#========================================================= # MusE # Linux Music Editor # $Id: make.inc,v 2003/10/27 18:51:34 wschweer Exp $ # (C) Copyright 1999-2001 Werner Schweer (ws@seh.de) #========================================================= #---------------------------------------------------- # basic path # ifndef QTDIR_BIN QTDIR_BIN = /usr/qt3/bin endif ifndef QTDIR_LIB QTDIR_LIB = /usr/qt3/lib endif ifndef QTDIR_INC QTDIR_INC = /usr/qt3/include endif PREFIX = /usr/muse INSTDIR = $(PREFIX)/share INSTLIBDIR = $(PREFIX)/lib BINDIR = /usr/bin #----------------------------------------------------- # basic flags # # experimental KDE Flag # compiles with KDE Support: # # KMainWindow <--> QMainWindow # KToolbar <--> QToolBar # # Current Status: donīt use: (set to NO); there are some issues # If you want to debug this: # you also need Tommi Ilmonenīs "givertcap" because # you cannot run MusE suid root with KDE libs HAVE_KDE = no KDEDIR = /usr/kde2 # # AUDIO, ALSA - always required # ALSACVS - use newest ALSA CVS (include /usr/include/alsa/asoundlib.h # instead of /usr/include/sys/asooundlib.h) AUDIO = yes ALSA = yes OSS = yes ALSACVS = yes # use Tommi Ilmonenīs "givertcap "to give RealTime capabilities to # MusE; with the use of this utility MusE did not need "suid root" # flags anymore # more info at http://www.tml.hut.fi/~tilmonen/givertcap/ RTCAP = no #--------------------------------------------------------------- CC = /usr/bin/g++ QTLIB = qt-mt MOC = $(QTDIR_BIN)/moc UIC = $(QTDIR_BIN)/uic LUPDATE = $(QTDIR_BIN)/lupdate LRELEASE = $(QTDIR_BIN)/lrelease CPP = cpp #----------------------------------------------------- OLDVERSION = 0.5.1 VERSION = 0.5.2 INCLUDES = -I. #FLAGS = -Wall -W -Wshadow -D_GNU_SOURCE FLAGS = -Wall -W -D_GNU_SOURCE # FLAGS = -W -D_GNU_SOURCE ifeq ($(HAVE_KDE),yes) INCLUDES += -I$(KDEDIR)/include FLAGS += -DHAVE_KDE endif ifeq ($(ALSACVS),yes) FLAGS += -DALSACVS endif #----------------------------------------------------- # DEBUG = yes generates debuggable (non optimized) version # DEBUG = no ifeq ($(DEBUG),yes) FLAGS += -g # -DMEMORY_DEBUG else FLAGS += -O2 -g FLAGS += -DNDEBUG endif ifeq ($(AUDIO),yes) FLAGS += -DAUDIO endif ifeq ($(RTCAP),yes) FLAGS += -DRTCAP endif #----------------------------------------------------- # nothing to config below this line # ifdef TOPDIR INCLUDES += -Imidiedit -Iscore -Iarranger -Iliste INCLUDES += -Iwidgets -Imixer -Idriver -Iwaveedit -Implugins else INCLUDES += -I$(MUSETOP) -I$(MUSETOP)/widgets -I$(MUSETOP)/driver endif INCLUDES += -Iarchiv -I$(QTDIR_INC) FLAGS += -DQT_CLEAN_NAMESPACE -DQT_NOCOMPAT -DQT_NO_ASCII_CAST # FLAGS += -fno-exceptions FLAGS += -D_REENTRANT -DVERSION=\"$(VERSION)\" FLAGS += -DINSTDIR=\"$(INSTDIR)\" FLAGS += -DINSTLIBDIR=\"$(INSTLIBDIR)\" ifeq ($(ALSA),yes) FLAGS += -DALSA endif ifeq ($(OSS),yes) FLAGS += -DOSS endif ALL_CFLAGS = $(FLAGS) $(INCLUDES) $(CFLAGS) .PHONY: all target clean depend test translations .SUFFIXES: .ui %.o: %.c $(CC) -c $(ALL_CFLAGS) $< -o $@ obj/%.o: %.c $(CC) -c $(ALL_CFLAGS) $< -o $@ .ui.h: $(UIC) $< -o $*.h .ui.c: $(UIC) -o $*.c -impl $*.h $< obj/moc_%.c: %.h $(MOC) $< -o obj/moc_$*.c all: target clean:: -@rm -f *.o obj/* *.bak $(GENSRC:=.h) $(GENSRC:=.c) depend:: $(GENSRC:=.h) depend:: -$(CC) -MM $(ALL_CFLAGS) $(SRC:=.c) $(MSRC:=.c) | sed -e 's/^.*\.o:/obj\/\0/' >.depend -include .depend ifndef TOPDIR MAKE = make endif install:: ;