//========================================================= // MusE // Linux Music Editor // $Id: amixer.cpp,v 2009/11/16 01:55:55 terminator356 Exp $ // // (C) Copyright 2000-2004 Werner Schweer (ws@seh.de) //========================================================= #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "app.h" #include "icons.h" #include "amixer.h" #include "song.h" #include "astrip.h" #include "mstrip.h" #include "gconfig.h" #include "xml.h" extern QActionGroup* populateAddTrack(QMenu* addTrack); #define __WIDTH_COMPENSATION 4 //typedef std::list StripList; //static StripList stripList; /* Nov 16, 2010: After making the strips variable width, we need a way to set the maximum size of the main window. // See help Qt4 "Window Geometry" // "On X11, a window does not have a frame until the window manager decorates it. // This happens asynchronously at some point in time after calling QWidget::show() // and the first paint event the window receives, or it does not happen at all. // " ...you cannot make any safe assumption about the decoration frame your window will get." // "X11 provides no standard or easy way to get the frame geometry once the window is decorated. // Qt solves this problem with nifty heuristics and clever code that works on a wide range of // window managers that exist today..." // Sequence of events when mixer is opened, and then when a strip is added: ViewWidget::event type:68 // Mixer opened: Event is QEvent::ChildAdded ViewWidget::event type:18 ViewWidget::event type:27 ViewWidget::event type:131 ScrollArea::viewportEvent type:68 Event is QEvent::ChildAdded ViewWidget::event type:21 ViewWidget::event type:75 ViewWidget::event type:70 ScrollArea::viewportEvent type:69 Event is QEvent::ChildPolished child width:100 frame width:100 ViewWidget::event type:26 ViewWidget::event type:68 Event is QEvent::ChildAdded ViewWidget::event type:69 Event is QEvent::ChildPolished child width:100 frame width:100 // Size is not correct yet AudioMixerApp::updateMixer other ScrollArea::viewportEvent type:75 ScrollArea::viewportEvent type:70 ScrollArea::viewportEvent type:13 ScrollArea::viewportEvent type:14 ViewWidget::event type:70 ViewWidget::event type:13 ViewWidget::event type:14 ViewWidget::event type:17 ScrollArea::viewportEvent type:17 ScrollArea::viewportEvent type:26 ViewWidget::event type:67 ScrollArea::viewportEvent type:67 ViewWidget::event type:67 ScrollArea::viewportEvent type:14 ViewWidget::event type:14 ScrollArea::viewportEvent type:74 ViewWidget::event type:74 ViewWidget::event type:76 ScrollArea::viewportEvent type:76 // Layout request: Event is QEvent::LayoutRequest AudioMixerApp::setSizing width:75 frame width:2 ScrollArea::viewportEvent type:14 ViewWidget::event type:14 ViewWidget::event type:12 // Paint event: ViewWidget::paintEvent // By this time the size is correct. ScrollArea::viewportEvent type:24 // But to avoid having to do the resizing ViewWidget::event type:24 // in every paint event, do it just after ScrollArea::viewportEvent type:14 // the layout request, as shown above. ViewWidget::event type:14 // Hopefully that is a good time to do it. ViewWidget::event type:12 ViewWidget::paintEvent ScrollArea::viewportEvent type:25 ViewWidget::event type:25 ViewWidget::event type:68 // Strip is added: Event is QEvent::ChildAdded ViewWidget::event type:69 Event is QEvent::ChildPolished child width:100 frame width:100 // Size not correct yet. ViewWidget::event type:70 AudioMixerApp::updateMixer other ViewWidget::event type:67 ViewWidget::event type:76 ScrollArea::viewportEvent type:76 ViewWidget::event type:14 Event is QEvent::LayoutRequest AudioMixerApp::setSizing width:75 frame width:2 AudioMixerApp::setSizing width:75 frame width:2 ViewWidget::event type:12 // Size is correct by now. ViewWidget::paintEvent */ bool ScrollArea::viewportEvent(QEvent* event) { // Let it do the layout now, before we emit. QScrollArea::viewportEvent(event); if(event->type() == QEvent::LayoutRequest) emit layoutRequest(); return false; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // AudioMixer // // inputs | synthis | tracks | groups | master //--------------------------------------------------------- AudioMixerApp::AudioMixerApp(QWidget* parent, MixerConfig* c) : QMainWindow(parent) { cfg = c; oldAuxsSize = 0; routingDialog = 0; setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding, QSizePolicy::Expanding)); // TESTING Tim setWindowTitle(cfg->name); setWindowIcon(*museIcon); QMenu* menuConfig = menuBar()->addMenu(tr("&Create")); populateAddTrack(menuConfig); QMenu* menuView = menuBar()->addMenu(tr("&View")); routingId = menuView->addAction(tr("Routing"), this, SLOT(toggleRouteDialog())); routingId->setCheckable(true); menuView->addSeparator(); QActionGroup* actionItems = new QActionGroup(this); actionItems->setExclusive(false); showMidiTracksId = new QAction(tr("Show Midi Tracks"), actionItems); showDrumTracksId = new QAction(tr("Show Drum Tracks"), actionItems); showWaveTracksId = new QAction(tr("Show Wave Tracks"), actionItems); QAction *separator = new QAction(this); separator->setSeparator(true); actionItems->addAction(separator); showInputTracksId = new QAction(tr("Show Inputs"), actionItems); showOutputTracksId = new QAction(tr("Show Outputs"), actionItems); showGroupTracksId = new QAction(tr("Show Groups"), actionItems); showAuxTracksId = new QAction(tr("Show Auxs"), actionItems); showSyntiTracksId = new QAction(tr("Show Synthesizers"), actionItems); showMidiTracksId->setCheckable(true); showDrumTracksId->setCheckable(true); showWaveTracksId->setCheckable(true); showInputTracksId->setCheckable(true); showOutputTracksId->setCheckable(true); showGroupTracksId->setCheckable(true); showAuxTracksId->setCheckable(true); showSyntiTracksId->setCheckable(true); //connect(menuView, SIGNAL(triggered(QAction*)), SLOT(showTracksChanged(QAction*))); //connect(actionItems, SIGNAL(selected(QAction*)), this, SLOT(showTracksChanged(QAction*))); connect(showMidiTracksId, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), SLOT(showMidiTracksChanged(bool))); connect(showDrumTracksId, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), SLOT(showDrumTracksChanged(bool))); connect(showWaveTracksId, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), SLOT(showWaveTracksChanged(bool))); connect(showInputTracksId, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), SLOT(showInputTracksChanged(bool))); connect(showOutputTracksId, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), SLOT(showOutputTracksChanged(bool))); connect(showGroupTracksId, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), SLOT(showGroupTracksChanged(bool))); connect(showAuxTracksId, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), SLOT(showAuxTracksChanged(bool))); connect(showSyntiTracksId, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), SLOT(showSyntiTracksChanged(bool))); menuView->addActions(actionItems->actions()); ///view = new QScrollArea(); view = new ScrollArea(); view->setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff); setCentralWidget(view); central = new QWidget(view); layout = new QHBoxLayout(); central->setLayout(layout); layout->setSpacing(0); layout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); layout->setSpacing(0); view->setWidget(central); view->setWidgetResizable(true); connect(view, SIGNAL(layoutRequest()), SLOT(setSizing())); ///connect(this, SIGNAL(layoutRequest()), SLOT(setSizing())); connect(song, SIGNAL(songChanged(int)), SLOT(songChanged(int))); connect(muse, SIGNAL(configChanged()), SLOT(configChanged())); song->update(); // calls update mixer } /* bool AudioMixerApp::event(QEvent* event) { printf("AudioMixerApp::event type:%d\n", event->type()); // Let it do the layout now, before we emit. QMainWindow::event(event); if(event->type() == QEvent::LayoutRequest) emit layoutRequest(); return false; } */ void AudioMixerApp::setSizing() { int w = 0; StripList::iterator si = stripList.begin(); for (; si != stripList.end(); ++si) { //w += (*si)->frameGeometry().width(); //Strip* s = *si; //printf("AudioMixerApp::setSizing width:%d frame width:%d\n", s->width(), s->frameWidth()); //w += s->width() + 2 * (s->frameWidth() + s->lineWidth() + s->midLineWidth()); //w += s->width() + 2 * s->frameWidth(); w += (*si)->width(); } //w += 2* style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_DefaultFrameWidth); // FIXME: When mixer first opened, frameSize is not correct yet, done after main window shown. w += frameSize().width() - width(); if(w < 40) w = 40; setMaximumWidth(w); if(stripList.size() <= 6) view->setMinimumWidth(w); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // addStrip //--------------------------------------------------------- void AudioMixerApp::addStrip(Track* t, int idx) { StripList::iterator si = stripList.begin(); for (int i = 0; i < idx; ++i) { if (si != stripList.end()) ++si; } if (si != stripList.end() && (*si)->getTrack() == t) return; std::list::iterator nsi = si; ++nsi; if (si != stripList.end() && nsi != stripList.end() && (*nsi)->getTrack() == t) { layout->removeWidget(*si); delete *si; stripList.erase(si); } else { Strip* strip; if (t->isMidiTrack()) strip = new MidiStrip(central, (MidiTrack*)t); else strip = new AudioStrip(central, (AudioTrack*)t); layout->insertWidget(idx, strip); stripList.insert(si, strip); strip->show(); } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // clear //--------------------------------------------------------- void AudioMixerApp::clear() { StripList::iterator si = stripList.begin(); for (; si != stripList.end(); ++si) { layout->removeWidget(*si); delete *si; } stripList.clear(); oldAuxsSize = -1; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // updateMixer //--------------------------------------------------------- void AudioMixerApp::updateMixer(UpdateAction action) { //printf("AudioMixerApp::updateMixer action:%d\n", action); //name = cfg->name; //setCaption(name); setWindowTitle(cfg->name); showMidiTracksId->setChecked(cfg->showMidiTracks); showDrumTracksId->setChecked(cfg->showDrumTracks); showInputTracksId->setChecked(cfg->showInputTracks); showOutputTracksId->setChecked(cfg->showOutputTracks); showWaveTracksId->setChecked(cfg->showWaveTracks); showGroupTracksId->setChecked(cfg->showGroupTracks); showAuxTracksId->setChecked(cfg->showAuxTracks); showSyntiTracksId->setChecked(cfg->showSyntiTracks); int auxsSize = song->auxs()->size(); if ((action == UPDATE_ALL) || (auxsSize != oldAuxsSize)) { clear(); oldAuxsSize = auxsSize; } else if (action == STRIP_REMOVED) { StripList::iterator si = stripList.begin(); for (; si != stripList.end();) { Track* track = (*si)->getTrack(); TrackList* tl = song->tracks(); iTrack it; for (it = tl->begin(); it != tl->end(); ++it) { if (*it == track) break; } StripList::iterator ssi = si; ++si; if (it != tl->end()) continue; layout->removeWidget(*ssi); delete *ssi; stripList.erase(ssi); } //printf("AudioMixerApp::updateMixer STRIP_REMOVED\n"); //setMaximumWidth(STRIP_WIDTH * stripList.size() + __WIDTH_COMPENSATION); /// int w = computeWidth(); /// setMaximumWidth(w); /// if (stripList.size() < 8) // view->setMinimumWidth(stripList.size() * STRIP_WIDTH + __WIDTH_COMPENSATION); /// view->setMinimumWidth(w); return; } // Added by Tim. p3.3.7 else if (action == UPDATE_MIDI) { int i = 0; int idx = -1; StripList::iterator si = stripList.begin(); for (; si != stripList.end(); ++i) { Track* track = (*si)->getTrack(); if(!track->isMidiTrack()) { ++si; continue; } if(idx == -1) idx = i; StripList::iterator ssi = si; ++si; layout->removeWidget(*ssi); delete *ssi; stripList.erase(ssi); } if(idx == -1) idx = 0; //--------------------------------------------------- // generate Midi channel/port Strips //--------------------------------------------------- MidiTrackList* mtl = song->midis(); for (iMidiTrack i = mtl->begin(); i != mtl->end(); ++i) { MidiTrack* mt = *i; if((mt->type() == Track::MIDI && cfg->showMidiTracks) || (mt->type() == Track::DRUM && cfg->showDrumTracks)) addStrip(*i, idx++); } //printf("AudioMixerApp::updateMixer UPDATE_MIDI\n"); //setMaximumWidth(STRIP_WIDTH * stripList.size() + __WIDTH_COMPENSATION); /// int w = computeWidth(); /// setMaximumWidth(w); /// if (stripList.size() < 8) // view->setMinimumWidth(stripList.size() * STRIP_WIDTH + __WIDTH_COMPENSATION); /// view->setMinimumWidth(w); return; } int idx = 0; //--------------------------------------------------- // generate Input Strips //--------------------------------------------------- if(cfg->showInputTracks) { InputList* itl = song->inputs(); for (iAudioInput i = itl->begin(); i != itl->end(); ++i) addStrip(*i, idx++); } //--------------------------------------------------- // Synthesizer Strips //--------------------------------------------------- if(cfg->showSyntiTracks) { SynthIList* sl = song->syntis(); for (iSynthI i = sl->begin(); i != sl->end(); ++i) addStrip(*i, idx++); } //--------------------------------------------------- // generate Wave Track Strips //--------------------------------------------------- if(cfg->showWaveTracks) { WaveTrackList* wtl = song->waves(); for (iWaveTrack i = wtl->begin(); i != wtl->end(); ++i) addStrip(*i, idx++); } //--------------------------------------------------- // generate Midi channel/port Strips //--------------------------------------------------- MidiTrackList* mtl = song->midis(); for (iMidiTrack i = mtl->begin(); i != mtl->end(); ++i) { MidiTrack* mt = *i; if((mt->type() == Track::MIDI && cfg->showMidiTracks) || (mt->type() == Track::DRUM && cfg->showDrumTracks)) addStrip(*i, idx++); } //--------------------------------------------------- // Groups //--------------------------------------------------- if(cfg->showGroupTracks) { GroupList* gtl = song->groups(); for (iAudioGroup i = gtl->begin(); i != gtl->end(); ++i) addStrip(*i, idx++); } //--------------------------------------------------- // Aux //--------------------------------------------------- if(cfg->showAuxTracks) { AuxList* al = song->auxs(); for (iAudioAux i = al->begin(); i != al->end(); ++i) addStrip(*i, idx++); } //--------------------------------------------------- // Master //--------------------------------------------------- if(cfg->showOutputTracks) { OutputList* otl = song->outputs(); for (iAudioOutput i = otl->begin(); i != otl->end(); ++i) addStrip(*i, idx++); } //printf("AudioMixerApp::updateMixer other\n"); //setMaximumWidth(STRIP_WIDTH * idx + __WIDTH_COMPENSATION); /// int w = computeWidth(); /// setMaximumWidth(w); /// if (idx < 8) // view->setMinimumWidth(idx * STRIP_WIDTH + __WIDTH_COMPENSATION); /// view->setMinimumWidth(w); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // configChanged //--------------------------------------------------------- void AudioMixerApp::configChanged() { songChanged(SC_CONFIG); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // songChanged //--------------------------------------------------------- void AudioMixerApp::songChanged(int flags) { // Is it simply a midi controller value adjustment? Forget it. if(flags == SC_MIDI_CONTROLLER) return; UpdateAction action = NO_UPDATE; if (flags == -1) action = UPDATE_ALL; else if (flags & SC_TRACK_REMOVED) action = STRIP_REMOVED; else if (flags & SC_TRACK_INSERTED) action = STRIP_INSERTED; else if (flags & SC_MIDI_TRACK_PROP) action = UPDATE_MIDI; //if (action != NO_UPDATE) if (action != NO_UPDATE && action != UPDATE_MIDI) // p4.0.14 Fix for very slow track prop adjusting. updateMixer(action); if (action != UPDATE_ALL) { StripList::iterator si = stripList.begin(); for (; si != stripList.end(); ++si) { (*si)->songChanged(flags); } } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // closeEvent //--------------------------------------------------------- void AudioMixerApp::closeEvent(QCloseEvent* e) { emit closed(); e->accept(); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // toggleRouteDialog //--------------------------------------------------------- void AudioMixerApp::toggleRouteDialog() { showRouteDialog(routingId->isChecked()); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // showRouteDialog //--------------------------------------------------------- void AudioMixerApp::showRouteDialog(bool on) { if (on && routingDialog == 0) { routingDialog = new RouteDialog(this); connect(routingDialog, SIGNAL(closed()), SLOT(routingDialogClosed())); } if (routingDialog) routingDialog->setVisible(on); //menuView->setItemChecked(routingId, on); routingId->setChecked(on); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // routingDialogClosed //--------------------------------------------------------- void AudioMixerApp::routingDialogClosed() { routingId->setChecked(false); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // showTracksChanged //--------------------------------------------------------- /* void AudioMixerApp::showTracksChanged(QAction* id) { bool val = id->isOn(); if (id == showMidiTracksId) cfg->showMidiTracks = val; else if (id == showDrumTracksId) cfg->showDrumTracks = val; else if (id == showInputTracksId) cfg->showInputTracks = val; else if (id == showOutputTracksId) cfg->showOutputTracks = val; else if (id == showWaveTracksId) cfg->showWaveTracks = val; else if (id == showGroupTracksId) cfg->showGroupTracks = val; else if (id == showAuxTracksId) cfg->showAuxTracks = val; else if (id == showSyntiTracksId) cfg->showSyntiTracks = val; updateMixer(UPDATE_ALL); } */ void AudioMixerApp::showMidiTracksChanged(bool v) { cfg->showMidiTracks = v; updateMixer(UPDATE_ALL); } void AudioMixerApp::showDrumTracksChanged(bool v) { cfg->showDrumTracks = v; updateMixer(UPDATE_ALL); } void AudioMixerApp::showWaveTracksChanged(bool v) { cfg->showWaveTracks = v; updateMixer(UPDATE_ALL); } void AudioMixerApp::showInputTracksChanged(bool v) { cfg->showInputTracks = v; updateMixer(UPDATE_ALL); } void AudioMixerApp::showOutputTracksChanged(bool v) { cfg->showOutputTracks = v; updateMixer(UPDATE_ALL); } void AudioMixerApp::showGroupTracksChanged(bool v) { cfg->showGroupTracks = v; updateMixer(UPDATE_ALL); } void AudioMixerApp::showAuxTracksChanged(bool v) { cfg->showAuxTracks = v; updateMixer(UPDATE_ALL); } void AudioMixerApp::showSyntiTracksChanged(bool v) { cfg->showSyntiTracks = v; updateMixer(UPDATE_ALL); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // write //--------------------------------------------------------- //void AudioMixerApp::write(Xml& xml, const char* name) void AudioMixerApp::write(int level, Xml& xml) //void AudioMixerApp::write(int level, Xml& xml, const char* name) { //xml.stag(QString(name)); //xml.tag(level++, name.toLatin1()); xml.tag(level++, "Mixer"); xml.strTag(level, "name", cfg->name); //xml.tag("geometry", geometry()); xml.qrectTag(level, "geometry", geometry()); xml.intTag(level, "showMidiTracks", cfg->showMidiTracks); xml.intTag(level, "showDrumTracks", cfg->showDrumTracks); xml.intTag(level, "showInputTracks", cfg->showInputTracks); xml.intTag(level, "showOutputTracks", cfg->showOutputTracks); xml.intTag(level, "showWaveTracks", cfg->showWaveTracks); xml.intTag(level, "showGroupTracks", cfg->showGroupTracks); xml.intTag(level, "showAuxTracks", cfg->showAuxTracks); xml.intTag(level, "showSyntiTracks", cfg->showSyntiTracks); //xml.etag(name); //xml.etag(level, name.toLatin1()); xml.etag(level, "Mixer"); }