//========================================================= // MusE // Linux Music Editor // $Id: utils.cpp,v 2009/11/14 03:37:48 terminator356 Exp $ // (C) Copyright 1999 Werner Schweer (ws@seh.de) //========================================================= #include #include #include #include #include #include "utils.h" //--------------------------------------------------------- // curTime //--------------------------------------------------------- double curTime() { struct timeval t; gettimeofday(&t, 0); return (double)((double)t.tv_sec + (t.tv_usec / 1000000.0)); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // dump // simple debug output //--------------------------------------------------------- void dump(const unsigned char* p, int n) { printf("dump %d\n", n); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { printf("%02x ", *p++); if ((i > 0) && (i % 16 == 0) && (i+1 < n)) printf("\n"); } printf("\n"); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // num2cols //--------------------------------------------------------- int num2cols(int min, int max) { int amin = abs(min); int amax = abs(max); int l = amin > amax ? amin : amax; return int(log10(l)) + 1; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // hLine //--------------------------------------------------------- QFrame* hLine(QWidget* w) { QFrame* delim = new QFrame(w); delim->setFrameStyle(QFrame::HLine | QFrame::Sunken); return delim; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // vLine //--------------------------------------------------------- QFrame* vLine(QWidget* w) { QFrame* delim = new QFrame(w); delim->setFrameStyle(QFrame::VLine | QFrame::Sunken); return delim; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // bitmap2String // 5c -> 1-4 1-6 // // 01011100 // //--------------------------------------------------------- QString bitmap2String(int bm) { QString s; //printf("bitmap2string: bm %04x", bm); if (bm == 0xffff) s = "all"; else if (bm == 0) s = "none"; else { bool range = false; int first = 0; bool needSpace = false; bm &= 0xffff; for (int i = 0; i < 17; ++i) { //for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) { if ((1 << i) & bm) { if (!range) { range = true; first = i; } } else { if (range) { if (needSpace) s += " "; QString ns; if (first == i-1) ns.sprintf("%d", first+1); else ns.sprintf("%d-%d", first+1, i); s += ns; needSpace = true; } range = false; } } } //printf(" -> <%s>\n", s.toLatin1()); return s; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // u32bitmap2String //--------------------------------------------------------- // Added by Tim. p3.3.8 QString u32bitmap2String(unsigned int bm) { QString s; //printf("bitmap2string: bm %04x", bm); //if (bm == 0xffff) if (bm == 0xffffffff) s = "all"; else if (bm == 0) s = "none"; else { bool range = false; int first = 0; //unsigned int first = 0; bool needSpace = false; //bm &= 0xffff; //for (int i = 0; i < 17; ++i) { for (int i = 0; i < 33; ++i) { if ((i < 32) && ((1U << i) & bm)) { if (!range) { range = true; first = i; } } else { if (range) { if (needSpace) s += " "; QString ns; if (first == i-1) ns.sprintf("%d", first+1); //ns.sprintf("%u", first+1); else ns.sprintf("%d-%d", first+1, i); //ns.sprintf("%u-%u", first+1, i); s += ns; needSpace = true; } range = false; } } } //printf(" -> <%s>\n", s.toLatin1()); return s; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // string2bitmap //--------------------------------------------------------- int string2bitmap(const QString& str) { int val = 0; QString ss = str.simplified(); QByteArray ba = ss.toLatin1(); const char* s = ba.constData(); //printf("string2bitmap <%s>\n", s); if (s == 0) return 0; if (strcmp(s, "all") == 0) return 0xffff; if (strcmp(s, "none") == 0) return 0; // printf("str2bitmap: <%s> ", str.toLatin1); int tval = 0; bool range = false; int sval = 0; while (*s == ' ') ++s; while (*s) { if (*s >= '0' && *s <= '9') { tval *= 10; tval += *s - '0'; } else if (*s == ' ' || *s == ',') { if (range) { for (int i = sval-1; i < tval; ++i) val |= (1 << i); range = false; } else { val |= (1 << (tval-1)); } tval = 0; } else if (*s == '-') { range = true; sval = tval; tval = 0; } ++s; } if (range && tval) { for (int i = sval-1; i < tval; ++i) val |= (1 << i); } else if (tval) { val |= (1 << (tval-1)); } return val & 0xffff; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // string2u32bitmap //--------------------------------------------------------- // Added by Tim. p3.3.8 unsigned int string2u32bitmap(const QString& str) { //int val = 0; unsigned int val = 0; QString ss = str.simplified(); QByteArray ba = ss.toLatin1(); const char* s = ba.constData(); //printf("string2bitmap <%s>\n", s); if (s == 0) return 0; if (strcmp(s, "all") == 0) //return 0xffff; return 0xffffffff; if (strcmp(s, "none") == 0) return 0; // printf("str2bitmap: <%s> ", str.toLatin1); int tval = 0; //unsigned int tval = 0; bool range = false; int sval = 0; //unsigned int sval = 0; while (*s == ' ') ++s; while (*s) { if (*s >= '0' && *s <= '9') { tval *= 10; tval += *s - '0'; } else if (*s == ' ' || *s == ',') { if (range) { for (int i = sval-1; i < tval; ++i) //for (unsigned int i = sval-1; i < tval; ++i) val |= (1U << i); range = false; } else { val |= (1U << (tval-1)); } tval = 0; } else if (*s == '-') { range = true; sval = tval; tval = 0; } ++s; } if (range && tval) { for (int i = sval-1; i < tval; ++i) //for (unsigned int i = sval-1; i < tval; ++i) val |= (1U << i); } else if (tval) { val |= (1U << (tval-1)); } //return val & 0xffff; return val; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // autoAdjustFontSize // w: Widget to auto adjust font size // s: String to fit // ignoreWidth: Set if dealing with a vertically constrained widget - one which is free to resize horizontally. // ignoreHeight: Set if dealing with a horizontally constrained widget - one which is free to resize vertically. //--------------------------------------------------------- // Added by Tim. p3.3.8 bool autoAdjustFontSize(QFrame* w, const QString& s, bool ignoreWidth, bool ignoreHeight, int max, int min) { // In case the max or min was obtained from QFont::pointSize() which returns -1 // if the font is a pixel font, or if min is greater than max... if(!w || (min < 0) || (max < 0) || (min > max)) return false; // Limit the minimum and maximum sizes to something at least readable. if(max < 4) max = 4; if(min < 4) min = 4; QRect cr = w->contentsRect(); QRect r; QFont fnt = w->font(); // An extra amount just to be sure - I found it was still breaking up two words which would fit on one line. int extra = 4; // Allow at least one loop. min can be equal to max. for(int i = max; i >= min; --i) { fnt.setPointSize(i); QFontMetrics fm(fnt); r = fm.boundingRect(s); // Would the text fit within the widget? if((ignoreWidth || (r.width() <= (cr.width() - extra))) && (ignoreHeight || (r.height() <= cr.height()))) break; } // Added by Tim. p3.3.9 //printf("autoAdjustFontSize: ptsz:%d widget:%s before setFont x:%d y:%d w:%d h:%d\n", fnt.pointSize(), w->name(), w->x(), w->y(), w->width(), w->height()); // Here we will always have a font ranging from min to max point size. w->setFont(fnt); // Added by Tim. p3.3.9 //printf("autoAdjustFontSize: ptsz:%d widget:%s x:%d y:%d w:%d h:%d frame w:%d rw:%d rh:%d\n", fnt.pointSize(), w->name(), w->x(), w->y(), w->width(), w->height(), w->frameWidth(), cr.width(), cr.height()); // Force minimum height. Use the expected height for the highest given point size. // This way the mixer strips aren't all different label heights, but can be larger if necessary. // Only if ignoreHeight is set (therefore the height is adjustable). if(ignoreHeight) { fnt.setPointSize(max); QFontMetrics fm(fnt); // Set the label's minimum height equal to the height of the font. w->setMinimumHeight(fm.height() + 2 * w->frameWidth()); } return true; }