//========================================================= // MusE // Linux Music Editor // $Id: audio.h,v 2009/12/20 05:00:35 terminator356 Exp $ // // (C) Copyright 2001 Werner Schweer (ws@seh.de) // (C) Copyright 2011 Tim E. Real (terminator356 on users dot sourceforge dot net) // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of // the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. // //========================================================= #ifndef __AUDIO_H__ #define __AUDIO_H__ #include "thread.h" #include "pos.h" #include "mpevent.h" #include "route.h" #include "event.h" // An experiment to use true frames for time-stamping all recorded input. // (All recorded data actually arrived in the previous period.) // TODO: Some more work needs to be done in WaveTrack::getData() in order to // make everything line up and sync correctly. Cannot use this yet! //#define _AUDIO_USE_TRUE_FRAME_ namespace MusECore { class AudioDevice; class AudioTrack; class Event; class Event; class EventList; class MidiDevice; class MidiInstrument; class MidiPlayEvent; class MidiPort; class MidiTrack; class Part; class PluginI; class SynthI; class Track; //--------------------------------------------------------- // AudioMsgId // this are the messages send from the GUI thread to // the midi thread //--------------------------------------------------------- enum { SEQM_ADD_TRACK, SEQM_REMOVE_TRACK, //SEQM_CHANGE_TRACK, DELETETHIS SEQM_MOVE_TRACK, SEQM_ADD_PART, SEQM_REMOVE_PART, SEQM_CHANGE_PART, SEQM_ADD_EVENT, SEQM_REMOVE_EVENT, SEQM_CHANGE_EVENT, SEQM_ADD_TEMPO, SEQM_SET_TEMPO, SEQM_REMOVE_TEMPO, SEQM_ADD_SIG, SEQM_REMOVE_SIG, SEQM_ADD_KEY, SEQM_REMOVE_KEY, SEQM_SET_GLOBAL_TEMPO, SEQM_UNDO, SEQM_REDO, SEQM_RESET_DEVICES, SEQM_INIT_DEVICES, SEQM_PANIC, SEQM_MIDI_LOCAL_OFF, SEQM_SET_MIDI_DEVICE, SEQM_PLAY_MIDI_EVENT, SEQM_SET_HW_CTRL_STATE, SEQM_SET_HW_CTRL_STATES, SEQM_SET_TRACK_OUT_PORT, SEQM_SET_TRACK_OUT_CHAN, SEQM_SET_TRACK_AUTO_TYPE, SEQM_REMAP_PORT_DRUM_CTL_EVS, SEQM_CHANGE_ALL_PORT_DRUM_CTL_EVS, SEQM_SCAN_ALSA_MIDI_PORTS, SEQM_SET_AUX, SEQM_UPDATE_SOLO_STATES, //MIDI_SHOW_INSTR_GUI, DELETETHIS //MIDI_SHOW_INSTR_NATIVE_GUI, DELETETHIS AUDIO_RECORD, AUDIO_ROUTEADD, AUDIO_ROUTEREMOVE, AUDIO_REMOVEROUTES, //AUDIO_VOL, AUDIO_PAN, DELETETHIS AUDIO_ADDPLUGIN, AUDIO_SET_SEG_SIZE, AUDIO_SET_PREFADER, AUDIO_SET_CHANNELS, //AUDIO_SET_PLUGIN_CTRL_VAL, DELETETHIS AUDIO_SWAP_CONTROLLER_IDX, AUDIO_CLEAR_CONTROLLER_EVENTS, AUDIO_SEEK_PREV_AC_EVENT, AUDIO_SEEK_NEXT_AC_EVENT, AUDIO_ERASE_AC_EVENT, AUDIO_ERASE_RANGE_AC_EVENTS, AUDIO_ADD_AC_EVENT, AUDIO_CHANGE_AC_EVENT, AUDIO_SET_SOLO, AUDIO_SET_SEND_METRONOME, AUDIO_START_MIDI_LEARN, MS_PROCESS, MS_STOP, MS_SET_RTC, MS_UPDATE_POLL_FD, SEQM_IDLE, SEQM_SEEK, }; extern const char* seqMsgList[]; // for debug //--------------------------------------------------------- // Msg //--------------------------------------------------------- struct AudioMsg : public ThreadMsg { // this should be an union int serialNo; //SndFile* downmix; // DELETETHIS this is unused and probably WRONG (all SndFiles have been replaced by SndFileRs) AudioTrack* snode; AudioTrack* dnode; Route sroute, droute; AudioDevice* device; int ival; int iival; double dval; PluginI* plugin; SynthI* synth; Part* spart; Part* dpart; Track* track; const void *p1, *p2, *p3; Event ev1, ev2; char port, channel, ctrl; int a, b, c; Pos pos; }; class AudioOutput; //--------------------------------------------------------- // Audio //--------------------------------------------------------- class Audio { public: enum State {STOP, START_PLAY, PLAY, LOOP1, LOOP2, SYNC, PRECOUNT}; private: bool _running; // audio is active bool recording; // recording is active bool idle; // do nothing in idle mode bool _freewheel; bool _bounce; unsigned _loopFrame; // Startframe of loop if in LOOP mode. Not quite the same as left marker ! int _loopCount; // Number of times we have looped so far Pos _pos; // current play position #ifdef _AUDIO_USE_TRUE_FRAME_ Pos _previousPos; // previous play position #endif unsigned curTickPos; // pos at start of frame during play/record unsigned nextTickPos; // pos at start of next frame during play/record //metronome values unsigned midiClick; int clickno; // precount values int clicksMeasure; int ticksBeat; double syncTime; // wall clock at last sync point unsigned syncFrame; // corresponding frame no. to syncTime int frameOffset; // offset to free running hw frame counter State state; AudioMsg* msg; int fromThreadFdw, fromThreadFdr; // message pipe int sigFd; // pipe fd for messages to gui int sigFdr; // record values: Pos startRecordPos; Pos endRecordPos; unsigned startExternalRecTick; unsigned endExternalRecTick; AudioOutput* _audioMaster; AudioOutput* _audioMonitor; void sendLocalOff(); bool filterEvent(const MidiPlayEvent* event, int type, bool thru); void startRolling(); void stopRolling(); void panic(); void processMsg(AudioMsg* msg); void process1(unsigned samplePos, unsigned offset, unsigned samples); void collectEvents(MidiTrack*, unsigned int startTick, unsigned int endTick); public: Audio(); virtual ~Audio() { } // Access to message pipe (like from gui namespace), otherwise audio would need to depend on gui. int getFromThreadFdw() { return sigFd; } int getFromThreadFdr() { return sigFdr; } void process(unsigned frames); bool sync(int state, unsigned frame); void shutdown(); void writeTick(); // transport: bool start(); void stop(bool); void seek(const Pos& pos); bool isStarting() const { return state == START_PLAY; } bool isPlaying() const { return state == PLAY || state == LOOP1 || state == LOOP2; } bool isRecording() const { return state == PLAY && recording; } void setRunning(bool val) { _running = val; } bool isRunning() const { return _running; } //----------------------------------------- // message interface //----------------------------------------- void msgSeek(const Pos&); void msgPlay(bool val); void msgRemoveTrack(Track*, bool u = true); void msgRemoveTracks(); //void msgChangeTrack(Track* oldTrack, Track* newTrack, bool u = true); DELETETHIS void msgMoveTrack(int idx1, int dx2, bool u = true); void msgAddPart(Part*, bool u = true); void msgRemovePart(Part*, bool u = true); void msgChangePart(Part* oldPart, Part* newPart, bool u = true, bool doCtrls = true, bool doClones = false); void msgAddEvent(Event&, Part*, bool u = true, bool doCtrls = true, bool doClones = false); void msgDeleteEvent(Event&, Part*, bool u = true, bool doCtrls = true, bool doClones = false); void msgChangeEvent(Event&, Event&, Part*, bool u = true, bool doCtrls = true, bool doClones = false); void msgScanAlsaMidiPorts(); void msgAddTempo(int tick, int tempo, bool doUndoFlag = true); void msgSetTempo(int tick, int tempo, bool doUndoFlag = true); void msgUpdateSoloStates(); void msgSetAux(AudioTrack*, int, double); void msgSetGlobalTempo(int val); void msgDeleteTempo(int tick, int tempo, bool doUndoFlag = true); void msgAddSig(int tick, int z, int n, bool doUndoFlag = true); void msgRemoveSig(int tick, int z, int n, bool doUndoFlag = true); void msgAddKey(int tick, int key, bool doUndoFlag = true); void msgRemoveKey(int tick, int key, bool doUndoFlag = true); //void msgShowInstrumentGui(MidiInstrument*, bool); DELETETHIS //void msgShowInstrumentNativeGui(MidiInstrument*, bool); DELETETHIS void msgPanic(); void sendMsg(AudioMsg*); bool sendMessage(AudioMsg* m, bool doUndo); void msgRemoveRoute(Route, Route); void msgRemoveRoute1(Route, Route); void msgRemoveRoutes(Route, Route); void msgRemoveRoutes1(Route, Route); void msgAddRoute(Route, Route); void msgAddRoute1(Route, Route); void msgAddPlugin(AudioTrack*, int idx, PluginI* plugin); void msgSetMute(AudioTrack*, bool val); //void msgSetVolume(AudioTrack*, double val); DELETETHIS //void msgSetPan(AudioTrack*, double val); DELETETHIS void msgAddSynthI(SynthI* synth); void msgRemoveSynthI(SynthI* synth); void msgSetSegSize(int, int); void msgSetPrefader(AudioTrack*, int); void msgSetChannels(AudioTrack*, int); void msgSetOff(AudioTrack*, bool); void msgSetRecord(AudioTrack*, bool); void msgUndo(); void msgRedo(); void msgLocalOff(); void msgInitMidiDevices(bool force = true); void msgResetMidiDevices(); void msgIdle(bool); void msgBounce(); //void msgSetPluginCtrlVal(AudioTrack*, int /*param*/, double /*val*/); DELETETHIS void msgSwapControllerIDX(AudioTrack*, int, int); void msgClearControllerEvents(AudioTrack*, int); void msgSeekPrevACEvent(AudioTrack*, int); void msgSeekNextACEvent(AudioTrack*, int); void msgEraseACEvent(AudioTrack*, int, int); void msgEraseRangeACEvents(AudioTrack*, int, int, int); void msgAddACEvent(AudioTrack*, int, int, double); void msgChangeACEvent(AudioTrack* node, int acid, int frame, int newFrame, double val); void msgSetSolo(Track*, bool); void msgSetHwCtrlState(MidiPort*, int, int, int); void msgSetHwCtrlStates(MidiPort*, int, int, int, int); void msgSetTrackOutChannel(MidiTrack*, int); void msgSetTrackOutPort(MidiTrack*, int); void msgSetTrackAutomationType(Track*, int); void msgRemapPortDrumCtlEvents(int, int, int, int); void msgChangeAllPortDrumCtrlEvents(bool, bool); void msgSetSendMetronome(AudioTrack*, bool); void msgStartMidiLearn(); void msgPlayMidiEvent(const MidiPlayEvent* event); void rescanAlsaPorts(); void midiPortsChanged(); const Pos& pos() const { return _pos; } #ifdef _AUDIO_USE_TRUE_FRAME_ const Pos& previousPos() const { return _previousPos; } #endif const Pos& getStartRecordPos() const { return startRecordPos; } const Pos& getEndRecordPos() const { return endRecordPos; } unsigned getStartExternalRecTick() const { return startExternalRecTick; } unsigned getEndExternalRecTick() const { return endExternalRecTick; } int loopCount() { return _loopCount; } // Number of times we have looped so far unsigned loopFrame() { return _loopFrame; } unsigned tickPos() const { return curTickPos; } unsigned nextTick() const { return nextTickPos; } int timestamp() const; void processMidi(); unsigned framesSinceCycleStart() const; unsigned curFrame() const; unsigned curSyncFrame() const { return syncFrame; } unsigned curFramePos() const; void recordStop(); bool freewheel() const { return _freewheel; } void setFreewheel(bool val); int getFrameOffset() const { return frameOffset; } void initDevices(bool force = true); AudioOutput* audioMaster() const { return _audioMaster; } AudioOutput* audioMonitor() const { return _audioMonitor; } void setMaster(AudioOutput* track) { _audioMaster = track; } void setMonitor(AudioOutput* track) { _audioMonitor = track; } void sendMsgToGui(char c); bool bounce() const { return _bounce; } }; extern int processAudio(unsigned long, void*); extern void processAudio1(void*, void*); } // namespace MusECore namespace MusEGlobal { extern MusECore::Audio* audio; extern MusECore::AudioDevice* audioDevice; // current audio device in use } #endif