(xpos) + rmapx_f(xorg)) , -(double(ypos) + rmapy(yorg))); //double xMag = (xmag < 0) ? 1.0/(-xmag) : double(xmag); //double yMag = (ymag < 0) ? 1.0/(-ymag) : double(ymag); double xMag = (xmag < 0) ? 1.0/double(-xmag) : double(xmag); double yMag = (ymag < 0) ? 1.0/double(-ymag) : double(ymag); p.scale(xMag, yMag); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // drawTickRaster //--------------------------------------------------------- void View::drawTickRaster(QPainter& p, int x, int y, int w, int h, int raster) { // Changed to draw in device coordinate space instead of virtual, transformed space. Tim. p4.0.30 //int mx = mapx(x); int my = mapy(y); //int mw = mapx(x + w) - mx; //int mw = mapx(x + w) - mx - 1; //int mh = mapy(y + h) - my; //int mh = mapy(y + h) - my - 1; //p.save(); bool wmtxen = p.worldMatrixEnabled(); p.setWorldMatrixEnabled(false); int xx,bar1, bar2, beat; unsigned tick; AL::sigmap.tickValues(x, &bar1, &beat, &tick); AL::sigmap.tickValues(x+w, &bar2, &beat, &tick); ++bar2; ///int y2 = y + h; //int y2 = my + mh; int y2 = mapy(y + h) - 1; //printf("View::drawTickRaster x:%d y:%d w:%d h:%d mx:%d my:%d mw:%d mh:%d y2:%d bar1:%d bar2:%d\n", x, y, w, h, mx, my, mw, mh, y2, bar1, bar2); //printf("View::drawTickRaster x:%d y:%d w:%d h:%d my:%d mh:%d y2:%d bar1:%d bar2:%d\n", x, y, w, h, my, mh, y2, bar1, bar2); for (int bar = bar1; bar < bar2; ++bar) { ///unsigned x = AL::sigmap.bar2tick(bar, 0, 0); unsigned xb = AL::sigmap.bar2tick(bar, 0, 0); int xt = mapx(xb); p.setPen(Qt::black); ///p.drawLine(x, y, x, y2); p.drawLine(xt, my, xt, y2); int z, n; ///AL::sigmap.timesig(x, z, n); AL::sigmap.timesig(xb, z, n); ///int q = p.xForm(QPoint(raster, 0)).x() - p.xForm(QPoint(0, 0)).x(); ///int q = p.combinedTransform().map(QPoint(raster, 0)).x() - p.combinedTransform().map(QPoint(0, 0)).x(); //int q = rmapx(raster); int qq = raster; //if (q < 8) // grid too dense if (rmapx(raster) < 8) // grid too dense qq *= 2; p.setPen(Qt::lightGray); if (raster>=4) { ///int xx = x + qq; //int xx = mapx(xb + qq); xx = xb + qq; int xxx = AL::sigmap.bar2tick(bar, z, 0); //int xxx = mapx(AL::sigmap.bar2tick(bar, z, 0)); while (xx <= xxx) { ///p.drawLine(xx, y, xx, y2); int x = mapx(xx); p.drawLine(x, my, x, y2); xx += qq; //xx += rmapx(qq); } //xx = xxx; } p.setPen(Qt::gray); for (int beat = 1; beat < z; beat++) { ///int xx = AL::sigmap.bar2tick(bar, beat, 0); xx = mapx(AL::sigmap.bar2tick(bar, beat, 0)); //printf(" bar:%d z:%d beat:%d xx:%d\n", bar, z, beat, xx); ///p.drawLine(xx, y, xx, y2); p.drawLine(xx, my, xx, y2); } } //p.setWorldMatrixEnabled(true); p.setWorldMatrixEnabled(wmtxen); //p.restore(); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // map //--------------------------------------------------------- QRect View::mapDev(const QRect& r) const { return QRect(mapxDev(r.x()), mapyDev(r.y()), rmapxDev(r.width()), rmapyDev(r.height())); } QPoint View::mapDev(const QPoint& r) const { return QPoint(mapxDev(r.x()), mapyDev(r.y())); } #if 0 // // Calculations using integer rounding methods... // QRect View::map(const QRect& r) const { int x, y, w, h; //printf("View::map xmag:%d xpos:%d xorg:%d\n", xmag, xpos, xorg); if (xmag < 0) { x = r.x()/(-xmag) - (xpos + rmapx(xorg)); // round down w = (r.width()-xmag-1) / (-xmag); // round up } else { x = r.x()*xmag - (xpos + rmapx(xorg)); w = r.width() * xmag; } if (ymag < 0) { y = r.y()/-ymag - (ypos + rmapy(yorg)); h = (r.height()-ymag-1) / (-ymag); } else { y = r.y() * ymag - (ypos + rmapy(yorg)); h = r.height() * ymag; } return QRect(x, y, w, h); } QPoint View::map(const QPoint& p) const { int x, y; if (xmag < 0) { x = p.x()/(-xmag) - (xpos + rmapx(xorg)); // round down } else { x = p.x()*xmag - (xpos + rmapx(xorg)); } if (ymag < 0) { y = p.y()/-ymag - (ypos + rmapy(yorg)); } else { y = p.y() * ymag - (ypos + rmapy(yorg)); } return QPoint(x, y); } int View::mapx(int x) const { if (xmag < 0) { return (x-xmag/2)/(-xmag) - (xpos + rmapx(xorg)); // round } else { return (x * xmag) - (xpos + rmapx(xorg)); } } int View::mapy(int y) const { if (ymag < 0) { return (y-ymag/2)/(-ymag) - (ypos + rmapy(yorg)); // round } else { return (y * ymag) - (ypos + rmapy(yorg)); } } int View::mapxDev(int x) const { int val; if (xmag <= 0) val = (x + xpos + rmapx(xorg)) * (-xmag); else val = (x + xpos + rmapx(xorg) + xmag / 2) / xmag; if (val < 0) // DEBUG val = 0; return val; } int View::mapyDev(int y) const { if (ymag <= 0) return (y + ypos + rmapy(yorg)) * (-ymag); else return (y + ypos + rmapy(yorg) + ymag / 2) / ymag; } // r == relative conversion int View::rmapx(int x) const { if (xmag < 0) return (x-xmag/2) / (-xmag); else return x * xmag; } int View::rmapy(int y) const { if (ymag < 0) return (y-ymag/2) / (-ymag); else return y * ymag; } int View::rmapxDev(int x) const { if (xmag <= 0) return x * (-xmag); else return (x + xmag/2) / xmag; } int View::rmapyDev(int y) const { if (ymag <= 0) return y * (-ymag); else return (y + ymag/2) / ymag; } #else // // Calculations using more accurate methods... p4.0.29 Tim. // QRect View::map(const QRect& r) const { //int x, y, w, h; double x, y, w, h; int xx, yy, ww, hh; //printf("View::map xmag:%d xpos:%d xorg:%d\n", xmag, xpos, xorg); if (xmag < 0) { //x = lrint(double(r.x())/double(-xmag) - rmapx_f(xorg)) - xpos; x = double(r.x())/double(-xmag) - rmapx_f(xorg) - xpos; //w = lrint(double(r.width()) / double(-xmag)); w = double(r.width()) / double(-xmag); xx = lrint(x); ww = lrint(x + w) - xx; } else { xx = r.x()*xmag - xpos - lrint(rmapx_f(xorg)); ww = r.width() * xmag; } if (ymag < 0) { //y = lrint(double(r.y())/double(-ymag) - rmapy_f(yorg)) - ypos; y = double(r.y())/double(-ymag) - rmapy_f(yorg) - ypos; //h = lrint(double(r.height()) / double(-ymag)); h = double(r.height()) / double(-ymag); yy = lrint(y); hh = lrint(y + h) - yy; } else { yy = r.y()*ymag - ypos - lrint(rmapy_f(yorg)); hh = r.height() * ymag; } return QRect(xx, yy, ww, hh); } QPoint View::map(const QPoint& p) const { /* int x, y; if (xmag < 0) { x = lrint(double(p.x())/double(-xmag) - rmapx_f(xorg)) - xpos; } else { x = p.x()*xmag - xpos - lrint(rmapx_f(xorg)); } if (ymag < 0) { y = lrint(double(p.y())/double(-ymag) - rmapy_f(yorg)) - ypos; } else { y = p.y()*ymag - ypos - lrint(rmapy_f(yorg)); } return QPoint(x, y); */ return QPoint(mapx(p.x()), mapy(p.y())); } int View::mapx(int x) const { if (xmag < 0) { return lrint(double(x)/double(-xmag) - rmapx_f(xorg)) - xpos; } else { return x*xmag - xpos - lrint(rmapx_f(xorg)); } } int View::mapy(int y) const { if (ymag < 0) { return lrint(double(y)/double(-ymag) - rmapy_f(yorg)) - ypos; } else { return y*ymag - ypos - lrint(rmapy_f(yorg)); } } int View::mapxDev(int x) const { int val; if (xmag <= 0) val = lrint((double(x + xpos) + rmapx_f(xorg)) * double(-xmag)); else val = lrint((double(x + xpos) + rmapx_f(xorg)) / double(xmag)); if (val < 0) // DEBUG val = 0; return val; } int View::mapyDev(int y) const { if (ymag <= 0) return lrint((double(y + ypos) + rmapy_f(yorg)) * double(-ymag)); else return lrint((double(y + ypos) + rmapy_f(yorg)) / double(ymag)); } // r == relative conversion int View::rmapx(int x) const { if (xmag < 0) return lrint(double(x) / double(-xmag)); else return x * xmag; } int View::rmapy(int y) const { if (ymag < 0) return lrint(double(y) / double(-ymag)); else return y * ymag; } int View::rmapxDev(int x) const { if (xmag <= 0) return x * (-xmag); else return lrint(double(x) / double(xmag)); } int View::rmapyDev(int y) const { if (ymag <= 0) return y * (-ymag); else return lrint(double(y) / double(ymag)); } #endif double View::rmapx_f(double x) const { if (xmag < 0) return x / double(-xmag); else return x * double(xmag); } double View::rmapy_f(double y) const { if (ymag < 0) return y / double(-ymag); else return y * double(ymag); } double View::rmapxDev_f(double x) const { if (xmag <= 0) return x * double(-xmag); else return x / double(xmag); } double View::rmapyDev_f(double y) const { if (ymag <= 0) return y * double(-ymag); else return y / double(ymag); } /* QRect View::devToVirt(const QRect& r) { int x = r.x(); int y = r.y(); int w = r.width(); int h = r.height(); if (xmag <= 0) { x -= 1; w += 2; x = (x + xpos + rmapx(xorg)) * (-xmag); w = w * (-xmag); } else { x = (x + xpos + rmapx(xorg)) / xmag; w = (w + xmag - 1) / xmag; x -= 1; w += 2; } if (ymag <= 0) { y -= 1; h += 2; y = (y + ypos + rmapy(yorg)) * (-ymag); h = h * (-ymag); } else { y = (y + ypos + rmapy(yorg)) / ymag; h = (h + ymag - 1) / ymag; y -= 1; h += 2; } if (x < 0) x = 0; if (y < 0) y = 0; return QRect(x, y, w, h); } */ } // namespace MusEGui