//========================================================= // MusE // Linux Music Editor // scoreedit.cpp // (C) Copyright 2011 Florian Jung (flo93@users.sourceforge.net) // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of // the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. // //========================================================= #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; #include "app.h" #include "xml.h" #include "mtscale.h" #include "al/sig.h" #include "scoreedit.h" #include "tools.h" #include "ttoolbar.h" #include "tb1.h" #include "globals.h" #include "gconfig.h" #include "icons.h" #include "audio.h" #include "functions.h" #include "helper.h" #include "cmd.h" #include "sig.h" #include "song.h" #include "shortcuts.h" //#include "../ctrl/ctrledit.h" using MusEGlobal::debugMsg; using MusEGlobal::heavyDebugMsg; namespace MusEGui { string IntToStr(int i); QString IntToQStr(int i); #define SPLIT_NOTE 60 //PIXELS_PER_NOTEPOS must be greater or equal to 3*NOTE_XLEN + 2*NOTE_SHIFT //because if tick 0 is at x=0: the notes can be shifted by NOTE_SHIFT. //additionally, they can be moved by NOTE_XLEN (collision avoiding) //then, they have their own width, which is NOTE_XLEN/2 into the x>0-area //the same thing applies to the x<0-area // OOO // | // ^actual calculated x, without shifting or moving // ^ and // ^ : moved note (by XLEN) // additionally, a shift is possible // total_width = shift + move + note_xlen + move + shift, where move==note_xlen // total_width = 2*shift + 3*note_xlen // if total_width is greater than px_per_notepos, there will be collisions! //do NOT put parentheses around this! #define PAGESTEP 3/4 #define SCROLL_MARGIN 10 #define SCROLL_SPEED 5 //SCROLL_SPEED is in (scroll_pixels per second) per mouse-move-pixel #define SCROLL_SPEED_MAX 500 //SCROLL_SPEED_MAX is in scroll_pixels_per_second #define AKKOLADE_WIDTH 8 #define AKKOLADE_LEFTMARGIN 0 #define AKKOLADE_RIGHTMARGIN 2 #define STAFF_DISTANCE (10*YLEN) #define GRANDSTAFF_DISTANCE (8*YLEN) #define NOTE_YDIST 20 //NOTE_YDIST is the number of pixels which are between two notes //which exceed their staves' y-boundaries, so that these boundaries //must be expanded. #define MAX_QUANT_POWER 5 QString create_random_string(int len=8) { string result; for (int i=0;i ScoreEdit::names; int ScoreCanvas::_quant_power2_init=3; int ScoreCanvas::_pixels_per_whole_init=300; int ScoreCanvas::note_velo_init=64; int ScoreCanvas::note_velo_off_init=64; int ScoreCanvas::new_len_init=0; ScoreCanvas::coloring_mode_t ScoreCanvas::coloring_mode_init=COLOR_MODE_BLACK; bool ScoreCanvas::preamble_contains_timesig_init=true; bool ScoreCanvas::preamble_contains_keysig_init=true; //--------------------------------------------------------- // ScoreEdit //--------------------------------------------------------- ScoreEdit::ScoreEdit(QWidget* parent, const char* name, unsigned initPos) : TopWin(TopWin::SCORE, parent, name) { setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose); setFocusPolicy(Qt::StrongFocus); mainw = new QWidget(this); mainGrid = new QGridLayout(); mainw->setLayout(mainGrid); mainGrid->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); mainGrid->setSpacing(0); setCentralWidget(mainw); apply_velo=false; score_canvas=new ScoreCanvas(this, mainw); xscroll = new QScrollBar(Qt::Horizontal, mainw); yscroll = new QScrollBar(Qt::Vertical, mainw); time_bar = new MusEGui::MTScaleFlo(score_canvas, mainw); connect(xscroll, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), score_canvas, SLOT(x_scroll_event(int))); connect(score_canvas, SIGNAL(xscroll_changed(int)), xscroll, SLOT(setValue(int))); connect(yscroll, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), score_canvas, SLOT(y_scroll_event(int))); connect(score_canvas, SIGNAL(yscroll_changed(int)), yscroll, SLOT(setValue(int))); connect(score_canvas, SIGNAL(canvas_width_changed(int)), SLOT(canvas_width_changed(int))); connect(score_canvas, SIGNAL(viewport_width_changed(int)), SLOT(viewport_width_changed(int))); connect(score_canvas, SIGNAL(canvas_height_changed(int)), SLOT(canvas_height_changed(int))); connect(score_canvas, SIGNAL(viewport_height_changed(int)), SLOT(viewport_height_changed(int))); connect(MusEGlobal::song, SIGNAL(songChanged(int)), score_canvas, SLOT(song_changed(int))); connect(xscroll, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), time_bar, SLOT(set_xpos(int))); connect(score_canvas, SIGNAL(pos_add_changed()), time_bar, SLOT(pos_add_changed())); connect(score_canvas, SIGNAL(preamble_width_changed(int)), time_bar, SLOT(set_xoffset(int))); mainGrid->addWidget(time_bar, 0,0); mainGrid->addWidget(score_canvas, 1,0); mainGrid->addWidget(xscroll,2,0); mainGrid->addWidget(yscroll,1,1); xscroll->setMinimum(0); yscroll->setMinimum(0); xscroll->setValue(0); yscroll->setValue(0); menu_mapper=new QSignalMapper(this); connect(menu_mapper, SIGNAL(mapped(int)), SLOT(menu_command(int))); // Toolbars --------------------------------------------------------- QToolBar* undo_tools=addToolBar(tr("Undo/Redo tools")); undo_tools->setObjectName("Undo/Redo tools"); undo_tools->addActions(MusEGlobal::undoRedo->actions()); addToolBar(undo_tools); QToolBar* steprec_tools=addToolBar(tr("Step recording tools")); steprec_tools->setObjectName("Step recording tools"); srec = new QToolButton(); srec->setToolTip(tr("Step Record")); srec->setIcon(*steprecIcon); srec->setCheckable(true); steprec_tools->addWidget(srec); connect(srec, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), score_canvas, SLOT(set_steprec(bool))); edit_tools = new MusEGui::EditToolBar(this, MusEGui::PointerTool | MusEGui::PencilTool | MusEGui::RubberTool); addToolBar(edit_tools); edit_tools->set(MusEGui::PointerTool); score_canvas->set_tool(MusEGui::PointerTool); connect(edit_tools, SIGNAL(toolChanged(int)), score_canvas, SLOT(set_tool(int))); QToolBar* panic_toolbar = addToolBar(tr("panic")); panic_toolbar->setObjectName("panic"); panic_toolbar->addAction(MusEGlobal::panicAction); QToolBar* transport_toolbar = addToolBar(tr("transport")); transport_toolbar->setObjectName("transport"); transport_toolbar->addActions(MusEGlobal::transportAction->actions()); addToolBarBreak(); QToolBar* note_settings_toolbar = addToolBar(tr("Note settings")); //don't change that name, or you will lose toolbar settings note_settings_toolbar->setObjectName("New note settings"); note_settings_toolbar->addWidget(new QLabel(tr("Note length:"), note_settings_toolbar)); len_actions=new QActionGroup(this); n1_action = note_settings_toolbar->addAction("1", menu_mapper, SLOT(map())); n2_action = note_settings_toolbar->addAction("2", menu_mapper, SLOT(map())); n4_action = note_settings_toolbar->addAction("4", menu_mapper, SLOT(map())); n8_action = note_settings_toolbar->addAction("8", menu_mapper, SLOT(map())); n16_action = note_settings_toolbar->addAction("16", menu_mapper, SLOT(map())); n32_action = note_settings_toolbar->addAction("32", menu_mapper, SLOT(map())); nlast_action = note_settings_toolbar->addAction(tr("last"), menu_mapper, SLOT(map())); menu_mapper->setMapping(n1_action, CMD_NOTELEN_1); menu_mapper->setMapping(n2_action, CMD_NOTELEN_2); menu_mapper->setMapping(n4_action, CMD_NOTELEN_4); menu_mapper->setMapping(n8_action, CMD_NOTELEN_8); menu_mapper->setMapping(n16_action, CMD_NOTELEN_16); menu_mapper->setMapping(n32_action, CMD_NOTELEN_32); menu_mapper->setMapping(nlast_action, CMD_NOTELEN_LAST); n1_action->setCheckable(true); n2_action->setCheckable(true); n4_action->setCheckable(true); n8_action->setCheckable(true); n16_action->setCheckable(true); n32_action->setCheckable(true); nlast_action->setCheckable(true); len_actions->addAction(n1_action); len_actions->addAction(n2_action); len_actions->addAction(n4_action); len_actions->addAction(n8_action); len_actions->addAction(n16_action); len_actions->addAction(n32_action); len_actions->addAction(nlast_action); switch (ScoreCanvas::new_len_init) { case 0: nlast_action->setChecked(true); menu_command(CMD_NOTELEN_LAST); break; case 1: n1_action->setChecked(true); menu_command(CMD_NOTELEN_1); break; case 2: n2_action->setChecked(true); menu_command(CMD_NOTELEN_2); break; case 4: n4_action->setChecked(true); menu_command(CMD_NOTELEN_4); break; case 8: n8_action->setChecked(true); menu_command(CMD_NOTELEN_8); break; case 16: n16_action->setChecked(true); menu_command(CMD_NOTELEN_16); break; case 32: n32_action->setChecked(true); menu_command(CMD_NOTELEN_32); break; default: cerr << "ERROR: THIS SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN. newLen is invalid in ScoreEdit::ScoreEdit.\n" << " (newLen="<setChecked(true); menu_command(CMD_NOTELEN_LAST); } note_settings_toolbar->addSeparator(); apply_velo_to_label = new QLabel(tr("Apply to new notes:"), note_settings_toolbar); int w1 = apply_velo_to_label->fontMetrics().width(tr("Apply to new notes:")); int w2 = apply_velo_to_label->fontMetrics().width(tr("Apply to selected notes:")); if (w1>w2) apply_velo_to_label->setFixedWidth(w1+5); else apply_velo_to_label->setFixedWidth(w2+5); note_settings_toolbar->addWidget(apply_velo_to_label); note_settings_toolbar->addWidget(new QLabel(tr("Velocity:"), note_settings_toolbar)); velo_spinbox = new QSpinBox(this); velo_spinbox->setRange(0, 127); velo_spinbox->setSingleStep(1); //we do not use the valueChanged signal, because that would generate //many many undos when using the spin buttons. connect(velo_spinbox, SIGNAL(editingFinished()), SLOT(velo_box_changed())); connect(this,SIGNAL(velo_changed(int)), score_canvas, SLOT(set_velo(int))); note_settings_toolbar->addWidget(velo_spinbox); velo_spinbox->setValue(ScoreCanvas::note_velo_init); note_settings_toolbar->addWidget(new QLabel(tr("Off-Velocity:"), note_settings_toolbar)); velo_off_spinbox = new QSpinBox(this); velo_off_spinbox->setRange(0, 127); velo_off_spinbox->setSingleStep(1); //we do not use the valueChanged signal, because that would generate //many many undos when using the spin buttons. connect(velo_off_spinbox, SIGNAL(editingFinished()), SLOT(velo_off_box_changed())); connect(this,SIGNAL(velo_off_changed(int)), score_canvas, SLOT(set_velo_off(int))); note_settings_toolbar->addWidget(velo_off_spinbox); velo_off_spinbox->setValue(ScoreCanvas::note_velo_off_init); QToolBar* quant_toolbar = addToolBar(tr("Quantisation settings")); quant_toolbar->setObjectName("Quantisation settings"); quant_toolbar->addWidget(new QLabel(tr("Quantisation:"), quant_toolbar)); quant_combobox = new QComboBox(this); quant_combobox->addItem("2"); // if you add or remove items from quant_combobox->addItem("4"); // here, also change all code regarding quant_combobox->addItem("8"); // _quant_power2 and _quant_power2_init quant_combobox->addItem("16"); // and MAX_QUANT_POWER (must be log2(largest_value)) quant_combobox->addItem("32"); quant_combobox->setCurrentIndex(score_canvas->quant_power2()-1); // the above is intendedly executed BEFORE connecting. otherwise this would // destroy pixels_per_whole_init! connect(quant_combobox, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), score_canvas, SLOT(set_quant(int))); quant_toolbar->addWidget(quant_combobox); quant_toolbar->addSeparator(); quant_toolbar->addWidget(new QLabel(tr("Pixels per whole:"), quant_toolbar)); px_per_whole_spinbox = new QSpinBox(this); px_per_whole_spinbox->setRange(10, 1200); px_per_whole_spinbox->setSingleStep(50); connect(px_per_whole_spinbox, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), score_canvas, SLOT(set_pixels_per_whole(int))); connect(score_canvas, SIGNAL(pixels_per_whole_changed(int)), px_per_whole_spinbox, SLOT(setValue(int))); quant_toolbar->addWidget(px_per_whole_spinbox); px_per_whole_spinbox->setValue(ScoreCanvas::_pixels_per_whole_init); QMenu* edit_menu = menuBar()->addMenu(tr("&Edit")); edit_menu->addActions(MusEGlobal::undoRedo->actions()); edit_menu->addSeparator(); cut_action = edit_menu->addAction(QIcon(*editcutIconSet), tr("C&ut")); menu_mapper->setMapping(cut_action, CMD_CUT); connect(cut_action, SIGNAL(triggered()), menu_mapper, SLOT(map())); copy_action = edit_menu->addAction(QIcon(*editcopyIconSet), tr("&Copy")); menu_mapper->setMapping(copy_action, CMD_COPY); connect(copy_action, SIGNAL(triggered()), menu_mapper, SLOT(map())); copy_range_action = edit_menu->addAction(QIcon(*editcopyIconSet), tr("Copy events in range")); menu_mapper->setMapping(copy_range_action, CMD_COPY_RANGE); connect(copy_range_action, SIGNAL(triggered()), menu_mapper, SLOT(map())); paste_action = edit_menu->addAction(QIcon(*editpasteIconSet), tr("&Paste")); menu_mapper->setMapping(paste_action, CMD_PASTE); connect(paste_action, SIGNAL(triggered()), menu_mapper, SLOT(map())); paste_dialog_action = edit_menu->addAction(QIcon(*editpasteIconSet), tr("Paste (with dialog)")); menu_mapper->setMapping(paste_dialog_action, CMD_PASTE_DIALOG); connect(paste_dialog_action, SIGNAL(triggered()), menu_mapper, SLOT(map())); edit_menu->addSeparator(); del_action = edit_menu->addAction(tr("Delete &Events")); menu_mapper->setMapping(del_action, CMD_DEL); connect(del_action, SIGNAL(triggered()), menu_mapper, SLOT(map())); edit_menu->addSeparator(); QMenu* select_menu = edit_menu->addMenu(QIcon(*selectIcon), tr("&Select")); select_all_action = select_menu->addAction(QIcon(*select_allIcon), tr("Select &All")); menu_mapper->setMapping(select_all_action, CMD_SELECT_ALL); connect(select_all_action, SIGNAL(triggered()), menu_mapper, SLOT(map())); select_none_action = select_menu->addAction(QIcon(*select_deselect_allIcon), tr("&Deselect All")); menu_mapper->setMapping(select_none_action, CMD_SELECT_NONE); connect(select_none_action, SIGNAL(triggered()), menu_mapper, SLOT(map())); select_invert_action = select_menu->addAction(QIcon(*select_invert_selectionIcon), tr("Invert &Selection")); menu_mapper->setMapping(select_invert_action, CMD_SELECT_INVERT); connect(select_invert_action, SIGNAL(triggered()), menu_mapper, SLOT(map())); select_menu->addSeparator(); select_iloop_action = select_menu->addAction(QIcon(*select_inside_loopIcon), tr("&Inside Loop")); menu_mapper->setMapping(select_iloop_action, CMD_SELECT_ILOOP); connect(select_iloop_action, SIGNAL(triggered()), menu_mapper, SLOT(map())); select_oloop_action = select_menu->addAction(QIcon(*select_outside_loopIcon), tr("&Outside Loop")); menu_mapper->setMapping(select_oloop_action, CMD_SELECT_OLOOP); connect(select_oloop_action, SIGNAL(triggered()), menu_mapper, SLOT(map())); QMenu* functions_menu = menuBar()->addMenu(tr("Fu&nctions")); func_quantize_action = functions_menu->addAction(tr("&Quantize"), menu_mapper, SLOT(map())); func_notelen_action = functions_menu->addAction(tr("Change note &length"), menu_mapper, SLOT(map())); func_velocity_action = functions_menu->addAction(tr("Change note &velocity"), menu_mapper, SLOT(map())); func_cresc_action = functions_menu->addAction(tr("Crescendo/Decrescendo"), menu_mapper, SLOT(map())); func_transpose_action = functions_menu->addAction(tr("Transpose"), menu_mapper, SLOT(map())); func_erase_action = functions_menu->addAction(tr("Erase Events"), menu_mapper, SLOT(map())); func_move_action = functions_menu->addAction(tr("Move Notes"), menu_mapper, SLOT(map())); func_fixed_len_action = functions_menu->addAction(tr("Set Fixed Length"), menu_mapper, SLOT(map())); func_del_overlaps_action = functions_menu->addAction(tr("Delete Overlaps"), menu_mapper, SLOT(map())); func_legato_action = functions_menu->addAction(tr("Legato"), menu_mapper, SLOT(map())); menu_mapper->setMapping(func_quantize_action, CMD_QUANTIZE); menu_mapper->setMapping(func_notelen_action, CMD_NOTELEN); menu_mapper->setMapping(func_velocity_action, CMD_VELOCITY); menu_mapper->setMapping(func_cresc_action, CMD_CRESCENDO); menu_mapper->setMapping(func_transpose_action, CMD_TRANSPOSE); menu_mapper->setMapping(func_erase_action, CMD_ERASE); menu_mapper->setMapping(func_move_action, CMD_MOVE); menu_mapper->setMapping(func_fixed_len_action, CMD_FIXED_LEN); menu_mapper->setMapping(func_del_overlaps_action, CMD_DELETE_OVERLAPS); menu_mapper->setMapping(func_legato_action, CMD_LEGATO); QMenu* settings_menu = menuBar()->addMenu(tr("Window &Config")); color_menu = settings_menu->addMenu(tr("Note head &colors")); color_actions = new QActionGroup(this); color_black_action = color_menu->addAction(tr("&Black"), menu_mapper, SLOT(map())); color_velo_action = color_menu->addAction(tr("&Velocity"), menu_mapper, SLOT(map())); color_part_action = color_menu->addAction(tr("&Part"), menu_mapper, SLOT(map())); color_black_action->setCheckable(true); color_velo_action->setCheckable(true); color_part_action->setCheckable(true); color_actions->addAction(color_black_action); color_actions->addAction(color_velo_action); color_actions->addAction(color_part_action); menu_mapper->setMapping(color_black_action, CMD_COLOR_BLACK); menu_mapper->setMapping(color_velo_action, CMD_COLOR_VELO); menu_mapper->setMapping(color_part_action, CMD_COLOR_PART); switch (ScoreCanvas::coloring_mode_init) { case 0: color_black_action->setChecked(true); menu_command(CMD_COLOR_BLACK); break; case 1: color_velo_action->setChecked(true); menu_command(CMD_COLOR_VELO); break; case 2: color_part_action->setChecked(true); menu_command(CMD_COLOR_PART); break; default: cerr << "ERROR: THIS SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN. noteColor is invalid in ScoreEdit::ScoreEdit.\n" << " (noteColor="<setChecked(true); menu_command(CMD_COLOR_BLACK); } QMenu* preamble_menu = settings_menu->addMenu(tr("Set up &preamble")); preamble_keysig_action = preamble_menu->addAction(tr("Display &key signature")); preamble_timesig_action = preamble_menu->addAction(tr("Display &time signature")); connect(preamble_keysig_action, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), score_canvas, SLOT(preamble_keysig_slot(bool))); connect(preamble_timesig_action, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), score_canvas, SLOT(preamble_timesig_slot(bool))); preamble_keysig_action->setCheckable(true); preamble_timesig_action->setCheckable(true); preamble_keysig_action->setChecked(ScoreCanvas::preamble_contains_keysig_init); preamble_timesig_action->setChecked(ScoreCanvas::preamble_contains_timesig_init); QAction* set_name_action = settings_menu->addAction(tr("Set Score &name"), menu_mapper, SLOT(map())); menu_mapper->setMapping(set_name_action, CMD_SET_NAME); settings_menu->addSeparator(); settings_menu->addAction(subwinAction); settings_menu->addAction(shareAction); settings_menu->addAction(fullscreenAction); init_shortcuts(); connect(MusEGlobal::muse, SIGNAL(configChanged()), SLOT(init_shortcuts())); QClipboard* cb = QApplication::clipboard(); connect(cb, SIGNAL(dataChanged()), SLOT(clipboard_changed())); clipboard_changed(); selection_changed(); connect(MusEGlobal::song, SIGNAL(songChanged(int)), SLOT(song_changed(int))); connect(MusEGlobal::song, SIGNAL(newPartsCreated(const std::map< MusECore::Part*, std::set >&)), score_canvas, SLOT(add_new_parts(const std::map< MusECore::Part*, std::set >&))); score_canvas->fully_recalculate(); score_canvas->goto_tick(initPos,true); if (name!=NULL) set_name(name, false, true); else init_name(); apply_velo=true; initTopwinState(); MusEGlobal::muse->topwinMenuInited(this); } void ScoreEdit::init_shortcuts() { cut_action->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_CUT].key); copy_action->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_COPY].key); copy_range_action->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_COPY_RANGE].key); paste_action->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_PASTE].key); paste_dialog_action->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_PASTE_DIALOG].key); del_action->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_DELETE].key); select_all_action->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_SELECT_ALL].key); select_none_action->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_SELECT_NONE].key); select_invert_action->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_SELECT_INVERT].key); select_iloop_action->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_SELECT_ILOOP].key); select_oloop_action->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_SELECT_OLOOP].key); color_menu->menuAction()->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_EVENT_COLOR].key); func_quantize_action->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_QUANTIZE].key); func_notelen_action->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_MODIFY_GATE_TIME].key); func_velocity_action->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_MODIFY_VELOCITY].key); func_transpose_action->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_TRANSPOSE].key); func_erase_action->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_ERASE_EVENT].key); func_move_action->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_NOTE_SHIFT].key); func_fixed_len_action->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_FIXED_LEN].key); func_del_overlaps_action->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_DELETE_OVERLAPS].key); } void ScoreEdit::add_parts(MusECore::PartList* pl, bool all_in_one) { score_canvas->add_staves(pl, all_in_one); } void ScoreEdit::init_name() { int no=1; QString temp; while (true) { temp="Score "+IntToQStr(no); if (set_name(temp, false, false)) break; else no++; } } bool ScoreEdit::set_name(QString newname, bool emit_signal, bool emergency_name) { if (names.find(newname)==names.end()) { names.erase(name); names.insert(newname); name=newname; setWindowTitle("MusE: Score \""+name+"\""); if (emit_signal) emit name_changed(); return true; } else { if (emergency_name) { while (set_name(create_random_string(), emit_signal, false) == false) ; return true; } else return false; } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // ~ScoreEdit //--------------------------------------------------------- ScoreEdit::~ScoreEdit() { names.erase(name); } void ScoreEdit::velo_box_changed() { emit velo_changed(velo_spinbox->value()); } void ScoreEdit::velo_off_box_changed() { emit velo_off_changed(velo_off_spinbox->value()); } void ScoreEdit::song_changed(int flags) { if(_isDeleting) // Ignore while while deleting to prevent crash. return; if (flags & (SC_SELECTION | SC_EVENT_MODIFIED | SC_EVENT_REMOVED)) { map selection=get_events(score_canvas->get_all_parts(),1); if (selection.empty()) { apply_velo_to_label->setText(tr("Apply to new notes:")); } else { apply_velo_to_label->setText(tr("Apply to selected notes:")); int velo=-1; int velo_off=-1; for (map::iterator it=selection.begin(); it!=selection.end(); it++) if (it->first->type()==MusECore::Note) { if (velo==-1) velo=it->first->velo(); else if ((velo>=0) && (velo!=it->first->velo())) velo=-2; if (velo_off==-1) velo_off=it->first->veloOff(); else if ((velo_off>=0) && (velo_off!=it->first->veloOff())) velo_off=-2; } if (velo>=0) velo_spinbox->setValue(velo); if (velo_off>=0) velo_off_spinbox->setValue(velo_off); } selection_changed(); } } void ScoreEdit::canvas_width_changed(int width) { xscroll->setMaximum(width); } void ScoreEdit::viewport_width_changed(int width) { xscroll->setPageStep(width * PAGESTEP); } void ScoreEdit::canvas_height_changed(int height) { int val=height - score_canvas->viewport_height(); if (val<=0) val=0; yscroll->setMaximum(val); if (val==0) yscroll->hide(); else yscroll->show(); } void ScoreEdit::viewport_height_changed(int height) { int val=score_canvas->canvas_height() - height; // FINDMICHJETZT canvas_height() is uninitalized! if (val<0) val=0; yscroll->setPageStep(height * PAGESTEP); yscroll->setMaximum(val); if (val==0) yscroll->hide(); else yscroll->show(); } void ScoreEdit::closeEvent(QCloseEvent* e) { _isDeleting = true; // Set flag so certain signals like songChanged, which may cause crash during delete, can be ignored. names.erase(name); QSettings settings("MusE", "MusE-qt"); //settings.setValue("ScoreEdit/geometry", saveGeometry()); settings.setValue("ScoreEdit/windowState", saveState()); emit isDeleting(static_cast(this)); e->accept(); } void ScoreEdit::menu_command(int cmd) { switch (cmd) { case CMD_SET_NAME: { bool ok; QString newname = QInputDialog::getText(this, tr("Enter the new score title"), tr("Enter the new score title"), QLineEdit::Normal, name, &ok); if (ok) { if (!set_name(newname)) QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Error"), tr("Changing score title failed:\nthe selected title is not unique")); } } break; case CMD_SELECT_ALL: select_all(score_canvas->get_all_parts()); break; case CMD_SELECT_NONE: select_none(score_canvas->get_all_parts()); break; case CMD_SELECT_INVERT: select_invert(score_canvas->get_all_parts()); break; case CMD_SELECT_ILOOP: select_in_loop(score_canvas->get_all_parts()); break; case CMD_SELECT_OLOOP: select_not_in_loop(score_canvas->get_all_parts()); break; case CMD_CUT: copy_notes(score_canvas->get_all_parts(), 1); erase_notes(score_canvas->get_all_parts(), 1); break; case CMD_COPY: copy_notes(score_canvas->get_all_parts(), 1); break; case CMD_COPY_RANGE: copy_notes(score_canvas->get_all_parts(), MusECore::any_event_selected(score_canvas->get_all_parts()) ? 3 : 2); break; case CMD_PASTE: menu_command(CMD_SELECT_NONE); MusECore::paste_notes(3072); break; case CMD_PASTE_DIALOG: menu_command(CMD_SELECT_NONE); MusECore::paste_notes(score_canvas->get_selected_part()); break; case CMD_QUANTIZE: quantize_notes(score_canvas->get_all_parts()); break; case CMD_VELOCITY: modify_velocity(score_canvas->get_all_parts()); break; case CMD_CRESCENDO: crescendo(score_canvas->get_all_parts()); break; case CMD_NOTELEN: modify_notelen(score_canvas->get_all_parts()); break; case CMD_TRANSPOSE: transpose_notes(score_canvas->get_all_parts()); break; case CMD_ERASE: erase_notes(score_canvas->get_all_parts()); break; case CMD_DEL: erase_notes(score_canvas->get_all_parts(),1); break; case CMD_MOVE: move_notes(score_canvas->get_all_parts()); break; case CMD_FIXED_LEN: set_notelen(score_canvas->get_all_parts()); break; case CMD_DELETE_OVERLAPS: delete_overlaps(score_canvas->get_all_parts()); break; case CMD_LEGATO: legato(score_canvas->get_all_parts()); break; default: score_canvas->menu_command(cmd); } } void ScoreEdit::clipboard_changed() { paste_action->setEnabled(QApplication::clipboard()->mimeData()->hasFormat(QString("text/x-muse-groupedeventlists"))); paste_dialog_action->setEnabled(QApplication::clipboard()->mimeData()->hasFormat(QString("text/x-muse-groupedeventlists"))); } void ScoreEdit::selection_changed() { bool flag = !get_events(score_canvas->get_all_parts(),1).empty(); cut_action->setEnabled(flag); copy_action->setEnabled(flag); del_action->setEnabled(flag); } //duplicated from songfile.cpp's MusE::readPart(); the only differences: //"none" is supported and tag_name is settable MusECore::Part* read_part(MusECore::Xml& xml, QString tag_name="part") { MusECore::Part* part = 0; for (;;) { MusECore::Xml::Token token = xml.parse(); const QString& tag = xml.s1(); switch (token) { case MusECore::Xml::Error: case MusECore::Xml::End: return part; case MusECore::Xml::Text: { int trackIdx, partIdx; if (tag=="none") part=NULL; else { sscanf(tag.toLatin1().constData(), "%d:%d", &trackIdx, &partIdx); if (debugMsg) cout << "read_part: trackIdx="<::iterator part=parts.begin(); part!=parts.end(); part++) { MusECore::Track* track = (*part)->track(); int trkIdx = MusEGlobal::song->tracks()->index(track); int partIdx = track->parts()->index(*part); if((trkIdx == -1) || (partIdx == -1)) cerr << "ERROR: staff_t::write_status: trkIdx:"<%d:%d", trkIdx, partIdx); } xml.tag(level, "/staff"); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // writeStatus //--------------------------------------------------------- void ScoreEdit::writeStatus(int level, MusECore::Xml& xml) const { xml.tag(level++, "scoreedit"); TopWin::writeStatus(level, xml); xml.strTag(level, "name", name); xml.intTag(level, "tool", edit_tools->curTool()); xml.intTag(level, "steprec", srec->isChecked()); xml.intTag(level, "quantPower", score_canvas->quant_power2()); xml.intTag(level, "pxPerWhole", score_canvas->pixels_per_whole()); xml.intTag(level, "newNoteVelo", velo_spinbox->value()); xml.intTag(level, "newNoteVeloOff", velo_off_spinbox->value()); xml.intTag(level, "lastLen", score_canvas->get_last_len()); int len=0; if (n1_action->isChecked()) len=1; else if (n2_action->isChecked()) len=2; else if (n4_action->isChecked()) len=4; else if (n8_action->isChecked()) len=8; else if (n16_action->isChecked()) len=16; else if (n32_action->isChecked()) len=32; else if (nlast_action->isChecked()) len=0; // means "last" xml.intTag(level, "newLen", len); int color=0; if (color_black_action->isChecked()) color=0; else if (color_velo_action->isChecked()) color=1; else if (color_part_action->isChecked()) color=2; xml.intTag(level, "noteColor", color); xml.intTag(level, "xscroll", xscroll->value()); xml.intTag(level, "yscroll", yscroll->value()); xml.intTag(level, "preambleContainsKeysig", preamble_keysig_action->isChecked()); xml.intTag(level, "preambleContainsTimesig", preamble_timesig_action->isChecked()); MusECore::Part* selected_part=score_canvas->get_selected_part(); if (selected_part==NULL) { xml.put(level, "none"); } else { MusECore::Track* track = selected_part->track(); int trkIdx = MusEGlobal::song->tracks()->index(track); int partIdx = track->parts()->index(selected_part); if((trkIdx == -1) || (partIdx == -1)) cerr << "ERROR: ScoreEdit::write_status: trkIdx:"<%d:%d", trkIdx, partIdx); } score_canvas->write_staves(level,xml); xml.tag(level, "/scoreedit"); } void ScoreCanvas::write_staves(int level, MusECore::Xml& xml) const { for (list::const_iterator staff=staves.begin(); staff!=staves.end(); staff++) staff->write_status(level, xml); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // readStatus //--------------------------------------------------------- void ScoreEdit::readStatus(MusECore::Xml& xml) { bool apply_velo_temp=apply_velo; apply_velo=false; for (;;) { MusECore::Xml::Token token = xml.parse(); if (token == MusECore::Xml::Error || token == MusECore::Xml::End) break; const QString& tag = xml.s1(); switch (token) { case MusECore::Xml::TagStart: if (tag == "name") set_name(xml.parse1()); else if (tag == "tool") edit_tools->set(xml.parseInt()); else if (tag == "steprec") srec->setChecked(xml.parseInt()); else if (tag == "quantPower") quant_combobox->setCurrentIndex(xml.parseInt()-1); else if (tag == "pxPerWhole") px_per_whole_spinbox->setValue(xml.parseInt()); else if (tag == "newNoteVelo") velo_spinbox->setValue(xml.parseInt()); else if (tag == "newNoteVeloOff") velo_off_spinbox->setValue(xml.parseInt()); else if (tag == "lastLen") score_canvas->set_last_len(xml.parseInt()); else if (tag == "newLen") { int val=xml.parseInt(); switch (val) { case 0: nlast_action->setChecked(true); break; case 1: n1_action->setChecked(true); break; case 2: n2_action->setChecked(true); break; case 4: n4_action->setChecked(true); break; case 8: n8_action->setChecked(true); break; case 16: n16_action->setChecked(true); break; case 32: n32_action->setChecked(true); break; default: cerr << "ERROR: THIS SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN. newLen is invalid in ScoreEdit::readStatus.\n" << " (newLen="<setChecked(true); } } else if (tag == "noteColor") { int val=xml.parseInt(); switch (val) { case 0: color_black_action->setChecked(true); break; case 1: color_velo_action->setChecked(true); break; case 2: color_part_action->setChecked(true); break; default: cerr << "ERROR: THIS SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN. noteColor is invalid in ScoreEdit::readStatus.\n" << " (noteColor="<setChecked(true); } } else if (tag == "xscroll") xscroll->setValue(xml.parseInt()); else if (tag == "yscroll") yscroll->setValue(xml.parseInt()); else if (tag == "preambleContainsKeysig") preamble_keysig_action->setChecked(xml.parseInt()); else if (tag == "preambleContainsTimesig") preamble_timesig_action->setChecked(xml.parseInt()); else if (tag == "topwin") TopWin::readStatus(xml); else if (tag == "selectedPart") score_canvas->set_selected_part(read_part(xml, "selectedPart")); else if (tag == "staff") { staff_t staff(score_canvas); staff.read_status(xml); score_canvas->push_back_staff(staff); } else xml.unknown("ScoreEdit"); break; case MusECore::Xml::TagEnd: if (tag == "scoreedit") return; default: break; } } apply_velo=apply_velo_temp; } void ScoreEdit::read_configuration(MusECore::Xml& xml) { for (;;) { MusECore::Xml::Token token = xml.parse(); if (token == MusECore::Xml::Error || token == MusECore::Xml::End) break; const QString& tag = xml.s1(); switch (token) { case MusECore::Xml::TagStart: if (tag=="quantPowerInit") ScoreCanvas::_quant_power2_init=xml.parseInt(); else if (tag=="pxPerWholeInit") ScoreCanvas::_pixels_per_whole_init=xml.parseInt(); else if (tag=="newNoteVeloInit") ScoreCanvas::note_velo_init=xml.parseInt(); else if (tag=="newNoteVeloOffInit") ScoreCanvas::note_velo_off_init=xml.parseInt(); else if (tag=="newLenInit") ScoreCanvas::new_len_init=xml.parseInt(); else if (tag=="noteColorInit") ScoreCanvas::coloring_mode_init=(ScoreCanvas::coloring_mode_t)xml.parseInt(); else if (tag=="preambleContainsKeysig") ScoreCanvas::preamble_contains_keysig_init=xml.parseInt(); else if (tag=="preambleContainsTimesig") ScoreCanvas::preamble_contains_timesig_init=xml.parseInt(); else if (tag == "topwin") TopWin::readConfiguration(SCORE, xml); else xml.unknown("ScoreEdit"); break; case MusECore::Xml::TagEnd: if (tag == "scoreedit") return; default: break; } } } void ScoreEdit::write_configuration(int level, MusECore::Xml& xml) { xml.tag(level++, "scoreedit"); xml.intTag(level, "quantPowerInit", ScoreCanvas::_quant_power2_init); xml.intTag(level, "pxPerWholeInit", ScoreCanvas::_pixels_per_whole_init); xml.intTag(level, "newNoteVeloInit", ScoreCanvas::note_velo_init); xml.intTag(level, "newNoteVeloOffInit", ScoreCanvas::note_velo_off_init); xml.intTag(level, "newLenInit", ScoreCanvas::new_len_init); xml.intTag(level, "noteColorInit", ScoreCanvas::coloring_mode_init); xml.intTag(level, "preambleContainsKeysig", ScoreCanvas::preamble_contains_keysig_init); xml.intTag(level, "preambleContainsTimesig", ScoreCanvas::preamble_contains_timesig_init); TopWin::writeConfiguration(SCORE, level, xml); xml.etag(level, "scoreedit"); } void ScoreCanvas::add_staves(MusECore::PartList* pl, bool all_in_one) { if (!pl->empty()) { staff_t staff(this); if (all_in_one) { clefTypes clef=((MusECore::MidiTrack*)pl->begin()->second->track())->getClef(); staff.parts.clear(); for (MusECore::ciPart part_it=pl->begin(); part_it!=pl->end(); part_it++) { if (((MusECore::MidiTrack*)part_it->second->track())->getClef() != clef) clef=grandStaff; staff.parts.insert(part_it->second); } staff.cleanup_parts(); staff.update_part_indices(); switch (clef) { case trebleClef: staff.type=NORMAL; staff.clef=VIOLIN; staves.push_back(staff); break; case bassClef: staff.type=NORMAL; staff.clef=BASS; staves.push_back(staff); break; case grandStaff: staff.type=GRAND_TOP; staff.clef=VIOLIN; staves.push_back(staff); staff.type=GRAND_BOTTOM; staff.clef=BASS; staves.push_back(staff); break; } } else { set tracks; for (MusECore::ciPart it=pl->begin(); it!=pl->end(); it++) tracks.insert(it->second->track()); MusECore::TrackList* tracklist = MusEGlobal::song->tracks(); // this loop is used for inserting track-staves in the // correct order. simply iterating through tracks's contents // would sort after the pointer values, i.e. randomly for (MusECore::ciTrack track_it=tracklist->begin(); track_it!=tracklist->end(); track_it++) if (tracks.find(*track_it)!=tracks.end()) { staff.parts.clear(); for (MusECore::ciPart part_it=pl->begin(); part_it!=pl->end(); part_it++) if (part_it->second->track() == *track_it) staff.parts.insert(part_it->second); staff.cleanup_parts(); staff.update_part_indices(); switch (((MusECore::MidiTrack*)(*track_it))->getClef()) { case trebleClef: staff.type=NORMAL; staff.clef=VIOLIN; staves.push_back(staff); break; case bassClef: staff.type=NORMAL; staff.clef=BASS; staves.push_back(staff); break; case grandStaff: staff.type=GRAND_TOP; staff.clef=VIOLIN; staves.push_back(staff); staff.type=GRAND_BOTTOM; staff.clef=BASS; staves.push_back(staff); break; } } } cleanup_staves(); fully_recalculate(); recalc_staff_pos(); } } ScoreCanvas::ScoreCanvas(ScoreEdit* pr, QWidget* parent_widget) : View(parent_widget, 1, 1) { parent = pr; setFocusPolicy(Qt::StrongFocus); setBg(Qt::white); setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding,QSizePolicy::Expanding); init_pixmaps(); srec=false; for (int i=0;i<128;i++) held_notes[i]=false; steprec=new MusECore::StepRec(held_notes); connect(MusEGlobal::song, SIGNAL(midiNote(int, int)), SLOT(midi_note(int,int))); x_pos=0; x_left=0; y_pos=0; have_lasso=false; inserting=false; dragging=false; drag_cursor_changed=false; mouse_erases_notes=false; mouse_inserts_notes=true; undo_started=false; selected_part=NULL; dragged_event_part=NULL; last_len=384; new_len=-1; // will be initalized with new_len_init by ScoreEdit::ScoreEdit(); _quant_power2=_quant_power2_init; // ScoreEdit relies on this to be done! _pixels_per_whole_init = _pixels_per_whole_init; note_velo=note_velo_init; note_velo_off=note_velo_off_init; dragging_staff=false; coloring_mode=coloring_mode_init; preamble_contains_keysig=preamble_contains_keysig_init; preamble_contains_timesig=preamble_contains_timesig_init; x_scroll_speed=0; x_scroll_pos=0; y_scroll_speed=0; y_scroll_pos=0; connect (MusEGlobal::heartBeatTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(heartbeat_timer_event())); connect(MusEGlobal::song, SIGNAL(posChanged(int, unsigned, bool)), SLOT(pos_changed(int,unsigned,bool))); connect(MusEGlobal::song, SIGNAL(playChanged(bool)), SLOT(play_changed(bool))); connect(MusEGlobal::muse, SIGNAL(configChanged()), SLOT(config_changed())); staff_menu=new QMenu(this); staffmode_treble_action = staff_menu->addAction(tr("Treble")); connect(staffmode_treble_action, SIGNAL(triggered()), SLOT(staffmode_treble_slot())); staffmode_bass_action = staff_menu->addAction(tr("Bass")); connect(staffmode_bass_action, SIGNAL(triggered()), SLOT(staffmode_bass_slot())); staffmode_both_action = staff_menu->addAction(tr("Grand Staff")); connect(staffmode_both_action, SIGNAL(triggered()), SLOT(staffmode_both_slot())); remove_staff_action = staff_menu->addAction(tr("Remove staff")); connect(remove_staff_action, SIGNAL(triggered()), SLOT(remove_staff_slot())); unsetCursor(); } ScoreCanvas::~ScoreCanvas() { delete steprec; } void ScoreCanvas::staffmode_treble_slot() { set_staffmode(current_staff, MODE_TREBLE); } void ScoreCanvas::staffmode_bass_slot() { set_staffmode(current_staff, MODE_BASS); } void ScoreCanvas::staffmode_both_slot() { set_staffmode(current_staff, MODE_BOTH); } void ScoreCanvas::remove_staff_slot() { remove_staff(current_staff); } void ScoreCanvas::set_staffmode(list::iterator it, staff_mode_t mode) { if (it->type == GRAND_BOTTOM) { it--; if (it->type!=GRAND_TOP) cerr << "ERROR: THIS SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN: grand_bottom without top!"<type==GRAND_TOP) { list::iterator tmp=it; tmp++; if (tmp->type!=GRAND_BOTTOM) cerr << "ERROR: THIS SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN: grand_top without bottom!"<type=NORMAL; it->clef=VIOLIN; break; case MODE_BASS: it->type=NORMAL; it->clef=BASS; break; case MODE_BOTH: it->type=GRAND_BOTTOM; it->clef=BASS; staves.insert(it, staff_t(this, GRAND_TOP, VIOLIN, it->parts)); break; default: cerr << "ERROR: ILLEGAL FUNCTION CALL: invalid mode in set_staffmode" << endl; } fully_recalculate(); recalc_staff_pos(); } void ScoreCanvas::remove_staff(list::iterator it) { if (it->type == GRAND_BOTTOM) { it--; if (it->type!=GRAND_TOP) cerr << "ERROR: THIS SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN: grand_bottom without top!"<type == NORMAL) { staves.erase(it); } else if (it->type == GRAND_TOP) { staves.erase(it++); if (it->type!=GRAND_BOTTOM) cerr << "ERROR: THIS SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN: grand_top without bottom!"<::iterator dest, list::iterator src) { if (dest->type == GRAND_BOTTOM) { dest--; if (dest->type!=GRAND_TOP) cerr << "ERROR: THIS SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN: grand_bottom without top!"<type == GRAND_BOTTOM) { src--; if (src->type!=GRAND_TOP) cerr << "ERROR: THIS SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN: grand_bottom without top!"<parts.insert(src->parts.begin(), src->parts.end()); if (dest->type == GRAND_TOP) { dest++; if (dest->type != GRAND_BOTTOM) cerr << "ERROR: THIS SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN: grand_top without bottom!"<parts.insert(src->parts.begin(), src->parts.end()); } dest->update_part_indices(); remove_staff(src); fully_recalculate(); recalc_staff_pos(); } void ScoreCanvas::move_staff_above(list::iterator dest, list::iterator src) { if (dest->type == GRAND_BOTTOM) { dest--; if (dest->type!=GRAND_TOP) cerr << "ERROR: THIS SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN: grand_bottom without top!"<type == GRAND_BOTTOM) { src--; if (src->type!=GRAND_TOP) cerr << "ERROR: THIS SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN: grand_bottom without top!"<::iterator src_end=src; src_end++; //point _after_ src if (src->type==GRAND_TOP) //if this is a grand staff, we need to splice two list-entries src_end++; staves.splice(dest, staves, src, src_end); fully_recalculate(); recalc_staff_pos(); } void ScoreCanvas::move_staff_below(list::iterator dest, list::iterator src) { if (dest->type == GRAND_TOP) { dest++; if (dest->type!=GRAND_BOTTOM) cerr << "ERROR: THIS SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN: grand_top without bottom!"< ScoreCanvas::get_all_parts() { set result; for (list::iterator it=staves.begin(); it!=staves.end(); it++) result.insert(it->parts.begin(), it->parts.end()); return result; } void ScoreCanvas::fully_recalculate() { song_changed(SC_EVENT_MODIFIED); } void ScoreCanvas::song_changed(int flags) { if(parent && parent->deleting()) // Ignore while while deleting to prevent crash. return; if (flags & (SC_PART_MODIFIED | SC_PART_REMOVED | SC_PART_INSERTED | SC_TRACK_REMOVED)) { update_parts(); if (flags & (SC_PART_REMOVED | SC_TRACK_REMOVED)) { for (list::iterator it=staves.begin(); it!=staves.end(); it++) it->cleanup_parts(); cleanup_staves(); for (list::iterator it=staves.begin(); it!=staves.end(); it++) it->recalculate(); recalc_staff_pos(); redraw(); } } if (flags & (SC_PART_MODIFIED | SC_EVENT_INSERTED | SC_EVENT_MODIFIED | SC_EVENT_REMOVED | SC_SIG | SC_KEY) ) { calc_pos_add_list(); for (list::iterator it=staves.begin(); it!=staves.end(); it++) it->recalculate(); recalc_staff_pos(); redraw(); emit canvas_width_changed(canvas_width()); } if (flags & SC_SELECTION) { redraw(); } } int ScoreCanvas::canvas_width() { //return tick_to_x(staves.begin()->itemlist.rbegin()->first); return tick_to_x(SONG_LENGTH); } int ScoreCanvas::canvas_height() { return staves.empty() ? 0 : staves.rbegin()->y_bottom; } int ScoreCanvas::viewport_width() { return (width() - x_left); } int ScoreCanvas::viewport_height() { return height(); } string IntToStr(int i) { ostringstream s; s<load(MusEGlobal::museGlobalShare + "/scoreglyphs/rest1.png"); pix_r2->load(MusEGlobal::museGlobalShare + "/scoreglyphs/rest2.png"); pix_r4->load(MusEGlobal::museGlobalShare + "/scoreglyphs/rest4.png"); pix_r8->load(MusEGlobal::museGlobalShare + "/scoreglyphs/rest8.png"); pix_r16->load(MusEGlobal::museGlobalShare + "/scoreglyphs/rest16.png"); pix_r32->load(MusEGlobal::museGlobalShare + "/scoreglyphs/rest32.png"); pix_flag_up[0].load(MusEGlobal::museGlobalShare + "/scoreglyphs/flags8u.png"); pix_flag_up[1].load(MusEGlobal::museGlobalShare + "/scoreglyphs/flags16u.png"); pix_flag_up[2].load(MusEGlobal::museGlobalShare + "/scoreglyphs/flags32u.png"); pix_flag_up[3].load(MusEGlobal::museGlobalShare + "/scoreglyphs/flags64u.png"); pix_flag_down[0].load(MusEGlobal::museGlobalShare + "/scoreglyphs/flags8d.png"); pix_flag_down[1].load(MusEGlobal::museGlobalShare + "/scoreglyphs/flags16d.png"); pix_flag_down[2].load(MusEGlobal::museGlobalShare + "/scoreglyphs/flags32d.png"); pix_flag_down[3].load(MusEGlobal::museGlobalShare + "/scoreglyphs/flags64d.png"); pix_clef_violin->load(MusEGlobal::museGlobalShare + "/scoreglyphs/clef_violin_big.png"); pix_clef_bass->load(MusEGlobal::museGlobalShare + "/scoreglyphs/clef_bass_big.png"); for (int i=0;i<10;i++) pix_num[i].load(MusEGlobal::museGlobalShare + "/scoreglyphs/"+IntToQStr(i)+".png"); pixmaps_initalized=true; if (debugMsg) cout << "done" << endl; } } int modulo(int a, int b) // similar to a % b { return (((a%b)+b)%b); } int divide_floor(int a, int b) // similar to a / b { return int(floor(float(a)/float(b))); } #define DEFAULT_REST_HEIGHT 6 bool operator< (const note_pos_t& a, const note_pos_t& b) { if (a.heightb.height) return false; return a.vorzeichen::const_iterator part_it=parts.begin(); part_it!=parts.end(); part_it++) { MusECore::Part* part=*part_it; MusECore::EventList* el=part->events(); for (MusECore::iEvent it=el->begin(); it!=el->end(); it++) { MusECore::Event& event=it->second; if ( ( event.isNote() && !event.isNoteOff() && // (event.endTick() <= part->lenTick()) ) && (event.tick() <= part->lenTick()) ) && // changed to accord to prcanvas.cpp and others (flo93) ( ((type==GRAND_TOP) && (event.pitch() >= SPLIT_NOTE)) || ((type==GRAND_BOTTOM) && (event.pitch() < SPLIT_NOTE)) || (type==NORMAL) ) ) { unsigned begin, end; begin=flo_quantize(event.tick()+part->tick(), parent->quant_ticks()); end=flo_quantize(event.endTick()+part->tick(), parent->quant_ticks()); if (end==begin) { if (heavyDebugMsg) cout << "note len would be quantized to zero. using minimal possible length" << endl; end=begin+parent->quant_ticks(); } if (heavyDebugMsg) cout << "inserting note on at "<second->sig.z<<"/"<second->sig.n<<"; ticks per measure = "<(from, FloEvent(from, FloEvent::TIME_SIG, it->second->sig.z, it->second->sig.n) ) ); for (unsigned t=from; t(t, FloEvent(t,0,0,ticks_per_measure,FloEvent::BAR) ) ); } //insert key changes for (MusECore::iKeyEvent it=MusEGlobal::keymap.begin(); it!=MusEGlobal::keymap.end(); it++) eventlist.insert(pair(it->second.tick, FloEvent(it->second.tick,FloEvent::KEY_CHANGE, it->second.key ) ) ); // phase two: deal with overlapping notes --------------------------- ScoreEventList::iterator it, it2; //iterate through all note_on - events for (it=eventlist.begin(); it!=eventlist.end(); it++) if (it->second.type==FloEvent::NOTE_ON) { unsigned end_tick=it->first + it->second.len; //iterate though all (relevant) later note_ons which are //at the same pitch. if there's a collision, shorten it's len for (it2=it, it2++; it2!=eventlist.end() && it2->first < end_tick; it2++) if ((it2->second.type==FloEvent::NOTE_ON) && (it2->second.pitch == it->second.pitch)) it->second.len=it2->first - it->first; } // phase three: eliminate zero-length-notes ------------------------- for (it=eventlist.begin(); it!=eventlist.end();) if ((it->second.type==FloEvent::NOTE_ON) && (it->second.len<=0)) eventlist.erase(it++); else it++; } bool is_sharp_key(MusECore::key_enum t) { return ((t>=MusECore::KEY_SHARP_BEGIN) && (t<=MusECore::KEY_SHARP_END)); } bool is_b_key(MusECore::key_enum t) { return ((t>=MusECore::KEY_B_BEGIN) && (t<=MusECore::KEY_B_END)); } int n_accidentials(MusECore::key_enum t) { if (is_sharp_key(t)) return t-MusECore::KEY_SHARP_BEGIN-1; else return t-MusECore::KEY_B_BEGIN-1; } //note needs to be 0..11 //always assumes violin clef //only for internal use note_pos_t note_pos_(int note, MusECore::key_enum key) { note_pos_t result; //C CIS D DIS E F FIS G GIS A AIS H int foo[12]={0,-1, 1,-1, 2,3,-1, 4,-1, 5, -1,6}; if ((note<0) || (note>=12)) cerr << "ERROR: ILLEGAL FUNCTION CALL (note_pos, note out of range)" << endl; if (foo[note]!=-1) { result.height=foo[note]; result.vorzeichen=NONE; } else { if (is_sharp_key(key)) { result.height=foo[note-1]; result.vorzeichen=SHARP; } else // if is_b_key { result.height=foo[note+1]; result.vorzeichen=B; } } // Special cases for GES / FIS keys if (key==MusECore::KEY_GES) { // convert a H to a Ces if (note==11) { result.height=12; result.vorzeichen=B; } } else if (key==MusECore::KEY_FIS) { // convert a F to an Eis if (note==5) { result.height=2; result.vorzeichen=SHARP; } } return result; } // V -------------------------- <-- height=10 // I C -------------------------- <-- height=8 // O L -------------------------- <-- height=6 // L E -------------------------- <-- height=4 // I F -------------------------- <-- height=2 // N --o-- <-- this is C4. height=0 // the "spaces" in between the lines have odd numbers. // that is, the space between line 2 and 4 is numbered 3. // these numbers do not change when clef changes. line 2 // is always the "bottom line" of the system. // in violin clef, line 2 is E4 // in bass clef, line 2 is G2 note_pos_t note_pos (unsigned note, MusECore::key_enum key, clef_t clef) { int octave=(note/12)-1; //integer division. note is unsigned note=note%12; //now octave contains the octave the note is in //(A4 is the 440Hz tone. C4 is the "low C" in the violin clef //and the "high C" in the bass clef. //note contains 0 for C, 1 for Cis, ..., 11 for H (or B if you're not german) note_pos_t pos=note_pos_(note,key); switch (clef) //CLEF_MARKER { case VIOLIN: pos.height=pos.height + (octave-4)*7; break; case BASS: pos.height=pos.height + (octave-3)*7 + 5; break; } return pos; } int calc_len(int l, int d) { // l=0,1,2 -> whole, half, quarter (think of 2^0, 2^1, 2^2) // d=number of dots int tmp=0; for (int i=0;i<=d;i++) tmp+=TICKS_PER_WHOLE / (1 << (l+i)); return tmp; } int calc_measure_len(const list& nums, int denom) { int sum=0; for (list::const_iterator it=nums.begin(); it!=nums.end(); it++) sum+=*it; return 64* sum/denom; } vector create_emphasize_list(const list& nums, int denom) { if (heavyDebugMsg) { cout << "creating emphasize list for "; for (list::const_iterator it=nums.begin(); it!=nums.end(); it++) cout << *it << " "; cout << "/ "< result(len); for (int i=0;i::const_iterator it=nums.begin(); it!=nums.end(); it++) { result[pos]=1; for (int i=1;i<*it;i++) result[pos + i*64/denom]=2; pos+= *it * 64 / denom; } result[0]=0; if (heavyDebugMsg) { for (int i=0;i create_emphasize_list(int num, int denom) { list nums; if (num%3 ==0) { for (int i=0;i parse_note_len(int len_ticks, int begin_tick, vector& foo, bool allow_dots, bool allow_normal) { list retval; if (len_ticks<0) cerr << "ERROR: ILLEGAL FUNCTION CALL in parse_note_len: len_ticks < 0" << endl; if (begin_tick<0) cerr << "ERROR: ILLEGAL FUNCTION CALL in parse_note_len: begin_tick < 0" << endl; if (allow_normal) { int dot_max = allow_dots ? MAX_QUANT_POWER : 0; for (int i=0;i<=MAX_QUANT_POWER;i++) for (int j=0;j<=dot_max-i;j++) if (calc_len(i,j) == len_ticks) { retval.push_back(note_len_t (i,j)); return retval; } } //if !allow_normal or if the above failed int begin=begin_tick * 64 / TICKS_PER_WHOLE; int len=len_ticks * 64 / TICKS_PER_WHOLE; unsigned pos=begin; int len_done=0; while (len_done& acc_list, const QPixmap& pix) { int n_acc_drawn=0; for (list::const_iterator acc_it=acc_list.begin(); acc_it!=acc_list.end(); acc_it++) { int y_coord=2*YLEN - ( *acc_it -2)*YLEN/2; draw_pixmap(p,x + n_acc_drawn*KEYCHANGE_ACC_DIST,y_offset + y_coord,pix); n_acc_drawn++; } } void staff_t::create_itemlist() { MusECore::key_enum tmp_key=MusECore::KEY_C; int lastevent=0; int next_measure=-1; int last_measure=-1; vector emphasize_list=create_emphasize_list(4,4); //actually unneccessary, for safety itemlist.clear(); for (ScoreEventList::iterator it=eventlist.begin(); it!=eventlist.end(); it++) { int t, pitch, len, velo, actual_tick; FloEvent::typeEnum type; t=it->first; pitch=it->second.pitch; velo=it->second.vel; len=it->second.len; type=it->second.type; actual_tick=it->second.tick; if (actual_tick==-1) actual_tick=t; note_pos_t notepos=note_pos(pitch,tmp_key,clef); if (heavyDebugMsg) { printf("FLO: t=%i\ttype=%i\tpitch=%i\tvel=%i\tlen=%i\n",it->first, it->second.type, it->second.pitch, it->second.vel, it->second.len); cout << "\tline="<quant_ticks())/2; if (heavyDebugMsg) cout << "\tend-of-measure: this was an empty measure. inserting rest in between at t="< lens=parse_note_len(rest,lastevent-last_measure,emphasize_list,DOTTED_RESTS,UNSPLIT_RESTS); unsigned tmppos=lastevent; for (list::iterator x=lens.begin(); x!=lens.end(); x++) { if (heavyDebugMsg) cout << "\t\tpartial rest with len="<len<<", dots="<dots<len,x->dots) ); tmppos+=calc_len(x->len,x->dots); itemlist[tmppos].insert( FloItem(FloItem::REST_END,notepos,0,0) ); } } } } lastevent=t; last_measure=t; next_measure=t+len; itemlist[t].insert( FloItem(FloItem::BAR,no_notepos,0,0) ); } else if (type==FloEvent::NOTE_ON) { int rest=t-lastevent; if (rest) { if (heavyDebugMsg) printf("\tset rest at %i with len %i\n",lastevent,rest); // no need to check if the rest crosses measure boundaries; // it can't. list lens=parse_note_len(rest,lastevent-last_measure,emphasize_list,DOTTED_RESTS,UNSPLIT_RESTS); unsigned tmppos=lastevent; for (list::iterator x=lens.begin(); x!=lens.end(); x++) { if (heavyDebugMsg) cout << "\t\tpartial rest with len="<len<<", dots="<dots<len,x->dots) ); tmppos+=calc_len(x->len,x->dots); itemlist[tmppos].insert( FloItem(FloItem::REST_END,notepos,0,0) ); } } if (heavyDebugMsg) printf("\tset note at %i with len=%i\n", t, len); int tmplen; bool tied_note; // if the note exceeds the current measure, split it. if (t+len>next_measure) { tmplen=next_measure-t; tied_note=true; //append the "remainder" of the note to our EventList, so that //it gets processed again when entering the new measure int newlen=len-tmplen; eventlist.insert(pair(next_measure, FloEvent(actual_tick,pitch, velo,0,FloEvent::NOTE_OFF, it->second.source_part, it->second.source_event))); eventlist.insert(pair(next_measure, FloEvent(actual_tick,pitch, velo,newlen,FloEvent::NOTE_ON, it->second.source_part, it->second.source_event))); if (heavyDebugMsg) cout << "\t\tnote was split to length "<(t+len, FloEvent(t+len,pitch, velo,0,FloEvent::NOTE_OFF,it->second.source_part, it->second.source_event))); } list lens=parse_note_len(tmplen,t-last_measure,emphasize_list,true,true); unsigned tmppos=t; int n_lens=lens.size(); int count=0; for (list::iterator x=lens.begin(); x!=lens.end(); x++) { if (heavyDebugMsg) cout << "\t\tpartial note with len="<len<<", dots="<dots<len,x->dots, tie, actual_tick, it->second.source_part, it->second.source_event) ); tmppos+=calc_len(x->len,x->dots); itemlist[tmppos].insert( FloItem(FloItem::NOTE_END,notepos,0,0) ); } } else if (type==FloEvent::NOTE_OFF) { lastevent=t; } else if (type==FloEvent::TIME_SIG) { if (heavyDebugMsg) cout << "inserting TIME SIGNATURE "<second.num<<"/"<second.denom<<" at "<second.num, it->second.denom) ); emphasize_list=create_emphasize_list(it->second.num, it->second.denom); } else if (type==FloEvent::KEY_CHANGE) { if (heavyDebugMsg) cout << "inserting KEY CHANGE ("<second.key<<") at "<second.key) ); tmp_key=it->second.key; } } } void staff_t::process_itemlist() { map occupied; int last_measure=0; vector emphasize_list=create_emphasize_list(4,4); //unneccessary, only for safety //iterate through all times with items for (ScoreItemList::iterator it2=itemlist.begin(); it2!=itemlist.end(); it2++) { set& curr_items=it2->second; if (heavyDebugMsg) cout << "at t="<first<::iterator it=curr_items.begin(); it!=curr_items.end(); it++) { if ((it->type==FloItem::NOTE) || (it->type==FloItem::REST)) occupied[it->pos.height]++; else if ((it->type==FloItem::NOTE_END) || (it->type==FloItem::REST_END)) occupied[it->pos.height]--; else if (it->type==FloItem::BAR) last_measure=it2->first; else if (it->type==FloItem::TIME_SIG) emphasize_list=create_emphasize_list(it->num, it->denom); } if (heavyDebugMsg) { cout << "occupied: "; for (map::iterator i=occupied.begin(); i!=occupied.end(); i++) if (i->second) cout << i->first << "("<second<<") "; cout << endl; } // phase 1: group rests together ----------------------------------- int n_groups=0; bool dont_group=false; //iterate through all rests R at that time // iterate through all rests X at that time below R // if something is between X and R ("barrier"), stop // else: group them together for (set::iterator it=curr_items.begin(); it!=curr_items.end();) { //only operate on rests; ignore rests which are created by this code //(can be seen on already_grouped) if ((it->type==FloItem::REST) && (it->already_grouped==false)) { if (heavyDebugMsg) cout << "trying to group" << endl; int lastheight; int height_cumulative=0; int counter=0; lastheight=it->pos.height; set::iterator tmp; for (tmp=it; tmp!=curr_items.end();) { if (heavyDebugMsg) cout << "checking if we can proceed with an item at height="<pos.height<pos.height-1; i++) if (occupied[i]!=0) { if (heavyDebugMsg) cout << "we can NOT, because occ["<pos.height; // the current item is a rest with equal len? cool! if (tmp->type==FloItem::REST && tmp->len==it->len && tmp->dots==it->dots) { // füge diese pause zur gruppe dazu und entferne sie von diesem set hier // entfernen aber nur, wenn sie nicht it, also die erste pause ist, die brauchen wir noch! if (heavyDebugMsg) cout << "\tgrouping rest at height="<pos.height<pos.height; counter++; if (tmp!=it) curr_items.erase(tmp++); else tmp++; } else //it's something else? well, we can stop grouping that rest then { if (heavyDebugMsg) cout << "we can NOT, because that item is not a rest" << endl; //stop grouping that rest goto get_out_here; } } if (heavyDebugMsg) cout << "no items to proceed on left, continuing" << endl; get_out_here: n_groups++; // entferne it vom set und // füge eine pause mit dem "mittelwert" ein. // occupied und die "_END"-events bleiben unberührt FloItem temp=*it; temp.already_grouped=true; // have we grouped all available rests into one single? if ( (n_groups==1) && (tmp==curr_items.end()) && !dont_group) { if (heavyDebugMsg) cout << "wow, we were able to group all rests into one single" << endl; if (temp.len==0) //the whole rest is shifted one line (one space and one line) temp.pos.height=DEFAULT_REST_HEIGHT+2; else temp.pos.height=DEFAULT_REST_HEIGHT; } else { if (heavyDebugMsg) cout << "creating group #"<height, the set considers temp and it equal (it doesn't // take already_grouped into account) // the result of this: insert does nothing, and erase erases // the item. effect: you don't have the rest at all curr_items.erase(it++); if (heavyDebugMsg) cout << "replacing all grouped rests with a rest at height="<type==FloItem::NOTE) dont_group=true; it++; } } // phase 2: avoid collisions of items ------------------------------ set::iterator lastit, groupbegin, invalid; invalid=curr_items.end(); lastit=invalid; groupbegin=invalid; int count; //TODO: is "grouping" notes and rests together okay? // or is it better to ignore rests when grouping? for (set::iterator it=curr_items.begin(); it!=curr_items.end(); it++) if ( (it->type==FloItem::NOTE) || (it->type==FloItem::REST) ) { if (lastit != invalid) { if (it->pos.height == lastit->pos.height+1) // they would collide? { if (groupbegin==invalid) // we have no group atm? { groupbegin=lastit; // start a new group count=1; // because lastit has to be taken into account. // for "it", there's a count++ later } // the following will work even on start-new-group, // because lastit will be "untouched", and that's why // still be initalized to "false" it->ausweich=!lastit->ausweich; count++; } else { if (groupbegin!=invalid) //this is the first item which { //doesn't belong to the previous group any more if (count%2 == 0) //count is even? if (modulo(groupbegin->pos.height, 2) == AUSWEICHEN_BEVORZUGT) for (set::iterator tmp=groupbegin; tmp!=it; tmp++) tmp->ausweich=!tmp->ausweich; groupbegin=invalid; } // else: everything is ok :) } } lastit=it; } // this could be the case if the last processed item before end() // still belonged to a group. finalize this last group as well: if (groupbegin!=invalid) { if (count%2 == 0) //count is even? if (modulo(groupbegin->pos.height, 2) == AUSWEICHEN_BEVORZUGT) for (set::iterator tmp=groupbegin; tmp!=curr_items.end(); tmp++) tmp->ausweich=!tmp->ausweich; } // else: everything is ok :) // phase 3: group notes by their length and ------------------------ // find out appropriate stem directions group_them_again: map lengths; bool has_whole=false; // find out which note lengths are present at that time for (set::iterator it=curr_items.begin(); it!=curr_items.end(); it++) if (it->type==FloItem::NOTE) lengths[it->len].add(it->pos.height); if (heavyDebugMsg) { cout << "note lengths at that time are:"; for (map::iterator it=lengths.begin(); it!=lengths.end(); it++) cout << it->first << "("<< it->second.mean() <<") "; cout << endl; } if (lengths.erase(0)) // in case "0" is in the set, erase it has_whole=true; // but remember there were whole notes if (lengths.size()==0) { if (heavyDebugMsg) cout << "no notes other than wholes, or no notes at all. we can relax" << endl; } else if (lengths.size()==1) { pair& group=*(lengths.begin()); stem_t stem; int shift=0; if (heavyDebugMsg) cout << "only one non-whole note group (len="<::iterator it=curr_items.begin(); it!=curr_items.end();) if (it->type==FloItem::NOTE) { //if *it belongs to group1 and has not already its destination length if (heavyDebugMsg) cout << "\tprocessing note-item with len="<len<lenfirst+group1_len_ticks; itemlist[t].insert( FloItem(FloItem::NOTE_END,tmp.pos,0,0) ); list lens=parse_note_len(len_ticks_remaining,t-last_measure,emphasize_list,true,true); unsigned tmppos=t; int n_lens=lens.size(); int count=0; for (list::iterator x=lens.begin(); x!=lens.end(); x++) { if (heavyDebugMsg) cout << "\t\twhile regrouping: partial note with len="<len<<", dots="<dots<len,x->dots, tie, tmp.begin_tick, tmp.source_part, tmp.source_event) ); tmppos+=calc_len(x->len,x->dots); itemlist[tmppos].insert( FloItem(FloItem::NOTE_END, tmp.pos,0,0) ); } } //else if *it belongs to group2 and has not already its destination length else if ((it->lenlen>group1_len)) { if (heavyDebugMsg) cout << "\t\thas to be changed to fit into group 2" << endl; FloItem tmp=*it; curr_items.erase(it++); int len_ticks_remaining=calc_len(tmp.len, tmp.dots)-group2_len_ticks; bool tied_note=tmp.tied; //shorten the current item to it's group's length tmp.len=group2_len; tmp.dots=0; tmp.tied=true; curr_items.insert(tmp); //create items for the remaining lengths (and a note_END for the just created shortened note) int t=it2->first+group2_len_ticks; itemlist[t].insert( FloItem(FloItem::NOTE_END,tmp.pos,0,0) ); list lens=parse_note_len(len_ticks_remaining,t-last_measure,emphasize_list,true,true); unsigned tmppos=t; int n_lens=lens.size(); int count=0; for (list::iterator x=lens.begin(); x!=lens.end(); x++) { if (heavyDebugMsg) cout << "\t\twhile regrouping: partial note with len="<len<<", dots="<dots<len,x->dots, tie, tmp.begin_tick, tmp.source_part, tmp.source_event) ); tmppos+=calc_len(x->len,x->dots); itemlist[tmppos].insert( FloItem(FloItem::NOTE_END,tmp.pos,0,0) ); } } else //nothing to do? { if (heavyDebugMsg) cout << "\t\tnothing to do" << endl; it++; } } else it++; goto group_them_again; //do it again } } } //draw a pixmap centered void ScoreCanvas::draw_pixmap(QPainter& p, int x, int y, const QPixmap& pm) { if (heavyDebugMsg) cout << "drawing pixmap with size="<size()); } void ScoreCanvas::draw_note_lines(QPainter& p, int y, bool reserve_akkolade_space) { int xbegin = reserve_akkolade_space ? AKKOLADE_LEFTMARGIN+AKKOLADE_WIDTH+AKKOLADE_RIGHTMARGIN : 0; int xend=width(); // FINDMICHJETZT y is uninitalized! p.setPen(Qt::black); for (int i=0;i<5;i++) p.drawLine(xbegin, y + i*YLEN - 2*YLEN, xend, y + i*YLEN - 2*YLEN); } void staff_t::calc_item_pos() { MusECore::key_enum curr_key=MusECore::KEY_C; //this has to be KEY_C or KEY_C_B and nothing else, //because only with these two keys the next (initial) //key signature is properly drawn. int pos_add=0; max_y_coord=0; min_y_coord=0; for (ScoreItemList::iterator it2=itemlist.begin(); it2!=itemlist.end(); it2++) { for (set::iterator it=it2->second.begin(); it!=it2->second.end();it++) { it->x=it2->first * parent->pixels_per_whole()/TICKS_PER_WHOLE +pos_add; //if this changes, also change the line(s) with YLEN (but not all). don't change it. it->y=2*YLEN - (it->pos.height-2)*YLEN/2; if (it->type==FloItem::NOTE) { if (it->y > max_y_coord) max_y_coord=it->y; if (it->y < min_y_coord) min_y_coord=it->y; it->x+=parent->note_x_indent() + it->shift*NOTE_SHIFT; switch (it->len) { case 0: it->pix=pix_whole; break; case 1: it->pix=pix_half; break; default: it->pix=pix_quarter; break; } it->stem_x=it->x; if (it->ausweich) { if ((it->stem==UPWARDS) || (it->len==0)) it->x += it->pix->width()-1; //AUSWEICH_X else it->x -= it->pix->width()-1; //AUSWEICH_X } //if there's a tie, try to find the tie's destination and set is_tie_dest if (it->tied) { set::iterator dest; set& desttime = itemlist[it2->first+calc_len(it->len,it->dots)]; for (dest=desttime.begin(); dest!=desttime.end();dest++) if ((dest->type==FloItem::NOTE) && (dest->pos==it->pos)) { dest->is_tie_dest=true; dest->tie_from_x=it->x; break; } if (dest==desttime.end()) cerr << "ERROR: THIS SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN: did not find destination note for tie!" << endl; } } else if (it->type==FloItem::REST) { switch (it->len) { case 0: it->pix=pix_r1; break; case 1: it->pix=pix_r2; break; case 2: it->pix=pix_r4; break; case 3: it->pix=pix_r8; break; case 4: it->pix=pix_r16; break; case 5: it->pix=pix_r32; break; } it->x+=parent->note_x_indent() + (it->ausweich ? REST_AUSWEICH_X : 0); //AUSWEICH_X } else if (it->type==FloItem::BAR) { //nothing to do :) } else if (it->type==FloItem::TIME_SIG) { int add=calc_timesig_width(it->num, it->denom); pos_add+=add; } else if (it->type==FloItem::KEY_CHANGE) { MusECore::key_enum new_key=it->key; list aufloes_list=calc_accidentials(curr_key, clef, new_key); list new_acc_list=calc_accidentials(new_key, clef); int n_acc_drawn=aufloes_list.size() + new_acc_list.size(); pos_add+=n_acc_drawn*KEYCHANGE_ACC_DIST+ KEYCHANGE_ACC_LEFTDIST+ KEYCHANGE_ACC_RIGHTDIST; curr_key=new_key; } } } max_y_coord+= (pix_quarter->height()/2 +NOTE_YDIST/2); min_y_coord-= (pix_quarter->height()/2 +NOTE_YDIST/2); } void ScoreCanvas::calc_pos_add_list() { using AL::sigmap; using AL::iSigEvent; pos_add_list.clear(); //process time signatures for (iSigEvent it=sigmap.begin(); it!=sigmap.end(); it++) pos_add_list[it->second->tick]+=calc_timesig_width(it->second->sig.z, it->second->sig.n); //process key changes MusECore::key_enum curr_key=MusECore::KEY_C; //this has to be KEY_C or KEY_C_B and nothing else, //because only with these two keys the next (initial) //key signature is properly calculated. for (MusECore::iKeyEvent it=MusEGlobal::keymap.begin(); it!=MusEGlobal::keymap.end(); it++) { MusECore::key_enum new_key=it->second.key; list aufloes_list=calc_accidentials(curr_key, VIOLIN, new_key); //clef argument is unneccessary list new_acc_list=calc_accidentials(new_key, VIOLIN); //in this case int n_acc_drawn=aufloes_list.size() + new_acc_list.size(); pos_add_list[it->second.tick]+=n_acc_drawn*KEYCHANGE_ACC_DIST+ KEYCHANGE_ACC_LEFTDIST+ KEYCHANGE_ACC_RIGHTDIST; curr_key=new_key; } emit pos_add_changed(); } void ScoreCanvas::draw_items(QPainter& p, int y, staff_t& staff, int x1, int x2) { int from_tick, to_tick; ScoreItemList::iterator from_it, to_it; //drawing too much isn't bad. drawing too few is. from_tick=x_to_tick(x1); from_it=staff.itemlist.lower_bound(from_tick); //from_it now contains the first time which is fully drawn //however, the previous beat could still be relevant, when it's //partly drawn. so we decrement from_it if (from_it!=staff.itemlist.begin()) from_it--; //decrement until we're at a time with a bar //otherwise, drawing accidentials will be broken while (from_it!=staff.itemlist.begin() && from_it->second.find(FloItem(FloItem::BAR))==from_it->second.end()) from_it--; to_tick=x_to_tick(x2); to_it=staff.itemlist.upper_bound(to_tick); //to_it now contains the first time which is not drawn at all any more //however, a tie from 1:04 to 2:01 is stored in 2:01, not in 1:04, //so for drawing ties, we need to increment to_it, so that the //"first time not drawn at all any more" is the last which gets //actually drawn. if (to_it!=staff.itemlist.end()) to_it++; //do one tick more than neccessary. this will draw ties draw_items(p,y, staff, from_it, to_it); } void ScoreCanvas::draw_items(QPainter& p, int y, staff_t& staff) { draw_items(p,y, staff,x_pos,x_pos+width()-x_left); } void ScoreCanvas::draw_items(QPainter& p, int y_offset, staff_t& staff, ScoreItemList::iterator from_it, ScoreItemList::iterator to_it) { // init accidentials properly vorzeichen_t curr_accidential[7]; vorzeichen_t default_accidential[7]; MusECore::key_enum curr_key; curr_key=key_at_tick(from_it->first); list new_acc_list=calc_accidentials(curr_key, staff.clef); vorzeichen_t new_accidential = is_sharp_key(curr_key) ? SHARP : B; for (int i=0;i<7;i++) curr_accidential[i]=default_accidential[i]=NONE; for (list::iterator acc_it=new_acc_list.begin(); acc_it!=new_acc_list.end(); acc_it++) default_accidential[*acc_it % 7]=curr_accidential[*acc_it % 7]=new_accidential; for (ScoreItemList::iterator it2=from_it; it2!=to_it; it2++) { if (heavyDebugMsg) cout << "at t="<first << endl; int upstem_y1 = -1, upstem_y2=-1, upstem_x=-1, upflag=-1; int downstem_y1 = -1, downstem_y2=-1, downstem_x=-1, downflag=-1; for (set::iterator it=it2->second.begin(); it!=it2->second.end();it++) { if (it->type==FloItem::NOTE) { if (heavyDebugMsg) { cout << "\tNOTE at line"<pos.height<<" with acc.="<pos.vorzeichen<<", len="<len); for (int i=0;idots;i++) cout << "."; cout << " , stem="; if (it->stem==UPWARDS) cout << "UPWARDS"; else cout << "DOWNWARDS"; cout << " , shift="<shift<<", ausweich="<ausweich<<", "; if (!it->tied) cout << "un"; cout << "tied, is_tie_dest="<is_tie_dest<len!=0) //only for non-whole notes the stems are relevant! { if (it->stem==UPWARDS) { if (upstem_y1 == -1) upstem_y1=it->y; upstem_y2=it->y; if ((upflag!=-1) && (upflag!=it->len)) cerr << "ERROR: THIS SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN: upflag != this->flag" << endl; upflag=it->len; if ((upstem_x!=-1) && (upstem_x!=it->stem_x )) cerr << "ERROR: THIS SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN: upstem_x != x_result" << endl; upstem_x=it->stem_x; } else { if (downstem_y1 == -1) downstem_y1=it->y; downstem_y2=it->y; if ((downflag!=-1) && (downflag!=it->len)) cerr << "ERROR: THIS SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN: downflag != this->flag" << endl; downflag=it->len; if ((downstem_x!=-1) && (downstem_x!=it->stem_x)) cerr << "ERROR: THIS SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN: downstem_x != x_result" << endl; downstem_x=it->stem_x; //important: before the below calculation! } } if (it->pos.height <= 0) //we need auxiliary lines on the bottom? { p.setPen(Qt::black); for (int i=0; i>=it->pos.height; i-=2) p.drawLine(it->x-it->pix->width()*AUX_LINE_LEN/2 -x_pos+x_left,y_offset + 2*YLEN - (i-2)*YLEN/2,it->x+it->pix->width()*AUX_LINE_LEN/2-x_pos+x_left,y_offset + 2*YLEN - (i-2)*YLEN/2); } else if (it->pos.height >= 12) //we need auxiliary lines on the top? { p.setPen(Qt::black); for (int i=12; i<=it->pos.height; i+=2) p.drawLine(it->x-it->pix->width()*AUX_LINE_LEN/2 -x_pos+x_left,y_offset + 2*YLEN - (i-2)*YLEN/2,it->x+it->pix->width()*AUX_LINE_LEN/2-x_pos+x_left,y_offset + 2*YLEN - (i-2)*YLEN/2); } it->is_active= ( (MusEGlobal::song->cpos() >= it->source_event->tick() + it->source_part->tick()) && (MusEGlobal::song->cpos() < it->source_event->endTick() + it->source_part->tick()) ); int color_index; switch (coloring_mode) { case COLOR_MODE_BLACK: color_index=BLACK_PIXMAP; break; case COLOR_MODE_PART: color_index=it->source_part->colorIndex(); break; case COLOR_MODE_VELO: color_index=VELO_PIXMAP_BEGIN + it->source_event->velo(); break; } if (it->source_event->selected()) color_index=SELECTED_PIXMAP; if (MusEGlobal::audio->isPlaying() && it->is_active) color_index=HIGHLIGHTED_PIXMAP; draw_pixmap(p,it->x -x_pos+x_left,y_offset + it->y,it->pix[color_index]); //draw dots int x_dot=DOT_XBEGIN; int y_dot; if (modulo(it->pos.height, 2) == 0) //note is on a line? y_dot=YLEN * 0.33; // actually 0.5, but that would be _exactly_ in the space else //note is between two lines? y_dot=YLEN * 0.1; if (it->stem==DOWNWARDS) y_dot=-y_dot; //else y_dot=y_dot; for (int i=0;idots;i++) { draw_pixmap(p,it->x+x_dot -x_pos+x_left,y_offset + it->y+y_dot,pix_dot[color_index]); x_dot+=DOT_XDIST; } //draw accidentials if (it->pos.vorzeichen != curr_accidential[modulo(it->pos.height,7)]) { QPixmap* acc_pix; switch (it->pos.vorzeichen) { case NONE: acc_pix=pix_noacc; break; case SHARP: acc_pix=pix_sharp; break; case B: acc_pix=pix_b; break; } draw_pixmap(p,it->x-ACCIDENTIAL_DIST -x_pos+x_left,y_offset + it->y, acc_pix[color_index]); curr_accidential[modulo(it->pos.height,7)]=it->pos.vorzeichen; } //if needed, draw tie if (it->is_tie_dest) { if (heavyDebugMsg) cout << "drawing tie" << endl; draw_tie(p,it->tie_from_x-x_pos+x_left,it->x -x_pos+x_left,y_offset + it->y, (it->len==0) ? true : (it->stem==DOWNWARDS) , mycolors[color_index]); // in english: "if it's a whole note, tie is upwards (true). if not, tie is upwards if // stem is downwards and vice versa" } } else if (it->type==FloItem::REST) { if (heavyDebugMsg) { cout << "\tREST at line"<pos.height<<" with len="<len); for (int i=0;idots;i++) cout << "."; cout << " , ausweich="<ausweich<x -x_pos+x_left,y_offset + it->y,*it->pix); //draw dots int x_dot=DOT_XBEGIN_REST; int y_dot; if (modulo(it->pos.height, 2) == 0) //rest is on a line? y_dot=YLEN * 0.33; // actually 0.5, but that would be _exactly_ in the space else //note is between two lines? y_dot=YLEN * 0.1; if (it->len!=0) // all rests except the whole are treated as y_dot=-y_dot; // if they had a downwards stem for (int i=0;idots;i++) { draw_pixmap(p,it->x+x_dot -x_pos+x_left,y_offset + it->y+y_dot,pix_dot[BLACK_PIXMAP]); x_dot+=DOT_XDIST; } } else if (it->type==FloItem::BAR) { if (heavyDebugMsg) cout << "\tBAR" << endl; p.setPen(Qt::black); p.drawLine(it->x -x_pos+x_left,y_offset -2*YLEN,it->x -x_pos+x_left,y_offset +2*YLEN); for (int i=0;i<7;i++) curr_accidential[i]=default_accidential[i]; } else if (it->type==FloItem::TIME_SIG) { if (heavyDebugMsg) cout << "\tTIME SIGNATURE: "<num<<"/"<denom<x - x_pos+x_left, y_offset, it->num, it->denom); } else if (it->type==FloItem::KEY_CHANGE) { MusECore::key_enum new_key=it->key; if (heavyDebugMsg) cout << "\tKEY CHANGE: from "< aufloes_list=calc_accidentials(curr_key, staff.clef, new_key); list new_acc_list=calc_accidentials(new_key, staff.clef); // vorzeichen aus curr_key auflösen draw_accidentials(p, it->x + KEYCHANGE_ACC_LEFTDIST - x_pos+x_left, y_offset, aufloes_list, pix_noacc[BLACK_PIXMAP]); // alle vorzeichen aus new_key zeichnen QPixmap* pix = is_sharp_key(new_key) ? &pix_sharp[BLACK_PIXMAP] : &pix_b[BLACK_PIXMAP]; vorzeichen_t new_accidential = is_sharp_key(new_key) ? SHARP : B; draw_accidentials(p, it->x + aufloes_list.size()*KEYCHANGE_ACC_DIST + KEYCHANGE_ACC_LEFTDIST - x_pos+x_left, y_offset, new_acc_list, *pix); for (int i=0;i<7;i++) curr_accidential[i]=default_accidential[i]=NONE; for (list::iterator acc_it=new_acc_list.begin(); acc_it!=new_acc_list.end(); acc_it++) default_accidential[*acc_it % 7]=curr_accidential[*acc_it % 7]=new_accidential; curr_key=new_key; } } p.setPen(Qt::black); //note: y1 is bottom, y2 is top! if (upstem_x!=-1) { upstem_x=upstem_x-pix_quarter[0].width()/2 +pix_quarter[0].width() -1; p.drawLine(upstem_x -x_pos+x_left, y_offset + upstem_y1, upstem_x -x_pos+x_left, y_offset + upstem_y2-STEM_LEN); if (upflag>=3) //if the note needs a flag p.drawPixmap(upstem_x -x_pos+x_left,y_offset + upstem_y2-STEM_LEN,pix_flag_up[upflag-3]); } if (downstem_x!=-1) { downstem_x=downstem_x-pix_quarter[0].width()/2; p.drawLine(downstem_x -x_pos+x_left, y_offset + downstem_y1+STEM_LEN, downstem_x -x_pos+x_left, y_offset + downstem_y2); if (downflag>=3) //if the note needs a flag p.drawPixmap(downstem_x -x_pos+x_left,y_offset + downstem_y1+STEM_LEN-pix_flag_down[downflag-3].height(),pix_flag_down[downflag-3]); } } } bool ScoreCanvas::need_redraw_for_hilighting() { for (list::iterator it=staves.begin(); it!=staves.end(); it++) if (need_redraw_for_hilighting(it->itemlist)) return true; return false; } bool ScoreCanvas::need_redraw_for_hilighting(ScoreItemList& itemlist) { return need_redraw_for_hilighting(itemlist, x_pos,x_pos+width()-x_left); } bool ScoreCanvas::need_redraw_for_hilighting(ScoreItemList& itemlist, int x1, int x2) { int from_tick, to_tick; ScoreItemList::iterator from_it, to_it; from_tick=x_to_tick(x1); from_it=itemlist.lower_bound(from_tick); //from_it now contains the first time which is fully drawn //however, the previous beat could still be relevant, when it's //partly drawn. so we decrement from_it if (from_it!=itemlist.begin()) from_it--; to_tick=x_to_tick(x2); to_it=itemlist.upper_bound(to_tick); //to_it now contains the first time which is not drawn at all any more return need_redraw_for_hilighting(from_it, to_it); } bool ScoreCanvas::need_redraw_for_hilighting(ScoreItemList::iterator from_it, ScoreItemList::iterator to_it) { //if we aren't playing, there will never be a need for redrawing due to highlighting things if (MusEGlobal::audio->isPlaying()==false) return false; for (ScoreItemList::iterator it2=from_it; it2!=to_it; it2++) for (set::iterator it=it2->second.begin(); it!=it2->second.end();it++) if (it->type==FloItem::NOTE) { bool is_active= ( (MusEGlobal::song->cpos() >= it->source_event->tick() + it->source_part->tick()) && (MusEGlobal::song->cpos() < it->source_event->endTick() + it->source_part->tick()) ); if (it->is_active != is_active) return true; } return false; } int clef_height(clef_t clef) { switch (clef) //CLEF_MARKER { case VIOLIN: return 4; case BASS: return 8; default: cerr << "ERROR: ILLEGAL FUNCTION CALL in clef_height()" << endl; return 6; } } #define TIMESIG_LEFTMARGIN 5 #define TIMESIG_RIGHTMARGIN 5 #define DIGIT_YDIST 9 #define DIGIT_WIDTH 12 #define CLEF_LEFTMARGIN 5 #define CLEF_RIGHTMARGIN 5 void ScoreCanvas::draw_preamble(QPainter& p, int y_offset, clef_t clef, bool reserve_akkolade_space, bool with_akkolade) { int x_left_old=x_left; int tick=x_to_tick(x_pos); // maybe draw akkolade ---------------------------------------------- if (reserve_akkolade_space) { if (with_akkolade) draw_akkolade(p, AKKOLADE_LEFTMARGIN, y_offset+GRANDSTAFF_DISTANCE/2); x_left= AKKOLADE_LEFTMARGIN + AKKOLADE_WIDTH + AKKOLADE_RIGHTMARGIN; } else x_left=0; // draw clef -------------------------------------------------------- QPixmap* pix_clef= (clef==BASS) ? pix_clef_bass : pix_clef_violin; int y_coord=2*YLEN - ( clef_height(clef) -2)*YLEN/2; draw_pixmap(p,x_left + CLEF_LEFTMARGIN + pix_clef->width()/2,y_offset + y_coord,*pix_clef); x_left+= CLEF_LEFTMARGIN + pix_clef->width() + CLEF_RIGHTMARGIN; // draw accidentials ------------------------------------------------ if (preamble_contains_keysig) { x_left+=KEYCHANGE_ACC_LEFTDIST; MusECore::key_enum key=key_at_tick(tick); QPixmap* pix_acc=is_sharp_key(key) ? &pix_sharp[BLACK_PIXMAP] : &pix_b[BLACK_PIXMAP]; list acclist=calc_accidentials(key,clef); draw_accidentials(p,x_left, y_offset, acclist ,*pix_acc); x_left+=acclist.size()*KEYCHANGE_ACC_DIST + KEYCHANGE_ACC_RIGHTDIST; } // draw time signature ---------------------------------------------- if (preamble_contains_timesig) { x_left+=TIMESIG_LEFTMARGIN; timesig_t timesig=timesig_at_tick(tick); draw_timesig(p, x_left, y_offset, timesig.num, timesig.denom); x_left+=calc_timesig_width(timesig.num, timesig.denom)+TIMESIG_RIGHTMARGIN; } // draw bar --------------------------------------------------------- p.setPen(Qt::black); p.drawLine(x_left,y_offset -2*YLEN,x_left,y_offset +2*YLEN); if (x_left_old!=x_left) { emit viewport_width_changed(viewport_width()); emit preamble_width_changed(x_left); } } void ScoreCanvas::draw_timesig(QPainter& p, int x, int y_offset, int num, int denom) { int num_width=calc_number_width(num); int denom_width=calc_number_width(denom); int width=((num_width > denom_width) ? num_width : denom_width); int num_indent=(width-num_width)/2 + TIMESIG_LEFTMARGIN; int denom_indent=(width-denom_width)/2 + TIMESIG_LEFTMARGIN; draw_number(p, x+num_indent, y_offset -DIGIT_YDIST, num); draw_number(p, x+denom_indent, y_offset +DIGIT_YDIST, denom); } int calc_timesig_width(int num, int denom) { int num_width=calc_number_width(num); int denom_width=calc_number_width(denom); int width=((num_width > denom_width) ? num_width : denom_width); return width+TIMESIG_LEFTMARGIN+TIMESIG_RIGHTMARGIN; } int calc_number_width(int n) { string str=IntToStr(n); return (str.length()*DIGIT_WIDTH); } void ScoreCanvas::draw_number(QPainter& p, int x, int y, int n) { string str=IntToStr(n); int curr_x=x+DIGIT_WIDTH/2; for (size_t i=0;i::iterator it=staves.begin(); it!=staves.end(); it++) if (it->type==GRAND_TOP) { reserve_akkolade_space=true; break; } for (list::iterator it=staves.begin(); it!=staves.end(); it++) { //TODO: maybe only draw visible staves? draw_note_lines(p,it->y_draw - y_pos, reserve_akkolade_space); draw_preamble(p,it->y_draw - y_pos, it->clef, reserve_akkolade_space, (it->type==GRAND_TOP)); p.setClipRect(x_left+1,0,p.device()->width(),p.device()->height()); draw_items(p,it->y_draw - y_pos, *it); p.setClipping(false); } if (have_lasso) { p.setPen(Qt::blue); p.setBrush(Qt::NoBrush); p.drawRect(lasso); } if (debugMsg) cout << "drawing done." << endl; } list calc_accidentials(MusECore::key_enum key, clef_t clef, MusECore::key_enum next_key) { list result; int violin_sharp_pos[]={10,7,11,8,5,9,6}; //CLEF_MARKER int violin_b_pos[]={6,9,5,8,4,7,3}; int bass_sharp_pos[]={8,5,9,6,3,7,4}; int bass_b_pos[]={4,7,3,6,2,5,1}; int* accidential_pos; switch (clef) { case VIOLIN: accidential_pos = is_sharp_key(key) ? violin_sharp_pos : violin_b_pos; break; case BASS: accidential_pos = is_sharp_key(key) ? bass_sharp_pos : bass_b_pos; break; } int begin=0; if (is_sharp_key(key)==is_sharp_key(next_key)) //same kind of key (both b or both #)? begin=n_accidentials(next_key); else begin=0; int end=n_accidentials(key); for (int i=begin; i::iterator it=pos_add_list.begin(); it!=pos_add_list.end() && it->first<=t; it++) x+=it->second; return x; } int ScoreCanvas::delta_tick_to_delta_x(int t) { return t*pixels_per_whole()/TICKS_PER_WHOLE; } int ScoreCanvas::calc_posadd(int t) { int result=0; for (std::map::iterator it=pos_add_list.begin(); it!=pos_add_list.end() && it->firstsecond; return result; } //doesn't round mathematically correct, but i don't think this //will be a problem, because a tick is pretty small int ScoreCanvas::x_to_tick(int x) { int t=TICKS_PER_WHOLE * x/pixels_per_whole(); int min_t=0; for (std::map::iterator it=pos_add_list.begin(); it!=pos_add_list.end() && it->firstfirst; x-=it->second; t=TICKS_PER_WHOLE * x/pixels_per_whole(); } return t > min_t ? t : min_t; } MusECore::key_enum ScoreCanvas::key_at_tick(int t_) { unsigned int t= (t_>=0) ? t_ : 0; return MusEGlobal::keymap.keyAtTick(t); } timesig_t ScoreCanvas::timesig_at_tick(int t_) { timesig_t tmp; unsigned int t= (t_>=0) ? t_ : 0; AL::sigmap.timesig(t, tmp.num, tmp.denom); return tmp; } int ScoreCanvas::height_to_pitch(int h, clef_t clef) { int foo[]={0,2,4,5,7,9,11}; switch(clef) //CLEF_MARKER { case VIOLIN: return foo[modulo(h,7)] + ( divide_floor(h,7)*12 ) + 60; case BASS: return foo[modulo((h-5),7)] + ( divide_floor(h-5,7)*12 ) + 48; default: cerr << "ERROR: THIS SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN: unknown clef in height_to_pitch" << endl; return 60; } } int ScoreCanvas::height_to_pitch(int h, clef_t clef, MusECore::key_enum key) { int add=0; list accs=calc_accidentials(key,clef); for (list::iterator it=accs.begin(); it!=accs.end(); it++) { if (modulo(*it,7) == modulo(h,7)) { add=is_sharp_key(key) ? 1 : -1; break; } } return height_to_pitch(h,clef)+add; } int ScoreCanvas::y_to_height(int y) { return int(nearbyint(float(2*YLEN - y)*2.0/YLEN))+2 ; } int ScoreCanvas::y_to_pitch(int y, int t, clef_t clef) { return height_to_pitch(y_to_height(y), clef, key_at_tick(t)); } #define DRAG_INIT_DISTANCE 5 void ScoreCanvas::mousePressEvent (QMouseEvent* event) { keystate=event->modifiers(); bool ctrl=keystate & Qt::ControlModifier; // den errechneten tick immer ABrunden! // denn der "bereich" eines schlags geht von schlag_begin bis nächsterschlag_begin-1 // noten werden aber genau in die mitte dieses bereiches gezeichnet list::iterator staff_it=staff_at_y(event->y() + y_pos); int y=event->y() + y_pos - staff_it->y_draw; int x=event->x()+x_pos-x_left; int tick=flo_quantize_floor(x_to_tick(x), quant_ticks()); if (staff_it!=staves.end()) { if (event->x() <= x_left) //clicked in the preamble? { if (event->button() == Qt::RightButton) //right-click? { current_staff=staff_it; staff_menu->popup(event->globalPos()); } else if (event->button() == Qt::MidButton) //middle click? { remove_staff(staff_it); } else if (event->button() == Qt::LeftButton) //left click? { current_staff=staff_it; setCursor(Qt::SizeAllCursor); dragging_staff=true; } } else { ScoreItemList& itemlist=staff_it->itemlist; if (debugMsg) cout << "mousePressEvent at "<len, found->dots); } } while (found->tied); int total_begin=set_it->begin_tick; int total_end=t; int this_begin=tick; int this_end=this_begin+calc_len(set_it->len, set_it->dots); set_selected_part(set_it->source_part); //that's the only note corresponding to the event? if (this_begin==total_begin && this_end==total_end) { if (x < set_it->x) mouse_x_drag_operation=BEGIN; else mouse_x_drag_operation=LENGTH; } //that's NOT the only note? else { if (this_begin==total_begin) mouse_x_drag_operation=BEGIN; else if (this_end==total_end) mouse_x_drag_operation=LENGTH; else mouse_x_drag_operation=NO_OP; } if (debugMsg) cout << "you clicked at a note with begin at "<begin_tick<<" and end at "<source_part << endl; if (set_it->source_part == NULL) cerr << "ERROR: THIS SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN: set_it->source_part is NULL!" << endl; clicked_event_ptr=set_it->source_event; dragged_event=*set_it->source_event; original_dragged_event=dragged_event.clone(); set_dragged_event_part(set_it->source_part); if ((mouse_erases_notes) || (event->button()==Qt::MidButton)) //erase? { MusEGlobal::audio->msgDeleteEvent(dragged_event, dragged_event_part, true, false, false); } else if (event->button()==Qt::LeftButton) //edit? { setMouseTracking(true); dragging=true; drag_cursor_changed=false; } } else //we found nothing? if (event->button()==Qt::LeftButton) { if (mouse_inserts_notes) { MusECore::Part* curr_part = NULL; set possible_dests=staff_it->parts_at_tick(tick); if (!possible_dests.empty()) { if (possible_dests.size()==1) curr_part=*possible_dests.begin(); else { if (possible_dests.find(selected_part)!=possible_dests.end()) curr_part=selected_part; else QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Ambiguous part"), tr("There are two or more possible parts you could add the note to, but none matches the selected part. Please select the destination part by clicking on any note belonging to it and try again, or add a new stave containing only the destination part.")); } } else QMessageBox::information(this, tr("No part"), tr("There are no parts you could add the note to.")); if (curr_part!=NULL) { signed int relative_tick=(signed) tick - curr_part->tick(); if (relative_tick<0) cerr << "ERROR: THIS SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN: relative_tick is negative!" << endl; if (!ctrl) deselect_all(); MusECore::Event newevent(MusECore::Note); newevent.setPitch(y_to_pitch(y,tick, staff_it->clef)); newevent.setVelo(note_velo); newevent.setVeloOff(note_velo_off); newevent.setTick(relative_tick); newevent.setLenTick((new_len>0)?new_len:last_len); newevent.setSelected(true); if (flo_quantize(newevent.lenTick(), quant_ticks()) <= 0) { newevent.setLenTick(quant_ticks()); if (debugMsg) cout << "inserted note's length would be invisible after quantisation (too short)." << endl << " setting it to " << newevent.lenTick() << endl; } if (newevent.endTick() > curr_part->lenTick()) { if (debugMsg) cout << "clipping inserted note from len="<undo(); MusEGlobal::audio->msgDeleteEvent(dragged_event, dragged_event_part, true, false, false); } else { last_len=flo_quantize(dragged_event.lenTick(), quant_ticks()); } } if (mouse_operation==NO_OP && !inserting) { if (event->button()==Qt::LeftButton) if (!ctrl) deselect_all(); clicked_event_ptr->setSelected(!clicked_event_ptr->selected()); MusEGlobal::song->update(SC_SELECTION); } setMouseTracking(false); unsetCursor(); inserting=false; dragging=false; drag_cursor_changed=false; undo_started=false; x_scroll_speed=0; x_scroll_pos=0; } if (dragging_staff && event->button()==Qt::LeftButton) { int y=event->y()+y_pos; list::iterator mouse_staff=staff_at_y(y); if (mouse_staff!=staves.end()) { if ( ((mouse_staff->type==NORMAL) && (y >= mouse_staff->y_draw-2*YLEN) && (y <= mouse_staff->y_draw+2*YLEN)) || ((mouse_staff->type==GRAND_TOP) && (y >= mouse_staff->y_draw-2*YLEN)) || ((mouse_staff->type==GRAND_BOTTOM) && (y <= mouse_staff->y_draw+2*YLEN)) ) merge_staves(mouse_staff, current_staff); else if (y >= mouse_staff->y_draw+2*YLEN) //will never happen when mouse_staff->type==GRAND_TOP move_staff_below(mouse_staff, current_staff); else if (y <= mouse_staff->y_draw-2*YLEN) //will never happen when mouse_staff->type==GRAND_BOTTOM move_staff_above(mouse_staff, current_staff); } dragging_staff=false; unsetCursor(); y_scroll_speed=0; y_scroll_pos=0; } if (have_lasso && event->button()==Qt::LeftButton) { if (!ctrl) deselect_all(); set already_processed; for (list::iterator it=staves.begin(); it!=staves.end(); it++) it->apply_lasso(lasso.translated(x_pos-x_left, y_pos - it->y_draw), already_processed); MusEGlobal::song->update(SC_SELECTION); have_lasso=false; redraw(); } } #define PITCH_DELTA 5 void ScoreCanvas::mouseMoveEvent (QMouseEvent* event) { keystate=event->modifiers(); bool ctrl=keystate & Qt::ControlModifier; if (dragging) { int dx=event->x()-mouse_down_pos.x(); int dy=event->y()-mouse_down_pos.y(); int x=event->x()+x_pos-x_left; int tick=flo_quantize_floor(x_to_tick(x), quant_ticks()); if ((drag_cursor_changed==false) && ((dx!=0) || (dy!=0))) { setCursor(Qt::SizeAllCursor); drag_cursor_changed=true; } if (mouse_operation==NO_OP) { if ((abs(dx)>DRAG_INIT_DISTANCE) && (mouse_x_drag_operation!=NO_OP)) { if (debugMsg) cout << "mouse-operation is now "<DRAG_INIT_DISTANCE) { if (debugMsg) cout << "mouse-operation is now PITCH" << endl; mouse_operation=PITCH; setCursor(Qt::SizeVerCursor); } if (mouse_operation!=NO_OP) { if (!inserting && clicked_event_ptr->selected()==false) { if (!ctrl) deselect_all(); clicked_event_ptr->setSelected(true); MusEGlobal::song->update(SC_SELECTION); } old_pitch=-1; old_dest_tick=MAXINT; old_len=-1; } } int new_pitch; switch (mouse_operation) { case NONE: break; case PITCH: if (heavyDebugMsg) cout << "trying to change pitch, delta="<<-nearbyint((float)dy/PITCH_DELTA)< 127) new_pitch=127; if (new_pitch != old_pitch) { if (debugMsg) cout << "changing pitch, delta="<undo(); undo_started=transpose_notes(part_to_set(dragged_event_part),1, new_pitch-original_dragged_event.pitch()); old_pitch=new_pitch; } break; case BEGIN: { signed relative_tick=tick-signed(dragged_event_part->tick()); unsigned dest_tick; if (relative_tick >= 0) dest_tick=relative_tick; else { dest_tick=0; if (debugMsg) cout << "not moving note before begin of part; setting it directly to the begin" << endl; } if (dest_tick != old_dest_tick) { if (undo_started) MusEGlobal::song->undo(); //FINDMICH EXTEND undo_started=move_notes(part_to_set(dragged_event_part),1, (signed)dest_tick-original_dragged_event.tick()); old_dest_tick=dest_tick; } } break; case LENGTH: tick+=quant_ticks(); if (dragged_event.tick()+old_len + dragged_event_part->tick() != unsigned(tick)) { MusECore::Event tmp=dragged_event.clone(); signed relative_tick=tick-signed(dragged_event_part->tick()); signed new_len=relative_tick-dragged_event.tick(); if (new_len>=0) tmp.setLenTick(new_len); else { tmp.setLenTick(0); if (debugMsg) cout << "not setting len to a negative value. using 0 instead" << endl; } unsigned newpartlen=dragged_event_part->lenTick(); if (tmp.endTick() > dragged_event_part->lenTick()) { if (dragged_event_part->hasHiddenEvents()) // do not allow autoexpand { tmp.setLenTick(dragged_event_part->lenTick() - tmp.tick()); if (debugMsg) cout << "resized note would exceed its part; limiting length to " << tmp.lenTick() << endl; } else { newpartlen=tmp.endTick(); if (debugMsg) cout << "resized note would exceeds its part; expanding the part..." << endl; } } if (undo_started) MusEGlobal::song->undo(); MusECore::Undo operations; operations.push_back(MusECore::UndoOp(MusECore::UndoOp::ModifyEvent, tmp, dragged_event, dragged_event_part, false, false)); if (newpartlen != dragged_event_part->lenTick()) schedule_resize_all_same_len_clone_parts(dragged_event_part, newpartlen, operations); undo_started=MusEGlobal::song->applyOperationGroup(operations); old_len=new_len; } break; } if ((mouse_operation==LENGTH) || (mouse_operation==BEGIN)) //x-scrolling enabled? { int win_x=event->x(); if (win_x < x_left + SCROLL_MARGIN) { x_scroll_speed=(win_x - (x_left + SCROLL_MARGIN)) * SCROLL_SPEED; if (x_scroll_speed < -SCROLL_SPEED_MAX) x_scroll_speed=-SCROLL_SPEED_MAX; } else if (win_x > width() - SCROLL_MARGIN) { x_scroll_speed=(win_x - (width() - SCROLL_MARGIN)) * SCROLL_SPEED; if (x_scroll_speed > SCROLL_SPEED_MAX) x_scroll_speed=SCROLL_SPEED_MAX; } else x_scroll_speed=0; } else { x_scroll_speed=0; } } if (dragging_staff) //y-scrolling enabled? { int win_y=event->y(); if (win_y < SCROLL_MARGIN) { y_scroll_speed=(win_y - SCROLL_MARGIN) * SCROLL_SPEED; if (y_scroll_speed < -SCROLL_SPEED_MAX) y_scroll_speed=-SCROLL_SPEED_MAX; } else if (win_y > height() - SCROLL_MARGIN) { y_scroll_speed=(win_y - (height() - SCROLL_MARGIN)) * SCROLL_SPEED; if (y_scroll_speed > SCROLL_SPEED_MAX) y_scroll_speed=SCROLL_SPEED_MAX; } else y_scroll_speed=0; } else { y_scroll_speed=0; } if (have_lasso) { lasso=QRect(lasso_start, event->pos()).normalized(); redraw(); } } void ScoreCanvas::heartbeat_timer_event() { if (x_scroll_speed) { int old_xpos=x_pos; x_scroll_pos+=x_scroll_speed*MusEGlobal::heartBeatTimer->interval()/1000.0; int tmp=int(x_scroll_pos); if (tmp!=0) x_pos+=tmp; x_scroll_pos-=tmp; if (x_pos<0) x_pos=0; if (x_pos>canvas_width()) x_pos=canvas_width(); if (old_xpos!=x_pos) emit xscroll_changed(x_pos); } if (y_scroll_speed) { int old_ypos=y_pos; y_scroll_pos+=y_scroll_speed*MusEGlobal::heartBeatTimer->interval()/1000.0; int tmp=int(y_scroll_pos); if (tmp!=0) y_pos+=tmp; y_scroll_pos-=tmp; if (y_pos<0) y_pos=0; if (y_pos>canvas_height()) y_pos=canvas_height(); if (old_ypos!=y_pos) emit yscroll_changed(y_pos); } } void ScoreCanvas::x_scroll_event(int x) { if (debugMsg) cout << "SCROLL EVENT: x="<y_bottom; } emit canvas_height_changed( canvas_height() ); } list::iterator ScoreCanvas::staff_at_y(int y) { for (list::iterator it=staves.begin(); it!=staves.end(); it++) if ((y >= it->y_top) && (y < it->y_bottom)) return it; return staves.end(); } void ScoreCanvas::play_changed(bool) { redraw(); } void ScoreCanvas::config_changed() { redraw(); } void ScoreCanvas::set_tool(int tool) { switch (tool) { case MusEGui::PointerTool: mouse_erases_notes=false; mouse_inserts_notes=false; break; case MusEGui::RubberTool: mouse_erases_notes=true; mouse_inserts_notes=false; break; case MusEGui::PencilTool: mouse_erases_notes=false; mouse_inserts_notes=true; break; default: cerr << "ERROR: THIS SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN: set_tool called with unknown tool ("<=0) && (val<5)) { int old_len=quant_len(); _quant_power2=val+1; _quant_power2_init=_quant_power2; set_pixels_per_whole(pixels_per_whole() * quant_len() / old_len ); fully_recalculate(); } else { cerr << "ERROR: ILLEGAL FUNCTION CALL: set_quant called with invalid value of "<::iterator it=staves.begin(); it!=staves.end(); it++) it->calc_item_pos(); emit pixels_per_whole_changed(val); if (old_xpos!=0) { x_pos=tick_to_x(tick); if (debugMsg) cout << "x_pos was not zero, readjusting to " << x_pos << endl; emit xscroll_changed(x_pos); } redraw(); } void ScoreCanvas::cleanup_staves() { for (list::iterator it=staves.begin(); it!=staves.end();) { if (it->parts.empty()) staves.erase(it++); else it++; } maybe_close_if_empty(); } void ScoreCanvas::maybe_close_if_empty() { if (staves.empty()) { if (!parent->close()) cerr << "ERROR: THIS SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN: tried to close, but event hasn't been accepted!" << endl; } } void ScoreCanvas::set_velo(int velo) { note_velo=velo; note_velo_init=velo; if (parent->get_apply_velo()) modify_velocity(get_all_parts(),1, 0,velo); } void ScoreCanvas::set_velo_off(int velo) { note_velo_off=velo; note_velo_off_init=velo; if (parent->get_apply_velo()) modify_off_velocity(get_all_parts(),1, 0,velo); } void ScoreCanvas::deselect_all() { set all_parts=get_all_parts(); for (set::iterator part=all_parts.begin(); part!=all_parts.end(); part++) for (MusECore::iEvent event=(*part)->events()->begin(); event!=(*part)->events()->end(); event++) event->second.setSelected(false); MusEGlobal::song->update(SC_SELECTION); } bool staff_t::cleanup_parts() { bool did_something=false; for (set::iterator it=parts.begin(); it!=parts.end();) { bool valid=false; for (MusECore::iTrack track=MusEGlobal::song->tracks()->begin(); track!=MusEGlobal::song->tracks()->end(); track++) if ((*track)->type() == MusECore::Track::MIDI) { MusECore::PartList* pl=(*track)->parts(); for (MusECore::iPart part=pl->begin(); part!=pl->end(); part++) if (*it == part->second) { valid=true; goto get_out_here2; } } get_out_here2: if (!valid) { parts.erase(it++); did_something=true; } else it++; } if (did_something) update_part_indices(); return did_something; } set staff_t::parts_at_tick(unsigned tick) { set result; for (set::iterator it=parts.begin(); it!=parts.end(); it++) if ((tick >= (*it)->tick()) && (tick<=(*it)->endTick())) result.insert(*it); return result; } void staff_t::apply_lasso(QRect rect, set& already_processed) { for (ScoreItemList::iterator it=itemlist.begin(); it!=itemlist.end(); it++) for (set::iterator it2=it->second.begin(); it2!=it->second.end(); it2++) if (it2->type==FloItem::NOTE) { if (rect.contains(it2->x, it2->y)) if (already_processed.find(it2->source_event)==already_processed.end()) { it2->source_event->setSelected(!it2->source_event->selected()); already_processed.insert(it2->source_event); } } } void ScoreCanvas::set_steprec(bool flag) { srec=flag; } void ScoreCanvas::midi_note(int pitch, int velo) { if (velo) held_notes[pitch]=true; else held_notes[pitch]=false; if ( srec && selected_part && !MusEGlobal::audio->isPlaying() && velo ) steprec->record(selected_part,pitch,quant_ticks(),quant_ticks(),velo,MusEGlobal::globalKeyState&Qt::ControlModifier,MusEGlobal::globalKeyState&Qt::ShiftModifier); } void ScoreCanvas::update_parts() { if (selected_part!=NULL) //if it's null, let it be null selected_part=MusECore::partFromSerialNumber(selected_part_index); if (dragged_event_part!=NULL) //same thing here dragged_event_part=MusECore::partFromSerialNumber(dragged_event_part_index); for (list::iterator it=staves.begin(); it!=staves.end(); it++) it->update_parts(); } void staff_t::update_parts() { parts.clear(); for (set::iterator it=part_indices.begin(); it!=part_indices.end(); it++) parts.insert(MusECore::partFromSerialNumber(*it)); } void staff_t::update_part_indices() { part_indices.clear(); for (set::iterator it=parts.begin(); it!=parts.end(); it++) part_indices.insert((*it)->sn()); } void ScoreEdit::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent* event) { int key = event->key(); if (key == Qt::Key_Escape) { close(); return; } else if (key == shortcuts[SHRT_TOOL_POINTER].key) { edit_tools->set(MusEGui::PointerTool); return; } else if (key == shortcuts[SHRT_TOOL_PENCIL].key) { edit_tools->set(MusEGui::PencilTool); return; } else if (key == shortcuts[SHRT_TOOL_RUBBER].key) { edit_tools->set(MusEGui::RubberTool); return; } else //Default: { event->ignore(); return; } } void ScoreCanvas::add_new_parts(const std::map< MusECore::Part*, std::set >& param) { for (list::iterator staff=staves.begin(); staff!=staves.end(); staff++) { for (std::map< MusECore::Part*, set >::const_iterator it = param.begin(); it!=param.end(); it++) if (staff->parts.find(it->first)!=staff->parts.end()) staff->parts.insert(it->second.begin(), it->second.end()); //staff->cleanup_parts(); // don't cleanup here, because at this point, the parts may only exist // in the operation group. cleanup could remove them immediately staff->update_part_indices(); } fully_recalculate(); } } // namespace MusEGui //the following assertions are made: // pix_quarter.width() == pix_half.width() // pix->width()-1 + 1/2*pix->width() + SHIFT + ADD_SPACE // 10-1+5+3+3=20 <- um so viel wird der taktstrich verschoben // um das doppelte (20*2=40) werden die kleinsten schläge gegeneinander versetzt //note: recalculating event- and itemlists "from zero" // could happen in realtime, as it is pretty fast. // however, this adds unneccessary cpu usage. // it is NO problem to recalc the stuff "from zero" // every time something changes. /* STUFF I WANT TO WORK * * x multiple new drum tracks can be displayed seperately in ONE drum * editor * x reorder drummap * ? support and correctly map e-note on record and steprec * ? only record nonmuted/whatever notes * ? support drum controllers * x refuse to mix up old-style and new-style drum tracks in ONE editor * o drummap saving and loading (per-track) * o drummap import/export * o drummap automatically adapting to the chosen midi synth / patch */ /* BUGS and potential bugs * o tied notes don't work properly when there's a key-change in * between, for example, when a cis is tied to a des * > o when changing toolbarstate when sharing and immediately after that * changing "share" status, the changed state isn't stored * (could be solved by storing the current window when quitting/saving whatever) * ? pasting in editors sometimes fails oO? ( ERROR: reading eventlist * from clipboard failed. ignoring this one... ) [ not reproducible ] * * CURRENT TODO * o write instrument drummaps * o GUI for editing instrument drummaps * * drum controllers * update ctrlcanvas/panel * test! * * drum editor is buggy. propagate_drum_map may operate on old values * ("BUGGY! problem is: while changing entries, ourDrumMap * may be reallocated which causes abort()s and/or bugs.") * [ seems to work now, needs further testing! ] * x my record flag handling * * once, using super glue while a score editor displaying the glued * parts is open let muse segfault. this may or may not be fixed * now. check! * state of revision #1337: no segfaults, but the score editors * close and lots of "ERROR" messages. * * o drum editor: channel-stuff * o clearly state in the changelog: when having multiple drumeditors open, * the mute-column may not work, because another editor is overriding this. * > o respect "_drummap_tied_to_patch": IMPLEMENT * o whenever changing the patch and maintained_automatically==true, * the drumlist is replaced by the according one (for example, "jazz" drum kit's list) * o whenever changing the drumlist and maintained_automatically==true, * ask the user if he wants to proceed, and then set maintained_automatically to false * o offer some way to set maintained_automatically to true again * o move generation and deletion of ourDrumMap from DCanvas to DrumEditor and remove ugly wrapper functions * > o fix valgrind problems (the two "FINDMICHJETZT" lines in scoreedit.cpp) * > o add a songposition scrollbar-toolbar (in different sizes) * this might be equivalent to "redo transport menu" (below). * > o add toolbar(s) for tempo- etc spinboxes from the transport window * * * o find and fix FINDMICHJETZT * o fix all segfaults and non-working stuff! * - creating, changing types to and from, erasing NEW_DRUM tracks * - move parts around * - playing them. mute? * - recording/echoing/steprec them * - load, save them * o fix valgrind problems * * IMPORTANT TODO * o allow steprec-insert-rest-note to be set to "off" / "unused" * o all places where i added doubleclick-edits: only react on left-click double clicks! * o support "new style" reordering with old style drum tracks as well * (not swapping but inserting!) * o support edge-scrolling when opening a lasso * o add "dotted quarter" quantize option (for 6/8 beat) * o ticks-to-quarter spinboxes * o mirror most menus to an additional right-click context menu to avoid the long mouse pointer * journey to the menu bar. try to find a way which does not involve duplicate code! * o implement borland-style maximize: free windows do not cover the main menu, even when maximized * o smart range selection: if range markers have been used recently (that is, a dialog with * "range" setting, or they've been modified), default to "in range" or "selected in range" * * o rename stuff with F2 key * o redo transport menu: offer "one beat" and "one bar" steps * maybe also offer scrollbar * * o shrink a part from its beginning as well! watch out for clones! * * o canvas editor: create clone via "alt+drag" moves window instead * o controller view in score editor * o solo button * > o do partial recalculating; recalculating can take pretty long * (0,5 sec) when displaying a whole song in scores * o transpose etc. must also transpose key-pressure events * o transpose: support in-key-transpose * o thin out: remove unneeded ctrl messages * * less important stuff * o allow "fixating" toolbars? * o quantize-templates (everything is forced into a specified * rhythm) * o part-templates (you specify some notes and a control-chord; * the notes are set according to the chord then) * o add functions like set velo, mod/set velo-off * o use bars instead of flags over groups of 8ths / 16ths etc * o support different keys in different tracks at the same time * calc_pos_add_list and calc_item_pos will be affected by this * calc_pos_add_list must be called before calc_item_pos then, * and calc_item_pos must respect the pos_add_list instead of * keeping its own pos_add variable (which is only an optimisation) * * really unimportant nice-to-haves * o support in-song clef-changes * o draw measure numbers * o use timesig_t in all timesig-stuff * o refuse to resize so that width gets smaller or equal than x_left * o draw a margin around notes which are in a bright color * o support drum tracks in the score editor (x-note-heads etc.) * o drum list: scroll while dragging: probably unneccessary with the "reorder list" function * * * stuff for the other muse developers * o process accurate timesignatures from muse's list (has to be implemented first in muse) * ( (2+2+3)/4 or (3+2+2)/4 instead of 7/4 ) */ /* R O A D M A P * ============= * * 1. finish the score editor, without transposing instruments and * with only a global keymap * * REASON: a score editor with few functions is better than * no score editor at all * * * 2. support transposing by octave-steps * * REASON: the main problem with transposing is, that the * editor needs different key signatures and needs * to align them against each other. this problem * doesn't exist when only transposing by octaves * * * 3. support transposing instruments, but only one * transposing-setting per score window. that is, you won't be * able to display your (C-)strings in the same window as your * B-trumpet. this will be very easy to implement * * REASON: the above problem still exists, but is circumvented * by simply not having to align them against each other * (because they're in different windows) * * * 4. support different transposing instruments in the same score * window. this will be some hassle, because we need to align * the scores properly. for example, when the C-violin has * C-major (no accidentials), then the B-trumpet need some * accidentials. we now must align the staves so that the * "note-after-keychange"s of both staves are again at the * same x-position * * REASON: some solution for that problem must be written. * this is a large step, which atm isn't very important * * * 5. support different keys per track. this wouldn't be that * hard, when 4) is already done; because we then already have * the "align it properly" functionality, and can use it * * REASON: this is only a nice-to-have, which can however be * easily implemented when 4) is done */