//========================================================= // MusE // Linux Music Editor // $Id: song.cpp,v 2009/12/15 03:39:58 terminator356 Exp $ // // (C) Copyright 2000-2004 Werner Schweer (ws@seh.de) // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of // the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. // //========================================================= #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "app.h" #include "driver/jackmidi.h" #include "driver/alsamidi.h" #include "song.h" #include "track.h" #include "undo.h" #include "key.h" #include "globals.h" #include "event.h" #include "drummap.h" #include "marker/marker.h" #include "synth.h" #include "audio.h" #include "mididev.h" #include "amixer.h" #include "midiseq.h" #include "audiodev.h" #include "gconfig.h" #include "sync.h" #include "midictrl.h" #include "menutitleitem.h" #include "midi.h" ///#include "sig.h" #include "al/sig.h" #include "keyevent.h" #include //#include "utils.h" extern void clearMidiTransforms(); extern void clearMidiInputTransforms(); Song* song = 0; /* //--------------------------------------------------------- // RoutingMenuItem //--------------------------------------------------------- class RoutingMenuItem : public QCustomMenuItem { Route route; //virtual QSize sizeHint() { return QSize(80, h); } virtual void paint(QPainter* p, const QColorGroup&, bool, bool, int x, int y, int w, int h) { p->fillRect(x, y, w, h, QBrush(lightGray)); p->drawText(x, y, w, h, AlignCenter, route.name()); } public: RoutingMenuItem(const Route& r) : route(r) { } }; */ //--------------------------------------------------------- // Song //--------------------------------------------------------- Song::Song(const char* name) :QObject(0) { setObjectName(name); _arrangerRaster = 0; // Set to measure, the same as Arranger intial value. Arranger snap combo will set this. noteFifoSize = 0; noteFifoWindex = 0; noteFifoRindex = 0; undoList = new UndoList; redoList = new UndoList; _markerList = new MarkerList; _globalPitchShift = 0; showSongInfo=true; clear(false); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // Song //--------------------------------------------------------- Song::~Song() { delete undoList; delete redoList; delete _markerList; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // putEvent //--------------------------------------------------------- void Song::putEvent(int pv) { if (noteFifoSize < REC_NOTE_FIFO_SIZE) { recNoteFifo[noteFifoWindex] = pv; noteFifoWindex = (noteFifoWindex + 1) % REC_NOTE_FIFO_SIZE; ++noteFifoSize; } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // setTempo // public slot //--------------------------------------------------------- void Song::setTempo(int newTempo) { audio->msgSetTempo(pos[0].tick(), newTempo, true); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // setSig // called from transport window //--------------------------------------------------------- void Song::setSig(int z, int n) { if (_masterFlag) { audio->msgAddSig(pos[0].tick(), z, n); } } void Song::setSig(const AL::TimeSignature& sig) { if (_masterFlag) { audio->msgAddSig(pos[0].tick(), sig.z, sig.n); } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // addNewTrack // Called from GUI context // If insertAt is valid, inserts before insertAt. Else at the end after all tracks. // Besides normal track types, n includes synth menu ids from populateAddTrack() //--------------------------------------------------------- Track* Song::addNewTrack(QAction* action, Track* insertAt) { int n = action->data().toInt(); // Ignore negative numbers since this slot could be called by a menu or list etc. passing -1. if(n < 0) return 0; // Synth sub-menu id? if(n >= MENU_ADD_SYNTH_ID_BASE) { n -= MENU_ADD_SYNTH_ID_BASE; if(n >= (int)synthis.size()) return 0; SynthI* si = createSynthI(synthis[n]->baseName(), synthis[n]->name(), insertAt); if(!si) return 0; // Add instance last in midi device list. for (int i = 0; i < MIDI_PORTS; ++i) { MidiPort* port = &midiPorts[i]; MidiDevice* dev = port->device(); if (dev==0) { midiSeq->msgSetMidiDevice(port, si); MusEGlobal::muse->changeConfig(true); // save configuration file deselectTracks(); si->setSelected(true); update(); return si; } } deselectTracks(); si->setSelected(true); update(SC_SELECTION); return si; } // Normal track. else { // Ignore AUDIO_SOFTSYNTH (or anything greater, to allow for other entries in some menu), // now that we have it as the synth menu id, since addTrack doesn't like it. if((Track::TrackType)n >= Track::AUDIO_SOFTSYNTH) return 0; Track* t = addTrack((Track::TrackType)n, insertAt); deselectTracks(); t->setSelected(true); update(SC_SELECTION); return t; } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // addTrack // called from GUI context // type is track type // If insertAt is valid, inserts before insertAt. Else at the end after all tracks. //--------------------------------------------------------- Track* Song::addTrack(Track::TrackType type, Track* insertAt) { Track* track = 0; int lastAuxIdx = _auxs.size(); switch(type) { case Track::MIDI: track = new MidiTrack(); track->setType(Track::MIDI); break; case Track::DRUM: track = new MidiTrack(); track->setType(Track::DRUM); ((MidiTrack*)track)->setOutChannel(9); break; case Track::WAVE: track = new WaveTrack(); ((AudioTrack*)track)->addAuxSend(lastAuxIdx); break; case Track::AUDIO_OUTPUT: track = new AudioOutput(); break; case Track::AUDIO_GROUP: track = new AudioGroup(); ((AudioTrack*)track)->addAuxSend(lastAuxIdx); break; case Track::AUDIO_AUX: track = new AudioAux(); break; case Track::AUDIO_INPUT: track = new AudioInput(); ((AudioTrack*)track)->addAuxSend(lastAuxIdx); break; case Track::AUDIO_SOFTSYNTH: printf("not implemented: Song::addTrack(SOFTSYNTH)\n"); // ((AudioTrack*)track)->addAuxSend(lastAuxIdx); break; default: printf("Song::addTrack() illegal type %d\n", type); abort(); } track->setDefaultName(); int idx = insertAt ? _tracks.index(insertAt) : -1; insertTrack1(track, idx); msgInsertTrack(track, idx, true); insertTrack3(track, idx); // Add default track <-> midiport routes. if(track->isMidiTrack()) { MidiTrack* mt = (MidiTrack*)track; int c, cbi, ch; bool defOutFound = false; /// TODO: Remove this if and when multiple output routes supported. for(int i = 0; i < MIDI_PORTS; ++i) { MidiPort* mp = &midiPorts[i]; if(mp->device()) // Only if device is valid. p4.0.17 { c = mp->defaultInChannels(); if(c) { audio->msgAddRoute(Route(i, c), Route(track, c)); updateFlags |= SC_ROUTE; } } if(!defOutFound) /// { c = mp->defaultOutChannels(); if(c) { /// TODO: Switch if and when multiple output routes supported. #if 0 audio->msgAddRoute(Route(track, c), Route(i, c)); updateFlags |= SC_ROUTE; #else for(ch = 0; ch < MIDI_CHANNELS; ++ch) { cbi = 1 << ch; if(c & cbi) { defOutFound = true; mt->setOutPort(i); if(type != Track::DRUM) // p4.0.17 Leave drum tracks at channel 10. mt->setOutChannel(ch); updateFlags |= SC_ROUTE; break; } } #endif } } } } // // add default route to master // OutputList* ol = song->outputs(); if (!ol->empty()) { AudioOutput* ao = ol->front(); switch(type) { //case Track::MIDI: //case Track::DRUM: //case Track::AUDIO_OUTPUT: // break; case Track::WAVE: //case Track::AUDIO_GROUP: // Removed by Tim. case Track::AUDIO_AUX: //case Track::AUDIO_INPUT: // Removed by Tim. // p3.3.38 //case Track::AUDIO_SOFTSYNTH: audio->msgAddRoute(Route((AudioTrack*)track, -1), Route(ao, -1)); updateFlags |= SC_ROUTE; break; // p3.3.38 It should actually never get here now, but just in case. case Track::AUDIO_SOFTSYNTH: audio->msgAddRoute(Route((AudioTrack*)track, 0, ((AudioTrack*)track)->channels()), Route(ao, 0, ((AudioTrack*)track)->channels())); updateFlags |= SC_ROUTE; break; default: break; } } audio->msgUpdateSoloStates(); return track; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // cmdRemoveTrack //--------------------------------------------------------- void Song::cmdRemoveTrack(Track* track) { int idx = _tracks.index(track); addUndo(UndoOp(UndoOp::DeleteTrack, idx, track)); removeTrack2(track); updateFlags |= SC_TRACK_REMOVED; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // removeMarkedTracks //--------------------------------------------------------- void Song::removeMarkedTracks() { bool loop; do { loop = false; for (iTrack t = _tracks.begin(); t != _tracks.end(); ++t) { if ((*t)->selected()) { removeTrack2(*t); loop = true; break; } } } while (loop); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // deselectTracks //--------------------------------------------------------- void Song::deselectTracks() { for (iTrack t = _tracks.begin(); t != _tracks.end(); ++t) (*t)->setSelected(false); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // changeTrack // oldTrack - copy of the original track befor modification // newTrack - modified original track //--------------------------------------------------------- void Song::changeTrack(Track* oldTrack, Track* newTrack) { oldTrack->setSelected(false); //?? int idx = _tracks.index(newTrack); //addUndo(UndoOp(UndoOp::ModifyTrack, oldTrack, newTrack)); addUndo(UndoOp(UndoOp::ModifyTrack, idx, oldTrack, newTrack)); updateFlags |= SC_TRACK_MODIFIED; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // addEvent // return true if event was added //--------------------------------------------------------- bool Song::addEvent(Event& event, Part* part) { /* if (event.type() == Controller) { MidiTrack* track = (MidiTrack*)part->track(); int ch = track->outChannel(); int tick = event.tick() + part->tick(); int cntrl = event.dataA(); int val = event.dataB(); MidiPort* mp = &midiPorts[track->outPort()]; // Is it a drum controller event, according to the track port's instrument? if(track->type() == Track::DRUM) { MidiController* mc = mp->drumController(cntrl); if(mc) { int note = cntrl & 0x7f; cntrl &= ~0xff; ch = drumMap[note].channel; mp = &midiPorts[drumMap[note].port]; cntrl |= drumMap[note].anote; } } // Changed by T356. //if (!mp->setCtrl(ch, tick, cntrl, val)) { // mp->addManagedController(ch, cntrl); // if (!mp->setCtrl(ch, tick, cntrl, val)) // return false; // } // Changed again. Don't depend on return value of this - search for the event, below. //if(!mp->setControllerVal(ch, tick, cntrl, val, part)) // return false; if(mp->setControllerVal(ch, tick, cntrl, val, part)) updateFlags |= SC_MIDI_CONTROLLER; } */ //addPortCtrlEvents(event, part); // Return false if the event is already found. // (But allow a port controller value, above, in case it is not already stored.) if(part->events()->find(event) != part->events()->end()) { // This can be normal for some (redundant) operations. if(MusEGlobal::debugMsg) printf("Song::addEvent event already found in part:%s size:%zd\n", part->name().toLatin1().constData(), part->events()->size()); return false; } part->events()->add(event); return true; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // changeEvent //--------------------------------------------------------- void Song::changeEvent(Event& oldEvent, Event& newEvent, Part* part) { iEvent i = part->events()->find(oldEvent); if (i == part->events()->end()) { // This can be normal for some (redundant) operations. if(MusEGlobal::debugMsg) printf("Song::changeEvent event not found in part:%s size:%zd\n", part->name().toLatin1().constData(), part->events()->size()); // abort(); // Removed by T356. Allow it to add the new event. // (And remove the old one from the midi port controller!) //return; } else part->events()->erase(i); part->events()->add(newEvent); /* if (oldEvent.type() == Controller) { MidiTrack* track = (MidiTrack*)part->track(); int ch = track->outChannel(); int tick = oldEvent.tick() + part->tick(); int cntrl = oldEvent.dataA(); MidiPort* mp = &midiPorts[track->outPort()]; // Is it a drum controller event, according to the track port's instrument? if(track->type() == Track::DRUM) { MidiController* mc = mp->drumController(cntrl); if(mc) { int note = cntrl & 0x7f; cntrl &= ~0xff; ch = drumMap[note].channel; mp = &midiPorts[drumMap[note].port]; cntrl |= drumMap[note].anote; } } mp->deleteController(ch, tick, cntrl, part); } */ //removePortCtrlEvents(oldEvent, part); /* if (newEvent.type() == Controller) { MidiTrack* track = (MidiTrack*)part->track(); int ch = track->outChannel(); int tick = newEvent.tick() + part->tick(); int cntrl = newEvent.dataA(); int val = newEvent.dataB(); MidiPort* mp = &midiPorts[track->outPort()]; // Is it a drum controller event, according to the track port's instrument? if(track->type() == Track::DRUM) { MidiController* mc = mp->drumController(cntrl); if(mc) { int note = cntrl & 0x7f; cntrl &= ~0xff; ch = drumMap[note].channel; mp = &midiPorts[drumMap[note].port]; cntrl |= drumMap[note].anote; } } mp->setControllerVal(ch, tick, cntrl, val, part); } */ //addPortCtrlEvents(newEvent, part); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // deleteEvent //--------------------------------------------------------- void Song::deleteEvent(Event& event, Part* part) { /* if (event.type() == Controller) { MidiTrack* track = (MidiTrack*)part->track(); int ch = track->outChannel(); int tick = event.tick() + part->tick(); int cntrl = event.dataA(); MidiPort* mp = &midiPorts[track->outPort()]; // Is it a drum controller event, according to the track port's instrument? if(track->type() == Track::DRUM) { MidiController* mc = mp->drumController(cntrl); if(mc) { int note = cntrl & 0x7f; cntrl &= ~0xff; ch = drumMap[note].channel; mp = &midiPorts[drumMap[note].port]; cntrl |= drumMap[note].anote; } } mp->deleteController(ch, tick, cntrl, part); } */ //removePortCtrlEvents(event, part); iEvent ev = part->events()->find(event); if (ev == part->events()->end()) { // This can be normal for some (redundant) operations. if(MusEGlobal::debugMsg) printf("Song::deleteEvent event not found in part:%s size:%zd\n", part->name().toLatin1().constData(), part->events()->size()); return; } part->events()->erase(ev); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // remapPortDrumCtrlEvents // Called when drum map anote, channel, or port is changed. //--------------------------------------------------------- void Song::remapPortDrumCtrlEvents(int mapidx, int newnote, int newchan, int newport) { if(mapidx == -1) return; for(ciMidiTrack it = _midis.begin(); it != _midis.end(); ++it) { MidiTrack* mt = *it; if(mt->type() != Track::DRUM) continue; MidiPort* trackmp = &midiPorts[mt->outPort()]; const PartList* pl = mt->cparts(); for(ciPart ip = pl->begin(); ip != pl->end(); ++ip) { MidiPart* part = (MidiPart*)(ip->second); const EventList* el = part->cevents(); unsigned len = part->lenTick(); for(ciEvent ie = el->begin(); ie != el->end(); ++ie) { const Event& ev = ie->second; // Added by T356. Do not handle events which are past the end of the part. if(ev.tick() >= len) break; if(ev.type() != Controller) continue; int cntrl = ev.dataA(); // Is it a drum controller event, according to the track port's instrument? MidiController* mc = trackmp->drumController(cntrl); if(!mc) continue; int note = cntrl & 0x7f; // Does the index match? if(note == mapidx) { int tick = ev.tick() + part->tick(); int ch = drumMap[note].channel; int port = drumMap[note].port; MidiPort* mp = &midiPorts[port]; cntrl = (cntrl & ~0xff) | drumMap[note].anote; // Remove the port controller value. mp->deleteController(ch, tick, cntrl, part); if(newnote != -1 && newnote != drumMap[note].anote) cntrl = (cntrl & ~0xff) | newnote; if(newchan != -1 && newchan != ch) ch = newchan; if(newport != -1 && newport != port) port = newport; mp = &midiPorts[port]; // Add the port controller value. mp->setControllerVal(ch, tick, cntrl, ev.dataB(), part); } } } } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // changeAllPortDrumCtlEvents // add true: add events. false: remove events // drumonly true: Do drum controller events ONLY. false (default): Do ALL controller events. //--------------------------------------------------------- void Song::changeAllPortDrumCtrlEvents(bool add, bool drumonly) { int ch, trackch, cntrl, tick; MidiPort* mp, *trackmp; for(ciMidiTrack it = _midis.begin(); it != _midis.end(); ++it) { MidiTrack* mt = *it; if(mt->type() != Track::DRUM) continue; trackmp = &midiPorts[mt->outPort()]; trackch = mt->outChannel(); const PartList* pl = mt->cparts(); for(ciPart ip = pl->begin(); ip != pl->end(); ++ip) { MidiPart* part = (MidiPart*)(ip->second); const EventList* el = part->cevents(); unsigned len = part->lenTick(); for(ciEvent ie = el->begin(); ie != el->end(); ++ie) { const Event& ev = ie->second; // Added by T356. Do not handle events which are past the end of the part. if(ev.tick() >= len) break; if(ev.type() != Controller) continue; cntrl = ev.dataA(); mp = trackmp; ch = trackch; // Is it a drum controller event, according to the track port's instrument? if(trackmp->drumController(cntrl)) { int note = cntrl & 0x7f; ch = drumMap[note].channel; mp = &midiPorts[drumMap[note].port]; cntrl = (cntrl & ~0xff) | drumMap[note].anote; } else { if(drumonly) continue; } tick = ev.tick() + part->tick(); if(add) // Add the port controller value. mp->setControllerVal(ch, tick, cntrl, ev.dataB(), part); else // Remove the port controller value. mp->deleteController(ch, tick, cntrl, part); } } } } void Song::addACEvent(AudioTrack* t, int acid, int frame, double val) { audio->msgAddACEvent(t, acid, frame, val); emit controllerChanged(t); } void Song::changeACEvent(AudioTrack* t, int acid, int frame, int newFrame, double val) { audio->msgChangeACEvent(t, acid, frame, newFrame, val); emit controllerChanged(t); } void Song::controllerChange(Track* t) { emit controllerChanged(t); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // cmdAddRecordedEvents // add recorded Events into part //--------------------------------------------------------- void Song::cmdAddRecordedEvents(MidiTrack* mt, EventList* events, unsigned startTick) { if (events->empty()) { if (MusEGlobal::debugMsg) printf("no events recorded\n"); return; } iEvent s; iEvent e; unsigned endTick; // Changed by Tim. p3.3.8 //if (punchin()) if((audio->loopCount() > 0 && startTick > lPos().tick()) || (punchin() && startTick < lPos().tick())) { startTick = lpos(); s = events->lower_bound(startTick); } else { s = events->begin(); // startTick = s->first; } // Changed by Tim. p3.3.8 //if (punchout()) //{ // endTick = rpos(); // e = events->lower_bound(endTick); //} //else //{ // search for last noteOff: endTick = 0; for (iEvent i = events->begin(); i != events->end(); ++i) { Event ev = i->second; unsigned l = ev.endTick(); if (l > endTick) endTick = l; } // e = events->end(); //} if((audio->loopCount() > 0) || (punchout() && endTick > rPos().tick()) ) { endTick = rpos(); e = events->lower_bound(endTick); } else e = events->end(); if (startTick > endTick) { if (MusEGlobal::debugMsg) printf("no events in record area\n"); return; } //--------------------------------------------------- // if startTick points into a part, // record to that part // else // create new part //--------------------------------------------------- PartList* pl = mt->parts(); MidiPart* part = 0; iPart ip; for (ip = pl->begin(); ip != pl->end(); ++ip) { part = (MidiPart*)(ip->second); unsigned partStart = part->tick(); unsigned partEnd = part->endTick(); if (startTick >= partStart && startTick < partEnd) break; } if (ip == pl->end()) { if (MusEGlobal::debugMsg) printf("create new part for recorded events\n"); // create new part part = new MidiPart(mt); // Changed by Tim. p3.3.8 // Honour the Arranger snap settings. (Set to bar by default). //startTick = roundDownBar(startTick); //endTick = roundUpBar(endTick); // Round the start down using the Arranger part snap raster value. startTick = AL::sigmap.raster1(startTick, arrangerRaster()); // Round the end up using the Arranger part snap raster value. endTick = AL::sigmap.raster2(endTick, arrangerRaster()); part->setTick(startTick); part->setLenTick(endTick - startTick); part->setName(mt->name()); // copy events for (iEvent i = s; i != e; ++i) { Event old = i->second; Event event = old.clone(); event.setTick(old.tick() - startTick); // addEvent also adds port controller values. So does msgAddPart, below. Let msgAddPart handle them. //addEvent(event, part); if(part->events()->find(event) == part->events()->end()) part->events()->add(event); } audio->msgAddPart(part); updateFlags |= SC_PART_INSERTED; return; } updateFlags |= SC_EVENT_INSERTED; unsigned partTick = part->tick(); if (endTick > part->endTick()) { // Determine new part length... endTick = 0; for (iEvent i = s; i != e; ++i) { Event event = i->second; unsigned tick = event.tick() - partTick + event.lenTick(); if (endTick < tick) endTick = tick; } // Added by Tim. p3.3.8 // Round the end up (again) using the Arranger part snap raster value. endTick = AL::sigmap.raster2(endTick, arrangerRaster()); // Remove all of the part's port controller values. Indicate do not do clone parts. removePortCtrlEvents(part, false); // Clone the part. This doesn't increment aref count, and doesn't chain clones. // It also gives the new part a new serial number, but it is // overwritten with the old one by Song::changePart(), below. Part* newPart = part->clone(); // Set the new part's length. newPart->setLenTick(endTick); // Change the part. changePart(part, newPart); // Manually adjust reference counts. part->events()->incARef(-1); newPart->events()->incARef(1); // Replace the part in the clone chain with the new part. replaceClone(part, newPart); // Now add all of the new part's port controller values. Indicate do not do clone parts. addPortCtrlEvents(newPart, false); // Create an undo op. Indicate do port controller values but not clone parts. addUndo(UndoOp(UndoOp::ModifyPart, part, newPart, true, false)); updateFlags |= SC_PART_MODIFIED; if (_recMode == REC_REPLACE) { iEvent si = newPart->events()->lower_bound(startTick - newPart->tick()); iEvent ei = newPart->events()->lower_bound(newPart->endTick() - newPart->tick()); for (iEvent i = si; i != ei; ++i) { Event event = i->second; // Create an undo op. Indicate do port controller values and clone parts. addUndo(UndoOp(UndoOp::DeleteEvent, event, newPart, true, true)); // Remove the event from the new part's port controller values, and do all clone parts. removePortCtrlEvents(event, newPart, true); } newPart->events()->erase(si, ei); } for (iEvent i = s; i != e; ++i) { Event event = i->second; event.setTick(event.tick() - partTick); Event e; // Create an undo op. Indicate do port controller values and clone parts. addUndo(UndoOp(UndoOp::AddEvent, e, event, newPart, true, true)); if(newPart->events()->find(event) == newPart->events()->end()) newPart->events()->add(event); // Add the event to the new part's port controller values, and do all clone parts. addPortCtrlEvents(event, newPart, true); } /* if (_recMode == REC_REPLACE) { iEvent si = part->events()->lower_bound(startTick - part->tick()); iEvent ei = part->events()->lower_bound(part->endTick() - part->tick()); for (iEvent i = si; i != ei; ++i) { Event event = i->second; // Create an undo op. Indicate do port controller values and clone parts. //addUndo(UndoOp(UndoOp::DeleteEvent, event, part)); addUndo(UndoOp(UndoOp::DeleteEvent, event, part, true, true)); //if (event.type() == Controller) { // MidiTrack* track = (MidiTrack*)part->track(); // int ch = track->outChannel(); // int tick = event.tick() + part->tick(); // int cntrl = event.dataA(); // midiPorts[track->outPort()].deleteController(ch, tick, cntrl, part); // } // Remove the event from the part's port controller values, and do all clone parts. //removePortCtrlEvents(event, part, true); } part->events()->erase(si, ei); } // Remove all of the part's port controller values, and do all clone parts. removePortCtrlEvents(part, true); // Clone the part. This doesn't increment aref count, and doesn't chain clones. // It also gives the new part a new serial number, but it is // overwritten with the old one by Song::changePart(), below. Part* newPart = part->clone(); endTick = 0; for (iEvent i = s; i != e; ++i) { Event event = i->second; unsigned tick = event.tick() - partTick; event.setTick(tick); Event e; // Create an undo op. Indicate do port controller values and clone parts. //addUndo(UndoOp(UndoOp::AddEvent, e, event, newPart)); addUndo(UndoOp(UndoOp::AddEvent, e, event, newPart, true, true)); // addEvent also adds port controller values. So does msgChangePart, below. Let msgChangePart handle them. //addEvent(event, (MidiPart*)newPart); if(newPart->events()->find(event) == newPart->events()->end()) newPart->events()->add(event); if (endTick < event.tick() + event.lenTick()) endTick = event.tick() + event.lenTick(); } newPart->setLenTick(endTick); // endTick - part->tick() //printf("Song::cmdAddRecordedEvents before changePart part:%p events:%p refs:%d Arefs:%d newPart:%p events:%p refs:%d Arefs:%d\n", part, part->events(), part->events()->refCount(), part->events()->arefCount(), newPart, newPart->events(), newPart->events()->refCount(), newPart->events()->arefCount()); // Change the part. changePart(part, newPart); // Manually adjust reference counts. part->events()->incARef(-1); newPart->events()->incARef(1); // Replace the part in the clone chain with the new part. replaceClone(part, newPart); // Now add all of the new part's port controller values, and do all clone parts. addPortCtrlEvents(newPart, true); //printf("Song::cmdAddRecordedEvents after changePart part:%p events:%p refs:%d Arefs:%d newPart:%p events:%p refs:%d Arefs:%d\n", part, part->events(), part->events()->refCount(), part->events()->arefCount(), newPart, newPart->events(), newPart->events()->refCount(), newPart->events()->arefCount()); //addUndo(UndoOp(UndoOp::ModifyPart, part, newPart)); // Create an undo op. Indicate do not do port controller values and clone parts. addUndo(UndoOp(UndoOp::ModifyPart, part, newPart, false, false)); // Removed by T356. //part->events()->incARef(-1); updateFlags |= SC_PART_MODIFIED; //printf("Song::cmdAddRecordedEvents final part:%p events:%p refs:%d Arefs:%d newPart:%p events:%p refs:%d Arefs:%d\n", part, part->events(), part->events()->refCount(), part->events()->arefCount(), newPart, newPart->events(), newPart->events()->refCount(), newPart->events()->arefCount()); */ } else { if (_recMode == REC_REPLACE) { iEvent si = part->events()->lower_bound(startTick - part->tick()); iEvent ei = part->events()->lower_bound(endTick - part->tick()); for (iEvent i = si; i != ei; ++i) { Event event = i->second; // Create an undo op. Indicate that controller values and clone parts were handled. //addUndo(UndoOp(UndoOp::DeleteEvent, event, part)); addUndo(UndoOp(UndoOp::DeleteEvent, event, part, true, true)); /* if (event.type() == Controller) { MidiTrack* track = (MidiTrack*)part->track(); int ch = track->outChannel(); int tick = event.tick() + part->tick(); int cntrl = event.dataA(); midiPorts[track->outPort()].deleteController(ch, tick, cntrl, part); } */ // Remove the event from the part's port controller values, and do all clone parts. removePortCtrlEvents(event, part, true); } part->events()->erase(si, ei); } for (iEvent i = s; i != e; ++i) { Event event = i->second; int tick = event.tick() - partTick; event.setTick(tick); // Create an undo op. Indicate that controller values and clone parts were handled. //addUndo(UndoOp(UndoOp::AddEvent, event, part)); addUndo(UndoOp(UndoOp::AddEvent, event, part, true, true)); //addEvent(event, part); if(part->events()->find(event) == part->events()->end()) part->events()->add(event); // Add the event to the part's port controller values, and do all clone parts. addPortCtrlEvents(event, part, true); } } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // findTrack //--------------------------------------------------------- MidiTrack* Song::findTrack(const Part* part) const { for (ciTrack t = _tracks.begin(); t != _tracks.end(); ++t) { MidiTrack* track = dynamic_cast(*t); if (track == 0) continue; PartList* pl = track->parts(); for (iPart p = pl->begin(); p != pl->end(); ++p) { if (part == p->second) return track; } } return 0; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // findTrack // find track by name //--------------------------------------------------------- Track* Song::findTrack(const QString& name) const { for (ciTrack i = _tracks.begin(); i != _tracks.end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->name() == name) return *i; } return 0; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // setLoop // set transport loop flag //--------------------------------------------------------- void Song::setLoop(bool f) { if (loopFlag != f) { loopFlag = f; MusEGlobal::loopAction->setChecked(loopFlag); emit loopChanged(loopFlag); } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // clearTrackRec //--------------------------------------------------------- void Song::clearTrackRec() { for (iTrack it = tracks()->begin(); it != tracks()->end(); ++it) setRecordFlag(*it,false); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // setRecord //--------------------------------------------------------- void Song::setRecord(bool f, bool autoRecEnable) { if(MusEGlobal::debugMsg) printf("setRecord recordflag =%d f(record state)=%d autoRecEnable=%d\n", recordFlag, f, autoRecEnable); if (f && MusEConfig::config.useProjectSaveDialog && MusEGlobal::museProject == MusEGlobal::museProjectInitPath ) { // check that there is a project stored before commencing // no project, we need to create one. if (!MusEGlobal::muse->saveAs()) return; // could not store project, won't enable record } if (recordFlag != f) { if (f && autoRecEnable) { bool alreadyRecEnabled = false; Track *selectedTrack = 0; // loop through list and check if any track is rec enabled // if not then rec enable the selected track WaveTrackList* wtl = waves(); for (iWaveTrack i = wtl->begin(); i != wtl->end(); ++i) { if((*i)->recordFlag()) { alreadyRecEnabled = true; break; } if((*i)->selected()) selectedTrack = (*i); } if (!alreadyRecEnabled) { MidiTrackList* mtl = midis(); for (iMidiTrack it = mtl->begin(); it != mtl->end(); ++it) { if((*it)->recordFlag()) { alreadyRecEnabled = true; break; } if((*it)->selected()) selectedTrack = (*it); } } if (!alreadyRecEnabled && selectedTrack) { setRecordFlag(selectedTrack, true); } else if (alreadyRecEnabled) { // do nothing } else { // if there are no tracks, do not enable record if (!waves()->size() && !midis()->size()) { printf("No track to select, won't enable record\n"); f = false; } } // prepare recording of wave files for all record enabled wave tracks for (iWaveTrack i = wtl->begin(); i != wtl->end(); ++i) { if((*i)->recordFlag() || (selectedTrack == (*i) && autoRecEnable)) // prepare if record flag or if it is set to recenable { // setRecordFlag may take too long time to complete // so we try this case specifically (*i)->prepareRecording(); } } #if 0 // check for midi devices suitable for recording bool portFound = false; for (int i = 0; i < MIDI_PORTS; ++i) { MidiDevice* dev = midiPorts[i].device(); if (dev && (dev->rwFlags() & 0x2)) portFound = true; } if (!portFound) { QMessageBox::critical(qApp->mainWidget(), "MusE: Record", "There are no midi devices configured for recording"); f = false; } #endif } else { bounceTrack = 0; } if (audio->isPlaying() && f) f = false; recordFlag = f; MusEGlobal::recordAction->setChecked(recordFlag); emit recordChanged(recordFlag); } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // setPunchin // set punchin flag //--------------------------------------------------------- void Song::setPunchin(bool f) { if (punchinFlag != f) { punchinFlag = f; MusEGlobal::punchinAction->setChecked(punchinFlag); emit punchinChanged(punchinFlag); } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // setPunchout // set punchout flag //--------------------------------------------------------- void Song::setPunchout(bool f) { if (punchoutFlag != f) { punchoutFlag = f; MusEGlobal::punchoutAction->setChecked(punchoutFlag); emit punchoutChanged(punchoutFlag); } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // setClick //--------------------------------------------------------- void Song::setClick(bool val) { if (_click != val) { _click = val; emit clickChanged(_click); } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // setQuantize //--------------------------------------------------------- void Song::setQuantize(bool val) { if (_quantize != val) { _quantize = val; emit quantizeChanged(_quantize); } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // setMasterFlag //--------------------------------------------------------- void Song::setMasterFlag(bool val) { _masterFlag = val; if (tempomap.setMasterFlag(cpos(), val)) { //audioDevice->setMaster(val); emit songChanged(SC_MASTER); } // Removed. p3.3.26 //audioDevice->setMaster(val); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // setPlay // set transport play flag //--------------------------------------------------------- void Song::setPlay(bool f) { if (extSyncFlag.value()) { if (MusEGlobal::debugMsg) printf("not allowed while using external sync"); return; } // only allow the user to set the button "on" if (!f) MusEGlobal::playAction->setChecked(true); else audio->msgPlay(true); } void Song::setStop(bool f) { if (extSyncFlag.value()) { if (MusEGlobal::debugMsg) printf("not allowed while using external sync"); return; } // only allow the user to set the button "on" if (!f) MusEGlobal::stopAction->setChecked(true); else audio->msgPlay(false); } void Song::setStopPlay(bool f) { MusEGlobal::playAction->blockSignals(true); MusEGlobal::stopAction->blockSignals(true); emit playChanged(f); // signal transport window MusEGlobal::playAction->setChecked(f); MusEGlobal::stopAction->setChecked(!f); MusEGlobal::stopAction->blockSignals(false); MusEGlobal::playAction->blockSignals(false); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // swapTracks //--------------------------------------------------------- void Song::swapTracks(int i1, int i2) { addUndo(UndoOp(UndoOp::SwapTrack, i1, i2)); Track* track = _tracks[i1]; _tracks[i1] = _tracks[i2]; _tracks[i2] = track; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // seekTo // setPos slot, only active when not doing playback //--------------------------------------------------------- void Song::seekTo(int tick) { if (!audio->isPlaying()) { Pos p(tick, true); setPos(0, p); } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // setPos // song->setPos(Song::CPOS, pos, true, true, true); //--------------------------------------------------------- void Song::setPos(int idx, const Pos& val, bool sig, bool isSeek, bool adjustScrollbar) { // printf("setPos %d sig=%d,seek=%d,scroll=%d ", // idx, sig, isSeek, adjustScrollbar); // val.dump(0); // printf("\n"); //printf("Song::setPos before audio->msgSeek idx:%d isSeek:%d frame:%d\n", idx, isSeek, val.frame()); // If seeking audio, ensure frame resolution CAN be kept throughout. This compares apples and oranges. Moved below. p4.0.33 //if (pos[idx] == val) // return; if (idx == CPOS) { _vcpos = val; if (isSeek && !extSyncFlag.value()) { if (val == audio->pos()) { //printf("Song::setPos seek audio->pos already == val tick:%d frame:%d\n", val.tick(), val.frame()); return; } audio->msgSeek(val); //printf("Song::setPos after audio->msgSeek idx:%d isSeek:%d frame:%d\n", idx, isSeek, val.frame()); return; } } if (val == pos[idx]) { //printf("Song::setPos song->pos already == val tick:%d frame:%d\n", val.tick(), val.frame()); return; } pos[idx] = val; bool swap = pos[LPOS] > pos[RPOS]; if (swap) { // swap lpos/rpos if lpos > rpos Pos tmp = pos[LPOS]; pos[LPOS] = pos[RPOS]; pos[RPOS] = tmp; } if (sig) { if (swap) { emit posChanged(LPOS, pos[LPOS].tick(), adjustScrollbar); emit posChanged(RPOS, pos[RPOS].tick(), adjustScrollbar); if (idx != LPOS && idx != RPOS) emit posChanged(idx, pos[idx].tick(), adjustScrollbar); } else emit posChanged(idx, pos[idx].tick(), adjustScrollbar); } if (idx == CPOS) { iMarker i1 = _markerList->begin(); iMarker i2 = i1; bool currentChanged = false; for (; i1 != _markerList->end(); ++i1) { ++i2; if (val.tick() >= i1->first && (i2==_markerList->end() || val.tick() < i2->first)) { if (i1->second.current()) return; i1->second.setCurrent(true); if (currentChanged) { emit markerChanged(MARKER_CUR); return; } ++i1; for (; i1 != _markerList->end(); ++i1) { if (i1->second.current()) i1->second.setCurrent(false); } emit markerChanged(MARKER_CUR); return; } else { if (i1->second.current()) { currentChanged = true; i1->second.setCurrent(false); } } } if (currentChanged) emit markerChanged(MARKER_CUR); } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // forward //--------------------------------------------------------- void Song::forward() { unsigned newPos = pos[0].tick() + MusEConfig::config.division; audio->msgSeek(Pos(newPos, true)); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // rewind //--------------------------------------------------------- void Song::rewind() { unsigned newPos; if (unsigned(MusEConfig::config.division) > pos[0].tick()) newPos = 0; else newPos = pos[0].tick() - MusEConfig::config.division; audio->msgSeek(Pos(newPos, true)); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // rewindStart //--------------------------------------------------------- void Song::rewindStart() { // Added by T356 //audio->msgIdle(true); audio->msgSeek(Pos(0, true)); // Added by T356 //audio->msgIdle(false); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // update //--------------------------------------------------------- void Song::update(int flags) { static int level = 0; // DEBUG if (level) { printf("Song::update %08x, level %d\n", flags, level); return; } ++level; emit songChanged(flags); --level; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // updatePos //--------------------------------------------------------- void Song::updatePos() { emit posChanged(0, pos[0].tick(), false); emit posChanged(1, pos[1].tick(), false); emit posChanged(2, pos[2].tick(), false); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // setChannelMute // mute all midi tracks associated with channel //--------------------------------------------------------- void Song::setChannelMute(int channel, bool val) { for (iTrack i = _tracks.begin(); i != _tracks.end(); ++i) { MidiTrack* track = dynamic_cast(*i); if (track == 0) continue; if (track->outChannel() == channel) track->setMute(val); } emit songChanged(SC_MUTE); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // len //--------------------------------------------------------- void Song::initLen() { _len = AL::sigmap.bar2tick(40, 0, 0); // default song len for (iTrack t = _tracks.begin(); t != _tracks.end(); ++t) { MidiTrack* track = dynamic_cast(*t); if (track == 0) continue; PartList* parts = track->parts(); for (iPart p = parts->begin(); p != parts->end(); ++p) { unsigned last = p->second->tick() + p->second->lenTick(); if (last > _len) _len = last; } } _len = roundUpBar(_len); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // tempoChanged //--------------------------------------------------------- void Song::tempoChanged() { emit songChanged(SC_TEMPO); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // roundUpBar //--------------------------------------------------------- int Song::roundUpBar(int t) const { int bar, beat; unsigned tick; AL::sigmap.tickValues(t, &bar, &beat, &tick); if (beat || tick) return AL::sigmap.bar2tick(bar+1, 0, 0); return t; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // roundUpBeat //--------------------------------------------------------- int Song::roundUpBeat(int t) const { int bar, beat; unsigned tick; AL::sigmap.tickValues(t, &bar, &beat, &tick); if (tick) return AL::sigmap.bar2tick(bar, beat+1, 0); return t; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // roundDownBar //--------------------------------------------------------- int Song::roundDownBar(int t) const { int bar, beat; unsigned tick; AL::sigmap.tickValues(t, &bar, &beat, &tick); return AL::sigmap.bar2tick(bar, 0, 0); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // dumpMaster //--------------------------------------------------------- void Song::dumpMaster() { tempomap.dump(); AL::sigmap.dump(); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // getSelectedParts //--------------------------------------------------------- PartList* Song::getSelectedMidiParts() const { PartList* parts = new PartList(); //------------------------------------------------------ // wenn ein Part selektiert ist, diesen editieren // wenn ein Track selektiert ist, den Ersten // Part des Tracks editieren, die restlichen sind // 'ghostparts' // wenn mehrere Parts selektiert sind, dann Ersten // editieren, die restlichen sind 'ghostparts' // // Rough translation: /* If a part is selected, edit that. If a track is selected, edit the first part of the track, the rest are 'ghost parts' When multiple parts are selected, then edit the first, the rest are 'ghost parts' */ // collect marked parts for (ciMidiTrack t = _midis.begin(); t != _midis.end(); ++t) { MidiTrack* track = *t; PartList* pl = track->parts(); for (iPart p = pl->begin(); p != pl->end(); ++p) { if (p->second->selected()) { parts->add(p->second); } } } // if no part is selected, then search for selected track // and collect all parts of this track if (parts->empty()) { for (ciTrack t = _tracks.begin(); t != _tracks.end(); ++t) { if ((*t)->selected()) { MidiTrack* track = dynamic_cast(*t); if (track == 0) continue; PartList* pl = track->parts(); for (iPart p = pl->begin(); p != pl->end(); ++p) parts->add(p->second); break; } } } return parts; } PartList* Song::getSelectedWaveParts() const { PartList* parts = new PartList(); //------------------------------------------------------ // wenn ein Part selektiert ist, diesen editieren // wenn ein Track selektiert ist, den Ersten // Part des Tracks editieren, die restlichen sind // 'ghostparts' // wenn mehrere Parts selektiert sind, dann Ersten // editieren, die restlichen sind 'ghostparts' // // markierte Parts sammeln for (ciTrack t = _tracks.begin(); t != _tracks.end(); ++t) { WaveTrack* track = dynamic_cast(*t); if (track == 0) continue; PartList* pl = track->parts(); for (iPart p = pl->begin(); p != pl->end(); ++p) { if (p->second->selected()) { parts->add(p->second); } } } // wenn keine Parts selektiert, dann markierten Track suchen // und alle Parts dieses Tracks zusammensuchen if (parts->empty()) { for (ciTrack t = _tracks.begin(); t != _tracks.end(); ++t) { if ((*t)->selected()) { WaveTrack* track = dynamic_cast(*t); if (track == 0) continue; PartList* pl = track->parts(); for (iPart p = pl->begin(); p != pl->end(); ++p) parts->add(p->second); break; } } } return parts; } void Song::setMType(MType t) { // printf("set MType %d\n", t); _mtype = t; song->update(SC_SONG_TYPE); // p4.0.7 Tim. } //--------------------------------------------------------- // beat //--------------------------------------------------------- void Song::beat() { #if 0 static double _heartbeatRateTimer = 0.0; double t = MusEUtil::curTime(); if(t - _heartbeatRateTimer > 0.0) { double rate = 1/ (t - _heartbeatRateTimer); printf("heartbeat rate:%f\n", rate); // Results: Song::beat() is not even called sometimes because apparently all the other // stuff connected to the heartbeat is taking up all the time before the next timer event - // apparently Song::beat() is called last, or close to last - after the others. (Possible to choose order?) // With fancy strip meters active, Song::beat() was quiet for long periods of time! } _heartbeatRateTimer = t; #endif // Keep the sync detectors running... for(int port = 0; port < MIDI_PORTS; ++port) { // Must keep them running even if there's no device... //if(midiPorts[port].device()) midiPorts[port].syncInfo().setTime(); } //int tick = audio->tickPos(); if (audio->isPlaying()) { //Pos tick(audio->tickPos()); //setPos(0, tick, true, false, true); setPos(0, audio->tickPos(), true, false, true); } // p3.3.40 Update synth native guis at the heartbeat rate. for(ciSynthI is = _synthIs.begin(); is != _synthIs.end(); ++is) (*is)->guiHeartBeat(); while (noteFifoSize) { int pv = recNoteFifo[noteFifoRindex]; noteFifoRindex = (noteFifoRindex + 1) % REC_NOTE_FIFO_SIZE; int pitch = (pv >> 8) & 0xff; int velo = pv & 0xff; //--------------------------------------------------- // filter midi remote control events //--------------------------------------------------- if (MusEGlobal::rcEnable && velo != 0) { if (pitch == MusEGlobal::rcStopNote) setStop(true); else if (pitch == MusEGlobal::rcRecordNote) setRecord(true); else if (pitch == MusEGlobal::rcGotoLeftMarkNote) setPos(0, pos[LPOS].tick(), true, true, true); else if (pitch == MusEGlobal::rcPlayNote) setPlay(true); } emit song->midiNote(pitch, velo); --noteFifoSize; } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // setLen //--------------------------------------------------------- void Song::setLen(unsigned l) { _len = l; update(); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // addMarker //--------------------------------------------------------- Marker* Song::addMarker(const QString& s, int t, bool lck) { Marker* marker = _markerList->add(s, t, lck); emit markerChanged(MARKER_ADD); return marker; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // addMarker //--------------------------------------------------------- Marker* Song::getMarkerAt(int t) { iMarker markerI; for (markerI=_markerList->begin(); markerI != _markerList->end(); ++markerI) { // if (i1->second.current()) if (unsigned(t) == markerI->second.tick())//prevent of copmiler warning: comparison signed/unsigned return &markerI->second; } //Marker* marker = _markerList->add(s, t, lck); return NULL; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // removeMarker //--------------------------------------------------------- void Song::removeMarker(Marker* marker) { _markerList->remove(marker); emit markerChanged(MARKER_REMOVE); } Marker* Song::setMarkerName(Marker* m, const QString& s) { m->setName(s); emit markerChanged(MARKER_NAME); return m; } Marker* Song::setMarkerTick(Marker* m, int t) { Marker mm(*m); _markerList->remove(m); mm.setTick(t); m = _markerList->add(mm); emit markerChanged(MARKER_TICK); return m; } Marker* Song::setMarkerLock(Marker* m, bool f) { m->setType(f ? Pos::FRAMES : Pos::TICKS); emit markerChanged(MARKER_LOCK); return m; } // kommer inte att gå göra undo på, kanske skulle fixa det. //void Song::moveMarkers(int startOffset, int ticks) //{ // iMarker markerI; // for (markerI=_markerList->rbegin(); markerI != _markerList->rend(); ++markerI) { // if (markerI->second.tick() > startOffset) { // if (markerI-> ) // } // // // // if (unsigned(t) == markerI->second.tick())//prevent of copmiler warning: comparison signed/unsigned // return &markerI->second; // } // //} //--------------------------------------------------------- // setRecordFlag //--------------------------------------------------------- void Song::setRecordFlag(Track* track, bool val) { if (track->type() == Track::WAVE) { WaveTrack* audioTrack = (WaveTrack*)track; if(!audioTrack->setRecordFlag1(val)) return; audio->msgSetRecord(audioTrack, val); } else { track->setRecordFlag1(val); track->setRecordFlag2(val); } // updateFlags |= SC_RECFLAG; update(SC_RECFLAG); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // rescanAlsaPorts //--------------------------------------------------------- void Song::rescanAlsaPorts() { emit midiPortsChanged(); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // endMsgCmd //--------------------------------------------------------- void Song::endMsgCmd() { if (updateFlags) { redoList->clear(); // TODO: delete elements in list MusEGlobal::undoAction->setEnabled(true); MusEGlobal::redoAction->setEnabled(false); emit songChanged(updateFlags); } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // undo //--------------------------------------------------------- void Song::undo() { updateFlags = 0; if (doUndo1()) return; audio->msgUndo(); doUndo3(); MusEGlobal::redoAction->setEnabled(true); MusEGlobal::undoAction->setEnabled(!undoList->empty()); if(updateFlags && (SC_TRACK_REMOVED | SC_TRACK_INSERTED)) audio->msgUpdateSoloStates(); emit songChanged(updateFlags); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // redo //--------------------------------------------------------- void Song::redo() { updateFlags = 0; if (doRedo1()) return; audio->msgRedo(); doRedo3(); MusEGlobal::undoAction->setEnabled(true); MusEGlobal::redoAction->setEnabled(!redoList->empty()); if(updateFlags && (SC_TRACK_REMOVED | SC_TRACK_INSERTED)) audio->msgUpdateSoloStates(); emit songChanged(updateFlags); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // processMsg // executed in realtime thread context //--------------------------------------------------------- void Song::processMsg(AudioMsg* msg) { switch(msg->id) { case SEQM_UPDATE_SOLO_STATES: updateSoloStates(); break; case SEQM_UNDO: doUndo2(); break; case SEQM_REDO: doRedo2(); break; case SEQM_MOVE_TRACK: if (msg->a > msg->b) { for (int i = msg->a; i > msg->b; --i) { swapTracks(i, i-1); } } else { for (int i = msg->a; i < msg->b; ++i) { swapTracks(i, i+1); } } updateFlags = SC_TRACK_MODIFIED; break; case SEQM_ADD_EVENT: updateFlags = SC_EVENT_INSERTED; if (addEvent(msg->ev1, (MidiPart*)msg->p2)) { Event ev; //addUndo(UndoOp(UndoOp::AddEvent, ev, msg->ev1, (Part*)msg->p2)); addUndo(UndoOp(UndoOp::AddEvent, ev, msg->ev1, (Part*)msg->p2, msg->a, msg->b)); } else updateFlags = 0; if(msg->a) addPortCtrlEvents(msg->ev1, (Part*)msg->p2, msg->b); break; case SEQM_REMOVE_EVENT: { Event event = msg->ev1; MidiPart* part = (MidiPart*)msg->p2; if(msg->a) removePortCtrlEvents(event, part, msg->b); Event e; //addUndo(UndoOp(UndoOp::DeleteEvent, e, event, (Part*)part)); addUndo(UndoOp(UndoOp::DeleteEvent, e, event, (Part*)part, msg->a, msg->b)); deleteEvent(event, part); updateFlags = SC_EVENT_REMOVED; } break; case SEQM_CHANGE_EVENT: if(msg->a) removePortCtrlEvents(msg->ev1, (MidiPart*)msg->p3, msg->b); changeEvent(msg->ev1, msg->ev2, (MidiPart*)msg->p3); if(msg->a) addPortCtrlEvents(msg->ev2, (Part*)msg->p3, msg->b); //addUndo(UndoOp(UndoOp::ModifyEvent, msg->ev2, msg->ev1, (Part*)msg->p3)); addUndo(UndoOp(UndoOp::ModifyEvent, msg->ev2, msg->ev1, (Part*)msg->p3, msg->a, msg->b)); updateFlags = SC_EVENT_MODIFIED; break; // Moved here from MidiSeq::processMsg p4.0.34 case SEQM_ADD_TRACK: insertTrack2(msg->track, msg->ival); break; case SEQM_REMOVE_TRACK: //removeTrack2(msg->track); cmdRemoveTrack(msg->track); break; case SEQM_CHANGE_TRACK: changeTrack((Track*)(msg->p1), (Track*)(msg->p2)); break; case SEQM_ADD_PART: cmdAddPart((Part*)msg->p1); break; case SEQM_REMOVE_PART: cmdRemovePart((Part*)msg->p1); break; case SEQM_CHANGE_PART: //cmdChangePart((Part*)msg->p1, (Part*)msg->p2); cmdChangePart((Part*)msg->p1, (Part*)msg->p2, msg->a, msg->b); break; case SEQM_ADD_TEMPO: //printf("processMsg (SEQM_ADD_TEMPO) UndoOp::AddTempo. adding tempo at: %d with tempo=%d\n", msg->a, msg->b); addUndo(UndoOp(UndoOp::AddTempo, msg->a, msg->b)); tempomap.addTempo(msg->a, msg->b); updateFlags = SC_TEMPO; break; case SEQM_SET_TEMPO: //printf("processMsg (SEQM_SET_TEMPO) UndoOp::AddTempo. adding tempo at: %d with tempo=%d\n", msg->a, msg->b); addUndo(UndoOp(UndoOp::AddTempo, msg->a, msg->b)); tempomap.setTempo(msg->a, msg->b); updateFlags = SC_TEMPO; break; case SEQM_SET_GLOBAL_TEMPO: tempomap.setGlobalTempo(msg->a); break; case SEQM_REMOVE_TEMPO: //printf("processMsg (SEQM_REMOVE_TEMPO) UndoOp::DeleteTempo. adding tempo at: %d with tempo=%d\n", msg->a, msg->b); addUndo(UndoOp(UndoOp::DeleteTempo, msg->a, msg->b)); tempomap.delTempo(msg->a); updateFlags = SC_TEMPO; break; case SEQM_ADD_SIG: addUndo(UndoOp(UndoOp::AddSig, msg->a, msg->b, msg->c)); AL::sigmap.add(msg->a, AL::TimeSignature(msg->b, msg->c)); updateFlags = SC_SIG; break; case SEQM_REMOVE_SIG: addUndo(UndoOp(UndoOp::DeleteSig, msg->a, msg->b, msg->c)); AL::sigmap.del(msg->a); updateFlags = SC_SIG; break; case SEQM_ADD_KEY: addUndo(UndoOp(UndoOp::AddKey, msg->a, msg->b)); keymap.addKey(msg->a, (key_enum) msg->b); updateFlags = SC_KEY; break; case SEQM_REMOVE_KEY: addUndo(UndoOp(UndoOp::DeleteKey, msg->a, msg->b)); keymap.delKey(msg->a); updateFlags = SC_KEY; break; default: printf("unknown seq message %d\n", msg->id); break; } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // cmdAddPart //--------------------------------------------------------- void Song::cmdAddPart(Part* part) { addPart(part); addUndo(UndoOp(UndoOp::AddPart, part)); updateFlags = SC_PART_INSERTED; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // cmdRemovePart //--------------------------------------------------------- void Song::cmdRemovePart(Part* part) { removePart(part); addUndo(UndoOp(UndoOp::DeletePart, part)); part->events()->incARef(-1); //part->unchainClone(); unchainClone(part); updateFlags = SC_PART_REMOVED; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // cmdChangePart //--------------------------------------------------------- //void Song::cmdChangePart(Part* oldPart, Part* newPart) void Song::cmdChangePart(Part* oldPart, Part* newPart, bool doCtrls, bool doClones) { //printf("Song::cmdChangePart before changePart oldPart:%p events:%p refs:%d Arefs:%d sn:%d newPart:%p events:%p refs:%d Arefs:%d sn:%d\n", oldPart, oldPart->events(), oldPart->events()->refCount(), oldPart->events()->arefCount(), oldPart->sn(), newPart, newPart->events(), newPart->events()->refCount(), newPart->events()->arefCount(), newPart->sn()); if(doCtrls) removePortCtrlEvents(oldPart, doClones); changePart(oldPart, newPart); //addUndo(UndoOp(UndoOp::ModifyPart, oldPart, newPart)); addUndo(UndoOp(UndoOp::ModifyPart, oldPart, newPart, doCtrls, doClones)); // Changed by T356. Do not decrement ref count if the new part is a clone of the old part, since the event list // will still be active. if(oldPart->cevents() != newPart->cevents()) oldPart->events()->incARef(-1); //oldPart->replaceClone(newPart); //printf("Song::cmdChangePart before repl/unchClone oldPart:%p events:%p refs:%d Arefs:%d sn:%d newPart:%p events:%p refs:%d Arefs:%d sn:%d\n", oldPart, oldPart->events(), oldPart->events()->refCount(), oldPart->events()->arefCount(), oldPart->sn(), newPart, newPart->events(), newPart->events()->refCount(), newPart->events()->arefCount(), newPart->sn()); replaceClone(oldPart, newPart); if(doCtrls) addPortCtrlEvents(newPart, doClones); //printf("Song::cmdChangePart after repl/unchClone oldPart:%p events:%p refs:%d Arefs:%d sn:%d newPart:%p events:%p refs:%d Arefs:%d sn:%d\n", oldPart, oldPart->events(), oldPart->events()->refCount(), oldPart->events()->arefCount(), oldPart->sn(), newPart, newPart->events(), newPart->events()->refCount(), newPart->events()->arefCount(), newPart->sn()); updateFlags = SC_PART_MODIFIED; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // panic //--------------------------------------------------------- void Song::panic() { audio->msgPanic(); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // clear // signal - emit signals for changes if true // called from constructor as clear(false) and // from MusE::clearSong() as clear(false) // If clear_all is false, it will not touch things like midi ports. //--------------------------------------------------------- void Song::clear(bool signal, bool /*clear_all*/) { if(MusEGlobal::debugMsg) printf("Song::clear\n"); bounceTrack = 0; _tracks.clear(); _midis.clearDelete(); _waves.clearDelete(); _inputs.clearDelete(); // audio input ports _outputs.clearDelete(); // audio output ports _groups.clearDelete(); // mixer groups _auxs.clearDelete(); // aux sends // p3.3.45 Clear all midi port devices. for(int i = 0; i < MIDI_PORTS; ++i) { // p3.3.50 Since midi ports are not deleted, clear all midi port in/out routes. They point to non-existant tracks now. midiPorts[i].inRoutes()->clear(); midiPorts[i].outRoutes()->clear(); // p3.3.50 Reset this. midiPorts[i].setFoundInSongFile(false); //if(clear_all) // Allow not touching devices. p4.0.17 TESTING: Maybe some problems... // This will also close the device. midiPorts[i].setMidiDevice(0); } _synthIs.clearDelete(); // p3.3.45 Make sure to delete Jack midi devices, and remove all ALSA midi device routes... // Otherwise really nasty things happen when loading another song when one is already loaded. // The loop is a safe way to delete while iterating. bool loop; do { loop = false; for(iMidiDevice imd = midiDevices.begin(); imd != midiDevices.end(); ++imd) { //if((*imd)->deviceType() == MidiDevice::JACK_MIDI) if(dynamic_cast< MidiJackDevice* >(*imd)) { //if(clear_all) // Allow not touching devices. p4.0.17 TESTING: Maybe some problems... { // Remove the device from the list. midiDevices.erase(imd); // Since Jack midi devices are created dynamically, we must delete them. // The destructor unregisters the device from Jack, which also disconnects all device-to-jack routes. // This will also delete all midi-track-to-device routes, they point to non-existant midi tracks // which were all deleted above delete (*imd); loop = true; break; } } else //if((*imd)->deviceType() == MidiDevice::ALSA_MIDI) if(dynamic_cast< MidiAlsaDevice* >(*imd)) { // With alsa devices, we must not delete them (they're always in the list). But we must // clear all routes. They point to non-existant midi tracks, which were all deleted above. (*imd)->inRoutes()->clear(); (*imd)->outRoutes()->clear(); } } } while (loop); tempomap.clear(); AL::sigmap.clear(); keymap.clear(); undoList->clearDelete(); redoList->clear(); _markerList->clear(); pos[0].setTick(0); pos[1].setTick(0); pos[2].setTick(0); _vcpos.setTick(0); Track::clearSoloRefCounts(); clearMidiTransforms(); clearMidiInputTransforms(); // Clear all midi port controller values. for(int i = 0; i < MIDI_PORTS; ++i) // Don't remove the controllers, just the values. midiPorts[i].controller()->clearDelete(false); _masterFlag = true; loopFlag = false; loopFlag = false; punchinFlag = false; punchoutFlag = false; recordFlag = false; soloFlag = false; // seq _mtype = MT_UNKNOWN; _recMode = REC_OVERDUP; _cycleMode = CYCLE_NORMAL; _click = false; _quantize = false; _len = 0; // song len in ticks _follow = JUMP; // _tempo = 500000; // default tempo 120 dirty = false; initDrumMap(); if (signal) { emit loopChanged(false); recordChanged(false); emit songChanged(-1); } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // cleanupForQuit // called from Muse::closeEvent //--------------------------------------------------------- void Song::cleanupForQuit() { bounceTrack = 0; if(MusEGlobal::debugMsg) printf("MusE: Song::cleanupForQuit...\n"); _tracks.clear(); if(MusEGlobal::debugMsg) printf("deleting _midis\n"); _midis.clearDelete(); if(MusEGlobal::debugMsg) printf("deleting _waves\n"); _waves.clearDelete(); if(MusEGlobal::debugMsg) printf("deleting _inputs\n"); _inputs.clearDelete(); // audio input ports if(MusEGlobal::debugMsg) printf("deleting _outputs\n"); _outputs.clearDelete(); // audio output ports if(MusEGlobal::debugMsg) printf("deleting _groups\n"); _groups.clearDelete(); // mixer groups if(MusEGlobal::debugMsg) printf("deleting _auxs\n"); _auxs.clearDelete(); // aux sends if(MusEGlobal::debugMsg) printf("deleting _synthIs\n"); _synthIs.clearDelete(); // each ~SynthI() -> deactivate3() -> ~SynthIF() tempomap.clear(); AL::sigmap.clear(); keymap.clear(); if(MusEGlobal::debugMsg) printf("deleting undoList, clearing redoList\n"); undoList->clearDelete(); redoList->clear(); // Check this - Should we do a clearDelete? IIRC it was OK this way - no clearDelete in case of same items in both lists. _markerList->clear(); if(MusEGlobal::debugMsg) printf("deleting transforms\n"); clearMidiTransforms(); // Deletes stuff. clearMidiInputTransforms(); // Deletes stuff. if(MusEGlobal::debugMsg) printf("deleting midiport controllers\n"); // Clear all midi port controllers and values. for(int i = 0; i < MIDI_PORTS; ++i) // Remove the controllers and the values. midiPorts[i].controller()->clearDelete(true); // Can't do this here. Jack isn't running. Fixed. Test OK so far. #if 1 if(MusEGlobal::debugMsg) printf("deleting midi devices except synths\n"); for(iMidiDevice imd = midiDevices.begin(); imd != midiDevices.end(); ++imd) { // Close the device. Handy to do all devices here, including synths. (*imd)->close(); // Since Syntis are midi devices, there's no need to delete them below. if((*imd)->isSynti()) continue; delete (*imd); } midiDevices.clear(); // midi devices #endif if(MusEGlobal::debugMsg) printf("deleting global available synths\n"); // Delete all synths. std::vector::iterator is; for(is = synthis.begin(); is != synthis.end(); ++is) { Synth* s = *is; if(s) delete s; } synthis.clear(); if(MusEGlobal::debugMsg) printf("deleting midi instruments\n"); for(iMidiInstrument imi = midiInstruments.begin(); imi != midiInstruments.end(); ++imi) { // Since Syntis are midi instruments, there's no need to delete them below. // Tricky, must cast as SynthI*. SynthI* s = dynamic_cast (*imi); if(s) continue; delete (*imi); } midiInstruments.clear(); // midi instruments // Nothing required for ladspa plugin list, and rack instances of them // are handled by ~AudioTrack. if(MusEGlobal::debugMsg) printf("Muse: Deleting sound files\n"); SndFile::sndFiles.clearDelete(); if(MusEGlobal::debugMsg) printf("...finished cleaning up.\n"); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // seqSignal // sequencer message to GUI // execution environment: gui thread //--------------------------------------------------------- void Song::seqSignal(int fd) { char buffer[16]; int n = ::read(fd, buffer, 16); if (n < 0) { printf("Song: seqSignal(): READ PIPE failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return; } for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { // printf("seqSignal to gui:<%c>\n", buffer[i]); switch(buffer[i]) { case '0': // STOP stopRolling(); break; case '1': // PLAY setStopPlay(true); break; case '2': // record setRecord(true); break; case '3': // START_PLAY + jack STOP abortRolling(); break; case 'P': // alsa ports changed rescanAlsaPorts(); break; case 'G': clearRecAutomation(true); setPos(0, audio->tickPos(), true, false, true); break; case 'S': // shutdown audio MusEGlobal::muse->seqStop(); { // give the user a sensible explanation int btn = QMessageBox::critical( MusEGlobal::muse, tr("Jack shutdown!"), tr("Jack has detected a performance problem which has lead to\n" "MusE being disconnected.\n" "This could happen due to a number of reasons:\n" "- a performance issue with your particular setup.\n" "- a bug in MusE (or possibly in another connected software).\n" "- a random hiccup which might never occur again.\n" "- jack was voluntary stopped by you or someone else\n" "- jack crashed\n" "If there is a persisting problem you are much welcome to discuss it\n" "on the MusE mailinglist.\n" "(there is information about joining the mailinglist on the MusE\n" " homepage which is available through the help menu)\n" "\n" "To proceed check the status of Jack and try to restart it and then .\n" "click on the Restart button."), "restart", "cancel"); if (btn == 0) { printf("restarting!\n"); MusEGlobal::muse->seqRestart(); } } break; case 'f': // start freewheel if(MusEGlobal::debugMsg) printf("Song: seqSignal: case f: setFreewheel start\n"); // Enabled by Tim. p3.3.6 if(MusEConfig::config.freewheelMode) audioDevice->setFreewheel(true); break; case 'F': // stop freewheel if(MusEGlobal::debugMsg) printf("Song: seqSignal: case F: setFreewheel stop\n"); // Enabled by Tim. p3.3.6 if(MusEConfig::config.freewheelMode) audioDevice->setFreewheel(false); audio->msgPlay(false); #if 0 if (record()) audio->recordStop(); setStopPlay(false); #endif break; case 'C': // Graph changed if (audioDevice) audioDevice->graphChanged(); break; // p3.3.37 case 'R': // Registration changed if (audioDevice) audioDevice->registrationChanged(); break; default: printf("unknown Seq Signal <%c>\n", buffer[i]); break; } } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // recordEvent //--------------------------------------------------------- void Song::recordEvent(MidiTrack* mt, Event& event) { //--------------------------------------------------- // if tick points into a part, // record to that part // else // create new part //--------------------------------------------------- unsigned tick = event.tick(); PartList* pl = mt->parts(); MidiPart* part = 0; iPart ip; for (ip = pl->begin(); ip != pl->end(); ++ip) { part = (MidiPart*)(ip->second); unsigned partStart = part->tick(); unsigned partEnd = partStart + part->lenTick(); if (tick >= partStart && tick < partEnd) break; } updateFlags |= SC_EVENT_INSERTED; if (ip == pl->end()) { // create new part part = new MidiPart(mt); int startTick = roundDownBar(tick); //int endTick = roundUpBar(tick); int endTick = roundUpBar(tick + 1); part->setTick(startTick); part->setLenTick(endTick - startTick); part->setName(mt->name()); event.move(-startTick); part->events()->add(event); audio->msgAddPart(part); return; } part = (MidiPart*)(ip->second); tick -= part->tick(); event.setTick(tick); Event ev; if(event.type() == Controller) { EventRange range = part->events()->equal_range(tick); for(iEvent i = range.first; i != range.second; ++i) { ev = i->second; // At the moment, Song::recordEvent() is only called by the 'Rec' buttons in the // midi track info panel. So only controller types are fed to it. If other event types // are to be passed, we will have to expand on this to check if equal. Instead, maybe add an isEqual() to Event class. //if((ev.type() == Controller && event.type() == Controller || ev.type() == Controller && event.type() == Controller) // && ev.dataA() == event.dataA() && ev.dataB() == event.dataB()) if(ev.type() == Controller && ev.dataA() == event.dataA()) { // Don't bother if already set. if(ev.dataB() == event.dataB()) return; // Indicate do undo, and do port controller values and clone parts. audio->msgChangeEvent(ev, event, part, true, true, true); return; } } } // Indicate do undo, and do port controller values and clone parts. //audio->msgAddEvent(event, part); audio->msgAddEvent(event, part, true, true, true); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // execAutomationCtlPopup //--------------------------------------------------------- int Song::execAutomationCtlPopup(AudioTrack* track, const QPoint& menupos, int acid) { //enum { HEADER, SEP1, PREV_EVENT, NEXT_EVENT, SEP2, ADD_EVENT, CLEAR_EVENT, CLEAR_RANGE, CLEAR_ALL_EVENTS }; enum { HEADER, PREV_EVENT, NEXT_EVENT, SEP2, ADD_EVENT, CLEAR_EVENT, CLEAR_RANGE, CLEAR_ALL_EVENTS }; QMenu* menu = new QMenu; int count = 0; bool isEvent = false, canSeekPrev = false, canSeekNext = false, canEraseRange = false; bool canAdd = false; double ctlval = 0.0; if(track) { ciCtrlList icl = track->controller()->find(acid); if(icl != track->controller()->end()) { CtrlList *cl = icl->second; canAdd = true; //int frame = pos[0].frame(); int frame = audio->pos().frame(); // Try this. p4.0.33 //printf("pos[0]:%d f:%d tickPos:%d f:%d\n", pos[0].tick(), pos[0].frame(), audio->tickPos(), Pos(audio->tickPos(), true).frame()); //ctlval = cl->curVal(); //AutomationType at = track->MusEGlobal::automationType(); //if(!MusEGlobal::automation || track->MusEGlobal::automationType() == AUTO_OFF) ctlval = cl->curVal(); //else // ctlval = cl->value(frame); count = cl->size(); if(count) { iCtrl s = cl->lower_bound(frame); iCtrl e = cl->upper_bound(frame); isEvent = (s != cl->end() && s->second.frame == frame); canSeekPrev = s != cl->begin(); canSeekNext = e != cl->end(); s = cl->lower_bound(pos[1].frame()); canEraseRange = s != cl->end() && (int)pos[2].frame() > s->second.frame; } } } //menu->insertItem(tr("Automation:"), HEADER, HEADER); //menu->setItemEnabled(HEADER, false); //MenuTitleItem* title = new MenuTitleItem(tr("Automation:")); ddskrjo //menu->insertItem(title, HEADER, HEADER); ddskrjo menu->addAction(new MusEWidget::MenuTitleItem(tr("Automation:"), menu)); //menu->insertSeparator(SEP1); QAction* prevEvent = menu->addAction(tr("previous event")); prevEvent->setData(PREV_EVENT); prevEvent->setEnabled(canSeekPrev); QAction* nextEvent = menu->addAction(tr("next event")); nextEvent->setData(NEXT_EVENT); nextEvent->setEnabled(canSeekNext); //menu->insertSeparator(SEP2); menu->addSeparator(); QAction* addEvent = new QAction(menu); menu->addAction(addEvent); if(isEvent) addEvent->setText(tr("set event")); else addEvent->setText(tr("add event")); addEvent->setData(ADD_EVENT); addEvent->setEnabled(canAdd); QAction* eraseEventAction = menu->addAction(tr("erase event")); eraseEventAction->setData(CLEAR_EVENT); eraseEventAction->setEnabled(isEvent); QAction* eraseRangeAction = menu->addAction(tr("erase range")); eraseRangeAction->setData(CLEAR_RANGE); eraseRangeAction->setEnabled(canEraseRange); QAction* clearAction = menu->addAction(tr("clear automation")); clearAction->setData(CLEAR_ALL_EVENTS); clearAction->setEnabled((bool)count); QAction* act = menu->exec(menupos); //delete menu; if (!act || !track) { delete menu; return -1; } //if(!track) // return -1; int sel = act->data().toInt(); delete menu; switch(sel) { case ADD_EVENT: audio->msgAddACEvent(track, acid, pos[0].frame(), ctlval); break; case CLEAR_EVENT: audio->msgEraseACEvent(track, acid, pos[0].frame()); break; case CLEAR_RANGE: audio->msgEraseRangeACEvents(track, acid, pos[1].frame(), pos[2].frame()); break; case CLEAR_ALL_EVENTS: if(QMessageBox::question(MusEGlobal::muse, QString("Muse"), tr("Clear all controller events?"), tr("&Ok"), tr("&Cancel"), QString::null, 0, 1 ) == 0) audio->msgClearControllerEvents(track, acid); break; case PREV_EVENT: audio->msgSeekPrevACEvent(track, acid); break; case NEXT_EVENT: audio->msgSeekNextACEvent(track, acid); break; default: return -1; break; } return sel; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // execMidiAutomationCtlPopup //--------------------------------------------------------- int Song::execMidiAutomationCtlPopup(MidiTrack* track, MidiPart* part, const QPoint& menupos, int ctlnum) { if(!track && !part) return -1; //enum { HEADER, SEP1, PREV_EVENT, NEXT_EVENT, SEP2, ADD_EVENT, CLEAR_EVENT, CLEAR_RANGE, CLEAR_ALL_EVENTS }; enum { HEADER, ADD_EVENT, CLEAR_EVENT }; QMenu* menu = new QMenu; //int count = 0; bool isEvent = false; //bool canSeekPrev = false, canSeekNext = false, canEraseRange = false; //bool canAdd = false; //double ctlval = 0.0; MidiTrack* mt; if(track) mt = track; else mt = (MidiTrack*)part->track(); int portno = mt->outPort(); int channel = mt->outChannel(); MidiPort* mp = &midiPorts[portno]; int dctl = ctlnum; // Is it a drum controller, according to the track port's instrument? MidiController *mc = mp->drumController(ctlnum); if(mc) { // Change the controller event's index into the drum map to an instrument note. int note = ctlnum & 0x7f; dctl &= ~0xff; channel = drumMap[note].channel; mp = &midiPorts[drumMap[note].port]; dctl |= drumMap[note].anote; } //printf("Song::execMidiAutomationCtlPopup ctlnum:%d dctl:%d anote:%d\n", ctlnum, dctl, drumMap[ctlnum & 0x7f].anote); unsigned tick = cpos(); if(!part) { PartList* pl = mt->parts(); iPart ip; for(ip = pl->begin(); ip != pl->end(); ++ip) { MidiPart* tpart = (MidiPart*)(ip->second); unsigned partStart = tpart->tick(); unsigned partEnd = partStart + tpart->lenTick(); if(tick >= partStart && tick < partEnd) { // Prefer a selected part, otherwise keep looking... if(tpart->selected()) { part = tpart; break; } else // Remember the first part found... if(!part) part = tpart; } } } Event ev; if(part) { unsigned partStart = part->tick(); unsigned partEnd = partStart + part->lenTick(); if(tick >= partStart && tick < partEnd) { EventRange range = part->events()->equal_range(tick - partStart); for(iEvent i = range.first; i != range.second; ++i) { ev = i->second; if(ev.type() == Controller) { //printf("Song::execMidiAutomationCtlPopup ev.dataA:%d\n", ev.dataA()); //if(ev.dataA() == dctl) if(ev.dataA() == ctlnum) { isEvent = true; break; } } } } } //menu->insertItem(tr("Automation:"), HEADER, HEADER); //menu->setItemEnabled(HEADER, false); //MenuTitleItem* title = new MenuTitleItem(tr("Automation:")); ddskrjo ///menu->insertItem(title, HEADER, HEADER); ddskrjo //menu->insertSeparator(SEP1); // menu->insertItem(tr("previous event"), PREV_EVENT, PREV_EVENT); // menu->setItemEnabled(PREV_EVENT, canSeekPrev); // menu->insertItem(tr("next event"), NEXT_EVENT, NEXT_EVENT); // menu->setItemEnabled(NEXT_EVENT, canSeekNext); // menu->insertSeparator(SEP2); QAction* addEvent = new QAction(menu); menu->addAction(addEvent); if(isEvent) addEvent->setText(tr("set event")); else addEvent->setText(tr("add event")); addEvent->setData(ADD_EVENT); //addEvent->setEnabled(canAdd); addEvent->setEnabled(true); QAction* eraseEventAction = menu->addAction(tr("erase event")); eraseEventAction->setData(CLEAR_EVENT); eraseEventAction->setEnabled(isEvent); // menu->insertItem(tr("erase range"), CLEAR_RANGE, CLEAR_RANGE); // menu->setItemEnabled(CLEAR_RANGE, canEraseRange); // menu->insertItem(tr("clear automation"), CLEAR_ALL_EVENTS, CLEAR_ALL_EVENTS); // menu->setItemEnabled(CLEAR_ALL_EVENTS, (bool)count); QAction* act = menu->exec(menupos); //delete menu; if (!act) { delete menu; return -1; } //if(!part) // return -1; int sel = act->data().toInt(); delete menu; switch(sel) { case ADD_EVENT: { //int val = mp->hwCtrlState(channel, ctlnum); int val = mp->hwCtrlState(channel, dctl); if(val == CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN) return -1; Event e(Controller); //e.setA(dctl); e.setA(ctlnum); e.setB(val); // Do we replace an old event? if(isEvent) { // Don't bother if already set. if(ev.dataB() == val) return -1; e.setTick(tick - part->tick()); // Indicate do undo, and do port controller values and clone parts. audio->msgChangeEvent(ev, e, part, true, true, true); } else { // Store a new event... if(part) { e.setTick(tick - part->tick()); // Indicate do undo, and do port controller values and clone parts. audio->msgAddEvent(e, part, true, true, true); } else { // Create a new part... part = new MidiPart(mt); int startTick = roundDownBar(tick); int endTick = roundUpBar(tick + 1); part->setTick(startTick); part->setLenTick(endTick - startTick); part->setName(mt->name()); e.setTick(tick - startTick); part->events()->add(e); // Allow undo. audio->msgAddPart(part); } } } break; case CLEAR_EVENT: // Indicate do undo, and do port controller values and clone parts. audio->msgDeleteEvent(ev, part, true, true, true); break; //case CLEAR_RANGE: //audio->msgEraseRangeACEvents(track, acid, pos[1].frame(), pos[2].frame()); //break; //case CLEAR_ALL_EVENTS: //if(QMessageBox::question(MusEGlobal::muse, QString("Muse"), // tr("Clear all controller events?"), tr("&Ok"), tr("&Cancel"), // QString::null, 0, 1 ) == 0) //audio->msgClearControllerEvents(track, acid); //break; //case PREV_EVENT: //audio->msgSeekPrevACEvent(track, acid); //break; //case NEXT_EVENT: //audio->msgSeekNextACEvent(track, acid); //break; default: return -1; break; } return sel; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // updateSoloStates // This will properly set all soloing variables (including other tracks) based entirely // on the current values of all the tracks' _solo members. //--------------------------------------------------------- void Song::updateSoloStates() { Track::clearSoloRefCounts(); for(ciTrack i = _tracks.begin(); i != _tracks.end(); ++i) (*i)->setInternalSolo(0); for(ciTrack i = _tracks.begin(); i != _tracks.end(); ++i) (*i)->updateSoloStates(true); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // clearRecAutomation //--------------------------------------------------------- void Song::clearRecAutomation(bool clearList) { // Clear all pan/vol pressed and touched flags, and all rec event lists, if needed. for (iTrack it = tracks()->begin(); it != tracks()->end(); ++it) ((Track*)(*it))->clearRecAutomation(clearList); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // processAutomationEvents //--------------------------------------------------------- void Song::processAutomationEvents() { // Just clear all pressed and touched flags, not rec event lists. clearRecAutomation(false); if (!MusEGlobal::automation) return; for(iTrack i = _tracks.begin(); i != _tracks.end(); ++i) { if(!(*i)->isMidiTrack()) // Process (and clear) rec events. ((AudioTrack*)(*i))->processAutomationEvents(); } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // abortRolling //--------------------------------------------------------- void Song::abortRolling() { if (record()) audio->recordStop(); setStopPlay(false); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // stopRolling //--------------------------------------------------------- void Song::stopRolling() { abortRolling(); processAutomationEvents(); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // connectJackRoutes //--------------------------------------------------------- void Song::connectJackRoutes(AudioTrack* track, bool disconnect) { switch(track->type()) { case Track::AUDIO_OUTPUT: { AudioOutput* ao = (AudioOutput*)track; // This will re-register the track's jack ports. if(!disconnect) ao->setName(ao->name()); // Now reconnect the output routes. if(MusEGlobal::checkAudioDevice() && audio->isRunning()) { for(int ch = 0; ch < ao->channels(); ++ch) { RouteList* ir = ao->outRoutes(); for (ciRoute ii = ir->begin(); ii != ir->end(); ++ii) { Route r = *ii; if ((r.type == Route::JACK_ROUTE) && (r.channel == ch)) { if(disconnect) audioDevice->disconnect(ao->jackPort(ch), r.jackPort); else audioDevice->connect(ao->jackPort(ch), r.jackPort); break; } } if(disconnect) { audioDevice->unregisterPort(ao->jackPort(ch)); ao->setJackPort(ch, 0); } } } } break; case Track::AUDIO_INPUT: { AudioInput* ai = (AudioInput*)track; // This will re-register the track's jack ports. if(!disconnect) ai->setName(ai->name()); // Now reconnect the input routes. if(MusEGlobal::checkAudioDevice() && audio->isRunning()) { for(int ch = 0; ch < ai->channels(); ++ch) { RouteList* ir = ai->inRoutes(); for (ciRoute ii = ir->begin(); ii != ir->end(); ++ii) { Route r = *ii; if ((r.type == Route::JACK_ROUTE) && (r.channel == ch)) { if(disconnect) audioDevice->disconnect(r.jackPort, ai->jackPort(ch)); else audioDevice->connect(r.jackPort, ai->jackPort(ch)); break; } } if(disconnect) { audioDevice->unregisterPort(ai->jackPort(ch)); ai->setJackPort(ch, 0); } } } } break; default: break; } } /* //--------------------------------------------------------- // chooseMidiRoutes //--------------------------------------------------------- void Song::chooseMidiRoutes(QButton* parent, MidiTrack* track, bool dst) { if(!track) return; //if(!track->isMidiTrack()) // return; QPoint ppt = QCursor::pos(); //QPoint ppt = parent->rect().bottomLeft(); //if(dst) //{ // TODO //} //else //{ RouteList* rl = dst ? track->outRoutes() : track->inRoutes(); //Route dst(track, -1); QPopupMenu* pup = new QPopupMenu(parent); pup->setCheckable(true); int gid = 0; int n; // FIXME: // Routes can't be re-read until the message sent from msgAddRoute1() // has had time to be sent and actually affected the routes. ///_redisplay: pup->clear(); gid = 0; //MidiInPortList* tl = song->midiInPorts(); //for(iMidiInPort i = tl->begin();i != tl->end(); ++i) for(int i = 0; i < MIDI_PORTS; ++i) { //MidiInPort* track = *i; // NOTE: Could possibly list all devices, bypassing ports, but no, let's stick wth ports. MidiPort* mp = &midiPorts[i]; MidiDevice* md = mp->device(); if(!md) continue; if(!(md->rwFlags() & (dst ? 1 : 2))) continue; //printf("MidiStrip::iRoutePressed adding submenu portnum:%d\n", i); //QMenu* m = menu->addMenu(track->name()); QPopupMenu* subp = new QPopupMenu(parent); for(int ch = 0; ch < MIDI_CHANNELS; ++ch) { //QAction* a = m->addAction(QString("Channel %1").arg(ch+1)); //subp->insertItem(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("@default", QString("Channel %1").arg(ch+1)), i * MIDI_CHANNELS + ch); gid = i * MIDI_CHANNELS + ch; //printf("MidiStrip::iRoutePressed inserting gid:%d\n", gid); subp->insertItem(QString("Channel %1").arg(ch+1), gid); //a->setCheckable(true); //Route src(track, ch, RouteNode::TRACK); //Route src(md, ch); //Route r = Route(src, dst); //a->setData(QVariant::fromValue(r)); //a->setChecked(rl->indexOf(r) != -1); Route srcRoute(md, ch); for(iRoute ir = rl->begin(); ir != rl->end(); ++ir) { //if(*ir == dst) if(*ir == srcRoute) { subp->setItemChecked(gid, true); break; } } } pup->insertItem(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("@default", md->name()), subp); } // QPopupMenu* pup = new QPopupMenu(iR); // pup->setCheckable(true); //MidiTrack* t = (MidiTrack*)track; // RouteList* irl = track->inRoutes(); // MidiTrack* t = (MidiTrack*)track; // int gid = 0; // for (int i = 0; i < channel; ++i) // { // char buffer[128]; // snprintf(buffer, 128, "%s %d", tr("Channel").toLatin1().constData(), i+1); // MenuTitleItem* titel = new MenuTitleItem(QString(buffer)); // pup->insertItem(titel); // if (!MusEGlobal::checkAudioDevice()) return; // std::list ol = audioDevice->outputPorts(); // for (std::list::iterator ip = ol.begin(); ip != ol.end(); ++ip) { // int id = pup->insertItem(*ip, (gid * 16) + i); // Route dst(*ip, true, i); // ++gid; // for (iRoute ir = irl->begin(); ir != irl->end(); ++ir) { // if (*ir == dst) { // pup->setItemChecked(id, true); // break; // } // } // } // if (i+1 != channel) // pup->insertSeparator(); // } if(pup->count() == 0) { delete pup; return; } //n = pup->exec(QCursor::pos()); n = pup->exec(ppt); ///delete pup; if (n != -1) { int mdidx = n / MIDI_CHANNELS; int ch = n % MIDI_CHANNELS; //if(MusEGlobal::debugMsg) //printf("Song::chooseMidiRoutes mdidx:%d ch:%d\n", mdidx, ch); MidiPort* mp = &midiPorts[mdidx]; MidiDevice* md = mp->device(); if(!md) { delete pup; return; } //if(!(md->rwFlags() & 2)) if(!(md->rwFlags() & (dst ? 1 : 2))) { delete pup; return; } //QString s(pup->text(n)); //QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("@default", md->name()) //Route srcRoute(s, false, -1); Route aRoute(md, ch); //Route srcRoute(md, -1); //Route dstRoute(track, -1); Route bRoute(track, ch); //if (track->type() == Track::AUDIO_INPUT) // srcRoute.channel = dstRoute.channel = n & 0xf; iRoute iir = rl->begin(); for (; iir != rl->end(); ++iir) { //if(*iir == (dst ? bRoute : aRoute)) if(*iir == aRoute) break; } if (iir != rl->end()) { // disconnect if(dst) { //printf("Song::chooseMidiRoutes removing route src track name: %s dst device name: %s\n", track->name().toLatin1().constData(), md->name().toLatin1().constData()); audio->msgRemoveRoute(bRoute, aRoute); } else { //printf("Song::chooseMidiRoutes removing route src device name: %s dst track name: %s\n", md->name().toLatin1().constData(), track->name().toLatin1().constData()); audio->msgRemoveRoute(aRoute, bRoute); } } else { // connect if(dst) { //printf("Song::chooseMidiRoutes adding route src track name: %s dst device name: %s\n", track->name().toLatin1().constData(), md->name().toLatin1().constData()); audio->msgAddRoute(bRoute, aRoute); } else { //printf("Song::chooseMidiRoutes adding route src device name: %s dst track name: %s\n", md->name().toLatin1().constData(), track->name().toLatin1().constData()); audio->msgAddRoute(aRoute, bRoute); } } //printf("Song::chooseMidiRoutes calling msgUpdateSoloStates\n"); audio->msgUpdateSoloStates(); //printf("Song::chooseMidiRoutes calling song->update\n"); song->update(SC_ROUTE); // p3.3.46 ///goto _redisplay; } delete pup; parent->setDown(false); // pup->exec() catches mouse release event //printf("Song::chooseMidiRoutes end\n"); //} } */ //--------------------------------------------------------- // insertTrack0 //--------------------------------------------------------- void Song::insertTrack0(Track* track, int idx) { insertTrack1(track, idx); insertTrack2(track, idx); // audio->msgInsertTrack(track, idx, false); insertTrack3(track, idx); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // insertTrack1 // non realtime part of insertTrack //--------------------------------------------------------- void Song::insertTrack1(Track* track, int /*idx*/) { //printf("Song::insertTrack1 track:%lx\n", track); switch(track->type()) { case Track::AUDIO_SOFTSYNTH: { SynthI* s = (SynthI*)track; Synth* sy = s->synth(); if (!s->isActivated()) { s->initInstance(sy, s->name()); } } break; default: break; } //printf("Song::insertTrack1 end of function\n"); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // insertTrack2 // realtime part //--------------------------------------------------------- void Song::insertTrack2(Track* track, int idx) { //printf("Song::insertTrack2 track:%lx\n", track); int n; switch(track->type()) { case Track::MIDI: case Track::DRUM: _midis.push_back((MidiTrack*)track); // Added by T356. //((MidiTrack*)track)->addPortCtrlEvents(); addPortCtrlEvents(((MidiTrack*)track)); break; case Track::WAVE: _waves.push_back((WaveTrack*)track); break; case Track::AUDIO_OUTPUT: _outputs.push_back((AudioOutput*)track); // set default master & monitor if not defined if (audio->audioMaster() == 0) audio->setMaster((AudioOutput*)track); if (audio->audioMonitor() == 0) audio->setMonitor((AudioOutput*)track); break; case Track::AUDIO_GROUP: _groups.push_back((AudioGroup*)track); break; case Track::AUDIO_AUX: _auxs.push_back((AudioAux*)track); break; case Track::AUDIO_INPUT: _inputs.push_back((AudioInput*)track); break; case Track::AUDIO_SOFTSYNTH: { SynthI* s = (SynthI*)track; midiDevices.add(s); midiInstruments.push_back(s); _synthIs.push_back(s); } break; default: fprintf(stderr, "unknown track type %d\n", track->type()); // abort(); return; } // // initialize missing aux send // iTrack i = _tracks.index2iterator(idx); //printf("Song::insertTrack2 inserting into _tracks...\n"); _tracks.insert(i, track); //printf("Song::insertTrack2 inserted\n"); n = _auxs.size(); for (iTrack i = _tracks.begin(); i != _tracks.end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->isMidiTrack()) continue; WaveTrack* wt = (WaveTrack*)*i; if (wt->hasAuxSend()) { wt->addAuxSend(n); } } /* // // add routes // if (track->isMidiTrack()) return; AudioTrack* at = (AudioTrack*)track; Route src(at, -1); if (at->type() == Track::AUDIO_OUTPUT) { const RouteList* rl = at->inRoutes(); for (ciRoute r = rl->begin(); r != rl->end(); ++r) r->track->outRoutes()->push_back(src); } else if (at->type() == Track::AUDIO_INPUT) { const RouteList* rl = at->outRoutes(); for (ciRoute r = rl->begin(); r != rl->end(); ++r) r->track->inRoutes()->push_back(src); } else { const RouteList* rl = at->inRoutes(); for (ciRoute r = rl->begin(); r != rl->end(); ++r) r->track->outRoutes()->push_back(src); rl = at->outRoutes(); for (ciRoute r = rl->begin(); r != rl->end(); ++r) r->track->inRoutes()->push_back(src); } */ // p3.3.38 // // add routes // if (track->type() == Track::AUDIO_OUTPUT) { const RouteList* rl = track->inRoutes(); for (ciRoute r = rl->begin(); r != rl->end(); ++r) { //if(r->track == track) // r->track->outRoutes()->push_back(*r); // p3.3.50 Route src(track, r->channel, r->channels); src.remoteChannel = r->remoteChannel; r->track->outRoutes()->push_back(src); } } else if (track->type() == Track::AUDIO_INPUT) { const RouteList* rl = track->outRoutes(); for (ciRoute r = rl->begin(); r != rl->end(); ++r) { //if(r->track == track) // r->track->inRoutes()->push_back(*r); // p3.3.50 Route src(track, r->channel, r->channels); src.remoteChannel = r->remoteChannel; r->track->inRoutes()->push_back(src); } } else if (track->isMidiTrack()) // p3.3.50 { const RouteList* rl = track->inRoutes(); for (ciRoute r = rl->begin(); r != rl->end(); ++r) { //printf("Song::insertTrack2 %s in route port:%d\n", track->name().toLatin1().constData(), r->midiPort); // p3.3.50 Route src(track, r->channel); midiPorts[r->midiPort].outRoutes()->push_back(src); } rl = track->outRoutes(); for (ciRoute r = rl->begin(); r != rl->end(); ++r) { //printf("Song::insertTrack2 %s out route port:%d\n", track->name().toLatin1().constData(), r->midiPort); // p3.3.50 Route src(track, r->channel); midiPorts[r->midiPort].inRoutes()->push_back(src); } } else { const RouteList* rl = track->inRoutes(); for (ciRoute r = rl->begin(); r != rl->end(); ++r) { //if(r->track == track) // r->track->outRoutes()->push_back(*r); // p3.3.50 Route src(track, r->channel, r->channels); src.remoteChannel = r->remoteChannel; r->track->outRoutes()->push_back(src); } rl = track->outRoutes(); for (ciRoute r = rl->begin(); r != rl->end(); ++r) { //if(r->track == track) // r->track->inRoutes()->push_back(*r); // p3.3.50 Route src(track, r->channel, r->channels); src.remoteChannel = r->remoteChannel; r->track->inRoutes()->push_back(src); } } //printf("Song::insertTrack2 end of function\n"); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // insertTrack3 // non realtime part of insertTrack //--------------------------------------------------------- void Song::insertTrack3(Track* /*track*/, int /*idx*/)//prevent compiler warning: unused parameter { //printf("Song::insertTrack3\n"); /* switch(track->type()) { case Track::AUDIO_SOFTSYNTH: break; default: break; } */ } //--------------------------------------------------------- // removeTrack0 //--------------------------------------------------------- void Song::removeTrack0(Track* track) { removeTrack1(track); audio->msgRemoveTrack(track); removeTrack3(track); //delete track; update(SC_TRACK_REMOVED); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // removeTrack1 // non realtime part of removeTrack //--------------------------------------------------------- void Song::removeTrack1(Track* track) { switch(track->type()) { case Track::WAVE: case Track::AUDIO_OUTPUT: case Track::AUDIO_INPUT: case Track::AUDIO_GROUP: case Track::AUDIO_AUX: case Track::AUDIO_SOFTSYNTH: ((AudioTrack*)track)->deleteAllEfxGuis(); break; default: break; } switch(track->type()) { case Track::AUDIO_OUTPUT: case Track::AUDIO_INPUT: connectJackRoutes((AudioTrack*)track, true); break; case Track::AUDIO_SOFTSYNTH: { SynthI* si = (SynthI*)track; if(si->hasGui()) si->showGui(false); if(si->hasNativeGui()) // p4.0.20 si->showNativeGui(false); } break; default: break; } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // removeTrack // called from RT context //--------------------------------------------------------- void Song::removeTrack2(Track* track) { //printf("Song::removeTrack2 track:%s\n", track->name().toLatin1().constData()); // p3.3.50 switch(track->type()) { case Track::MIDI: case Track::DRUM: // Added by T356. //((MidiTrack*)track)->removePortCtrlEvents(); removePortCtrlEvents(((MidiTrack*)track)); unchainTrackParts(track, true); _midis.erase(track); break; case Track::WAVE: // Added by T356. unchainTrackParts(track, true); _waves.erase(track); break; case Track::AUDIO_OUTPUT: _outputs.erase(track); break; case Track::AUDIO_INPUT: _inputs.erase(track); break; case Track::AUDIO_GROUP: _groups.erase(track); break; case Track::AUDIO_AUX: _auxs.erase(track); break; case Track::AUDIO_SOFTSYNTH: { SynthI* s = (SynthI*) track; s->deactivate2(); _synthIs.erase(track); } break; } _tracks.erase(track); /* if (track->isMidiTrack()) return; // // remove routes // AudioTrack* at = (AudioTrack*)track; Route src(at, -1); if (at->type() == Track::AUDIO_OUTPUT) { const RouteList* rl = at->inRoutes(); for (ciRoute r = rl->begin(); r != rl->end(); ++r) r->track->outRoutes()->removeRoute(src); } else if (at->type() == Track::AUDIO_INPUT) { const RouteList* rl = at->outRoutes(); for (ciRoute r = rl->begin(); r != rl->end(); ++r) r->track->inRoutes()->removeRoute(src); } else { const RouteList* rl = at->inRoutes(); for (ciRoute r = rl->begin(); r != rl->end(); ++r) r->track->outRoutes()->removeRoute(src); rl = at->outRoutes(); for (ciRoute r = rl->begin(); r != rl->end(); ++r) r->track->inRoutes()->removeRoute(src); } */ // p3.3.38 // // remove routes // if (track->type() == Track::AUDIO_OUTPUT) { const RouteList* rl = track->inRoutes(); for (ciRoute r = rl->begin(); r != rl->end(); ++r) { //if(r->track == track) // r->track->outRoutes()->removeRoute(*r); //printf("Song::removeTrack2 %s audio out track:%s\n", track->name().toLatin1().constData(), r->track->name().toLatin1().constData()); // p3.3.50 // p3.3.50 Route src(track, r->channel, r->channels); src.remoteChannel = r->remoteChannel; r->track->outRoutes()->removeRoute(src); } } else if (track->type() == Track::AUDIO_INPUT) { const RouteList* rl = track->outRoutes(); for (ciRoute r = rl->begin(); r != rl->end(); ++r) { //if(r->track == track) // r->track->inRoutes()->removeRoute(*r); //printf("Song::removeTrack2 %s audio in track:%s\n", track->name().toLatin1().constData(), r->track->name().toLatin1().constData()); // p3.3.50 // p3.3.50 Route src(track, r->channel, r->channels); src.remoteChannel = r->remoteChannel; r->track->inRoutes()->removeRoute(src); } } else if (track->isMidiTrack()) // p3.3.50 { const RouteList* rl = track->inRoutes(); for (ciRoute r = rl->begin(); r != rl->end(); ++r) { //printf("Song::removeTrack2 %s in route port:%d\n", track->name().toLatin1().constData(), r->midiPort); // p3.3.50 Route src(track, r->channel); midiPorts[r->midiPort].outRoutes()->removeRoute(src); } rl = track->outRoutes(); for (ciRoute r = rl->begin(); r != rl->end(); ++r) { //printf("Song::removeTrack2 %s out route port:%d\n", track->name().toLatin1().constData(), r->midiPort); // p3.3.50 Route src(track, r->channel); midiPorts[r->midiPort].inRoutes()->removeRoute(src); } } else { const RouteList* rl = track->inRoutes(); for (ciRoute r = rl->begin(); r != rl->end(); ++r) { //if(r->track == track) // r->track->outRoutes()->removeRoute(*r); //printf("Song::removeTrack2 %s in route track:%s\n", track->name().toLatin1().constData(), r->track->name().toLatin1().constData()); // p3.3.50 // p3.3.50 Route src(track, r->channel, r->channels); src.remoteChannel = r->remoteChannel; r->track->outRoutes()->removeRoute(src); } rl = track->outRoutes(); for (ciRoute r = rl->begin(); r != rl->end(); ++r) { //if(r->track == track) // r->track->inRoutes()->removeRoute(*r); //printf("Song::removeTrack2 %s out route track:%s\n", track->name().toLatin1().constData(), r->track->name().toLatin1().constData()); // p3.3.50 // p3.3.50 Route src(track, r->channel, r->channels); src.remoteChannel = r->remoteChannel; r->track->inRoutes()->removeRoute(src); } } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // removeTrack3 // non realtime part of removeTrack //--------------------------------------------------------- void Song::removeTrack3(Track* /*track*/)//prevent of compiler warning: unused parameter { /* switch(track->type()) { case Track::AUDIO_SOFTSYNTH: { SynthI* s = (SynthI*) track; s->deactivate3(); } break; default: break; } */ } //--------------------------------------------------------- // executeScript //--------------------------------------------------------- void Song::executeScript(const char* scriptfile, PartList* parts, int quant, bool onlyIfSelected) { // a simple format for external processing // will be extended if there is a need // // Semantics: // PARTLEN // BEATLEN // QUANTLEN // NOTE // CONTROLLER // song->startUndo(); // undo this entire block for (iPart i = parts->begin(); i != parts->end(); i++) { //const char* tmp = tmpnam(NULL); char tmp[16] = "muse-tmp-XXXXXX"; int fd = mkstemp(tmp); if (MusEGlobal::debugMsg) printf("executeScript: script input filename=%s\n",tmp); FILE *fp = fdopen(fd , "w"); MidiPart *part = (MidiPart*)(i->second); int partStart = part->endTick()-part->lenTick(); int z, n; AL::sigmap.timesig(0, z, n); fprintf(fp, "TIMESIG %d %d\n", z, n); fprintf(fp, "PART %d %d\n", partStart, part->lenTick()); fprintf(fp, "BEATLEN %d\n", AL::sigmap.ticksBeat(0)); fprintf(fp, "QUANTLEN %d\n", quant); //for (iCItem i = items.begin(); i != items.end(); ++i) { for (iEvent e = part->events()->begin(); e != part->events()->end(); e++) { Event ev = e->second; if (ev.isNote()) { if (onlyIfSelected && ev.selected() == false) continue; fprintf(fp,"NOTE %d %d %d %d\n", ev.tick(), ev.dataA(), ev.lenTick(), ev.dataB()); // Indicate no undo, and do not do port controller values and clone parts. audio->msgDeleteEvent(ev, part, false, false, false); } else if (ev.type()==Controller) { fprintf(fp,"CONTROLLER %d %d %d %d\n", ev.tick(), ev.dataA(), ev.dataB(), ev.dataC()); // Indicate no undo, and do not do port controller values and clone parts. audio->msgDeleteEvent(ev, part, false, false, false); } } fclose(fp); QStringList arguments; arguments << tmp; QProcess *myProcess = new QProcess(MusEGlobal::muse); myProcess->start(scriptfile, arguments); myProcess->waitForFinished(); QByteArray errStr = myProcess->readAllStandardError(); if (myProcess->exitCode()) { QMessageBox::warning(MusEGlobal::muse, tr("MusE - external script failed"), tr("MusE was unable to launch the script, error message:\n%1").arg(QString(errStr))); endUndo(SC_EVENT_REMOVED); return; } if (errStr.size()> 0) { printf("script execution produced the following error:\n%s\n", QString(errStr).toLatin1().data()); } QFile file(tmp); if ( file.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly ) ) { QTextStream stream( &file ); QString line; while ( !stream.atEnd() ) { line = stream.readLine(); // line of text excluding '\n' if (line.startsWith("NOTE")) { QStringList sl = line.split(" "); Event e(Note); int tick = sl[1].toInt(); int pitch = sl[2].toInt(); int len = sl[3].toInt(); int velo = sl[4].toInt(); e.setTick(tick); e.setPitch(pitch); e.setVelo(velo); e.setLenTick(len); // Indicate no undo, and do not do port controller values and clone parts. audio->msgAddEvent(e, part, false, false, false); } if (line.startsWith("CONTROLLER")) { QStringList sl = line.split(" "); Event e(Controller); //int tick = sl[1].toInt(); int a = sl[2].toInt(); int b = sl[3].toInt(); int c = sl[4].toInt(); e.setA(a); e.setB(b); e.setB(c); // Indicate no undo, and do not do port controller values and clone parts. audio->msgAddEvent(e, part, false, false, false); } } file.close(); } remove(tmp); } endUndo(SC_EVENT_REMOVED); } void Song::populateScriptMenu(QMenu* menuPlugins, QObject* receiver) { // // List scripts // QString distScripts = MusEGlobal::museGlobalShare + "/scripts"; QString userScripts = MusEGlobal::configPath + "/scripts"; QFileInfo distScriptsFi(distScripts); if (distScriptsFi.isDir()) { QDir dir = QDir(distScripts); dir.setFilter(QDir::Executable | QDir::Files); deliveredScriptNames = dir.entryList(); } QFileInfo userScriptsFi(userScripts); if (userScriptsFi.isDir()) { QDir dir(userScripts); dir.setFilter(QDir::Executable | QDir::Files); userScriptNames = dir.entryList(); } QSignalMapper* distSignalMapper = new QSignalMapper(this); QSignalMapper* userSignalMapper = new QSignalMapper(this); if (deliveredScriptNames.size() > 0 || userScriptNames.size() > 0) { //menuPlugins = new QPopupMenu(this); //menuBar()->insertItem(tr("&Plugins"), menuPlugins); int id = 0; if (deliveredScriptNames.size() > 0) { for (QStringList::Iterator it = deliveredScriptNames.begin(); it != deliveredScriptNames.end(); it++, id++) { //menuPlugins->insertItem(*it, this, SLOT(execDeliveredScript(int)), 0, id); //menuPlugins->insertItem(*it, this, slot_deliveredscripts, 0, id); QAction* act = menuPlugins->addAction(*it); connect(act, SIGNAL(triggered()), distSignalMapper, SLOT(map())); distSignalMapper->setMapping(act, id); } menuPlugins->addSeparator(); } if (userScriptNames.size() > 0) { for (QStringList::Iterator it = userScriptNames.begin(); it != userScriptNames.end(); it++, id++) { //menuPlugins->insertItem(*it, this, slot_userscripts, 0, id); QAction* act = menuPlugins->addAction(*it); connect(act, SIGNAL(triggered()), userSignalMapper, SLOT(map())); userSignalMapper->setMapping(act, id); } menuPlugins->addSeparator(); } connect(distSignalMapper, SIGNAL(mapped(int)), receiver, SLOT(execDeliveredScript(int))); connect(userSignalMapper, SIGNAL(mapped(int)), receiver, SLOT(execUserScript(int))); } return; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // getScriptPath //--------------------------------------------------------- QString Song::getScriptPath(int id, bool isdelivered) { if (isdelivered) { QString path = MusEGlobal::museGlobalShare + "/scripts/" + deliveredScriptNames[id]; return path; } QString path = MusEGlobal::configPath + "/scripts/" + userScriptNames[id - deliveredScriptNames.size()]; return path; } void Song::informAboutNewParts(const std::map< Part*, std::set >& param) { emit newPartsCreated(param); } void Song::informAboutNewParts(Part* orig, Part* p1, Part* p2, Part* p3, Part* p4, Part* p5, Part* p6, Part* p7, Part* p8, Part* p9) { std::map< Part*, std::set > temp; temp[orig].insert(p1); temp[orig].insert(p2); temp[orig].insert(p3); temp[orig].insert(p4); temp[orig].insert(p5); temp[orig].insert(p6); temp[orig].insert(p7); temp[orig].insert(p8); temp[orig].insert(p9); temp[orig].erase(static_cast(NULL)); temp[orig].erase(orig); informAboutNewParts(temp); }