//========================================================= // MusE // Linux Music Editor // $Id: midiport.cpp,v 2009/12/07 20:11:51 terminator356 Exp $ // // (C) Copyright 2000-2004 Werner Schweer (ws@seh.de) // (C) Copyright 2012 Tim E. Real (terminator356 on users dot sourceforge dot net) // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of // the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. // //========================================================= #include #include #include #include "mididev.h" #include "midiport.h" #include "midictrl.h" #include "midi.h" #include "minstrument.h" #include "xml.h" #include "gconfig.h" #include "globals.h" #include "globaldefs.h" #include "mpevent.h" #include "synth.h" #include "app.h" #include "song.h" #include "menutitleitem.h" #include "icons.h" #include "track.h" #include "drummap.h" namespace MusEGlobal { MusECore::MidiPort midiPorts[MIDI_PORTS]; } namespace MusECore { MidiControllerList defaultManagedMidiController; //--------------------------------------------------------- // initMidiPorts //--------------------------------------------------------- void initMidiPorts() { defaultManagedMidiController.add(&pitchCtrl); defaultManagedMidiController.add(&programCtrl); defaultManagedMidiController.add(&volumeCtrl); defaultManagedMidiController.add(&panCtrl); defaultManagedMidiController.add(&reverbSendCtrl); defaultManagedMidiController.add(&chorusSendCtrl); defaultManagedMidiController.add(&variationSendCtrl); for (int i = 0; i < MIDI_PORTS; ++i) { MidiPort* port = &MusEGlobal::midiPorts[i]; // // create minimum set of managed controllers // to make midi mixer operational // port->addDefaultControllers(); ///port->setInstrument(genericMidiInstrument); port->setInstrument(registerMidiInstrument("GM")); // Changed by Tim. port->syncInfo().setPort(i); // p4.0.17 Set the first channel on the first port to auto-connect to midi track outputs. if(i == 0) port->setDefaultOutChannels(1); } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // MidiPort //--------------------------------------------------------- MidiPort::MidiPort() : _state("not configured") { _initializationsSent = false; _defaultInChannels = (1 << MIDI_CHANNELS) -1; // p4.0.17 Default is now to connect to all channels. _defaultOutChannels = 0; _device = 0; _instrument = 0; _controller = new MidiCtrlValListList(); _foundInSongFile = false; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // MidiPort //--------------------------------------------------------- MidiPort::~MidiPort() { delete _controller; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // guiVisible //--------------------------------------------------------- bool MidiPort::guiVisible() const { return _instrument ? _instrument->guiVisible() : false; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // hasGui //--------------------------------------------------------- bool MidiPort::hasGui() const { return _instrument ? _instrument->hasGui() : false; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // nativeGuiVisible //--------------------------------------------------------- bool MidiPort::nativeGuiVisible() const { return _instrument ? _instrument->nativeGuiVisible() : false; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // hasNativeGui //--------------------------------------------------------- bool MidiPort::hasNativeGui() const { return _instrument ? _instrument->hasNativeGui() : false; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // setDevice //--------------------------------------------------------- void MidiPort::setMidiDevice(MidiDevice* dev) { if (_device) { if (_device->isSynti()) _instrument = genericMidiInstrument; _device->setPort(-1); _device->close(); _initializationsSent = false; } if (dev) { for (int i = 0; i < MIDI_PORTS; ++i) { MidiPort* mp = &MusEGlobal::midiPorts[i]; if (mp->device() == dev) { if(dev->isSynti()) mp->setInstrument(genericMidiInstrument); // move device _state = mp->state(); mp->clearDevice(); break; } } _device = dev; if (_device->isSynti()) { SynthI* s = (SynthI*)_device; _instrument = s; } _state = _device->open(); _device->setPort(portno()); _initializationsSent = false; } else clearDevice(); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // sendPendingInitializations // Return true if success. //--------------------------------------------------------- bool MidiPort::sendPendingInitializations(bool force) { if(!_device || !(_device->openFlags() & 1)) // Not writable? return false; bool rv = true; int port = portno(); // // test for explicit instrument initialization // unsigned last_tick = 0; MusECore::MidiInstrument* instr = instrument(); if(instr && MusEGlobal::config.midiSendInit && (force || !_initializationsSent)) { // Send the Instrument Init sequences. EventList* events = instr->midiInit(); if(!events->empty()) { for(iEvent ie = events->begin(); ie != events->end(); ++ie) { unsigned tick = ie->second.tick(); if(tick > last_tick) last_tick = tick; MusECore::MidiPlayEvent ev(tick, port, 0, ie->second); _device->putEvent(ev); } // Give a bit of time for the last Init sysex to settle? last_tick += 100; } _initializationsSent = true; // Mark as having been sent. } // Send the Instrument controller default values. sendInitialControllers(last_tick); return rv; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // sendInitialControllers // Return true if success. //--------------------------------------------------------- bool MidiPort::sendInitialControllers(unsigned start_time) { bool rv = true; int port = portno(); // Find all channels of this port used in the song... bool usedChans[MIDI_CHANNELS]; int usedChanCount = 0; for(int i = 0; i < MIDI_CHANNELS; ++i) usedChans[i] = false; if(MusEGlobal::song->click() && MusEGlobal::clickPort == port) { usedChans[MusEGlobal::clickChan] = true; ++usedChanCount; } bool drum_found = false; for(ciMidiTrack imt = MusEGlobal::song->midis()->begin(); imt != MusEGlobal::song->midis()->end(); ++imt) { if((*imt)->type() == MusECore::Track::DRUM) { if(!drum_found) { drum_found = true; for(int i = 0; i < DRUM_MAPSIZE; ++i) { if(MusEGlobal::drumMap[i].port != port || usedChans[MusEGlobal::drumMap[i].channel]) continue; usedChans[MusEGlobal::drumMap[i].channel] = true; ++usedChanCount; if(usedChanCount >= MIDI_CHANNELS) break; // All are used, done searching. } } } else { if((*imt)->outPort() != port || usedChans[(*imt)->outChannel()]) continue; usedChans[(*imt)->outChannel()] = true; ++usedChanCount; } if(usedChanCount >= MIDI_CHANNELS) break; // All are used, done searching. } // NOT for syntis. Use midiState and/or initParams for that. if(MusEGlobal::config.midiSendInit && MusEGlobal::config.midiSendCtlDefaults && _instrument && !_device->isSynti()) { MidiControllerList* cl = _instrument->controller(); MidiController* mc; for(ciMidiController imc = cl->begin(); imc != cl->end(); ++imc) { mc = imc->second; for(int chan = 0; chan < MIDI_CHANNELS; ++chan) { if(!usedChans[chan]) continue; // This channel on this port is not used in the song. ciMidiCtrlValList i; // Look for an initial value for this midi controller, on this midi channel, in the song... for(i = _controller->begin(); i != _controller->end(); ++i) { int channel = i->first >> 24; int cntrl = i->first & 0xffffff; int val = i->second->hwVal(); if(channel == chan && cntrl == mc->num() && val != CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN) break; } // If no initial value was found for this midi controller, on this midi channel, in the song... if(i == _controller->end()) { // If the instrument's midi controller has an initial value, send it now. if(mc->initVal() != CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN) { int ctl = mc->num(); // Note the addition of bias! // Retry added. Use default attempts and delay. _device->putEventWithRetry(MidiPlayEvent(start_time, port, chan, ME_CONTROLLER, ctl, mc->initVal() + mc->bias())); // Set it once so the 'last HW value' is set, and control knobs are positioned at the value... // Set it again so that control labels show 'off'... setHwCtrlStates(chan, ctl, CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN, mc->initVal() + mc->bias()); } } } } } // init HW controller state for (iMidiCtrlValList i = _controller->begin(); i != _controller->end(); ++i) { int channel = i->first >> 24; if(!usedChans[channel]) continue; // This channel on this port is not used in the song. int cntrl = i->first & 0xffffff; int val = i->second->hwVal(); if (val != CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN) { // Retry added. Use default attempts and delay. _device->putEventWithRetry(MidiPlayEvent(start_time, port, channel, ME_CONTROLLER, cntrl, val)); // Set it once so the 'last HW value' is set, and control knobs are positioned at the value... setHwCtrlState(channel, cntrl, val); } } return rv; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // setInstrument //--------------------------------------------------------- void MidiPort::setInstrument(MidiInstrument* i) { _instrument = i; _initializationsSent = false; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // clearDevice //--------------------------------------------------------- void MidiPort::clearDevice() { _device = 0; _initializationsSent = false; _state = "not configured"; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // portno //--------------------------------------------------------- int MidiPort::portno() const { for (int i = 0; i < MIDI_PORTS; ++i) { if (&MusEGlobal::midiPorts[i] == this) return i; } return -1; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // midiPortsPopup //--------------------------------------------------------- QMenu* midiPortsPopup(QWidget* parent, int checkPort) { QMenu* p = new QMenu(parent); QMenu* subp = 0; QAction *act = 0; QString name; // Warn if no devices available. Add an item to open midi config. int pi = 0; for( ; pi < MIDI_PORTS; ++pi) { MusECore::MidiDevice* md = MusEGlobal::midiPorts[pi].device(); if(md && (md->rwFlags() & 1)) break; } if(pi == MIDI_PORTS) { act = p->addAction(qApp->translate("@default", QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("@default", "Warning: No output devices!"))); act->setCheckable(false); act->setData(-1); p->addSeparator(); } act = p->addAction(QIcon(*MusEGui::settings_midiport_softsynthsIcon), qApp->translate("@default", QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("@default", "Open midi config..."))); act->setCheckable(false); act->setData(MIDI_PORTS); p->addSeparator(); p->addAction(new MusEGui::MenuTitleItem(qApp->translate("@default", QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("@default", "Output port/device")), p)); for (int i = 0; i < MIDI_PORTS; ++i) { MidiPort* port = &MusEGlobal::midiPorts[i]; MusECore::MidiDevice* md = port->device(); if(md && !(md->rwFlags() & 1) && (i != checkPort)) // Only writeable ports, or current one. continue; name.sprintf("%d:%s", port->portno()+1, port->portname().toLatin1().constData()); if(md || (i == checkPort)) { act = p->addAction(name); act->setData(i); act->setCheckable(true); act->setChecked(i == checkPort); } if(!md) { if(!subp) // No submenu yet? Create it now. { subp = new QMenu(p); subp->setTitle(qApp->translate("@default", QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("@default", "Empty ports"))); } act = subp->addAction(QString().setNum(i+1)); act->setData(i); act->setCheckable(true); act->setChecked(i == checkPort); } } if(subp) p->addMenu(subp); return p; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // portname //--------------------------------------------------------- const QString& MidiPort::portname() const { static const QString none(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("@default", "")); if (_device) return _device->name(); else return none; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // tryCtrlInitVal //--------------------------------------------------------- void MidiPort::tryCtrlInitVal(int chan, int ctl, int val) { // Look for an initial value in the song for this midi controller, on this midi channel... (p4.0.27) iMidiCtrlValList i = _controller->find(chan, ctl); if(i != _controller->end()) { int v = i->second->value(0); // Value at tick 0. if(v != CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN) { if(_device) _device->putEventWithRetry(MidiPlayEvent(0, portno(), chan, ME_CONTROLLER, ctl, v)); // Set it once so the 'last HW value' is set, and control knobs are positioned at the value... setHwCtrlState(chan, ctl, v); return; } } // No initial value was found in the song for this midi controller on this midi channel. Try the instrument... if(_instrument) { MidiControllerList* cl = _instrument->controller(); ciMidiController imc = cl->find(ctl); if(imc != cl->end()) { MidiController* mc = imc->second; int initval = mc->initVal(); // Initialize from either the instrument controller's initial value, or the supplied value. if(initval != CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN) { if(_device) { MidiPlayEvent ev(0, portno(), chan, ME_CONTROLLER, ctl, initval + mc->bias()); _device->putEvent(ev); // Retry added. Use default attempts and delay. p4.0.15 //_device->putEventWithRetry(ev); } setHwCtrlStates(chan, ctl, CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN, initval + mc->bias()); return; } } } // No initial value was found in the song or instrument for this midi controller. Just send the given value. if(_device) { MidiPlayEvent ev(0, portno(), chan, ME_CONTROLLER, ctl, val); _device->putEvent(ev); } setHwCtrlStates(chan, ctl, CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN, val); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // sendGmInitValues //--------------------------------------------------------- void MidiPort::sendGmInitValues() { for (int i = 0; i < MIDI_CHANNELS; ++i) { // By T356. Initialize from instrument controller if it has an initial value, otherwise use the specified value. // Tested: Ultimately, a track's controller stored values take priority by sending any 'zero time' value // AFTER these GM/GS/XG init routines are called via initDevices(). tryCtrlInitVal(i, CTRL_PROGRAM, 0); tryCtrlInitVal(i, CTRL_PITCH, 0); tryCtrlInitVal(i, CTRL_VOLUME, 100); tryCtrlInitVal(i, CTRL_PANPOT, 64); tryCtrlInitVal(i, CTRL_REVERB_SEND, 40); tryCtrlInitVal(i, CTRL_CHORUS_SEND, 0); } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // sendGsInitValues //--------------------------------------------------------- void MidiPort::sendGsInitValues() { sendGmInitValues(); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // sendXgInitValues //--------------------------------------------------------- void MidiPort::sendXgInitValues() { for (int i = 0; i < MIDI_CHANNELS; ++i) { // By T356. Initialize from instrument controller if it has an initial value, otherwise use the specified value. tryCtrlInitVal(i, CTRL_PROGRAM, 0); tryCtrlInitVal(i, CTRL_MODULATION, 0); tryCtrlInitVal(i, CTRL_PORTAMENTO_TIME, 0); tryCtrlInitVal(i, CTRL_VOLUME, 0x64); tryCtrlInitVal(i, CTRL_PANPOT, 0x40); tryCtrlInitVal(i, CTRL_EXPRESSION, 0x7f); tryCtrlInitVal(i, CTRL_SUSTAIN, 0x0); tryCtrlInitVal(i, CTRL_PORTAMENTO, 0x0); tryCtrlInitVal(i, CTRL_SOSTENUTO, 0x0); tryCtrlInitVal(i, CTRL_SOFT_PEDAL, 0x0); tryCtrlInitVal(i, CTRL_HARMONIC_CONTENT, 0x40); tryCtrlInitVal(i, CTRL_RELEASE_TIME, 0x40); tryCtrlInitVal(i, CTRL_ATTACK_TIME, 0x40); tryCtrlInitVal(i, CTRL_BRIGHTNESS, 0x40); tryCtrlInitVal(i, CTRL_REVERB_SEND, 0x28); tryCtrlInitVal(i, CTRL_CHORUS_SEND, 0x0); tryCtrlInitVal(i, CTRL_VARIATION_SEND, 0x0); } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // sendGmOn // send GM-On message to midi device and keep track // of device state //--------------------------------------------------------- void MidiPort::sendGmOn() { sendSysex(gmOnMsg, gmOnMsgLen); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // sendGsOn // send Roland GS-On message to midi device and keep track // of device state //--------------------------------------------------------- void MidiPort::sendGsOn() { sendSysex(gsOnMsg2, gsOnMsg2Len); sendSysex(gsOnMsg3, gsOnMsg3Len); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // sendXgOn // send Yamaha XG-On message to midi device and keep track // of device state //--------------------------------------------------------- void MidiPort::sendXgOn() { sendSysex(xgOnMsg, xgOnMsgLen); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // sendSysex // send SYSEX message to midi device //--------------------------------------------------------- void MidiPort::sendSysex(const unsigned char* p, int n) { if (_device) { MidiPlayEvent event(0, 0, ME_SYSEX, p, n); _device->putEvent(event); } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // sendMMCLocate //--------------------------------------------------------- void MidiPort::sendMMCLocate(unsigned char ht, unsigned char m, unsigned char s, unsigned char f, unsigned char sf, int devid) { unsigned char msg[mmcLocateMsgLen]; memcpy(msg, mmcLocateMsg, mmcLocateMsgLen); if(devid != -1) msg[1] = devid; else msg[1] = _syncInfo.idOut(); msg[6] = ht; msg[7] = m; msg[8] = s; msg[9] = f; msg[10] = sf; sendSysex(msg, mmcLocateMsgLen); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // sendMMCStop //--------------------------------------------------------- void MidiPort::sendMMCStop(int devid) { unsigned char msg[mmcStopMsgLen]; memcpy(msg, mmcStopMsg, mmcStopMsgLen); if(devid != -1) msg[1] = devid; else msg[1] = _syncInfo.idOut(); sendSysex(msg, mmcStopMsgLen); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // sendMMCDeferredPlay //--------------------------------------------------------- void MidiPort::sendMMCDeferredPlay(int devid) { unsigned char msg[mmcDeferredPlayMsgLen]; memcpy(msg, mmcDeferredPlayMsg, mmcDeferredPlayMsgLen); if(devid != -1) msg[1] = devid; else msg[1] = _syncInfo.idOut(); sendSysex(msg, mmcDeferredPlayMsgLen); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // sendStart //--------------------------------------------------------- void MidiPort::sendStart() { if (_device) { MidiPlayEvent event(0, 0, 0, ME_START, 0, 0); _device->putEvent(event); } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // sendStop //--------------------------------------------------------- void MidiPort::sendStop() { if (_device) { MidiPlayEvent event(0, 0, 0, ME_STOP, 0, 0); _device->putEvent(event); } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // sendClock //--------------------------------------------------------- void MidiPort::sendClock() { if (_device) { MidiPlayEvent event(0, 0, 0, ME_CLOCK, 0, 0); _device->putEvent(event); } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // sendContinue //--------------------------------------------------------- void MidiPort::sendContinue() { if (_device) { MidiPlayEvent event(0, 0, 0, ME_CONTINUE, 0, 0); _device->putEvent(event); } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // sendSongpos //--------------------------------------------------------- void MidiPort::sendSongpos(int pos) { if (_device) { MidiPlayEvent event(0, 0, 0, ME_SONGPOS, pos, 0); _device->putEvent(event); } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // addManagedController //--------------------------------------------------------- MidiCtrlValList* MidiPort::addManagedController(int channel, int ctrl) { iMidiCtrlValList cl = _controller->find(channel, ctrl); if (cl == _controller->end()) { MidiCtrlValList* pvl = new MidiCtrlValList(ctrl); _controller->add(channel, pvl); return pvl; } else return cl->second; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // addDefaultControllers //--------------------------------------------------------- void MidiPort::addDefaultControllers() { for (int i = 0; i < MIDI_CHANNELS; ++i) { for(ciMidiController imc = defaultManagedMidiController.begin(); imc != defaultManagedMidiController.end(); ++imc) addManagedController(i, imc->second->num()); _automationType[i] = AUTO_READ; } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // limitValToInstrCtlRange //--------------------------------------------------------- int MidiPort::limitValToInstrCtlRange(MidiController* mc, int val) { if(!_instrument || !mc || val == CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN) return val; //MidiController* mc = imc->second; int mn = mc->minVal(); int mx = mc->maxVal(); int bias = mc->bias(); // Subtract controller bias from value. val -= bias; // Limit value to controller range. if(val < mn) val = mn; else if(val > mx) val = mx; // Re-add controller bias to value. val += bias; return val; } int MidiPort::limitValToInstrCtlRange(int ctl, int val) { if(!_instrument || val == CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN) return val; MidiControllerList* cl = _instrument->controller(); // FIXME: This might be optimized by calling midiController instead, // and simply asking if it's a drum controller. Saves one list iteration. // Is it a drum controller? MidiController *mc = drumController(ctl); if(!mc) { // It's not a drum controller. Find it as a regular controller instead. iMidiController imc = cl->find(ctl); if(imc != cl->end()) mc = imc->second; } // If it's a valid controller, limit the value to the instrument controller range. if(mc) return limitValToInstrCtlRange(mc, val); return val; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // sendHwCtrlState // Return true if it is OK to go ahead and deliver the event. //--------------------------------------------------------- bool MidiPort::sendHwCtrlState(const MidiPlayEvent& ev, bool forceSend) { if (ev.type() == ME_CONTROLLER) { int da = ev.dataA(); int db = ev.dataB(); db = limitValToInstrCtlRange(da, db); if(!setHwCtrlState(ev.channel(), da, db)) { if (MusEGlobal::debugMsg && forceSend) printf("sendHwCtrlState: State already set. Forcing anyway...\n"); if (!forceSend) return false; } } else if (ev.type() == ME_POLYAFTER) // REMOVE Tim. Or keep? ... { int pitch = ev.dataA() & 0x7f; int ctl = (CTRL_POLYAFTER & ~0xff) | pitch; int db = limitValToInstrCtlRange(ctl, ev.dataB()); if(!setHwCtrlState(ev.channel(), ctl, db)) { if (!forceSend) return false; } } else if (ev.type() == ME_AFTERTOUCH) // ... Same { int da = limitValToInstrCtlRange(CTRL_AFTERTOUCH, ev.dataA()); if(!setHwCtrlState(ev.channel(), CTRL_AFTERTOUCH, da)) { if (!forceSend) return false; } } else if (ev.type() == ME_PITCHBEND) { int da = limitValToInstrCtlRange(CTRL_PITCH, ev.dataA()); if(!setHwCtrlState(ev.channel(), CTRL_PITCH, da)) { if (!forceSend) return false; } } else if (ev.type() == ME_PROGRAM) { if(!setHwCtrlState(ev.channel(), CTRL_PROGRAM, ev.dataA())) { if (!forceSend) return false; } } return true; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // sendEvent // return true, if event cannot be delivered //--------------------------------------------------------- bool MidiPort::sendEvent(const MidiPlayEvent& ev, bool forceSend) { if(!sendHwCtrlState(ev, forceSend)) return false; if (!_device) { if (MusEGlobal::debugMsg) printf("no device for this midi port\n"); return true; } return _device->putEvent(ev); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // lastValidHWCtrlState //--------------------------------------------------------- int MidiPort::lastValidHWCtrlState(int ch, int ctrl) const { ch &= 0xff; iMidiCtrlValList cl = _controller->find(ch, ctrl); if (cl == _controller->end()) { return CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN; } MidiCtrlValList* vl = cl->second; return vl->lastValidHWVal(); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // hwCtrlState //--------------------------------------------------------- int MidiPort::hwCtrlState(int ch, int ctrl) const { ch &= 0xff; iMidiCtrlValList cl = _controller->find(ch, ctrl); if (cl == _controller->end()) return CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN; MidiCtrlValList* vl = cl->second; return vl->hwVal(); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // setHwCtrlState // Returns false if value is already equal, true if value is set. //--------------------------------------------------------- bool MidiPort::setHwCtrlState(int ch, int ctrl, int val) { // By T356. This will create a new value list if necessary, otherwise it returns the existing list. MidiCtrlValList* vl = addManagedController(ch, ctrl); return vl->setHwVal(val); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // setHwCtrlStates // Sets current and last HW values. // Handy for forcing labels to show 'off' and knobs to show specific values // without having to send two messages. // Returns false if both values are already set, true if either value is changed. //--------------------------------------------------------- bool MidiPort::setHwCtrlStates(int ch, int ctrl, int val, int lastval) { // This will create a new value list if necessary, otherwise it returns the existing list. MidiCtrlValList* vl = addManagedController(ch, ctrl); return vl->setHwVals(val, lastval); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // setControllerVal // This function sets a controller value, // creating the controller if necessary. // Returns true if a value was actually added or replaced. //--------------------------------------------------------- bool MidiPort::setControllerVal(int ch, int tick, int ctrl, int val, Part* part) { MidiCtrlValList* pvl; iMidiCtrlValList cl = _controller->find(ch, ctrl); if (cl == _controller->end()) { pvl = new MidiCtrlValList(ctrl); _controller->add(ch, pvl); } else pvl = cl->second; return pvl->addMCtlVal(tick, val, part); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // getCtrl //--------------------------------------------------------- int MidiPort::getCtrl(int ch, int tick, int ctrl) const { iMidiCtrlValList cl = _controller->find(ch, ctrl); if (cl == _controller->end()) return CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN; return cl->second->value(tick); } int MidiPort::getCtrl(int ch, int tick, int ctrl, Part* part) const { iMidiCtrlValList cl = _controller->find(ch, ctrl); if (cl == _controller->end()) return CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN; return cl->second->value(tick, part); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // deleteController //--------------------------------------------------------- void MidiPort::deleteController(int ch, int tick, int ctrl, Part* part) { iMidiCtrlValList cl = _controller->find(ch, ctrl); if (cl == _controller->end()) { if (MusEGlobal::debugMsg) printf("deleteController: controller %d(0x%x) for channel %d not found size %zd\n", ctrl, ctrl, ch, _controller->size()); return; } cl->second->delMCtlVal(tick, part); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // midiController //--------------------------------------------------------- MidiController* MidiPort::midiController(int num) const { if (_instrument) { MidiControllerList* mcl = _instrument->controller(); for (iMidiController i = mcl->begin(); i != mcl->end(); ++i) { int cn = i->second->num(); if (cn == num) return i->second; // wildcard? if (i->second->isPerNoteController() && ((cn & ~0xff) == (num & ~0xff))) return i->second; } } for (iMidiController i = defaultMidiController.begin(); i != defaultMidiController.end(); ++i) { int cn = i->second->num(); if (cn == num) return i->second; // wildcard? if (i->second->isPerNoteController() && ((cn & ~0xff) == (num & ~0xff))) return i->second; } QString name = midiCtrlName(num); int min = 0; int max = 127; MidiController::ControllerType t = midiControllerType(num); switch (t) { case MidiController::RPN: case MidiController::NRPN: case MidiController::Controller7: case MidiController::PolyAftertouch: case MidiController::Aftertouch: max = 127; break; case MidiController::Controller14: case MidiController::RPN14: case MidiController::NRPN14: max = 16383; break; case MidiController::Program: max = 0xffffff; break; case MidiController::Pitch: max = 8191; min = -8192; break; case MidiController::Velo: // cannot happen break; } MidiController* c = new MidiController(name, num, min, max, 0); defaultMidiController.add(c); return c; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // drumController // Returns instrument drum controller if ctl is a drum controller number. // Otherwise returns zero. //--------------------------------------------------------- MidiController* MidiPort::drumController(int ctl) { if(!_instrument) return 0; MidiControllerList* cl = _instrument->controller(); // If it's an RPN, NRPN, RPN14, or NRPN14 controller... if(((ctl - CTRL_RPN_OFFSET >= 0) && (ctl - CTRL_RPN_OFFSET <= 0xffff)) || ((ctl - CTRL_NRPN_OFFSET >= 0) && (ctl - CTRL_NRPN_OFFSET <= 0xffff)) || ((ctl - CTRL_RPN14_OFFSET >= 0) && (ctl - CTRL_RPN14_OFFSET <= 0xffff)) || ((ctl - CTRL_NRPN14_OFFSET >= 0) && (ctl - CTRL_NRPN14_OFFSET <= 0xffff)) || ((ctl - CTRL_INTERNAL_OFFSET >= 0) && (ctl - CTRL_INTERNAL_OFFSET <= 0xffff))) // Include internals { // Does the instrument have a drum controller to match this controller's number? iMidiController imc = cl->find(ctl | 0xff); if(imc != cl->end()) // Yes, it's a drum controller. Return a pointer to it. return imc->second; } return 0; } int MidiPort::nullSendValue() { return _instrument ? _instrument->nullSendValue() : -1; } void MidiPort::setNullSendValue(int v) { if(_instrument) _instrument->setNullSendValue(v); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // writeRouting //--------------------------------------------------------- void MidiPort::writeRouting(int level, Xml& xml) const { // If this device is not actually in use by the song, do not write any routes. // This prevents bogus routes from being saved and propagated in the med file. // p4.0.17 Reverted. Allow ports with no device to save. //if(!device()) // return; QString s; for (ciRoute r = _outRoutes.begin(); r != _outRoutes.end(); ++r) { if(r->type == Route::TRACK_ROUTE && !r->name().isEmpty()) { // Ignore Midi Port to Audio Input routes. Handled by Track route writer. p4.0.14 Tim. if(r->track && r->track->type() == Track::AUDIO_INPUT) continue; s = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("@default", "Route"); if(r->channel != -1 && r->channel != 0) s += QString(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("@default", " channelMask=\"%1\"")).arg(r->channel); // Use new channel mask. xml.tag(level++, s.toLatin1().constData()); xml.tag(level, "source mport=\"%d\"/", portno()); s = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("@default", "dest"); s += QString(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("@default", " name=\"%1\"/")).arg(Xml::xmlString(r->name())); xml.tag(level, s.toLatin1().constData()); xml.etag(level--, "Route"); } } } // p4.0.17 Turn off if and when multiple output routes supported. #if 1 //--------------------------------------------------------- // setPortExclusiveDefOutChan //--------------------------------------------------------- void setPortExclusiveDefOutChan(int port, int c) { if(port < 0 || port >= MIDI_PORTS) return; MusEGlobal::midiPorts[port].setDefaultOutChannels(c); for(int i = 0; i < MIDI_PORTS; ++i) if(i != port) MusEGlobal::midiPorts[i].setDefaultOutChannels(0); } #endif } // namespace MusECore