werner schweer midi sync configuration dialog MidiSyncConfigBase 0 0 655 419 MusE: Midi Sync 6 0 Qt::Horizontal QSizePolicy::Expanding 20 20 Apply Ok true Cancel true MTC 6 11 Type: false 0 0 24 25 30D 30N Qt::Horizontal QSizePolicy::Expanding 40 20 Offset: false false hour 23 h false false minute 59 m false false second 59 s false false frame 30 f false false subframe Sync receiving and sending true Send and receive Jack transport Send and receive Jack transport information, including stop, start and position. Use Jack transport false true Make MusE the Jack transport Timebase Master Make MusE the Jack transport Timebase Master. Allows Jack to show time as MusE Bars, Beats, and Ticks. MusE will try to become master, but other Jack clients can also take over later. You can always click here again for Master. Jack transport Timebase Master true true Control MusE timing by external midi clock or MTC sync When in slave mode, tempo is controlled externally. MusE can sync to midi clock, or MTC quarter frame sync. Enabled inputs in the list will be in effect (RMC, RMMC, RMTC). Slave to external sync false Send start to first clock delay Allows 'slow sync' devices time to synchronize to MusE. This value is the delay from sending start to sending the first clock. ms 0 60000 1 1 Send sync delay Qt::AlignLeading|Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignVCenter false 1 mtcOffH mtcOffM mtcOffS mtcOffF mtcOffSf applyButton okButton cancelButton