//========================================================= // MusE // Linux Music Editor // $Id: dimap.cpp,v 2003/10/27 18:55:11 wschweer Exp $ // Copyright (C) 1997 Josef Wilgen // (C) Copyright 2000 Werner Schweer (ws@seh.de) // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of // the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. // //========================================================= #include #include "dimap.h" #include "mmath.h" namespace MusEWidget { const double DiMap::LogMin = 1.0e-150; const double DiMap::LogMax = 1.0e150; // DiMap - Map a double interval into an integer interval // // The DiMap class maps an interval of type double into an interval of // type integer. It consists // of two intervals D = [d1, d2] (double) and I = [i1, i2] (int), which are // specified with the @DiMap::setDblRange@ and @DiMap::setIntRange@ // members. The point d1 is mapped to the point i1, and d2 is mapped to i2. // Any point inside or outside D can be mapped to a point inside or outside // I using @DiMap::transform@ or @DiMap::limTransform@ or vice versa // using @QwtPlot::invTransform@. D can be scaled linearly or // logarithmically, as specified with @DiMap::setDblRange@. //------------------------------------------------------------ //.F DiMap::DiMap (1) // Construct a DiMap instance. // //.u Syntax //.f DiMap::DiMap() // //.u Description // The double and integer intervals are both set to [0,1]. //------------------------------------------------------------ DiMap::DiMap() { d_x1 = 0.0; d_x2 = 1.0; d_y1 = 0; d_y2 = 1; d_cnv = 1.0; } //------------------------------------------------------------ //.F DiMap::DiMap (2) // Construct a DiMap instance with initial integer // and double intervals // //.u Syntax //.f DiMap::DiMap(int i1, int i2, double d1, double d2, bool logarithmic) // //.u Parameters //.p int i1 -- first border of integer interval // int i2 -- second border of integer interval // double d1 -- first border of double interval // double d2 -- second border of double interval // bool logarithmic -- logarithmic mapping, TRUE or FALSE. Defaults // to FALSE. //------------------------------------------------------------ DiMap::DiMap(int i1, int i2, double d1, double d2, bool logarithmic) { d_log = logarithmic; setIntRange(i1,i2); setDblRange(d1, d2); } //------------------------------------------------------------ //.F DiMap::~DiMap // Destroy a DiMap instance. // //.u Syntax //.f DiMap::~DiMap() //------------------------------------------------------------ DiMap::~DiMap() { } //------------------------------------------------------------ //.F DiMap::contains (1) // Returns TRUE if a value x lies inside or at the border of the // map's double range. // //.u Syntax //.f bool DiMap::contains(double x) // //.u Parameters //.p double x -- value //------------------------------------------------------------ bool DiMap::contains(double x) const { return ( (x >= MusEUtil::qwtMin(d_x1, d_x1)) && (x <= MusEUtil::qwtMax(d_x1, d_x2))); } //------------------------------------------------------------ //.F DiMap::contains (2) // Returns TRUE if a value x lies inside or at the border of the // map's integer range // //.u Syntax //.f bool DiMap::contains(int x) // //.u Parameters //.p int x -- value //------------------------------------------------------------ bool DiMap::contains(int x) const { return ( (x >= MusEUtil::qwtMin(d_y1, d_y1)) && (x <= MusEUtil::qwtMax(d_y1, d_y2))); } //------------------------------------------------------------ //.F DiMap::setDblRange // Specify the borders of the double interval // //.u Syntax //.f void DiMap::setDblRange(double d1, double d2, bool lg = FALSE) // //.u Parameters //.p double d1 -- first border // double d2 -- second border // bool lg -- logarithmic (TRUE) or linear (FALSE) // scaling. Defaults to FALSE. //------------------------------------------------------------ void DiMap::setDblRange(double d1, double d2, bool lg) { if (lg) { d_log = true; if (d1 < LogMin) d1 = LogMin; else if (d1 > LogMax) d1 = LogMax; if (d2 < LogMin) d2 = LogMin; else if (d2 > LogMax) d2 = LogMax; d_x1 = log(d1); d_x2 = log(d2); } else { d_log = FALSE; d_x1 = d1; d_x2 = d2; } newFactor(); } //------------------------------------------------------------ //.F DiMap::setIntRange // Specify the borders of the integer interval // //.u Syntax //.f void DiMap::setIntRange(int i1, int i2) // //.u Parameters //.p int i1 -- first border // int i2 -- second border //------------------------------------------------------------ void DiMap::setIntRange(int i1, int i2) { d_y1 = i1; d_y2 = i2; newFactor(); } //------------------------------------------------------------ //.F DiMap::transform // Transform a point in double interval into an point in the // integer interval // //.u Syntax //.f int DiMap::transform(double x) // //.u Parameters //.p double x // //.u Return Value //.t // linear mapping: -- rint(i1 + (i2 - i1) / (d2 - d1) * (x - d1)) // logarithmic mapping: -- rint(i1 + (i2 - i1) / log(d2 / d1) * log(x / d1)) // //.u Note // The specified point is allowed to lie outside the intervals. If you // want to limit the returned value, use @DiMap::limTransform@. //------------------------------------------------------------ int DiMap::transform(double x) const { if (d_log) return (d_y1 + int(rint( (log(x) - d_x1) * d_cnv ))); else return (d_y1 + int(rint( (x - d_x1) * d_cnv ))); } //------------------------------------------------------------ //.F DiMap::invTransform // Transform an integer value into a double value // //.u Syntax //.f double DiMap::invTransform(int y) // //.u Parameters //.p int y -- integer value to be transformed // //.u Return Value //.t // linear mapping: -- d1 + (d2 - d1) / (i2 - i1) * (y - i1) // logarithmic mapping: -- d1 + (d2 - d1) / log(i2 / i1) * log(y / i1) //------------------------------------------------------------ double DiMap::invTransform(int y) const { if (d_cnv == 0.0) return 0.0; else { if (d_log) return exp(d_x1 + double(y - d_y1) / d_cnv ); else return ( d_x1 + double(y - d_y1) / d_cnv ); } } //------------------------------------------------------------ //.F DiMap::limTransform // Transform and limit // //.u Syntax //.f int DiMap::limTransform(double x) // //.u Parameters //.p double x // //.u Return Value // transformed value // //.u Description // The function is similar to @DiMap::transform@, but limits the input value // to the nearest border of the map's double interval if it lies outside // that interval. //------------------------------------------------------------ int DiMap::limTransform(double x) const { if ( x > MusEUtil::qwtMax(d_x1, d_x2) ) x = MusEUtil::qwtMax(d_x1, d_x2); else if ( x < MusEUtil::qwtMin(d_x1, d_x2)) x = MusEUtil::qwtMin(d_x1, d_x2); return transform(x); } //------------------------------------------------------------ //.F DiMap::xTransform // Exact transformation // //.u Syntax //.f double DiMap::dTransform(double x) // //.u Parameters //.p double x -- value to be transformed // //.u Return Value //.t // linear mapping: -- i1 + (i2 - i1) / (d2 - d1) * (x - d1) // logarithmic mapping: -- i1 + (i2 - i1) / log(d2 / d1) * log(x / d1) // //.u Description // This function is similar to @DiMap::transform@, but // makes the integer interval appear to be double. //------------------------------------------------------------ double DiMap::xTransform(double x) const { double rv; if (d_log) rv = double(d_y1) + (log(x) - d_x1) * d_cnv; else rv = double(d_y1) + (x - d_x1) * d_cnv; return rv; } //------------------------------------------------------------ //.F DiMap::newFactor // Re-calculate the conversion factor. //------------------------------------------------------------ void DiMap::newFactor() { if (d_x2 != d_x1) d_cnv = double(d_y2 - d_y1) / (d_x2 - d_x1); else d_cnv = 0.0; } } // namespace MusEWidget