//========================================================= // MusE // Linux Music Editor // $Id: vst.h,v 2009/11/25 09:09:44 terminator356 Exp $ // (C) Copyright 2004 Werner Schweer (ws@seh.de) // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of // the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. // //========================================================= #ifndef __VST_H__ #define __VST_H__ #include "synth.h" //class QMenu; class PopupMenu; struct _FSTHandle; struct _FST; //--------------------------------------------------------- // VstSynth //--------------------------------------------------------- class VstSynth : public Synth { _FSTHandle* fstHandle; public: //VstSynth(const QFileInfo& fi) : Synth(fi) { fstHandle = 0; } VstSynth(const QFileInfo& fi) : Synth(fi, fi->baseName()) { fstHandle = 0; } virtual ~VstSynth() {} virtual void incInstances(int val); virtual void* instantiate(); //virtual SynthIF* createSIF() const; virtual SynthIF* createSIF(SynthI*) const; }; //--------------------------------------------------------- // VstSynthIF // VSTi synthesizer instance //--------------------------------------------------------- class VstSynthIF : public SynthIF { _FST* _fst; bool _guiVisible; public: //VstSynthIF() { _fst = 0; _guiVisible = false; } VstSynthIF(SynthI* s) : SynthIF(s) { _fst = 0; _guiVisible = false; } virtual bool initGui() { return true; }; virtual void guiHeartBeat() { } virtual bool guiVisible() const { return false; } virtual void showGui(bool) { } virtual bool hasGui() const { return false; } virtual bool nativeGuiVisible() const; virtual void showNativeGui(bool v); virtual bool hasNativeGui() const; virtual void getGeometry(int*x, int*y, int*w, int*h) const { *x=0;*y=0;*w=0;*h=0; } virtual void setGeometry(int, int, int, int) {} virtual void getNativeGeometry(int*x, int*y, int*w, int*h) const { *x=0;*y=0;*w=0;*h=0; } virtual void setNativeGeometry(int, int, int, int) {} virtual void preProcessAlways() { }; virtual iMPEvent getData(MidiPort*, MPEventList*, iMPEvent, unsigned pos, int ports, unsigned n, float** buffer) ; virtual bool putEvent(const MidiPlayEvent& ev); virtual MidiPlayEvent receiveEvent(); virtual int eventsPending() const { return 0; } virtual bool init(Synth*); virtual int channels() const; virtual int totalOutChannels() const; virtual int totalInChannels() const; virtual void deactivate3(); virtual const char* getPatchName(int, int, int, bool) const { return ""; } virtual const char* getPatchName(int, int, MType, bool) { return ""; } //virtual void populatePatchPopup(QMenu*, int, MType, bool) {}; virtual void populatePatchPopup(PopupMenu*, int, MType, bool) {}; virtual void write(int level, Xml& xml) const; virtual float getParameter(unsigned long idx) const; virtual void setParameter(unsigned long idx, float value); virtual int getControllerInfo(int, const char**, int*, int*, int*, int*) { return 0; } }; #endif