//============================================================================= // MusE // Linux Music Editor // $Id: osc.cpp,v 2010/04/22 03:39:58 terminator356 Exp $ // // Copyright (C) 1999-2011 by Werner Schweer and others // (C) Copyright 2011 Tim E. Real (terminator356 on sourceforge) // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of // the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. //============================================================================= #include "config.h" #ifdef OSC_SUPPORT // Turn on debugging messages //#define OSC_DEBUG // Whether to use a QProcess or fork + execlp to start the gui. (Note fork + execlp give problems - zombies when synth window closed.) #define _USE_QPROCESS_FOR_GUI_ 1 #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef _USE_QPROCESS_FOR_GUI_ #include #else #include #include #include #endif #include #ifdef DSSI_SUPPORT #include "dssihost.h" #endif #include "stringparam.h" #include "plugin.h" #include "track.h" #include "song.h" #include "synth.h" #include "app.h" #include "globals.h" #include "globaldefs.h" static lo_server_thread serverThread = 0; static char* url = 0; static bool oscServerRunning = false; //--------------------------------------------------------- // oscError //--------------------------------------------------------- static void oscError(int num, const char *msg, const char *path) { fprintf(stderr, "MusE: liblo server error %d in path %s: %s\n", num, path, msg); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // oscDebugHandler //--------------------------------------------------------- static int oscDebugHandler(const char* path, const char* types, lo_arg** argv, int argc, void*, void*) { printf("MusE: got unhandled OSC message:\n path: <%s>\n", path); for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) { printf(" arg %d '%c' ", i, types[i]); lo_arg_pp(lo_type(types[i]), argv[i]); printf("\n"); } return 1; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // oscMessageHandler //--------------------------------------------------------- int oscMessageHandler(const char* path, const char* types, lo_arg** argv, int argc, void* data, void* user_data) { const char* p = path; // NOTE: Tried this, always returns 0 sec and 1 fractional. Shame, looks like timestamps are not used. //lo_timetag lo_tt = lo_message_get_timestamp(data); #ifdef OSC_DEBUG if(argc) { printf("oscMessageHandler: path:%s argc:%d\n", path, argc); for(int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) { printf(" "); lo_arg_pp((lo_type)types[i], argv[i]); } printf("\n"); } else { printf("%s\n", path); printf("oscMessageHandler: no args, path:%s\n", path); } #endif bool isSynth = false; #ifdef DSSI_SUPPORT if(strncmp(p, "/dssi_synth/", 12) == 0) { isSynth = true; p += 12; } else #endif if(strncmp(p, "/ladspa_efx/", 12) == 0) { p += 12; } else return oscDebugHandler(path, types, argv, argc, data, user_data); TrackList* tl = song->tracks(); #ifdef OSC_DEBUG if(isSynth) fprintf(stderr, "oscMessageHandler: got message for dssi synth...\n"); else fprintf(stderr, "oscMessageHandler: got message for ladspa effect...\n"); #endif // FIXME: Slowdowns: Shouldn't need these retries but they are needed, only upon creation of the synth. // Need to fix the real source of the problem! The instance is taking too long to appear after creation. // ///for(int retry = 0; retry < 5000; ++retry) { ///#ifdef OSC_DEBUG ///fprintf(stderr, "oscMessageHandler: search retry number:%d ...\n", retry); ///#endif //if(_uiOscPath) // break; #ifdef DSSI_SUPPORT if(isSynth) { // Message is meant for a dssi synth. Check dssi synth instances... SynthIList* sl = song->syntis(); for(iSynthI si = sl->begin(); si != sl->end(); ++si) { SynthI* synti = *si; #ifdef OSC_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "oscMessageHandler: searching for:%s checking synth instance:%s\n", p, synti->name().toLatin1().constData()); #endif QByteArray ba = synti->name().toLatin1(); const char* sub = strstr(p, ba.constData()); if(sub == NULL) continue; //DssiSynthIF* instance = (DssiSynthIF*)synti->sif(); // TODO: Fix this dynamic cast - it may be a slowdown. DssiSynthIF* instance = dynamic_cast(synti->sif()); if(!instance) break; QByteArray ba2 = synti->name().toLatin1(); p = sub + strlen(ba2.constData()); if (*p != '/' || *(p + 1) == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "oscMessageHandler error: synth: end of path or no /\n"); return oscDebugHandler(path, types, argv, argc, data, user_data); } ++p; #ifdef OSC_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "oscMessageHandler: synth track:%s method:%s\n", synti->name().toLatin1().constData(), p); #endif OscIF& oscif = instance->oscIF(); if (!strcmp(p, "configure") && argc == 2 && !strcmp(types, "ss")) return oscif.oscConfigure(argv); else if (!strcmp(p, "control") && argc == 2 && !strcmp(types, "if")) return oscif.oscControl(argv); else if (!strcmp(p, "midi") && argc == 1 && !strcmp(types, "m")) return oscif.oscMidi(argv); else if (!strcmp(p, "program") && argc == 2 && !strcmp(types, "ii")) return oscif.oscProgram(argv); else if (!strcmp(p, "update") && argc == 1 && !strcmp(types, "s")) return oscif.oscUpdate(argv); else if (!strcmp(p, "exiting") && argc == 0) return oscif.oscExiting(argv); return oscDebugHandler(path, types, argv, argc, data, user_data); } } else #endif //DSSI_SUPPORT // Message is meant for a ladspa effect. Check all ladspa effect instances... for(ciTrack it = tl->begin(); it != tl->end(); ++it) { if((*it)->isMidiTrack()) continue; Pipeline* efxPipe = ((AudioTrack*)*it)->efxPipe(); if(efxPipe) { for(ciPluginI ip = efxPipe->begin(); ip != efxPipe->end(); ++ip) { PluginI* instance = *ip; if(!instance) continue; #ifdef OSC_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "oscMessageHandler: searching for:%s checking effect instance:%s label:%s lib:%s\n", p, instance->name().toLatin1().constData(), instance->label().toLatin1().constData(), instance->lib().toLatin1().constData()); #endif //const char* sub = strstr(p, instance->name().toLatin1().constData()); ///const char* sub = strstr(p, instance->label().toLatin1().constData()); QByteArray ba = instance->label().toLatin1(); const char* sub = strstr(p, ba.constData()); if(sub == NULL) continue; Plugin* plugin = instance->plugin(); if(!plugin) break; //p = sub + strlen(instance->name().toLatin1().constData()); QByteArray ba3 = instance->label().toLatin1(); p = sub + strlen(ba3.constData()); if (*p != '/' || *(p + 1) == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "oscMessageHandler: error: effect: end of path or no /\n"); return oscDebugHandler(path, types, argv, argc, data, user_data); } ++p; #ifdef OSC_DEBUG //fprintf(stderr, "oscMessageHandler: effect:%s method:%s\n", instance->name().toLatin1().constData(), p); fprintf(stderr, "oscMessageHandler: effect:%s method:%s\n", instance->label().toLatin1().constData(), p); #endif OscIF& oscif = instance->oscIF(); if (!strcmp(p, "configure") && argc == 2 && !strcmp(types, "ss")) return oscif.oscConfigure(argv); else if (!strcmp(p, "control") && argc == 2 && !strcmp(types, "if")) return oscif.oscControl(argv); else if (!strcmp(p, "midi") && argc == 1 && !strcmp(types, "m")) return oscif.oscMidi(argv); else if (!strcmp(p, "program") && argc == 2 && !strcmp(types, "ii")) return oscif.oscProgram(argv); else if (!strcmp(p, "update") && argc == 1 && !strcmp(types, "s")) return oscif.oscUpdate(argv); else if (!strcmp(p, "exiting") && argc == 0) return oscif.oscExiting(argv); return oscDebugHandler(path, types, argv, argc, data, user_data); } } } ///usleep(1000); } fprintf(stderr, "oscMessageHandler: timeout error: no synth or effect instance found for given path\n"); return oscDebugHandler(path, types, argv, argc, data, user_data); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // initOSC //--------------------------------------------------------- void initOSC() { if(url) free(url); url = 0; // Create OSC thread // Only if not created yet. if(!serverThread) { serverThread = lo_server_thread_new(0, oscError); if(!serverThread) { printf("initOSC() Failed to create OSC server!\n"); return; } } ///snprintf(osc_path_tmp, 31, "/dssi"); // Test: Clear the temp path: //snprintf(osc_path_tmp, 31, ""); ///char* tmp = lo_server_thread_get_url(serverThread); url = lo_server_thread_get_url(serverThread); if(!url) { lo_server_thread_free(serverThread); printf("initOSC() Failed to get OSC server thread url !\n"); return; } ///url = (char *)malloc(strlen(tmp) + strlen(osc_path_tmp)); //url = (char *)malloc(strlen(tmp)); ///sprintf(url, "%s%s", tmp, osc_path_tmp + 1); //sprintf(url, "%s", tmp, osc_path_tmp + 1); ///free(tmp); lo_method meth = 0; meth = lo_server_thread_add_method(serverThread, 0, 0, oscMessageHandler, 0); if(!meth) { printf("initOSC() Failed to add oscMessageHandler method to OSC server!\n"); // Does not return a value. lo_server_thread_free(serverThread); serverThread = 0; free(url); url = 0; return; } // Does not return a value. lo_server_thread_start(serverThread); } namespace MusEApp { //--------------------------------------------------------- // exitOSC //--------------------------------------------------------- void exitOSC() { oscServerRunning = false; if(serverThread) { // Does not return a value. lo_server_thread_stop(serverThread); lo_server_thread_free(serverThread); } serverThread = 0; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // startOSC //--------------------------------------------------------- void startOSC() { if(serverThread) // Does not return a value. lo_server_thread_start(serverThread); oscServerRunning = true; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // stopOSC //--------------------------------------------------------- void stopOSC() { if(serverThread) // Does not return a value. lo_server_thread_stop(serverThread); oscServerRunning = false; } } // namespace MusEApp //--------------------------------------------------------- // OscIF // Open Sound Control Interface //--------------------------------------------------------- OscIF::OscIF() { _uiOscTarget = 0; _uiOscSampleRatePath = 0; _uiOscShowPath = 0; _uiOscControlPath = 0; _uiOscConfigurePath = 0; _uiOscProgramPath = 0; _uiOscPath = 0; #ifdef _USE_QPROCESS_FOR_GUI_ _oscGuiQProc = 0; #else _guiPid = -1; #endif _oscGuiVisible = false; } OscIF::~OscIF() { #ifdef _USE_QPROCESS_FOR_GUI_ if(_oscGuiQProc) { if(_oscGuiQProc->state()) { #ifdef OSC_DEBUG printf("OscIF::~OscIF terminating _oscGuiQProc\n"); #endif //_oscGuiQProc->kill(); // "This tries to terminate the process the nice way. If the process is still running after 5 seconds, // it terminates the process the hard way. The timeout should be chosen depending on the time the // process needs to do all its cleanup: use a higher value if the process is likely to do a lot of // computation or I/O on cleanup." _oscGuiQProc->terminate(); // FIXME: In Qt4 this can only be used with threads started with QThread. // Kill is bad anyway, app should check at close if all these guis closed or not // and ask user if they really want to close, possibly with kill. // Terminate might not terminate the thread. It is given a chance to prompt for saving etc. // so kill is not desirable. // We could wait until terminate finished but don't think that's good here. ///QTimer::singleShot( 5000, _oscGuiQProc, SLOT( kill() ) ); _oscGuiQProc->waitForFinished(3000); } delete _oscGuiQProc; } #else // NOT _USE_QPROCESS_FOR_GUI_ if (_guiPid != -1) { if(kill(_guiPid, SIGHUP) != -1) _guiPid = -1; } #endif // _USE_QPROCESS_FOR_GUI_ if(_uiOscTarget) lo_address_free(_uiOscTarget); if(_uiOscSampleRatePath) free(_uiOscSampleRatePath); if(_uiOscShowPath) free(_uiOscShowPath); if(_uiOscControlPath) free(_uiOscControlPath); if(_uiOscConfigurePath) free(_uiOscConfigurePath); if(_uiOscProgramPath) free(_uiOscProgramPath); if(_uiOscPath) free(_uiOscPath); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // oscUpdate //--------------------------------------------------------- int OscIF::oscUpdate(lo_arg **argv) { const char *purl = (char *)&argv[0]->s; if(_uiOscTarget) lo_address_free(_uiOscTarget); _uiOscTarget = 0; char* host = lo_url_get_hostname(purl); char* port = lo_url_get_port(purl); _uiOscTarget = lo_address_new(host, port); free(host); free(port); if(!_uiOscTarget) return 0; if (_uiOscPath) free(_uiOscPath); _uiOscPath = lo_url_get_path(purl); int pl = strlen(_uiOscPath); if(_uiOscSampleRatePath) free(_uiOscSampleRatePath); _uiOscSampleRatePath = (char *)malloc(pl + 14); sprintf(_uiOscSampleRatePath, "%s/sample-rate", _uiOscPath); if (_uiOscControlPath) free(_uiOscControlPath); _uiOscControlPath = (char *)malloc(pl + 10); sprintf(_uiOscControlPath, "%s/control", _uiOscPath); if (_uiOscConfigurePath) free(_uiOscConfigurePath); _uiOscConfigurePath = (char *)malloc(pl + 12); sprintf(_uiOscConfigurePath, "%s/configure", _uiOscPath); if (_uiOscProgramPath) free(_uiOscProgramPath); _uiOscProgramPath = (char *)malloc(pl + 10); sprintf(_uiOscProgramPath, "%s/program", _uiOscPath); if (_uiOscShowPath) free(_uiOscShowPath); _uiOscShowPath = (char *)malloc(pl + 10); sprintf(_uiOscShowPath, "%s/show", _uiOscPath); /* At this point a more substantial host might also call * configure() on the UI to set any state that it had remembered * for the plugin instance. But we don't remember state for * plugin instances (see our own configure() implementation in * osc_configure_handler), and so we have nothing to send except * the optional project directory. */ #ifdef OSC_DEBUG printf("OscIF::oscUpdate: _uiOscTarget:%p\n", _uiOscTarget); if(url) printf(" server url:%s\n", url); else printf(" no server url!\n"); printf(" update path:%s\n", purl); printf(" _uiOscPath:%s\n", _uiOscPath); printf(" _uiOscSampleRatePath:%s\n", _uiOscSampleRatePath); printf(" _uiOscConfigurePath:%s\n", _uiOscConfigurePath); printf(" _uiOscProgramPath:%s\n", _uiOscProgramPath); printf(" _uiOscControlPath:%s\n",_uiOscControlPath); printf(" _uiOscShowPath:%s\n", _uiOscShowPath); printf(" museProject:%s\n", MusEGlobal::museProject.toLatin1().constData()); #endif // Send sample rate. lo_send(_uiOscTarget, _uiOscSampleRatePath, "i", MusEGlobal::sampleRate); // Send project directory. //lo_send(_uiOscTarget, _uiOscConfigurePath, "ss", // DSSI_PROJECT_DIRECTORY_KEY, museProject.toLatin1().constData()); // song->projectPath() // Done in sub-classes. /* #ifdef DSSI_SUPPORT //lo_send(_uiOscTarget, _uiOscConfigurePath, "ss", //DSSI_PROJECT_DIRECTORY_KEY, song->projectPath().toAscii().data()); lo_send(_uiOscTarget, _uiOscConfigurePath, "ss", DSSI_PROJECT_DIRECTORY_KEY, museProject.toLatin1().constData()); if(_oscSynthIF) { for(ciStringParamMap r = _oscSynthIF->synthI->_stringParamMap.begin(); r != synti->_stringParamMap.end(); ++r) { rv = 0; rv = dssi->configure(handle, r->first.c_str(), r->second.c_str()); if(rv) { fprintf(stderr, "MusE: Warning: plugin config key: %s value: %s \"%s\"\n", r->first.c_str(), r->second.c_str(), rv); free(rv); } } } #endif */ /* char uiOscGuiPath[strlen(_uiOscPath)+6]; sprintf(uiOscGuiPath, "%s/%s", _uiOscPath, "show"); #ifdef OSC_DEBUG printf("OscIF::oscUpdate Sending show uiOscGuiPath:%s\n", uiOscGuiPath); #endif lo_send(_uiOscTarget, uiOscGuiPath, ""); sprintf(uiOscGuiPath, "%s/%s", _uiOscPath, "hide"); #ifdef OSC_DEBUG printf("OscIF::oscUpdate Sending hide uiOscGuiPath:%s\n", uiOscGuiPath); #endif lo_send(_uiOscTarget, uiOscGuiPath, ""); */ #if 0 /* Send current bank/program (-FIX- another race...) */ if (instance->pendingProgramChange < 0) { unsigned long bank = instance->currentBank; unsigned long program = instance->currentProgram; instance->uiNeedsProgramUpdate = 0; if (instance->uiTarget) { lo_send(instance->uiTarget, instance->ui_osc_program_path, "ii", bank, program); } } /* Send control ports */ for (i = 0; i < instance->plugin->controlIns; i++) { int in = i + instance->firstControlIn; int port = pluginControlInPortNumbers[in]; lo_send(instance->uiTarget, instance->ui_osc_control_path, "if", port, pluginControlIns[in]); /* Avoid overloading the GUI if there are lots and lots of ports */ if ((i+1) % 50 == 0) usleep(300000); } #endif return 0; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // oscExiting //--------------------------------------------------------- int OscIF::oscExiting(lo_arg**) { // The gui is gone now, right? _oscGuiVisible = false; // Just an attempt to really kill the process, an attempt to fix gui not re-showing after closing. Doesn't help. /* #ifdef _USE_QPROCESS_FOR_GUI_ if(_oscGuiQProc) { if(_oscGuiQProc->state()) { #ifdef OSC_DEBUG printf("OscIF::oscExiting terminating _oscGuiQProc\n"); #endif //_oscGuiQProc->kill(); // "This tries to terminate the process the nice way. If the process is still running after 5 seconds, // it terminates the process the hard way. The timeout should be chosen depending on the time the // process needs to do all its cleanup: use a higher value if the process is likely to do a lot of // computation or I/O on cleanup." _oscGuiQProc->terminate(); // FIXME: In Qt4 this can only be used with threads started with QThread. // Kill is bad anyway, app should check at close if all these guis closed or not // and ask user if they really want to close, possibly with kill. // Terminate might not terminate the thread. It is given a chance to prompt for saving etc. // so kill is not desirable. // We could wait until terminate finished but don't think that's good here. ///QTimer::singleShot( 5000, _oscGuiQProc, SLOT( kill() ) ); _oscGuiQProc->waitForFinished(3000); } //delete _oscGuiQProc; //_oscGuiQProc = 0; } #else // NOT _USE_QPROCESS_FOR_GUI_ if(_guiPid != -1) { #ifdef OSC_DEBUG printf("OscIF::oscExiting hanging up _guiPid:%d\n", _guiPid); #endif //if(kill(_guiPid, SIGHUP) != -1) //if(kill(_guiPid, SIGTERM) != -1) if(kill(_guiPid, SIGKILL) != -1) { #ifdef OSC_DEBUG printf(" hang up sent\n"); #endif _guiPid = -1; } } #endif // _USE_QPROCESS_FOR_GUI_ */ if(_uiOscTarget) lo_address_free(_uiOscTarget); _uiOscTarget = 0; if(_uiOscSampleRatePath) free(_uiOscSampleRatePath); _uiOscSampleRatePath = 0; if(_uiOscShowPath) free(_uiOscShowPath); _uiOscShowPath = 0; if(_uiOscControlPath) free(_uiOscControlPath); _uiOscControlPath = 0; if(_uiOscConfigurePath) free(_uiOscConfigurePath); _uiOscConfigurePath = 0; if(_uiOscProgramPath) free(_uiOscProgramPath); _uiOscProgramPath = 0; if(_uiOscPath) free(_uiOscPath); _uiOscPath = 0; //const DSSI_Descriptor* dssi = synth->dssi; //const LADSPA_Descriptor* ld = dssi->LADSPA_Plugin; //if(ld->deactivate) // ld->deactivate(handle); /* if (_uiOscPath == 0) { printf("OscIF::oscExiting(): no _uiOscPath\n"); return 1; } char uiOscGuiPath[strlen(_uiOscPath)+6]; sprintf(uiOscGuiPath, "%s/%s", _uiOscPath, "quit"); #ifdef OSC_DEBUG printf("OscIF::oscExiting(): sending quit to uiOscGuiPath:%s\n", uiOscGuiPath); #endif lo_send(_uiOscTarget, uiOscGuiPath, ""); */ #if 0 int i; if (verbose) { printf("MusE: OSC: got exiting notification for instance %d\n", instance->number); } if (instance->plugin) { /*!!! No, this isn't safe -- plugins deactivated in this way would still be included in a run_multiple_synths call unless we re-jigged the instance array at the same time -- leave it for now if (instance->plugin->descriptor->LADSPA_Plugin->deactivate) { instance->plugin->descriptor->LADSPA_Plugin->deactivate (instanceHandles[instance->number]); } */ /* Leave this flag though, as we need it to determine when to exit */ instance->inactive = 1; } /* Do we have any plugins left running? */ for (i = 0; i < instance_count; ++i) { if (!instances[i].inactive) return 0; } if (verbose) { printf("MusE: That was the last remaining plugin, exiting...\n"); } exiting = 1; #endif return 0; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // oscSendProgram //--------------------------------------------------------- void OscIF::oscSendProgram(unsigned long prog, unsigned long bank) { if(_uiOscTarget && _uiOscProgramPath) lo_send(_uiOscTarget, _uiOscProgramPath, "ii", bank, prog); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // oscSendControl //--------------------------------------------------------- void OscIF::oscSendControl(unsigned long dssiPort, float v) { if(_uiOscTarget && _uiOscControlPath) lo_send(_uiOscTarget, _uiOscControlPath, "if", dssiPort, v); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // oscSendConfigure //--------------------------------------------------------- void OscIF::oscSendConfigure(const char *key, const char *val) { if(_uiOscTarget && _uiOscConfigurePath) lo_send(_uiOscTarget, _uiOscConfigurePath, "ss", key, val); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // oscInitGui //--------------------------------------------------------- bool OscIF::oscInitGui(const QString& typ, const QString& baseName, const QString& name, const QString& label, const QString& filePath, const QString& guiPath) { // Are we already running? We don't want to allow another process do we... #ifdef _USE_QPROCESS_FOR_GUI_ if((_oscGuiQProc != 0) && (_oscGuiQProc->state())) return true; #else if(_guiPid != -1) return true; #endif #ifdef OSC_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "OscIF::oscInitGui\n"); #endif if(!url) { fprintf(stderr, "OscIF::oscInitGui no server url!\n"); return false; } if(guiPath.isEmpty()) { fprintf(stderr, "OscIF::oscInitGui guiPath is empty\n"); return false; } QString oscUrl; oscUrl = QString("%1%2/%3/%4").arg(QString(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("@default", url))).arg(typ).arg(baseName).arg(label); #ifdef _USE_QPROCESS_FOR_GUI_ // fork + execlp cause the process to remain (zombie) after closing gui, requiring manual kill. // Using QProcess works OK. // No QProcess created yet? Do it now. Only once per SynthIF instance. Exists until parent destroyed. if(_oscGuiQProc == 0) //_oscGuiQProc = new QProcess(muse); _oscGuiQProc = new QProcess(); QString program(guiPath); QStringList arguments; arguments << oscUrl << filePath << name << QString("channel-1"); #ifdef OSC_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "OscIF::oscInitGui starting QProcess\n"); #endif _oscGuiQProc->start(program, arguments); if(_oscGuiQProc->state()) { #ifdef OSC_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "OscIF::oscInitGui started QProcess\n"); #endif } else { fprintf(stderr, "exec %s %s %s %s failed: %s\n", guiPath.toLatin1().constData(), oscUrl.toLatin1().constData(), filePath.toLatin1().constData(), name.toLatin1().constData(), strerror(errno)); //exit(1); } #ifdef OSC_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "OscIF::oscInitGui after QProcess\n"); #endif #else // NOT _USE_QPROCESS_FOR_GUI_ #ifdef OSC_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "forking...\n"); #endif QString guiName = QFileInfo(guiPath).fileName(); // Note: fork + execlp cause the process to remain (zombie) after closing gui, requiring manual kill. Use QProcess instead. if((_guiPid = fork()) == 0) { execlp( guiPath.toLatin1().constData(), guiName.toLatin1().constData(), oscUrl.toLatin1().constData(), filePath.toLatin1().constData(), name.toLatin1().constData(), "channel 1", (void*)0); // Should not return after execlp. If so it's an error. fprintf(stderr, "exec %s %s %s %s %s failed: %s\n", guiPath.toLatin1().constData(), guiName.toLatin1().constData(), oscUrl.toLatin1().constData(), filePath.toLatin1().constData(), name.toLatin1().constData(), strerror(errno)); //exit(1); } #endif // _USE_QPROCESS_FOR_GUI_ return true; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // oscShowGui //--------------------------------------------------------- void OscIF::oscShowGui(bool v) { #ifdef OSC_DEBUG printf("OscIF::oscShowGui(): v:%d visible:%d\n", v, oscGuiVisible()); #endif if (v == oscGuiVisible()) return; #ifdef _USE_QPROCESS_FOR_GUI_ if((_oscGuiQProc == 0) || (!_oscGuiQProc->state())) #else if(_guiPid == -1) #endif { // We need an indicator that update was called - update must have been called to get new path etc... // If the process is not running this path is invalid, right? if(_uiOscPath) free(_uiOscPath); _uiOscPath = 0; #ifdef OSC_DEBUG printf("OscIF::oscShowGui(): No QProcess or process not running. Starting gui...\n"); #endif if(!oscInitGui()) { printf("OscIF::oscShowGui(): failed to initialize gui on oscInitGui()\n"); return; } } //for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { // Give it a wee bit more time? if (_uiOscPath) break; sleep(1); } if (_uiOscPath == 0) { printf("OscIF::oscShowGui(): no _uiOscPath. Error: Timeout - synth gui did not start within 10 seconds.\n"); return; } char uiOscGuiPath[strlen(_uiOscPath)+6]; sprintf(uiOscGuiPath, "%s/%s", _uiOscPath, v ? "show" : "hide"); #ifdef OSC_DEBUG printf("OscIF::oscShowGui(): Sending show/hide uiOscGuiPath:%s\n", uiOscGuiPath); #endif lo_send(_uiOscTarget, uiOscGuiPath, ""); _oscGuiVisible = v; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // oscGuiVisible //--------------------------------------------------------- bool OscIF::oscGuiVisible() const { return _oscGuiVisible; } #ifdef DSSI_SUPPORT //--------------------------------------------------------- // OscDssiIF:: // oscSetSynthIF //--------------------------------------------------------- void OscDssiIF::oscSetSynthIF(DssiSynthIF* s) { _oscSynthIF = s; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // oscUpdate //--------------------------------------------------------- int OscDssiIF::oscUpdate(lo_arg **argv) { // Make sure to call base method. OscIF::oscUpdate(argv); // Send sample rate. No, done in base class. //lo_send(_uiOscTarget, _uiOscSampleRatePath, "i", sampleRate); // Send project directory. No, done in DssiSynthIF. //lo_send(_uiOscTarget, _uiOscConfigurePath, "ss", // DSSI_PROJECT_DIRECTORY_KEY, museProject.toLatin1().constData()); // song->projectPath() if(_oscSynthIF) _oscSynthIF->oscUpdate(); #if 0 /* Send current bank/program (-FIX- another race...) */ if (instance->pendingProgramChange < 0) { unsigned long bank = instance->currentBank; unsigned long program = instance->currentProgram; instance->uiNeedsProgramUpdate = 0; if (instance->uiTarget) { lo_send(instance->uiTarget, instance->ui_osc_program_path, "ii", bank, program); } } /* Send control ports */ for (i = 0; i < instance->plugin->controlIns; i++) { int in = i + instance->firstControlIn; int port = pluginControlInPortNumbers[in]; lo_send(instance->uiTarget, instance->ui_osc_control_path, "if", port, pluginControlIns[in]); /* Avoid overloading the GUI if there are lots and lots of ports */ if ((i+1) % 50 == 0) usleep(300000); } #endif return 0; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // oscConfigure //--------------------------------------------------------- int OscDssiIF::oscConfigure(lo_arg** argv) { if(_oscSynthIF) _oscSynthIF->oscConfigure((const char*)&argv[0]->s, (const char*)&argv[1]->s); return 0; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // oscMidi //--------------------------------------------------------- int OscDssiIF::oscMidi(lo_arg** argv) { if(_oscSynthIF) _oscSynthIF->oscMidi(argv[0]->m[1], argv[0]->m[2], argv[0]->m[3]); return 0; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // oscProgram //--------------------------------------------------------- int OscDssiIF::oscProgram(lo_arg** argv) { if(_oscSynthIF) _oscSynthIF->oscProgram(argv[1]->i, argv[0]->i); return 0; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // oscControl //--------------------------------------------------------- int OscDssiIF::oscControl(lo_arg** argv) { int port = argv[0]->i; if(port < 0) return 0; if(_oscSynthIF) _oscSynthIF->oscControl(argv[0]->i, argv[1]->f); return 0; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // oscInitGui //--------------------------------------------------------- bool OscDssiIF::oscInitGui() { if(!_oscSynthIF) return false; return OscIF::oscInitGui(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("@default", "dssi_synth"), _oscSynthIF->dssiSynth()->baseName(), _oscSynthIF->dssiSynth()->name(), _oscSynthIF->dssiSynthI()->name(), _oscSynthIF->dssiSynth()->fileName(), _oscSynthIF->dssi_ui_filename()); } #endif // DSSI_SUPPORT //--------------------------------------------------------- // OscEffectIF:: // oscSetPluginI //--------------------------------------------------------- void OscEffectIF::oscSetPluginI(PluginI* s) { _oscPluginI = s; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // oscUpdate //--------------------------------------------------------- int OscEffectIF::oscUpdate(lo_arg** argv) { // Make sure to call base method. OscIF::oscUpdate(argv); // Send project directory. No, done in PluginI. //lo_send(_uiOscTarget, _uiOscConfigurePath, "ss", // DSSI_PROJECT_DIRECTORY_KEY, museProject.toLatin1().constData()); // song->projectPath() if(_oscPluginI) _oscPluginI->oscUpdate(); return 0; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // oscConfigure //--------------------------------------------------------- int OscEffectIF::oscConfigure(lo_arg** argv) { if(_oscPluginI) _oscPluginI->oscConfigure((const char*)&argv[0]->s, (const char*)&argv[1]->s); return 0; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // oscControl //--------------------------------------------------------- int OscEffectIF::oscControl(lo_arg** argv) { int port = argv[0]->i; if(port < 0) return 0; if(_oscPluginI) _oscPluginI->oscControl(argv[0]->i, argv[1]->f); return 0; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // oscInitGui //--------------------------------------------------------- bool OscEffectIF::oscInitGui() { if(!_oscPluginI) return false; return OscIF::oscInitGui(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("@default", "ladspa_efx"), _oscPluginI->plugin()->lib(false), _oscPluginI->plugin()->label(), _oscPluginI->label(), _oscPluginI->plugin()->fileName(), _oscPluginI->dssi_ui_filename()); } #else //OSC_SUPPORT void initOSC() {} void exitOSC() {} #endif