//========================================================= // MusE // Linux Music Editor // $Id: ctrlcanvas.cpp,v 2009/11/14 03:37:48 terminator356 Exp $ // (C) Copyright 1999 Werner Schweer (ws@seh.de) //========================================================= #include #include #include #include #include #include "app.h" #include "globals.h" #include "ctrledit.h" #include "midieditor.h" #include "icons.h" #include "midiport.h" #include "song.h" #include "midictrl.h" #include "audio.h" #include "gconfig.h" #include "ctrlpanel.h" #include "midiedit/drummap.h" extern void drawTickRaster(QPainter& p, int x, int y, int w, int h, int quant); static MidiCtrlValList veloList(CTRL_VELOCITY); // dummy //--------------------------------------------------------- // computeVal //--------------------------------------------------------- static int computeVal(MidiController* mc, int y, int height) { int min; int max; if(mc->num() == CTRL_PROGRAM) { min = 1; max = 128; } else { min = mc->minVal(); max = mc->maxVal(); } int val = max - (y * (max-min) / height); if (val < min) val = min; if (val > max) val = max; if(mc->num() != CTRL_PROGRAM) val += mc->bias(); return val; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // computeY //--------------------------------------------------------- static int computeY(const MidiController* mc, int val, int height) { int min; int max; if(mc->num() == CTRL_PROGRAM) { min = 1; max = 128; } else { min = mc->minVal(); max = mc->maxVal(); } //printf("computeY #1 min:%d max:%d val:%d bias:%d height:%d\n", min, max, val, mc->bias(), height); if(mc->num() != CTRL_PROGRAM) val -= mc->bias(); if (val < min) val = min; if (val > max) val = max; int y = min == max ? 0 : (max-val)*height/(max-min); //printf("computeY #2 y:%d min:%d max:%d val:%d bias:%d height:%d\n", y, min, max, val, mc->bias(), height); return y; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // CEvent //--------------------------------------------------------- CEvent::CEvent(Event e, MidiPart* pt, int v) { _event = e; //_state = Normal; _part = pt; _val = v; ex = !e.empty() ? e.tick() : 0; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // intersects //--------------------------------------------------------- bool CEvent::intersects(const MidiController* mc, const QRect& r, const int tickstep, const int wh) const { if(_event.empty()) return false; //int y1 = wh - (_val * wh / 128); int y1 = computeY(mc, _val, wh); int tick1 = _event.tick() + _part->tick(); if(ex == -1) { //printf("ex:-1 tick1:%d y1:%d r.x:%d r.y:%d r.w:%d r.h:%d\n", tick1, y1, r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), r.height()); //return tick1 < (r.x() + r.width()) && y1 >= r.y() && y1 < (r.y() + r.height()); return tick1 < (r.x() + r.width()) && y1 < (r.y() + r.height()); } int tick2 = ex + _part->tick(); // Velocities don't use EX (set equal to event tick, giving zero width here), // and velocities are drawn three pixels wide, so adjust the width now. // Remember, each drawn pixel represents one tickstep which varies with zoom. // So that's 3 x tickstep for each velocity line. // Hmm, actually, for better pin-point accuracy just use one tickstep for now. if(midiControllerType(mc->num()) == MidiController::Velo) { //tick1 -= tickstep; //if(tick1 <= 0) // tick1 = 0; //tick2 += 2 * tickstep; tick2 += tickstep; } QRect er(tick1, y1, tick2 - tick1, wh - y1); //printf("t1:%d t2:%d ex:%d r.x:%d r.y:%d r.w:%d r.h:%d er.x:%d er.y:%d er.w:%d er.h:%d\n", // tick1, tick2, ex, r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), r.height(), er.x(), er.y(), er.width(), er.height()); return r.intersects(er); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // contains //--------------------------------------------------------- bool CEvent::contains(int x1, int x2) const { int tick1 = !_event.empty() ? _event.tick() + _part->tick() : 0; if(ex == -1) return (tick1 < x2); int tick2 = ex + _part->tick(); return ((tick1 >= x1 && tick1 < x2) //|| (tick2 >= x1 && tick2 < x2) || (tick2 > x1 && tick2 < x2) || (tick1 < x1 && tick2 >= x2)); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // clearDelete //--------------------------------------------------------- void CEventList::clearDelete() { for(ciCEvent i = begin(); i != end(); ++i) { CEvent* ce = *i; if(ce) delete ce; } clear(); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // CtrlCanvas //--------------------------------------------------------- CtrlCanvas::CtrlCanvas(MidiEditor* e, QWidget* parent, int xmag, const char* name, CtrlPanel* pnl) : View(parent, xmag, 1, name) { setBg(Qt::white); setFont(config.fonts[3]); editor = e; drag = DRAG_OFF; tool = PointerTool; pos[0] = 0; pos[1] = 0; pos[2] = 0; noEvents=false; //_isFirstMove = true; //_lastDelta = QPoint(0, 0); ctrl = &veloList; _controller = &veloCtrl; _panel = pnl; _cnum = CTRL_VELOCITY; _dnum = CTRL_VELOCITY; _didx = CTRL_VELOCITY; connect(song, SIGNAL(posChanged(int, unsigned, bool)), this, SLOT(setPos(int, unsigned, bool))); setMouseTracking(true); if (editor->parts()->empty()) { curPart = 0; curTrack = 0; } else { setCurTrackAndPart(); } connect(song, SIGNAL(songChanged(int)), SLOT(songChanged(int))); connect(muse, SIGNAL(configChanged()), SLOT(configChanged())); curDrumInstrument = editor->curDrumInstrument(); //printf("CtrlCanvas::CtrlCanvas curDrumInstrument:%d\n", curDrumInstrument); connect(editor, SIGNAL(curDrumInstrumentChanged(int)), SLOT(setCurDrumInstrument(int))); updateItems(); } CtrlCanvas::~CtrlCanvas() { items.clearDelete(); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // setPos // set one of three markers // idx - 0-cpos 1-lpos 2-rpos // flag - emit followEvent() //--------------------------------------------------------- void CtrlCanvas::setPos(int idx, unsigned val, bool adjustScrollbar) { if (pos[idx] == val) return; int opos = mapx(pos[idx]); int npos = mapx(val); if (adjustScrollbar && idx == 0) { switch (song->follow()) { case Song::NO: break; case Song::JUMP: if (npos >= width()) { int ppos = val - rmapxDev(width()/4); if (ppos < 0) ppos = 0; emit followEvent(ppos); opos = mapx(pos[idx]); npos = mapx(val); } else if (npos < 0) { int ppos = val - rmapxDev(width()*3/4); if (ppos < 0) ppos = 0; emit followEvent(ppos); opos = mapx(pos[idx]); npos = mapx(val); } break; case Song::CONTINUOUS: if (npos > (width()*5)/8) { int ppos = pos[idx] - rmapxDev(width()*5/8); if (ppos < 0) ppos = 0; emit followEvent(ppos); opos = mapx(pos[idx]); npos = mapx(val); } else if (npos < (width()*3)/8) { int ppos = pos[idx] - rmapxDev(width()*3/8); if (ppos < 0) ppos = 0; emit followEvent(ppos); opos = mapx(pos[idx]); npos = mapx(val); } break; } } int x; int w = 1; if (opos > npos) { w += opos - npos; x = npos; } else { w += npos - opos; x = opos; } pos[idx] = val; redraw(QRect(x, 0, w, height())); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // setMidiController //--------------------------------------------------------- void CtrlCanvas::setMidiController(int num) { _cnum = num; //if(curPart) partControllers(curPart, _cnum, &_dnum, &_didx, &_controller, &ctrl); if(_panel) { if(_cnum == CTRL_VELOCITY) _panel->setHWController(curTrack, &veloCtrl); else _panel->setHWController(curTrack, _controller); } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // leaveEvent //--------------------------------------------------------- void CtrlCanvas::leaveEvent(QEvent*) { emit xposChanged(MAXINT); emit yposChanged(-1); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // raster //--------------------------------------------------------- QPoint CtrlCanvas::raster(const QPoint& p) const { return p; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // deselectAll //--------------------------------------------------------- void CtrlCanvas::deselectAll() { for(iCEvent i = selection.begin(); i != selection.end(); ++i) { //(*i)->setState(CEvent::Normal); //if(!(*i)->event().empty()) // (*i)->event().setSelected(false); (*i)->setSelected(false); } selection.clear(); ///update(); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // selectItem //--------------------------------------------------------- void CtrlCanvas::selectItem(CEvent* e) { //e->setState(CEvent::Selected); //if(!e->event().empty()) // e->event().setSelected(true); e->setSelected(true); selection.push_back(e); ///update(); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // deselectItem //--------------------------------------------------------- void CtrlCanvas::deselectItem(CEvent* e) { //e->setState(CEvent::Normal); //if(!e->event().empty()) // e->event().setSelected(false); e->setSelected(false); for (iCEvent i = selection.begin(); i != selection.end(); ++i) { if (*i == e) { selection.erase(i); break; } } ///update(); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // setController //--------------------------------------------------------- void CtrlCanvas::setController(int num) { setMidiController(num); updateItems(); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // setCurTrackAndPart //--------------------------------------------------------- bool CtrlCanvas::setCurTrackAndPart() { bool changed = false; MidiPart* part = 0; MidiTrack* track = 0; if(!editor->parts()->empty()) { Part* pt = editor->curCanvasPart(); if(pt && pt->track()) { if(pt->track()->isMidiTrack()) { part = (MidiPart*)pt; track = part->track(); } } } if(part != curPart) { curPart = part; changed = true; } if(track != curTrack) { curTrack = track; changed = true; } return changed; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // configChanged //--------------------------------------------------------- void CtrlCanvas::configChanged() { songChanged(SC_CONFIG); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // songChanged // all marked parts are added to the internal event list //--------------------------------------------------------- void CtrlCanvas::songChanged(int type) { //printf("CtrlCanvas::songChanged type:%x\n", type); // Is it simply a midi controller value adjustment? Forget it. if(type == SC_MIDI_CONTROLLER) return; if(type & SC_CONFIG) setFont(config.fonts[3]); bool changed = false; if(type & (SC_CONFIG | SC_PART_MODIFIED | SC_SELECTION)) changed = setCurTrackAndPart(); // Although changing the instrument/device in the // config window generates a type of -1, we can eliminate // some other useless calls using SC_CONFIG, which was not used // anywhere else in muse before now, except song header. if((type & (SC_CONFIG | SC_DRUMMAP)) || ((type & (SC_PART_MODIFIED | SC_SELECTION)) && changed)) { setMidiController(_cnum); //return; } if(!curPart) // p4.0.27 return; if(type & (SC_CONFIG | SC_DRUMMAP | SC_PART_MODIFIED | SC_EVENT_INSERTED | SC_EVENT_REMOVED | SC_EVENT_MODIFIED)) // p4.0.18 updateItems(); else if(type & SC_SELECTION) updateSelections(); // p4.0.18 } //--------------------------------------------------------- // partControllers //--------------------------------------------------------- void CtrlCanvas::partControllers(const MidiPart* part, int num, int* dnum, int* didx, MidiController** mc, MidiCtrlValList** mcvl) { if(num == CTRL_VELOCITY) // special case { if(mcvl) *mcvl = &veloList; if(mc) *mc = &veloCtrl; if(dnum) *dnum = num; if(didx) *didx = num; } else { if(!part) // p4.0.27 { if(mcvl) *mcvl = 0; if(mc) *mc = 0; if(dnum) *dnum = 0; if(didx) *didx = 0; return; } MidiTrack* mt = part->track(); MidiPort* mp; int di; int n; if((mt->type() != Track::DRUM) && curDrumInstrument != -1) printf("keyfilter != -1 in non drum track?\n"); if((mt->type() == Track::DRUM) && (curDrumInstrument != -1) && ((num & 0xff) == 0xff)) { di = (num & ~0xff) | curDrumInstrument; n = (num & ~0xff) | drumMap[curDrumInstrument].anote; // construct real controller number //num = (num & ~0xff) | curDrumInstrument); // construct real controller number mp = &midiPorts[drumMap[curDrumInstrument].port]; } else { di = num; n = num; mp = &midiPorts[mt->outPort()]; } if(dnum) *dnum = n; if(didx) *didx = di; if(mc) *mc = mp->midiController(n); if(mcvl) { MidiCtrlValList* tmcvl = 0; MidiCtrlValListList* cvll = mp->controller(); for(iMidiCtrlValList i = cvll->begin(); i != cvll->end(); ++i) { if(i->second->num() == n) { tmcvl = i->second; break; } } *mcvl = tmcvl; } } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // updateItems //--------------------------------------------------------- void CtrlCanvas::updateItems() { selection.clear(); items.clearDelete(); if(!editor->parts()->empty()) { CEvent *newev = 0; for (iPart p = editor->parts()->begin(); p != editor->parts()->end(); ++p) { Event last; CEvent* lastce = 0; MidiPart* part = (MidiPart*)(p->second); EventList* el = part->events(); //MidiController* mc; MidiCtrlValList* mcvl; //partControllers(part, _cnum, 0, 0, &mc, &mcvl); partControllers(part, _cnum, 0, 0, 0, &mcvl); unsigned len = part->lenTick(); for (iEvent i = el->begin(); i != el->end(); ++i) { Event e = i->second; // Added by T356. Do not add events which are past the end of the part. if(e.tick() >= len) break; if(_cnum == CTRL_VELOCITY && e.type() == Note) { //printf("CtrlCanvas::updateItems CTRL_VELOCITY curDrumInstrument:%d\n", curDrumInstrument); newev = 0; if(curDrumInstrument == -1) { // This is interesting - it would allow ALL drum note velocities to be shown. // But currently the drum list ALWAYS has a selected item so this is not supposed to happen. items.add(newev = new CEvent(e, part, e.velo())); } else if (e.dataA() == curDrumInstrument) //same note items.add(newev = new CEvent(e, part, e.velo())); if(newev && e.selected()) selection.push_back(newev); } else if (e.type() == Controller && e.dataA() == _didx) { if(mcvl && last.empty()) { lastce = new CEvent(Event(), part, mcvl->value(part->tick())); items.add(lastce); } if (lastce) lastce->setEX(e.tick()); lastce = new CEvent(e, part, e.dataB()); lastce->setEX(-1); items.add(lastce); if(e.selected()) selection.push_back(lastce); last = e; } } } } redraw(); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // updateSelections //--------------------------------------------------------- void CtrlCanvas::updateSelections() { selection.clear(); for(ciCEvent i = items.begin(); i != items.end(); ++i) { CEvent* e = *i; //if(e->part() != part) // continue; if(e->selected()) selection.push_back(e); } redraw(); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // viewMousePressEvent //--------------------------------------------------------- void CtrlCanvas::viewMousePressEvent(QMouseEvent* event) { if(!_controller) // p4.0.27 return; start = event->pos(); Tool activeTool = tool; bool ctrlKey = event->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier; int xpos = start.x(); int ypos = start.y(); MidiController::ControllerType type = midiControllerType(_controller->num()); switch (activeTool) { case PointerTool: if(curPart) // p4.0.27 { drag = DRAG_LASSO_START; bool do_redraw = false; if (!ctrlKey) { deselectAll(); do_redraw = true; } int h = height(); int tickstep = rmapxDev(1); QRect r(xpos, ypos, tickstep, rmapyDev(1)); int endTick = xpos + tickstep; int partTick = curPart->tick(); for (iCEvent i = items.begin(); i != items.end(); ++i) { CEvent* ev = *i; if(ev->part() != curPart) continue; Event event = ev->event(); if(event.empty()) continue; int ax = event.tick() + partTick; //if (ax < xpos) // continue; if (ax >= endTick) break; if (ev->intersects(_controller, r, tickstep, h)) { if (ctrlKey && ev->selected()) deselectItem(ev); else selectItem(ev); do_redraw = true; //break; } } if(do_redraw) redraw(); // Let songChanged handle the redraw upon SC_SELECTION. } break; case PencilTool: if ((!ctrlKey) && (type != MidiController::Velo)) { drag = DRAG_NEW; song->startUndo(); newVal(xpos, ypos); } else { drag = DRAG_RESIZE; song->startUndo(); changeVal(xpos, xpos, ypos); } break; case RubberTool: if (type != MidiController::Velo) { drag = DRAG_DELETE; song->startUndo(); deleteVal(xpos, xpos, ypos); } break; case DrawTool: if (drawLineMode) { line2x = xpos; line2y = ypos; if ((!ctrlKey) && (type != MidiController::Velo)) newValRamp(line1x, line1y, line2x, line2y); else changeValRamp(line1x, line1y, line2x, line2y); drawLineMode = false; } else { line2x = line1x = xpos; line2y = line1y = ypos; drawLineMode = true; } redraw(); break; default: break; } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // viewMouseMoveEvent //--------------------------------------------------------- void CtrlCanvas::viewMouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent* event) { if(!_controller) // p4.0.27 return; QPoint pos = event->pos(); QPoint dist = pos - start; bool moving = dist.y() >= 3 || dist.y() <= 3 || dist.x() >= 3 || dist.x() <= 3; switch (drag) { case DRAG_LASSO_START: if (!moving) break; drag = DRAG_LASSO; // weiter mit DRAG_LASSO: case DRAG_LASSO: lasso.setRect(start.x(), start.y(), dist.x(), dist.y()); redraw(); break; case DRAG_RESIZE: changeVal(start.x(), pos.x(), pos.y()); start = pos; break; case DRAG_NEW: ///newVal(start.x(), pos.x(), pos.y()); newVal(start.x(), start.y(), pos.x(), pos.y()); start = pos; break; case DRAG_DELETE: deleteVal(start.x(), pos.x(), pos.y()); start = pos; break; default: break; } if (tool == DrawTool && drawLineMode) { line2x = pos.x(); line2y = pos.y(); redraw(); } emit xposChanged(pos.x()); int val = computeVal(_controller, pos.y(), height()); emit yposChanged(val); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // viewMouseReleaseEvent //--------------------------------------------------------- void CtrlCanvas::viewMouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent* event) { bool ctrlKey = event->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier; switch (drag) { ///case DRAG_RESIZE: ///case DRAG_NEW: ///case DRAG_DELETE: ///song->endUndo(SC_EVENT_MODIFIED | SC_EVENT_INSERTED); ///break; case DRAG_RESIZE: song->endUndo(SC_EVENT_MODIFIED); break; case DRAG_NEW: song->endUndo(SC_EVENT_MODIFIED | SC_EVENT_INSERTED | SC_EVENT_REMOVED); break; case DRAG_DELETE: song->endUndo(SC_EVENT_REMOVED); break; case DRAG_LASSO_START: lasso.setRect(-1, -1, -1, -1); case DRAG_LASSO: if(_controller) // p4.0.27 { ///if (!ctrlKey) /// deselectAll(); lasso = lasso.normalized(); int h = height(); //bool do_redraw = false; int tickstep = rmapxDev(1); for (iCEvent i = items.begin(); i != items.end(); ++i) { if((*i)->part() != curPart) continue; if ((*i)->intersects(_controller, lasso, tickstep, h)) { if (ctrlKey && (*i)->selected()) { //if (!ctrlKey) // ctrlKey p4.0.18 { ///deselectItem(*i); //do_redraw = true; (*i)->setSelected(false); } } else { ///selectItem(*i); //do_redraw = true; (*i)->setSelected(true); } } } drag = DRAG_OFF; // Let songChanged handle the redraw upon SC_SELECTION. song->update(SC_SELECTION); // } break; default: break; } drag = DRAG_OFF; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // newValRamp //--------------------------------------------------------- void CtrlCanvas::newValRamp(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { if(!curPart || !_controller) // p4.0.27 return; if(x2 - x1 < 0) { int a = x1; x1 = x2; x2 = a; a = y1; y1 = y2; y2 = a; } int xx1 = editor->rasterVal1(x1); int xx2 = editor->rasterVal2(x2); // If x1 and x2 happen to lie directly on the same raster, xx1 will equal xx2, // which is not good - there should always be a spread. Nudge by +1 and recompute. if(xx1 == xx2) xx2 = editor->rasterVal2(x2 + 1); int type = _controller->num(); bool useRaster = false; int raster = editor->raster(); if (raster == 1) // set reasonable raster { //raster = config.division/4; raster = config.division/16; // Let's use 64th notes, for a bit finer resolution. p4.0.18 Tim. useRaster = true; } Undo operations; // delete existing events unsigned curPartTick = curPart->tick(); int lastpv = CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN; for (ciCEvent i = items.begin(); i != items.end(); ++i) { CEvent* ev = *i; if (ev->part() != curPart) continue; Event event = ev->event(); if (event.empty()) continue; int x = event.tick() + curPartTick; if (x < xx1) continue; if (x >= xx2) break; // Do port controller values and clone parts. operations.push_back(UndoOp(UndoOp::DeleteEvent, event, curPart, true, true)); } if (ctrl) lastpv = ctrl->hwVal(); unsigned curPartLen = curPart->lenTick(); // insert new events for (int x = xx1, step; x < xx2 ; x += step ) { step = useRaster ? raster : editor->rasterVal2(x + 1) - x; int y = x + step >= xx2 || x2 == x1 ? y2 : (x == xx1 ? y1 : (((y2 - y1) * (x + step/2 - x1)) / (x2 - x1)) + y1); int nval = computeVal(_controller, y, height()); unsigned tick = x - curPartTick; // Do not add events which are past the end of the part. if (tick >= curPartLen) break; Event event(Controller); event.setTick(tick); event.setA(_didx); if (type == CTRL_PROGRAM) { if (lastpv == CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN) { if (song->mtype() == MT_GM) event.setB(0xffff00 | (nval - 1)); else event.setB(nval - 1); } else event.setB((lastpv & 0xffff00) | (nval - 1)); } else event.setB(nval); // Do port controller values and clone parts. operations.push_back(UndoOp(UndoOp::AddEvent, event, curPart, true, true)); } song->applyOperationGroup(operations); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // changeValRamp //--------------------------------------------------------- void CtrlCanvas::changeValRamp(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { if(!curPart || !_controller) // p4.0.27 return; int h = height(); bool changed = false; int type = _controller->num(); Undo operations; for (ciCEvent i = items.begin(); i != items.end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->contains(x1, x2)) { CEvent* ev = *i; if (ev->part() != curPart) continue; Event event = ev->event(); if (event.empty()) continue; int x = event.tick() + curPart->tick(); int y = (x2==x1) ? y1 : (((y2-y1)*(x-x1))/(x2-x1))+y1; int nval = computeVal(_controller, y, h); if (type == CTRL_PROGRAM) { if (event.dataB() == CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN) { --nval; if(song->mtype() == MT_GM) nval |= 0xffff00; } else nval = (event.dataB() & 0xffff00) | (nval - 1); } ev->setVal(nval); if (type == CTRL_VELOCITY) { if ((event.velo() != nval)) { Event newEvent = event.clone(); newEvent.setVelo(nval); ev->setEvent(newEvent); // Do not do port controller values and clone parts. operations.push_back(UndoOp(UndoOp::ModifyEvent, newEvent, event, curPart, false, false)); changed = true; } } else { if (!event.empty()) { if ((event.dataB() != nval)) { Event newEvent = event.clone(); newEvent.setB(nval); ev->setEvent(newEvent); // Do port controller values and clone parts. operations.push_back(UndoOp(UndoOp::ModifyEvent, newEvent, event, curPart, true, true)); changed = true; } } } } } song->applyOperationGroup(operations); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // changeVal //--------------------------------------------------------- void CtrlCanvas::changeVal(int x1, int x2, int y) { if(!curPart || !_controller) // p4.0.27 return; bool changed = false; int newval = computeVal(_controller, y, height()); int type = _controller->num(); for (ciCEvent i = items.begin(); i != items.end(); ++i) { if (!(*i)->contains(x1, x2)) //if (!(*i)->contains(xx1, x2)) continue; CEvent* ev = *i; if(ev->part() != curPart) continue; Event event = ev->event(); if (type == CTRL_VELOCITY) { if ((event.velo() != newval)) { ev->setVal(newval); Event newEvent = event.clone(); newEvent.setVelo(newval); ev->setEvent(newEvent); // Indicate no undo, and do not do port controller values and clone parts. audio->msgChangeEvent(event, newEvent, curPart, false, false, false); ///ev->setEvent(newEvent); changed = true; } } else { if (!event.empty()) { int nval = newval; if(type == CTRL_PROGRAM) { if(event.dataB() == CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN) { --nval; if(song->mtype() == MT_GM) nval |= 0xffff00; } else nval = (event.dataB() & 0xffff00) | (nval - 1); } ev->setVal(nval); if ((event.dataB() != nval)) { Event newEvent = event.clone(); newEvent.setB(nval); ev->setEvent(newEvent); // Indicate no undo, and do port controller values and clone parts. audio->msgChangeEvent(event, newEvent, curPart, false, true, true); ///ev->setEvent(newEvent); changed = true; } } } } if (changed) redraw(); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // newVal //--------------------------------------------------------- void CtrlCanvas::newVal(int x1, int y) { if(!curPart || !_controller) // p4.0.27 return; int xx1 = editor->rasterVal1(x1); int xx2 = editor->rasterVal2(x1); // If x1 happens to lie directly on a raster, xx1 will equal xx2, // which is not good - there should always be a spread. Nudge by +1 and recompute. if(xx1 == xx2) xx2 = editor->rasterVal2(x1 + 1); int newval = computeVal(_controller, y, height()); int type = _controller->num(); bool found = false; bool do_redraw = false; //bool do_selchanged = false; iCEvent ice_tmp; iCEvent prev_ev = items.end(); // End is OK with multi-part, this is just an end 'invalid' marker at first. iCEvent insertPoint = items.end(); // Similar case here. bool curPartFound = false; int lastpv = CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN; if(ctrl) lastpv = ctrl->hwVal(); int partTick = curPart->tick(); //for (ciCEvent i = items.begin(); i != items.end(); ++i) { for (iCEvent i = items.begin(); i != items.end() ; ) { CEvent* ev = *i; if(ev->part() != curPart) { if(curPartFound) { // Make sure insertPoint doesn't lie beyond next part's first event. if(insertPoint == items.end()) insertPoint = i; // Speed-up: If the current part was already processed, we are done. break; } ++i; continue; } curPartFound = true; //int partTick = ev->part()->tick(); Event event = ev->event(); if (event.empty()) { prev_ev = i; ++i; continue; } int ax = event.tick() + partTick; //printf("CtrlCanvas::newVal2 ax:%d xx1:%d xx2:%d len:%d\n", ax, xx1, xx2, curPart->lenTick()); if (ax < xx1) { prev_ev = i; ++i; continue; } //if(ax <= xx1) //{ // if(type == CTRL_PROGRAM && event.dataB() != CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN && ((event.dataB() & 0xffffff) != 0xffffff)) // lastpv = event.dataB(); // if(ax < xx1) // continue; //} if (ax >= xx2) { insertPoint = i; break; } // Do not add events which are past the end of the part. //if(event.tick() >= curPart->lenTick()) // break; int nval = newval; if(type == CTRL_PROGRAM) { if(event.dataB() == CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN) { //if(lastpv == CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN) // lastpv = ctrl->hwVal(); if(lastpv == CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN) { --nval; if(song->mtype() == MT_GM) nval |= 0xffff00; } else nval = (lastpv & 0xffff00) | (nval - 1); } else nval = (event.dataB() & 0xffff00) | (nval - 1); } if (ax == xx1) { // change event found = true; ev->setVal(nval); if ((event.dataB() != nval)) { Event newEvent = event.clone(); newEvent.setB(nval); //printf("CtrlCanvas::newVal2 change xx1:%d xx2:%d len:%d\n", xx1, xx2, curPart->lenTick()); ev->setEvent(newEvent); // Indicate no undo, and do port controller values and clone parts. audio->msgChangeEvent(event, newEvent, curPart, false, true, true); ///ev->setEvent(newEvent); do_redraw = true; } prev_ev = i; ++i; } else if (ax < xx2) { // delete event //printf("CtrlCanvas::newVal2 delete xx1:%d xx2:%d len:%d\n", xx1, xx2, curPart->lenTick()); deselectItem(ev); // Indicate no undo, and do port controller values and clone parts. audio->msgDeleteEvent(event, curPart, false, true, true); delete (ev); i = items.erase(i); ev = *i; // Is there a previous item? if(prev_ev != items.end()) { // Have we reached the end of the list, or the end of the current part's items within the item list? // Then it's current part's last drawn item. EX is 'infinity'. (As far as the part knows. Another part may overlay later.) // Else EX is current item's tick. (By now, ((*i)->event() should be valid - it must be not empty to call tick()). (*prev_ev)->setEX(i == items.end() || ev->part() != curPart ? -1 : ev->event().tick()); } do_redraw = true; // Let songChanged handle the redraw upon SC_SELECTION. //do_selchanged = true; // prev_ev = i; } } if (!found) { // new event int tick = xx1 - curPart->tick(); // Do not add events which are past the end of the part. if((unsigned)tick < curPart->lenTick()) { Event event(Controller); event.setTick(tick); event.setA(_didx); if(type == CTRL_PROGRAM) { if(lastpv == CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN) { if(song->mtype() == MT_GM) event.setB(0xffff00 | (newval - 1)); else event.setB(newval - 1); } else event.setB((lastpv & 0xffff00) | (newval - 1)); } else event.setB(newval); //printf("CtrlCanvas::newVal2 add tick:%d A:%d B:%d\n", tick, event.dataA(), event.dataB()); // Indicate no undo, and do port controller values and clone parts. audio->msgAddEvent(event, curPart, false, true, true); CEvent* newev = new CEvent(event, curPart, event.dataB()); insertPoint = items.insert(insertPoint, newev); //selectItem(newev); // TODO: There are advantages, but do we really want new items to be selected? if(insertPoint != items.begin()) { ice_tmp = insertPoint; --ice_tmp; (*ice_tmp)->setEX(tick); } ice_tmp = insertPoint; ++ice_tmp; (*insertPoint)->setEX(ice_tmp == items.end() || (*ice_tmp)->part() != curPart ? -1 : (*ice_tmp)->event().tick()); do_redraw = true; } } if(do_redraw) // Let songChanged handle the redraw upon SC_SELECTION. redraw(); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // newVal //--------------------------------------------------------- void CtrlCanvas::newVal(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { if(!curPart || !_controller) // p4.0.27 return; if(x2 - x1 < 0) { int a = x1; x1 = x2; x2 = a; a = y1; y1 = y2; y2 = a; } // I wanted to avoid redundantly drawing the first x position since it is already done via mouseDown. // But with the raster 'off' there were some problems not catching some items, and jagged drawing. // Possibly there are slight differences between rasterVal1() and rasterVal2() - not reciprocals of each other? // Also the loops below were getting complicated to ignore that first position. // So I draw from the first x. (TODO The idea may work now since I wrote this - more work was done.) p4.0.18 Tim. int xx1 = editor->rasterVal1(x1); int xx2 = editor->rasterVal2(x2); // If x1 and x2 happen to lie directly on the same raster, xx1 will equal xx2, // which is not good - there should always be a spread. Nudge by +1 and recompute. if(xx1 == xx2) xx2 = editor->rasterVal2(x2 + 1); int type = _controller->num(); bool useRaster = false; int raster = editor->raster(); if (raster == 1) // set reasonable raster { //raster = config.division/4; raster = config.division/16; // Let's use 64th notes, for a bit finer resolution. p4.0.18 Tim. useRaster = true; } bool do_redraw = false; // delete existing events iCEvent prev_ev = items.end(); // End is OK with multi-part, this is just an end 'invalid' marker at first. iCEvent insertPoint = items.end(); // Similar case here. iCEvent ice_tmp; bool curPartFound = false; int lastpv = CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN; int partTick = curPart->tick(); for (iCEvent i = items.begin(); i != items.end() ; ) { CEvent* ev = *i; if(ev->part() != curPart) { if(curPartFound) { // Make sure insertPoint doesn't lie beyond next part's first event. if(insertPoint == items.end()) insertPoint = i; // Speed-up: If the current part was already processed, we are done. break; } ++i; continue; } curPartFound = true; Event event = ev->event(); if (event.empty()) { prev_ev = i; ++i; continue; } int x = event.tick() + partTick; //printf("CtrlCanvas::newVal x:%d xx1:%d xx2:%d len:%d\n", x, xx1, xx2, curPart->lenTick()); if (x < xx1) { prev_ev = i; ++i; continue; } //if (x <= xx1) //{ // if(type == CTRL_PROGRAM && event.dataB() != CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN && ((event.dataB() & 0xffffff) != 0xffffff)) // lastpv = event.dataB(); // if (x < xx1) // continue; //} if (x >= xx2) { insertPoint = i; break; } deselectItem(ev); // Indicate no undo, and do port controller values and clone parts. audio->msgDeleteEvent(event, curPart, false, true, true); delete (ev); i = items.erase(i); ev = *i; // Is there a previous item? if(prev_ev != items.end()) { // Have we reached the end of the list, or the end of the current part's items within the item list? // Then it's current part's last drawn item. EX is 'infinity'. (As far as the part knows. Another part may overlay later.) // Else EX is current item's tick. (By now, ((*i)->event() should be valid - it must be not empty to call tick()). (*prev_ev)->setEX(i == items.end() || ev->part() != curPart ? -1 : ev->event().tick()); } do_redraw = true; // Let songChanged handle the redraw upon SC_SELECTION. prev_ev = i; } if(ctrl) lastpv = ctrl->hwVal(); // insert new events for (int x = xx1, step; x < xx2 ; x += step ) { step = useRaster ? raster : editor->rasterVal2(x + 1) - x; int y = x + step >= xx2 || x2 == x1 ? y2 : (x == xx1 ? y1 : (((y2 - y1) * (x + step/2 - x1)) / (x2 - x1)) + y1); int nval = computeVal(_controller, y, height()); int tick = x - partTick; // Do not add events which are past the end of the part. if((unsigned)tick >= curPart->lenTick()) break; Event event(Controller); event.setTick(tick); event.setA(_didx); if(type == CTRL_PROGRAM) { if(lastpv == CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN) { if(song->mtype() == MT_GM) event.setB(0xffff00 | (nval - 1)); else event.setB(nval - 1); } else event.setB((lastpv & 0xffff00) | (nval - 1)); } else event.setB(nval); // Indicate no undo, and do port controller values and clone parts. audio->msgAddEvent(event, curPart, false, true, true); CEvent* newev = new CEvent(event, curPart, event.dataB()); insertPoint = items.insert(insertPoint, newev); //selectItem(newev); // TODO: There are advantages, but do we really want new items to be selected? if(insertPoint != items.begin()) { ice_tmp = insertPoint; --ice_tmp; (*ice_tmp)->setEX(tick); } ice_tmp = insertPoint; ++ice_tmp; (*insertPoint)->setEX(ice_tmp == items.end() || (*ice_tmp)->part() != curPart ? -1 : (*ice_tmp)->event().tick()); ++insertPoint; do_redraw = true; } if(do_redraw) // redraw(); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // deleteVal //--------------------------------------------------------- void CtrlCanvas::deleteVal(int x1, int x2, int) { if(!curPart) // p4.0.27 return; if(x2 - x1 < 0) { int a = x1; x1 = x2; x2 = a; } int xx1 = editor->rasterVal1(x1); int xx2 = editor->rasterVal2(x2); // If x1 and x2 happen to lie directly on the same raster, xx1 will equal xx2, // which is not good - there should always be a spread. Nudge by +1 and recompute. if(xx1 == xx2) xx2 = editor->rasterVal2(x2 + 1); int partTick = curPart->tick(); xx1 -= partTick; xx2 -= partTick; iCEvent prev_ev = items.end(); bool curPartFound = false; bool do_redraw = false; for (iCEvent i = items.begin(); i != items.end() ;) { CEvent* ev = *i; if(ev->part() != curPart) { // Speed-up: If the current part was already processed, we are done. if(curPartFound) break; ++i; continue; } curPartFound = true; Event event = ev->event(); if (event.empty()) { prev_ev = i; ++i; continue; } int x = event.tick(); if (x < xx1) { prev_ev = i; ++i; continue; } if (x >= xx2) break; deselectItem(ev); // Indicate no undo, and do port controller values and clone parts. audio->msgDeleteEvent(event, curPart, false, true, true); delete (ev); i = items.erase(i); ev = *i; // Is there a previous item? if(prev_ev != items.end()) { // Have we reached the end of the list, or the end of the current part's items within the item list? // Then it's current part's last drawn item. EX is 'infinity'. (As far as the part knows. Another part may overlay later.) // Else EX is current item's tick. (By now, ((*i)->event() should be valid - it must be not empty to call tick()). (*prev_ev)->setEX(i == items.end() || ev->part() != curPart ? -1 : ev->event().tick()); } do_redraw = true; prev_ev = i; } if(do_redraw) redraw(); // Let songChanged handle the redraw upon SC_SELECTION. } //--------------------------------------------------------- // setTool //--------------------------------------------------------- void CtrlCanvas::setTool(int t) { if (tool == Tool(t)) return; tool = Tool(t); switch(tool) { case PencilTool: setCursor(QCursor(*pencilIcon, 4, 15)); break; case DrawTool: drawLineMode = false; break; default: setCursor(QCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor)); break; } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // pdrawItems //--------------------------------------------------------- void CtrlCanvas::pdrawItems(QPainter& p, const QRect& rect, const MidiPart* part, bool velo, bool fg) { int x = rect.x() - 1; // compensate for 3 pixel line width int w = rect.width() + 2; int wh = height(); noEvents=true; if(velo) { noEvents=false; for(iCEvent i = items.begin(); i != items.end(); ++i) { CEvent* e = *i; // Draw selected part velocity events on top of unselected part events. //if((fg && e->part() != part) || (!fg && e->part() == part)) if(e->part() != part) continue; Event event = e->event(); int tick = mapx(event.tick() + e->part()->tick()); if (tick <= x) continue; if (tick > x+w) break; int y1 = wh - (e->val() * wh / 128); // fg means 'draw selected parts'. if(fg) { if(e->selected()) //if(!event.empty() && event.selected()) p.setPen(QPen(Qt::blue, 3)); else p.setPen(QPen(config.ctrlGraphFg, 3)); } else p.setPen(QPen(Qt::darkGray, 3)); p.drawLine(tick, wh, tick, y1); } } else { if(!part) // p4.0.27 return; MidiTrack* mt = part->track(); MidiPort* mp; if((mt->type() == Track::DRUM) && (curDrumInstrument != -1) && ((_cnum & 0xff) == 0xff)) mp = &midiPorts[drumMap[curDrumInstrument].port]; else mp = &midiPorts[mt->outPort()]; MidiController* mc = mp->midiController(_cnum); int min; int max; int bias; if(_cnum == CTRL_PROGRAM) { min = 1; max = 128; bias = 0; } else { min = mc->minVal(); max = mc->maxVal(); bias = mc->bias(); } int x1 = rect.x(); int lval = CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN; ///noEvents=false; bool selected = false; for (iCEvent i = items.begin(); i != items.end(); ++i) { noEvents=false; CEvent* e = *i; // Draw unselected part controller events (lines) on top of selected part events (bars). //if((fg && (e->part() == part)) || (!fg && (e->part() != part))) if(e->part() != part) { continue; } Event ev = e->event(); int tick = mapx(!ev.empty() ? ev.tick() + e->part()->tick() : 0); int val = e->val(); int pval = val; if(_cnum == CTRL_PROGRAM) { if((val & 0xff) == 0xff) // What to do here? prog = 0xff should not be allowed, but may still be encountered. pval = 1; else pval = (val & 0x7f) + 1; } if (tick <= x) { if (val == CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN) lval = CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN; else { if(_cnum == CTRL_PROGRAM) lval = wh - ((pval - min - bias) * wh / (max - min)); else lval = wh - ((val - min - bias) * wh / (max - min)); } selected = e->selected(); continue; } if (tick > x+w) break; if (lval == CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN) { // fg means 'draw unselected parts'. if(!fg) p.fillRect(x1, 0, tick - x1, wh, Qt::darkGray); } else { if(fg) { p.setPen(Qt::gray); p.drawLine(x1, lval, tick, lval); } else p.fillRect(x1, lval, tick - x1, wh - lval, selected ? Qt::blue : config.ctrlGraphFg); } x1 = tick; if (val == CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN) lval = CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN; else { if(_cnum == CTRL_PROGRAM) lval = wh - ((pval - min - bias) * wh / (max - min)); else lval = wh - ((val - min - bias) * wh / (max - min)); } selected = e->selected(); //selected = !ev.empty() && ev.selected(); } if (lval == CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN) { if(!fg) { p.fillRect(x1, 0, (x+w) - x1, wh, Qt::darkGray); ///noEvents=true; } } else { if(fg) { p.setPen(Qt::gray); p.drawLine(x1, lval, x + w, lval); } else //p.fillRect(x1, lval, (x+w) - x1, wh - lval, config.ctrlGraphFg); p.fillRect(x1, lval, (x+w) - x1, wh - lval, selected ? Qt::blue : config.ctrlGraphFg); } } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // pdraw //--------------------------------------------------------- void CtrlCanvas::pdraw(QPainter& p, const QRect& rect) { if(!_controller) // p4.0.27 return; int x = rect.x() - 1; // compensate for 3 pixel line width int y = rect.y(); int w = rect.width() + 2; int h = rect.height(); //--------------------------------------------------- // draw Canvas Items //--------------------------------------------------- bool velo = (midiControllerType(_controller->num()) == MidiController::Velo); if(velo) { //--------------------------------------------------- // draw the grid and markers now - before velocity items //--------------------------------------------------- p.save(); View::pdraw(p, rect); p.restore(); int xp = mapx(pos[0]); if (xp >= x && xp < x+w) { p.setPen(Qt::red); p.drawLine(xp, y, xp, y+h); } xp = mapx(pos[1]); if (xp >= x && xp < x+w) { p.setPen(Qt::blue); p.drawLine(xp, y, xp, y+h); } xp = mapx(pos[2]); if (xp >= x && xp < x+w) { p.setPen(Qt::blue); p.drawLine(xp, y, xp, y+h); } } else // Draw non-fg non-velocity items for the current part pdrawItems(p, rect, curPart, false, false); for(iPart ip = editor->parts()->begin(); ip != editor->parts()->end(); ++ip) { MidiPart* part = (MidiPart*)(ip->second); //if((velo && part == curPart) || (!velo && part != curPart)) if(part == curPart) continue; // Draw items for all parts - other than current part pdrawItems(p, rect, part, velo, !velo); } if(velo) { // Draw fg velocity items for the current part pdrawItems(p, rect, curPart, true, true); } else { //--------------------------------------------------- // draw the grid and markers now - after non-velocity items //--------------------------------------------------- p.save(); View::pdraw(p, rect); p.restore(); int xp = mapx(pos[0]); if (xp >= x && xp < x+w) { p.setPen(Qt::red); p.drawLine(xp, y, xp, y+h); } xp = mapx(pos[1]); if (xp >= x && xp < x+w) { p.setPen(Qt::blue); p.drawLine(xp, y, xp, y+h); } xp = mapx(pos[2]); if (xp >= x && xp < x+w) { p.setPen(Qt::blue); p.drawLine(xp, y, xp, y+h); } } //--------------------------------------------------- // draw lasso //--------------------------------------------------- if (drag == DRAG_LASSO) { setPainter(p); p.setPen(Qt::blue); p.setBrush(Qt::NoBrush); p.drawRect(lasso); } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // drawOverlay //--------------------------------------------------------- void CtrlCanvas::drawOverlay(QPainter& p) { QString s(_controller ? _controller->name() : QString("")); //p.setFont(config.fonts[3]); // Use widget font instead. p.setFont(font()); p.setPen(Qt::black); //QFontMetrics fm(config.fonts[3]); // Use widget font metrics instead. //int y = fm.lineSpacing() + 2; int y = fontMetrics().lineSpacing() + 2; p.drawText(2, y, s); if (noEvents) { //p.setFont(config.fonts[3]); //p.setPen(Qt::black); //p.drawText(width()/2-100,height()/2-10, "Use shift + pencil or line tool to draw new events"); p.drawText(2 , y * 2, "Use shift + pencil or line tool to draw new events"); } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // overlayRect // returns geometry of overlay rectangle //--------------------------------------------------------- QRect CtrlCanvas::overlayRect() const { //QFontMetrics fm(config.fonts[3]); // Use widget font metrics instead (and set a widget font) !!! QFontMetrics fm(fontMetrics()); QRect r(fm.boundingRect(_controller ? _controller->name() : QString(""))); //r.translate(2, 2); // top/left margin int y = fm.lineSpacing() + 2; r.translate(2, y); if (noEvents) { QRect r2(fm.boundingRect(QString("Use shift + pencil or line tool to draw new events"))); //r2.translate(width()/2-100, height()/2-10); r2.translate(2, y * 2); r |= r2; } //printf("CtrlCanvas::overlayRect x:%d y:%d w:%d h:%d\n", r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), r.height()); return r; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // draw //--------------------------------------------------------- void CtrlCanvas::draw(QPainter& p, const QRect& rect) { drawTickRaster(p, rect.x(), rect.y(), //rect.width(), rect.height(), editor->quant()); rect.width(), rect.height(), editor->raster()); //--------------------------------------------------- // draw line tool //--------------------------------------------------- if (drawLineMode && (tool == DrawTool)) { p.setPen(Qt::black); p.drawLine(line1x, line1y, line2x, line2y); } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // setCurDrumInstrument //--------------------------------------------------------- void CtrlCanvas::setCurDrumInstrument(int di) { curDrumInstrument = di; //printf("CtrlCanvas::setCurDrumInstrument curDrumInstrument:%d\n", curDrumInstrument); // // check if current controller is only valid for // a specific drum instrument // // Removed by T356. //if(curTrack && (curTrack->type() == Track::DRUM) && ((_controller->num() & 0xff) == 0xff)) { //if(curTrack && (curTrack->type() == Track::DRUM) && ((_cnum & 0xff) == 0xff)) { // reset to default // TODO: check, if new drum instrument has a similar controller // configured // _cnum = CTRL_VELOCITY; // } // Removed by T356 //songChanged(-1); }