MidiControllerEditDialogBase MidiControllerEditDialogBase 0 0 698 457 MusE: Define Midi Controller true unnamed 11 6 Layout2 unnamed 0 6 buttonNew &Add Alt+A false create new entry pressing the New button you create a new entry in the MusE list of defined controllers buttonDelete &Delete false delete selected entry Spacer1 Horizontal Expanding 20 0 buttonOk &OK false buttonApply A&pply false buttonCancel &Cancel false textLabel1 Predefined Controller: Name true true Type true true H-Ctrl true false L-Ctrl true false Min Val true false Max Val true false viewController StyledPanel Sunken true list of defined controllers This is the MusE list of defined controllers. layout2 unnamed textLabel2 Managed Controller for Port midiPortsList textLabel3 Channel midiChannel 16 1 listController This is a list of commonly used midi controllers. Note that in MusE pitch and program changes are handled like normal controllers. GroupBox1 Properties unnamed 11 6 TextLabel1 Name layout3 unnamed TextLabel1_2 Min Value 10 spinboxMin 16384 -16385 TextLabel2_2 Max Value 10 spinboxMax 16384 -16385 127 TextLabel2 Type entryName layout5 unnamed Control7 Control14 RPN NRPN RPN14 NRPN14 Pitch Program comboType TextLabel3 H-Ctrl 10 spinboxHCtrlNo 127 0 1 Midi Controller Number High Byte TextLabel2_3 L-Ctrl 10 spinboxLCtrlNo 127 0 1 Midi Controller Number Low Byte textLabel4 Range buttonCancel clicked() MidiControllerEditDialogBase reject() buttonOk clicked() MidiControllerEditDialogBase accept() viewController entryName comboType spinboxHCtrlNo spinboxLCtrlNo spinboxMin spinboxMax buttonNew buttonDelete buttonOk buttonApply buttonCancel