//========================================================= // MusE // Linux Music Editor // $Id: dcanvas.cpp,v 2009/10/15 22:45:50 terminator356 Exp $ // (C) Copyright 1999 Werner Schweer (ws@seh.de) //========================================================= #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //#include //#include #include "dcanvas.h" #include "midieditor.h" #include "drummap.h" #include "event.h" #include "mpevent.h" #include "xml.h" #include "globals.h" #include "midiport.h" #include "audio.h" #include "velocity.h" #include "shortcuts.h" #include "icons.h" #define CARET 10 #define CARET2 5 //--------------------------------------------------------- // DEvent //--------------------------------------------------------- DEvent::DEvent(Event e, Part* p) : CItem(e, p) { int instr = e.pitch(); int y = instr * TH + TH/2; int tick = e.tick() + p->tick(); setPos(QPoint(tick, y)); setBBox(QRect(-CARET2, -CARET2, CARET, CARET)); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // addItem //--------------------------------------------------------- void DrumCanvas::addItem(Part* part, Event& event) { if (signed(event.tick())<0) { printf("ERROR: trying to add event before current part!\n"); return; } DEvent* ev = new DEvent(event, part); items.add(ev); int diff = event.endTick()-part->lenTick(); if (diff > 0) {// too short part? extend it //printf("addItem - this code should not be run!\n"); //Part* newPart = part->clone(); //newPart->setLenTick(newPart->lenTick()+diff); //audio->msgChangePart(part, newPart,false); //part = newPart; part->setLenTick(part->lenTick()+diff); } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // DrumCanvas //--------------------------------------------------------- DrumCanvas::DrumCanvas(MidiEditor* pr, QWidget* parent, int sx, int sy, const char* name) : EventCanvas(pr, parent, sx, sy, name) { setVirt(false); cursorPos= QPoint(0,0); _stepSize=1; songChanged(SC_TRACK_INSERTED); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // moveCanvasItems //--------------------------------------------------------- void DrumCanvas::moveCanvasItems(CItemList& items, int dp, int dx, DragType dtype, int* pflags) { if(editor->parts()->empty()) return; PartsToChangeMap parts2change; int modified = 0; for(iPart ip = editor->parts()->begin(); ip != editor->parts()->end(); ++ip) { Part* part = ip->second; if(!part) continue; int npartoffset = 0; for(iCItem ici = items.begin(); ici != items.end(); ++ici) { CItem* ci = ici->second; if(ci->part() != part) continue; int x = ci->pos().x() + dx; int y = pitch2y(y2pitch(ci->pos().y()) + dp); QPoint newpos = raster(QPoint(x, y)); // Test moving the item... DEvent* nevent = (DEvent*) ci; Event event = nevent->event(); x = newpos.x(); if(x < 0) x = 0; int ntick = editor->rasterVal(x) - part->tick(); if(ntick < 0) ntick = 0; int diff = ntick + event.lenTick() - part->lenTick(); // If moving the item would require a new part size... if(diff > npartoffset) npartoffset = diff; } if(npartoffset > 0) { // Create new part... // if there are several events that are moved outside the part, it will be recreated for each // so the part _in_ the event will not be valid, ask the authority. // Part* newPart = part->clone(); //Part* newPart = Canvas::part()->clone(); // newPart->setLenTick(newPart->lenTick() + npartoffset); //audio->msgChangePart(part, newPart,false); // modified = SC_PART_MODIFIED; // BUG FIX: #1650953 // Added by T356. // Fixes posted "select and drag past end of part - crashing" bug // for(iPart ip = editor->parts()->begin(); ip != editor->parts()->end(); ++ip) // { // if(ip->second == part) // { // editor->parts()->erase(ip); // break; // } // } // editor->parts()->add(newPart); // audio->msgChangePart(part, newPart,false); // if(parts2change.find(part) == parts2change.end()) // parts2change.insert(std::pair (part, newPart)); iPartToChange ip2c = parts2change.find(part); if(ip2c == parts2change.end()) { PartToChange p2c = {0, npartoffset}; parts2change.insert(std::pair (part, p2c)); } else ip2c->second.xdiff = npartoffset; //part = newPart; // reassign //item->setPart(part); //item->setEvent(newEvent); //curPart = part; //curPartId = curPart->sn(); } } for(iPartToChange ip2c = parts2change.begin(); ip2c != parts2change.end(); ++ip2c) { Part* opart = ip2c->first; int diff = ip2c->second.xdiff; Part* newPart = opart->clone(); newPart->setLenTick(newPart->lenTick() + diff); modified = SC_PART_MODIFIED; // BUG FIX: #1650953 // Added by T356. // Fixes posted "select and drag past end of part - crashing" bug for(iPart ip = editor->parts()->begin(); ip != editor->parts()->end(); ++ip) { if(ip->second == opart) { editor->parts()->erase(ip); break; } } editor->parts()->add(newPart); // Indicate no undo, and do port controller values but not clone parts. //audio->msgChangePart(opart, newPart, false); audio->msgChangePart(opart, newPart, false, true, false); ip2c->second.npart = newPart; } iPartToChange icp = parts2change.find(curPart); if(icp != parts2change.end()) { curPart = icp->second.npart; curPartId = curPart->sn(); } std::vector< CItem* > doneList; typedef std::vector< CItem* >::iterator iDoneList; for(iCItem ici = items.begin(); ici != items.end(); ++ici) { CItem* ci = ici->second; // If this item's part is in the parts2change list, change the item's part to the new part. Part* pt = ci->part(); iPartToChange ip2c = parts2change.find(pt); if(ip2c != parts2change.end()) ci->setPart(ip2c->second.npart); int x = ci->pos().x(); int y = ci->pos().y(); int nx = x + dx; int ny = pitch2y(y2pitch(y) + dp); QPoint newpos = raster(QPoint(nx, ny)); selectItem(ci, true); iDoneList idl; for(idl = doneList.begin(); idl != doneList.end(); ++idl) // This compares EventBase pointers to see if they're the same... if((*idl)->event() == ci->event()) break; // Do not process if the event has already been processed (meaning it's an event in a clone part)... //if(moveItem(ci, newpos, dtype)) if(idl != doneList.end()) // Just move the canvas item. ci->move(newpos); else { // Currently moveItem always returns true. if(moveItem(ci, newpos, dtype)) { // Add the canvas item to the list of done items. doneList.push_back(ci); // Move the canvas item. ci->move(newpos); } } if(moving.size() == 1) { itemReleased(curItem, newpos); } if(dtype == MOVE_COPY || dtype == MOVE_CLONE) selectItem(ci, false); } if(pflags) *pflags = modified; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // moveItem //--------------------------------------------------------- // Changed by T356. //bool DrumCanvas::moveItem(CItem* item, const QPoint& pos, DragType dtype, int* pflags) bool DrumCanvas::moveItem(CItem* item, const QPoint& pos, DragType dtype) { DEvent* nevent = (DEvent*) item; // Changed by T356. //MidiPart* part = (MidiPart*)Canvas::part(); // part can be dynamically recreated, ask the authority MidiPart* part = (MidiPart*)nevent->part(); Event event = nevent->event(); int x = pos.x(); if (x < 0) x = 0; int ntick = editor->rasterVal(x) - part->tick(); if (ntick < 0) ntick = 0; int npitch = y2pitch(pos.y()); Event newEvent = event.clone(); newEvent.setPitch(npitch); newEvent.setTick(ntick); // Removed by T356. /* // Added by T356. int modified = 0; //song->startUndo(); int diff = newEvent.endTick()-part->lenTick(); if (diff > 0) // too short part? extend it { // if there are several events that are moved outside the part, it will be recreated for each // so the part _in_ the event will not be valid, ask the authority. //Part* newPart = part->clone(); MidiPart* newPart = (MidiPart*)Canvas::part()->clone(); newPart->setLenTick(newPart->lenTick()+diff); audio->msgChangePart(Canvas::part(), newPart,false); modified = SC_PART_MODIFIED; part = newPart; // reassign for(iPart i = editor->parts()->begin(); i != editor->parts()->end(); ++i) { if(i->second == Canvas::part()) { editor->parts()->erase(i); break; } } editor->parts()->add(part); item->setPart(part); item->setEvent(newEvent); curPart = part; curPartId = curPart->sn(); } */ // Added by T356. // msgAddEvent and msgChangeEvent (below) will set these, but set them here first? //item->setPart(part); item->setEvent(newEvent); // Added by T356. if(((int)newEvent.endTick() - (int)part->lenTick()) > 0) printf("DrumCanvas::moveItem Error! New event end:%d exceeds length:%d of part:%s\n", newEvent.endTick(), part->lenTick(), part->name().toLatin1().constData()); if (dtype == MOVE_COPY || dtype == MOVE_CLONE) { // Indicate no undo, and do not do port controller values and clone parts. //audio->msgAddEvent(newEvent, part, false); audio->msgAddEvent(newEvent, part, false, false, false); } else { // Indicate no undo, and do not do port controller values and clone parts. //audio->msgChangeEvent(event, newEvent, part, false); audio->msgChangeEvent(event, newEvent, part, false, false, false); } // Removed by T356. //if(pflags) // *pflags = modified; return true; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // newItem //--------------------------------------------------------- CItem* DrumCanvas::newItem(const QPoint& p, int state) { int instr = y2pitch(p.y()); //drumInmap[y2pitch(p.y())]; int velo = drumMap[instr].lv4; if (state == Qt::ShiftModifier) velo = drumMap[instr].lv3; else if (state == Qt::ControlModifier) velo = drumMap[instr].lv2; else if (state == (Qt::ControlModifier | Qt::ShiftModifier)) velo = drumMap[instr].lv1; int tick = editor->rasterVal(p.x()); return newItem(tick, instr, velo); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // newItem //--------------------------------------------------------- CItem* DrumCanvas::newItem(int tick, int instrument, int velocity) { tick -= curPart->tick(); Event e(Note); e.setTick(tick); e.setPitch(instrument); e.setVelo(velocity); e.setLenTick(drumMap[instrument].len); return new DEvent(e, curPart); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // resizeItem //--------------------------------------------------------- void DrumCanvas::resizeItem(CItem* item, bool) { DEvent* nevent = (DEvent*) item; Event ev = nevent->event(); // Indicate do undo, and do not do port controller values and clone parts. //audio->msgDeleteEvent(ev, nevent->part()); audio->msgDeleteEvent(ev, nevent->part(), true, false, false); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // newItem //--------------------------------------------------------- void DrumCanvas::newItem(CItem* item, bool noSnap) { newItem(item, noSnap,false); } void DrumCanvas::newItem(CItem* item, bool noSnap, bool replace) { DEvent* nevent = (DEvent*) item; Event event = nevent->event(); int x = item->x(); if (!noSnap) x = editor->rasterVal(x); event.setTick(x - nevent->part()->tick()); //int npitch = drumMap[y2pitch(item->y())].enote; int npitch = event.pitch(); event.setPitch(npitch); // // check for existing event // if found change command semantic from insert to delete // EventList* el = nevent->part()->events(); iEvent lower = el->lower_bound(event.tick()); iEvent upper = el->upper_bound(event.tick()); for (iEvent i = lower; i != upper; ++i) { Event ev = i->second; // Added by T356. Only do notes. if(!ev.isNote()) continue; if (ev.pitch() == npitch) { // Indicate do undo, and do not do port controller values and clone parts. //audio->msgDeleteEvent(ev, nevent->part()); audio->msgDeleteEvent(ev, nevent->part(), true, false, false); if (replace) break; else return; } } // Added by T356. Part* part = nevent->part(); song->startUndo(); int modified=SC_EVENT_MODIFIED; int diff = event.endTick()-part->lenTick(); if (diff > 0) {// too short part? extend it Part* newPart = part->clone(); newPart->setLenTick(newPart->lenTick()+diff); // Indicate no undo, and do port controller values but not clone parts. //audio->msgChangePart(part, newPart,false); audio->msgChangePart(part, newPart, false, true, false); modified=modified|SC_PART_MODIFIED; part = newPart; // reassign } // Indicate no undo, and do not do port controller values and clone parts. //audio->msgAddEvent(event, part,false); audio->msgAddEvent(event, part, false, false, false); song->endUndo(modified); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // deleteItem //--------------------------------------------------------- bool DrumCanvas::deleteItem(CItem* item) { Event ev = ((DEvent*)item)->event(); // Indicate do undo, and do not do port controller values and clone parts. //audio->msgDeleteEvent(ev, ((DEvent*)item)->part()); audio->msgDeleteEvent(ev, ((DEvent*)item)->part(), true, false, false); return false; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // drawItem //--------------------------------------------------------- void DrumCanvas::drawItem(QPainter&p, const CItem*item, const QRect& rect) { DEvent* e = (DEvent*) item; int x = 0, y = 0; x = mapx(item->pos().x()); y = mapy(item->pos().y()); QPolygon pa(4); pa.setPoint(0, x - CARET2, y); pa.setPoint(1, x, y - CARET2); pa.setPoint(2, x + CARET2, y); pa.setPoint(3, x, y + CARET2); QRect r(pa.boundingRect()); r = r.intersect(rect); if(!r.isValid()) return; p.setPen(Qt::black); if (e->part() != curPart) { if(item->isMoving()) p.setBrush(Qt::gray); else if(item->isSelected()) p.setBrush(Qt::black); else p.setBrush(Qt::lightGray); } else if (item->isMoving()) { p.setBrush(Qt::gray); } else if (item->isSelected()) { p.setBrush(Qt::black); } else { int velo = e->event().velo(); DrumMap* dm = &drumMap[y2pitch(y)]; //Get the drum item QColor color; if (velo < dm->lv1) color.setRgb(240, 240, 255); else if (velo < dm->lv2) color.setRgb(200, 200, 255); else if (velo < dm->lv3) color.setRgb(170, 170, 255); else color.setRgb(0, 0, 255); p.setBrush(color); } p.drawPolygon(pa); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // drawMoving // draws moving items //--------------------------------------------------------- void DrumCanvas::drawMoving(QPainter& p, const CItem* item, const QRect& rect) { //if(((DEvent*)item)->part() != curPart) // return; //if(!item->isMoving()) // return; QPolygon pa(4); QPoint pt = map(item->mp()); int x = pt.x(); int y = pt.y(); pa.setPoint(0, x-CARET2, y + TH/2); pa.setPoint(1, x, y + TH/2+CARET2); pa.setPoint(2, x+CARET2, y + TH/2); pa.setPoint(3, x, y + (TH-CARET)/2); QRect mr(pa.boundingRect()); mr = mr.intersect(rect); if(!mr.isValid()) return; p.setPen(Qt::black); p.setBrush(Qt::black); p.drawPolygon(pa); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // drawCanvas //--------------------------------------------------------- extern void drawTickRaster(QPainter& p, int, int, int, int, int); void DrumCanvas::drawCanvas(QPainter& p, const QRect& rect) { int x = rect.x(); int y = rect.y(); int w = rect.width(); int h = rect.height(); //--------------------------------------------------- // horizontal lines //--------------------------------------------------- int yy = ((y-1) / TH) * TH + TH; for (; yy < y + h; yy += TH) { p.setPen(Qt::gray); p.drawLine(x, yy, x + w, yy); } //--------------------------------------------------- // vertical lines //--------------------------------------------------- drawTickRaster(p, x, y, w, h, editor->raster()); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // drawTopItem //--------------------------------------------------------- void DrumCanvas::drawTopItem(QPainter &p, const QRect &r) { // draw cursor if (_tool == CursorTool) { p.setPen(Qt::black); int y = mapy(TH * cursorPos.y()); p.drawPixmap(mapx(cursorPos.x())-TH/2,y,TH,TH, *cursorIcon); // need to figure out a coordinate system for the cursor, complicated stuff. } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // y2pitch //--------------------------------------------------------- int DrumCanvas::y2pitch(int y) const { int pitch = y/TH; if (pitch >= DRUM_MAPSIZE) pitch = DRUM_MAPSIZE-1; return pitch; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // pitch2y //--------------------------------------------------------- int DrumCanvas::pitch2y(int pitch) const { return pitch * TH; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // cmd //--------------------------------------------------------- void DrumCanvas::cmd(int cmd) { switch(cmd) { case CMD_CUT: copy(); song->startUndo(); for (iCItem i = items.begin(); i != items.end(); ++i) { if (!i->second->isSelected()) continue; DEvent* e = (DEvent*)(i->second); Event event = e->event(); // Indicate no undo, and do not do port controller values and clone parts. //audio->msgDeleteEvent(event, e->part(), false); audio->msgDeleteEvent(event, e->part(), false, false, false); } song->endUndo(SC_EVENT_REMOVED); break; case CMD_COPY: copy(); break; case CMD_PASTE: paste(); break; case CMD_SELECT_ALL: // select all for (iCItem k = items.begin(); k != items.end(); ++k) { if (!k->second->isSelected()) selectItem(k->second, true); } break; case CMD_SELECT_NONE: // select none deselectAll(); break; case CMD_SELECT_INVERT: // invert selection for (iCItem k = items.begin(); k != items.end(); ++k) { selectItem(k->second, !k->second->isSelected()); } break; case CMD_SELECT_ILOOP: // select inside loop for (iCItem k = items.begin(); k != items.end(); ++k) { DEvent* nevent =(DEvent*)(k->second); Part* part = nevent->part(); Event event = nevent->event(); unsigned tick = event.tick() + part->tick(); if (tick < song->lpos() || tick >= song->rpos()) selectItem(k->second, false); else selectItem(k->second, true); } break; case CMD_SELECT_OLOOP: // select outside loop for (iCItem k = items.begin(); k != items.end(); ++k) { DEvent* nevent = (DEvent*)(k->second); Part* part = nevent->part(); Event event = nevent->event(); unsigned tick = event.tick() + part->tick(); if (tick < song->lpos() || tick >= song->rpos()) selectItem(k->second, true); else selectItem(k->second, false); } break; case CMD_SELECT_PREV_PART: // select previous part { Part* pt = editor->curCanvasPart(); Part* newpt = pt; PartList* pl = editor->parts(); for(iPart ip = pl->begin(); ip != pl->end(); ++ip) if(ip->second == pt) { if(ip == pl->begin()) ip = pl->end(); --ip; newpt = ip->second; break; } if(newpt != pt) editor->setCurCanvasPart(newpt); } break; case CMD_SELECT_NEXT_PART: // select next part { Part* pt = editor->curCanvasPart(); Part* newpt = pt; PartList* pl = editor->parts(); for(iPart ip = pl->begin(); ip != pl->end(); ++ip) if(ip->second == pt) { ++ip; if(ip == pl->end()) ip = pl->begin(); newpt = ip->second; break; } if(newpt != pt) editor->setCurCanvasPart(newpt); } break; case CMD_DEL: if (selectionSize()) { song->startUndo(); for (iCItem i = items.begin(); i != items.end(); ++i) { if (!i->second->isSelected()) continue; Event ev = i->second->event(); // Indicate no undo, and do not do port controller values and clone parts. //audio->msgDeleteEvent(ev, i->second->part(), false); audio->msgDeleteEvent(ev, i->second->part(), false, false, false); } song->endUndo(SC_EVENT_REMOVED); } return; case CMD_SAVE: case CMD_LOAD: printf("DrumCanvas:: cmd not implemented %d\n", cmd); break; case CMD_FIXED_LEN: //Set notes to the length specified in the drummap if (!selectionSize()) break; song->startUndo(); for (iCItem k = items.begin(); k != items.end(); ++k) { if (k->second->isSelected()) { DEvent* devent = (DEvent*)(k->second); Event event = devent->event(); Event newEvent = event.clone(); newEvent.setLenTick(drumMap[event.pitch()].len); // Indicate no undo, and do not do port controller values and clone parts. //audio->msgChangeEvent(event, newEvent, devent->part() , false); audio->msgChangeEvent(event, newEvent, devent->part(), false, false, false); } } song->endUndo(SC_EVENT_MODIFIED); break; case CMD_LEFT: { int spos = pos[0]; if(spos > 0) { spos -= 1; // Nudge by -1, then snap down with raster1. spos = AL::sigmap.raster1(spos, editor->rasterStep(pos[0])); } if(spos < 0) spos = 0; Pos p(spos,true); song->setPos(0, p, true, true, true); } break; case CMD_RIGHT: { int spos = AL::sigmap.raster2(pos[0] + 1, editor->rasterStep(pos[0])); // Nudge by +1, then snap up with raster2. Pos p(spos,true); song->setPos(0, p, true, true, true); } break; case CMD_LEFT_NOSNAP: { printf("left no snap\n"); int spos = pos[0] - editor->rasterStep(pos[0]); if (spos < 0) spos = 0; Pos p(spos,true); song->setPos(0, p, true, true, true); //CDW } break; case CMD_RIGHT_NOSNAP: { Pos p(pos[0] + editor->rasterStep(pos[0]), true); //if (p > part->tick()) // p = part->tick(); song->setPos(0, p, true, true, true); //CDW } break; case CMD_MODIFY_VELOCITY: { Velocity w; w.setRange(0); //TODO: Make this work! Probably put _to & _toInit in ecanvas instead if (!w.exec()) break; int range = w.range(); // all, selected, looped, sel+loop int rate = w.rateVal(); int offset = w.offsetVal(); song->startUndo(); for (iCItem k = items.begin(); k != items.end(); ++k) { DEvent* devent = (DEvent*)(k->second); Event event = devent->event(); if (event.type() != Note) continue; unsigned tick = event.tick(); bool selected = k->second->isSelected(); bool inLoop = (tick >= song->lpos()) && (tick < song->rpos()); if ((range == 0) || (range == 1 && selected) || (range == 2 && inLoop) || (range == 3 && selected && inLoop)) { int velo = event.velo(); //velo = rate ? (velo * 100) / rate : 64; velo = (velo * rate) / 100; velo += offset; if (velo <= 0) velo = 1; if (velo > 127) velo = 127; if (event.velo() != velo) { Event newEvent = event.clone(); newEvent.setVelo(velo); // Indicate no undo, and do not do port controller values and clone parts. //audio->msgChangeEvent(event, newEvent, devent->part(), false); audio->msgChangeEvent(event, newEvent, devent->part(), false, false, false); } } } song->endUndo(SC_EVENT_MODIFIED); } break; } updateSelection(); redraw(); } /* //--------------------------------------------------------- // getTextDrag //--------------------------------------------------------- Q3TextDrag* DrumCanvas::getTextDrag(QWidget* parent) { //--------------------------------------------------- // generate event list from selected events //--------------------------------------------------- EventList el; unsigned startTick = MAXINT; for (iCItem i = items.begin(); i != items.end(); ++i) { if (!i->second->isSelected()) continue; DEvent* ne = (DEvent*)(i->second); Event e = ne->event(); if (startTick == MAXINT) startTick = e.tick(); el.add(e); } //--------------------------------------------------- // write events as XML into tmp file //--------------------------------------------------- FILE* tmp = tmpfile(); if (tmp == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "EventCanvas::copy() fopen failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return 0; } Xml xml(tmp); int level = 0; for (ciEvent e = el.begin(); e != el.end(); ++e) e->second.write(level, xml, -startTick); //--------------------------------------------------- // read tmp file into QTextDrag Object //--------------------------------------------------- fflush(tmp); struct stat f_stat; if (fstat(fileno(tmp), &f_stat) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "EventCanvas::copy() fstat failes:<%s>\n", strerror(errno)); fclose(tmp); return 0; } int n = f_stat.st_size; char* fbuf = (char*)mmap(0, n+1, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE, fileno(tmp), 0); fbuf[n] = 0; Q3TextDrag* drag = new Q3TextDrag(QString(fbuf), parent); drag->setSubtype("eventlist"); munmap(fbuf, n); fclose(tmp); return drag; } */ //--------------------------------------------------------- // copy // cut copy paste //--------------------------------------------------------- void DrumCanvas::copy() { QMimeData* md = getTextDrag(); if (md) QApplication::clipboard()->setMimeData(md, QClipboard::Clipboard); } /* //--------------------------------------------------------- // paste //--------------------------------------------------------- int DrumCanvas::pasteAt(const QString& pt, int pos) { QByteArray ba = pt.toLatin1(); const char* p = ba.constData(); Xml xml(p); // Added by T356. int modified = SC_EVENT_INSERTED; song->startUndo(); for (;;) { Xml::Token token = xml.parse(); QString tag = xml.s1(); switch (token) { case Xml::Error: case Xml::End: song->endUndo(modified); return pos; case Xml::TagStart: if (tag == "event") { Event e(Note); e.read(xml); // Added by T356. int tick = e.tick() + pos - curPart->tick(); if (tick<0) { printf("DrumCanvas::pasteAt ERROR: trying to add event before current part!\n"); song->endUndo(SC_EVENT_INSERTED); //delete el; return pos; } e.setTick(tick); int diff = e.endTick() - curPart->lenTick(); if (diff > 0) {// too short part? extend it Part* newPart = curPart->clone(); newPart->setLenTick(newPart->lenTick()+diff); // Indicate no undo, and do port controller values but not clone parts. audio->msgChangePart(curPart, newPart, false, true, false); modified=modified|SC_PART_MODIFIED; curPart = newPart; // reassign } // Indicate no undo, and do not do port controller values and clone parts. audio->msgAddEvent(e, curPart, false, false, false); } else xml.unknown("DCanvas::pasteAt"); break; case Xml::TagEnd: default: break; } } } */ //--------------------------------------------------------- // paste // paste events //--------------------------------------------------------- void DrumCanvas::paste() { QString stype("x-muse-eventlist"); //QString s = QApplication::clipboard()->text(stype, QClipboard::Selection); QString s = QApplication::clipboard()->text(stype, QClipboard::Clipboard); // TODO CHECK Tim. pasteAt(s, song->cpos()); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // startDrag //--------------------------------------------------------- void DrumCanvas::startDrag(CItem* /* item*/, bool copymode) { QMimeData* md = getTextDrag(); if (md) { // QApplication::clipboard()->setData(drag, QClipboard::Clipboard); // This line NOT enabled in muse-1 //QApplication::clipboard()->setMimeData(md); // TODO CHECK Tim. //QApplication::clipboard()->setMimeData(drag->mimeData()); // // "Note that setMimeData() assigns ownership of the QMimeData object to the QDrag object. // The QDrag must be constructed on the heap with a parent QWidget to ensure that Qt can // clean up after the drag and drop operation has been completed. " QDrag* drag = new QDrag(this); drag->setMimeData(md); if (copymode) drag->exec(Qt::CopyAction); else drag->exec(Qt::MoveAction); } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // dragEnterEvent //--------------------------------------------------------- void DrumCanvas::dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent* event) { event->acceptProposedAction(); // TODO CHECK Tim. } //--------------------------------------------------------- // dragMoveEvent //--------------------------------------------------------- void DrumCanvas::dragMoveEvent(QDragMoveEvent*) { } //--------------------------------------------------------- // dragLeaveEvent //--------------------------------------------------------- void DrumCanvas::dragLeaveEvent(QDragLeaveEvent*) { } /* //--------------------------------------------------------- // dropEvent //--------------------------------------------------------- void DrumCanvas::viewDropEvent(QDropEvent* event) { QString text; if (event->source() == this) { printf("local DROP\n"); //event->acceptProposedAction(); //event->ignore(); // TODO CHECK Tim. return; } //if (event->mimeData()->hasText()) { if (event->mimeData()->hasFormat("text/x-muse-eventlist")) { //text = event->mimeData()->text(); text = QString(event->mimeData()->data("text/x-muse-eventlist")); // printf("drop <%s>\n", text.ascii()); int x = editor->rasterVal(event->pos().x()); if (x < 0) x = 0; pasteAt(text, x); //event->accept(); // TODO } else { printf("cannot decode drop\n"); //event->acceptProposedAction(); //event->ignore(); // TODO CHECK Tim. } } */ //--------------------------------------------------------- // keyPressed - called from DList //--------------------------------------------------------- void DrumCanvas::keyPressed(int index, int velocity) { // called from DList - play event int port = drumMap[index].port; int channel = drumMap[index].channel; int pitch = drumMap[index].anote; // play note: MidiPlayEvent e(0, port, channel, 0x90, pitch, velocity); audio->msgPlayMidiEvent(&e); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // keyReleased //--------------------------------------------------------- void DrumCanvas::keyReleased(int index, bool) { // called from DList - silence playing event int port = drumMap[index].port; int channel = drumMap[index].channel; int pitch = drumMap[index].anote; // release note: MidiPlayEvent e(0, port, channel, 0x90, pitch, 0); audio->msgPlayMidiEvent(&e); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // mapChanged //--------------------------------------------------------- void DrumCanvas::mapChanged(int spitch, int dpitch) { //TODO: Circumvent undo behaviour, since this isn't really a true change of the events, // but merely a change in pitch because the pitch relates to the order of the dlist. // Right now the sequencer spits out internalError: undoOp without startUndo() if start/stopundo is there, which is misleading // If start/stopundo is there, undo misbehaves since it doesn't undo but messes things up // Other solution: implement a specific undo-event for this (SC_DRUMMAP_MODIFIED or something) which undoes movement of // dlist-items (ml) std::vector< std::pair > delete_events; std::vector< std::pair > add_events; typedef std::vector< std::pair >::iterator idel_ev; typedef std::vector< std::pair >::iterator iadd_ev; /* class delete_events : public std::vector< Part*, Event* > { public: idel_ev find(Part* p, Event* e) { }; }; class add_events : public std::vector< Part*, Event > { public: iadd_ev find(Part* p, Event& e) { }; }; */ MidiTrackList* tracks = song->midis(); for (ciMidiTrack t = tracks->begin(); t != tracks->end(); t++) { MidiTrack* curTrack = *t; if (curTrack->type() != Track::DRUM) continue; MidiPort* mp = &midiPorts[curTrack->outPort()]; PartList* parts= curTrack->parts(); for (iPart part = parts->begin(); part != parts->end(); ++part) { EventList* events = part->second->events(); Part* thePart = part->second; for (iEvent i = events->begin(); i != events->end(); ++i) { Event event = i->second; if(event.type() != Controller && event.type() != Note) continue; int pitch = event.pitch(); bool drc = false; // Is it a drum controller event, according to the track port's instrument? if(event.type() == Controller && mp->drumController(event.dataA())) { drc = true; pitch = event.dataA() & 0x7f; } if (pitch == spitch) { Event* spitch_event = &(i->second); delete_events.push_back(std::pair(thePart, spitch_event)); Event newEvent = spitch_event->clone(); if(drc) newEvent.setA((newEvent.dataA() & ~0xff) | dpitch); else newEvent.setPitch(dpitch); add_events.push_back(std::pair(thePart, newEvent)); } else if (pitch == dpitch) { Event* dpitch_event = &(i->second); delete_events.push_back(std::pair(thePart, dpitch_event)); Event newEvent = dpitch_event->clone(); if(drc) newEvent.setA((newEvent.dataA() & ~0xff) | spitch); else newEvent.setPitch(spitch); add_events.push_back(std::pair(thePart, newEvent)); } } } } song->startUndo(); for (idel_ev i = delete_events.begin(); i != delete_events.end(); i++) { //std::pair pair = *i; //Part* thePart = pair.first; //Event* theEvent = pair.second; Part* thePart = (*i).first; Event* theEvent = (*i).second; // Indicate no undo, and do port controller values but not clone parts. //audio->msgDeleteEvent(*theEvent, thePart, false); audio->msgDeleteEvent(*theEvent, thePart, false, true, false); } DrumMap dm = drumMap[spitch]; drumMap[spitch] = drumMap[dpitch]; drumMap[dpitch] = dm; drumInmap[int(drumMap[spitch].enote)] = spitch; drumOutmap[int(drumMap[int(spitch)].anote)] = spitch; drumInmap[int(drumMap[int(dpitch)].enote)] = dpitch; drumOutmap[int(drumMap[int(dpitch)].anote)] = dpitch; for (iadd_ev i = add_events.begin(); i != add_events.end(); i++) { //std::pair pair = *i; //Part* thePart = pair.first; //Event& theEvent = pair.second; Part* thePart = (*i).first; Event& theEvent = (*i).second; // Indicate no undo, and do port controller values but not clone parts. //audio->msgAddEvent(theEvent, thePart, false); audio->msgAddEvent(theEvent, thePart, false, true, false); } song->endUndo(SC_EVENT_MODIFIED); song->update(SC_DRUMMAP); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // resizeEvent //--------------------------------------------------------- void DrumCanvas::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent* ev) { if (ev->size().width() != ev->oldSize().width()) emit newWidth(ev->size().width()); EventCanvas::resizeEvent(ev); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // modifySelected //--------------------------------------------------------- void DrumCanvas::modifySelected(NoteInfo::ValType type, int delta) { audio->msgIdle(true); song->startUndo(); for (iCItem i = items.begin(); i != items.end(); ++i) { if (!(i->second->isSelected())) continue; DEvent* e = (DEvent*)(i->second); Event event = e->event(); if (event.type() != Note) continue; MidiPart* part = (MidiPart*)(e->part()); Event newEvent = event.clone(); switch (type) { case NoteInfo::VAL_TIME: { int newTime = event.tick() + delta; if (newTime < 0) newTime = 0; newEvent.setTick(newTime); } break; case NoteInfo::VAL_LEN: /* { int len = event.lenTick() + delta; if (len < 1) len = 1; newEvent.setLenTick(len); } */ printf("DrumCanvas::modifySelected - NoteInfo::VAL_LEN not implemented\n"); break; case NoteInfo::VAL_VELON: /* { int velo = event->velo() + delta; if (velo > 127) velo = 127; else if (velo < 0) velo = 0; newEvent.setVelo(velo); } */ printf("DrumCanvas::modifySelected - NoteInfo::VAL_VELON not implemented\n"); break; case NoteInfo::VAL_VELOFF: /* { int velo = event.veloOff() + delta; if (velo > 127) velo = 127; else if (velo < 0) velo = 0; newEvent.setVeloOff(velo); } */ printf("DrumCanvas::modifySelected - NoteInfo::VAL_VELOFF not implemented\n"); break; case NoteInfo::VAL_PITCH: { int pitch = event.pitch() - delta; // Reversing order since the drumlist is displayed in increasing order if (pitch > 127) pitch = 127; else if (pitch < 0) pitch = 0; newEvent.setPitch(pitch); } break; } song->changeEvent(event, newEvent, part); // Indicate do not do port controller values and clone parts. //song->undoOp(UndoOp::ModifyEvent, newEvent, event, part); song->undoOp(UndoOp::ModifyEvent, newEvent, event, part, false, false); } song->endUndo(SC_EVENT_MODIFIED); audio->msgIdle(false); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // curPartChanged //--------------------------------------------------------- void DrumCanvas::curPartChanged() { editor->setWindowTitle(getCaption()); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // getNextStep - gets next tick in the chosen direction // when raster and stepSize are taken into account //--------------------------------------------------------- int DrumCanvas::getNextStep(unsigned int pos, int basicStep, int stepSize) { int newPos = pos; for (int i =0; i 0) { // moving right newPos = AL::sigmap.raster2(newPos + basicStep, editor->rasterStep(newPos)); // Nudge by +1, then snap up with raster2. if (unsigned(newPos) > curPart->endTick()- editor->rasterStep(curPart->endTick())) newPos = curPart->tick(); } else { // moving left newPos = AL::sigmap.raster1(newPos + basicStep, editor->rasterStep(newPos)); // Nudge by -1, then snap up with raster1. if (unsigned(newPos) < curPart->tick() ) { newPos = AL::sigmap.raster1(curPart->endTick()-1, editor->rasterStep(curPart->endTick())); } } } return newPos; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // keyPress //--------------------------------------------------------- void DrumCanvas::keyPress(QKeyEvent* event) { if (_tool == CursorTool) { int key = event->key(); ///if (event->state() & Qt::ShiftButton) if (((QInputEvent*)event)->modifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier) key += Qt::SHIFT; ///if (event->state() & Qt::AltButton) if (((QInputEvent*)event)->modifiers() & Qt::AltModifier) key += Qt::ALT; ///if (event->state() & Qt::ControlButton) if (((QInputEvent*)event)->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier) key+= Qt::CTRL; // Select items by key (PianoRoll & DrumEditor) if (key == shortcuts[SHRT_SEL_RIGHT].key) { cursorPos.setX(getNextStep(cursorPos.x(),1)); selectCursorEvent(getEventAtCursorPos()); if (mapx(cursorPos.x()) < 0 || mapx(cursorPos.x()) > width()) emit followEvent(cursorPos.x()); update(); return; } else if (key == shortcuts[SHRT_SEL_LEFT].key) { cursorPos.setX(getNextStep(cursorPos.x(),-1)); selectCursorEvent(getEventAtCursorPos()); if (mapx(cursorPos.x()) < 0 || mapx(cursorPos.x()) > width()) emit followEvent(cursorPos.x()); update(); return; } else if (key == shortcuts[SHRT_ADDNOTE_1].key) { newItem(newItem(cursorPos.x(), cursorPos.y(), drumMap[cursorPos.y()].lv1),false,true); keyPressed(cursorPos.y(), drumMap[cursorPos.y()].lv1); keyReleased(cursorPos.y(), false); cursorPos.setX(getNextStep(cursorPos.x(),1, _stepSize)); selectCursorEvent(getEventAtCursorPos()); if (mapx(cursorPos.x()) < 0 || mapx(cursorPos.x()) > width()) emit followEvent(cursorPos.x()); return; } else if (key == shortcuts[SHRT_ADDNOTE_2].key) { newItem(newItem(cursorPos.x(), cursorPos.y(), drumMap[cursorPos.y()].lv2),false,true); keyPressed(cursorPos.y(), drumMap[cursorPos.y()].lv2); keyReleased(cursorPos.y(), false); cursorPos.setX(getNextStep(cursorPos.x(),1, _stepSize)); selectCursorEvent(getEventAtCursorPos()); if (mapx(cursorPos.x()) < 0 || mapx(cursorPos.x()) > width()) emit followEvent(cursorPos.x()); return; } else if (key == shortcuts[SHRT_ADDNOTE_3].key) { newItem(newItem(cursorPos.x(), cursorPos.y(), drumMap[cursorPos.y()].lv3),false,true); keyPressed(cursorPos.y(), drumMap[cursorPos.y()].lv3); keyReleased(cursorPos.y(), false); cursorPos.setX(getNextStep(cursorPos.x(),1, _stepSize)); selectCursorEvent(getEventAtCursorPos()); if (mapx(cursorPos.x()) < 0 || mapx(cursorPos.x()) > width()) emit followEvent(cursorPos.x()); return; } else if (key == shortcuts[SHRT_ADDNOTE_4].key) { newItem(newItem(cursorPos.x(), cursorPos.y(), drumMap[cursorPos.y()].lv4),false,true); keyPressed(cursorPos.y(), drumMap[cursorPos.y()].lv4); keyReleased(cursorPos.y(), false); cursorPos.setX(getNextStep(cursorPos.x(),1, _stepSize)); selectCursorEvent(getEventAtCursorPos()); if (mapx(cursorPos.x()) < 0 || mapx(cursorPos.x()) > width()) emit followEvent(cursorPos.x()); return; } } EventCanvas::keyPress(event); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // setTool2 //--------------------------------------------------------- void DrumCanvas::setTool2(int) { if (_tool == CursorTool) deselectAll(); if (unsigned(cursorPos.x()) < curPart->tick()) cursorPos.setX(curPart->tick()); update(); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // setCurDrumInstrument //--------------------------------------------------------- void DrumCanvas::setCurDrumInstrument(int i) { cursorPos.setY(i); update(); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // setStep //--------------------------------------------------------- void DrumCanvas::setStep(int v) { _stepSize=v; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // getEventAtCursorPos //--------------------------------------------------------- Event *DrumCanvas::getEventAtCursorPos() { if (_tool != CursorTool) return 0; EventList* el = curPart->events(); iEvent lower = el->lower_bound(cursorPos.x()-curPart->tick()); iEvent upper = el->upper_bound(cursorPos.x()-curPart->tick()); for (iEvent i = lower; i != upper; ++i) { Event &ev = i->second; if(!ev.isNote()) continue; if (ev.pitch() == cursorPos.y()) { return &ev; } } return 0; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // selectCursorEvent //--------------------------------------------------------- void DrumCanvas::selectCursorEvent(Event *ev) { for (iCItem i = items.begin(); i != items.end(); ++i) { Event e = i->second->event(); if (ev && ev->tick() == e.tick() && ev->pitch() == e.pitch() && e.isNote()) i->second->setSelected(true); else i->second->setSelected(false); } updateSelection(); }