//========================================================= // MusE // Linux Music Editor // $Id: importmidi.cpp,v 2009/11/05 03:14:35 terminator356 Exp $ // // (C) Copyright 1999-2003 Werner Schweer (ws@seh.de) // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of // the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. // //========================================================= #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "app.h" #include "song.h" #include "globals.h" #include "filedialog.h" #include "midi.h" #include "midifile.h" #include "midiport.h" #include "transport.h" #include "arranger.h" //#include "arranger/arranger.h" // p4.0.2 #include "mpevent.h" #include "event.h" #include "midictrl.h" #include "instruments/minstrument.h" #include "drummap.h" //#include "midiedit/drummap.h" // p4.0.2 #include "xml.h" #include "audio.h" #include "gconfig.h" using std::set; using std::pair; namespace MusEApp { //--------------------------------------------------------- // importMidi //--------------------------------------------------------- void MusE::importMidi() { QString empty(""); importMidi(empty); } void MusE::importMidi(const QString &file) { QString fn; if (file.isEmpty()) { fn = MusEWidget::getOpenFileName(MusEGlobal::lastMidiPath, MusEGlobal::midi_file_pattern, this, tr("MusE: Import Midi"), 0); if (fn.isEmpty()) return; MusEGlobal::lastMidiPath = fn; } else fn = file; int n = QMessageBox::question(this, appName, tr("Add midi file to current project?\n"), tr("&Add to Project"), tr("&Replace"), tr("&Abort"), 0, 2); switch (n) { case 0: importMidi(fn, true); song->update(); break; case 1: loadProjectFile(fn, false, false); // replace break; default: return; } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // importMidi // return true on error //--------------------------------------------------------- bool MusE::importMidi(const QString name, bool merge) { bool popenFlag; FILE* fp = MusEWidget::fileOpen(this, name, QString(".mid"), "r", popenFlag); if (fp == 0) return true; MidiFile mf(fp); bool rv = mf.read(); popenFlag ? pclose(fp) : fclose(fp); if (rv) { QString s(tr("reading midifile\n ")); s += name; s += tr("\nfailed: "); s += mf.error(); QMessageBox::critical(this, QString("MusE"), s); return rv; } // // evaluate song Type (GM, XG, GS, unknown) // MType t = song->mtype(); if (!merge) { t = mf.mtype(); song->setMType(t); } MidiInstrument* instr = 0; for (iMidiInstrument i = midiInstruments.begin(); i != midiInstruments.end(); ++i) { MidiInstrument* mi = *i; if ((mi->iname() == "GM" && ((t == MT_UNKNOWN) || (t == MT_GM))) || ((mi->iname() == "GS") && (t == MT_GS)) || ((mi->iname() == "XG") && (t == MT_XG))) { instr = mi; break; } } if (instr == 0) { // the standard instrument files (GM, GS, XG) must be present printf("no instrument, type %d\n", t); abort(); } MidiFileTrackList* etl = mf.trackList(); int division = mf.division(); // // create MidiTrack and copy events to ->events() // - combine note on/off events // - calculate tick value for internal resolution // for (iMidiFileTrack t = etl->begin(); t != etl->end(); ++t) { MPEventList* el = &((*t)->events); if (el->empty()) continue; // // if we split the track, SYSEX and META events go into // the first target track bool first = true; // vastly changed by flo: replaced that silly loop // with that already_processed-set-check. // this makes stuff really fast :) iMPEvent ev; set< pair > already_processed; for (ev = el->begin(); ev != el->end(); ++ev) { if (ev->type() != ME_SYSEX && ev->type() != ME_META) { int channel=ev->channel(); int port=ev->port(); if (already_processed.find(pair(channel, port)) == already_processed.end()) { already_processed.insert(pair(channel, port)); MidiTrack* track = new MidiTrack(); if ((*t)->isDrumTrack) track->setType(Track::DRUM); //FINDMICHJETZT track->setOutChannel(channel); track->setOutPort(port); MidiPort* mport = &midiPorts[track->outPort()]; // this overwrites any instrument set for this port: mport->setInstrument(instr); EventList* mel = track->events(); //buildMidiEventList(mel, el, track, division, first); // Don't do loops. buildMidiEventList(mel, el, track, division, first, false); first = false; // Comment Added by T356. // Hmm. buildMidiEventList already takes care of this. // But it seems to work. How? Must test. if (channel == 9 && song->mtype() != MT_UNKNOWN) { track->setType(Track::DRUM); //FINDMICHJETZT // // remap drum pitch with drumInmap // EventList* tevents = track->events(); for (iEvent i = tevents->begin(); i != tevents->end(); ++i) { Event ev = i->second; if (ev.isNote()) { int pitch = drumInmap[ev.pitch()]; ev.setPitch(pitch); } else if(ev.type() == Controller) { int ctl = ev.dataA(); MidiController *mc = mport->drumController(ctl); if(mc) ev.setA((ctl & ~0xff) | drumInmap[ctl & 0x7f]); } } } processTrack(track); song->insertTrack0(track, -1); } } } if (first) { // // track does only contain non-channel messages // (SYSEX or META) // MidiTrack* track = new MidiTrack(); track->setOutChannel(0); track->setOutPort(0); EventList* mel = track->events(); //buildMidiEventList(mel, el, track, division, true); // Do SysexMeta. Don't do loops. buildMidiEventList(mel, el, track, division, true, false); processTrack(track); song->insertTrack0(track, -1); } } if (!merge) { TrackList* tl = song->tracks(); if (!tl->empty()) { Track* track = tl->front(); track->setSelected(true); } song->initLen(); int z, n; ///sigmap.timesig(0, z, n); AL::sigmap.timesig(0, z, n); int tempo = tempomap.tempo(0); transport->setTimesig(z, n); transport->setTempo(tempo); bool masterF = !tempomap.empty(); song->setMasterFlag(masterF); transport->setMasterFlag(masterF); song->updatePos(); _arranger->reset(); ///_arranger->setMode(int(song->mtype())); // p4.0.7 Tim } else { song->initLen(); } return false; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // processTrack // divide events into parts //--------------------------------------------------------- void MusE::processTrack(MidiTrack* track) { EventList* tevents = track->events(); if (tevents->empty()) return; //--------------------------------------------------- // Parts ermitteln // die Midi-Spuren werden in Parts aufgebrochen; // ein neuer Part wird bei einer L�cke von einem // Takt gebildet; die L�nge wird jeweils auf // Takte aufgerundet und aligned //--------------------------------------------------- PartList* pl = track->parts(); int lastTick = 0; for (iEvent i = tevents->begin(); i != tevents->end(); ++i) { Event event = i->second; int epos = event.tick() + event.lenTick(); if (epos > lastTick) lastTick = epos; } QString partname = track->name(); int len = song->roundUpBar(lastTick+1); // p3.3.27 if(MusEConfig::config.importMidiSplitParts) { int bar2, beat; unsigned tick; ///sigmap.tickValues(len, &bar2, &beat, &tick); AL::sigmap.tickValues(len, &bar2, &beat, &tick); int lastOff = 0; int st = -1; // start tick current part int x1 = 0; // start tick current measure int x2 = 0; // end tick current measure for (int bar = 0; bar < bar2; ++bar, x1 = x2) { ///x2 = sigmap.bar2tick(bar+1, 0, 0); x2 = AL::sigmap.bar2tick(bar+1, 0, 0); if (lastOff > x2) { // this measure is busy! continue; } iEvent i1 = tevents->lower_bound(x1); iEvent i2 = tevents->lower_bound(x2); if (i1 == i2) { // empty? if (st != -1) { MidiPart* part = new MidiPart(track); part->setTick(st); part->setLenTick(x1-st); // printf("new part %d len: %d\n", st, x1-st); part->setName(partname); pl->add(part); st = -1; } } else { if (st == -1) st = x1; // begin new part //HACK: //lastOff: for (iEvent i = i1; i != i2; ++i) { Event event = i->second; if (event.type() == Note) { int off = event.tick() + event.lenTick(); if (off > lastOff) lastOff = off; } } } } if (st != -1) { MidiPart* part = new MidiPart(track); part->setTick(st); // printf("new part %d len: %d\n", st, x2-st); part->setLenTick(x2-st); part->setName(partname); pl->add(part); } } else { // Just one long part... MidiPart* part = new MidiPart(track); //part->setTick(st); part->setTick(0); part->setLenTick(len); part->setName(partname); pl->add(part); } //------------------------------------------------------------- // assign events to parts //------------------------------------------------------------- for (iPart p = pl->begin(); p != pl->end(); ++p) { MidiPart* part = (MidiPart*)(p->second); int stick = part->tick(); int etick = part->tick() + part->lenTick(); iEvent r1 = tevents->lower_bound(stick); iEvent r2 = tevents->lower_bound(etick); int startTick = part->tick(); EventList* el = part->events(); for (iEvent i = r1; i != r2; ++i) { Event ev = i->second; int ntick = ev.tick() - startTick; ev.setTick(ntick); el->add(ev); } tevents->erase(r1, r2); } if (tevents->size()) printf("-----------events left: %zd\n", tevents->size()); for (iEvent i = tevents->begin(); i != tevents->end(); ++i) { printf("%d===\n", i->first); i->second.dump(); } // all events should be processed: assert(tevents->empty()); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // importController //--------------------------------------------------------- void MusE::importController(int channel, MidiPort* mport, int n) { MidiInstrument* instr = mport->instrument(); MidiCtrlValListList* vll = mport->controller(); iMidiCtrlValList i = vll->find(channel, n); if (i != vll->end()) return; // controller does already exist MidiController* ctrl = 0; MidiControllerList* mcl = instr->controller(); // printf("import Ctrl\n"); for (iMidiController i = mcl->begin(); i != mcl->end(); ++i) { MidiController* mc = i->second; int cn = mc->num(); // printf(" %x %x\n", n, cn); if (cn == n) { ctrl = mc; break; } // wildcard? if (((cn & 0xff) == 0xff) && ((cn & ~0xff) == (n & ~0xff))) { ctrl = i->second; break; } } if (ctrl == 0) { printf("controller 0x%x not defined for instrument %s, channel %d\n", n, instr->iname().toLatin1().constData(), channel); // TODO: register default Controller // MidiController* MidiPort::midiController(int num) const } MidiCtrlValList* newValList = new MidiCtrlValList(n); vll->add(channel, newValList); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // importPart //--------------------------------------------------------- void MusE::importPart() { unsigned curPos = song->cpos(); TrackList* tracks = song->tracks(); Track* track = 0; // Get first selected track: for (iTrack i = tracks->begin(); i != tracks->end(); i++) { Track* t = *i; if (t->selected()) { // Changed by T356. Support mixed .mpt files. //if (t->isMidiTrack()) { if (t->isMidiTrack() || t->type() == Track::WAVE) { track = t; break; } else { //QMessageBox::warning(this, QString("MusE"), tr("Import part is only valid for midi tracks!")); QMessageBox::warning(this, QString("MusE"), tr("Import part is only valid for midi and wave tracks!")); return; } } } if (track) { bool loadAll; QString filename = MusEWidget::getOpenFileName(QString(""), MusEGlobal::part_file_pattern, this, tr("MusE: load part"), &loadAll); if (!filename.isEmpty()){ // Make a backup of the current clone list, to retain any 'copy' items, // so that pasting works properly after. CloneList copyCloneList = cloneList; // Clear the clone list to prevent any dangerous associations with // current non-original parts. cloneList.clear(); importPartToTrack(filename, curPos, track); // Restore backup of the clone list, to retain any 'copy' items, // so that pasting works properly after. cloneList.clear(); cloneList = copyCloneList; } } else { QMessageBox::warning(this, QString("MusE"), tr("No track selected for import")); } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // importPartToTrack //--------------------------------------------------------- void MusE::importPartToTrack(QString& filename, unsigned tick, Track* track) { // Changed by T356 /* bool popenFlag = false; FILE* fp = MusEWidget::fileOpen(this, filename, ".mpt", "r", popenFlag, false, false); if(fp) { MidiPart* importedPart = new MidiPart((MidiTrack*)track); Xml tmpXml = Xml(fp); Xml::Token token = tmpXml.parse(); const QString& tag = tmpXml.s1(); if (token == Xml::TagStart && tag == "part") { // Make a backup of the current clone list, to retain any 'copy' items, // so that pasting works properly after. CloneList copyCloneList = cloneList; // Clear the clone list to prevent any dangerous associations with // current non-original parts. cloneList.clear(); importedPart->read(tmpXml); importedPart->setTick(tick); // Restore backup of the clone list, to retain any 'copy' items, // so that pasting works properly after. cloneList.clear(); cloneList = copyCloneList; audio->msgAddPart(importedPart); } else { printf("Unknown tag: %s\n", tag.toLatin1().constData()); } fclose(fp); } return; */ bool popenFlag = false; FILE* fp = MusEWidget::fileOpen(this, filename, ".mpt", "r", popenFlag, false, false); if(fp) { Xml xml = Xml(fp); bool firstPart = true; int posOffset = 0; int notDone = 0; int done = 0; bool end = false; song->startUndo(); for (;;) { Xml::Token token = xml.parse(); const QString& tag = xml.s1(); switch (token) { case Xml::Error: case Xml::End: end = true; break; case Xml::TagStart: if (tag == "part") { //MidiPart* p = new MidiPart((MidiTrack*)track); //p->read(xml); // Read the part. Part* p = 0; p = readXmlPart(xml, track); // If it could not be created... if(!p) { // Increment the number of parts not done and break. ++notDone; break; } // Increment the number of parts done. ++done; if(firstPart) { firstPart=false; posOffset = tick - p->tick(); } p->setTick(p->tick() + posOffset); //finalPos=p->tick() + p->lenTick(); ////pos += p->lenTick(); audio->msgAddPart(p,false); } else xml.unknown("MusE::importPartToTrack"); break; case Xml::TagEnd: break; default: end = true; break; } if(end) break; } fclose(fp); song->endUndo(SC_PART_INSERTED); if(notDone) { int tot = notDone + done; QMessageBox::critical(this, QString("MusE"), (tot > 1 ? tr("%n part(s) out of %1 could not be imported.\nLikely the selected track is the wrong type.","",notDone).arg(tot) : tr("%n part(s) could not be imported.\nLikely the selected track is the wrong type.","",notDone))); } return; } } } // namespace MuseApp