//========================================================= // MusE // Linux Music Editor // $Id: astrip.cpp,v 2009/11/16 01:55:55 terminator356 Exp $ // // (C) Copyright 2000-2004 Werner Schweer (ws@seh.de) //========================================================= #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //#include #include #include #include #include #include #include //Added by qt3to4: //#include //#include #include #include #include "app.h" #include "globals.h" #include "audio.h" #include "driver/audiodev.h" #include "song.h" #include "slider.h" #include "knob.h" #include "combobox.h" #include "meter.h" #include "astrip.h" #include "track.h" #include "synth.h" //#include "route.h" #include "doublelabel.h" #include "rack.h" #include "node.h" #include "amixer.h" #include "icons.h" #include "gconfig.h" #include "ttoolbutton.h" #include "menutitleitem.h" #include "popupmenu.h" /* //--------------------------------------------------------- // MenuTitleItem //--------------------------------------------------------- class MenuTitleItem : public QCustomMenuItem { QString s; virtual bool fullSpan() const { return true; } virtual bool isSeparator() const { return true; } virtual void paint(QPainter* p, const QColorGroup& cg, bool act, bool, int, int, int, int); virtual QSize sizeHint(); public: MenuTitleItem(QString s); }; */ //--------------------------------------------------------- // MenuTitleItem //--------------------------------------------------------- MenuTitleItem::MenuTitleItem(QString ss) : s(ss) { } QSize MenuTitleItem::sizeHint() { return QSize(60, 20); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // drawItem //--------------------------------------------------------- void MenuTitleItem::paint(QPainter* p, const QColorGroup&, bool, bool, int x, int y, int w, int h) { p->fillRect(x, y, w, h, QBrush(Qt::lightGray)); p->drawText(x, y, w, h, Qt::AlignCenter, s); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // minimumSizeHint //--------------------------------------------------------- QSize AudioStrip::minimumSizeHint () const { // We force the width of the size hint to be what we want //return QWidget::minimumSizeHint(); return QSize(66,QWidget::minimumSizeHint().height()); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // heartBeat //--------------------------------------------------------- void AudioStrip::heartBeat() { for (int ch = 0; ch < track->channels(); ++ch) { if (meter[ch]) { //int meterVal = track->meter(ch); //int peak = track->peak(ch); //meter[ch]->setVal(meterVal, peak, false); meter[ch]->setVal(track->meter(ch), track->peak(ch), false); } } Strip::heartBeat(); updateVolume(); updatePan(); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // configChanged //--------------------------------------------------------- void AudioStrip::configChanged() { songChanged(SC_CONFIG); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // songChanged //--------------------------------------------------------- void AudioStrip::songChanged(int val) { // Is it simply a midi controller value adjustment? Forget it. if (val == SC_MIDI_CONTROLLER) return; AudioTrack* src = (AudioTrack*)track; // Do channels before config... if (val & SC_CHANNELS) updateChannels(); // p3.3.47 // Update the routing popup menu if anything relevant changed. if (val & (SC_ROUTE | SC_CHANNELS | SC_CONFIG)) { //updateRouteMenus(); muse->updateRouteMenus(track, this); // p3.3.50 Use this handy shared routine. } // Catch when label font, or configuration min slider and meter values change. if (val & SC_CONFIG) { // Added by Tim. p3.3.9 // Set the strip label's font. //label->setFont(config.fonts[1]); setLabelFont(); // Adjust minimum volume slider and label values. slider->setRange(config.minSlider-0.1, 10.0); sl->setRange(config.minSlider, 10.0); // Adjust minimum aux knob and label values. int n = auxKnob.size(); for (int idx = 0; idx < n; ++idx) { auxKnob[idx]->blockSignals(true); auxLabel[idx]->blockSignals(true); auxKnob[idx]->setRange(config.minSlider-0.1, 10.0); auxLabel[idx]->setRange(config.minSlider, 10.1); auxKnob[idx]->blockSignals(false); auxLabel[idx]->blockSignals(false); } // Adjust minimum meter values. for(int c = 0; c < channel; ++c) meter[c]->setRange(config.minMeter, 10.0); } if (mute && (val & SC_MUTE)) { // mute && off mute->blockSignals(true); mute->setOn(src->mute()); mute->blockSignals(false); updateOffState(); } if (solo && (val & SC_SOLO)) { if((bool)track->internalSolo()) { if(!useSoloIconSet2) { solo->setIconSet(*soloIconSet2); useSoloIconSet2 = true; } } else if(useSoloIconSet2) { solo->setIconSet(*soloIconSet1); useSoloIconSet2 = false; } solo->blockSignals(true); solo->setOn(track->solo()); solo->blockSignals(false); } if (val & SC_RECFLAG) setRecordFlag(track->recordFlag()); if (val & SC_TRACK_MODIFIED) { setLabelText(); // Added by Tim. p3.3.9 setLabelFont(); } //if (val & SC_CHANNELS) // updateChannels(); if (val & SC_ROUTE) { if (pre) { pre->blockSignals(true); pre->setOn(src->prefader()); pre->blockSignals(false); } } if (val & SC_AUX) { int n = auxKnob.size(); for (int idx = 0; idx < n; ++idx) { double val = fast_log10(src->auxSend(idx)) * 20.0; auxKnob[idx]->blockSignals(true); auxLabel[idx]->blockSignals(true); auxKnob[idx]->setValue(val); auxLabel[idx]->setValue(val); auxKnob[idx]->blockSignals(false); auxLabel[idx]->blockSignals(false); } } if (autoType && (val & SC_AUTOMATION)) { autoType->blockSignals(true); autoType->setCurrentItem(track->automationType()); if(track->automationType() == AUTO_TOUCH || track->automationType() == AUTO_WRITE) autoType->setPaletteBackgroundColor(Qt::red); else autoType->setPaletteBackgroundColor(qApp->palette().active().background()); autoType->blockSignals(false); } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // updateVolume //--------------------------------------------------------- void AudioStrip::updateVolume() { double vol = ((AudioTrack*)track)->volume(); if (vol != volume) { //printf("AudioStrip::updateVolume setting slider and label\n"); slider->blockSignals(true); sl->blockSignals(true); double val = fast_log10(vol) * 20.0; slider->setValue(val); sl->setValue(val); sl->blockSignals(false); slider->blockSignals(false); volume = vol; } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // updatePan //--------------------------------------------------------- void AudioStrip::updatePan() { double v = ((AudioTrack*)track)->pan(); if (v != panVal) { //printf("AudioStrip::updatePan setting slider and label\n"); pan->blockSignals(true); panl->blockSignals(true); pan->setValue(v); panl->setValue(v); panl->blockSignals(false); pan->blockSignals(false); panVal = v; } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // offToggled //--------------------------------------------------------- void AudioStrip::offToggled(bool val) { track->setOff(val); song->update(SC_MUTE); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // updateOffState //--------------------------------------------------------- void AudioStrip::updateOffState() { bool val = !track->off(); slider->setEnabled(val); sl->setEnabled(val); pan->setEnabled(val); panl->setEnabled(val); if (track->type() != Track::AUDIO_SOFTSYNTH) stereo->setEnabled(val); label->setEnabled(val); int n = auxKnob.size(); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { auxKnob[i]->setEnabled(val); auxLabel[i]->setEnabled(val); } if (pre) pre->setEnabled(val); if (record) record->setEnabled(val); if (solo) solo->setEnabled(val); if (mute) mute->setEnabled(val); if (autoType) autoType->setEnabled(val); if (iR) iR->setEnabled(val); if (oR) oR->setEnabled(val); if (off) { off->blockSignals(true); off->setOn(track->off()); off->blockSignals(false); } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // preToggled //--------------------------------------------------------- void AudioStrip::preToggled(bool val) { audio->msgSetPrefader((AudioTrack*)track, val); resetPeaks(); song->update(SC_ROUTE); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // stereoToggled //--------------------------------------------------------- void AudioStrip::stereoToggled(bool val) { int oc = track->channels(); int nc = val ? 2 : 1; // stereo->setIcon(nc == 2 ? *stereoIcon : *monoIcon); if (oc == nc) return; audio->msgSetChannels((AudioTrack*)track, nc); song->update(SC_CHANNELS); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // auxChanged //--------------------------------------------------------- void AudioStrip::auxChanged(double val, int idx) { double vol; if (val <= config.minSlider) { vol = 0.0; val -= 1.0; // display special value "off" } else vol = pow(10.0, val/20.0); audio->msgSetAux((AudioTrack*)track, idx, vol); song->update(SC_AUX); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // auxLabelChanged //--------------------------------------------------------- void AudioStrip::auxLabelChanged(double val, unsigned int idx) { if(idx >= auxKnob.size()) return; auxKnob[idx]->setValue(val); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // volumeChanged //--------------------------------------------------------- void AudioStrip::volumeChanged(double val) { AutomationType at = ((AudioTrack*)track)->automationType(); if(at == AUTO_WRITE || (audio->isPlaying() && at == AUTO_TOUCH)) track->enableVolumeController(false); double vol; if (val <= config.minSlider) { vol = 0.0; val -= 1.0; // display special value "off" } else vol = pow(10.0, val/20.0); volume = vol; audio->msgSetVolume((AudioTrack*)track, vol); ((AudioTrack*)track)->recordAutomation(AC_VOLUME, vol); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // volumePressed //--------------------------------------------------------- void AudioStrip::volumePressed() { AutomationType at = ((AudioTrack*)track)->automationType(); if(at == AUTO_WRITE || (at == AUTO_READ || at == AUTO_TOUCH)) track->enableVolumeController(false); double val = slider->value(); double vol; if (val <= config.minSlider) { vol = 0.0; //val -= 1.0; // display special value "off" } else vol = pow(10.0, val/20.0); volume = vol; audio->msgSetVolume((AudioTrack*)track, volume); ((AudioTrack*)track)->startAutoRecord(AC_VOLUME, volume); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // volumeReleased //--------------------------------------------------------- void AudioStrip::volumeReleased() { if(track->automationType() != AUTO_WRITE) track->enableVolumeController(true); ((AudioTrack*)track)->stopAutoRecord(AC_VOLUME, volume); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // volumeRightClicked //--------------------------------------------------------- void AudioStrip::volumeRightClicked(const QPoint &p) { song->execAutomationCtlPopup((AudioTrack*)track, p, AC_VOLUME); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // volLabelChanged //--------------------------------------------------------- void AudioStrip::volLabelChanged(double val) { AutomationType at = ((AudioTrack*)track)->automationType(); if(at == AUTO_WRITE || (audio->isPlaying() && at == AUTO_TOUCH)) track->enableVolumeController(false); double vol; if (val <= config.minSlider) { vol = 0.0; val -= 1.0; // display special value "off" } else vol = pow(10.0, val/20.0); volume = vol; slider->setValue(val); audio->msgSetVolume((AudioTrack*)track, vol); ((AudioTrack*)track)->startAutoRecord(AC_VOLUME, vol); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // panChanged //--------------------------------------------------------- void AudioStrip::panChanged(double val) { AutomationType at = ((AudioTrack*)track)->automationType(); if(at == AUTO_WRITE || (audio->isPlaying() && at == AUTO_TOUCH)) track->enablePanController(false); panVal = val; audio->msgSetPan(((AudioTrack*)track), val); ((AudioTrack*)track)->recordAutomation(AC_PAN, val); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // panPressed //--------------------------------------------------------- void AudioStrip::panPressed() { AutomationType at = ((AudioTrack*)track)->automationType(); if(at == AUTO_WRITE || (at == AUTO_READ || at == AUTO_TOUCH)) track->enablePanController(false); panVal = pan->value(); audio->msgSetPan(((AudioTrack*)track), panVal); ((AudioTrack*)track)->startAutoRecord(AC_PAN, panVal); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // panReleased //--------------------------------------------------------- void AudioStrip::panReleased() { if(track->automationType() != AUTO_WRITE) track->enablePanController(true); ((AudioTrack*)track)->stopAutoRecord(AC_PAN, panVal); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // panRightClicked //--------------------------------------------------------- void AudioStrip::panRightClicked(const QPoint &p) { song->execAutomationCtlPopup((AudioTrack*)track, p, AC_PAN); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // panLabelChanged //--------------------------------------------------------- void AudioStrip::panLabelChanged(double val) { AutomationType at = ((AudioTrack*)track)->automationType(); if(at == AUTO_WRITE || (audio->isPlaying() && at == AUTO_TOUCH)) track->enablePanController(false); panVal = val; pan->setValue(val); audio->msgSetPan((AudioTrack*)track, val); ((AudioTrack*)track)->startAutoRecord(AC_PAN, val); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // updateChannels //--------------------------------------------------------- void AudioStrip::updateChannels() { AudioTrack* t = (AudioTrack*)track; int c = t->channels(); //printf("AudioStrip::updateChannels track channels:%d current channels:%d\n", c, channel); if (c > channel) { for (int cc = channel; cc < c; ++cc) { meter[cc] = new Meter(this); //meter[cc]->setRange(config.minSlider, 10.0); meter[cc]->setRange(config.minMeter, 10.0); meter[cc]->setFixedWidth(15); connect(meter[cc], SIGNAL(mousePress()), this, SLOT(resetPeaks())); sliderGrid->addWidget(meter[cc], 0, cc+1, Qt::AlignHCenter); sliderGrid->setColStretch(cc, 50); meter[cc]->show(); } } else if (c < channel) { for (int cc = channel-1; cc >= c; --cc) { delete meter[cc]; meter[cc] = 0; } } channel = c; stereo->blockSignals(true); stereo->setOn(channel == 2); stereo->blockSignals(false); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // addKnob // type = 0 - panorama // 1 - aux send //--------------------------------------------------------- Knob* AudioStrip::addKnob(int type, int id, DoubleLabel** dlabel) { Knob* knob = new Knob(this); knob->setFixedWidth(STRIP_WIDTH/2); if (type == 0) knob->setRange(-1.0, +1.0); else knob->setRange(config.minSlider-0.1, 10.0); knob->setBackgroundMode(Qt::PaletteMid); if (type == 0) QToolTip::add(knob, tr("panorama")); else QToolTip::add(knob, tr("aux send level")); DoubleLabel* pl; if (type == 0) pl = new DoubleLabel(0, -1.0, +1.0, this); else pl = new DoubleLabel(0.0, config.minSlider, 10.1, this); if (dlabel) *dlabel = pl; pl->setSlider(knob); pl->setFont(config.fonts[1]); pl->setBackgroundMode(Qt::PaletteMid); pl->setFrame(true); if (type == 0) pl->setPrecision(2); else { pl->setPrecision(0); pl->setPrecision(0); } pl->setFixedWidth(STRIP_WIDTH/2); QString label; if (type == 0) label = tr("Pan"); else label.sprintf("Aux%d", id+1); QLabel* plb = new QLabel(label, this); plb->setFont(config.fonts[1]); plb->setFixedWidth(STRIP_WIDTH/2); plb->setAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter); QGridLayout* pangrid = new QGridLayout(0, 2, 2, 0, 0, "pangrid"); pangrid->addWidget(plb, 0, 0); pangrid->addWidget(pl, 1, 0); pangrid->addMultiCellWidget(knob, 0, 1, 1, 1); layout->addLayout(pangrid); connect(knob, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double,int)), pl, SLOT(setValue(double))); //connect(pl, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double, int)), SLOT(panChanged(double))); if (type == 0) { connect(pl, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double, int)), SLOT(panLabelChanged(double))); connect(knob, SIGNAL(sliderMoved(double,int)), SLOT(panChanged(double))); connect(knob, SIGNAL(sliderPressed(int)), SLOT(panPressed())); connect(knob, SIGNAL(sliderReleased(int)), SLOT(panReleased())); connect(knob, SIGNAL(sliderRightClicked(const QPoint &, int)), SLOT(panRightClicked(const QPoint &))); } else { knob->setId(id); connect(pl, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double, int)), knob, SLOT(setValue(double))); // Not used yet. Switch if/when necessary. //connect(pl, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double, int)), SLOT(auxLabelChanged(double, int))); connect(knob, SIGNAL(sliderMoved(double, int)), SLOT(auxChanged(double, int))); } return knob; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // AudioStrip //--------------------------------------------------------- AudioStrip::~AudioStrip() { } //--------------------------------------------------------- // AudioStrip // create mixer strip //--------------------------------------------------------- AudioStrip::AudioStrip(QWidget* parent, AudioTrack* at) : Strip(parent, at) { //iR = 0; //oR = 0; off = 0; volume = -1.0; panVal = 0; record = 0; AudioTrack* t = (AudioTrack*)track; channel = at->channels(); setFixedWidth(STRIP_WIDTH); setMinimumWidth(STRIP_WIDTH); int ch = 0; for (; ch < channel; ++ch) meter[ch] = new Meter(this); for (; ch < MAX_CHANNELS; ++ch) meter[ch] = 0; //--------------------------------------------------- // plugin rack //--------------------------------------------------- EffectRack* rack = new EffectRack(this, t); rack->setFixedWidth(STRIP_WIDTH); rack->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Minimum); layout->addWidget(rack); //--------------------------------------------------- // mono/stereo pre/post //--------------------------------------------------- QHBoxLayout* ppBox = new QHBoxLayout(0); stereo = new QToolButton(this); stereo->setFont(config.fonts[1]); QIcon stereoSet; stereoSet.setPixmap(*monoIcon, QIcon::Automatic, QIcon::Normal, QIcon::Off); stereoSet.setPixmap(*stereoIcon, QIcon::Automatic, QIcon::Normal, QIcon::On); stereo->setIconSet(stereoSet); stereo->setToggleButton(true); QToolTip::add(stereo, tr("1/2 channel")); stereo->setOn(channel == 2); stereo->setFixedWidth(STRIP_WIDTH/2); connect(stereo, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), SLOT(stereoToggled(bool))); // disable mono/stereo for Synthesizer-Plugins if (t->type() == Track::AUDIO_SOFTSYNTH) stereo->setEnabled(false); pre = new QToolButton(this); pre->setFont(config.fonts[1]); pre->setToggleButton(true); pre->setText(tr("Pre")); QToolTip::add(pre, tr("pre fader - post fader")); pre->setOn(t->prefader()); pre->setFixedWidth(STRIP_WIDTH/2); connect(pre, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), SLOT(preToggled(bool))); ppBox->addWidget(stereo); ppBox->addWidget(pre); layout->addLayout(ppBox); //--------------------------------------------------- // aux send //--------------------------------------------------- int auxsSize = song->auxs()->size(); if (t->hasAuxSend()) { for (int idx = 0; idx < auxsSize; ++idx) { DoubleLabel* al; Knob* ak = addKnob(1, idx, &al); auxKnob.push_back(ak); auxLabel.push_back(al); double val = fast_log10(t->auxSend(idx))*20.0; ak->setValue(val); al->setValue(val); } } else { if (auxsSize) layout->addSpacing((STRIP_WIDTH/2 + 2) * auxsSize); } //--------------------------------------------------- // slider, label, meter //--------------------------------------------------- sliderGrid = new QGridLayout(this); // ddskrjo this sliderGrid->setRowStretch(0, 100); //slider = new Slider(this); slider = new Slider(this, "vol", Qt::Vertical, Slider::None, Slider::BgTrough | Slider::BgSlot); slider->setCursorHoming(true); slider->setRange(config.minSlider-0.1, 10.0); slider->setFixedWidth(20); slider->setFont(config.fonts[1]); slider->setValue(fast_log10(t->volume())*20.0); sliderGrid->addWidget(slider, 0, 0, Qt::AlignHCenter); for (int i = 0; i < channel; ++i) { //meter[i]->setRange(config.minSlider, 10.0); meter[i]->setRange(config.minMeter, 10.0); meter[i]->setFixedWidth(15); connect(meter[i], SIGNAL(mousePress()), this, SLOT(resetPeaks())); sliderGrid->addWidget(meter[i], 0, i+1, Qt::AlignHCenter); sliderGrid->setColStretch(i, 50); } layout->addLayout(sliderGrid); sl = new DoubleLabel(0.0, config.minSlider, 10.0, this); sl->setSlider(slider); sl->setFont(config.fonts[1]); sl->setBackgroundMode(Qt::PaletteMid); sl->setSuffix(tr("dB")); sl->setFrame(true); sl->setPrecision(0); sl->setFixedWidth(STRIP_WIDTH); sl->setValue(fast_log10(t->volume()) * 20.0); connect(sl, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double,int)), SLOT(volLabelChanged(double))); //connect(sl, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double,int)), SLOT(volumeChanged(double))); connect(slider, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double,int)), sl, SLOT(setValue(double))); connect(slider, SIGNAL(sliderMoved(double,int)), SLOT(volumeChanged(double))); connect(slider, SIGNAL(sliderPressed(int)), SLOT(volumePressed())); connect(slider, SIGNAL(sliderReleased(int)), SLOT(volumeReleased())); connect(slider, SIGNAL(sliderRightClicked(const QPoint &, int)), SLOT(volumeRightClicked(const QPoint &))); layout->addWidget(sl); //--------------------------------------------------- // pan, balance //--------------------------------------------------- pan = addKnob(0, 0, &panl); pan->setValue(t->pan()); //--------------------------------------------------- // mute, solo, record //--------------------------------------------------- if (track->canRecord()) { record = new TransparentToolButton(this); record->setToggleButton(true); record->setFixedWidth(STRIP_WIDTH/2); record->setBackgroundMode(Qt::PaletteMid); QIcon iconSet; iconSet.setPixmap(*record_on_Icon, QIcon::Automatic, QIcon::Normal, QIcon::On); iconSet.setPixmap(*record_off_Icon, QIcon::Automatic, QIcon::Normal, QIcon::Off); record->setIconSet(iconSet); QToolTip::add(record, tr("record")); record->setOn(t->recordFlag()); connect(record, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), SLOT(recordToggled(bool))); } Track::TrackType type = t->type(); QHBoxLayout* smBox1 = new QHBoxLayout(0); QHBoxLayout* smBox2 = new QHBoxLayout(0); mute = new QToolButton(this); QIcon muteSet; muteSet.setPixmap(*muteIconOn, QIcon::Automatic, QIcon::Normal, QIcon::Off); muteSet.setPixmap(*muteIconOff, QIcon::Automatic, QIcon::Normal, QIcon::On); mute->setIconSet(muteSet); mute->setToggleButton(true); QToolTip::add(mute, tr("mute")); mute->setOn(t->mute()); mute->setFixedWidth(STRIP_WIDTH/2-2); connect(mute, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), SLOT(muteToggled(bool))); smBox2->addWidget(mute); solo = new QToolButton(this); if((bool)t->internalSolo()) { solo->setIconSet(*soloIconSet2); useSoloIconSet2 = true; } else { solo->setIconSet(*soloIconSet1); useSoloIconSet2 = false; } solo->setToggleButton(true); solo->setOn(t->solo()); solo->setFixedWidth(STRIP_WIDTH/2-2); smBox2->addWidget(solo); connect(solo, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), SLOT(soloToggled(bool))); if (type == Track::AUDIO_OUTPUT) { QToolTip::add(record, tr("record downmix")); //QToolTip::add(solo, tr("solo mode (monitor)")); QToolTip::add(solo, tr("solo mode")); } else { //QToolTip::add(solo, tr("pre fader listening")); QToolTip::add(solo, tr("solo mode")); } off = new TransparentToolButton(this); QIcon iconSet; iconSet.setPixmap(*exit1Icon, QIcon::Automatic, QIcon::Normal, QIcon::On); iconSet.setPixmap(*exitIcon, QIcon::Automatic, QIcon::Normal, QIcon::Off); off->setIconSet(iconSet); off->setBackgroundMode(Qt::PaletteMid); off->setFixedWidth(STRIP_WIDTH/2); off->setToggleButton(true); QToolTip::add(off, tr("off")); off->setOn(t->off()); connect(off, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), SLOT(offToggled(bool))); smBox1->addWidget(off); if (track->canRecord()) smBox1->addWidget(record); else smBox1->addStretch(100); layout->addLayout(smBox1); layout->addLayout(smBox2); //--------------------------------------------------- // routing //--------------------------------------------------- QHBoxLayout* rBox = new QHBoxLayout(0); if (type != Track::AUDIO_AUX) { iR = new QToolButton(this); iR->setFont(config.fonts[1]); iR->setFixedWidth((STRIP_WIDTH-4)/2); iR->setText(tr("iR")); iR->setToggleButton(false); QToolTip::add(iR, tr("input routing")); rBox->addWidget(iR); connect(iR, SIGNAL(pressed()), SLOT(iRoutePressed())); } else rBox->addSpacing((STRIP_WIDTH-4)/2); oR = new QToolButton(this); oR->setFont(config.fonts[1]); oR->setFixedWidth((STRIP_WIDTH-4)/2); oR->setText(tr("oR")); oR->setToggleButton(false); QToolTip::add(oR, tr("output routing")); rBox->addWidget(oR); connect(oR, SIGNAL(pressed()), SLOT(oRoutePressed())); layout->addLayout(rBox); //--------------------------------------------------- // automation type //--------------------------------------------------- autoType = new ComboBox(this); autoType->setFont(config.fonts[1]); autoType->setFixedWidth(STRIP_WIDTH-4); autoType->insertItem(tr("Off"), AUTO_OFF); autoType->insertItem(tr("Read"), AUTO_READ); autoType->insertItem(tr("Touch"), AUTO_TOUCH); autoType->insertItem(tr("Write"), AUTO_WRITE); autoType->setCurrentItem(t->automationType()); if(t->automationType() == AUTO_TOUCH || t->automationType() == AUTO_WRITE) autoType->setPaletteBackgroundColor(Qt::red); else autoType->setPaletteBackgroundColor(qApp->palette().active().background()); QToolTip::add(autoType, tr("automation type")); connect(autoType, SIGNAL(activated(int,int)), SLOT(setAutomationType(int,int))); layout->addWidget(autoType); if (off) { off->blockSignals(true); updateOffState(); // init state off->blockSignals(false); } connect(heartBeatTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(heartBeat())); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // addMenuItem //--------------------------------------------------------- static int addMenuItem(AudioTrack* track, Track* route_track, PopupMenu* lb, int id, RouteMenuMap& mm, int channel, int channels, bool isOutput) { // totalInChannels is only used by syntis. //int channels = (!isOutput || route_track->type() != Track::AUDIO_SOFTSYNTH) ? ((AudioTrack*)route_track)->totalOutChannels() : ((AudioTrack*)route_track)->totalInChannels(); //int channels = (!isOutput || track->type() != Track::AUDIO_SOFTSYNTH) ? ((AudioTrack*)track)->totalOutChannels() : ((AudioTrack*)track)->totalInChannels(); int toch = ((AudioTrack*)track)->totalOutChannels(); // If track channels = 1, it must be a mono synth. And synti channels cannot be changed by user. if(track->channels() == 1) toch = 1; // totalInChannels is only used by syntis. ///int chans = (isOutput || track->type() != Track::AUDIO_SOFTSYNTH) ? toch : ((AudioTrack*)track)->totalInChannels(); // Don't add the last stray mono route if the track is stereo. //if(route_track->channels() > 1 && (channel+1 == chans)) // return id; RouteList* rl = isOutput ? track->outRoutes() : track->inRoutes(); QString s(route_track->name()); //int trackchans = track->channels(); //QString ns; //if(track->channels() > 1 && (channel+1 < channels)) //if(track->channels() > 1) //if(route_track->type() == Track::AUDIO_SOFTSYNTH && channels > 2 && track->channels() > 1) ///if(track->type() == Track::AUDIO_SOFTSYNTH && chans > 2 && route_track->channels() > 1) /// s += QString(" < [%1,%2]").arg(channel+1).arg(channel+2); //int it = lb->insertItem(s); lb->insertItem(s, id); int ach = channel; int bch = -1; Route r(route_track, isOutput ? ach : bch, channels); //Route r(route_track, channel); r.remoteChannel = isOutput ? bch : ach; mm.insert( pRouteMenuMap(id, r) ); for(iRoute ir = rl->begin(); ir != rl->end(); ++ir) { //if (ir->type == 0 && ir->track == track) { //if(ir->type == Route::TRACK_ROUTE && ir->track == track && ir->channels == channels) //if(ir->type == Route::TRACK_ROUTE && ir->track == track && // (channel != -1 && ir->channel == channel) && (channels != -1 && ir->channels == channels)) //if(ir->type == Route::TRACK_ROUTE && ir->track == track && ir->channel == channel) //printf("addMenuItem: ir->type:%d ir->track:%s track:%s ir->channel:%d channel:%d ir->channels:%d channels:%d\n", // ir->type, ir->track->name().latin1(), track->name().latin1(), ir->channel, channel, ir->channels, channels); //if(ir->type == Route::TRACK_ROUTE && ir->track == route_track && ir->channel == channel && ir->remoteChannel == r.remoteChannel) //if(*ir == r) //if(ir->type == Route::TRACK_ROUTE && ir->track == route_track && ir->channel == channel && ir->channels == channels && ir->remoteChannel == r.remoteChannel) if(ir->type == Route::TRACK_ROUTE && ir->track == route_track && ir->remoteChannel == r.remoteChannel) { int tcompch = r.channel; if(tcompch == -1) tcompch = 0; int tcompchs = r.channels; if(tcompchs == -1) tcompchs = isOutput ? track->channels() : route_track->channels(); int compch = ir->channel; if(compch == -1) compch = 0; int compchs = ir->channels; if(compchs == -1) compchs = isOutput ? track->channels() : ir->track->channels(); //if(ir->type == Route::TRACK_ROUTE && ir->track == route_track && ir->channel == r.channel && ir->channels == r.channels && ir->remoteChannel == r.remoteChannel) if(compch == tcompch && compchs == tcompchs) { //lb->setItemChecked(it, true); lb->setItemChecked(id, true); break; } } } return ++id; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // addAuxPorts //--------------------------------------------------------- static int addAuxPorts(AudioTrack* t, PopupMenu* lb, int id, RouteMenuMap& mm, int channel, int channels, bool isOutput) { AuxList* al = song->auxs(); for (iAudioAux i = al->begin(); i != al->end(); ++i) { Track* track = *i; if (t == track) continue; //id = addMenuItem(parent, t, track, lb, id, mm, channel, channels, isOutput); id = addMenuItem(t, track, lb, id, mm, channel, channels, isOutput); /* QString s(track->name()); //int it = lb->insertItem(s); lb->insertItem(s, id); for (iRoute ir = r->begin(); ir != r->end(); ++ir) { //if (ir->type == 0 && ir->track == track) { if (ir->type == 0 && ir->track == track && ir->channels == channels) { //lb->setItemChecked(it, true); lb->setItemChecked(id, true); break; } } ++id; */ } return id; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // addInPorts //--------------------------------------------------------- static int addInPorts(AudioTrack* t, PopupMenu* lb, int id, RouteMenuMap& mm, int channel, int channels, bool isOutput) { InputList* al = song->inputs(); for (iAudioInput i = al->begin(); i != al->end(); ++i) { Track* track = *i; if (t == track) continue; //id = addMenuItem(parent, t, track, lb, id, mm, channel, channels, isOutput); id = addMenuItem(t, track, lb, id, mm, channel, channels, isOutput); /* QString s(track->name()); //int it = lb->insertItem(s); lb->insertItem(s, id); for (iRoute ir = r->begin(); ir != r->end(); ++ir) { //if (ir->type == 0 && ir->track == track) { if (ir->type == 0 && ir->track == track && ir->channels == channels) { //lb->setItemChecked(it, true); lb->setItemChecked(id, true); break; } } ++id; */ } return id; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // addOutPorts //--------------------------------------------------------- static int addOutPorts(AudioTrack* t, PopupMenu* lb, int id, RouteMenuMap& mm, int channel, int channels, bool isOutput) { OutputList* al = song->outputs(); for (iAudioOutput i = al->begin(); i != al->end(); ++i) { Track* track = *i; if (t == track) continue; //id = addMenuItem(parent, t, track, lb, id, mm, channel, channels, isOutput); id = addMenuItem(t, track, lb, id, mm, channel, channels, isOutput); /* QString s(track->name()); //int it = lb->insertItem(s); lb->insertItem(s, id); for (iRoute ir = r->begin(); ir != r->end(); ++ir) { //if (ir->type == 0 && ir->track == track) { if (ir->type == 0 && ir->track == track && ir->channels == channels) { //lb->setItemChecked(it, true); lb->setItemChecked(id, true); break; } } ++id; */ } return id; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // addGroupPorts //--------------------------------------------------------- static int addGroupPorts(AudioTrack* t, PopupMenu* lb, int id, RouteMenuMap& mm, int channel, int channels, bool isOutput) { GroupList* al = song->groups(); for (iAudioGroup i = al->begin(); i != al->end(); ++i) { Track* track = *i; if (t == track) continue; //id = addMenuItem(parent, t, track, lb, id, mm, channel, channels, isOutput); id = addMenuItem(t, track, lb, id, mm, channel, channels, isOutput); /* QString s(track->name()); //int it = lb->insertItem(s); lb->insertItem(s, id); for (iRoute ir = r->begin(); ir != r->end(); ++ir) { //if (ir->type == 0 && ir->track == track) { if (ir->type == 0 && ir->track == track && ir->channels == channels) { //lb->setItemChecked(it, true); lb->setItemChecked(id, true); break; } } ++id; */ } return id; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // addWavePorts //--------------------------------------------------------- static int addWavePorts(AudioTrack* t, PopupMenu* lb, int id, RouteMenuMap& mm, int channel, int channels, bool isOutput) { WaveTrackList* al = song->waves(); for (iWaveTrack i = al->begin(); i != al->end(); ++i) { Track* track = *i; if (t == track) continue; //id = addMenuItem(parent, t, track, lb, id, mm, channel, channels, isOutput); id = addMenuItem(t, track, lb, id, mm, channel, channels, isOutput); /* QString s(track->name()); //int it = lb->insertItem(s); lb->insertItem(s, id); for (iRoute ir = r->begin(); ir != r->end(); ++ir) { //if (ir->type == 0 && ir->track == track) { if (ir->type == 0 && ir->track == track && ir->channels == channels) { //lb->setItemChecked(it, true); lb->setItemChecked(id, true); break; } } ++id; */ } return id; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // addSyntiPorts //--------------------------------------------------------- static int addSyntiPorts(AudioTrack* t, PopupMenu* lb, int id, RouteMenuMap& mm, int channel, int channels, bool isOutput) { RouteList* rl = isOutput ? t->outRoutes() : t->inRoutes(); SynthIList* al = song->syntis(); for (iSynthI i = al->begin(); i != al->end(); ++i) { Track* track = *i; if (t == track) continue; //id = addMenuItem(parent, track, lb, r, id, mm, channel, channels); /* QString s(track->name()); //int it = lb->insertItem(s); lb->insertItem(s, id); for (iRoute ir = r->begin(); ir != r->end(); ++ir) { //if (ir->type == 0 && ir->track == track) { if (ir->type == 0 && ir->track == track && ir->channels == channels) { //lb->setItemChecked(it, true); lb->setItemChecked(id, true); break; } } ++id; */ //SynthI* synti = (SynthI*)track; int toch = ((AudioTrack*)track)->totalOutChannels(); // If track channels = 1, it must be a mono synth. And synti channels cannot be changed by user. if(track->channels() == 1) toch = 1; //int chans = synti->totalOutChannels(); //int chans = (!isOutput || track->type() != Track::AUDIO_SOFTSYNTH) ? ((AudioTrack*)track)->totalOutChannels() : ((AudioTrack*)track)->totalInChannels(); // totalInChannels is only used by syntis. int chans = (!isOutput || track->type() != Track::AUDIO_SOFTSYNTH) ? toch : ((AudioTrack*)track)->totalInChannels(); //int schans = synti->channels(); //if(schans < chans) // chans = schans; int tchans = (channels != -1) ? channels: t->channels(); if(tchans == 2) { // Ignore odd numbered left-over mono channel. //chans = chans & ~1; //if(chans != 0) chans -= 1; } if(chans > 0) { //QPopupMenu* chpup = new QPopupMenu(parent); //PopupMenu* chpup = new PopupMenu(parent); //PopupMenu* chpup = new PopupMenu(lb->parent()); PopupMenu* chpup = new PopupMenu(); //strip->connect(chpup, SIGNAL(activated(int)), strip, SLOT(routingPopupMenuActivated(int))); lb->connect(chpup, SIGNAL(activated(int)), lb, SIGNAL(activated(int))); chpup->setCheckable(true); for(int ch = 0; ch < chans; ++ch) { char buffer[128]; if(tchans == 2) snprintf(buffer, 128, "%s %d,%d", chpup->tr("Channel").latin1(), ch+1, ch+2); else snprintf(buffer, 128, "%s %d", chpup->tr("Channel").latin1(), ch+1); chpup->insertItem(QString(buffer), id); int ach = (channel == -1) ? ch : channel; int bch = (channel == -1) ? -1 : ch; Route rt(track, (t->type() != Track::AUDIO_SOFTSYNTH || isOutput) ? ach : bch, tchans); //Route rt(track, ch); //rt.remoteChannel = -1; rt.remoteChannel = (t->type() != Track::AUDIO_SOFTSYNTH || isOutput) ? bch : ach; mm.insert( pRouteMenuMap(id, rt) ); for(iRoute ir = rl->begin(); ir != rl->end(); ++ir) { //if (ir->type == 0 && ir->track == track) { //if(ir->type == 0 && ir->track == track && ir->channels == channels) //if(ir->type == Route::TRACK_ROUTE && ir->track == track && ir->channel == channel && // ir->channels == channels && ir->remoteChannel == r.remoteChannel) //if(ir->type == Route::TRACK_ROUTE && ir->track == track && ir->channel == ch && // ir->remoteChannel == rt.remoteChannel) //if(ir->type == Route::TRACK_ROUTE && ir->track == track && ir->channel == rt.channel && // ir->channels == rt.channels && ir->remoteChannel == rt.remoteChannel) if(ir->type == Route::TRACK_ROUTE && ir->track == track && ir->remoteChannel == rt.remoteChannel) { int tcompch = rt.channel; if(tcompch == -1) tcompch = 0; int tcompchs = rt.channels; if(tcompchs == -1) tcompchs = isOutput ? t->channels() : track->channels(); int compch = ir->channel; if(compch == -1) compch = 0; int compchs = ir->channels; if(compchs == -1) compchs = isOutput ? t->channels() : ir->track->channels(); if(compch == tcompch && compchs == tcompchs) { chpup->setItemChecked(id, true); break; } } } ++id; } lb->insertItem(track->name(), chpup); } } return id; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // addMultiChannelOutPorts //--------------------------------------------------------- static int addMultiChannelPorts(AudioTrack* t, PopupMenu* pup, int id, RouteMenuMap& mm, bool isOutput) { int toch = t->totalOutChannels(); // If track channels = 1, it must be a mono synth. And synti channels cannot be changed by user. if(t->channels() == 1) toch = 1; // Number of allocated buffers is always MAX_CHANNELS or more, even if _totalOutChannels is less. //int chans = t->totalOutChannels(); // totalInChannels is only used by syntis. //int chans = isOutput ? t->totalOutChannels() : t->totalInChannels(); //int chans = (isOutput || t->type() != Track::AUDIO_SOFTSYNTH) ? t->totalOutChannels() : t->totalInChannels(); int chans = (isOutput || t->type() != Track::AUDIO_SOFTSYNTH) ? toch : t->totalInChannels(); // If track channels = 1, it must be a mono synth. And synti channels cannot be changed by user. //if(t->channels() == 1) // chans = 1; if(chans > 1) { // pup->insertItem(new MenuTitleItem("")); ddskrjo //pup->insertSeparator(); } // // If it's more than one channel, create a sub-menu. If it's just one channel, don't bother with a sub-menu... // //QPopupMenu* chpup = pup; PopupMenu* chpup = pup; for(int ch = 0; ch < chans; ++ch) { // If more than one channel, create the sub-menu. if(chans > 1) { //chpup = new QPopupMenu(parent); //chpup = new PopupMenu(parent); //chpup = new PopupMenu(pup->parent()); chpup = new PopupMenu(); //connect(chpup, SIGNAL(activated(int)), strip, SLOT(oRouteMenuActivated(int))); //strip->connect(chpup, SIGNAL(activated(int)), strip, SLOT(routingPopupMenuActivated(int))); pup->connect(chpup, SIGNAL(activated(int)), pup, SIGNAL(activated(int))); chpup->setCheckable(true); } if(isOutput) { switch(t->type()) { case Track::AUDIO_INPUT: //id = addWavePorts(parent, t, chpup, id, mm, ch, 1, isOutput); id = addWavePorts(t, chpup, id, mm, ch, 1, isOutput); case Track::WAVE: case Track::AUDIO_GROUP: case Track::AUDIO_SOFTSYNTH: //id = addOutPorts(parent, t, chpup, id, mm, ch, 1, isOutput); //id = addGroupPorts(parent, t, chpup, id, mm, ch, 1, isOutput); id = addOutPorts(t, chpup, id, mm, ch, 1, isOutput); id = addGroupPorts(t, chpup, id, mm, ch, 1, isOutput); //id = addSyntiPorts(parent, t, chpup, id, mm, ch, 1, isOutput); //id = addSyntiPorts(strip, parent, t, chpup, id, mm, ch, 1, isOutput); id = addSyntiPorts(t, chpup, id, mm, ch, 1, isOutput); break; case Track::AUDIO_AUX: //id = addOutPorts(parent, t, chpup, id, mm, ch, 1, isOutput); id = addOutPorts(t, chpup, id, mm, ch, 1, isOutput); break; default: break; /* case Track::AUDIO_INPUT: id = addWavePorts(parent, t, chpup, id, mm, ch, isOutput); case Track::WAVE: case Track::AUDIO_GROUP: case Track::AUDIO_SOFTSYNTH: id = addOutPorts(parent, t, chpup, id, mm, ch, isOutput); id = addGroupPorts(parent, t, chpup, id, mm, ch, isOutput); id = addSyntiPorts(parent, t, chpup, id, mm, ch, isOutput); break; case Track::AUDIO_AUX: id = addOutPorts(parent, t, chpup, id, mm, ch, isOutput); break; default: break; */ } } else { switch(t->type()) { case Track::AUDIO_OUTPUT: //id = addWavePorts(parent, t, chpup, id, mm, ch, 1, isOutput); //id = addInPorts(parent, t, chpup, id, mm, ch, 1, isOutput); //id = addGroupPorts(parent, t, chpup, id, mm, ch, 1, isOutput); //id = addAuxPorts(parent, t, chpup, id, mm, ch, 1, isOutput); id = addWavePorts(t, chpup, id, mm, ch, 1, isOutput); id = addInPorts(t, chpup, id, mm, ch, 1, isOutput); id = addGroupPorts(t, chpup, id, mm, ch, 1, isOutput); id = addAuxPorts(t, chpup, id, mm, ch, 1, isOutput); //id = addSyntiPorts(parent, t, chpup, id, mm, ch, 1, isOutput); //id = addSyntiPorts(strip, parent, t, chpup, id, mm, ch, 1, isOutput); id = addSyntiPorts(t, chpup, id, mm, ch, 1, isOutput); break; case Track::WAVE: //id = addInPorts(parent, t, chpup, id, mm, ch, 1, isOutput); id = addInPorts(t, chpup, id, mm, ch, 1, isOutput); break; case Track::AUDIO_SOFTSYNTH: case Track::AUDIO_GROUP: //id = addWavePorts(parent, t, chpup, id, mm, ch, 1, isOutput); //id = addInPorts(parent, t, chpup, id, mm, ch, 1, isOutput); //id = addGroupPorts(parent, t, chpup, id, mm, ch, 1, isOutput); id = addWavePorts(t, chpup, id, mm, ch, 1, isOutput); id = addInPorts(t, chpup, id, mm, ch, 1, isOutput); id = addGroupPorts(t, chpup, id, mm, ch, 1, isOutput); //id = addSyntiPorts(parent, t, chpup, id, mm, ch, 1, isOutput); //id = addSyntiPorts(strip, parent, t, chpup, id, mm, ch, 1, isOutput); id = addSyntiPorts(t, chpup, id, mm, ch, 1, isOutput); break; default: break; /* case Track::AUDIO_OUTPUT: id = addWavePorts(parent, t, chpup, id, mm, ch, isOutput); id = addInPorts(parent, t, chpup, id, mm, ch, isOutput); id = addGroupPorts(parent, t, chpup, id, mm, ch, isOutput); id = addAuxPorts(parent, t, chpup, id, mm, ch, isOutput); id = addSyntiPorts(parent, t, chpup, id, mm, ch, isOutput); break; case Track::WAVE: id = addInPorts(parent, t, chpup, id, mm, ch, isOutput); break; case Track::AUDIO_SOFTSYNTH: case Track::AUDIO_GROUP: id = addWavePorts(parent, t, chpup, id, mm, ch, isOutput); id = addInPorts(parent, t, chpup, id, mm, ch, isOutput); id = addGroupPorts(parent, t, chpup, id, mm, ch, isOutput); id = addSyntiPorts(parent, t, chpup, id, mm, ch, isOutput); break; default: break; */ } } // If more than one channel, add the created sub-menu. if(chans > 1) { char buffer[128]; snprintf(buffer, 128, "%s %d", pup->tr("Channel").latin1(), ch+1); pup->insertItem(QString(buffer), chpup); } } // For stereo listing, ignore odd numbered left-over channels. chans -= 1; if(chans > 0) { // Ignore odd numbered left-over channels. //int schans = (chans & ~1) - 1; pup->insertSeparator(); //pup->insertItem(new MenuTitleItem("")); ddskrjo //pup->insertSeparator(); // // If it's more than two channels, create a sub-menu. If it's just two channels, don't bother with a sub-menu... // //QPopupMenu* chpup = pup; chpup = pup; if(chans <= 2) // Just do one iteration. chans = 1; //for(int ch = 0; ch < schans; ++ch) for(int ch = 0; ch < chans; ++ch) { // If more than two channels, create the sub-menu. if(chans > 2) { //chpup = new QPopupMenu(parent); //chpup = new PopupMenu(parent); //chpup = new PopupMenu(pup->parent()); chpup = new PopupMenu(); //strip->connect(chpup, SIGNAL(activated(int)), strip, SLOT(routingPopupMenuActivated(int))); pup->connect(chpup, SIGNAL(activated(int)), pup, SIGNAL(activated(int))); chpup->setCheckable(true); } if(isOutput) { switch(t->type()) { case Track::AUDIO_INPUT: //id = addWavePorts(parent, t, chpup, id, mm, ch, 2, isOutput); id = addWavePorts(t, chpup, id, mm, ch, 2, isOutput); case Track::WAVE: case Track::AUDIO_GROUP: case Track::AUDIO_SOFTSYNTH: //id = addOutPorts(parent, t, chpup, id, mm, ch, 2, isOutput); //id = addGroupPorts(parent, t, chpup, id, mm, ch, 2, isOutput); id = addOutPorts(t, chpup, id, mm, ch, 2, isOutput); id = addGroupPorts(t, chpup, id, mm, ch, 2, isOutput); //id = addSyntiPorts(parent, t, chpup, id, mm, ch, 2, isOutput); //id = addSyntiPorts(strip, parent, t, chpup, id, mm, ch, 2, isOutput); id = addSyntiPorts(t, chpup, id, mm, ch, 2, isOutput); break; case Track::AUDIO_AUX: //id = addOutPorts(parent, t, chpup, id, mm, ch, 2, isOutput); id = addOutPorts(t, chpup, id, mm, ch, 2, isOutput); break; default: break; } } else { switch(t->type()) { case Track::AUDIO_OUTPUT: //id = addWavePorts(parent, t, chpup, id, mm, ch, 2, isOutput); //id = addInPorts(parent, t, chpup, id, mm, ch, 2, isOutput); //id = addGroupPorts(parent, t, chpup, id, mm, ch, 2, isOutput); //id = addAuxPorts(parent, t, chpup, id, mm, ch, 2, isOutput); id = addWavePorts(t, chpup, id, mm, ch, 2, isOutput); id = addInPorts(t, chpup, id, mm, ch, 2, isOutput); id = addGroupPorts(t, chpup, id, mm, ch, 2, isOutput); id = addAuxPorts(t, chpup, id, mm, ch, 2, isOutput); //id = addSyntiPorts(parent, t, chpup, id, mm, ch, 2, isOutput); //id = addSyntiPorts(strip, parent, t, chpup, id, mm, ch, 2, isOutput); id = addSyntiPorts(t, chpup, id, mm, ch, 2, isOutput); break; case Track::WAVE: //id = addInPorts(parent, t, chpup, id, mm, ch, 2, isOutput); id = addInPorts(t, chpup, id, mm, ch, 2, isOutput); break; case Track::AUDIO_SOFTSYNTH: case Track::AUDIO_GROUP: //id = addWavePorts(parent, t, chpup, id, mm, ch, 2, isOutput); //id = addInPorts(parent, t, chpup, id, mm, ch, 2, isOutput); //id = addGroupPorts(parent, t, chpup, id, mm, ch, 2, isOutput); id = addWavePorts(t, chpup, id, mm, ch, 2, isOutput); id = addInPorts(t, chpup, id, mm, ch, 2, isOutput); id = addGroupPorts(t, chpup, id, mm, ch, 2, isOutput); //id = addSyntiPorts(parent, t, chpup, id, mm, ch, 2, isOutput); //id = addSyntiPorts(strip, parent, t, chpup, id, mm, ch, 2, isOutput); id = addSyntiPorts(t, chpup, id, mm, ch, 2, isOutput); break; default: break; } } // If more than two channels, add the created sub-menu. if(chans > 2) { char buffer[128]; snprintf(buffer, 128, "%s %d,%d", pup->tr("Channel").latin1(), ch+1, ch+2); pup->insertItem(QString(buffer), chpup); } } } return id; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // nonSyntiTrackAddSyntis //--------------------------------------------------------- static int nonSyntiTrackAddSyntis(AudioTrack* t, PopupMenu* lb, int id, RouteMenuMap& mm, bool isOutput) { RouteList* rl = isOutput ? t->outRoutes() : t->inRoutes(); SynthIList* al = song->syntis(); for (iSynthI i = al->begin(); i != al->end(); ++i) { Track* track = *i; if (t == track) continue; //id = addMenuItem(parent, track, lb, r, id, mm, channel, channels); /* QString s(track->name()); //int it = lb->insertItem(s); lb->insertItem(s, id); for (iRoute ir = r->begin(); ir != r->end(); ++ir) { //if (ir->type == 0 && ir->track == track) { if (ir->type == 0 && ir->track == track && ir->channels == channels) { //lb->setItemChecked(it, true); lb->setItemChecked(id, true); break; } } ++id; */ //SynthI* synti = (SynthI*)track; int toch = ((AudioTrack*)track)->totalOutChannels(); // If track channels = 1, it must be a mono synth. And synti channels cannot be changed by user. if(track->channels() == 1) toch = 1; //int chans = synti->totalOutChannels(); //int chans = (!isOutput || track->type() != Track::AUDIO_SOFTSYNTH) ? ((AudioTrack*)track)->totalOutChannels() : ((AudioTrack*)track)->totalInChannels(); // totalInChannels is only used by syntis. int chans = (!isOutput || track->type() != Track::AUDIO_SOFTSYNTH) ? toch : ((AudioTrack*)track)->totalInChannels(); //int schans = synti->channels(); //if(schans < chans) // chans = schans; // int tchans = (channels != -1) ? channels: t->channels(); // if(tchans == 2) // { // Ignore odd numbered left-over mono channel. //chans = chans & ~1; //if(chans != 0) // chans -= 1; // } //int tchans = (channels != -1) ? channels: t->channels(); if(chans > 0) { //QPopupMenu* chpup = new QPopupMenu(parent); //PopupMenu* chpup = new PopupMenu(parent); //PopupMenu* chpup = new PopupMenu(lb->parent()); PopupMenu* chpup = new PopupMenu(); //strip->connect(chpup, SIGNAL(activated(int)), strip, SLOT(routingPopupMenuActivated(int))); lb->connect(chpup, SIGNAL(activated(int)), lb, SIGNAL(activated(int))); chpup->setCheckable(true); if(chans > 1) { //chpup->insertItem(new MenuTitleItem("")); ddskrjo //pup->insertSeparator(); } for(int ch = 0; ch < chans; ++ch) { char buffer[128]; //if(tchans == 2) // snprintf(buffer, 128, "%s %d,%d", chpup->tr("Channel").latin1(), ch+1, ch+2); //else snprintf(buffer, 128, "%s %d", chpup->tr("Channel").latin1(), ch+1); chpup->insertItem(QString(buffer), id); //int ach = (channel == -1) ? ch : channel; //int bch = (channel == -1) ? -1 : ch; int ach = ch; int bch = -1; //Route rt(track, (t->type() != Track::AUDIO_SOFTSYNTH || isOutput) ? ach : bch, tchans); Route rt(track, isOutput ? bch : ach, 1); //Route rt(track, ch); //rt.remoteChannel = -1; //rt.remoteChannel = (t->type() != Track::AUDIO_SOFTSYNTH || isOutput) ? bch : ach; rt.remoteChannel = isOutput ? ach : bch; mm.insert( pRouteMenuMap(id, rt) ); for(iRoute ir = rl->begin(); ir != rl->end(); ++ir) { //if (ir->type == 0 && ir->track == track) { //if(ir->type == 0 && ir->track == track && ir->channels == channels) //if(ir->type == Route::TRACK_ROUTE && ir->track == track && ir->channel == channel && // ir->channels == channels && ir->remoteChannel == r.remoteChannel) //if(ir->type == Route::TRACK_ROUTE && ir->track == track && ir->channel == ch && // ir->remoteChannel == rt.remoteChannel) //if(ir->type == Route::TRACK_ROUTE && ir->track == track && ir->channel == rt.channel && // ir->channels == rt.channels && ir->remoteChannel == rt.remoteChannel) if(ir->type == Route::TRACK_ROUTE && ir->track == track && ir->remoteChannel == rt.remoteChannel) { int tcompch = rt.channel; if(tcompch == -1) tcompch = 0; int tcompchs = rt.channels; if(tcompchs == -1) tcompchs = isOutput ? t->channels() : track->channels(); int compch = ir->channel; if(compch == -1) compch = 0; int compchs = ir->channels; if(compchs == -1) compchs = isOutput ? t->channels() : ir->track->channels(); if(compch == tcompch && compchs == tcompchs) { chpup->setItemChecked(id, true); break; } } } ++id; } chans -= 1; if(chans > 0) { // Ignore odd numbered left-over channels. //int schans = (chans & ~1) - 1; chpup->insertSeparator(); //chpup->insertItem(new MenuTitleItem("")); ddskrjo //pup->insertSeparator(); for(int ch = 0; ch < chans; ++ch) { char buffer[128]; //if(tchans == 2) snprintf(buffer, 128, "%s %d,%d", chpup->tr("Channel").latin1(), ch+1, ch+2); //else // snprintf(buffer, 128, "%s %d", chpup->tr("Channel").latin1(), ch+1); chpup->insertItem(QString(buffer), id); //int ach = (channel == -1) ? ch : channel; //int bch = (channel == -1) ? -1 : ch; int ach = ch; int bch = -1; //Route rt(track, (t->type() != Track::AUDIO_SOFTSYNTH || isOutput) ? ach : bch, tchans); Route rt(track, isOutput ? bch : ach, 2); //Route rt(track, ch); //rt.remoteChannel = -1; //rt.remoteChannel = (t->type() != Track::AUDIO_SOFTSYNTH || isOutput) ? bch : ach; rt.remoteChannel = isOutput ? ach : bch; mm.insert( pRouteMenuMap(id, rt) ); for(iRoute ir = rl->begin(); ir != rl->end(); ++ir) { //if (ir->type == 0 && ir->track == track) { //if(ir->type == 0 && ir->track == track && ir->channels == channels) //if(ir->type == Route::TRACK_ROUTE && ir->track == track && ir->channel == channel && // ir->channels == channels && ir->remoteChannel == r.remoteChannel) //if(ir->type == Route::TRACK_ROUTE && ir->track == track && ir->channel == ch && // ir->remoteChannel == rt.remoteChannel) //if(ir->type == Route::TRACK_ROUTE && ir->track == track && ir->channel == rt.channel && // ir->channels == rt.channels && ir->remoteChannel == rt.remoteChannel) if(ir->type == Route::TRACK_ROUTE && ir->track == track && ir->remoteChannel == rt.remoteChannel) { int tcompch = rt.channel; if(tcompch == -1) tcompch = 0; int tcompchs = rt.channels; if(tcompchs == -1) tcompchs = isOutput ? t->channels() : track->channels(); int compch = ir->channel; if(compch == -1) compch = 0; int compchs = ir->channels; if(compchs == -1) compchs = isOutput ? t->channels() : ir->track->channels(); if(compch == tcompch && compchs == tcompchs) { chpup->setItemChecked(id, true); break; } } } ++id; } } lb->insertItem(track->name(), chpup); } } return id; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // iRoutePressed //--------------------------------------------------------- void AudioStrip::iRoutePressed() { //if(track->isMidiTrack() || (track->type() == Track::AUDIO_AUX) || (track->type() == Track::AUDIO_SOFTSYNTH)) if(!track || track->isMidiTrack() || track->type() == Track::AUDIO_AUX) { //_isRoutingPopupMenuMaster = false; gRoutingPopupMenuMaster = 0; return; } QPoint ppt = QCursor::pos(); //QPopupMenu* pup = new QPopupMenu(iR); //PopupMenu* pup = new PopupMenu(iR); //pup->setCheckable(true); PopupMenu* pup = muse->getRoutingPopupMenu(); pup->disconnect(); AudioTrack* t = (AudioTrack*)track; RouteList* irl = t->inRoutes(); int gid = 0; //int n; ///RouteMenuMap mm; // Routes can't be re-read until the message sent from msgAddRoute1() // has had time to be sent and actually affected the routes. ///_redisplay: //QPopupMenu* pup = new QPopupMenu(iR); //RouteList* irl = t->inRoutes(); pup->clear(); gRoutingMenuMap.clear(); gid = 0; switch(track->type()) { case Track::AUDIO_INPUT: { pup->setCheckable(true); //int gid = 0; for(int i = 0; i < channel; ++i) { char buffer[128]; snprintf(buffer, 128, "%s %d", tr("Channel").latin1(), i+1); MenuTitleItem* titel = new MenuTitleItem(QString(buffer)); //pup->insertItem(titel); //ddskrjo if(!checkAudioDevice()) { ///delete pup; gRoutingPopupMenuMaster = 0; pup->clear(); gRoutingMenuMap.clear(); iR->setDown(false); return; } std::list ol = audioDevice->outputPorts(); for(std::list::iterator ip = ol.begin(); ip != ol.end(); ++ip) { int id = pup->insertItem(*ip, (gid * 16) + i); //Route dst(*ip, true, i); Route dst(*ip, true, i, Route::JACK_ROUTE); gRoutingMenuMap.insert( pRouteMenuMap(id, dst) ); ++gid; for(iRoute ir = irl->begin(); ir != irl->end(); ++ir) { if(*ir == dst) { pup->setItemChecked(id, true); break; } } } if(i+1 != channel) pup->insertSeparator(); } } break; //case Track::AUDIO_OUTPUT: //case Track::WAVE: //case Track::AUDIO_GROUP: case Track::AUDIO_OUTPUT: //gid = addWavePorts( iR, t, pup, gid, gRoutingMenuMap, -1, -1, false); //gid = addInPorts( iR, t, pup, gid, gRoutingMenuMap, -1, -1, false); //gid = addGroupPorts(iR, t, pup, gid, gRoutingMenuMap, -1, -1, false); //gid = addAuxPorts( iR, t, pup, gid, gRoutingMenuMap, -1, -1, false); gid = addWavePorts( t, pup, gid, gRoutingMenuMap, -1, -1, false); gid = addInPorts( t, pup, gid, gRoutingMenuMap, -1, -1, false); gid = addGroupPorts(t, pup, gid, gRoutingMenuMap, -1, -1, false); gid = addAuxPorts( t, pup, gid, gRoutingMenuMap, -1, -1, false); //gid = addSyntiPorts(iR, t, pup, gid, gRoutingMenuMap, -1, -1, false); //gid = nonSyntiTrackAddSyntis(iR, t, pup, gid, gRoutingMenuMap, false); //gid = nonSyntiTrackAddSyntis(this, iR, t, pup, gid, gRoutingMenuMap, false); gid = nonSyntiTrackAddSyntis(t, pup, gid, gRoutingMenuMap, false); break; case Track::WAVE: //gid = addInPorts( iR, t, pup, gid, gRoutingMenuMap, -1, -1, false); gid = addInPorts( t, pup, gid, gRoutingMenuMap, -1, -1, false); break; case Track::AUDIO_GROUP: //gid = addWavePorts( iR, t, pup, gid, gRoutingMenuMap, -1, -1, false); //gid = addInPorts( iR, t, pup, gid, gRoutingMenuMap, -1, -1, false); //gid = addGroupPorts(iR, t, pup, gid, gRoutingMenuMap, -1, -1, false); gid = addWavePorts( t, pup, gid, gRoutingMenuMap, -1, -1, false); gid = addInPorts( t, pup, gid, gRoutingMenuMap, -1, -1, false); gid = addGroupPorts(t, pup, gid, gRoutingMenuMap, -1, -1, false); //gid = addSyntiPorts(iR, t, pup, gid, gRoutingMenuMap, -1, -1, false); //gid = nonSyntiTrackAddSyntis(iR, t, pup, gid, gRoutingMenuMap, false); //gid = nonSyntiTrackAddSyntis(this, iR, t, pup, gid, gRoutingMenuMap, false); gid = nonSyntiTrackAddSyntis(t, pup, gid, gRoutingMenuMap, false); break; case Track::AUDIO_SOFTSYNTH: //gid = addMultiChannelPorts(iR, t, pup, gid, gRoutingMenuMap, false); //gid = addMultiChannelPorts(this, iR, t, pup, gid, gRoutingMenuMap, false); gid = addMultiChannelPorts(t, pup, gid, gRoutingMenuMap, false); break; default: ///delete pup; gRoutingPopupMenuMaster = 0; pup->clear(); gRoutingMenuMap.clear(); iR->setDown(false); return; } if(pup->count() == 0) { ///delete pup; gRoutingPopupMenuMaster = 0; gRoutingMenuMap.clear(); iR->setDown(false); return; } gIsOutRoutingPopupMenu = false; gRoutingPopupMenuMaster = this; connect(pup, SIGNAL(activated(int)), SLOT(routingPopupMenuActivated(int))); connect(pup, SIGNAL(aboutToHide()), muse, SLOT(routingPopupMenuAboutToHide())); pup->popup(ppt, 0); iR->setDown(false); return; /* //int n = pup->exec(QCursor::pos()); // For some reason, after the first display, it won't redisplay at the same point if the menu is too high. n = pup->exec(ppt, 0); if(n != -1) { QString s(pup->text(n)); if(track->type() == Track::AUDIO_INPUT) { ///delete pup; int chan = n & 0xf; Route srcRoute(s, false, -1, Route::JACK_ROUTE); Route dstRoute(t, chan); srcRoute.channel = chan; iRoute iir = irl->begin(); for(; iir != irl->end(); ++iir) { if(*iir == srcRoute) break; } if(iir != irl->end()) // disconnect audio->msgRemoveRoute(srcRoute, dstRoute); else // connect audio->msgAddRoute(srcRoute, dstRoute); audio->msgUpdateSoloStates(); song->update(SC_ROUTE); iR->setDown(false); // pup->exec() catches mouse release event return; // p3.3.46 ///goto _redisplay; } iRouteMenuMap imm = mm.find(n); if(imm == mm.end()) { delete pup; iR->setDown(false); // pup->exec() catches mouse release event return; } //int chan = n >> 16; //int chans = (chan >> 15) + 1; // Bit 31 MSB: Mono or stereo. //chan &= 0xffff; //int chan = imm->second.channel; //int chans = imm->second.channels; //Route srcRoute(s, false, -1); //Route srcRoute(s, false, -1, Route::TRACK_ROUTE); Route &srcRoute = imm->second; //Route dstRoute(t, -1); //Route dstRoute(t, chan, chans); Route dstRoute(t, imm->second.channel, imm->second.channels); //Route dstRoute(t, imm->second.channel); dstRoute.remoteChannel = imm->second.remoteChannel; iRoute iir = irl->begin(); for (; iir != irl->end(); ++iir) { if (*iir == srcRoute) break; } if (iir != irl->end()) { // disconnect audio->msgRemoveRoute(srcRoute, dstRoute); } else { // connect audio->msgAddRoute(srcRoute, dstRoute); } audio->msgUpdateSoloStates(); song->update(SC_ROUTE); // p3.3.46 //iR->setDown(false); // pup->exec() catches mouse release event ///goto _redisplay; } delete pup; iR->setDown(false); // pup->exec() catches mouse release event */ } #if 0 //--------------------------------------------------------- // updateRouteMenus //--------------------------------------------------------- void AudioStrip::updateRouteMenus() { //if(!_isRoutingPopupMenuMaster || track->isMidiTrack() || (track->type() == Track::AUDIO_AUX)) if(!track || gRoutingPopupMenuMaster != this || track->isMidiTrack()) return; ///QPopupMenu* pup = new QPopupMenu(oR); // p3.3.47 //if(!orpup) // return; //QPopupMenu* pup = muse->getORoutesPopup(); PopupMenu* pup = muse->getRoutingPopupMenu(); if(pup->count() == 0) return; //pup->setCheckable(true); AudioTrack* t = (AudioTrack*)track; RouteList* rl = gIsOutRoutingPopupMenu ? t->outRoutes() : t->inRoutes(); //int gid = 0; //int n; ///RouteMenuMap mm; //QPoint ppt = QCursor::pos(); /* iRoute iorl = orl->begin(); for(; iorl != orl->end(); ++iorl) { iRouteMenuMap imm = ormm->begin(); for(; imm != ormm->end(); ++imm) { if(*iorl == imm->second) { orpup->setItemChecked(imm->first, true); break; } } //if(imm == ormm->end()) //{ //} } //if (iorl == orl->end()) //{ //} */ iRouteMenuMap imm = gRoutingMenuMap.begin(); for(; imm != gRoutingMenuMap.end(); ++imm) { bool found = false; iRoute irl = rl->begin(); for(; irl != rl->end(); ++irl) { if(*irl == imm->second) { found = true; break; } } pup->setItemChecked(imm->first, found); } return; } #endif //--------------------------------------------------------- // routingPopupMenuActivated //--------------------------------------------------------- void AudioStrip::routingPopupMenuActivated(int n) { if(!track || gRoutingPopupMenuMaster != this || track->isMidiTrack()) return; PopupMenu* pup = muse->getRoutingPopupMenu(); //printf("AudioStrip::routingPopupMenuActivated n:%d count:%d\n", n, pup->count()); if(pup->count() == 0) return; AudioTrack* t = (AudioTrack*)track; RouteList* rl = gIsOutRoutingPopupMenu ? t->outRoutes() : t->inRoutes(); //QPoint ppt = QCursor::pos(); // p3.3.47 if (n == -1) { //printf("AudioStrip::routingPopupMenuActivated n = -1\n"); ///delete pup; return; } else //if(n == 0) //{ //printf("AudioStrip::routingPopupMenuActivated n = 0 = tearOffHandle\n"); //oR->setDown(false); // return; //} //else { if(gIsOutRoutingPopupMenu) { QString s(pup->text(n)); //printf("AudioStrip::routingPopupMenuActivated text:%s\n", s.latin1()); if(track->type() == Track::AUDIO_OUTPUT) { ///delete orpup; int chan = n & 0xf; //Route srcRoute(t, -1); //Route srcRoute(t, chan, chans); //Route srcRoute(t, chan, 1); Route srcRoute(t, chan); //Route dstRoute(s, true, -1); Route dstRoute(s, true, -1, Route::JACK_ROUTE); //Route dstRoute(s, true, 0, Route::JACK_ROUTE); //srcRoute.channel = dstRoute.channel = chan; dstRoute.channel = chan; //dstRoute.channels = 1; // check if route src->dst exists: iRoute irl = rl->begin(); for (; irl != rl->end(); ++irl) { if (*irl == dstRoute) break; } if (irl != rl->end()) { // disconnect if route exists audio->msgRemoveRoute(srcRoute, dstRoute); } else { // connect if route does not exist audio->msgAddRoute(srcRoute, dstRoute); } audio->msgUpdateSoloStates(); song->update(SC_ROUTE); // p3.3.47 //pup->popup(ppt, 0); //oR->setDown(false); return; // p3.3.46 ///goto _redisplay; } iRouteMenuMap imm = gRoutingMenuMap.find(n); if(imm == gRoutingMenuMap.end()) { ///delete orpup; //oR->setDown(false); // orpup->exec() catches mouse release event return; } //int chan = n >> 16; //int chans = (chan >> 15) + 1; // Bit 31 MSB: Mono or stereo. //chan &= 0xffff; //int chan = imm->second.channel; //int chans = imm->second.channels; //Route srcRoute(t, -1); //srcRoute.remoteChannel = chan; //Route srcRoute(t, chan, chans); Route srcRoute(t, imm->second.channel, imm->second.channels); //Route srcRoute(t, imm->second.channel); srcRoute.remoteChannel = imm->second.remoteChannel; //Route dstRoute(s, true, -1); //Route dstRoute(s, true, -1, Route::TRACK_ROUTE); Route &dstRoute = imm->second; // check if route src->dst exists: iRoute irl = rl->begin(); for (; irl != rl->end(); ++irl) { if (*irl == dstRoute) break; } if (irl != rl->end()) { // disconnect if route exists audio->msgRemoveRoute(srcRoute, dstRoute); } else { // connect if route does not exist audio->msgAddRoute(srcRoute, dstRoute); } audio->msgUpdateSoloStates(); song->update(SC_ROUTE); // p3.3.46 //oR->setDown(false); ///goto _redisplay; // p3.3.47 //pup->popup(ppt, 0); } else { QString s(pup->text(n)); if(track->type() == Track::AUDIO_INPUT) { ///delete pup; int chan = n & 0xf; Route srcRoute(s, false, -1, Route::JACK_ROUTE); Route dstRoute(t, chan); srcRoute.channel = chan; iRoute irl = rl->begin(); for(; irl != rl->end(); ++irl) { if(*irl == srcRoute) break; } if(irl != rl->end()) // disconnect audio->msgRemoveRoute(srcRoute, dstRoute); else // connect audio->msgAddRoute(srcRoute, dstRoute); audio->msgUpdateSoloStates(); song->update(SC_ROUTE); //iR->setDown(false); // pup->exec() catches mouse release event return; // p3.3.46 ///goto _redisplay; } iRouteMenuMap imm = gRoutingMenuMap.find(n); if(imm == gRoutingMenuMap.end()) { //delete pup; //iR->setDown(false); // pup->exec() catches mouse release event return; } //int chan = n >> 16; //int chans = (chan >> 15) + 1; // Bit 31 MSB: Mono or stereo. //chan &= 0xffff; //int chan = imm->second.channel; //int chans = imm->second.channels; //Route srcRoute(s, false, -1); //Route srcRoute(s, false, -1, Route::TRACK_ROUTE); Route &srcRoute = imm->second; //Route dstRoute(t, -1); //Route dstRoute(t, chan, chans); Route dstRoute(t, imm->second.channel, imm->second.channels); //Route dstRoute(t, imm->second.channel); dstRoute.remoteChannel = imm->second.remoteChannel; iRoute irl = rl->begin(); for (; irl != rl->end(); ++irl) { if (*irl == srcRoute) break; } if (irl != rl->end()) { // disconnect audio->msgRemoveRoute(srcRoute, dstRoute); } else { // connect audio->msgAddRoute(srcRoute, dstRoute); } audio->msgUpdateSoloStates(); song->update(SC_ROUTE); // p3.3.46 //iR->setDown(false); ///goto _redisplay; } } ///delete pup; //oR->setDown(false); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // oRoutePressed //--------------------------------------------------------- void AudioStrip::oRoutePressed() { if(!track || track->isMidiTrack()) { gRoutingPopupMenuMaster = 0; return; } QPoint ppt = QCursor::pos(); ///QPopupMenu* pup = new QPopupMenu(oR); PopupMenu* pup = muse->getRoutingPopupMenu(); pup->disconnect(); //pup->setCheckable(true); AudioTrack* t = (AudioTrack*)track; RouteList* orl = t->outRoutes(); int gid = 0; //int n; ///RouteMenuMap mm; // Routes can't be re-read until the message sent from msgAddRoute1() // has had time to be sent and actually affected the routes. /// _redisplay: //QPopupMenu* pup = new QPopupMenu(oR); //RouteList* orl = t->outRoutes(); pup->clear(); gRoutingMenuMap.clear(); gid = 0; // p3.3.47 //orpup->insertTearOffHandle(gid); //gid++; switch(track->type()) { case Track::AUDIO_OUTPUT: { pup->setCheckable(true); //int gid = 0; for(int i = 0; i < channel; ++i) { char buffer[128]; snprintf(buffer, 128, "%s %d", tr("Channel").latin1(), i+1); MenuTitleItem* titel = new MenuTitleItem(QString(buffer)); //pup->insertItem(titel); //ddskrjo if(!checkAudioDevice()) { ///delete pup; gRoutingPopupMenuMaster = 0; pup->clear(); gRoutingMenuMap.clear(); oR->setDown(false); return; } std::list ol = audioDevice->inputPorts(); for(std::list::iterator ip = ol.begin(); ip != ol.end(); ++ip) { int id = pup->insertItem(*ip, (gid * 16) + i); //Route dst(*ip, true, i); Route dst(*ip, true, i, Route::JACK_ROUTE); gRoutingMenuMap.insert( pRouteMenuMap(id, dst) ); ++gid; for(iRoute ir = orl->begin(); ir != orl->end(); ++ir) { if(*ir == dst) { pup->setItemChecked(id, true); break; } } } if(i+1 != channel) pup->insertSeparator(); } } break; //case Track::AUDIO_INPUT: //case Track::WAVE: //case Track::AUDIO_GROUP: case Track::AUDIO_SOFTSYNTH: //addOutPorts(t, pup, orl); //addGroupPorts(t, pup, orl); //gid = addMultiChannelPorts(oR, t, pup, gid, gRoutingMenuMap, true); //gid = addMultiChannelPorts(this, oR, t, pup, gid, gRoutingMenuMap, true); gid = addMultiChannelPorts(t, pup, gid, gRoutingMenuMap, true); break; case Track::AUDIO_INPUT: //gid = addWavePorts( oR, t, pup, gid, gRoutingMenuMap, -1, -1, true); gid = addWavePorts( t, pup, gid, gRoutingMenuMap, -1, -1, true); case Track::WAVE: case Track::AUDIO_GROUP: case Track::AUDIO_AUX: //case Track::AUDIO_SOFTSYNTH: //gid = addOutPorts( oR, t, pup, gid, gRoutingMenuMap, -1, -1, true); //gid = addGroupPorts( oR, t, pup, gid, gRoutingMenuMap, -1, -1, true); gid = addOutPorts( t, pup, gid, gRoutingMenuMap, -1, -1, true); gid = addGroupPorts( t, pup, gid, gRoutingMenuMap, -1, -1, true); //gid = addSyntiPorts( oR, t, pup, gid, gRoutingMenuMap, -1, -1, true); //gid = nonSyntiTrackAddSyntis(oR, t, pup, gid, gRoutingMenuMap, true); //gid = nonSyntiTrackAddSyntis(this, oR, t, pup, gid, gRoutingMenuMap, true); gid = nonSyntiTrackAddSyntis(t, pup, gid, gRoutingMenuMap, true); break; //case Track::AUDIO_AUX: //gid = addOutPorts( oR, t, pup, gid, gRoutingMenuMap, -1, -1, true); // gid = addOutPorts( t, pup, gid, gRoutingMenuMap, -1, -1, true); //break; default: ///delete pup; gRoutingPopupMenuMaster = 0; pup->clear(); gRoutingMenuMap.clear(); oR->setDown(false); return; } if(pup->count() == 0) { ///delete pup; gRoutingPopupMenuMaster = 0; gRoutingMenuMap.clear(); oR->setDown(false); return; } //int n = pup->exec(QCursor::pos()); ///n = pup->exec(ppt); gIsOutRoutingPopupMenu = true; gRoutingPopupMenuMaster = this; connect(pup, SIGNAL(activated(int)), SLOT(routingPopupMenuActivated(int))); connect(pup, SIGNAL(aboutToHide()), muse, SLOT(routingPopupMenuAboutToHide())); pup->popup(ppt, 0); oR->setDown(false); return; /* // p3.3.47 if(n == 0) { printf("AudioStrip::oRoutePressed n = 0 = tearOffHandle\n"); oR->setDown(false); // orpup->exec() catches mouse release event return; } else if (n != -1) { QString s(orpup->text(n)); if(track->type() == Track::AUDIO_OUTPUT) { delete orpup; int chan = n & 0xf; //Route srcRoute(t, -1); //Route srcRoute(t, chan, chans); //Route srcRoute(t, chan, 1); Route srcRoute(t, chan); //Route dstRoute(s, true, -1); Route dstRoute(s, true, -1, Route::JACK_ROUTE); //Route dstRoute(s, true, 0, Route::JACK_ROUTE); //srcRoute.channel = dstRoute.channel = chan; dstRoute.channel = chan; //dstRoute.channels = 1; // check if route src->dst exists: iRoute iorl = orl->begin(); for (; iorl != orl->end(); ++iorl) { if (*iorl == dstRoute) break; } if (iorl != orl->end()) { // disconnect if route exists audio->msgRemoveRoute(srcRoute, dstRoute); } else { // connect if route does not exist audio->msgAddRoute(srcRoute, dstRoute); } audio->msgUpdateSoloStates(); song->update(SC_ROUTE); oR->setDown(false); // orpup->exec() catches mouse release event return; // p3.3.46 ///goto _redisplay; } iRouteMenuMap imm = ormm.find(n); if(imm == ormm.end()) { delete orpup; oR->setDown(false); // orpup->exec() catches mouse release event return; } //int chan = n >> 16; //int chans = (chan >> 15) + 1; // Bit 31 MSB: Mono or stereo. //chan &= 0xffff; //int chan = imm->second.channel; //int chans = imm->second.channels; //Route srcRoute(t, -1); //srcRoute.remoteChannel = chan; //Route srcRoute(t, chan, chans); Route srcRoute(t, imm->second.channel, imm->second.channels); //Route srcRoute(t, imm->second.channel); srcRoute.remoteChannel = imm->second.remoteChannel; //Route dstRoute(s, true, -1); //Route dstRoute(s, true, -1, Route::TRACK_ROUTE); Route &dstRoute = imm->second; // check if route src->dst exists: iRoute iorl = orl->begin(); for (; iorl != orl->end(); ++iorl) { if (*iorl == dstRoute) break; } if (iorl != orl->end()) { // disconnect if route exists audio->msgRemoveRoute(srcRoute, dstRoute); } else { // connect if route does not exist audio->msgAddRoute(srcRoute, dstRoute); } audio->msgUpdateSoloStates(); song->update(SC_ROUTE); // p3.3.46 //oR->setDown(false); // orpup->exec() catches mouse release event ///goto _redisplay; } delete orpup; oR->setDown(false); // pup->exec() catches mouse release event */ } /* //--------------------------------------------------------- // iRoutePressed //--------------------------------------------------------- void AudioStrip::iRoutePressed() { QPopupMenu* pup = new QPopupMenu(iR); pup->setCheckable(true); AudioTrack* t = (AudioTrack*)track; RouteList* irl = t->inRoutes(); switch(track->type()) { case Track::MIDI: case Track::DRUM: case Track::AUDIO_AUX: case Track::AUDIO_SOFTSYNTH: delete pup; return; case Track::AUDIO_INPUT: { int gid = 0; for (int i = 0; i < channel; ++i) { char buffer[128]; snprintf(buffer, 128, "%s %d", tr("Channel").latin1(), i+1); MenuTitleItem* titel = new MenuTitleItem(QString(buffer)); pup->insertItem(titel); if (!checkAudioDevice()) return; std::list ol = audioDevice->outputPorts(); for (std::list::iterator ip = ol.begin(); ip != ol.end(); ++ip) { int id = pup->insertItem(*ip, (gid * 16) + i); //Route dst(*ip, true, i); Route dst(*ip, true, i, Route::JACK_ROUTE); ++gid; for (iRoute ir = irl->begin(); ir != irl->end(); ++ir) { if (*ir == dst) { pup->setItemChecked(id, true); break; } } } if (i+1 != channel) pup->insertSeparator(); } } break; case Track::AUDIO_OUTPUT: addWavePorts(t, pup, irl); addInPorts(t, pup, irl); addGroupPorts(t, pup, irl); addAuxPorts(t, pup, irl); addSyntiPorts(t, pup, irl); break; case Track::WAVE: addInPorts(t, pup, irl); break; case Track::AUDIO_GROUP: addWavePorts(t, pup, irl); addInPorts(t, pup, irl); addGroupPorts(t, pup, irl); addSyntiPorts(t, pup, irl); break; } int n = pup->exec(QCursor::pos()); if (n != -1) { QString s(pup->text(n)); //Route srcRoute(s, false, -1); Route srcRoute(s, false, -1, (track->type() == Track::AUDIO_INPUT) ? Route::JACK_ROUTE : Route::TRACK_ROUTE); Route dstRoute(t, -1); if (track->type() == Track::AUDIO_INPUT) srcRoute.channel = dstRoute.channel = n & 0xf; iRoute iir = irl->begin(); for (; iir != irl->end(); ++iir) { if (*iir == srcRoute) break; } if (iir != irl->end()) { // disconnect audio->msgRemoveRoute(srcRoute, dstRoute); } else { // connect audio->msgAddRoute(srcRoute, dstRoute); } audio->msgUpdateSoloStates(); song->update(SC_ROUTE); } delete pup; iR->setDown(false); // pup->exec() catches mouse release event } */ /* //--------------------------------------------------------- // oRoutePressed //--------------------------------------------------------- void AudioStrip::oRoutePressed() { QPopupMenu* pup = new QPopupMenu(oR); pup->setCheckable(true); AudioTrack* t = (AudioTrack*)track; RouteList* orl = t->outRoutes(); switch(track->type()) { case Track::MIDI: case Track::DRUM: delete pup; return; case Track::AUDIO_OUTPUT: { int gid = 0; for (int i = 0; i < channel; ++i) { char buffer[128]; snprintf(buffer, 128, "%s %d", tr("Channel").latin1(), i+1); MenuTitleItem* titel = new MenuTitleItem(QString(buffer)); pup->insertItem(titel); if (!checkAudioDevice()) return; std::list ol = audioDevice->inputPorts(); for (std::list::iterator ip = ol.begin(); ip != ol.end(); ++ip) { int id = pup->insertItem(*ip, (gid * 16) + i); //Route dst(*ip, true, i); Route dst(*ip, true, i, Route::JACK_ROUTE); ++gid; for (iRoute ir = orl->begin(); ir != orl->end(); ++ir) { if (*ir == dst) { pup->setItemChecked(id, true); break; } } } if (i+1 != channel) pup->insertSeparator(); } } break; case Track::AUDIO_INPUT: addWavePorts(t, pup, orl); case Track::WAVE: case Track::AUDIO_GROUP: case Track::AUDIO_SOFTSYNTH: addOutPorts(t, pup, orl); addGroupPorts(t, pup, orl); break; case Track::AUDIO_AUX: addOutPorts(t, pup, orl); break; } int n = pup->exec(QCursor::pos()); if (n != -1) { QString s(pup->text(n)); Route srcRoute(t, -1); //Route dstRoute(s, true, -1); Route dstRoute(s, true, -1, (track->type() == Track::AUDIO_OUTPUT) ? Route::JACK_ROUTE : Route::TRACK_ROUTE); if (track->type() == Track::AUDIO_OUTPUT) srcRoute.channel = dstRoute.channel = n & 0xf; // check if route src->dst exists: iRoute iorl = orl->begin(); for (; iorl != orl->end(); ++iorl) { if (*iorl == dstRoute) break; } if (iorl != orl->end()) { // disconnect if route exists audio->msgRemoveRoute(srcRoute, dstRoute); } else { // connect if route does not exist audio->msgAddRoute(srcRoute, dstRoute); } audio->msgUpdateSoloStates(); song->update(SC_ROUTE); } delete pup; oR->setDown(false); // pup->exec() catches mouse release event } */