//========================================================= // MusE // Linux Music Editor // $Id: popupmenu.cpp,v 2010/07/18 03:21:00 terminator356 Exp $ // // (C) Copyright 1999-2010 Werner Schweer (ws@seh.de) // // PopupMenu sub-class of QMenu created by Tim. // (C) Copyright 2010-2011 Tim E. Real (terminator356 A T sourceforge D O T net) //========================================================= //#include #include #include #include #include #include #include //#include #include //#include #include "popupmenu.h" #include "gconfig.h" #include "route.h" //====================== // PopupMenu //====================== //PopupMenu::PopupMenu() //{ // init(); //} PopupMenu::PopupMenu(bool stayOpen) : _stayOpen(stayOpen) { init(); } PopupMenu::PopupMenu(QWidget* parent, bool stayOpen) : QMenu(parent), _stayOpen(stayOpen) { init(); } PopupMenu::PopupMenu(const QString& title, QWidget* parent, bool stayOpen) : QMenu(title, parent), _stayOpen(stayOpen) { init(); } PopupMenu::~PopupMenu() { //printf("PopupMenu::~PopupMenu\n"); } void PopupMenu::init() { // Menus will trigger! Set to make sure our trigger handlers ignore menus. menuAction()->setData(-1); //_stayOpen = false; moveDelta = 0; #ifndef POPUP_MENU_DISABLE_AUTO_SCROLL timer = new QTimer(this); timer->setInterval(100); timer->setSingleShot(false); connect(this, SIGNAL(hovered(QAction*)), SLOT(popHovered(QAction*))); connect(timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(timerHandler())); #endif // POPUP_MENU_DISABLE_AUTO_SCROLL } void PopupMenu::clear() { QList list = actions(); for(int i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i) { QAction* act = list[i]; QMenu* menu = act->menu(); if(menu) { menu->clear(); // Recursive. act->setMenu(0); // CHECK: Is this OK? delete menu; } } // Now let QT remove and delete this menu's actions. QMenu::clear(); #ifndef POPUP_MENU_DISABLE_AUTO_SCROLL connect(this, SIGNAL(hovered(QAction*)), SLOT(popHovered(QAction*))); connect(timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(timerHandler())); #endif // POPUP_MENU_DISABLE_AUTO_SCROLL } void PopupMenu::clearAllChecks() const { QList list = actions(); for(int i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i) { QAction* act = list[i]; PopupMenu* menu = static_cast (act->menu()); if(menu) menu->clearAllChecks(); // Recursive. if(act->isCheckable()) { act->blockSignals(true); act->setChecked(false); act->blockSignals(false); } } } QAction* PopupMenu::findActionFromData(const QVariant& v) const { QList list = actions(); for(int i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i) { QAction* act = list[i]; PopupMenu* menu = (PopupMenu*)act->menu(); if(menu) { if(QAction* actm = menu->findActionFromData(v)) // Recursive. return actm; } // "Operator == Compares this QVariant with v and returns true if they are equal, // otherwise returns false. In the case of custom types, their equalness operators // are not called. Instead the values' addresses are compared." // // Take care of struct Route first. Insert other future custom structures here too ! if(act->data().canConvert() && v.canConvert()) { if(act->data().value() == v.value()) return act; } else if(act->data() == v) return act; } return 0; } bool PopupMenu::event(QEvent* event) { //printf("PopupMenu::event type:%d\n", event->type()); switch(event->type()) { #ifndef POPUP_MENU_DISABLE_STAY_OPEN case QEvent::MouseButtonDblClick: { if(_stayOpen) //if(_stayOpen && config.popupsDefaultStayOpen) { QMouseEvent* e = static_cast(event); if(e->modifiers() == Qt::NoModifier) { event->accept(); // Convert into a return press, which selects the item and closes the menu. // Note that with double click, it's a press followed by release followed by double click. // That would toggle our item twice eg on->off->on, which is hopefully OK. QKeyEvent ke(QEvent::KeyPress, Qt::Key_Return, Qt::NoModifier); //ke.ignore(); // Pass it on return QMenu::event(&ke); } } } break; case QEvent::KeyPress: { if(_stayOpen) //if(_stayOpen && config.popupsDefaultStayOpen) { QKeyEvent* e = static_cast(event); if(e->modifiers() == Qt::NoModifier && e->key() == Qt::Key_Space) { QAction* act = activeAction(); if(act) { act->trigger(); event->accept(); return true; // We handled it. } } } } break; #endif // POPUP_MENU_DISABLE_STAY_OPEN #ifndef POPUP_MENU_DISABLE_AUTO_SCROLL case QEvent::MouseMove: { QMouseEvent* e = static_cast(event); QPoint globPos = e->globalPos(); //QPoint pos = e->pos(); int dw = QApplication::desktop()->width(); // We want the whole thing if multiple monitors. //printf("PopupMenu::event MouseMove: pos x:%d y:%d globPos x:%d y:%d\n", // pos.x(), pos.y(), globPos.x(), globPos.y()); /* //QAction* action = actionAt(globPos); QAction* action = actionAt(pos); if(action) { QRect r = actionGeometry(action); //printf(" act x:%d y:%d w:%d h:%d popup px:%d py:%d pw:%d ph:%d\n", // r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), r.height(), x(), y(), width(), height()); //action->hover(); } */ if(x() < 0 && globPos.x() <= 0) // If on the very first pixel (or beyond) { moveDelta = 32; if(!timer->isActive()) timer->start(); event->accept(); return true; } else if(x() + width() >= dw && globPos.x() >= (dw -1)) // If on the very last pixel (or beyond) { moveDelta = -32; if(!timer->isActive()) timer->start(); event->accept(); return true; } if(timer->isActive()) timer->stop(); //event->accept(); //return true; event->ignore(); // Pass it on //return QMenu::event(event); } break; #endif // POPUP_MENU_DISABLE_AUTO_SCROLL default: break; } return QMenu::event(event); } #ifndef POPUP_MENU_DISABLE_AUTO_SCROLL void PopupMenu::timerHandler() { // printf("PopupMenu::timerHandler\n"); //if(!isVisible() || !hasFocus()) if(!isVisible()) { timer->stop(); return; } int dw = QApplication::desktop()->width(); // We want the whole thing if multiple monitors. int nx = x() + moveDelta; if(moveDelta < 0 && nx + width() < dw) { timer->stop(); nx = dw - width(); } else if(moveDelta > 0 && nx > 0) { timer->stop(); nx = 0; } move(nx, y()); } void PopupMenu::popHovered(QAction* action) { //timer->stop(); //moveDelta = 0; if(action) { int dw = QApplication::desktop()->width(); // We want the whole thing if multiple monitors. QRect r = actionGeometry(action); //printf("PopupMenu::popHovered x:%d y:%d w:%d h:%d px:%d py:%d pw:%d ph:%d\n", // r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), r.height(), x(), y(), width(), height()); //printf("PopupMenu::popHovered x:%d y:%d w:%d h:%d px:%d py:%d pw:%d ph:%d dtw:%d\n", // r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), r.height(), x(), y(), width(), height(), dw); //int x = r.x() + ctrlSubPop->x(); if(x() + r.x() < 0) //setGeometry(0, y(), width(), height()); //scroll(-x, 0); //move(-r.x() + 32, y()); // Allow some of left column to show so that mouse can move over it. //move(-r.x() + r.width(), y()); // Allow some of left column to show so that mouse can move over it. //moveDelta = x() - r.x() + 32; move(-r.x(), y()); else if(r.x() + r.width() + x() > dw) //setGeometry(1200 - r.x() - r.width(), y(), width(), height()); //scroll(-x + 1200, 0); //move(dw - r.x() - r.width() - 32, y()); // Allow some of right column to show so that mouse can move over it. //move(dw - r.x(), y()); // Allow some of right column to show so that mouse can move over it. //moveDelta = x() + dw - r.x() - r.width() - 32; move(dw - r.x() - r.width(), y()); } //if(moveDelta == 0) // timer->stop(); } #endif // POPUP_MENU_DISABLE_AUTO_SCROLL void PopupMenu::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { #ifdef POPUP_MENU_DISABLE_STAY_OPEN QMenu::mouseReleaseEvent(e); return; #else // Check for Ctrl to stay open. if(!_stayOpen || (!config.popupsDefaultStayOpen && (e->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier) == 0)) { QMenu::mouseReleaseEvent(e); return; } //printf("PopupMenu::mouseReleaseEvent\n"); QAction *action = actionAt(e->pos()); if (action && action == activeAction() && !action->isSeparator() && action->isEnabled()) action->activate(QAction::Trigger); else QMenu::mouseReleaseEvent(e); #endif // POPUP_MENU_DISABLE_STAY_OPEN } /* //====================== // PopupView //====================== PopupView::PopupView(QWidget* parent) : QColumnView(parent) { _model= new QStandardItemModel(this); // FIXME: After clearing, then re-filling, no items seen. // But if setModel is called FOR THE FIRST TIME after clearing the model, // then it works. Calling setModel any time after that does not work. setModel(_model); } PopupView::~PopupView() { // Make sure to clear the popup so that any child popups are also deleted ! //popup->clear(); } void PopupView::clear() { _model->clear(); } */