//========================================================= // MusE // Linux Music Editor // $Id: track.cpp,v 2009/11/30 05:05:49 terminator356 Exp $ // // (C) Copyright 2000-2004 Werner Schweer (ws@seh.de) // (C) Copyright 2011 Tim E. Real (terminator356 on sourceforge) // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of // the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. // //========================================================= #include "track.h" #include "event.h" #include "mididev.h" #include "midiport.h" #include "song.h" #include "xml.h" #include "plugin.h" #include "drummap.h" #include "audio.h" #include "globaldefs.h" #include "route.h" #include "drummap.h" #include "midictrl.h" #include "helper.h" #include "limits.h" #include "dssihost.h" namespace MusECore { unsigned int Track::_soloRefCnt = 0; Track* Track::_tmpSoloChainTrack = 0; bool Track::_tmpSoloChainDoIns = false; bool Track::_tmpSoloChainNoDec = false; const char* Track::_cname[] = { "Midi", "Drum", "NewStyleDrum", "Wave", "AudioOut", "AudioIn", "AudioGroup", "AudioAux", "AudioSynth" }; bool MidiTrack::_isVisible=true; //--------------------------------------------------------- // addPortCtrlEvents //--------------------------------------------------------- void addPortCtrlEvents(MidiTrack* t) { const PartList* pl = t->cparts(); for(ciPart ip = pl->begin(); ip != pl->end(); ++ip) { Part* part = ip->second; const EventList* el = part->cevents(); unsigned len = part->lenTick(); for(ciEvent ie = el->begin(); ie != el->end(); ++ie) { const Event& ev = ie->second; // Added by T356. Do not add events which are past the end of the part. if(ev.tick() >= len) break; if(ev.type() == Controller) { int tick = ev.tick() + part->tick(); int cntrl = ev.dataA(); int val = ev.dataB(); int ch = t->outChannel(); MidiPort* mp = &MusEGlobal::midiPorts[t->outPort()]; // Is it a drum controller event, according to the track port's instrument? if(t->type() == Track::DRUM) { MidiController* mc = mp->drumController(cntrl); if(mc) { int note = cntrl & 0x7f; cntrl &= ~0xff; ch = MusEGlobal::drumMap[note].channel; mp = &MusEGlobal::midiPorts[MusEGlobal::drumMap[note].port]; cntrl |= MusEGlobal::drumMap[note].anote; } } mp->setControllerVal(ch, tick, cntrl, val, part); } } } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // removePortCtrlEvents //--------------------------------------------------------- void removePortCtrlEvents(MidiTrack* t) { const PartList* pl = t->cparts(); for(ciPart ip = pl->begin(); ip != pl->end(); ++ip) { Part* part = ip->second; const EventList* el = part->cevents(); for(ciEvent ie = el->begin(); ie != el->end(); ++ie) { const Event& ev = ie->second; if(ev.type() == Controller) { int tick = ev.tick() + part->tick(); int cntrl = ev.dataA(); int ch = t->outChannel(); MidiPort* mp = &MusEGlobal::midiPorts[t->outPort()]; // Is it a drum controller event, according to the track port's instrument? if(t->type() == Track::DRUM) { MidiController* mc = mp->drumController(cntrl); if(mc) { int note = cntrl & 0x7f; cntrl &= ~0xff; ch = MusEGlobal::drumMap[note].channel; mp = &MusEGlobal::midiPorts[MusEGlobal::drumMap[note].port]; cntrl |= MusEGlobal::drumMap[note].anote; } } mp->deleteController(ch, tick, cntrl, part); } } } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // isVisible //--------------------------------------------------------- bool Track::isVisible() { switch (type()) { case Track::AUDIO_AUX: return AudioAux::visible(); case Track::AUDIO_GROUP: return AudioGroup::visible(); case Track::AUDIO_INPUT: return AudioInput::visible(); case Track::AUDIO_OUTPUT: return AudioOutput::visible(); case Track::WAVE: return WaveTrack::visible(); case Track::MIDI: case Track::DRUM: case Track::NEW_DRUM: return MidiTrack::visible(); case Track::AUDIO_SOFTSYNTH: return SynthI::visible(); default: break; } return false; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // y //--------------------------------------------------------- int Track::y() const { TrackList* tl = MusEGlobal::song->tracks(); int yy = 0; for (ciTrack it = tl->begin(); it != tl->end(); ++it) { if (this == *it) return yy; yy += (*it)->height(); } // FIXME Get this when loading a song with automation graphs showing. Benign. Likely song not fully loaded yet. p4.0.32 if(MusEGlobal::debugMsg) printf("Track::y(%s): track not in tracklist\n", name().toLatin1().constData()); return -1; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // Track::init //--------------------------------------------------------- void Track::init() { _auxRouteCount = 0; _nodeTraversed = false; _activity = 0; _lastActivity = 0; _recordFlag = false; _mute = false; _solo = false; _internalSolo = 0; _off = false; _channels = 0; // 1 - mono, 2 - stereo _volumeEnCtrl = true; _volumeEn2Ctrl = true; _panEnCtrl = true; _panEn2Ctrl = true; _selected = false; _height = 20; _locked = false; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CHANNELS; ++i) { _meter[i] = 0.0; _peak[i] = 0.0; } } Track::Track(Track::TrackType t) { init(); _type = t; } Track::Track(const Track& t, int flags) { internal_assign(t, flags | ASSIGN_PROPERTIES); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CHANNELS; ++i) { _meter[i] = 0.0; _peak[i] = 0.0; } } Track::~Track() { _parts.clearDelete(); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // assign //--------------------------------------------------------- void Track::assign(const Track& t, int flags) { internal_assign(t, flags); } void Track::internal_assign(const Track& t, int flags) { if(flags & ASSIGN_PROPERTIES) { _auxRouteCount = t._auxRouteCount; _nodeTraversed = t._nodeTraversed; _activity = t._activity; _lastActivity = t._lastActivity; _recordFlag = t._recordFlag; _mute = t._mute; _solo = t._solo; _internalSolo = t._internalSolo; _off = t._off; _channels = t._channels; _volumeEnCtrl = t._volumeEnCtrl; _volumeEn2Ctrl = t._volumeEn2Ctrl; _panEnCtrl = t._panEnCtrl; _panEn2Ctrl = t._panEn2Ctrl; _selected = t.selected(); _y = t._y; _height = t._height; _comment = t.comment(); _type = t.type(); _locked = t.locked(); _name = t.name() + " #"; for(int i = 2; true; ++i) { QString n; n.setNum(i); QString s = _name + n; Track* track = MusEGlobal::song->findTrack(s); if(track == 0) { // Do not call setName here. Audio Input and Output override it and try to set // Jack ports, which have not been initialized yet here. Must wait until // .Audio Input and Output copy constructors or assign are called. _name = s; break; } } } if(flags & ASSIGN_PARTS) { const PartList* pl = t.cparts(); for (ciPart ip = pl->begin(); ip != pl->end(); ++ip) { Part* newPart = ip->second->clone(); newPart->setTrack(this); _parts.add(newPart); } } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // setDefaultName // generate unique name for track //--------------------------------------------------------- void Track::setDefaultName(QString base) { int num_base = 1; if(base.isEmpty()) { switch(_type) { case MIDI: case DRUM: case NEW_DRUM: case WAVE: base = QString("Track"); break; case AUDIO_OUTPUT: base = QString("Out"); break; case AUDIO_GROUP: base = QString("Group"); break; case AUDIO_AUX: base = QString("Aux"); break; case AUDIO_INPUT: base = QString("Input"); break; case AUDIO_SOFTSYNTH: base = QString("Synth"); break; }; base += " "; } else { num_base = 2; base += " #"; } for (int i = num_base; true; ++i) { QString n; n.setNum(i); QString s = base + n; Track* track = MusEGlobal::song->findTrack(s); if (track == 0) { setName(s); break; } } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // clearRecAutomation //--------------------------------------------------------- void Track::clearRecAutomation(bool clearList) { _volumeEnCtrl = true; _volumeEn2Ctrl = true; _panEnCtrl = true; _panEn2Ctrl = true; if(isMidiTrack()) return; AudioTrack *t = (AudioTrack*)this; Pipeline *pl = t->efxPipe(); PluginI *p; for(iPluginI i = pl->begin(); i != pl->end(); ++i) { p = *i; if(!p) continue; p->enableAllControllers(true); } if(type() == AUDIO_SOFTSYNTH) { #ifdef DSSI_SUPPORT SynthI* synth = static_cast(this); if(synth->synth() && synth->synth()->synthType() == Synth::DSSI_SYNTH) { SynthIF* sif = synth->sif(); if(sif) { DssiSynthIF* dssi_sif = static_cast(sif); dssi_sif->enableAllControllers(true); } } #endif } if(clearList) t->recEvents()->clear(); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // dump //--------------------------------------------------------- void Track::dump() const { printf("Track <%s>: typ %d, parts %zd sel %d\n", _name.toLatin1().constData(), _type, _parts.size(), _selected); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // updateAuxRoute // Internal use. Update all the Aux ref counts of tracks dst is connected to. // If dst is valid, start traversal from there, not from this track. //--------------------------------------------------------- void Track::updateAuxRoute(int refInc, Track* dst) { if(isMidiTrack()) return; if(dst) { _nodeTraversed = true; dst->updateAuxRoute(refInc, NULL); _nodeTraversed = false; return; } if(_type == AUDIO_AUX) return; if(_nodeTraversed) { fprintf(stderr, "Track::updateAuxRoute %s _auxRouteCount:%d refInc:%d :\n", name().toLatin1().constData(), _auxRouteCount, refInc); if(refInc >= 0) fprintf(stderr, " MusE Warning: Please check your routes: Circular path found!\n"); else fprintf(stderr, " MusE: Circular path removed.\n"); return; } _nodeTraversed = true; _auxRouteCount += refInc; if(_auxRouteCount < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Track::updateAuxRoute Ref underflow! %s _auxRouteCount:%d refInc:%d\n", name().toLatin1().constData(), _auxRouteCount, refInc); } for (iRoute i = _outRoutes.begin(); i != _outRoutes.end(); ++i) { if( !(*i).isValid() || (*i).type != Route::TRACK_ROUTE ) continue; Track* t = (*i).track; t->updateAuxRoute(refInc, NULL); } _nodeTraversed = false; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // isCircularRoute // If dst is valid, start traversal from there, not from this track. // Returns true if circular. //--------------------------------------------------------- bool Track::isCircularRoute(Track* dst) { bool rv = false; if(dst) { _nodeTraversed = true; rv = dst->isCircularRoute(NULL); _nodeTraversed = false; return rv; } if(_nodeTraversed) return true; _nodeTraversed = true; for (iRoute i = _outRoutes.begin(); i != _outRoutes.end(); ++i) { if( !(*i).isValid() || (*i).type != Route::TRACK_ROUTE ) continue; Track* t = (*i).track; rv = t->isCircularRoute(NULL); if(rv) break; } _nodeTraversed = false; return rv; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // MidiTrack //--------------------------------------------------------- MidiTrack::MidiTrack() : Track(MIDI) { init(); _events = new EventList; _mpevents = new MPEventList; clefType=trebleClef; _drummap=new DrumMap[128]; _drummap_hidden=new bool[128]; init_drummap(true /* write drummap ordering information as well */); } MidiTrack::MidiTrack(const MidiTrack& mt, int flags) : Track(mt, flags) { _events = new EventList; _mpevents = new MPEventList; _drummap=new DrumMap[128]; _drummap_hidden=new bool[128]; init_drummap(true /* write drummap ordering information as well */); internal_assign(mt, flags | Track::ASSIGN_PROPERTIES); } void MidiTrack::internal_assign(const Track& t, int flags) { if(!t.isMidiTrack()) return; const MidiTrack& mt = (const MidiTrack&)t; if(flags & ASSIGN_PROPERTIES) { _outPort = mt.outPort(); _outChannel = mt.outChannel(); transposition = mt.transposition; velocity = mt.velocity; delay = mt.delay; len = mt.len; compression = mt.compression; _recEcho = mt.recEcho(); clefType = mt.clefType; } if(flags & ASSIGN_ROUTES) { for(ciRoute ir = mt._inRoutes.begin(); ir != mt._inRoutes.end(); ++ir) // Don't call msgAddRoute. Caller later calls msgAddTrack which 'mirrors' this routing node. _inRoutes.push_back(*ir); for(ciRoute ir = mt._outRoutes.begin(); ir != mt._outRoutes.end(); ++ir) // Don't call msgAddRoute. Caller later calls msgAddTrack which 'mirrors' this routing node. _outRoutes.push_back(*ir); for (MusEGlobal::global_drum_ordering_t::iterator it=MusEGlobal::global_drum_ordering.begin(); it!=MusEGlobal::global_drum_ordering.end(); it++) if (it->first == &mt) { it=MusEGlobal::global_drum_ordering.insert(it, *it); // duplicates the entry at it, set it to the first entry of both it++; // make it point to the second entry it->first=this; } } else if(flags & ASSIGN_DEFAULT_ROUTES) { // Add default track <-> midiport routes. int c, cbi, ch; bool defOutFound = false; /// TODO: Remove this if and when multiple output routes supported. for(int i = 0; i < MIDI_PORTS; ++i) { MidiPort* mp = &MusEGlobal::midiPorts[i]; if(mp->device()) // Only if device is valid. { c = mp->defaultInChannels(); if(c) // Don't call msgAddRoute. Caller later calls msgAddTrack which 'mirrors' this routing node. _inRoutes.push_back(Route(i, c)); } if(!defOutFound) { c = mp->defaultOutChannels(); if(c) { /// TODO: Switch if and when multiple output routes supported. #if 0 // Don't call msgAddRoute. Caller later calls msgAddTrack which 'mirrors' this routing node. _outRoutes.push_back(Route(i, c)); #else for(ch = 0; ch < MIDI_CHANNELS; ++ch) { cbi = 1 << ch; if(c & cbi) { defOutFound = true; _outPort = i; if(type() != Track::DRUM) // Leave drum tracks at channel 10. _outChannel = ch; break; } } #endif } } } } if (flags & ASSIGN_DRUMLIST) { for (int i=0;i<128;i++) // no memcpy allowed here. dunno exactly why, _drummap[i]=mt._drummap[i]; // seems QString-related. memcpy(_drummap_hidden, mt._drummap_hidden, 128*sizeof(bool)); update_drum_in_map(); _drummap_tied_to_patch=mt._drummap_tied_to_patch; _drummap_ordering_tied_to_patch=mt._drummap_ordering_tied_to_patch; // TODO FINDMICH "assign" ordering as well } } void MidiTrack::assign(const Track& t, int flags) { Track::assign(t, flags); internal_assign(t, flags); } MidiTrack::~MidiTrack() { delete _events; delete _mpevents; delete [] _drummap; delete [] _drummap_hidden; remove_ourselves_from_drum_ordering(); } void MidiTrack::remove_ourselves_from_drum_ordering() { for (MusEGlobal::global_drum_ordering_t::iterator it=MusEGlobal::global_drum_ordering.begin(); it!=MusEGlobal::global_drum_ordering.end();) if (it->first == this) it=MusEGlobal::global_drum_ordering.erase(it); else it++; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // init //--------------------------------------------------------- void MidiTrack::init() { _outPort = 0; _outChannel = (type()==NEW_DRUM) ? 9 : 0; transposition = 0; velocity = 0; delay = 0; len = 100; // percent compression = 100; // percent _recEcho = true; } void MidiTrack::init_drum_ordering() { // first display entries with non-empty names, then with empty names. remove_ourselves_from_drum_ordering(); for (int i=0;i<128;i++) if (_drummap[i].name!="" && _drummap[i].name!="?") // non-empty name? MusEGlobal::global_drum_ordering.push_back(std::pair(this,i)); for (int i=0;i<128;i++) if (!(_drummap[i].name!="" && _drummap[i].name!="?")) // empty name? MusEGlobal::global_drum_ordering.push_back(std::pair(this,i)); } void MidiTrack::init_drummap(bool write_ordering) { for (int i=0;i<128;i++) _drummap[i]=iNewDrumMap[i]; if (write_ordering) init_drum_ordering(); update_drum_in_map(); for (int i=0;i<128;i++) _drummap_hidden[i]=false; _drummap_tied_to_patch=true; _drummap_ordering_tied_to_patch=true; } void MidiTrack::update_drum_in_map() { for (int i=0;i<127;i++) drum_in_map[(int)_drummap[i].enote]=i; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // height //--------------------------------------------------------- int MidiTrack::height() const { if (_isVisible) return _height; return 0; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // setOutChanAndUpdate //--------------------------------------------------------- void MidiTrack::setOutChanAndUpdate(int i) { if(_outChannel == i) return; removePortCtrlEvents(this); _outChannel = i; addPortCtrlEvents(this); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // setOutPortAndUpdate //--------------------------------------------------------- void MidiTrack::setOutPortAndUpdate(int i) { if(_outPort == i) return; removePortCtrlEvents(this); _outPort = i; addPortCtrlEvents(this); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // setOutPortAndChannelAndUpdate //--------------------------------------------------------- void MidiTrack::setOutPortAndChannelAndUpdate(int port, int ch) { if(_outPort == port && _outChannel == ch) return; removePortCtrlEvents(this); _outPort = port; _outChannel = ch; addPortCtrlEvents(this); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // setInPortAndChannelMask // For old song files with port mask (max 32 ports) and channel mask (16 channels), // before midi routing was added (the iR button). //--------------------------------------------------------- void MidiTrack::setInPortAndChannelMask(unsigned int portmask, int chanmask) { bool changed = false; for(int port = 0; port < 32; ++port) // 32 is the old maximum number of ports. { // If the port was not used in the song file to begin with, just ignore it. // This saves from having all of the first 32 ports' channels connected. if(!MusEGlobal::midiPorts[port].foundInSongFile()) continue; //if(!(portmask & (1 << port))) DELETETHIS 8 // continue; // Removed. Allow to connect to port with no device so user can change device later. //MidiPort* mp = &MusEGlobal::midiPorts[port]; //MidiDevice* md = mp->device(); //if(!md) // continue; Route aRoute(port, chanmask); Route bRoute(this, chanmask); // Route wanted? if(portmask & (1 << port)) { MusEGlobal::audio->msgAddRoute(aRoute, bRoute); changed = true; } else { MusEGlobal::audio->msgRemoveRoute(aRoute, bRoute); changed = true; } //} DELETETHIS } if(changed) { MusEGlobal::audio->msgUpdateSoloStates(); MusEGlobal::song->update(SC_ROUTE); } } /* DELETETHIS 84 //--------------------------------------------------------- // addPortCtrlEvents //--------------------------------------------------------- void MidiTrack::addPortCtrlEvents() { const PartList* pl = cparts(); for(ciPart ip = pl->begin(); ip != pl->end(); ++ip) { Part* part = ip->second; const EventList* el = part->cevents(); for(ciEvent ie = el->begin(); ie != el->end(); ++ie) { const Event& ev = ie->second; if(ev.type() == Controller) { int tick = ev.tick() + part->tick(); int cntrl = ev.dataA(); int val = ev.dataB(); int ch = _outChannel; MidiPort* mp = &MusEGlobal::midiPorts[_outPort]; // Is it a drum controller event, according to the track port's instrument? if(type() == DRUM) { MidiController* mc = mp->drumController(cntrl); if(mc) { int note = cntrl & 0x7f; cntrl &= ~0xff; ch = MusEGlobal::drumMap[note].channel; mp = &MusEGlobal::midiPorts[MusEGlobal::drumMap[note].port]; cntrl |= MusEGlobal::drumMap[note].anote; } } mp->setControllerVal(ch, tick, cntrl, val, part); } } } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // removePortCtrlEvents //--------------------------------------------------------- void MidiTrack::removePortCtrlEvents() { const PartList* pl = cparts(); for(ciPart ip = pl->begin(); ip != pl->end(); ++ip) { Part* part = ip->second; const EventList* el = part->cevents(); for(ciEvent ie = el->begin(); ie != el->end(); ++ie) { const Event& ev = ie->second; if(ev.type() == Controller) { int tick = ev.tick() + part->tick(); int cntrl = ev.dataA(); int ch = _outChannel; MidiPort* mp = &MusEGlobal::midiPorts[_outPort]; // Is it a drum controller event, according to the track port's instrument? if(type() == DRUM) { MidiController* mc = mp->drumController(cntrl); if(mc) { int note = cntrl & 0x7f; cntrl &= ~0xff; ch = MusEGlobal::drumMap[note].channel; mp = &MusEGlobal::midiPorts[MusEGlobal::drumMap[note].port]; cntrl |= MusEGlobal::drumMap[note].anote; } } mp->deleteController(ch, tick, cntrl, part); } } } } */ //--------------------------------------------------------- // newPart //--------------------------------------------------------- Part* MidiTrack::newPart(Part*p, bool clone) { MidiPart* part = clone ? new MidiPart(this, p->events()) : new MidiPart(this); if (p) { part->setName(p->name()); part->setColorIndex(p->colorIndex()); *(PosLen*)part = *(PosLen*)p; part->setMute(p->mute()); } if(clone) //p->chainClone(part); chainClone(p, part); return part; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // automationType //--------------------------------------------------------- AutomationType MidiTrack::automationType() const { MidiPort* port = &MusEGlobal::midiPorts[outPort()]; return port->automationType(outChannel()); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // setAutomationType //--------------------------------------------------------- void MidiTrack::setAutomationType(AutomationType t) { MidiPort* port = &MusEGlobal::midiPorts[outPort()]; port->setAutomationType(outChannel(), t); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // MidiTrack::write //--------------------------------------------------------- void MidiTrack::write(int level, Xml& xml) const { const char* tag; if (type() == DRUM) tag = "drumtrack"; else if (type() == MIDI) tag = "miditrack"; else if (type() == NEW_DRUM) tag = "newdrumtrack"; else printf("THIS SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN: non-midi-type in MidiTrack::write()\n"); xml.tag(level++, tag); Track::writeProperties(level, xml); xml.intTag(level, "device", outPort()); xml.intTag(level, "channel", outChannel()); xml.intTag(level, "locked", _locked); xml.intTag(level, "echo", _recEcho); xml.intTag(level, "transposition", transposition); xml.intTag(level, "velocity", velocity); xml.intTag(level, "delay", delay); xml.intTag(level, "len", len); xml.intTag(level, "compression", compression); xml.intTag(level, "automation", int(automationType())); xml.intTag(level, "clef", int(clefType)); const PartList* pl = cparts(); for (ciPart p = pl->begin(); p != pl->end(); ++p) p->second->write(level, xml); writeOurDrumSettings(level, xml); xml.etag(level, tag); } void MidiTrack::writeOurDrumSettings(int level, Xml& xml) const { xml.tag(level++, "our_drum_settings"); writeOurDrumMap(level, xml, false); xml.intTag(level, "tied", _drummap_tied_to_patch); xml.intTag(level, "ordering_tied", _drummap_ordering_tied_to_patch); xml.etag(level, "our_drum_settings"); } void MidiTrack::writeOurDrumMap(int level, Xml& xml, bool full) const { write_new_style_drummap(level, xml, "our_drummap", _drummap, _drummap_hidden, full); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // MidiTrack::read //--------------------------------------------------------- void MidiTrack::read(Xml& xml) { unsigned int portmask = 0; int chanmask = 0; for (;;) { Xml::Token token = xml.parse(); const QString& tag = xml.s1(); switch (token) { case Xml::Error: case Xml::End: return; case Xml::TagStart: if (tag == "transposition") transposition = xml.parseInt(); else if (tag == "velocity") velocity = xml.parseInt(); else if (tag == "delay") delay = xml.parseInt(); else if (tag == "len") len = xml.parseInt(); else if (tag == "compression") compression = xml.parseInt(); else if (tag == "part") { //Part* p = newPart(); //p->read(xml); Part* p = 0; p = readXmlPart(xml, this); if(p) parts()->add(p); } else if (tag == "device") setOutPort(xml.parseInt()); else if (tag == "channel") setOutChannel(xml.parseInt()); else if (tag == "inportMap") portmask = xml.parseUInt(); // Obsolete but support old files. else if (tag == "inchannelMap") chanmask = xml.parseInt(); // Obsolete but support old files. else if (tag == "locked") _locked = xml.parseInt(); else if (tag == "echo") _recEcho = xml.parseInt(); else if (tag == "automation") setAutomationType(AutomationType(xml.parseInt())); else if (tag == "clef") clefType = (clefTypes)xml.parseInt(); else if (tag == "our_drum_settings") readOurDrumSettings(xml); else if (Track::readProperties(xml, tag)) { // version 1.0 compatibility: if (tag == "track" && xml.majorVersion() == 1 && xml.minorVersion() == 0) break; xml.unknown("MidiTrack"); } break; case Xml::Attribut: break; case Xml::TagEnd: if (tag == "miditrack" || tag == "drumtrack" || tag == "newdrumtrack") { setInPortAndChannelMask(portmask, chanmask); // Support old files. return; } default: break; } } } void MidiTrack::readOurDrumSettings(Xml& xml) { for (;;) { Xml::Token token = xml.parse(); if (token == Xml::Error || token == Xml::End) break; const QString& tag = xml.s1(); switch (token) { case Xml::TagStart: if (tag == "tied") _drummap_tied_to_patch = xml.parseInt(); else if (tag == "ordering_tied") _drummap_ordering_tied_to_patch = xml.parseInt(); else if (tag == "our_drummap") readOurDrumMap(xml); else xml.unknown("MidiTrack::readOurDrumSettings"); break; case Xml::TagEnd: if (tag == "our_drum_settings") return; default: break; } } } void MidiTrack::readOurDrumMap(Xml& xml, bool dont_init) { if (!dont_init) init_drummap(false); _drummap_tied_to_patch=false; _drummap_ordering_tied_to_patch=false; read_new_style_drummap(xml, "our_drummap", _drummap, _drummap_hidden); update_drum_in_map(); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // addPart //--------------------------------------------------------- iPart Track::addPart(Part* p) { p->setTrack(this); return _parts.add(p); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // findPart //--------------------------------------------------------- Part* Track::findPart(unsigned tick) { for (iPart i = _parts.begin(); i != _parts.end(); ++i) { Part* part = i->second; if (tick >= part->tick() && tick < (part->tick()+part->lenTick())) return part; } return 0; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // Track::writeProperties //--------------------------------------------------------- void Track::writeProperties(int level, Xml& xml) const { xml.strTag(level, "name", _name); if (!_comment.isEmpty()) xml.strTag(level, "comment", _comment); xml.intTag(level, "record", _recordFlag); xml.intTag(level, "mute", mute()); xml.intTag(level, "solo", solo()); xml.intTag(level, "off", off()); xml.intTag(level, "channels", _channels); xml.intTag(level, "height", _height); xml.intTag(level, "locked", _locked); if (_selected) xml.intTag(level, "selected", _selected); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // Track::readProperties //--------------------------------------------------------- bool Track::readProperties(Xml& xml, const QString& tag) { if (tag == "name") _name = xml.parse1(); else if (tag == "comment") _comment = xml.parse1(); else if (tag == "record") { bool recordFlag = xml.parseInt(); setRecordFlag1(recordFlag); setRecordFlag2(recordFlag); } else if (tag == "mute") _mute = xml.parseInt(); else if (tag == "solo") _solo = xml.parseInt(); else if (tag == "off") _off = xml.parseInt(); else if (tag == "height") _height = xml.parseInt(); else if (tag == "channels") { _channels = xml.parseInt(); if(_channels > MAX_CHANNELS) _channels = MAX_CHANNELS; } else if (tag == "locked") _locked = xml.parseInt(); else if (tag == "selected") _selected = xml.parseInt(); else return true; return false; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // writeRouting //--------------------------------------------------------- void Track::writeRouting(int level, Xml& xml) const { QString s; if (type() == Track::AUDIO_INPUT) { const RouteList* rl = &_inRoutes; for (ciRoute r = rl->begin(); r != rl->end(); ++r) { // Support Midi Port to Audio Input track routes. p4.0.14 Tim. if(r->type == Route::MIDI_PORT_ROUTE) { s = "Route"; if(r->channel != -1 && r->channel != 0) s += QString(" channelMask=\"%1\"").arg(r->channel); // Use new channel mask. xml.tag(level++, s.toLatin1().constData()); xml.tag(level, "source mport=\"%d\"/", r->midiPort); s = "dest"; s += QString(" name=\"%1\"/").arg(Xml::xmlString(name())); xml.tag(level, s.toLatin1().constData()); xml.etag(level--, "Route"); } else if(!r->name().isEmpty()) { s = "Route"; if(r->channel != -1) s += QString(" channel=\"%1\"").arg(r->channel); xml.tag(level++, s.toAscii().constData()); // New routing scheme. s = "source"; if(r->type != Route::TRACK_ROUTE) s += QString(" type=\"%1\"").arg(r->type); s += QString(" name=\"%1\"/").arg(Xml::xmlString(r->name())); xml.tag(level, s.toAscii().constData()); xml.tag(level, "dest name=\"%s\"/", Xml::xmlString(name()).toLatin1().constData()); xml.etag(level--, "Route"); } } } const RouteList* rl = &_outRoutes; for (ciRoute r = rl->begin(); r != rl->end(); ++r) { // p4.0.14 Ignore Audio Output to Audio Input routes. // They are taken care of by Audio Input in the section above. if(r->type == Route::TRACK_ROUTE && r->track && r->track->type() == Track::AUDIO_INPUT) continue; if(r->midiPort != -1 || !r->name().isEmpty()) { s = "Route"; if(r->type == Route::MIDI_PORT_ROUTE) { if(r->channel != -1 && r->channel != 0) s += QString(" channelMask=\"%1\"").arg(r->channel); // Use new channel mask. } else { if(r->channel != -1) s += QString(" channel=\"%1\"").arg(r->channel); } if(r->channels != -1) s += QString(" channels=\"%1\"").arg(r->channels); if(r->remoteChannel != -1) s += QString(" remch=\"%1\"").arg(r->remoteChannel); xml.tag(level++, s.toAscii().constData()); // Allow for a regular mono or stereo track to feed a multi-channel synti. xml.tag(level, "source name=\"%s\"/", Xml::xmlString(name()).toLatin1().constData()); s = "dest"; if(r->type != Route::TRACK_ROUTE && r->type != Route::MIDI_PORT_ROUTE) s += QString(" type=\"%1\"").arg(r->type); if(r->type == Route::MIDI_PORT_ROUTE) s += QString(" mport=\"%1\"/").arg(r->midiPort); else s += QString(" name=\"%1\"/").arg(Xml::xmlString(r->name())); xml.tag(level, s.toAscii().constData()); xml.etag(level--, "Route"); } } } int MidiTrack::getFirstControllerValue(int ctrl, int def) { int val=def; unsigned tick=-1; // maximum integer for (iPart pit=parts()->begin(); pit!=parts()->end(); pit++) { Part* part=pit->second; if (part->tick() > tick) break; // ignore this and the rest. we won't find anything new. for (iEvent eit=part->events()->begin(); eit!=part->events()->end(); eit++) { if (eit->first+part->tick() >= tick) break; if (eit->first > part->lenTick()) break; // ignore events past the end of the part // else if (eit->first+part->tick() < tick) and if (eit->second.type()==Controller && eit->second.dataA()==ctrl) { val = eit->second.dataB(); tick = eit->first+part->tick(); break; } } } return val; } int MidiTrack::getControllerChangeAtTick(unsigned tick, int ctrl, int def) { for (iPart pit=parts()->begin(); pit!=parts()->end(); pit++) { Part* part=pit->second; if (part->tick() > tick) break; // ignore this and the rest. we'd find nothing any more if (part->endTick() < tick) continue; // ignore only this. for (iEvent eit=part->events()->begin(); eit!=part->events()->end(); eit++) { if (eit->first+part->tick() > tick) break; // we won't find anything in this part from now on. if (eit->first > part->lenTick()) break; // ignore events past the end of the part if (eit->first+part->tick() < tick) continue; // ignore only this // else if (eit->first+part->tick() == tick) and if (eit->second.type()==Controller && eit->second.dataA()==ctrl) return eit->second.dataB(); } } return def; } // returns the tick where this CC gets overriden by a new one // returns UINT_MAX for "never" unsigned MidiTrack::getControllerValueLifetime(unsigned tick, int ctrl) { unsigned result=UINT_MAX; for (iPart pit=parts()->begin(); pit!=parts()->end(); pit++) { Part* part=pit->second; if (part->tick() > result) break; // ignore this and the rest. we won't find anything new. if (part->endTick() < tick) continue; // ignore only this part, we won't find anything there. for (iEvent eit=part->events()->begin(); eit!=part->events()->end(); eit++) { if (eit->first+part->tick() >= result) break; if (eit->first > part->lenTick()) break; // ignore events past the end of the part // else if (eit->first+part->tick() < result) and if (eit->first+part->tick() > tick && eit->second.type()==Controller && eit->second.dataA()==ctrl) { result = eit->first+part->tick(); break; } } } return result; } // returns true if the autoupdate changed something bool MidiTrack::auto_update_drummap() { if (_drummap_tied_to_patch) { int patch = getFirstControllerValue(CTRL_PROGRAM,0); const DrumMap* new_drummap = MusEGlobal::midiPorts[_outPort].instrument()->drummap_for_patch(patch); if (!drummaps_almost_equal(new_drummap, this->drummap(), 128)) { for (int i=0;i<128;i++) { bool temp_mute=_drummap[i].mute; _drummap[i]=new_drummap[i]; _drummap[i].mute=temp_mute; } if (_drummap_ordering_tied_to_patch) init_drum_ordering(); return true; } } return false; } void MidiTrack::set_drummap_tied_to_patch(bool val) { _drummap_tied_to_patch=val; if (val) auto_update_drummap(); } void MidiTrack::set_drummap_ordering_tied_to_patch(bool val) { _drummap_ordering_tied_to_patch=val; if (val && _drummap_tied_to_patch) init_drum_ordering(); } } // namespace MusECore