//========================================================= // MusE // Linux Music Editor // $Id: scrollscale.cpp,v 2009/11/04 17:43:25 lunar_shuttle Exp $ // (C) Copyright 1999 Werner Schweer (ws@seh.de) //========================================================= #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // #include "globals.h" #include "scrollscale.h" #include "icons.h" //--------------------------------------------------------- // setScale // "val" - slider value in range 0-1024 //--------------------------------------------------------- void ScrollScale::setScale ( int val ) { int off = offset(); if ( invers ) val = 1024 - val; double min, max; if ( scaleMin < 0 ) min = 1.0/ ( -scaleMin ); else min = double ( scaleMin ); if ( scaleMax < 0 ) max = 1.0/ ( -scaleMax ); else max = double ( scaleMax ); double diff = max-min; double fkt = double ( val ) /1024.0; double v = ( pow ( logbase, fkt )-1 ) / ( logbase-1 ); double scale; if ( invers ) scale = max - v * diff; else scale = min + v * diff; if ( scale < 1.0 ) scaleVal = - ( int ( 1.0 / scale ) ); else scaleVal = int ( scale ); if ( scaleVal == -1 ) // nur so scaleVal = 1; #if 0 if ( scaleMax > scaleMin ) { if ( scale < scaleMin ) scale = scaleMin; else if ( scale > scaleMax ) scale = scaleMax; } else { if ( scale < scaleMax ) scale = scaleMax; else if ( scale > scaleMin ) scale = scaleMin; } #endif emit scaleChanged ( scaleVal ); if ( !noScale ) setRange ( minVal, maxVal ); int i = ( scroll->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal ) ? width() : height(); int pos, pmax; if ( scaleVal < 1 ) { pos = ( off-scaleVal/2 ) / ( -scaleVal ); pmax = ( maxVal-scaleVal-1 ) / ( -scaleVal ) - i; } else { pos = off * scaleVal; pmax = maxVal * scaleVal - i; } if(pos > pmax) pos = pmax; setPos(pos); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // setMag //--------------------------------------------------------- void ScrollScale::setMag ( int cs ) { scale->setValue ( cs ); setScale ( cs ); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // setRange // min,max ticks //--------------------------------------------------------- void ScrollScale::setRange ( int min, int max ) { // if ((min != minVal) && (max != maxVal)) // return; minVal = min; maxVal = max; int i = ( scroll->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal ) ? width() : height(); if ( !noScale ) { if ( scaleVal < 1 ) { min = minVal / ( -scaleVal ); max = ( maxVal-scaleVal-1 ) / ( -scaleVal ) - i; } else { min = minVal * scaleVal; max = maxVal * scaleVal - i; } } else max -= i; if ( max < 0 ) max = 0; if ( min < 0 ) min = 0; if ( min > max ) max = min; scroll->setRange ( min, max ); // qt doesn't check this... if ( scroll->value() < min ) scroll->setValue ( min ); if ( scroll->value() > max ) scroll->setValue ( max ); scroll->setSingleStep(20); scroll->setPageStep(i); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // setPos // pos in pixel //--------------------------------------------------------- void ScrollScale::setPos ( unsigned pos ) { scroll->setValue ( pos ); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // setPosNoLimit // pos in pixel //--------------------------------------------------------- void ScrollScale::setPosNoLimit ( unsigned pos ) { //printf ( "ScrollScale::setPosNoLimit pos:%d scaleVal:%d offset ticks:%d\n", pos, scaleVal, pos2offset ( pos ) ); if((int)pos > scroll->maximum()) scroll->setMaximum(pos); scroll->setValue(pos); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // resizeEvent //--------------------------------------------------------- void ScrollScale::resizeEvent ( QResizeEvent* ) { setScale ( scale->value() ); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // ScrollScale //--------------------------------------------------------- ScrollScale::ScrollScale ( int s1, int s2, int cs, int max_, Qt::Orientation o, QWidget* parent, int min_, bool inv, double bas ) : QWidget ( parent ) { noScale = false; _page = 0; _pages = 1; pageButtons = false; showMagFlag = true; scaleMin = s1; scaleMax = s2; minVal = min_; maxVal = max_; up = 0; down = 0; logbase = bas; invers = inv; double min, max; if ( scaleMin < 0 ) min = 1.0/ ( -scaleMin ); else min = double ( scaleMin ); if ( scaleMax < 0 ) max = 1.0/ ( -scaleMax ); else max = double ( scaleMax ); double cmag = ( cs < 0 ) ? ( 1.0/ ( -cs ) ) : double ( cs ); double diff = max-min; // // search initial value for slider // int cur = 512; int delta = 256; for ( int i = 0; i < 8; ++i ) { int tryVal = invers ? 1025 - cur : cur; double fkt = double ( tryVal ) /1024.0; double v = ( pow ( logbase, fkt )-1 ) / ( logbase-1 ); double scale = invers ? ( max - v * diff ) : ( min + v * diff ); if ( scale == cmag ) // not very likely break; //printf("iteration %d invers:%d soll %f(cur:%d) - ist %f\n", i, invers, scale, cur, cmag); int dd = invers ? -delta : delta; cur += ( scale < cmag ) ? dd : -dd; delta/=2; } scale = new QSlider (o); // Added by Tim. For some reason focus was on. // It messes up tabbing, and really should have a shortcut instead. scale->setFocusPolicy(Qt::NoFocus); scale->setMinimum(0); scale->setMaximum(1024); scale->setPageStep(1); scale->setValue(cur); scroll = new QScrollBar ( o ); //scroll->setFocusPolicy(Qt::NoFocus); // Tim. setScale ( cur ); if ( o == Qt::Horizontal ) { box = new QBoxLayout ( QBoxLayout::LeftToRight); scale->setMaximumWidth ( 70 ); scroll->setMinimumWidth ( 50 ); } else { box = new QBoxLayout ( QBoxLayout::TopToBottom); scroll->setMinimumHeight ( 50 ); scale->setMaximumHeight ( 70 ); } box->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); box->setSpacing(0); box->addWidget ( scroll, 10 ); box->addWidget ( scale, 5 ); setLayout(box); connect ( scale, SIGNAL ( valueChanged ( int ) ), SLOT ( setScale ( int ) ) ); ///connect ( scale, SIGNAL ( valueChanged ( int ) ), SIGNAL ( lscaleChanged ( int ) ) ); // ?? connect ( scroll, SIGNAL ( valueChanged ( int ) ), SIGNAL ( scrollChanged ( int ) ) ); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // setPageButtons //--------------------------------------------------------- void ScrollScale::setPageButtons ( bool flag ) { if ( flag == pageButtons ) return; if ( flag ) { if ( up == 0 ) { up = new QToolButton; up->setIcon ( QIcon(*upIcon) ); down = new QToolButton; down->setIcon ( QIcon(*downIcon) ); pageNo = new QLabel; QString s; s.setNum ( _page+1 ); pageNo->setText ( s ); down->setToolTip(tr ( "next page" ) ); up->setToolTip(tr ( "previous page" ) ); pageNo->setToolTip(tr ( "current page number" ) ); box->insertWidget ( 1, up ); box->insertWidget ( 2, down ); box->insertSpacing ( 3, 5 ); box->insertWidget ( 4, pageNo ); box->insertSpacing ( 5, 5 ); connect ( up, SIGNAL ( clicked() ), SLOT ( pageUp() ) ); connect ( down, SIGNAL ( clicked() ), SLOT ( pageDown() ) ); } up->show(); down->show(); pageNo->show(); if ( _page == ( _pages-1 ) ) down->setEnabled ( false ); if ( _page == 0 ) up->setEnabled ( false ); } else { up->hide(); down->hide(); } pageButtons = flag; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // showMag //--------------------------------------------------------- void ScrollScale::showMag ( bool flag ) { showMagFlag = flag; if ( flag ) scale->show(); else scale->hide(); box->activate(); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // offset //--------------------------------------------------------- int ScrollScale::offset() { return pos2offset ( scroll->value() ); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // pos2offset //--------------------------------------------------------- int ScrollScale::pos2offset ( int pos ) { if ( scaleVal < 1 ) return pos * ( -scaleVal ) + scaleVal/2; else return pos / scaleVal; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // setOffset // val in tick //--------------------------------------------------------- void ScrollScale::setOffset ( int val ) { int i = ( scroll->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal ) ? width() : height(); int pos, max; if ( scaleVal < 1 ) { pos = ( val-scaleVal/2 ) / ( -scaleVal ); max = ( maxVal-scaleVal-1 ) / ( -scaleVal ) - i; } else { pos = val * scaleVal; max = maxVal * scaleVal - i; } if ( pos > max ) { int min; if ( scaleVal < 1 ) { maxVal = ( pos + width() ) * ( -scaleVal ); min = ( minVal-scaleVal/2 ) / ( -scaleVal ); max = ( maxVal-scaleVal/2 ) / ( -scaleVal ) - i; } else { maxVal = ( pos + width() + scaleVal/2 ) /scaleVal; min = minVal * scaleVal; max = maxVal * scaleVal - i; } if ( max < 0 ) max = 0; if ( min < 0 ) min = 0; if ( min > max ) max = min; scroll->setRange ( min, max ); } setPos ( pos ); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // pageUp // goto previous page //--------------------------------------------------------- void ScrollScale::pageUp() { if ( _page ) { --_page; emit newPage ( _page ); QString s; s.setNum ( _page+1 ); pageNo->setText ( s ); if ( _page == 0 ) up->setEnabled ( false ); if ( _page == ( _pages-2 ) ) down->setEnabled ( true ); } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // pageDown // goto next page //--------------------------------------------------------- void ScrollScale::pageDown() { if ( _page + 1 < _pages ) { ++_page; emit newPage ( _page ); QString s; s.setNum ( _page+1 ); pageNo->setText ( s ); if ( _page == ( _pages-1 ) ) down->setEnabled ( false ); if ( _page == 1 ) up->setEnabled ( true ); } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // setPages //--------------------------------------------------------- void ScrollScale::setPages ( int n ) { _pages = n; if ( _page >= _pages ) { _page = _pages-1; emit newPage ( _page ); QString s; s.setNum ( _page+1 ); pageNo->setText ( s ); } up->setEnabled ( _page ); down->setEnabled ( _page < ( _pages-1 ) ); } int ScrollScale::pos() const { return scroll->value(); } int ScrollScale::mag() const { return scale->value(); } /** * Hardcoded hackish function that corresponds to the values used for the scrollscales in PianoRoll and DrumEditor * since I couldn't easily create any inverse function from the [0,1024]-range to detect where a zoom actually occurs * (mg) */ int ScrollScale::getQuickZoomLevel(int mag) { if (mag == 0) return 0; for (int i=0; i<24; i++) { int val1 = ScrollScale::convertQuickZoomLevelToMag(i); int val2 = ScrollScale::convertQuickZoomLevelToMag(i + 1); if (mag > val1 && mag <= val2) return i + 1; } return -1; } /** * Function returning the boundary values for a zoom change, hardcoded corresponding to the values used in PianoRoll * and DrumEditor */ int ScrollScale::convertQuickZoomLevelToMag(int zoomlevel) { int vals[] = { 0, 1, 15, 30, 46, 62, 80, 99, 119, 140, 163, 187, 214, 242, 274, 308, 346, 388, 436, 491, 555, 631, 726, 849, 1024 }; return vals[zoomlevel]; }