//========================================================= // MusE // Linux Music Editor // $Id: part.cpp,v 2009/06/25 05:13:02 terminator356 Exp $ // // (C) Copyright 1999/2000 Werner Schweer (ws@seh.de) // Additions, modifications (C) Copyright 2011 Tim E. Real (terminator356 on users DOT sourceforge DOT net) // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of // the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. // //========================================================= #include #include #include "song.h" #include "part.h" #include "track.h" #include "globals.h" #include "event.h" #include "audio.h" #include "wave.h" #include "midiport.h" #include "drummap.h" namespace MusECore { int Part::snGen=0; //--------------------------------------------------------- // unchainClone //--------------------------------------------------------- void unchainClone(Part* p) { chainCheckErr(p); // Unchain the part. p->prevClone()->setNextClone(p->nextClone()); p->nextClone()->setPrevClone(p->prevClone()); // Isolate the part. p->setPrevClone(p); p->setNextClone(p); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // chainClone // The quick way - if part to chain to is known... //--------------------------------------------------------- void chainClone(Part* p1, Part* p2) { chainCheckErr(p1); // Make sure the part to be chained is unchained first. p2->prevClone()->setNextClone(p2->nextClone()); p2->nextClone()->setPrevClone(p2->prevClone()); // Link the part to be chained. p2->setPrevClone(p1); p2->setNextClone(p1->nextClone()); // Re-link the existing part. p1->nextClone()->setPrevClone(p2); p1->setNextClone(p2); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // chainCloneInternal // No error check, so it can be called by replaceClone() //--------------------------------------------------------- void chainCloneInternal(Part* p) { Track* t = p->track(); Part* p1 = 0; // Look for a part with the same event list, that we can chain to. // It's faster if track type is known... if(!t || (t && t->isMidiTrack())) { MidiTrack* mt = 0; MidiTrackList* mtl = MusEGlobal::song->midis(); for(ciMidiTrack imt = mtl->begin(); imt != mtl->end(); ++imt) { mt = *imt; const PartList* pl = mt->cparts(); for(ciPart ip = pl->begin(); ip != pl->end(); ++ip) { if(ip->second != p && ip->second->cevents() == p->cevents()) { p1 = ip->second; break; } } // If a suitable part was found on a different track, we're done. We will chain to it. // Otherwise keep looking for parts on another track. If no others found, then we // chain to any suitable part which was found on the same given track t. if(p1 && mt != t) break; } } if((!p1 && !t) || (t && t->type() == Track::WAVE)) { MusECore::WaveTrack* wt = 0; MusECore::WaveTrackList* wtl = MusEGlobal::song->waves(); for(MusECore::ciWaveTrack iwt = wtl->begin(); iwt != wtl->end(); ++iwt) { wt = *iwt; const PartList* pl = wt->cparts(); for(ciPart ip = pl->begin(); ip != pl->end(); ++ip) { if(ip->second != p && ip->second->cevents() == p->cevents()) { p1 = ip->second; break; } } if(p1 && wt != t) break; } } // No part found with same event list? Done. if(!p1) return; // Make sure the part to be chained is unchained first. p->prevClone()->setNextClone(p->nextClone()); p->nextClone()->setPrevClone(p->prevClone()); // Link the part to be chained. p->setPrevClone(p1); p->setNextClone(p1->nextClone()); // Re-link the existing part. p1->nextClone()->setPrevClone(p); p1->setNextClone(p); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // chainClone // The slow way - if part to chain to is not known... //--------------------------------------------------------- void chainClone(Part* p) { chainCheckErr(p); chainCloneInternal(p); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // replaceClone //--------------------------------------------------------- // this replaces p1 by p2. p1 is isolated, and p2 takes its place instead. void replaceClone(Part* p1, Part* p2) { chainCheckErr(p1); // Make sure the replacement part is unchained first. p2->prevClone()->setNextClone(p2->nextClone()); p2->nextClone()->setPrevClone(p2->prevClone()); // If the two parts share the same event list, then this MUST // be a straight forward replacement operation. Continue on. // If not, and either part has more than one ref count, then do this... if(p1->cevents() != p2->cevents()) { bool ret = false; // If the part to be replaced is a single uncloned part, [DELETETHIS 4 this seems outdated=wrong to me] // and the replacement part is not, then this operation // MUST be an undo of a de-cloning of a cloned part. //if(p1->cevents()->refCount() <= 1 && p2->cevents()->refCount() > 1) if(p2->cevents()->refCount() > 1) { // Chain the replacement part. We don't know the chain it came from, // so we use the slow method. chainCloneInternal(p2); //return; DELETETHIS ret = true; } // If the replacement part is a single uncloned part, DELETETHIS same as above // and the part to be replaced is not, then this operation // MUST be a de-cloning of a cloned part. //if(p1->cevents()->refCount() > 1 && p2->cevents()->refCount() <= 1) if(p1->cevents()->refCount() > 1) { // Unchain the part to be replaced. p1->prevClone()->setNextClone(p1->nextClone()); p1->nextClone()->setPrevClone(p1->prevClone()); // Isolate the part. p1->setPrevClone(p1); p1->setNextClone(p1); ret = true; } // Was the operation handled? if(ret) return; // Note that two parts here with different event lists, each with more than one // reference count, would be an error. It's not done anywhere in muse. But just // to be sure, four lines above were changed to allow that condition. // If each of the two different event lists, has only one ref count, we // handle it like a regular replacement, below... } // If the part to be replaced is a clone not a single lone part, re-link its neighbours to the replacement part... if(p1->prevClone() != p1) { p1->prevClone()->setNextClone(p2); p2->setPrevClone(p1->prevClone()); } else p2->setPrevClone(p2); if(p1->nextClone() != p1) { p1->nextClone()->setPrevClone(p2); p2->setNextClone(p1->nextClone()); } else p2->setNextClone(p2); // Isolate the replaced part. p1->setNextClone(p1); p1->setPrevClone(p1); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // unchainTrackParts //--------------------------------------------------------- void unchainTrackParts(Track* t, bool decRefCount) { PartList* pl = t->parts(); for(iPart ip = pl->begin(); ip != pl->end(); ++ip) { Part* p = ip->second; chainCheckErr(p); // Do we want to decrease the reference count? if(decRefCount) p->events()->incARef(-1); // Unchain the part. p->prevClone()->setNextClone(p->nextClone()); p->nextClone()->setPrevClone(p->prevClone()); // Isolate the part. p->setPrevClone(p); p->setNextClone(p); } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // chainTrackParts //--------------------------------------------------------- void chainTrackParts(Track* t, bool incRefCount) { PartList* pl = t->parts(); for(iPart ip = pl->begin(); ip != pl->end(); ++ip) { Part* p = ip->second; chainCheckErr(p); // Do we want to increase the reference count? if(incRefCount) p->events()->incARef(1); Part* p1 = 0; // Look for a part with the same event list, that we can chain to. // It's faster if track type is known... if(!t || (t && t->isMidiTrack())) { MidiTrack* mt = 0; MidiTrackList* mtl = MusEGlobal::song->midis(); for(ciMidiTrack imt = mtl->begin(); imt != mtl->end(); ++imt) { mt = *imt; const PartList* pl = mt->cparts(); for(ciPart ip = pl->begin(); ip != pl->end(); ++ip) { if(ip->second != p && ip->second->cevents() == p->cevents()) { p1 = ip->second; break; } } // If a suitable part was found on a different track, we're done. We will chain to it. // Otherwise keep looking for parts on another track. If no others found, then we // chain to any suitable part which was found on the same given track t. if(p1 && mt != t) break; } } if((!p1 && !t) || (t && t->type() == Track::WAVE)) { MusECore::WaveTrack* wt = 0; MusECore::WaveTrackList* wtl = MusEGlobal::song->waves(); for(MusECore::ciWaveTrack iwt = wtl->begin(); iwt != wtl->end(); ++iwt) { wt = *iwt; const PartList* pl = wt->cparts(); for(ciPart ip = pl->begin(); ip != pl->end(); ++ip) { if(ip->second != p && ip->second->cevents() == p->cevents()) { p1 = ip->second; break; } } if(p1 && wt != t) break; } } // No part found with same event list? Done. if(!p1) continue; // Make sure the part to be chained is unchained first. p->prevClone()->setNextClone(p->nextClone()); p->nextClone()->setPrevClone(p->prevClone()); // Link the part to be chained. p->setPrevClone(p1); p->setNextClone(p1->nextClone()); // Re-link the existing part. p1->nextClone()->setPrevClone(p); p1->setNextClone(p); } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // chainCheckErr //--------------------------------------------------------- void chainCheckErr(Part* p) { // At all times these must be true... if(p->nextClone()->prevClone() != p) printf("chainCheckErr: Next clone:%s %p prev clone:%s %p != %s %p\n", p->nextClone()->name().toLatin1().constData(), p->nextClone(), p->nextClone()->prevClone()->name().toLatin1().constData(), p->nextClone()->prevClone(), p->name().toLatin1().constData(), p); if(p->prevClone()->nextClone() != p) printf("chainCheckErr: Prev clone:%s %p next clone:%s %p != %s %p\n", p->prevClone()->name().toLatin1().constData(), p->prevClone(), p->prevClone()->nextClone()->name().toLatin1().constData(), p->prevClone()->nextClone(), p->name().toLatin1().constData(), p); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // addPortCtrlEvents //--------------------------------------------------------- void addPortCtrlEvents(Event& event, Part* part, bool doClones) { // Traverse and process the clone chain ring until we arrive at the same part again. // The loop is a safety net. // Update: Due to the varying calls, and order of, incARefcount, (msg)ChangePart, replaceClone, and remove/addPortCtrlEvents, // we can not rely on the reference count as a safety net in these routines. We will just have to trust the clone chain. Part* p = part; while(1) { Track* t = p->track(); if(t && t->isMidiTrack()) { MidiTrack* mt = (MidiTrack*)t; int port = mt->outPort(); unsigned len = p->lenTick(); // Do not add events which are past the end of the part. if(event.tick() >= len) break; if(event.type() == Controller) { int ch = mt->outChannel(); int tck = event.tick() + p->tick(); int cntrl = event.dataA(); int val = event.dataB(); MidiPort* mp = &MusEGlobal::midiPorts[port]; // Is it a drum controller event, according to the track port's instrument? if(mt->type() == Track::DRUM) { MidiController* mc = mp->drumController(cntrl); if(mc) { int note = cntrl & 0x7f; cntrl &= ~0xff; ch = MusEGlobal::drumMap[note].channel; mp = &MusEGlobal::midiPorts[MusEGlobal::drumMap[note].port]; cntrl |= MusEGlobal::drumMap[note].anote; } } mp->setControllerVal(ch, tck, cntrl, val, p); } } if(!doClones) break; // Get the next clone in the chain ring. p = p->nextClone(); // Same as original part? Finished. if(p == part) break; } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // addPortCtrlEvents //--------------------------------------------------------- void addPortCtrlEvents(Part* part, bool doClones) { // Traverse and process the clone chain ring until we arrive at the same part again. // The loop is a safety net. // Update: Due to the varying calls, and order of, incARefcount, (msg)ChangePart, replaceClone, and remove/addPortCtrlEvents, // we can not rely on the reference count as a safety net in these routines. We will just have to trust the clone chain. Part* p = part; while(1) { Track* t = p->track(); if(t && t->isMidiTrack()) { MidiTrack* mt = (MidiTrack*)t; int port = mt->outPort(); const EventList* el = p->cevents(); unsigned len = p->lenTick(); for(ciEvent ie = el->begin(); ie != el->end(); ++ie) { const Event& ev = ie->second; // Added by T356. Do not add events which are past the end of the part. if(ev.tick() >= len) break; if(ev.type() == Controller) { int ch = mt->outChannel(); int tck = ev.tick() + p->tick(); int cntrl = ev.dataA(); int val = ev.dataB(); MidiPort* mp = &MusEGlobal::midiPorts[port]; // Is it a drum controller event, according to the track port's instrument? if(mt->type() == Track::DRUM) { MidiController* mc = mp->drumController(cntrl); if(mc) { int note = cntrl & 0x7f; cntrl &= ~0xff; ch = MusEGlobal::drumMap[note].channel; mp = &MusEGlobal::midiPorts[MusEGlobal::drumMap[note].port]; cntrl |= MusEGlobal::drumMap[note].anote; } } mp->setControllerVal(ch, tck, cntrl, val, p); } } } if(!doClones) break; // Get the next clone in the chain ring. p = p->nextClone(); // Same as original part? Finished. if(p == part) break; } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // removePortCtrlEvents //--------------------------------------------------------- void removePortCtrlEvents(Event& event, Part* part, bool doClones) { // Traverse and process the clone chain ring until we arrive at the same part again. // The loop is a safety net. // Update: Due to the varying calls, and order of, incARefcount, (msg)ChangePart, replaceClone, and remove/addPortCtrlEvents, // we can not rely on the reference count as a safety net in these routines. We will just have to trust the clone chain. Part* p = part; while(1) { Track* t = p->track(); if(t && t->isMidiTrack()) { MidiTrack* mt = (MidiTrack*)t; int port = mt->outPort(); if(event.type() == Controller) { int ch = mt->outChannel(); int tck = event.tick() + p->tick(); int cntrl = event.dataA(); MidiPort* mp = &MusEGlobal::midiPorts[port]; // Is it a drum controller event, according to the track port's instrument? if(mt->type() == Track::DRUM) { MidiController* mc = mp->drumController(cntrl); if(mc) { int note = cntrl & 0x7f; cntrl &= ~0xff; ch = MusEGlobal::drumMap[note].channel; mp = &MusEGlobal::midiPorts[MusEGlobal::drumMap[note].port]; cntrl |= MusEGlobal::drumMap[note].anote; } } mp->deleteController(ch, tck, cntrl, p); } } if(!doClones) break; // Get the next clone in the chain ring. p = p->nextClone(); // Same as original part? Finished. if(p == part) break; } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // removePortCtrlEvents //--------------------------------------------------------- void removePortCtrlEvents(Part* part, bool doClones) { // Traverse and process the clone chain ring until we arrive at the same part again. // The loop is a safety net. // Update: Due to the varying calls, and order of, incARefcount, (msg)ChangePart, replaceClone, and remove/addPortCtrlEvents, // we can not rely on the reference count as a safety net in these routines. We will just have to trust the clone chain. Part* p = part; while(1) { Track* t = p->track(); if(t && t->isMidiTrack()) { MidiTrack* mt = (MidiTrack*)t; int port = mt->outPort(); const EventList* el = p->cevents(); //unsigned len = p->lenTick(); for(ciEvent ie = el->begin(); ie != el->end(); ++ie) { const Event& ev = ie->second; // Added by T356. Do not remove events which are past the end of the part. DELETETHIS 5 // No, actually, do remove ALL of them belonging to the part. // Just in case there are stray values left after the part end. //if(ev.tick() >= len) // break; if(ev.type() == Controller) { int ch = mt->outChannel(); int tck = ev.tick() + p->tick(); int cntrl = ev.dataA(); MidiPort* mp = &MusEGlobal::midiPorts[port]; // Is it a drum controller event, according to the track port's instrument? if(mt->type() == Track::DRUM) { MidiController* mc = mp->drumController(cntrl); if(mc) { int note = cntrl & 0x7f; cntrl &= ~0xff; ch = MusEGlobal::drumMap[note].channel; mp = &MusEGlobal::midiPorts[MusEGlobal::drumMap[note].port]; cntrl |= MusEGlobal::drumMap[note].anote; } } mp->deleteController(ch, tck, cntrl, p); } } } if(!doClones) break; // Get the next clone in the chain ring. p = p->nextClone(); // Same as original part? Finished. if(p == part) break; } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // addEvent //--------------------------------------------------------- iEvent Part::addEvent(Event& p) { return _events->add(p); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // index //--------------------------------------------------------- int PartList::index(Part* part) { int index = 0; for (iPart i = begin(); i != end(); ++i, ++index) if (i->second == part) { return index; } if(MusEGlobal::debugMsg) printf("PartList::index(): not found!\n"); return -1; // don't change that value. at least MidiEditor::addNewParts relies on this } //--------------------------------------------------------- // find //--------------------------------------------------------- Part* PartList::find(int idx) { int index = 0; for (iPart i = begin(); i != end(); ++i, ++index) if (index == idx) return i->second; return 0; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // Part //--------------------------------------------------------- Part::Part(const Part& p) : PosLen(p) { _sn=p._sn; _name=p._name; _selected=p._selected; _mute=p._mute; _colorIndex=p._colorIndex; _hiddenEvents=p._hiddenEvents; _track=p._track; _events=p._events; _prevClone=p._prevClone; _nextClone=p._nextClone; _events->incRef(1); } Part::Part(Track* t) { _hiddenEvents = NoEventsHidden; _prevClone = this; _nextClone = this; setSn(newSn()); _track = t; _selected = false; _mute = false; _colorIndex = 0; _events = new EventList; _events->incRef(1); _events->incARef(1); } Part::Part(Track* t, EventList* ev) { _hiddenEvents = NoEventsHidden; _prevClone = this; _nextClone = this; setSn(newSn()); _track = t; _selected = false; _mute = false; _colorIndex = 0; _events = ev; _events->incRef(1); _events->incARef(1); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // MidiPart // copy constructor //--------------------------------------------------------- MidiPart::MidiPart(const MidiPart& p) : Part(p) { _prevClone = this; _nextClone = this; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // WavePart //--------------------------------------------------------- WavePart::WavePart(WaveTrack* t) : Part(t) { setType(FRAMES); } WavePart::WavePart(WaveTrack* t, EventList* ev) : Part(t, ev) { setType(FRAMES); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // WavePart // copy constructor //--------------------------------------------------------- WavePart::WavePart(const WavePart& p) : Part(p) { _prevClone = this; _nextClone = this; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // Part //--------------------------------------------------------- Part::~Part() { if (_prevClone!=this || _nextClone!=this) { if (MusEGlobal::debugMsg) { printf("THIS MIGHT BE A HINT FOR BUGS: Part isn't unchained in ~Part()! i'll do that now. this is\n" "not an actual bug, actually that manual unchain should be unneccessary if this was coded\n" "properly. but as it wasn't, and the unchain was always done manually, this might be an\n" "indicator that it have been forgotten. either your computer will explode in 3..2..1..now,\n" "or you can ignore this message.\n" "\n"); } unchainClone(this); } _events->incRef(-1); if (_events->refCount() <= 0) delete _events; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // findPart //--------------------------------------------------------- iPart PartList::findPart(unsigned tick) { iPart i; for (i = begin(); i != end(); ++i) if (i->second->tick() == tick) break; return i; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // add //--------------------------------------------------------- iPart PartList::add(Part* part) { // Added by T356. A part list containing wave parts should be sorted by // frames. WaveTrack::fetchData() relies on the sorting order, and // there was a bug that waveparts were sometimes muted because of // incorrect sorting order (by ticks). // Also, when the tempo map is changed, every wavepart would have to be // re-added to the part list so that the proper sorting order (by ticks) // could be achieved. // Note that in a med file, the tempo list is loaded AFTER all the tracks. // There was a bug that all the wave parts' tick values were not correct, // since they were computed BEFORE the tempo map was loaded. if(part->type() == Pos::FRAMES) return insert(std::pair (part->frame(), part)); else return insert(std::pair (part->tick(), part)); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // remove //--------------------------------------------------------- void PartList::remove(Part* part) { iPart i; for (i = begin(); i != end(); ++i) { if (i->second == part) { erase(i); break; } } if (i == end()) printf("THIS SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN: could not find the part in PartList::remove()!\n"); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // addPart //--------------------------------------------------------- void Song::addPart(Part* part) { // adjust song len: unsigned epos = part->tick() + part->lenTick(); if (epos > len()) _len = epos; part->track()->addPart(part); // Indicate do not do clones. addPortCtrlEvents(part, false); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // removePart //--------------------------------------------------------- void Song::removePart(Part* part) { // Indicate do not do clones. removePortCtrlEvents(part, false); Track* track = part->track(); track->parts()->remove(part); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // cmdResizePart //--------------------------------------------------------- void Song::cmdResizePart(Track* track, Part* oPart, unsigned int len, bool doClones) { switch(track->type()) { case Track::WAVE: { MusECore::WavePart* nPart = new MusECore::WavePart(*(MusECore::WavePart*)oPart); EventList* el = nPart->events(); unsigned new_partlength = MusEGlobal::tempomap.deltaTick2frame(oPart->tick(), oPart->tick() + len); // If new nr of frames is less than previous what can happen is: // - 0 or more events are beginning after the new final position. Those are removed from the part // - The last event begins before new final position and ends after it. If so, it will be resized to end at new part length if (new_partlength < oPart->lenFrame()) { Undo operations; for (iEvent i = el->begin(); i != el->end(); i++) { Event e = i->second; unsigned event_startframe = e.frame(); unsigned event_endframe = event_startframe + e.lenFrame(); if (event_endframe < new_partlength) continue; } nPart->setLenFrame(new_partlength); // Do not do port controller values and clone parts. operations.push_back(UndoOp(UndoOp::ModifyPart, oPart, nPart, false, false)); MusEGlobal::song->applyOperationGroup(operations); } // If the part is expanded there can be no additional events beginning after the previous final position // since those are removed if the part has been shrunk at some time (see above) // The only thing we need to check is the final event: If it has data after the previous final position, // we'll expand that event else { Undo operations; if(!el->empty()) { iEvent i = el->end(); i--; Event last = i->second; MusECore::SndFileR file = last.sndFile(); if (file.isNull()) return; Event newEvent = last.clone(); // Do not do port controller values and clone parts. operations.push_back(UndoOp(UndoOp::ModifyEvent, newEvent, last, nPart, false, false)); } nPart->setLenFrame(new_partlength); // Do not do port controller values and clone parts. operations.push_back(UndoOp(UndoOp::ModifyPart, oPart, nPart, false, false)); MusEGlobal::song->applyOperationGroup(operations); } } break; case Track::MIDI: case Track::DRUM: case Track::NEW_DRUM: { Undo operations; unsigned orig_len=oPart->lenTick(); MidiPart* part_it=(MidiPart*)oPart; do { if (part_it->lenTick()==orig_len) { MidiPart* newPart = new MidiPart(*part_it); newPart->setLenTick(len); // Do port controller values but not clone parts. operations.push_back(UndoOp(UndoOp::ModifyPart, part_it, newPart, true, false)); } part_it=(MidiPart*)part_it->nextClone(); } while (doClones && (part_it != (MidiPart*)oPart)); MusEGlobal::song->applyOperationGroup(operations); break; } default: break; } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // splitPart // split part "part" at "tick" position // create two new parts p1 and p2 //--------------------------------------------------------- void Track::splitPart(Part* part, int tickpos, Part*& p1, Part*& p2) { int l1 = 0; // len of first new part (ticks or samples) int l2 = 0; // len of second new part int samplepos = MusEGlobal::tempomap.tick2frame(tickpos); switch (type()) { case WAVE: l1 = samplepos - part->frame(); l2 = part->lenFrame() - l1; break; case MIDI: case DRUM: case NEW_DRUM: l1 = tickpos - part->tick(); l2 = part->lenTick() - l1; break; default: return; } if (l1 <= 0 || l2 <= 0) return; p1 = newPart(part); // new left part p2 = newPart(part); // new right part // Added by Tim. p3.3.6 switch (type()) { case WAVE: p1->setLenFrame(l1); p2->setFrame(samplepos); p2->setLenFrame(l2); break; case MIDI: case DRUM: case NEW_DRUM: p1->setLenTick(l1); p2->setTick(tickpos); p2->setLenTick(l2); break; default: break; } p2->setSn(p2->newSn()); EventList* se = part->events(); EventList* de1 = p1->events(); EventList* de2 = p2->events(); if (type() == WAVE) { int ps = part->frame(); int d1p1 = p1->frame(); int d2p1 = p1->endFrame(); int d1p2 = p2->frame(); int d2p2 = p2->endFrame(); for (iEvent ie = se->begin(); ie != se->end(); ++ie) { Event event = ie->second; int s1 = event.frame() + ps; int s2 = event.endFrame() + ps; if ((s2 > d1p1) && (s1 < d2p1)) { Event si = event.mid(d1p1 - ps, d2p1 - ps); de1->add(si); } if ((s2 > d1p2) && (s1 < d2p2)) { Event si = event.mid(d1p2 - ps, d2p2 - ps); de2->add(si); } } } else { for (iEvent ie = se->begin(); ie != se->end(); ++ie) { Event event = ie->second.clone(); int t = event.tick(); if (t >= l1) { event.move(-l1); de2->add(event); } else de1->add(event); } } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // cmdSplitPart //--------------------------------------------------------- void Song::cmdSplitPart(Track* track, Part* part, int tick) { int l1 = tick - part->tick(); int l2 = part->lenTick() - l1; if (l1 <= 0 || l2 <= 0) return; Part* p1; Part* p2; track->splitPart(part, tick, p1, p2); //MusEGlobal::song->informAboutNewParts(part, p1); // is unneccessary because of ChangePart below MusEGlobal::song->informAboutNewParts(part, p2); startUndo(); // Indicate no undo, and do port controller values but not clone parts. MusEGlobal::audio->msgChangePart(part, p1, false, true, false); MusEGlobal::audio->msgAddPart(p2, false); endUndo(SC_TRACK_MODIFIED | SC_PART_MODIFIED | SC_PART_INSERTED); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // changePart //--------------------------------------------------------- void Song::changePart(Part* oPart, Part* nPart) { nPart->setSn(oPart->sn()); Track* oTrack = oPart->track(); Track* nTrack = nPart->track(); oTrack->parts()->remove(oPart); nTrack->parts()->add(nPart); // Added by T356. // adjust song len: unsigned epos = nPart->tick() + nPart->lenTick(); if (epos > len()) _len = epos; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // cmdGluePart //--------------------------------------------------------- void Song::cmdGluePart(Track* track, Part* oPart) { // p3.3.54 if(track->type() != Track::WAVE && !track->isMidiTrack()) return; PartList* pl = track->parts(); Part* nextPart = 0; for (iPart ip = pl->begin(); ip != pl->end(); ++ip) { if (ip->second == oPart) { ++ip; if (ip == pl->end()) return; nextPart = ip->second; break; } } Part* nPart = track->newPart(oPart); nPart->setLenTick(nextPart->tick() + nextPart->lenTick() - oPart->tick()); // populate nPart with Events from oPart and nextPart EventList* sl1 = oPart->events(); EventList* dl = nPart->events(); for (iEvent ie = sl1->begin(); ie != sl1->end(); ++ie) dl->add(ie->second); EventList* sl2 = nextPart->events(); if(track->type() == Track::WAVE) { int frameOffset = nextPart->frame() - oPart->frame(); for (iEvent ie = sl2->begin(); ie != sl2->end(); ++ie) { Event event = ie->second.clone(); event.setFrame(event.frame() + frameOffset); dl->add(event); } } else if(track->isMidiTrack()) { int tickOffset = nextPart->tick() - oPart->tick(); for (iEvent ie = sl2->begin(); ie != sl2->end(); ++ie) { Event event = ie->second.clone(); event.setTick(event.tick() + tickOffset); dl->add(event); } } startUndo(); MusEGlobal::audio->msgRemovePart(nextPart, false); // Indicate no undo, and do port controller values but not clone parts. MusEGlobal::audio->msgChangePart(oPart, nPart, false, true, false); endUndo(SC_PART_MODIFIED | SC_PART_REMOVED); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // dump //--------------------------------------------------------- void Part::dump(int n) const { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) putchar(' '); printf("Part: <%s> ", _name.toLatin1().constData()); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) putchar(' '); PosLen::dump(); } void WavePart::dump(int n) const { Part::dump(n); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) putchar(' '); printf("WavePart\n"); } void MidiPart::dump(int n) const { Part::dump(n); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) putchar(' '); printf("MidiPart\n"); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // clone //--------------------------------------------------------- MidiPart* MidiPart::clone() const { return new MidiPart(*this); } WavePart* WavePart::clone() const { return new WavePart(*this); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // hasHiddenEvents // Returns combination of HiddenEventsType enum. //--------------------------------------------------------- int MidiPart::hasHiddenEvents() { unsigned len = lenTick(); // TODO: For now, we don't support events before the left border, only events past the right border. for(iEvent ev=events()->begin(); ev!=events()->end(); ev++) { if(ev->second.endTick() > len) { _hiddenEvents = RightEventsHidden; // Cache the result for later. return _hiddenEvents; } } _hiddenEvents = NoEventsHidden; // Cache the result for later. return _hiddenEvents; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // hasHiddenEvents // Returns combination of HiddenEventsType enum. //--------------------------------------------------------- int WavePart::hasHiddenEvents() { unsigned len = lenFrame(); // TODO: For now, we don't support events before the left border, only events past the right border. for(iEvent ev=events()->begin(); ev!=events()->end(); ev++) { if(ev->second.endFrame() > len) { _hiddenEvents = RightEventsHidden; // Cache the result for later. return _hiddenEvents; } } _hiddenEvents = NoEventsHidden; // Cache the result for later. return _hiddenEvents; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // ClonePart //--------------------------------------------------------- ClonePart::ClonePart(const Part* p, int i) { cp = p; id = i; uuid_generate(uuid); } } // namespace MusECore