//========================================================= // MusE // Linux Music Editor // $Id: ctrl.cpp,v 2009/06/10 00:34:59 terminator356 Exp $ // // controller handling for mixer automation // // (C) Copyright 2003 Werner Schweer (ws@seh.de) // (C) Copyright 2011 Time E. Real (terminator356 on users dot sourceforge dot net) // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of // the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. // //========================================================= #include #include //#include #include "gconfig.h" #include "fastlog.h" #include "math.h" #include "globals.h" #include "ctrl.h" #include "xml.h" #include "audio.h" namespace MusECore { void CtrlList::initColor(int i) { QColor collist[] = { Qt::red, Qt::yellow, Qt::blue , Qt::black, Qt::white, Qt::green }; if (i < 6) _displayColor = collist[i%6]; else _displayColor = Qt::green; _visible = false; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // CtrlList //--------------------------------------------------------- CtrlList::CtrlList() { _id = 0; _default = 0.0; _curVal = 0.0; _mode = INTERPOLATE; _dontShow = false; _visible = false; initColor(0); } CtrlList::CtrlList(int id) { _id = id; _default = 0.0; _curVal = 0.0; _mode = INTERPOLATE; _dontShow = false; _visible = false; initColor(id); } CtrlList::CtrlList(int id, QString name, double min, double max, CtrlValueType v, bool dontShow) { _id = id; _default = 0.0; _curVal = 0.0; _mode = INTERPOLATE; _name = name; _min = min; _max = max; _valueType = v; _dontShow = dontShow; _visible = false; initColor(id); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // assign //--------------------------------------------------------- void CtrlList::assign(const CtrlList& l, int flags) { if(flags & ASSIGN_PROPERTIES) { _id = l._id; _default = l._default; _curVal = l._curVal; _mode = l._mode; _name = l._name; _min = l._min; _max = l._max; _valueType = l._valueType; _dontShow = l._dontShow; _displayColor = l._displayColor; _visible = l._visible; } if(flags & ASSIGN_VALUES) { *this = l; // Let the vector assign values. } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // value //--------------------------------------------------------- double CtrlList::value(int frame) const { // Changed by Tim. p4.0.32... ///if (!automation || empty()) /// return _curVal; if(empty()) return _curVal; double rv; ciCtrl i = upper_bound(frame); // get the index after current frame if (i == end()) { // if we are past all items just return the last value ///ciCtrl i = end(); --i; ///const CtrlVal& val = i->second; ///_curVal = val.val; rv = i->second.val; } else if(_mode == DISCRETE) { if(i == begin()) { ///_curVal = _default; //if(i->second.frame == frame) rv = i->second.val; //else // rv = _default; } else { --i; ///const CtrlVal& val = i->second; ///_curVal = val.val; rv = i->second.val; } } else { ///int frame2 = i->second.frame; ///double val2 = i->second.val; ///int frame1; ///double val1; if (i == begin()) { ///frame1 = 0; ///val1 = _default; rv = i->second.val; } else { int frame2 = i->second.frame; double val2 = i->second.val; --i; ///frame1 = i->second.frame; ///val1 = i->second.val; int frame1 = i->second.frame; double val1 = i->second.val; ///} //printf("before val1=%f val2=%f\n", val1,val2); if (_valueType == VAL_LOG) { val1 = 20.0*fast_log10(val1); if (val1 < MusEGlobal::config.minSlider) val1=MusEGlobal::config.minSlider; val2 = 20.0*fast_log10(val2); if (val2 < MusEGlobal::config.minSlider) val2=MusEGlobal::config.minSlider; } //printf("after val1=%f val2=%f\n", val1,val2); frame -= frame1; val2 -= val1; frame2 -= frame1; val1 += (double(frame) * val2)/double(frame2); if (_valueType == VAL_LOG) { val1 = exp10(val1/20.0); } //printf("after val1=%f\n", val1); ///_curVal = val1; rv = val1; } } // printf("autoVal %d %f\n", frame, _curVal); ///return _curVal; return rv; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // curVal // returns the value at the current audio position //--------------------------------------------------------- double CtrlList::curVal() const { //double v = value(Pos(audio->tickPos()).frame()); // p4.0.33 //double v = value(audio->pos().frame()); // Try this. //return v; return _curVal; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // setCurVal //--------------------------------------------------------- void CtrlList::setCurVal(double val) { _curVal = val; //if (size() < 2) // Removed p4.0.32 // add(0,val); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // add //--------------------------------------------------------- void CtrlList::add(int frame, double val) { // printf("add %d %f\n", frame, val); iCtrl e = find(frame); if (e != end()) e->second.val = val; else insert(std::pair (frame, CtrlVal(frame, val))); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // del //--------------------------------------------------------- void CtrlList::del(int frame) { iCtrl e = find(frame); if (e == end()) { //printf("CtrlList::del(%d): not found\n", frame); return; } erase(e); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // read //--------------------------------------------------------- void CtrlList::read(Xml& xml) { QLocale loc = QLocale::c(); bool ok; for (;;) { Xml::Token token = xml.parse(); const QString& tag = xml.s1(); switch (token) { case Xml::Error: case Xml::End: return; case Xml::Attribut: if (tag == "id") { //_id = xml.s2().toInt(); _id = loc.toInt(xml.s2(), &ok); if(!ok) printf("CtrlList::read failed reading _id string: %s\n", xml.s2().toLatin1().constData()); } else if (tag == "cur") { //_curVal = xml.s2().toDouble(); _curVal = loc.toDouble(xml.s2(), &ok); if(!ok) printf("CtrlList::read failed reading _curVal string: %s\n", xml.s2().toLatin1().constData()); } else if (tag == "visible") { _visible = loc.toInt(xml.s2(), &ok); if(!ok) printf("CtrlList::read failed reading _visible string: %s\n", xml.s2().toLatin1().constData()); } else if (tag == "color") { #if QT_VERSION >= 0x040700 ok = _displayColor.isValidColor(xml.s2()); if (!ok) { printf("CtrlList::read failed reading color string: %s\n", xml.s2().toLatin1().constData()); break; } #endif _displayColor.setNamedColor(xml.s2()); } else printf("unknown tag %s\n", tag.toLatin1().constData()); break; case Xml::Text: { // Changed by Tim. Users in some locales reported corrupt reading, // because of the way floating point is represented (2,3456 not 2.3456). /* QByteArray ba = tag.toLatin1(); const char* s = ba;.constData(); int frame; double val; for (;;) { char* endp; while (*s == ' ' || *s == '\n') ++s; if (*s == 0) break; frame = strtol(s, &endp, 10); s = endp; while (*s == ' ' || *s == '\n') ++s; val = strtod(s, &endp); add(frame, val); s = endp; ++s; } */ //printf("CtrlList::read tag:%s\n", tag.toLatin1().constData()); int len = tag.length(); int frame; double val; int i = 0; for(;;) { while(i < len && (tag[i] == ',' || tag[i] == ' ' || tag[i] == '\n')) ++i; if(i == len) break; QString fs; while(i < len && tag[i] != ' ') { fs.append(tag[i]); ++i; } if(i == len) break; // Works OK, but only because if current locale fails it falls back on 'C' locale. // So, let's skip the fallback and force use of 'C' locale. //frame = fs.toInt(&ok); frame = loc.toInt(fs, &ok); if(!ok) { printf("CtrlList::read failed reading frame string: %s\n", fs.toLatin1().constData()); break; } while(i < len && (tag[i] == ' ' || tag[i] == '\n')) ++i; if(i == len) break; QString vs; while(i < len && tag[i] != ' ' && tag[i] != ',') { vs.append(tag[i]); ++i; } // Works OK, but only because if current locale fails it falls back on 'C' locale. // So, let's skip the fallback and force use of 'C' locale. //val = vs.toDouble(&ok); val = loc.toDouble(vs, &ok); if(!ok) { printf("CtrlList::read failed reading value string: %s\n", vs.toLatin1().constData()); break; } //printf("CtrlList::read i:%d len:%d fs:%s frame %d: vs:%s val %f \n", i, len, fs.toLatin1().constData(), frame, vs.toLatin1().constData(), val); add(frame, val); if(i == len) break; } } break; case Xml::TagEnd: if (xml.s1() == "controller") { //printf("CtrlList::read _id:%d _curVal:%f\n", _id, _curVal); return; } default: break; } } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // add //--------------------------------------------------------- void CtrlListList::add(CtrlList* vl) { // printf("CtrlListList(%p)::add(id=%d) size %d\n", this, vl->id(), size()); insert(std::pair(vl->id(), vl)); } } // namespace MusECore