#include #include "mmath.h" // QwtMath - a set of mathematical routines // // qwtGetMin -- Find the smallest value in an array // qwtGetMax -- Find the largest value in an array // qwtTwistArray -- invert the order of an array // qwtFloor125 -- Find the largest value fitting in a 1-2-5 pattern // qwtCeil125 -- Find the smallest value fitting in a 1-2-5 pattern // qwtChkMono -- Check for monotony // qwtLinSpace -- construct an array of equally spaced values // qwtLogSpace -- construct an array of logarithmically equally spaced values // qwtMax -- Return the largest of two values // qwtMin -- Return the smallest of two values // qwtAbs -- return the absolute value // qwtSign -- Return the sign of a number // qwtSqr -- Return the square of a number // qwtCopyArray -- Copy an array into another // qwtShiftArray -- Shift an array // qwtSwap -- Swap two values // qwtSort (1) -- Sort two values // qwtSort (2) -- Sort two values // qwtInt -- Return nearest integer // qwtLim -- Limit a values //------------------------------------------------------------ //.F qwtGetMin // Find the smallest value in an array // //.u Syntax //.f double qwtGetMin(double *array, int size) // //.u Parameters //.p double *array, int size // //------------------------------------------------------------ double qwtGetMin(double *array, int size) { double rv; int i; if (size > 0) { rv = array[0]; for (i=1; i< size; i++) rv = qwtMin(rv, array[i]); return rv; } else return 0.0; } //------------------------------------------------------------ // //.F qwtGetMax // Find the largest value in an array // //.u Syntax //.f double qwtGetMax(double *array, int size) // //.u Parameters //.p double *array, int size // //------------------------------------------------------------ double qwtGetMax(double *array, int size) { double rv; int i; if (size > 0) { rv = array[0]; for (i=1; i< size; i++) rv = qwtMax(rv, array[i]); return rv; } else return 0.0; } //------------------------------------------------------------ // //.F qwtCeil125 // Find the smallest value out of {1,2,5}*10^n with an integer number n // which is greater than or equal to x // //.u Syntax //.f double qwtCeil125(double x) // //.u Parameters //.p double x // //------------------------------------------------------------ double qwtCeil125( double x) { double lx, rv; double p10, fr; double sign = ( x > 0) ? 1.0 : -1.0; if (x == 0.0) return 0.0; lx = log10(fabs(x)); p10 = floor(lx); fr = pow(10.0,lx - p10); if (fr <=1.0) fr = 1.0; else if (fr <= 2.0) fr = 2.0; else if (fr <= 5.0) fr = 5.0; else fr = 10.0; rv = fr * pow(10.0,p10); return sign * rv; } //------------------------------------------------------------ // //.F qwtFloor125 // Find the largest value out of {1,2,5}*10^n with an integer number n // which is smaller than or equal to x // //.u Syntax //.f double qwtFloor125(double x) // //.u Parameters //.p double x // //------------------------------------------------------------ double qwtFloor125( double x) { double lx, rv; double p10, fr; double sign = ( x > 0) ? 1.0 : -1.0; if (x == 0.0) return 0.0; lx = log10(fabs(x)); p10 = floor(lx); fr = pow(10.0,lx - p10); if (fr >= 10.0) fr = 10.0; else if (fr >= 5.0) fr = 5.0; else if (fr >= 2.0) fr = 2.0; else fr = 1.0; rv = fr * pow(10.0,p10); return sign * rv; } //------------------------------------------------------------ // //.F qwtChkMono // Checks if an array is a strictly monotonic sequence // //.u Syntax //.f int qwtChkMono(double *array, int size) // //.u Parameters //.p double *array -- pointer to a double array // int size -- size of the array // //.u Return Value //.t 0 -- sequence is not strictly monotonic // 1 -- sequence is strictly monotonically increasing // -1 -- sequence is strictly monotonically decreasing // //------------------------------------------------------------ int qwtChkMono(double *array, int size) { int rv, i; if (size < 2) return 0; rv = qwtSign(array[1] - array[0]); for (i=1;i 0) { array[0] = xmin; array[imax] = xmax; step = (xmax - xmin) / double(imax); for (i=1;i