//========================================================= // MusE // Linux Music Editor // $Id: jack.cpp,v 2009/12/20 05:00:35 terminator356 Exp $ // (C) Copyright 2002 Werner Schweer (ws@seh.de) // (C) Copyright 2012 Tim E. Real (terminator356 on sourceforge.net) // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of // the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. // //========================================================= #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include //#include #include #include #include #include "audio.h" #include "globals.h" #include "song.h" #include "jackaudio.h" #include "track.h" #include "pos.h" #include "tempo.h" #include "sync.h" #include "utils.h" #include "gconfig.h" #include "midi.h" #include "mididev.h" #include "mpevent.h" #include "jackmidi.h" #define JACK_DEBUG 0 //#include "errorhandler.h" #ifdef VST_SUPPORT #include #endif namespace MusEGlobal { #ifndef RTCAP extern void doSetuid(); extern void undoSetuid(); #endif //--------------------------------------------------------- // checkAudioDevice - make sure audioDevice exists //--------------------------------------------------------- bool checkAudioDevice() { if (audioDevice == NULL) { if(debugMsg) printf("Muse:checkAudioDevice: no audioDevice\n"); return false; } return true; } } // namespace MusEGlobal namespace MusECore { JackAudioDevice* jackAudio; //--------------------------------------------------------- // checkJackClient - make sure client is valid //--------------------------------------------------------- inline bool checkJackClient(jack_client_t* _client) { if (_client == NULL) { printf("Panic! no _client!\n"); return false; } return true; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // jack_thread_init //--------------------------------------------------------- static void jack_thread_init (void* ) { if (JACK_DEBUG) printf("jack_thread_init()\n"); MusEGlobal::doSetuid(); #ifdef VST_SUPPORT if (loadVST) fst_adopt_thread(); #endif MusEGlobal::undoSetuid(); } int JackAudioDevice::processAudio(jack_nframes_t frames, void*) { int state_pending = jackAudio->_dummyStatePending; // Snapshots. int pos_pending = jackAudio->_dummyPosPending; // jackAudio->_dummyStatePending = -1; // Reset. jackAudio->_dummyPosPending = -1; // jackAudio->_frameCounter += frames; MusEGlobal::segmentSize = frames; if (MusEGlobal::audio->isRunning()) { // Are we not using Jack transport? if(!MusEGlobal::useJackTransport.value()) { // STOP -> STOP, STOP -> START_PLAY, PLAY -> START_PLAY all count as 'syncing'. if(((jackAudio->dummyState == Audio::STOP || jackAudio->dummyState == Audio::PLAY) && state_pending == Audio::START_PLAY) || (jackAudio->dummyState == Audio::STOP && state_pending == Audio::STOP) ) { jackAudio->_syncTimeout = (float)frames / (float)MusEGlobal::sampleRate; // (Re)start the timeout counter... if(pos_pending != -1) jackAudio->dummyPos = pos_pending; // Set the new dummy position. if((jackAudio->dummyState == Audio::STOP || jackAudio->dummyState == Audio::PLAY) && state_pending == Audio::START_PLAY) jackAudio->dummyState = Audio::START_PLAY; } else // All other states such as START_PLAY -> STOP, PLAY -> STOP. if(state_pending != -1 && state_pending != jackAudio->dummyState) { jackAudio->_syncTimeout = 0.0; // Reset. jackAudio->dummyState = state_pending; } // Is the sync timeout counter running? if(jackAudio->_syncTimeout > 0.0) { //printf("Jack processAudio dummy sync: state:%d pending:%d\n", jackAudio->dummyState, state_pending); // Is MusE audio ready to roll? if(MusEGlobal::audio->sync(jackAudio->dummyState, jackAudio->dummyPos)) { jackAudio->_syncTimeout = 0.0; // Reset. // We're ready. Switch to PLAY state. if(jackAudio->dummyState == Audio::START_PLAY) jackAudio->dummyState = Audio::PLAY; } else { jackAudio->_syncTimeout += (float)frames / (float)MusEGlobal::sampleRate; if(jackAudio->_syncTimeout > 5.0) // TODO: Make this timeout a 'settings' option so it can be applied both to Jack and here. { if (MusEGlobal::debugMsg) puts("Jack dummy sync timeout! Starting anyway...\n"); jackAudio->_syncTimeout = 0.0; // Reset. // We're not ready, but no time left - gotta roll anyway. Switch to PLAY state, similar to how Jack is supposed to work. if(jackAudio->dummyState == Audio::START_PLAY) { jackAudio->dummyState = Audio::PLAY; // Docs say sync will be called with Rolling state when timeout expires. MusEGlobal::audio->sync(jackAudio->dummyState, jackAudio->dummyPos); } } } } } //if(jackAudio->getState() != Audio::START_PLAY) // Don't process while we're syncing. TODO: May need to deliver silence in process! MusEGlobal::audio->process((unsigned long)frames); } else { if (MusEGlobal::debugMsg) puts("jack calling when audio is disconnected!\n"); } return 0; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // processSync // return TRUE (non-zero) when ready to roll. //--------------------------------------------------------- static int processSync(jack_transport_state_t state, jack_position_t* pos, void*) { if (JACK_DEBUG) { printf("processSync frame:%u\n", pos->frame); if(pos->valid & JackPositionBBT) { if(JACK_DEBUG) { printf("processSync BBT:\n bar:%d beat:%d tick:%d\n bar_start_tick:%f beats_per_bar:%f beat_type:%f ticks_per_beat:%f beats_per_minute:%f\n", pos->bar, pos->beat, pos->tick, pos->bar_start_tick, pos->beats_per_bar, pos->beat_type, pos->ticks_per_beat, pos->beats_per_minute); if(pos->valid & JackBBTFrameOffset) printf("processSync BBTFrameOffset: %u\n", pos->bbt_offset); } } } if(!MusEGlobal::useJackTransport.value()) return 1; int audioState = Audio::STOP; switch (state) { case JackTransportStopped: audioState = Audio::STOP; break; case JackTransportLooping: case JackTransportRolling: audioState = Audio::PLAY; break; case JackTransportStarting: //printf("processSync JackTransportStarting\n"); audioState = Audio::START_PLAY; break; //case JackTransportNetStarting: -- only available in Jack-2! // FIXME: Quick and dirty hack to support both Jack-1 and Jack-2 // Really need a config check of version... case 4: //printf("processSync JackTransportNetStarting\n"); audioState = Audio::START_PLAY; break; } unsigned frame = pos->frame; //return MusEGlobal::audio->sync(audioState, frame); int rv = MusEGlobal::audio->sync(audioState, frame); //printf("Jack processSync() after MusEGlobal::audio->sync frame:%d\n", frame); return rv; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // timebase_callback //--------------------------------------------------------- static void timebase_callback(jack_transport_state_t /* state */, jack_nframes_t nframes, jack_position_t* pos, int new_pos, void*) { if (JACK_DEBUG) { if(pos->valid & JackPositionBBT) printf("timebase_callback BBT:\n bar:%d beat:%d tick:%d\n bar_start_tick:%f beats_per_bar:%f beat_type:%f ticks_per_beat:%f beats_per_minute:%f\n", pos->bar, pos->beat, pos->tick, pos->bar_start_tick, pos->beats_per_bar, pos->beat_type, pos->ticks_per_beat, pos->beats_per_minute); if(pos->valid & JackBBTFrameOffset) printf("timebase_callback BBTFrameOffset: %u\n", pos->bbt_offset); if(pos->valid & JackPositionTimecode) printf("timebase_callback JackPositionTimecode: frame_time:%f next_time:%f\n", pos->frame_time, pos->next_time); if(pos->valid & JackAudioVideoRatio) printf("timebase_callback JackAudioVideoRatio: %f\n", pos->audio_frames_per_video_frame); if(pos->valid & JackVideoFrameOffset) printf("timebase_callback JackVideoFrameOffset: %u\n", pos->video_offset); } //Pos p(pos->frame, false); Pos p(MusEGlobal::extSyncFlag.value() ? MusEGlobal::audio->tickPos() : pos->frame, MusEGlobal::extSyncFlag.value() ? true : false); // Can't use song pos - it is only updated every (slow) GUI heartbeat ! //Pos p(MusEGlobal::extSyncFlag.value() ? MusEGlobal::song->cpos() : pos->frame, MusEGlobal::extSyncFlag.value() ? true : false); pos->valid = JackPositionBBT; p.mbt(&pos->bar, &pos->beat, &pos->tick); pos->bar_start_tick = Pos(pos->bar, 0, 0).tick(); pos->bar++; pos->beat++; int z, n; AL::sigmap.timesig(p.tick(), z, n); pos->beats_per_bar = z; pos->beat_type = n; pos->ticks_per_beat = MusEGlobal::config.division; //pos->ticks_per_beat = 24; double tempo = MusEGlobal::tempomap.tempo(p.tick()); pos->beats_per_minute = (60000000.0 / tempo) * double(MusEGlobal::tempomap.globalTempo())/100.0; if (JACK_DEBUG) { printf("timebase_callback is new_pos:%d nframes:%u frame:%u tickPos:%d cpos:%d\n", new_pos, nframes, pos->frame, MusEGlobal::audio->tickPos(), MusEGlobal::song->cpos()); printf(" new: bar:%d beat:%d tick:%d\n bar_start_tick:%f beats_per_bar:%f beat_type:%f ticks_per_beat:%f beats_per_minute:%f\n", pos->bar, pos->beat, pos->tick, pos->bar_start_tick, pos->beats_per_bar, pos->beat_type, pos->ticks_per_beat, pos->beats_per_minute); } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // processShutdown //--------------------------------------------------------- static void processShutdown(void*) { if (JACK_DEBUG) printf("processShutdown()\n"); //printf("processShutdown\n"); jackAudio->nullify_client(); MusEGlobal::audio->shutdown(); int c=0; while(MusEGlobal::midiSeqRunning == true) { if(c++ >10) { fprintf(stderr, "sequencer still running, something is very wrong.\n"); break; } sleep(1); } delete jackAudio; jackAudio=0; MusEGlobal::audioDevice=0; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // jackError //--------------------------------------------------------- static void jackError(const char *s) { //error->logError( "JACK ERROR: %s\n", s); fprintf(stderr,"JACK ERROR: %s\n", s); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // noJackError //--------------------------------------------------------- static void noJackError(const char* /* s */) { //printf("noJackError()\n"); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // JackAudioDevice //--------------------------------------------------------- JackAudioDevice::JackAudioDevice(jack_client_t* cl, char* name) : AudioDevice() { _frameCounter = 0; //JackAudioDevice::jackStarted=false; strcpy(jackRegisteredName, name); _client = cl; dummyState = Audio::STOP; dummyPos = 0; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // ~JackAudioDevice //--------------------------------------------------------- JackAudioDevice::~JackAudioDevice() { if (JACK_DEBUG) printf("~JackAudioDevice()\n"); if (_client) { if (jack_client_close(_client)) { fprintf(stderr,"jack_client_close() failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); } } if (JACK_DEBUG) printf("~JackAudioDevice() after jack_client_close()\n"); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // realtimePriority // return zero if not running realtime // can only be called if JACK client thread is already // running //--------------------------------------------------------- int JackAudioDevice::realtimePriority() const { pthread_t t = jack_client_thread_id(_client); int policy; struct sched_param param; memset(¶m, 0, sizeof(param)); int rv = pthread_getschedparam(t, &policy, ¶m); if (rv) { perror("MusE: JackAudioDevice::realtimePriority: Error: Get jack schedule parameter"); return 0; } if (policy != SCHED_FIFO) { printf("MusE: JackAudioDevice::realtimePriority: JACK is not running realtime\n"); return 0; } return param.sched_priority; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // initJackAudio // return true if JACK not found //--------------------------------------------------------- bool initJackAudio() { if (JACK_DEBUG) printf("initJackAudio()\n"); if (MusEGlobal::debugMsg) { fprintf(stderr,"initJackAudio()\n"); jack_set_error_function(jackError); } else jack_set_error_function(noJackError); MusEGlobal::doSetuid(); //jack_client_t* client = 0; //int i = 0; //char jackIdString[8]; //for (i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { // sprintf(jackIdString, "MusE-%d", i+1); //client = jack_client_new(jackIdString); // client = jack_client_open(jackIdString, JackNoStartServer, 0); // if (client) // break; // } //if (i == 5) // return true; int opts = JackNullOption; if(MusEGlobal::noAutoStartJack) opts |= JackNoStartServer; jack_status_t status; jack_client_t* client = jack_client_open("MusE", (jack_options_t)opts, &status); if (!client) { if (status & JackServerStarted) printf("jack server started...\n"); if (status & JackServerFailed) printf("cannot connect to jack server\n"); if (status & JackServerError) printf("communication with jack server failed\n"); if (status & JackShmFailure) printf("jack cannot access shared memory\n"); if (status & JackVersionError) printf("jack server has wrong version\n"); printf("cannot create jack client\n"); MusEGlobal::undoSetuid(); return true; } if (MusEGlobal::debugMsg) fprintf(stderr, "initJackAudio(): client %s opened.\n", jack_get_client_name(client)); //jack_set_error_function(jackError); //jackAudio = new JackAudioDevice(client, jackIdString); jackAudio = new JackAudioDevice(client, jack_get_client_name(client)); if (MusEGlobal::debugMsg) fprintf(stderr, "initJackAudio(): registering client...\n"); MusEGlobal::undoSetuid(); MusEGlobal::audioDevice = jackAudio; // WARNING Don't do this here. Do it after any MusE ALSA client is registered, otherwise random crashes can occur. //jackAudio->registerClient(); MusEGlobal::sampleRate = jack_get_sample_rate(client); MusEGlobal::segmentSize = jack_get_buffer_size(client); jackAudio->scanMidiPorts(); return false; } static int bufsize_callback(jack_nframes_t n, void*) { printf("JACK: buffersize changed %d\n", n); return 0; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // freewheel_callback //--------------------------------------------------------- static void freewheel_callback(int starting, void*) { if (MusEGlobal::debugMsg || JACK_DEBUG) printf("JACK: freewheel_callback: starting%d\n", starting); MusEGlobal::audio->setFreewheel(starting); } static int srate_callback(jack_nframes_t n, void*) { if (MusEGlobal::debugMsg || JACK_DEBUG) printf("JACK: sample rate changed: %d\n", n); return 0; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // registration_callback //--------------------------------------------------------- static void registration_callback(jack_port_id_t, int, void*) { if(MusEGlobal::debugMsg || JACK_DEBUG) printf("JACK: registration changed\n"); MusEGlobal::audio->sendMsgToGui('R'); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // JackAudioDevice::registrationChanged // this is called from song in gui context triggered // by registration_callback() //--------------------------------------------------------- void JackAudioDevice::registrationChanged() { if(JACK_DEBUG) printf("JackAudioDevice::registrationChanged()\n"); // Rescan. scanMidiPorts(); // Connect the Jack midi client ports to the device ports. //connectJackMidiPorts(); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // JackAudioDevice::connectJackMidiPorts //--------------------------------------------------------- void JackAudioDevice::connectJackMidiPorts() { if(JACK_DEBUG) printf("JackAudioDevice::connectJackMidiPorts()\n"); for (iMidiDevice i = MusEGlobal::midiDevices.begin(); i != MusEGlobal::midiDevices.end(); ++i) { //MidiJackDevice* mjd = dynamic_cast(*i); //if(!mjd) MidiDevice* md = *i; if(md->deviceType() != MidiDevice::JACK_MIDI) continue; //void* port = md->clientPort(); if(md->rwFlags() & 1) { void* port = md->outClientPort(); if(port) { RouteList* rl = md->outRoutes(); for (ciRoute r = rl->begin(); r != rl->end(); ++r) { if(r->type != Route::JACK_ROUTE) continue; connect(port, r->jackPort); } } } if(md->rwFlags() & 2) { void* port = md->inClientPort(); if(port) { RouteList* rl = md->inRoutes(); for (ciRoute r = rl->begin(); r != rl->end(); ++r) { if(r->type != Route::JACK_ROUTE) continue; connect(r->jackPort, port); } } } } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // client_registration_callback //--------------------------------------------------------- static void client_registration_callback(const char *name, int isRegister, void*) { if (MusEGlobal::debugMsg || JACK_DEBUG) printf("JACK: client registration changed:%s register:%d\n", name, isRegister); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // port_connect_callback //--------------------------------------------------------- static void port_connect_callback(jack_port_id_t a, jack_port_id_t b, int isConnect, void*) { if (MusEGlobal::debugMsg || JACK_DEBUG) { //jack_port_t* ap = jack_port_by_id(_client, a); //jack_port_t* bp = jack_port_by_id(_client, b); //printf("JACK: port connections changed: A:%d:%s B:%d:%s isConnect:%d\n", a, jack_port_name(ap), b, jack_port_name(bp), isConnect); printf("JACK: port connections changed: A:%d B:%d isConnect:%d\n", a, b, isConnect); } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // graph_callback // this is called from jack when the connections // changed //--------------------------------------------------------- static int graph_callback(void*) { if (JACK_DEBUG) printf("graph_callback()\n"); // we cannot call JackAudioDevice::graphChanged() from this // context, so we send a message to the gui thread which in turn // calls graphChanged() MusEGlobal::audio->sendMsgToGui('C'); if (MusEGlobal::debugMsg) printf("JACK: graph changed\n"); return 0; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // JackAudioDevice::graphChanged // this is called from song in gui context triggered // by graph_callback() //--------------------------------------------------------- void JackAudioDevice::graphChanged() { if (JACK_DEBUG) printf("graphChanged()\n"); if(!checkJackClient(_client)) return; InputList* il = MusEGlobal::song->inputs(); for (iAudioInput ii = il->begin(); ii != il->end(); ++ii) { AudioInput* it = *ii; int channels = it->channels(); for (int channel = 0; channel < channels; ++channel) { jack_port_t* port = (jack_port_t*)(it->jackPort(channel)); if (port == 0) continue; const char** ports = jack_port_get_all_connections(_client, port); RouteList* rl = it->inRoutes(); //--------------------------------------- // check for disconnects //--------------------------------------- bool erased; // limit set to 20 iterations for disconnects, don't know how to make it go // the "right" amount for (int i = 0;i < 20;i++) { erased = false; for (ciRoute irl = rl->begin(); irl != rl->end(); ++irl) { if(irl->type != Route::JACK_ROUTE) continue; if (irl->channel != channel) continue; QString name = irl->name(); QByteArray ba = name.toLatin1(); const char* portName = ba.constData(); //printf("portname=%s\n", portName); bool found = false; const char** pn = ports; while (pn && *pn) { if (strcmp(*pn, portName) == 0) { found = true; break; } ++pn; } if (!found) { MusEGlobal::audio->msgRemoveRoute1( //Route(portName, false, channel), Route(portName, false, channel, Route::JACK_ROUTE), Route(it, channel) ); erased = true; break; } } if (!erased) break; } //--------------------------------------- // check for connects //--------------------------------------- if (ports) { const char** pn = ports; while (*pn) { bool found = false; for (ciRoute irl = rl->begin(); irl != rl->end(); ++irl) { if(irl->type != Route::JACK_ROUTE) continue; if (irl->channel != channel) continue; QString name = irl->name(); QByteArray ba = name.toLatin1(); const char* portName = ba.constData(); if (strcmp(*pn, portName) == 0) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { MusEGlobal::audio->msgAddRoute1( //Route(*pn, false, channel), Route(*pn, false, channel, Route::JACK_ROUTE), Route(it, channel) ); } ++pn; } jack_free(ports); // p4.0.29 ports = NULL; } } } OutputList* ol = MusEGlobal::song->outputs(); for (iAudioOutput ii = ol->begin(); ii != ol->end(); ++ii) { AudioOutput* it = *ii; int channels = it->channels(); for (int channel = 0; channel < channels; ++channel) { jack_port_t* port = (jack_port_t*)(it->jackPort(channel)); if (port == 0) continue; const char** ports = jack_port_get_all_connections(_client, port); RouteList* rl = it->outRoutes(); //--------------------------------------- // check for disconnects //--------------------------------------- bool erased; // limit set to 20 iterations for disconnects, don't know how to make it go // the "right" amount for (int i = 0; i < 20 ; i++) { erased = false; for (ciRoute irl = rl->begin(); irl != rl->end(); ++irl) { if(irl->type != Route::JACK_ROUTE) continue; if (irl->channel != channel) continue; QString name = irl->name(); QByteArray ba = name.toLatin1(); const char* portName = ba.constData(); bool found = false; const char** pn = ports; while (pn && *pn) { if (strcmp(*pn, portName) == 0) { found = true; break; } ++pn; } if (!found) { MusEGlobal::audio->msgRemoveRoute1( Route(it, channel), //Route(portName, false, channel) Route(portName, false, channel, Route::JACK_ROUTE) ); erased = true; break; } } if (!erased) break; } //--------------------------------------- // check for connects //--------------------------------------- if (ports) { const char** pn = ports; while (*pn) { bool found = false; for (ciRoute irl = rl->begin(); irl != rl->end(); ++irl) { if(irl->type != Route::JACK_ROUTE) continue; if (irl->channel != channel) continue; QString name = irl->name(); QByteArray ba = name.toLatin1(); const char* portName = ba.constData(); if (strcmp(*pn, portName) == 0) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { MusEGlobal::audio->msgAddRoute1( Route(it, channel), //Route(*pn, false, channel) Route(*pn, false, channel, Route::JACK_ROUTE) ); } ++pn; } jack_free(ports); // p4.0.29 ports = NULL; } } } for (iMidiDevice ii = MusEGlobal::midiDevices.begin(); ii != MusEGlobal::midiDevices.end(); ++ii) { MidiDevice* md = *ii; if(md->deviceType() != MidiDevice::JACK_MIDI) continue; //MidiJackDevice* mjd = dynamic_cast(*ii); //if(!mjd) // continue; //for (int channel = 0; channel < channels; ++channel) //{ // p3.3.55 Removed //jack_port_t* port = (jack_port_t*)md->clientPort(); //if (port == 0) // continue; //const char** ports = jack_port_get_all_connections(_client, port); //--------------------------------------- // outputs //--------------------------------------- if(md->rwFlags() & 1) // Writable { jack_port_t* port = (jack_port_t*)md->outClientPort(); if(port != 0) { const char** ports = jack_port_get_all_connections(_client, port); RouteList* rl = md->outRoutes(); //--------------------------------------- // check for disconnects //--------------------------------------- bool erased; // limit set to 20 iterations for disconnects, don't know how to make it go // the "right" amount for (int i = 0; i < 20 ; i++) { erased = false; for (ciRoute irl = rl->begin(); irl != rl->end(); ++irl) { if(irl->type != Route::JACK_ROUTE) continue; //if (irl->channel != channel) // continue; QString name = irl->name(); //name += QString(JACK_MIDI_OUT_PORT_SUFFIX); QByteArray ba = name.toLatin1(); const char* portName = ba.constData(); bool found = false; const char** pn = ports; while (pn && *pn) { if (strcmp(*pn, portName) == 0) { found = true; break; } ++pn; } if (!found) { MusEGlobal::audio->msgRemoveRoute1( //Route(it, channel), //Route(mjd), Route(md, -1), //Route(portName, false, channel) //Route(portName, false, -1) Route(portName, false, -1, Route::JACK_ROUTE) ); erased = true; break; } } if (!erased) break; } //--------------------------------------- // check for connects //--------------------------------------- if (ports) { const char** pn = ports; while (*pn) { bool found = false; for (ciRoute irl = rl->begin(); irl != rl->end(); ++irl) { if(irl->type != Route::JACK_ROUTE) continue; //if (irl->channel != channel) // continue; QString name = irl->name(); QByteArray ba = name.toLatin1(); const char* portName = ba.constData(); if (strcmp(*pn, portName) == 0) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { MusEGlobal::audio->msgAddRoute1( //Route(it, channel), //Route(mjd), Route(md, -1), //Route(*pn, false, channel) //Route(*pn, false, -1) Route(*pn, false, -1, Route::JACK_ROUTE) ); } ++pn; } jack_free(ports); // p4.0.29 } } } //------------------------ // Inputs //------------------------ if(md->rwFlags() & 2) // Readable { jack_port_t* port = (jack_port_t*)md->inClientPort(); if(port != 0) { const char** ports = jack_port_get_all_connections(_client, port); RouteList* rl = md->inRoutes(); //--------------------------------------- // check for disconnects //--------------------------------------- bool erased; // limit set to 20 iterations for disconnects, don't know how to make it go // the "right" amount for (int i = 0; i < 20 ; i++) { erased = false; for (ciRoute irl = rl->begin(); irl != rl->end(); ++irl) { if(irl->type != Route::JACK_ROUTE) continue; //if (irl->channel != channel) // continue; QString name = irl->name(); QByteArray ba = name.toLatin1(); const char* portName = ba.constData(); bool found = false; const char** pn = ports; while (pn && *pn) { if (strcmp(*pn, portName) == 0) { found = true; break; } ++pn; } if (!found) { MusEGlobal::audio->msgRemoveRoute1( //Route(portName, false, channel), //Route(portName, false, -1), Route(portName, false, -1, Route::JACK_ROUTE), //Route(it, channel) //Route(mjd) Route(md, -1) ); erased = true; break; } } if (!erased) break; } //--------------------------------------- // check for connects //--------------------------------------- if (ports) { const char** pn = ports; while (*pn) { bool found = false; for (ciRoute irl = rl->begin(); irl != rl->end(); ++irl) { if(irl->type != Route::JACK_ROUTE) continue; //if (irl->channel != channel) // continue; QString name = irl->name(); QByteArray ba = name.toLatin1(); const char* portName = ba.constData(); if (strcmp(*pn, portName) == 0) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { MusEGlobal::audio->msgAddRoute1( //Route(*pn, false, channel), //Route(*pn, false, -1), Route(*pn, false, -1, Route::JACK_ROUTE), //Route(it, channel) //Route(mjd) Route(md, -1) ); } ++pn; } jack_free(ports); // p4.0.29 } } } } } //static int xrun_callback(void*) // { // printf("JACK: xrun\n"); // return 0; // } //--------------------------------------------------------- // register //--------------------------------------------------------- void JackAudioDevice::registerClient() { if (JACK_DEBUG) printf("registerClient()\n"); if(!checkJackClient(_client)) return; jack_set_thread_init_callback(_client, (JackThreadInitCallback) jack_thread_init, 0); //jack_set_timebase_callback(client, 0, (JackTimebaseCallback) timebase_callback, 0); jack_set_process_callback(_client, processAudio, 0); jack_set_sync_callback(_client, processSync, 0); //jack_set_sync_timeout(_client, 5000000); // Change default 2 to 5 second sync timeout because prefetch may be very slow esp. with resampling ! jack_on_shutdown(_client, processShutdown, 0); jack_set_buffer_size_callback(_client, bufsize_callback, 0); jack_set_sample_rate_callback(_client, srate_callback, 0); jack_set_port_registration_callback(_client, registration_callback, 0); jack_set_client_registration_callback(_client, client_registration_callback, 0); jack_set_port_connect_callback(_client, port_connect_callback, 0); jack_set_graph_order_callback(_client, graph_callback, 0); // jack_set_xrun_callback(client, xrun_callback, 0); jack_set_freewheel_callback (_client, freewheel_callback, 0); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // registerInPort //--------------------------------------------------------- void* JackAudioDevice::registerInPort(const char* name, bool midi) { if (JACK_DEBUG) printf("registerInPort()\n"); if(!checkJackClient(_client)) return NULL; const char* type = midi ? JACK_DEFAULT_MIDI_TYPE : JACK_DEFAULT_AUDIO_TYPE; //void* p = jack_port_register(_client, name, JACK_DEFAULT_AUDIO_TYPE, JackPortIsInput, 0); void* p = jack_port_register(_client, name, type, JackPortIsInput, 0); // printf("JACK: registerInPort: <%s> %p\n", name, p); return p; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // registerOutPort //--------------------------------------------------------- void* JackAudioDevice::registerOutPort(const char* name, bool midi) { if (JACK_DEBUG) printf("registerOutPort()\n"); if(!checkJackClient(_client)) return NULL; const char* type = midi ? JACK_DEFAULT_MIDI_TYPE : JACK_DEFAULT_AUDIO_TYPE; //void* p = jack_port_register(_client, name, JACK_DEFAULT_AUDIO_TYPE, JackPortIsOutput, 0); void* p = jack_port_register(_client, name, type, JackPortIsOutput, 0); // printf("JACK: registerOutPort: <%s> %p\n", name, p); return p; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // connect //--------------------------------------------------------- void JackAudioDevice::connect(void* src, void* dst) { if (JACK_DEBUG) printf("JackAudioDevice::connect()\n"); if(!checkJackClient(_client)) return; const char* sn = jack_port_name((jack_port_t*) src); const char* dn = jack_port_name((jack_port_t*) dst); if (sn == 0 || dn == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "JackAudio::connect: unknown jack ports\n"); return; } int err = jack_connect(_client, sn, dn); //if (jack_connect(_client, sn, dn)) { if (err) { fprintf(stderr, "jack connect <%s>%p - <%s>%p failed with err:%d\n", sn, src, dn, dst, err); } else if (JACK_DEBUG) { fprintf(stderr, "jack connect <%s>%p - <%s>%p succeeded\n", sn, src, dn, dst); } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // disconnect //--------------------------------------------------------- void JackAudioDevice::disconnect(void* src, void* dst) { if (JACK_DEBUG) printf("JackAudioDevice::disconnect()\n"); if(!checkJackClient(_client)) return; if(!src || !dst) return; const char* sn = jack_port_name((jack_port_t*) src); const char* dn = jack_port_name((jack_port_t*) dst); if (sn == 0 || dn == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "JackAudio::disconnect: unknown jack ports\n"); return; } int err = jack_disconnect(_client, sn, dn); //if (jack_disconnect(_client, sn, dn)) { if (err) { fprintf(stderr, "jack disconnect <%s> - <%s> failed with err:%d\n", sn, dn, err); } else if (JACK_DEBUG) { fprintf(stderr, "jack disconnect <%s> - <%s> succeeded\n", sn, dn); } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // start //--------------------------------------------------------- void JackAudioDevice::start(int /*priority*/) { if (JACK_DEBUG) printf("JackAudioDevice::start()\n"); if(!checkJackClient(_client)) return; MusEGlobal::doSetuid(); if (jack_activate(_client)) { MusEGlobal::undoSetuid(); fprintf (stderr, "JACK: cannot activate client\n"); exit(-1); } /* connect the ports. Note: you can't do this before the client is activated, because we can't allow connections to be made to clients that aren't running. */ InputList* il = MusEGlobal::song->inputs(); for (iAudioInput i = il->begin(); i != il->end(); ++i) { AudioInput* ai = *i; int channel = ai->channels(); for (int ch = 0; ch < channel; ++ch) { RouteList* rl = ai->inRoutes(); void* port = ai->jackPort(ch); for (ciRoute ir = rl->begin(); ir != rl->end(); ++ir) { if(ir->type != Route::JACK_ROUTE) continue; if (ir->channel == ch) connect(ir->jackPort, port); } } } OutputList* ol = MusEGlobal::song->outputs(); for (iAudioOutput i = ol->begin(); i != ol->end(); ++i) { AudioOutput* ai = *i; int channel = ai->channels(); for (int ch = 0; ch < channel; ++ch) { RouteList* rl = ai->outRoutes(); void* port = ai->jackPort(ch); for (ciRoute r = rl->begin(); r != rl->end(); ++r) { if(r->type != Route::JACK_ROUTE) continue; if (r->channel == ch) { connect(port, r->jackPort); } } } } // Connect the Jack midi client ports to device ports. connectJackMidiPorts(); MusEGlobal::undoSetuid(); //MUSE_DEBUG("JackAudioDevice::start()\n"); fflush(stdin); //JackAudioDevice::jackStarted=true; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // stop //--------------------------------------------------------- void JackAudioDevice::stop() { if (JACK_DEBUG) printf("JackAudioDevice::stop()\n"); if(!checkJackClient(_client)) return; if (jack_deactivate(_client)) { fprintf (stderr, "cannot deactivate client\n"); } //JackAudioDevice::jackStarted=false; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // transportQuery //--------------------------------------------------------- jack_transport_state_t JackAudioDevice::transportQuery(jack_position_t* pos) { if (JACK_DEBUG) printf("JackAudioDevice::transportQuery pos:%d\n", (unsigned int)pos->frame); // TODO: Compose and return a state if MusE is disengaged from Jack transport. return jack_transport_query(_client, pos); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // timebaseQuery // Given the number of frames in this period, get the bar, beat, tick, // and current absolute tick, and number of ticks in this period. // Return false if information could not be obtained. //--------------------------------------------------------- bool JackAudioDevice::timebaseQuery(unsigned frames, unsigned* bar, unsigned* beat, unsigned* tick, unsigned* curr_abs_tick, unsigned* next_ticks) { jack_position_t jp; jack_transport_query(_client, &jp); if(JACK_DEBUG) printf("timebaseQuery frame:%u\n", jp.frame); if(jp.valid & JackPositionBBT) { if(JACK_DEBUG) { printf("timebaseQuery BBT:\n bar:%d beat:%d tick:%d\n bar_start_tick:%f beats_per_bar:%f beat_type:%f ticks_per_beat:%f beats_per_minute:%f\n", jp.bar, jp.beat, jp.tick, jp.bar_start_tick, jp.beats_per_bar, jp.beat_type, jp.ticks_per_beat, jp.beats_per_minute); if(jp.valid & JackBBTFrameOffset) printf("timebaseQuery BBTFrameOffset: %u\n", jp.bbt_offset); } if(jp.ticks_per_beat > 0.0) { unsigned muse_tick = unsigned((double(jp.tick) / jp.ticks_per_beat) * double(MusEGlobal::config.division)); unsigned curr_tick = ((jp.bar - 1) * jp.beats_per_bar + (jp.beat - 1)) * double(MusEGlobal::config.division) + muse_tick; // Prefer the reported frame rate over the app's rate if possible. double f_rate = jp.frame_rate != 0 ? jp.frame_rate : MusEGlobal::sampleRate; // beats_per_minute is "supposed" to be quantized to period size - that is, computed // so that mid-period changes are averaged out to produce a single tempo which // produces the same tick in the end. If we can rely on that, we should be good accuracy. unsigned ticks = double(MusEGlobal::config.division) * (jp.beats_per_minute / 60.0) * double(frames) / f_rate; if(JACK_DEBUG) printf("timebaseQuery curr_tick:%u f_rate:%f ticks:%u\n", curr_tick, f_rate, ticks); if(bar) *bar = jp.bar; if(beat) *beat = jp.beat; if(tick) *tick = muse_tick; if(curr_abs_tick) *curr_abs_tick = curr_tick; if(next_ticks) *next_ticks = ticks; return true; } } if(JACK_DEBUG) { if(jp.valid & JackPositionTimecode) printf("timebaseQuery JackPositionTimecode: frame_time:%f next_time:%f\n", jp.frame_time, jp.next_time); if(jp.valid & JackAudioVideoRatio) printf("timebaseQuery JackAudioVideoRatio: %f\n", jp.audio_frames_per_video_frame); if(jp.valid & JackVideoFrameOffset) printf("timebaseQuery JackVideoFrameOffset: %u\n", jp.video_offset); } return false; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // systemTime // Return system time. Depends on selected clock source. // With Jack, may be based upon wallclock time, the // processor cycle counter or the HPET clock etc. //--------------------------------------------------------- double JackAudioDevice::systemTime() const { // Client valid? According to sletz: For jack_get_time "There are some timing related // initialization that are done once when a first client is created." if(!checkJackClient(_client)) { struct timeval t; gettimeofday(&t, 0); //printf("%ld %ld\n", t.tv_sec, t.tv_usec); // Note I observed values coming out of order! Causing some problems. return (double)((double)t.tv_sec + (t.tv_usec / 1000000.0)); } jack_time_t t = jack_get_time(); return double(t) / 1000000.0; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // getCurFrame //--------------------------------------------------------- unsigned int JackAudioDevice::getCurFrame() const { if (JACK_DEBUG) printf("JackAudioDevice::getCurFrame pos.frame:%d\n", pos.frame); if(!MusEGlobal::useJackTransport.value()) return (unsigned int)dummyPos; return pos.frame; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // framePos //--------------------------------------------------------- int JackAudioDevice::framePos() const { //if(!MusEGlobal::useJackTransport.value()) //{ // if (JACK_DEBUG) // printf("JackAudioDevice::framePos dummyPos:%d\n", dummyPos); // return dummyPos; //} if(!checkJackClient(_client)) return 0; jack_nframes_t n = jack_frame_time(_client); //if (JACK_DEBUG) // printf("JackAudioDevice::framePos jack frame:%d\n", (int)n); return (int)n; } #if 0 //--------------------------------------------------------- // framesSinceCycleStart //--------------------------------------------------------- int JackAudioDevice::framesSinceCycleStart() const { jack_nframes_t n = jack_frames_since_cycle_start(client); return (int)n; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // framesDelay // TODO //--------------------------------------------------------- int JackAudioDevice::frameDelay() const { jack_nframes_t n = (MusEGlobal::segmentSize * (segmentCount-1)) - jack_frames_since_cycle_start(client); return (int)n; } #endif //--------------------------------------------------------- // getJackPorts //--------------------------------------------------------- void JackAudioDevice::getJackPorts(const char** ports, std::list& name_list, bool midi, bool physical, int aliases) { if (JACK_DEBUG) printf("JackAudioDevice::getJackPorts()\n"); //std::list clientList; //if(!checkJackClient(_client)) return clientList; //if(!checkJackClient(_client)) return; QString qname; //const char* type = midi ? JACK_DEFAULT_MIDI_TYPE : JACK_DEFAULT_AUDIO_TYPE; //const char** ports = jack_get_ports(_client, 0, type, JackPortIsInput); //const char** ports = jack_get_ports(_client, 0, type, jflags); QString cname(jack_get_client_name(_client)); for (const char** p = ports; p && *p; ++p) { jack_port_t* port = jack_port_by_name(_client, *p); //int flags = jack_port_flags(port); //if (!(flags & JackPortIsInput)) // continue; //char buffer[128]; int port_flags = jack_port_flags(port); //printf("JackAudioDevice::getJackPorts port: %s flags: %d\n", *p, port_flags); // Ignore our own client ports. if(jack_port_is_mine(_client, port)) { if(MusEGlobal::debugMsg) printf("JackAudioDevice::getJackPorts ignoring own port: %s\n", *p); continue; } int nsz = jack_port_name_size(); char buffer[nsz]; bool mthrough = false; if(midi) { strncpy(buffer, *p, nsz); char a2[nsz]; char* al[2]; al[0] = buffer; al[1] = a2; int na = jack_port_get_aliases(port, al); if(na >= 1) { qname = QString(al[0]); //printf("Checking port name for: %s\n", (QString("alsa_pcm:") + cname + QString("/")).toLatin1().constData()); // Ignore our own ALSA client! if(qname.startsWith(QString("alsa_pcm:") + cname + QString("/"))) continue; // Put Midi Through after all others. mthrough = qname.startsWith(QString("alsa_pcm:Midi-Through/")); //if((physical && mthrough) || (!physical && !mthrough)) //if(physical && mthrough) // continue; } } // Put physical/terminal ports before others. bool is_phys = (port_flags & (JackPortIsTerminal | JackPortIsPhysical)) && !mthrough; if((physical && !is_phys) || (!physical && is_phys)) continue; strncpy(buffer, *p, nsz); if((aliases == 0) || (aliases == 1)) { char a2[nsz]; char* al[2]; al[0] = buffer; al[1] = a2; int na = jack_port_get_aliases(port, al); int a = aliases; if(a >= na) { a = na; if(a > 0) a--; } qname = QString(al[a]); } else qname = QString(buffer); //clientList.push_back(QString(buffer)); name_list.push_back(qname); } // jack_free(ports); // p4.0.29 //return clientList; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // outputPorts //--------------------------------------------------------- std::list JackAudioDevice::outputPorts(bool midi, int aliases) { if (JACK_DEBUG) printf("JackAudioDevice::outputPorts()\n"); std::list clientList; if(!checkJackClient(_client)) return clientList; const char* type = midi ? JACK_DEFAULT_MIDI_TYPE : JACK_DEFAULT_AUDIO_TYPE; const char** ports = jack_get_ports(_client, 0, type, JackPortIsOutput); if(ports) { getJackPorts(ports, clientList, midi, true, aliases); // Get physical ports first. getJackPorts(ports, clientList, midi, false, aliases); // Get non-physical ports last. jack_free(ports); } return clientList; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // inputPorts //--------------------------------------------------------- std::list JackAudioDevice::inputPorts(bool midi, int aliases) { if (JACK_DEBUG) printf("JackAudioDevice::inputPorts()\n"); std::list clientList; if(!checkJackClient(_client)) return clientList; const char* type = midi ? JACK_DEFAULT_MIDI_TYPE : JACK_DEFAULT_AUDIO_TYPE; const char** ports = jack_get_ports(_client, 0, type, JackPortIsInput); if(ports) { getJackPorts(ports, clientList, midi, true, aliases); // Get physical ports first. getJackPorts(ports, clientList, midi, false, aliases); // Get non-physical ports last. jack_free(ports); } return clientList; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // portName //--------------------------------------------------------- QString JackAudioDevice::portName(void* port) { //if (JACK_DEBUG) // printf("JackAudioDevice::portName\n"); if(!checkJackClient(_client)) return ""; if (!port) return ""; QString s(jack_port_name((jack_port_t*)port)); //printf("Jack::portName %p %s\n", port, s.toLatin1()); return s; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // portLatency // If capture is true get the capture latency, // otherwise get the playback latency. //--------------------------------------------------------- unsigned int JackAudioDevice::portLatency(void* port, bool capture) const { // TODO: Experimental code... Finish it... if(!checkJackClient(_client) || !port) return 0; QString s(jack_port_name((jack_port_t*)port)); //fprintf(stderr, "Jack::portName %p %s\n", port, s.toLatin1().constData()); jack_latency_range_t p_range; jack_port_get_latency_range((jack_port_t*)port, JackPlaybackLatency, &p_range); //fprintf(stderr, "JackAudioDevice::portLatency playback min:%u max:%u\n", p_range.min, p_range.max); if(p_range.max != p_range.min) { //fprintf(stderr, "JackAudioDevice::portLatency min:%u != max:%u\n", p_range.min, p_range.max); //return (p_range.max - p_range.min) / 2; } jack_latency_range_t c_range; jack_port_get_latency_range((jack_port_t*)port, JackCaptureLatency, &c_range); //fprintf(stderr, "JackAudioDevice::portLatency capture min:%u max:%u\n", c_range.min, c_range.max); if(c_range.max != c_range.min) { //fprintf(stderr, "JackAudioDevice::portLatency capture min:%u != max:%u\n", c_range.min, c_range.max); // TODO TEST Decide which method to use. Although, it is arbitrary. //return (c_range.max - c_range.min) / 2; //return c_range.max; } if(capture) //return (c_range.max - c_range.min) / 2; return c_range.max; //return (p_range.max - p_range.min) / 2; return p_range.max; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // unregisterPort //--------------------------------------------------------- void JackAudioDevice::unregisterPort(void* p) { if (JACK_DEBUG) printf("JackAudioDevice::unregisterPort(\n"); if(!checkJackClient(_client)) return; // printf("JACK: unregister Port\n"); jack_port_unregister(_client, (jack_port_t*)p); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // getState //--------------------------------------------------------- int JackAudioDevice::getState() { // If we're not using Jack's transport, just return current state. if(!MusEGlobal::useJackTransport.value()) { //pos.valid = jack_position_bits_t(0); //pos.frame = MusEGlobal::audio->pos().frame(); //return MusEGlobal::audio->getState(); //if (JACK_DEBUG) // printf("JackAudioDevice::getState dummyState:%d\n", dummyState); return dummyState; } //if (JACK_DEBUG) // printf("JackAudioDevice::getState ()\n"); if(!checkJackClient(_client)) return 0; transportState = jack_transport_query(_client, &pos); //if (JACK_DEBUG) // printf("JackAudioDevice::getState transportState:%d\n", transportState); switch (transportState) { case JackTransportStopped: return Audio::STOP; case JackTransportLooping: case JackTransportRolling: return Audio::PLAY; case JackTransportStarting: //printf("JackAudioDevice::getState JackTransportStarting\n"); return Audio::START_PLAY; //case JackTransportNetStarting: -- only available in Jack-2! // FIXME: Quick and dirty hack to support both Jack-1 and Jack-2 // Really need a config check of version... case 4: //printf("JackAudioDevice::getState JackTransportNetStarting\n"); return Audio::START_PLAY; break; default: return Audio::STOP; } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // setFreewheel //--------------------------------------------------------- void JackAudioDevice::setFreewheel(bool f) { if (JACK_DEBUG) printf("JackAudioDevice::setFreewheel(\n"); if(!checkJackClient(_client)) return; // printf("JACK: setFreewheel %d\n", f); jack_set_freewheel(_client, f); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // startTransport //--------------------------------------------------------- void JackAudioDevice::startTransport() { if (JACK_DEBUG) printf("JackAudioDevice::startTransport()\n"); // If we're not using Jack's transport, just pass PLAY and current frame along // as if processSync was called. if(!MusEGlobal::useJackTransport.value()) { _dummyStatePending = Audio::START_PLAY; return; } if(!checkJackClient(_client)) return; // printf("JACK: startTransport\n"); jack_transport_start(_client); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // stopTransport //--------------------------------------------------------- void JackAudioDevice::stopTransport() { if (JACK_DEBUG) printf("JackAudioDevice::stopTransport()\n"); if(!MusEGlobal::useJackTransport.value()) { _dummyStatePending = Audio::STOP; return; } if(!checkJackClient(_client)) return; if (transportState != JackTransportStopped) { // printf("JACK: stopTransport\n"); jack_transport_stop(_client); transportState=JackTransportStopped; } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // seekTransport //--------------------------------------------------------- void JackAudioDevice::seekTransport(unsigned frame) { if (JACK_DEBUG) printf("JackAudioDevice::seekTransport() frame:%d\n", frame); if(!MusEGlobal::useJackTransport.value()) { _dummyPosPending = frame; // STOP -> STOP means seek in stop mode. PLAY -> START_PLAY means seek in play mode. _dummyStatePending = (dummyState == Audio::STOP ? Audio::STOP : Audio::START_PLAY); return; } if(!checkJackClient(_client)) return; // printf("JACK: seekTransport %d\n", frame); jack_transport_locate(_client, frame); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // seekTransport //--------------------------------------------------------- void JackAudioDevice::seekTransport(const Pos &p) { if (JACK_DEBUG) printf("JackAudioDevice::seekTransport(Pos) frame:%d\n", p.frame()); if(!MusEGlobal::useJackTransport.value()) { _dummyPosPending = p.frame(); // STOP -> STOP means seek in stop mode. PLAY -> START_PLAY means seek in play mode. _dummyStatePending = (dummyState == Audio::STOP ? Audio::STOP : Audio::START_PLAY); return; } if(!checkJackClient(_client)) return; // TODO: Be friendly to other apps... Sadly not many of us use jack_transport_reposition. // This is actually required IF we want the extra position info to show up // in the sync callback, otherwise we get just the frame only. // This information is shared on the server, it is directly passed around. // jack_transport_locate blanks the info from sync until the timebase callback reads // it again right after, from some timebase master. See process in audio.cpp // jack_position_t jp; // jp.frame = p.frame(); // // jp.valid = JackPositionBBT; // p.mbt(&jp.bar, &jp.beat, &jp.tick); // jp.bar_start_tick = Pos(jp.bar, 0, 0).tick(); // jp.bar++; // jp.beat++; // jp.beats_per_bar = 5; // TODO Make this correct ! // jp.beat_type = 8; // // jp.ticks_per_beat = MusEGlobal::config.division; // int tempo = MusEGlobal::tempomap.tempo(p.tick()); // jp.beats_per_minute = (60000000.0 / tempo) * MusEGlobal::tempomap.globalTempo()/100.0; // jack_transport_reposition(_client, &jp); jack_transport_locate(_client, p.frame()); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // findPort //--------------------------------------------------------- void* JackAudioDevice::findPort(const char* name) { if (JACK_DEBUG) printf("JackAudioDevice::findPort(\n"); if(!checkJackClient(_client)) return NULL; void* p = jack_port_by_name(_client, name); // printf("Jack::findPort <%s>, %p\n", name, p); return p; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // setMaster //--------------------------------------------------------- int JackAudioDevice::setMaster(bool f) { if (JACK_DEBUG) printf("JackAudioDevice::setMaster val:%d\n", f); if(!checkJackClient(_client)) return 0; int r = 0; if(f) { if(MusEGlobal::useJackTransport.value()) { // Make Muse the Jack timebase master. Do it unconditionally (second param = 0). r = jack_set_timebase_callback(_client, 0, (JackTimebaseCallback) timebase_callback, 0); if(MusEGlobal::debugMsg || JACK_DEBUG) { if(r) printf("JackAudioDevice::setMaster jack_set_timebase_callback failed: result:%d\n", r); } } else { r = 1; printf("JackAudioDevice::setMaster cannot set master because useJackTransport is false\n"); } } else { r = jack_release_timebase(_client); if(MusEGlobal::debugMsg || JACK_DEBUG) { if(r) printf("JackAudioDevice::setMaster jack_release_timebase failed: result:%d\n", r); } } return r; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // scanMidiPorts //--------------------------------------------------------- void JackAudioDevice::scanMidiPorts() { //if(MusEGlobal::debugMsg) // printf("JackAudioDevice::scanMidiPorts:\n"); /* const char* type = JACK_DEFAULT_MIDI_TYPE; const char** ports = jack_get_ports(_client, 0, type, 0); std::set names; for (const char** p = ports; p && *p; ++p) { jack_port_t* port = jack_port_by_name(_client, *p); if(!port) continue; // Ignore our own client ports. if(jack_port_is_mine(_client, port)) { if(MusEGlobal::debugMsg) printf(" ignoring own port: %s\n", *p); continue; } int nsz = jack_port_name_size(); char buffer[nsz]; strncpy(buffer, *p, nsz); // Ignore the MusE Jack port. //if(strncmp(buffer, "MusE", 4) == 0) // continue; if(MusEGlobal::debugMsg) printf(" found port: %s ", buffer); // If there are aliases for this port, use the first one - much better for identifying. //char a1[nsz]; char a2[nsz]; char* aliases[2]; //aliases[0] = a1; aliases[0] = buffer; aliases[1] = a2; // To disable aliases, just rem this line. jack_port_get_aliases(port, aliases); //int na = jack_port_get_aliases(port, aliases); //char* namep = (na >= 1) ? aliases[0] : buffer; //char* namep = aliases[0]; //names.insert(std::string(*p)); if(MusEGlobal::debugMsg) printf("alias: %s\n", aliases[0]); names.insert(std::string(aliases[0])); } if(ports) free(ports); std::list to_del; for(iMidiDevice imd = MusEGlobal::midiDevices.begin(); imd != MusEGlobal::midiDevices.end(); ++imd) { // Only Jack midi devices. if(dynamic_cast(*imd) == 0) continue; if(names.find(std::string((*imd)->name().toLatin1())) == names.end()) to_del.push_back(*imd); } for(std::list::iterator imd = to_del.begin(); imd != to_del.end(); ++imd) { if(MusEGlobal::debugMsg) printf(" removing port device:%s\n", (*imd)->name().toLatin1()); MusEGlobal::midiDevices.remove(*imd); // This will close (and unregister) the client port. delete (*imd); } //for (const char** p = ports; p && *p; ++p) for(std::set::iterator is = names.begin(); is != names.end(); ++is) { //jack_port_t* port = jack_port_by_name(_client, *p); jack_port_t* port = jack_port_by_name(_client, is->c_str()); if(!port) continue; */ /* int nsz = jack_port_name_size(); char buffer[nsz]; //strncpy(buffer, *p, nsz); strncpy(buffer, is->c_str(), nsz); // Ignore the MusE Jack port. //if(strncmp(buffer, "MusE", 4) == 0) // continue; // If there are aliases for this port, use the first one - much better for identifying. //char a1[nsz]; char a2[nsz]; char* aliases[2]; //aliases[0] = a1; aliases[0] = buffer; aliases[1] = a2; // To disable aliases, just rem this line. jack_port_get_aliases(port, aliases); //int na = jack_port_get_aliases(port, aliases); //char* namep = (na >= 1) ? aliases[0] : buffer; char* namep = aliases[0]; QString qname(namep); */ /* QString qname(is->c_str()); // Port already exists? if(MusEGlobal::midiDevices.find(qname)) continue; int flags = 0; int pf = jack_port_flags(port); // If Jack port can send data to us... if(pf & JackPortIsOutput) // Mark as input capable. flags |= 2; // If Jack port can receive data from us... if(pf & JackPortIsInput) // Mark as output capable. flags |= 1; //JackPort jp(0, QString(buffer), flags); //portList.append(jp); if(MusEGlobal::debugMsg) printf(" adding port device:%s\n", qname.toLatin1()); MidiJackDevice* dev = new MidiJackDevice(0, qname); dev->setrwFlags(flags); MusEGlobal::midiDevices.add(dev); } */ } //--------------------------------------------------------- // exitJackAudio //--------------------------------------------------------- void exitJackAudio() { if (JACK_DEBUG) printf("exitJackAudio()\n"); if (jackAudio) delete jackAudio; if (JACK_DEBUG) printf("exitJackAudio() after delete jackAudio\n"); MusEGlobal::audioDevice = NULL; } } // namespace MusECore