//========================================================= // MusE // Linux Music Editor // // vst_native.h // (C) Copyright 2012 Tim E. Real (terminator356 on users dot sourceforge dot net) // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of // the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. // //========================================================= #ifndef __VST_NATIVE_H__ #define __VST_NATIVE_H__ #include "config.h" // Make sure this number is unique among all the MESS synths and DSSI and VST host synths. #define VST_NATIVE_SYNTH_UNIQUE_ID 9 // Midistate sysex initialization command. #define VST_NATIVE_INIT_DATA_CMD 1 #define VST_NATIVE_PARAMSAVE_VERSION_MAJOR 0 #define VST_NATIVE_PARAMSAVE_VERSION_MINOR 1 #define VST_NATIVE_CHUNK_FLAG_COMPRESSED 1 #ifdef VST_NATIVE_SUPPORT class VstNativeSynthIF; typedef class VstNativeSynthIF VSTPlugin; #include "aeffectx.h" #ifdef VST_VESTIGE_SUPPORT #ifndef effGetProgramNameIndexed #define effGetProgramNameIndexed 29 #endif #endif #ifndef VST_2_4_EXTENSIONS #ifndef VST_VESTIGE_SUPPORT typedef long VstInt32; typedef long VstIntPtr; #else typedef int32_t VstInt32; typedef intptr_t VstIntPtr; #define VSTCALLBACK #endif #endif #include "vst_native_editor.h" #include "synth.h" #include "plugin.h" #include "midictrl.h" #endif // VST_NATIVE_SUPPORT namespace MusEGui { class PopupMenu; } namespace MusECore { #ifdef VST_NATIVE_SUPPORT struct VstRect{ short top; short left; short bottom; short right; }; struct VST_Program { //unsigned long bank; unsigned long program; QString name; }; //--------------------------------------------------------- // VstNativeSynth //--------------------------------------------------------- class VstNativeSynth : public Synth { enum VstPluginFlags { canSendVstEvents = 1 << 0, canSendVstMidiEvents = 1 << 1, canSendVstTimeInfo = 1 << 2, canReceiveVstEvents = 1 << 3, canReceiveVstMidiEvents = 1 << 4, canReceiveVstTimeInfo = 1 << 5, canProcessOffline = 1 << 6, canUseAsInsert = 1 << 7, canUseAsSend = 1 << 8, canMixDryWet = 1 << 9, canMidiProgramNames = 1 << 10 }; void* _handle; int _vst_version; unsigned int _flags; unsigned long /*_portCount,*/ _inports, _outports, _controlInPorts; //, _controlOutPorts; std::vector iIdx; // Audio input index to port number. std::vector oIdx; // Audio output index to port number. std::vector rpIdx; // Port number to control input index. Item is -1 if it's not a control input. MusECore::MidiCtl2LadspaPortMap midiCtl2PortMap; // Maps midi controller numbers to vst port numbers. MusECore::MidiCtl2LadspaPortMap port2MidiCtlMap; // Maps vst port numbers to midi controller numbers. bool _hasGui; bool _inPlaceCapable; bool _hasChunks; public: VstNativeSynth(const QFileInfo& fi, AEffect* plugin, const QString& label, const QString& desc, const QString& maker, const QString& ver); virtual ~VstNativeSynth() {} virtual Type synthType() const { return VST_NATIVE_SYNTH; } virtual void incInstances(int val); virtual AEffect* instantiate(); virtual SynthIF* createSIF(SynthI*); unsigned long inPorts() const { return _inports; } unsigned long outPorts() const { return _outports; } unsigned long inControls() const { return _controlInPorts; } //unsigned long outControls() const { return _controlOutPorts; } int vstVersion() const { return _vst_version; } bool hasChunks() const { return _hasChunks; } const std::vector* getRpIdx() { return &rpIdx; } }; //--------------------------------------------------------- // VstNativeSynthIF // VSTi synthesizer instance //--------------------------------------------------------- class VstNativeSynthIF : public SynthIF { friend class VstNativeSynth; friend class MusEGui::VstNativeEditor; VstNativeSynth* _synth; AEffect* _plugin; MusEGui::VstNativeEditor* _editor; bool _guiVisible; bool _inProcess; // To inform the callback of the 'process level' - are we in the audio thread? Port* _controls; float** _audioOutBuffers; float** _audioInBuffers; std::vector _iUsedIdx; // During process, tells whether an audio input port was used by any input routes. float* _audioInSilenceBuf; // Just all zeros all the time, so we don't have to clear for silence. std::vector programs; void queryPrograms(); void doSelectProgram(int bankH, int bankL, int prog); bool processEvent(const MusECore::MidiPlayEvent&, VstMidiEvent*); void setVstEvent(VstMidiEvent* event, int a = 0, int b = 0, int c = 0, int d = 0); void editorDeleted(); void editorOpened(); void editorClosed(); public: VstNativeSynthIF(SynthI* s); virtual ~VstNativeSynthIF(); virtual bool init(Synth*); AEffect* plugin() const { return _plugin; } VstIntPtr hostCallback(VstInt32 opcode, VstInt32 index, VstIntPtr value, void* ptr, float opt); VstIntPtr dispatch(VstInt32 opcode, VstInt32 index, VstIntPtr value, void* ptr, float opt) const { if(_plugin) return _plugin->dispatcher(_plugin, opcode, index, value, ptr, opt); return 0; } void idleEditor(); bool resizeEditor(int w, int h); virtual bool initGui() { return true; }; virtual void guiHeartBeat() { } virtual bool guiVisible() const; virtual void showGui(bool); virtual bool hasGui() const { return true; } virtual bool nativeGuiVisible() const; virtual void showNativeGui(bool v); virtual bool hasNativeGui() const; virtual void getGeometry(int*x, int*y, int*w, int*h) const { *x=0;*y=0;*w=0;*h=0; } virtual void setGeometry(int, int, int, int) {} virtual void getNativeGeometry(int*x, int*y, int*w, int*h) const { *x=0;*y=0;*w=0;*h=0; } virtual void setNativeGeometry(int, int, int, int) {} virtual void preProcessAlways() { }; virtual iMPEvent getData(MidiPort*, MPEventList*, iMPEvent, unsigned pos, int ports, unsigned nframes, float** buffer) ; virtual bool putEvent(const MidiPlayEvent& ev); virtual MidiPlayEvent receiveEvent(); virtual int eventsPending() const { return 0; } virtual int channels() const; virtual int totalOutChannels() const; virtual int totalInChannels() const; virtual void deactivate3(); virtual QString getPatchName(int chan, int prog, bool drum) const; virtual void populatePatchPopup(MusEGui::PopupMenu* menu, int chan, bool drum); virtual void write(int level, Xml& xml) const; virtual float getParameter(unsigned long idx) const; virtual void setParameter(unsigned long idx, float value); virtual int getControllerInfo(int, const char**, int*, int*, int*, int*) { return 0; } virtual void guiAutomationBegin(unsigned long param_idx); virtual void guiAutomationEnd(unsigned long param_idx); virtual int guiControlChanged(unsigned long param_idx, float value); //------------------------- // Methods for PluginIBase: //------------------------- unsigned long pluginID(); int id(); QString pluginLabel() const; QString lib() const; QString dirPath() const; QString fileName() const; void enableController(unsigned long i, bool v = true); bool controllerEnabled(unsigned long i) const; void enable2Controller(unsigned long i, bool v = true); bool controllerEnabled2(unsigned long i) const; void enableAllControllers(bool v = true); void enable2AllControllers(bool v = true); void updateControllers(); void activate(); void deactivate(); unsigned long parameters() const; unsigned long parametersOut() const; void setParam(unsigned long i, float val); float param(unsigned long i) const; float paramOut(unsigned long i) const; const char* paramName(unsigned long i); const char* paramOutName(unsigned long i); LADSPA_PortRangeHint range(unsigned long i); LADSPA_PortRangeHint rangeOut(unsigned long i); CtrlValueType ctrlValueType(unsigned long i) const; CtrlList::Mode ctrlMode(unsigned long i) const; }; #endif // VST_NATIVE_SUPPORT extern void initVST_Native(); } // namespace MusECore #endif