//========================================================= // MusE // Linux Music Editor // $Id: tlist.cpp,v 2009/12/15 03:39:58 terminator356 Exp $ // (C) Copyright 1999 Werner Schweer (ws@seh.de) // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of // the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. // //========================================================= #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "popupmenu.h" #include "globals.h" #include "icons.h" #include "scrollscale.h" #include "tlist.h" #include "xml.h" #include "mididev.h" #include "midiport.h" #include "midictrl.h" #include "midiseq.h" #include "comment.h" #include "track.h" #include "song.h" #include "header.h" #include "node.h" #include "audio.h" #include "instruments/minstrument.h" #include "app.h" #include "helper.h" #include "gconfig.h" #include "event.h" #include "midiedit/drummap.h" #include "synth.h" #include "config.h" #include "filedialog.h" #include "menutitleitem.h" #include "arranger.h" #include "undo.h" #include "midi_audio_control.h" #include "ctrl.h" #include "plugin.h" #ifdef DSSI_SUPPORT #include "dssihost.h" #endif using MusECore::UndoOp; namespace MusEGui { static const int MIN_TRACKHEIGHT = 20; static const int WHEEL_DELTA = 120; QColor collist[] = { Qt::red, Qt::yellow, Qt::blue , Qt::black, Qt::white, Qt::green }; QString colnames[] = { "Red", "Yellow", "Blue", "Black", "White", "Green"}; //--------------------------------------------------------- // TList //--------------------------------------------------------- TList::TList(Header* hdr, QWidget* parent, const char* name) : QWidget(parent) // Qt::WNoAutoErase | Qt::WResizeNoErase are no longer needed according to Qt4 doc { setBackgroundRole(QPalette::NoRole); setAttribute(Qt::WA_NoSystemBackground); setAttribute(Qt::WA_StaticContents); // This is absolutely required for speed! Otherwise painfully slow because we get // full rect paint events even on small scrolls! See help on QPainter::scroll(). setAttribute(Qt::WA_OpaquePaintEvent); setObjectName(name); ypos = 0; editMode = false; editJustFinished=false; setFocusPolicy(Qt::NoFocus); setMouseTracking(true); header = hdr; _scroll = 0; editTrack = 0; editor = 0; chan_edit = NULL; ctrl_edit = NULL; mode = NORMAL; //setBackgroundMode(Qt::NoBackground); // ORCAN - FIXME. DELETETHIS? //setAttribute(Qt::WA_OpaquePaintEvent); resizeFlag = false; connect(MusEGlobal::song, SIGNAL(songChanged(MusECore::SongChangedFlags_t)), SLOT(songChanged(MusECore::SongChangedFlags_t))); connect(MusEGlobal::muse, SIGNAL(configChanged()), SLOT(redraw())); connect(MusEGlobal::heartBeatTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(maybeUpdateVolatileCustomColumns())); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // songChanged //--------------------------------------------------------- void TList::songChanged(MusECore::SongChangedFlags_t flags) { if (flags & (SC_MUTE | SC_SOLO | SC_RECFLAG | SC_TRACK_INSERTED | SC_TRACK_REMOVED | SC_TRACK_MODIFIED | SC_ROUTE | SC_CHANNELS | SC_MIDI_TRACK_PROP | SC_PART_INSERTED | SC_PART_REMOVED | SC_PART_MODIFIED | SC_EVENT_INSERTED | SC_EVENT_REMOVED | SC_EVENT_MODIFIED )) redraw(); if (flags & (SC_TRACK_INSERTED | SC_TRACK_REMOVED | SC_TRACK_MODIFIED)) adjustScrollbar(); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // drawCenteredPixmap // small helper function for "draw()" below //--------------------------------------------------------- static void drawCenteredPixmap(QPainter& p, const QPixmap* pm, const QRect& r) { p.drawPixmap(r.x() + (r.width() - pm->width())/2, r.y() + (r.height() - pm->height())/2, *pm); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // paintEvent //--------------------------------------------------------- void TList::paintEvent(QPaintEvent* ev) { paint(ev->rect()); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // redraw //--------------------------------------------------------- void TList::redraw() { update(); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // redraw //--------------------------------------------------------- void TList::redraw(const QRect& r) { update(r); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // event //--------------------------------------------------------- bool TList::event(QEvent *event) { if (event->type() == QEvent::ToolTip) { QHelpEvent *helpEvent = static_cast(event); MusECore::TrackList* l = MusEGlobal::song->tracks(); int idx = 0; int yy = -ypos; for (MusECore::iTrack i = l->begin(); i != l->end(); ++idx, yy += (*i)->height(), ++i) { MusECore::Track* track = *i; MusECore::Track::TrackType type = track->type(); int trackHeight = track->height(); if (trackHeight==0) // not visible continue; if (helpEvent->pos().y() > yy && helpEvent->pos().y() < yy + trackHeight) { if (type == MusECore::Track::AUDIO_SOFTSYNTH) { MusECore::SynthI *s = (MusECore::SynthI*)track; QToolTip::showText(helpEvent->globalPos(),track->name() + " : " + s->synth()->description()); } else QToolTip::showText(helpEvent->globalPos(),track->name()); } } return true; } return QWidget::event(event); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // paint //--------------------------------------------------------- void TList::paint(const QRect& r) { if (!isVisible()) return; QRect rect(r); QPainter p(this); if (bgPixmap.isNull()) p.fillRect(rect, MusEGlobal::config.trackBg); else p.drawTiledPixmap(rect, bgPixmap, QPoint(rect.x(), ypos + rect.y())); p.setClipRegion(rect); //printf("TList::paint hasClipping:%d\n", p.hasClipping()); // Tested true. int y = rect.y(); int w = rect.width(); int h = rect.height(); int x1 = rect.x(); int x2 = rect.x() + w; //--------------------------------------------------- // Tracks //--------------------------------------------------- QColor mask_edge = QColor(90, 90, 90, 45); QColor mask_center = QColor(240, 240, 240, 175); QLinearGradient mask; mask.setColorAt(0, mask_edge); mask.setColorAt(0.15, mask_center); mask.setColorAt(0.3, mask_center); mask.setColorAt(0.85, mask_edge); mask.setColorAt(1, mask_edge); MusECore::TrackList* l = MusEGlobal::song->tracks(); int idx = 0; int yy = -ypos; for (MusECore::iTrack i = l->begin(); i != l->end(); ++idx, yy += (*i)->height(), ++i) { MusECore::Track* track = *i; MusECore::Track::TrackType type = track->type(); int trackHeight = track->height(); if (trackHeight==0) // not visible continue; if (yy >= (y + h)) break; if ((yy + trackHeight) < y) continue; // // clear one row // QColor bg; if (track->selected()) { bg = MusEGlobal::config.selectTrackBg; p.setPen(MusEGlobal::config.selectTrackFg); } else { switch(type) { case MusECore::Track::MIDI: bg = MusEGlobal::config.midiTrackBg; break; case MusECore::Track::DRUM: bg = MusEGlobal::config.drumTrackBg; break; case MusECore::Track::NEW_DRUM: bg = MusEGlobal::config.newDrumTrackBg; break; case MusECore::Track::WAVE: bg = MusEGlobal::config.waveTrackBg; break; case MusECore::Track::AUDIO_OUTPUT: bg = MusEGlobal::config.outputTrackBg; break; case MusECore::Track::AUDIO_INPUT: bg = MusEGlobal::config.inputTrackBg; break; case MusECore::Track::AUDIO_GROUP: bg = MusEGlobal::config.groupTrackBg; break; case MusECore::Track::AUDIO_AUX: bg = MusEGlobal::config.auxTrackBg; break; case MusECore::Track::AUDIO_SOFTSYNTH: bg = MusEGlobal::config.synthTrackBg; break; } p.setPen(palette().color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Text)); } p.fillRect(x1, yy, w, trackHeight, bg); if (track->selected()) { mask.setStart(QPointF(0, yy)); mask.setFinalStop(QPointF(0, yy + trackHeight)); p.fillRect(x1, yy, w, trackHeight, mask); } int x = 0; for (int index = 0; index < header->count(); ++index) { int section = header->logicalIndex(index); int w = header->sectionSize(section); QRect r = p.combinedTransform().mapRect(QRect(x+2, yy, w-4, trackHeight)); switch (section) { case COL_RECORD: if (track->canRecord() && !header->isSectionHidden(COL_RECORD)) { //bool aa = p.testRenderHint(QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform); // Antialiasing); // The rec icon currently looks very jagged. AA should help. //p.setRenderHint(QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform); //Antialiasing); drawCenteredPixmap(p, track->recordFlag() ? record_on_Icon : record_off_Icon, r); //p.setRenderHint(QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform, aa); //Antialiasing, aa); } break; case COL_CLASS: { if (header->isSectionHidden(COL_CLASS)) break; const QPixmap* pm = 0; switch(type) { case MusECore::Track::MIDI: pm = addtrack_addmiditrackIcon; break; case MusECore::Track::NEW_DRUM: pm = addtrack_newDrumtrackIcon; break; case MusECore::Track::DRUM: pm = addtrack_drumtrackIcon; break; case MusECore::Track::WAVE: pm = addtrack_wavetrackIcon; break; case MusECore::Track::AUDIO_OUTPUT: pm = addtrack_audiooutputIcon; break; case MusECore::Track::AUDIO_INPUT: pm = addtrack_audioinputIcon; break; case MusECore::Track::AUDIO_GROUP: pm = addtrack_audiogroupIcon; break; case MusECore::Track::AUDIO_AUX: pm = addtrack_auxsendIcon; break; case MusECore::Track::AUDIO_SOFTSYNTH: pm = synthIcon; break; } drawCenteredPixmap(p, pm, r); } break; case COL_MUTE: if (track->off()) drawCenteredPixmap(p, offIcon, r); else if (track->mute()) drawCenteredPixmap(p, editmuteSIcon, r); break; case COL_SOLO: if(track->solo() && track->internalSolo()) drawCenteredPixmap(p, blacksqcheckIcon, r); else if(track->internalSolo()) drawCenteredPixmap(p, blacksquareIcon, r); else if (track->solo()) drawCenteredPixmap(p, checkSquareIcon, r); break; case COL_TIMELOCK: if (track->isMidiTrack() && track->locked()) { drawCenteredPixmap(p, lockIcon, r); } break; case COL_NAME: if (track->type() == MusECore::Track::AUDIO_AUX) { p.drawText(r, Qt::AlignVCenter|Qt::AlignLeft, ((MusECore::AudioAux *)track)->auxName()); } else { p.drawText(r, Qt::AlignVCenter|Qt::AlignLeft, track->name()); } break; case COL_OCHANNEL: { QString s; int n; // Default to track port if -1 and track channel if -1. if (track->isMidiTrack()) { n = ((MusECore::MidiTrack*)track)->outChannel() + 1; } else { // show number of ports n = ((MusECore::WaveTrack*)track)->channels(); } s.setNum(n); p.drawText(r, Qt::AlignVCenter|Qt::AlignHCenter, s); } break; case COL_OPORT: { QString s; if (track->isMidiTrack()) { int outport = ((MusECore::MidiTrack*)track)->outPort(); s.sprintf("%d:%s", outport+1, MusEGlobal::midiPorts[outport].portname().toLatin1().constData()); } else if(track->type() == MusECore::Track::AUDIO_SOFTSYNTH) { MusECore::MidiDevice* md = dynamic_cast(track); if(md) { int outport = md->midiPort(); if((outport >= 0) && (outport < MIDI_PORTS)) s.sprintf("%d:%s", outport+1, MusEGlobal::midiPorts[outport].portname().toLatin1().constData()); else s = tr(""); } } p.drawText(r, Qt::AlignVCenter|Qt::AlignLeft, s); } break; case COL_AUTOMATION: { QString s="-"; if (!track->isMidiTrack()) { MusECore::CtrlListList* cll = ((MusECore::AudioTrack*)track)->controller(); int countAll=0, countVisible=0; for(MusECore::CtrlListList::iterator icll =cll->begin();icll!=cll->end();++icll) { MusECore::CtrlList *cl = icll->second; if (!cl->dontShow()) countAll++; if (cl->isVisible()) countVisible++; } s.sprintf(" %d(%d) %s",countVisible, countAll, tr("visible").toAscii().data()); } p.drawText(r, Qt::AlignVCenter|Qt::AlignLeft, s); } break; case COL_CLEF: if (track->isMidiTrack() && track->type() == MusECore::Track::MIDI) { // no drum tracks! QString s = tr("no clef"); if (((MusECore::MidiTrack*)track)->getClef() == trebleClef) s=tr("Treble"); else if (((MusECore::MidiTrack*)track)->getClef() == bassClef) s=tr("Bass"); else if (((MusECore::MidiTrack*)track)->getClef() == grandStaff) s=tr("Grand"); p.drawText(r, Qt::AlignVCenter|Qt::AlignLeft, s); } break; default: if (section>=COL_CUSTOM_MIDICTRL_OFFSET) { if (track->isMidiTrack()) { int col_ctrl_no=Arranger::custom_columns[section-COL_CUSTOM_MIDICTRL_OFFSET].ctrl; MusECore::MidiTrack* mt=dynamic_cast(track); MusECore::MidiPort* mp = &MusEGlobal::midiPorts[mt->outPort()]; MusECore::MidiController* mctl = mp->midiController(col_ctrl_no); int val; if (Arranger::custom_columns[section-COL_CUSTOM_MIDICTRL_OFFSET].affected_pos == Arranger::custom_col_t::AFFECT_BEGIN) val=mt->getControllerChangeAtTick(0,col_ctrl_no,MusECore::CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN); else { val=mp->hwCtrlState(mt->outChannel(), col_ctrl_no); old_ctrl_hw_states[mt][section]=val; } if (val!=MusECore::CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN) val-=mctl->bias(); if (col_ctrl_no!=MusECore::CTRL_PROGRAM) { p.drawText(r, Qt::AlignVCenter|Qt::AlignHCenter, (val!=MusECore::CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN)?QString::number(val):tr("off")); } else { MusECore::MidiInstrument* instr = mp->instrument(); QString name; if (val!=MusECore::CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN) name = instr->getPatchName(mt->outChannel(), val, mt->isDrumTrack()); else name = tr(""); p.drawText(r, Qt::AlignVCenter|Qt::AlignHCenter, name); } } } break; } x += header->sectionSize(section); } p.setPen(Qt::gray); p.drawLine(x1, yy, x2, yy); } p.drawLine(x1, yy, x2, yy); if (mode == DRAG) { int yy = curY - dragYoff; p.setPen(Qt::green); p.drawLine(x1, yy, x2, yy); p.drawLine(x1, yy + dragHeight, x2, yy+dragHeight); } //--------------------------------------------------- // draw vertical lines //--------------------------------------------------- int n = header->count(); int xpos = 0; p.setPen(Qt::gray); for (int index = 0; index < n; index++) { int section = header->logicalIndex(index); xpos += header->sectionSize(section); p.drawLine(xpos, 0, xpos, height()); } } void TList::maybeUpdateVolatileCustomColumns() { MusECore::TrackList* l = MusEGlobal::song->tracks(); int idx = 0; int yy = -ypos; for (MusECore::iTrack i = l->begin(); i != l->end(); ++idx, yy += (*i)->height(), ++i) { MusECore::Track* track = *i; int trackHeight = track->height(); if (trackHeight==0) // not visible continue; int x = 0; for (int index = 0; index < header->count(); ++index) { int section = header->logicalIndex(index); if (section>=COL_CUSTOM_MIDICTRL_OFFSET && track->isMidiTrack() && (Arranger::custom_columns[section-COL_CUSTOM_MIDICTRL_OFFSET].affected_pos == Arranger::custom_col_t::AFFECT_CPOS) ) { int w = header->sectionSize(section); QRect r = QRect(x+2, yy, w-4, trackHeight); int ctrl_no = Arranger::custom_columns[section-COL_CUSTOM_MIDICTRL_OFFSET].ctrl; MusECore::MidiTrack* mt=(MusECore::MidiTrack*)track; MusECore::MidiPort* mp = &MusEGlobal::midiPorts[mt->outPort()]; int new_val = mp->hwCtrlState(mt->outChannel(), ctrl_no); if (new_val != old_ctrl_hw_states[track][section]) update(r); } x += header->sectionSize(section); } } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // returnPressed //--------------------------------------------------------- void TList::returnPressed() { if(editTrack) { if(editor && editor->isVisible()) { //editor->hide(); if (editor->text() != editTrack->name()) { MusECore::TrackList* tl = MusEGlobal::song->tracks(); for (MusECore::iTrack i = tl->begin(); i != tl->end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->name() == editor->text()) { QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("MusE: bad trackname"), tr("please choose a unique track name"), QMessageBox::Ok, Qt::NoButton, Qt::NoButton); editTrack = 0; editor->blockSignals(true); editor->hide(); editor->blockSignals(false); setFocus(); return; } } MusEGlobal::song->applyOperation(MusECore::UndoOp(MusECore::UndoOp::ModifyTrackName, editTrack, editTrack->name().toLatin1().constData(), editor->text().toLatin1().constData())); } } editTrack = 0; } editMode = false; editJustFinished = true; if(editor && editor->isVisible()) { editor->blockSignals(true); editor->hide(); editor->blockSignals(false); } setFocus(); } void TList::chanValueFinished() { if(editTrack) { if(editTrack->isMidiTrack()) { MusECore::MidiTrack* mt = dynamic_cast(editTrack); // Default to track port if -1 and track channel if -1. if (mt) { int channel = chan_edit->value() - 1; if(channel >= MIDI_CHANNELS) channel = MIDI_CHANNELS - 1; if(channel < 0) channel = 0; if(channel != mt->outChannel()) { MusEGlobal::song->applyOperation(MusECore::UndoOp(MusECore::UndoOp::ModifyTrackChannel, editTrack, mt->outChannel(), channel)); } } } else { if(editTrack->type() != MusECore::Track::AUDIO_SOFTSYNTH) { MusECore::AudioTrack* at = dynamic_cast(editTrack); if(at) { int n = chan_edit->value(); if(n > MAX_CHANNELS) n = MAX_CHANNELS; else if (n < 1) n = 1; if(n != at->channels()) { MusEGlobal::song->applyOperation(MusECore::UndoOp(MusECore::UndoOp::ModifyTrackChannel, editTrack, at->channels(), n)); } } } } editTrack = 0; } editMode = false; editJustFinished=true; if(chan_edit->isVisible()) { chan_edit->blockSignals(true); chan_edit->hide(); chan_edit->blockSignals(false); } setFocus(); } void TList::ctrlValueFinished() { if(editTrack && editTrack->isMidiTrack()) { MusECore::MidiTrack* mt = dynamic_cast(editTrack); //if (mt && mt->type() != MusECore::Track::DRUM) // Default to track port if -1 and track channel if -1. // TODO TEST: Why was DRUM excluded? I want to say just "if(mt)", but will it break something with dynamic columns? // REMOVE Tim. if (mt) { int val = ctrl_edit->value(); MusECore::MidiPort* mp = &MusEGlobal::midiPorts[mt->outPort()]; MusECore::MidiController* mctl = mp->midiController(ctrl_num); if (val==ctrl_edit->minimum()) val=MusECore::CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN; else val+=mctl->bias(); if (val!=MusECore::CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN) { record_controller_change_and_maybe_send(ctrl_at_tick, ctrl_num, val, mt); } else { MusECore::Undo operations; for (MusECore::iPart p = mt->parts()->begin(); p!=mt->parts()->end(); p++) { if (p->second->tick()==0) { for (MusECore::ciEvent ev=p->second->events().begin(); ev!=p->second->events().end(); ev++) { if (ev->second.tick()!=0) break; else if (ev->second.type()==MusECore::Controller && ev->second.dataA()==ctrl_num) { using MusECore::UndoOp; operations.push_back(UndoOp(UndoOp::DeleteEvent, ev->second, p->second, false, false)); break; } } } } MusEGlobal::song->applyOperationGroup(operations); } } editTrack = 0; } editMode = false; editJustFinished=true; if(ctrl_edit->isVisible()) { ctrl_edit->blockSignals(true); ctrl_edit->hide(); ctrl_edit->blockSignals(false); } setFocus(); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // adjustScrollbar //--------------------------------------------------------- void TList::adjustScrollbar() { int h = 0; MusECore::TrackList* l = MusEGlobal::song->tracks(); for (MusECore::iTrack it = l->begin(); it != l->end(); ++it) h += (*it)->height(); _scroll->setMaximum(h +30); redraw(); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // y2Track //--------------------------------------------------------- MusECore::Track* TList::y2Track(int y) const { MusECore::TrackList* l = MusEGlobal::song->tracks(); int ty = 0; for (MusECore::iTrack it = l->begin(); it != l->end(); ++it) { int h = (*it)->height(); if (y >= ty && y < ty + h) return *it; ty += h; } return 0; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // viewMouseDoubleClickEvent //--------------------------------------------------------- void TList::mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent* ev) { int button = ev->button(); //bool ctrl = ((QInputEvent*)ev)->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier; if(button != Qt::LeftButton) { mousePressEvent(ev); return; } int x = ev->x(); int section = header->logicalIndexAt(x); if (section == -1) { mousePressEvent(ev); return; } MusECore::Track* t = y2Track(ev->y() + ypos); if (t) { int colx = header->sectionPosition(section); int colw = header->sectionSize(section); int coly = t->y() - ypos; int colh = t->height(); if (section == COL_NAME) { editTrack = t; if (editor == 0) { editor = new QLineEdit(this); editor->setFrame(false); connect(editor, SIGNAL(editingFinished()), SLOT(returnPressed())); } editor->setText(editTrack->name()); editor->selectAll(); editor->setGeometry(colx, coly, colw, colh); editMode = true; editor->show(); } else if (section == COL_OCHANNEL) { // Enabled for audio tracks. And synth channels cannot be changed ATM. // Default to track port if -1 and track channel if -1. if(t->type() == MusECore::Track::AUDIO_SOFTSYNTH) { mousePressEvent(ev); return; } // A disabled spinbox up or down button will pass the event to the parent! Causes pseudo 'wrapping'. Eat it up. if(chan_edit && chan_edit->hasFocus()) { ev->accept(); return; } else { editTrack=t; if (chan_edit==0) { chan_edit=new QSpinBox(this); chan_edit->setFrame(false); chan_edit->setMinimum(1); connect(chan_edit, SIGNAL(editingFinished()), SLOT(chanValueFinished())); } if (t->isMidiTrack()) { chan_edit->setMaximum(MIDI_CHANNELS); chan_edit->setValue(((MusECore::MidiTrack*)editTrack)->outChannel()+1); } else // if(t->type() != MusECore::Track::AUDIO_SOFTSYNTH) { chan_edit->setMaximum(MAX_CHANNELS); chan_edit->setValue(((MusECore::AudioTrack*)editTrack)->channels()); } int w=colw; if (w < chan_edit->sizeHint().width()) w=chan_edit->sizeHint().width(); chan_edit->setGeometry(colx, coly, w, colh); chan_edit->selectAll(); editMode = true; chan_edit->show(); chan_edit->setFocus(); ev->accept(); } } else if (section >= COL_CUSTOM_MIDICTRL_OFFSET) { if (t->isMidiTrack()) { editTrack=t; ctrl_num=Arranger::custom_columns[section-COL_CUSTOM_MIDICTRL_OFFSET].ctrl; MusECore::MidiTrack* mt=(MusECore::MidiTrack*)t; MusECore::MidiPort* mp = &MusEGlobal::midiPorts[mt->outPort()]; MusECore::MidiController* mctl = mp->midiController(ctrl_num); if (ctrl_num!=MusECore::CTRL_PROGRAM) { if (Arranger::custom_columns[section-COL_CUSTOM_MIDICTRL_OFFSET].affected_pos == Arranger::custom_col_t::AFFECT_BEGIN) ctrl_at_tick=0; else ctrl_at_tick=MusEGlobal::song->cpos(); if (ctrl_edit==0) { ctrl_edit=new QSpinBox(this); ctrl_edit->setSpecialValueText(tr("off")); connect(ctrl_edit, SIGNAL(editingFinished()), SLOT(ctrlValueFinished())); } ctrl_edit->setMinimum(mctl->minVal()-1); // -1 because of the specialValueText ctrl_edit->setMaximum(mctl->maxVal()); ctrl_edit->setValue(((MusECore::MidiTrack*)editTrack)->getControllerChangeAtTick(0,ctrl_num)-mctl->bias()); int w=colw; if (w < ctrl_edit->sizeHint().width()) w=ctrl_edit->sizeHint().width(); ctrl_edit->setGeometry(colx, coly, w, colh); editMode = true; ctrl_edit->show(); ctrl_edit->setFocus(); } // else: the CTRL_PROGRAM popup is displayed with a single click ev->accept(); } } else mousePressEvent(ev); } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // portsPopupMenu //--------------------------------------------------------- void TList::portsPopupMenu(MusECore::Track* t, int x, int y) { switch(t->type()) { case MusECore::Track::MIDI: case MusECore::Track::DRUM: case MusECore::Track::NEW_DRUM: case MusECore::Track::AUDIO_SOFTSYNTH: { MusECore::MidiTrack* track = (MusECore::MidiTrack*)t; MusECore::MidiDevice* md = 0; int potential_new_port_no=-1; int port = -1; if(t->type() == MusECore::Track::AUDIO_SOFTSYNTH) { md = dynamic_cast(t); if(md) port = md->midiPort(); } else port = track->outPort(); QMenu* p = MusECore::midiPortsPopup(this, port); if (t->isMidiTrack()) { // extend that menu a bit // find first free port number // do not permit numbers already used in other tracks! // except if it's only used in this track. int no; for (no=0;notracks()->begin(); it!=MusEGlobal::song->tracks()->end(); it++) { MusECore::MidiTrack* mt=dynamic_cast(*it); if (mt && mt!=t && mt->outPort()==no) break; } if (it == MusEGlobal::song->tracks()->end()) break; } if (no==MIDI_PORTS) { delete p; printf("THIS IS VERY UNLIKELY TO HAPPEN: no free midi ports! you have used all %i!\n",MIDI_PORTS); break; } potential_new_port_no=no; typedef std::map asmap; typedef std::map::iterator imap; asmap mapALSA; asmap mapJACK; int aix = 0x10000000; int jix = 0x20000000; for(MusECore::iMidiDevice i = MusEGlobal::midiDevices.begin(); i != MusEGlobal::midiDevices.end(); ++i) { if((*i)->deviceType() == MusECore::MidiDevice::ALSA_MIDI) { // don't add devices which are used somewhere int j; for (j=0;j (std::string((*i)->name().toLatin1().constData()), aix) ); ++aix; } else if((*i)->deviceType() == MusECore::MidiDevice::JACK_MIDI) { // don't add devices which are used somewhere int j; for (j=0;j (std::string((*i)->name().toLatin1().constData()), jix) ); ++jix; } } if (!mapALSA.empty() || !mapJACK.empty()) { QMenu* pup = p->addMenu(tr("Unused Devices")); QAction* act; if (!mapALSA.empty()) { pup->addAction(new MusEGui::MenuTitleItem("ALSA:", pup)); for(imap i = mapALSA.begin(); i != mapALSA.end(); ++i) { int idx = i->second; QString s(i->first.c_str()); MusECore::MidiDevice* md = MusEGlobal::midiDevices.find(s, MusECore::MidiDevice::ALSA_MIDI); if(md) { if(md->deviceType() != MusECore::MidiDevice::ALSA_MIDI) continue; act = pup->addAction(md->name()); act->setData(idx); } } } if (!mapALSA.empty() && !mapJACK.empty()) pup->addSeparator(); if (!mapJACK.empty()) { pup->addAction(new MusEGui::MenuTitleItem("JACK:", pup)); for(imap i = mapJACK.begin(); i != mapJACK.end(); ++i) { int idx = i->second; QString s(i->first.c_str()); MusECore::MidiDevice* md = MusEGlobal::midiDevices.find(s, MusECore::MidiDevice::JACK_MIDI); if(md) { if(md->deviceType() != MusECore::MidiDevice::JACK_MIDI) continue; act = pup->addAction(md->name()); act->setData(idx); } } } } } QAction* act = p->exec(mapToGlobal(QPoint(x, y)), 0); if(!act) { delete p; break; } QString acttext=act->text(); int n = act->data().toInt(); delete p; if(n < 0) // Invalid item. break; if(n == MIDI_PORTS) // Show port config dialog. { MusEGlobal::muse->configMidiPorts(); break; } else if (n & 0x30000000) { int typ; if (n & 0x10000000) typ = MusECore::MidiDevice::ALSA_MIDI; else typ = MusECore::MidiDevice::JACK_MIDI; MusECore::MidiDevice* sdev = MusEGlobal::midiDevices.find(acttext, typ); MusEGlobal::midiSeq->msgSetMidiDevice(&MusEGlobal::midiPorts[potential_new_port_no], sdev); n=potential_new_port_no; MusEGlobal::song->update(); } // Default to track port if -1 and track channel if -1. No need anymore to ask to change all items if (t->type() == MusECore::Track::AUDIO_SOFTSYNTH) { if(md != 0) { // Idling is already handled in msgSetMidiDevice. //MusEGlobal::audio->msgIdle(true); // Compiler complains if simple cast from Track to MusECore::SynthI... MusEGlobal::midiSeq->msgSetMidiDevice(&MusEGlobal::midiPorts[n], (MusEGlobal::midiPorts[n].device() == md) ? 0 : md); MusEGlobal::muse->changeConfig(true); // save configuration file MusEGlobal::song->update(); } } else { MusEGlobal::audio->msgIdle(true); track->setOutPortAndUpdate(n); MusEGlobal::audio->msgIdle(false); MusEGlobal::audio->msgUpdateSoloStates(); MusEGlobal::song->update(SC_MIDI_TRACK_PROP); } // Prompt and send init sequences. MusEGlobal::audio->msgInitMidiDevices(false); } break; case MusECore::Track::WAVE: case MusECore::Track::AUDIO_OUTPUT: case MusECore::Track::AUDIO_INPUT: case MusECore::Track::AUDIO_GROUP: case MusECore::Track::AUDIO_AUX: //TODO break; } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // oportPropertyPopupMenu //--------------------------------------------------------- void TList::oportPropertyPopupMenu(MusECore::Track* t, int x, int y) { if(t->type() == MusECore::Track::AUDIO_SOFTSYNTH) { MusECore::SynthI* synth = static_cast(t); QMenu* p = new QMenu; QAction* gact = p->addAction(tr("show gui")); gact->setCheckable(true); gact->setEnabled(synth->hasGui()); gact->setChecked(synth->guiVisible()); QAction* nact = p->addAction(tr("show native gui")); nact->setCheckable(true); nact->setEnabled(synth->hasNativeGui()); nact->setChecked(synth->nativeGuiVisible()); // If it has a gui but we don't have OSC, disable the action. #ifndef OSC_SUPPORT #ifdef DSSI_SUPPORT if(synth->synth() && synth->synth()->synthType() == MusECore::Synth::DSSI_SYNTH) { nact->setChecked(false); nact->setEnabled(false); } #endif #endif QAction* ract = p->exec(mapToGlobal(QPoint(x, y)), 0); if (ract == gact) { bool show = !synth->guiVisible(); synth->showGui(show); } else if (ract == nact) { bool show = !synth->nativeGuiVisible(); synth->showNativeGui(show); } delete p; return; } if (t->type() != MusECore::Track::MIDI && t->type() != MusECore::Track::DRUM && t->type() != MusECore::Track::NEW_DRUM) return; int oPort = ((MusECore::MidiTrack*)t)->outPort(); MusECore::MidiPort* port = &MusEGlobal::midiPorts[oPort]; QMenu* p = new QMenu; QAction* gact = p->addAction(tr("show gui")); gact->setCheckable(true); gact->setEnabled(port->hasGui()); gact->setChecked(port->guiVisible()); QAction* nact = p->addAction(tr("show native gui")); nact->setCheckable(true); nact->setEnabled(port->hasNativeGui()); nact->setChecked(port->nativeGuiVisible()); // If it has a gui but we don't have OSC, disable the action. #ifndef OSC_SUPPORT #ifdef DSSI_SUPPORT MusECore::MidiDevice* dev = port->device(); if(dev && dev->isSynti()) { MusECore::SynthI* synth = static_cast(dev); if(synth->synth() && synth->synth()->synthType() == MusECore::Synth::DSSI_SYNTH) { nact->setChecked(false); nact->setEnabled(false); } } #endif #endif QAction* ract = p->exec(mapToGlobal(QPoint(x, y)), 0); if (ract == gact) { bool show = !port->guiVisible(); port->instrument()->showGui(show); } else if (ract == nact) { bool show = !port->nativeGuiVisible(); port->instrument()->showNativeGui(show); } delete p; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // tracklistChanged //--------------------------------------------------------- void TList::tracklistChanged() { redraw(); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // keyPressEvent //--------------------------------------------------------- void TList::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent* e) { if ( e->key() == Qt::Key_Return || e->key() == Qt::Key_Enter) { e->accept(); return; } if (editMode) { if ( e->key() == Qt::Key_Escape ) { if(editor && editor->isVisible()) { editor->blockSignals(true); editor->hide(); editor->blockSignals(false); } if(chan_edit && chan_edit->isVisible()) { chan_edit->blockSignals(true); chan_edit->hide(); chan_edit->blockSignals(false); } if(ctrl_edit && ctrl_edit->isVisible()) { ctrl_edit->blockSignals(true); ctrl_edit->hide(); ctrl_edit->blockSignals(false); } editTrack = 0; editMode = false; setFocus(); return; } return; } else if (!editJustFinished) { emit keyPressExt(e); //redirect keypress events to main app. don't call this when confirming an editor } else editJustFinished=false; // Works OK (if focusing allowed). But instead we won't allow focus. Part canvas has Ctrl+up/down which moves selected track only. /* int key = e->key(); switch (key) { case Qt::Key_Up: moveSelection(-1); return; case Qt::Key_Down: moveSelection(1); return; default: break; } */ // keyPressExt are sent to part canvas, where they are ignored *only* if necessary. //e->ignore(); emit keyPressExt(e); //redirect keypress events to main app } //--------------------------------------------------------- // moveSelection //--------------------------------------------------------- void TList::moveSelection(int n) { MusECore::TrackList* tracks = MusEGlobal::song->tracks(); // check for single selection int nselect = 0; for (MusECore::iTrack t = tracks->begin(); t != tracks->end(); ++t) if ((*t)->selected()) ++nselect; if (nselect != 1) return; MusECore::Track* selTrack = 0; for (MusECore::iTrack t = tracks->begin(); t != tracks->end(); ++t) { MusECore::iTrack s = t; if ((*t)->selected()) { if (n > 0) { while (n--) { ++t; if (t == tracks->end()) { --t; break; } // skip over hidden tracks if (!(*t)->isVisible()) { n++; continue; } selTrack = *t; break; } } else { while (n++ != 0) { if (t == tracks->begin()) break; --t; // skip over hidden tracks if (!(*t)->isVisible()) { n--; continue; } selTrack = *t; break; } } if(selTrack) { (*s)->setSelected(false); selTrack->setSelected(true); // if selected track is outside of view, enforce scrolling if (selTrack->y() > this->height()+ypos-20) { emit verticalScrollSetYpos(ypos+selTrack->height()); } else if (selTrack->y() < ypos) { emit verticalScrollSetYpos(selTrack->y()); } // rec enable track if expected MusECore::TrackList recd = getRecEnabledTracks(); if (recd.size() == 1 && MusEGlobal::config.moveArmedCheckBox) { // one rec enabled track, move rec enabled with selection MusEGlobal::song->setRecordFlag((MusECore::Track*)recd.front(),false); MusEGlobal::song->setRecordFlag((selTrack),true); } if (editTrack && editTrack != selTrack) returnPressed(); redraw(); } break; } } if(selTrack) emit selectionChanged(selTrack); } MusECore::TrackList TList::getRecEnabledTracks() { MusECore::TrackList recEnabled; MusECore::TrackList* tracks = MusEGlobal::song->tracks(); for (MusECore::iTrack t = tracks->begin(); t != tracks->end(); ++t) { if ((*t)->recordFlag()) recEnabled.push_back(*t); } return recEnabled; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // changeAutomation //--------------------------------------------------------- void TList::changeAutomation(QAction* act) { if(!editAutomation || editAutomation->isMidiTrack()) return; if(act->data().toInt() == -1) return; int colindex = act->data().toInt() & 0xff; int id = (act->data().toInt() & 0x00ffffff) >> 8; // Is it the midi control action or clear action item? if (colindex == 254 || colindex == 255) return; if (colindex < 100) return; // this was meant for changeAutomationColor // one of these days I'll rewrite this so it's understandable // this is just to get it up and running... MusECore::CtrlListList* cll = ((MusECore::AudioTrack*)editAutomation)->controller(); for(MusECore::CtrlListList::iterator icll =cll->begin();icll!=cll->end();++icll) { MusECore::CtrlList *cl = icll->second; if (id == cl->id()) // got it, change state cl->setVisible(act->isChecked()); } // if automation is OFF for the track we change it to READ as a convenience // hopefully this confuses users far less than not understanding why the // automation does not do anything. if (((MusECore::AudioTrack*)editAutomation)->automationType() == AUTO_OFF) { MusEGlobal::audio->msgSetTrackAutomationType((MusECore::AudioTrack*)editAutomation, AUTO_READ); if (MusEGlobal::debugMsg) printf("Changing automation from OFF to READ\n"); } MusEGlobal::song->update(SC_TRACK_MODIFIED|SC_AUTOMATION); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // changeAutomation //--------------------------------------------------------- void TList::changeAutomationColor(QAction* act) { if(!editAutomation || editAutomation->isMidiTrack()) return; if(act->data().toInt() == -1) return; int colindex = act->data().toInt() & 0xff; int id = (act->data().toInt() & 0x00ffffff) >> 8; // Is it the clear automation action item? // (As commented below, we should rewrite this to make it easier to understand..) if (colindex == 253) { if(QMessageBox::question(MusEGlobal::muse, QString("Muse"), tr("Clear all controller events?"), tr("&Ok"), tr("&Cancel"), QString::null, 0, 1 ) == 0) { MusECore::AudioTrack* track = static_cast(editAutomation); MusEGlobal::audio->msgClearControllerEvents(track, id); } } // Is it the clear midi control action item? if(colindex == 254) { MusECore::AudioTrack* track = static_cast(editAutomation); MusECore::MidiAudioCtrlMap* macp = track->controller()->midiControls(); MusECore::AudioMidiCtrlStructMap amcs; macp->find_audio_ctrl_structs(id, &amcs); if(!amcs.empty()) MusEGlobal::audio->msgIdle(true); // Gain access to structures, and sync with audio for(MusECore::iAudioMidiCtrlStructMap iamcs = amcs.begin(); iamcs != amcs.end(); ++iamcs) macp->erase(*iamcs); if(!amcs.empty()) MusEGlobal::audio->msgIdle(false); // Hm, need to remove the 'clear' item, and the status lines below it. Try this: QActionGroup* midi_actgrp = act->actionGroup(); if(midi_actgrp) { QList act_list = midi_actgrp->actions(); int sz = act_list.size(); for(int i = 0; i < sz; ++i) { QAction* list_act = act_list.at(i); ///midi_actgrp->removeAction(list_act); // list_act has no parent now. ///delete list_act; list_act->setVisible(false); // HACK Cannot delete any actions! Causes crash with our PopupMenu due to recent fixes. } } return; } // Is it the midi control action item? if(colindex == 255) { MusECore::AudioTrack* track = static_cast(editAutomation); MusECore::MidiAudioCtrlMap* macm = track->controller()->midiControls(); MusECore::AudioMidiCtrlStructMap amcs; macm->find_audio_ctrl_structs(id, &amcs); int port = -1, chan = 0, ctrl = 0; for(MusECore::iAudioMidiCtrlStructMap iamcs = amcs.begin(); iamcs != amcs.end(); ++iamcs) { macm->hash_values((*iamcs)->first, &port, &chan, &ctrl); break; // Only a single item for now, thanks! } MidiAudioControl* pup = new MidiAudioControl(port, chan, ctrl); if(pup->exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { MusEGlobal::audio->msgIdle(true); // Gain access to structures, and sync with audio // Erase all for now. for(MusECore::iAudioMidiCtrlStructMap iamcs = amcs.begin(); iamcs != amcs.end(); ++iamcs) macm->erase(*iamcs); port = pup->port(); chan = pup->chan(); ctrl = pup->ctrl(); if(port >= 0 && chan >=0 && ctrl >= 0) // Add will replace if found. macm->add_ctrl_struct(port, chan, ctrl, MusECore::MidiAudioCtrlStruct(id)); MusEGlobal::audio->msgIdle(false); } delete pup; return; } if (colindex > 100) return; // this was meant for changeAutomation // one of these days I'll rewrite this so it's understandable // this is just to get it up and running... MusECore::CtrlListList* cll = ((MusECore::AudioTrack*)editAutomation)->controller(); for(MusECore::CtrlListList::iterator icll =cll->begin();icll!=cll->end();++icll) { MusECore::CtrlList *cl = icll->second; if (cl->id() == id) { // got it, change color and enable cl->setColor(collist[colindex]); cl->setVisible(true); } } MusEGlobal::song->update(SC_TRACK_MODIFIED); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // colorMenu //--------------------------------------------------------- PopupMenu* TList::colorMenu(QColor c, int id, QWidget* parent) { PopupMenu * m = new PopupMenu(parent, true); QActionGroup* col_actgrp = new QActionGroup(m); m->addAction(new MusEGui::MenuTitleItem(tr("Change color"), m)); col_actgrp->setExclusive(true); for (int i = 0; i< 6; i++) { QPixmap pix(10,10); QPainter p(&pix); p.fillRect(0,0,10,10,collist[i]); p.setPen(Qt::black); p.drawRect(0,0,10,10); QIcon icon(pix); QAction *act = col_actgrp->addAction(icon,colnames[i]); act->setCheckable(true); if (c == collist[i]) act->setChecked(true); act->setData((id<<8) + i); // Shift 8 bits. Color in the bottom 8 bits. } m->addActions(col_actgrp->actions()); //m->addSeparator(); m->addAction(new MenuTitleItem(tr("Midi control"), m)); if(editAutomation && !editAutomation->isMidiTrack()) { QAction *act = m->addAction(tr("Assign")); act->setCheckable(false); act->setData((id<<8) + 255); // Shift 8 bits. Make midi menu the last item at 255. MusECore::AudioTrack* track = static_cast(editAutomation); MusECore::MidiAudioCtrlMap* macm = track->controller()->midiControls(); MusECore::AudioMidiCtrlStructMap amcs; macm->find_audio_ctrl_structs(id, &amcs); // Group only the clear and status items so they can both be easily removed when clear is clicked. if(!amcs.empty()) { QActionGroup* midi_actgrp = new QActionGroup(m); QAction *cact = midi_actgrp->addAction(tr("Clear")); cact->setData((id<<8) + 254); // Shift 8 bits. Make clear the second-last item at 254 for(MusECore::iAudioMidiCtrlStructMap iamcs = amcs.begin(); iamcs != amcs.end(); ++iamcs) { int port, chan, mctrl; macm->hash_values((*iamcs)->first, &port, &chan, &mctrl); //QString s = QString("Port:%1 Chan:%2 Ctl:%3-%4").arg(port + 1) QString s = QString("Port:%1 Chan:%2 Ctl:%3").arg(port + 1) .arg(chan + 1) //.arg((mctrl >> 8) & 0xff) //.arg(mctrl & 0xff); .arg(MusECore::midiCtrlName(mctrl, true)); QAction *mact = midi_actgrp->addAction(s); mact->setEnabled(false); mact->setData(-1); // Not used } m->addActions(midi_actgrp->actions()); } } m->addAction(new MenuTitleItem(tr("Other"), m)); QAction *act = m->addAction(tr("clear automation")); act->setCheckable(false); act->setData((id<<8) + 253); // Shift 8 bits. Make clear menu item 253 (should enum this) connect(m, SIGNAL(triggered(QAction*)), SLOT(changeAutomationColor(QAction*))); return m; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // mousePressEvent //--------------------------------------------------------- void TList::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent* ev) { int x = ev->x(); int y = ev->y(); int button = ev->button(); bool ctrl = ((QInputEvent*)ev)->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier; MusECore::Track* t = y2Track(y + ypos); // FIXME Observed: Ancient bug: Track Info doesn't change if selecting multiple tracks in reverse order. // Will need to be fixed if/when adding 'multiple track global editing'. TrackColumn col = TrackColumn(header->logicalIndexAt(x)); if (t == 0) { if (button == Qt::RightButton) { QMenu* p = new QMenu; MusEGui::populateAddTrack(p); // Show the menu QAction* act = p->exec(ev->globalPos(), 0); // Valid click? if(act) { t = MusEGlobal::song->addNewTrack(act); // Add at end of list. if(t && t->isVisible()) { MusEGlobal::song->deselectTracks(); t->setSelected(true); ///emit selectionChanged(); emit selectionChanged(t); adjustScrollbar(); } } // Just delete p, and all its children will go too, right? //delete synp; delete p; } /*else if (button == Qt::LeftButton) { DELETETHIS if (!ctrl) { MusEGlobal::song->deselectTracks(); emit selectionChanged(0); } }*/ return; } MusECore::TrackList* tracks = MusEGlobal::song->tracks(); dragYoff = y - (t->y() - ypos); startY = y; if (resizeFlag) { mode = RESIZE; int y = ev->y(); int ty = -ypos; sTrack = 0; for (MusECore::iTrack it = tracks->begin(); it != tracks->end(); ++it, ++sTrack) { int h = (*it)->height(); ty += h; if (y >= (ty-2)) { if ( (*it) == tracks->back() && y > ty ) { // DELETETHIS, only retain if(foo) break;? //printf("tracks->back() && y > ty\n"); } else if ( y > (ty+2) ) { //printf(" y > (ty+2) \n"); } else { //printf("ogga ogga\n"); break; } //&& y < (ty)) DELETETHIS // break; } } return; } mode = NORMAL; switch (col) { case COL_CLEF: if (t->isMidiTrack() && t->type() == MusECore::Track::MIDI) { QMenu* p = new QMenu; p->addAction(tr("Treble clef"))->setData(0); p->addAction(tr("Bass clef"))->setData(1); p->addAction(tr("Grand Staff"))->setData(2); // Show the menu QAction* act = p->exec(ev->globalPos(), 0); if (act) { switch (act->data().toInt()) { case 0: ((MusECore::MidiTrack*)t)->setClef(trebleClef); break; case 1: ((MusECore::MidiTrack*)t)->setClef(bassClef); break; case 2: ((MusECore::MidiTrack*)t)->setClef(grandStaff); break; default: break; } } delete p; } break; case COL_AUTOMATION: { if (!t->isMidiTrack()) { editAutomation = t; PopupMenu* p = new PopupMenu(true); p->disconnect(); p->clear(); p->setTitle(tr("Viewable automation")); MusECore::CtrlListList* cll = ((MusECore::AudioTrack*)t)->controller(); QAction* act = 0; int last_rackpos = -1; bool internal_found = false; bool synth_found = false; for(MusECore::CtrlListList::iterator icll =cll->begin();icll!=cll->end();++icll) { MusECore::CtrlList *cl = icll->second; if (cl->dontShow()) continue; int ctrl = cl->id(); if(ctrl < AC_PLUGIN_CTL_BASE) { if(!internal_found) p->addAction(new MusEGui::MenuTitleItem(tr("Internal"), p)); internal_found = true; } else { if(ctrl < (int)MusECore::genACnum(MAX_PLUGINS, 0)) // The beginning of the special dssi synth controller block. { int rackpos = (ctrl - AC_PLUGIN_CTL_BASE) >> AC_PLUGIN_CTL_BASE_POW; if(rackpos < PipelineDepth) { if(rackpos != last_rackpos) { QString s = ((MusECore::AudioTrack*)t)->efxPipe()->name(rackpos); p->addAction(new MusEGui::MenuTitleItem(s, p)); } last_rackpos = rackpos; } } else { if(t->type() == MusECore::Track::AUDIO_SOFTSYNTH) { if(!synth_found) p->addAction(new MusEGui::MenuTitleItem(tr("Synth"), p)); synth_found = true; } } } act = p->addAction(cl->name()); act->setCheckable(true); act->setChecked(cl->isVisible()); QPixmap pix(8,8); QPainter qp(&pix); qp.fillRect(0,0,8,8,cl->color()); qp.setPen(Qt::black); qp.drawRect(0,0,8,8); QIcon icon(pix); act->setIcon(icon); //act->setIconVisibleInMenu(true); //setToolTip(tr("click to show/unshow, submenu to select color")); int data = ctrl<<8; // shift 8 bits data += 150; // illegal color > 100 act->setData(data); PopupMenu *m = colorMenu(cl->color(), cl->id(), p); act->setMenu(m); } connect(p, SIGNAL(triggered(QAction*)), SLOT(changeAutomation(QAction*))); p->exec(QCursor::pos()); delete p; } break; } case COL_RECORD: { mode = START_DRAG; bool val = !(t->recordFlag()); if (button == Qt::LeftButton) { if (!t->isMidiTrack()) { if (t->type() == MusECore::Track::AUDIO_OUTPUT) { if (val && t->recordFlag() == false) { MusEGlobal::muse->bounceToFile((MusECore::AudioOutput*)t); } MusEGlobal::audio->msgSetRecord((MusECore::AudioOutput*)t, val); if (!((MusECore::AudioOutput*)t)->recFile()) val = false; else return; } MusEGlobal::song->setRecordFlag(t, val); } else MusEGlobal::song->setRecordFlag(t, val); } else if (button == Qt::RightButton) { // enable or disable ALL tracks of this type if (!t->isMidiTrack()) { if (t->type() == MusECore::Track::AUDIO_OUTPUT) { return; } MusECore::WaveTrackList* wtl = MusEGlobal::song->waves(); foreach (MusECore::WaveTrack *wt, *wtl) { MusEGlobal::song->setRecordFlag(wt, val); } } else { MusECore::MidiTrackList* mtl = MusEGlobal::song->midis(); foreach (MusECore::MidiTrack *mt, *mtl) { MusEGlobal::song->setRecordFlag(mt, val); } } } } break; case COL_NONE: mode = START_DRAG; break; case COL_CLASS: if (t->isMidiTrack()) classesPopupMenu(t, x, t->y() - ypos); break; case COL_OPORT: // Changed by Tim. p3.3.9 DELETETHIS 15 // Reverted. if (button == Qt::LeftButton) portsPopupMenu(t, x, t->y() - ypos); else if (button == Qt::RightButton) oportPropertyPopupMenu(t, x, t->y() - ypos); //if(((button == QMouseEvent::LeftButton) && (t->type() == MusECore::Track::AUDIO_SOFTSYNTH)) || (button == QMouseEvent::RightButton)) // oportPropertyPopupMenu(t, x, t->y() - ypos); //else //if(button == QMouseEvent::LeftButton) // portsPopupMenu(t, x, t->y() - ypos); //MusEGlobal::audio->msgUpdateSoloStates(); // p4.0.14 //MusEGlobal::song->update(SC_ROUTE); // break; case COL_MUTE: mode = START_DRAG; // p3.3.29 if ((button == Qt::RightButton) || (((QInputEvent*)ev)->modifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier)) t->setOff(!t->off()); else { if (t->off()) t->setOff(false); else t->setMute(!t->mute()); } MusEGlobal::song->update(SC_MUTE); break; case COL_SOLO: mode = START_DRAG; MusEGlobal::audio->msgSetSolo(t, !t->solo()); MusEGlobal::song->update(SC_SOLO); break; case COL_NAME: mode = START_DRAG; if (button == Qt::LeftButton) { if (!ctrl) { MusEGlobal::song->deselectTracks(); t->setSelected(true); // rec enable track if expected MusECore::TrackList recd = getRecEnabledTracks(); if (recd.size() == 1 && MusEGlobal::config.moveArmedCheckBox) { // one rec enabled track, move rec enabled with selection MusEGlobal::song->setRecordFlag((MusECore::Track*)recd.front(),false); MusEGlobal::song->setRecordFlag(t,true); } } else t->setSelected(!t->selected()); if (editTrack && editTrack != t) returnPressed(); emit selectionChanged(t->selected() ? t : 0); } else if (button == Qt::RightButton) { mode = NORMAL; QMenu* p = new QMenu; // Leave room for normal track IDs - base these at AUDIO_SOFTSYNTH. p->addAction(QIcon(*automation_clear_dataIcon), tr("Delete Track"))->setData(1001); p->addAction(QIcon(*track_commentIcon), tr("Track Comment"))->setData(1002); p->addSeparator(); if (t->type()==MusECore::Track::NEW_DRUM) { QAction* tmp; p->addAction(tr("Save track's drumlist"))->setData(1010); p->addAction(tr("Save track's drumlist differences to initial state"))->setData(1011); p->addAction(tr("Load track's drumlist"))->setData(1012); tmp=p->addAction(tr("Reset track's drumlist")); tmp->setData(1013); tmp->setEnabled(!((MusECore::MidiTrack*)t)->drummap_tied_to_patch()); tmp=p->addAction(tr("Reset track's drumlist-ordering")); tmp->setData(1016); tmp->setEnabled(!((MusECore::MidiTrack*)t)->drummap_ordering_tied_to_patch()); p->addAction(tr("Copy track's drumlist to all selected tracks"))->setData(1014); p->addAction(tr("Copy track's drumlist's differences to all selected tracks"))->setData(1015); // 1016 is occupied. p->addSeparator(); } QMenu* pnew = new QMenu(p); pnew->setTitle(tr("Insert Track")); pnew->setIcon(QIcon(*edit_track_addIcon)); MusEGui::populateAddTrack(pnew); p->addMenu(pnew); QAction* act = p->exec(ev->globalPos(), 0); if (act) { int n = act->data().toInt(); if(n >= 1000) { switch (n) { case 1001: // delete track MusEGlobal::song->applyOperation(UndoOp(UndoOp::DeleteTrack, MusEGlobal::song->tracks()->index(t), t)); break; case 1002: // show track comment { TrackComment* tc = new TrackComment(t, 0); tc->show(); } break; case 1010: saveTrackDrummap((MusECore::MidiTrack*)t, true); break; case 1011: saveTrackDrummap((MusECore::MidiTrack*)t, false); break; case 1012: loadTrackDrummap((MusECore::MidiTrack*)t); break; case 1013: if (QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Drum map"), tr("Reset the track's drum map with instrument defaults?"), QMessageBox::Ok | QMessageBox::Cancel, QMessageBox::Ok) == QMessageBox::Ok) { ((MusECore::MidiTrack*)t)->set_drummap_tied_to_patch(true); MusEGlobal::song->update(SC_DRUMMAP); } break; case 1016: if (QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Drum map"), tr("Reset the track's drum map ordering?"), QMessageBox::Ok | QMessageBox::Cancel, QMessageBox::Ok) == QMessageBox::Ok) { ((MusECore::MidiTrack*)t)->set_drummap_ordering_tied_to_patch(true); MusEGlobal::song->update(SC_DRUMMAP); } break; case 1014: copyTrackDrummap((MusECore::MidiTrack*)t, true); break; case 1015: copyTrackDrummap((MusECore::MidiTrack*)t, false); break; default: printf("action %d\n", n); break; } } else { t = MusEGlobal::song->addNewTrack(act, t); // Let addNewTrack handle it. Insert before clicked-on track 't'. if(t) { MusEGlobal::song->deselectTracks(); t->setSelected(true); emit selectionChanged(t); adjustScrollbar(); } } } delete p; } break; case COL_TIMELOCK: mode = START_DRAG; t->setLocked(!t->locked()); break; case COL_OCHANNEL: { mode = START_DRAG; // or not? (flo) int delta = 0; if (button == Qt::RightButton) delta = 1; else if (button == Qt::MidButton) delta = -1; if (t->isMidiTrack()) { MusECore::MidiTrack* mt = dynamic_cast(t); if (mt == 0) break; int channel = mt->outChannel(); channel += delta; if(channel >= MIDI_CHANNELS) channel = MIDI_CHANNELS - 1; if(channel < 0) channel = 0; if (channel != mt->outChannel()) { MusEGlobal::audio->msgIdle(true); mt->setOutChanAndUpdate(channel); MusEGlobal::audio->msgIdle(false); MusEGlobal::audio->msgUpdateSoloStates(); MusEGlobal::song->update(SC_MIDI_TRACK_PROP); } } else { if(t->type() != MusECore::Track::AUDIO_SOFTSYNTH) { MusECore::AudioTrack* at = dynamic_cast(t); if (at == 0) break; int n = t->channels() + delta; if (n > MAX_CHANNELS) n = MAX_CHANNELS; else if (n < 1) n = 1; if (n != t->channels()) { MusEGlobal::audio->msgSetChannels(at, n); MusEGlobal::song->update(SC_CHANNELS); } } } } break; default: mode = START_DRAG; if (col>=COL_CUSTOM_MIDICTRL_OFFSET && t->isMidiTrack()) { if (Arranger::custom_columns[col-COL_CUSTOM_MIDICTRL_OFFSET].affected_pos == Arranger::custom_col_t::AFFECT_BEGIN) ctrl_at_tick=0; else ctrl_at_tick=MusEGlobal::song->cpos(); int delta = 0; if (button == Qt::RightButton) delta = 1; else if (button == Qt::MidButton) delta = -1; if (delta!=0) { MusECore::MidiTrack* mt = dynamic_cast(t); if (mt == 0) break; int ctrl_num = Arranger::custom_columns[col-COL_CUSTOM_MIDICTRL_OFFSET].ctrl; MusECore::MidiPort* mp = &MusEGlobal::midiPorts[mt->outPort()]; MusECore::MidiController* mctl = mp->midiController(ctrl_num); int minval=mctl->minVal()+mctl->bias(); int maxval=mctl->maxVal()+mctl->bias(); int val = mt->getControllerChangeAtTick(0,ctrl_num); int oldval=val; if (ctrl_num!=MusECore::CTRL_PROGRAM) { val += delta; if(val > maxval) val = maxval; if(val < minval-1) // "-1" because of "off" val = minval-1; } else { MusECore::MidiInstrument* instr = mp->instrument(); if (delta>0) val=instr->getNextPatch(mt->outChannel(), val, false); else if (delta<0) val=instr->getPrevPatch(mt->outChannel(), val, false); } if (val != oldval) { if (val!=minval-1) { record_controller_change_and_maybe_send(ctrl_at_tick, ctrl_num, val, mt); } else { MusECore::Undo operations; for (MusECore::iPart p = mt->parts()->begin(); p!=mt->parts()->end(); p++) { if (p->second->tick()==0) { for (MusECore::ciEvent ev=p->second->events().begin(); ev!=p->second->events().end(); ev++) { if (ev->second.tick()!=0) break; else if (ev->second.type()==MusECore::Controller && ev->second.dataA()==ctrl_num) { using MusECore::UndoOp; operations.push_back(UndoOp(UndoOp::DeleteEvent, ev->second, p->second, false, false)); break; } } } } MusEGlobal::song->applyOperationGroup(operations); } } } else // if (delta==0) { ctrl_num=Arranger::custom_columns[col-COL_CUSTOM_MIDICTRL_OFFSET].ctrl; if (ctrl_num==MusECore::CTRL_PROGRAM) { editTrack=t; MusECore::MidiTrack* mt=(MusECore::MidiTrack*)t; MusECore::MidiPort* mp = &MusEGlobal::midiPorts[mt->outPort()]; MusECore::MidiInstrument* instr = mp->instrument(); PopupMenu* pup = new PopupMenu(true); instr->populatePatchPopup(pup, mt->outChannel(), mt->isDrumTrack()); if(pup->actions().count() == 0) { delete pup; return; } connect(pup, SIGNAL(triggered(QAction*)), SLOT(instrPopupActivated(QAction*))); QAction *act = pup->exec(ev->globalPos()); if(act) { int val = act->data().toInt(); if(val != -1) record_controller_change_and_maybe_send(ctrl_at_tick, MusECore::CTRL_PROGRAM, val, mt); } delete pup; } } } } //end of "switch" redraw(); } void TList::loadTrackDrummap(MusECore::MidiTrack* t, const char* fn_) { QString fn; if (fn_==NULL) fn=MusEGui::getOpenFileName("drummaps", MusEGlobal::drum_map_file_pattern, this, tr("Muse: Load Track's Drum Map"), 0); else fn=QString(fn_); if (fn.isEmpty()) { printf("ERROR: TList::loadTrackDrummap(): empty filename\n"); return; } bool popenFlag; FILE* f = MusEGui::fileOpen(this, fn, QString(".map"), "r", popenFlag, true); if (f == 0) { printf("ERROR: TList::loadTrackDrummap() could not open file %s!\n", fn.toAscii().data()); return; } MusECore::Xml xml(f); int mode = 0; for (;;) { MusECore::Xml::Token token = xml.parse(); const QString& tag = xml.s1(); switch (token) { case MusECore::Xml::Error: case MusECore::Xml::End: return; case MusECore::Xml::TagStart: if (mode == 0 && tag == "muse") mode = 1; else if (mode == 1 && tag == "our_drummap") { t->readOurDrumMap(xml, tag, true); mode = 0; } else if (mode == 1 && tag == "drummap") { // compatibility mode, read old drummaps QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Drummap"), tr("This drummap was created with a previous version of MusE,\nit is being read but the format has changed slightly so some\nadjustments may be necessary.")); t->readOurDrumMap(xml, tag, true, true); mode = 0; } else xml.unknown("TList::loadTrackDrummap"); break; case MusECore::Xml::Attribut: break; case MusECore::Xml::TagEnd: if (!mode && tag == "muse") goto ende; default: break; } } ende: if (popenFlag) pclose(f); else fclose(f); MusEGlobal::song->update(SC_DRUMMAP); } void TList::saveTrackDrummap(MusECore::MidiTrack* t, bool full, const char* fn_) { QString fn; if (fn_==NULL) fn = MusEGui::getSaveFileName(QString("drummaps"), MusEGlobal::drum_map_file_save_pattern, this, tr("MusE: Store Track's Drum Map")); else fn = QString(fn_); if (fn.isEmpty()) return; bool popenFlag; FILE* f = MusEGui::fileOpen(this, fn, QString(".map"), "w", popenFlag, false, true); if (f == 0) return; MusECore::Xml xml(f); xml.header(); xml.tag(0, "muse version=\"1.0\""); t->writeOurDrumMap(1, xml, full); xml.tag(0, "/muse"); if (popenFlag) pclose(f); else fclose(f); } void TList::copyTrackDrummap(MusECore::MidiTrack* t, bool full) { char* tmp1 = tmpnam(NULL); char tmp2[1000]; strcpy(tmp2, tmp1); strcat(tmp2, ".map"); if (MusEGlobal::debugMsg) printf("in TList::copyTrackDrummap(); filename is %s\n",tmp2); saveTrackDrummap(t, full, tmp2); for (MusECore::iTrack it = MusEGlobal::song->tracks()->begin(); it!=MusEGlobal::song->tracks()->end(); it++) if ((*it)->selected() && (*it)->type()==MusECore::Track::NEW_DRUM) { if (MusEGlobal::debugMsg) printf(" processing track...\n"); loadTrackDrummap((MusECore::MidiTrack*)(*it), tmp2); } remove(tmp2); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // selectTrack //--------------------------------------------------------- void TList::selectTrack(MusECore::Track* tr) { MusEGlobal::song->deselectTracks(); if (tr) { tr->setSelected(true); // rec enable track if expected MusECore::TrackList recd = getRecEnabledTracks(); if (recd.size() == 1 && MusEGlobal::config.moveArmedCheckBox) { // one rec enabled track, move rec enabled with selection MusEGlobal::song->setRecordFlag((MusECore::Track*)recd.front(),false); MusEGlobal::song->setRecordFlag(tr,true); } } redraw(); emit selectionChanged(tr); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // selectTrackAbove //--------------------------------------------------------- void TList::selectTrackAbove() { moveSelection(-1); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // selectTrackBelow //--------------------------------------------------------- void TList::selectTrackBelow() { moveSelection(1); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // mouseMoveEvent //--------------------------------------------------------- void TList::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent* ev) { if ((((QInputEvent*)ev)->modifiers() | ev->buttons()) == 0) { int y = ev->y(); int ty = -ypos; MusECore::TrackList* tracks = MusEGlobal::song->tracks(); MusECore::iTrack it; for (it = tracks->begin(); it != tracks->end(); ++it) { int h = (*it)->height(); ty += h; if (y >= (ty-2)) { if ( (*it) == tracks->back() && y >= ty ) { // DELETETHIS and cleanup // outside last track don't change to splitVCursor } else if ( y > (ty+2) ) { //printf(" y > (ty+2) \n"); } else { if (!resizeFlag) { resizeFlag = true; setCursor(QCursor(Qt::SplitVCursor)); } break; } } } if (it == tracks->end() && resizeFlag) { setCursor(QCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor)); resizeFlag = false; } return; } curY = ev->y(); int delta = curY - startY; switch (mode) { case START_DRAG: if (delta < 0) delta = -delta; if (delta <= 2) break; { MusECore::Track* t = y2Track(startY + ypos); if (t == 0) mode = NORMAL; else { mode = DRAG; dragHeight = t->height(); sTrack = MusEGlobal::song->tracks()->index(t); setCursor(QCursor(Qt::SizeVerCursor)); redraw(); } } break; case NORMAL: break; case DRAG: redraw(); break; case RESIZE: { if(sTrack >= 0 && (unsigned) sTrack < MusEGlobal::song->tracks()->size()) { MusECore::Track* t = MusEGlobal::song->tracks()->index(sTrack); if(t) { int h = t->height() + delta; startY = curY; if (h < MIN_TRACKHEIGHT) h = MIN_TRACKHEIGHT; t->setHeight(h); MusEGlobal::song->update(SC_TRACK_MODIFIED); } } } break; } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // mouseReleaseEvent //--------------------------------------------------------- void TList::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent* ev) { if (mode == DRAG) { MusECore::Track* t = y2Track(ev->y() + ypos); if (t) { int dTrack = MusEGlobal::song->tracks()->index(t); MusEGlobal::audio->msgMoveTrack(sTrack, dTrack); MusECore::TrackList *tracks = MusEGlobal::song->tracks(); if ( tracks->at(dTrack)->type() == MusECore::Track::AUDIO_AUX) { MusECore::AuxList auxCopy; // = *MusEGlobal::song->auxs(); //MusEGlobal::song->auxs()->clear(); std::vector oldAuxIndex; for (MusECore::iTrack t = tracks->begin(); t != tracks->end(); ++t) { if ((*t)->type() == MusECore::Track::AUDIO_AUX) { MusECore::AudioAux *ax = (MusECore::AudioAux*)*t; auxCopy.push_back(ax); oldAuxIndex.push_back(MusEGlobal::song->auxs()->index(ax)); // store old index } } // loop through all tracks and set the levels for all tracks for (MusECore::iTrack t = tracks->begin(); t != tracks->end(); ++t) { MusECore::AudioTrack *trk = (MusECore::AudioTrack*)*t; if (!trk->isMidiTrack() && trk->hasAuxSend()) { std::vector oldAuxValue; for (unsigned i = 0 ; i < auxCopy.size(); i++) oldAuxValue.push_back(trk->auxSend(i)); for (unsigned i = 0 ; i < auxCopy.size(); i++) trk->setAuxSend(i, oldAuxValue[oldAuxIndex[i]] ); } MusEGlobal::song->auxs()->clear(); for (MusECore::iAudioAux t = auxCopy.begin(); t != auxCopy.end(); ++t) { MusEGlobal::song->auxs()->push_back(*t); } } MusEGlobal::song->update(SC_EVERYTHING); } } } if (mode != NORMAL) { mode = NORMAL; setCursor(QCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor)); redraw(); } if (editTrack && editor && editor->isVisible()) editor->setFocus(); //else // DELETETHIS or add the same for ctrl_edit! //if (editTrack && chan_edit && chan_edit->isVisible()) // p4.0.46 DELETETHIS? // chan_edit->setFocus(); adjustScrollbar(); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // wheelEvent //--------------------------------------------------------- void TList::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent* ev) { emit redirectWheelEvent(ev); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // setYPos //--------------------------------------------------------- void TList::setYPos(int y) { int delta = ypos - y; // - -> shift up ypos = y; scroll(0, delta); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // classesPopupMenu //--------------------------------------------------------- void TList::classesPopupMenu(MusECore::Track* t, int x, int y) { QMenu p; p.clear(); p.addAction(QIcon(*addtrack_addmiditrackIcon), tr("Midi"))->setData(MusECore::Track::MIDI); p.addAction(QIcon(*addtrack_drumtrackIcon), tr("Drum"))->setData(MusECore::Track::DRUM); p.addAction(QIcon(*addtrack_newDrumtrackIcon), tr("New style drum"))->setData(MusECore::Track::NEW_DRUM); QAction* act = p.exec(mapToGlobal(QPoint(x, y)), 0); if (!act) return; int n = act->data().toInt(); if ((MusECore::Track::TrackType(n) == MusECore::Track::MIDI || MusECore::Track::TrackType(n) == MusECore::Track::NEW_DRUM) && t->type() == MusECore::Track::DRUM) { // // Drum -> Midi // MusEGlobal::audio->msgIdle(true); MusECore::PartList* pl = t->parts(); MusECore::MidiTrack* m = (MusECore::MidiTrack*) t; for (MusECore::iPart ip = pl->begin(); ip != pl->end(); ++ip) { for (MusECore::ciEvent ie = ip->second->events().begin(); ie != ip->second->events().end(); ++ie) { MusECore::Event ev = ie->second; if(ev.type() == MusECore::Note) { int pitch = ev.pitch(); pitch = MusEGlobal::drumMap[pitch].enote; ev.setPitch(pitch); } else if(ev.type() == MusECore::Controller) { int ctl = ev.dataA(); // Is it a drum controller event, according to the track port's instrument? MusECore::MidiController *mc = MusEGlobal::midiPorts[m->outPort()].drumController(ctl); if(mc) // Change the controller event's index into the drum map to an instrument note. ev.setA((ctl & ~0xff) | MusEGlobal::drumMap[ctl & 0x7f].enote); } } } t->setType(MusECore::Track::TrackType(n)); MusEGlobal::audio->msgIdle(false); MusEGlobal::song->update(SC_EVENT_MODIFIED); } else if (MusECore::Track::TrackType(n) == MusECore::Track::DRUM && (t->type() == MusECore::Track::MIDI || t->type() == MusECore::Track::NEW_DRUM)) { // // Midi -> Drum // // Default to track port if -1 and track channel if -1. No need anymore to ask to change all items. MusEGlobal::audio->msgIdle(true); // Delete all port controller events. MusEGlobal::song->changeAllPortDrumCtrlEvents(false); MusECore::PartList* pl = t->parts(); MusECore::MidiTrack* m = (MusECore::MidiTrack*) t; for (MusECore::iPart ip = pl->begin(); ip != pl->end(); ++ip) { for (MusECore::ciEvent ie = ip->second->events().begin(); ie != ip->second->events().end(); ++ie) { MusECore::Event ev = ie->second; if (ev.type() == MusECore::Note) { int pitch = ev.pitch(); pitch = MusEGlobal::drumInmap[pitch]; ev.setPitch(pitch); } else { if(ev.type() == MusECore::Controller) { int ctl = ev.dataA(); // Is it a drum controller event, according to the track port's instrument? MusECore::MidiController *mc = MusEGlobal::midiPorts[m->outPort()].drumController(ctl); if(mc) // Change the controller event's instrument note to an index into the drum map. ev.setA((ctl & ~0xff) | MusEGlobal::drumInmap[ctl & 0x7f]); } } } } t->setType(MusECore::Track::DRUM); // Add all port controller events. MusEGlobal::song->changeAllPortDrumCtrlEvents(true); MusEGlobal::audio->msgIdle(false); MusEGlobal::song->update(SC_EVENT_MODIFIED); } else // MIDI -> NEW_DRUM or vice versa. added by flo. { MusEGlobal::audio->msgIdle(true); t->setType(MusECore::Track::TrackType(n)); MusEGlobal::audio->msgIdle(false); MusEGlobal::song->update(SC_TRACK_MODIFIED); } } void TList::instrPopupActivated(QAction* act) { MusECore::MidiTrack* mt = dynamic_cast(editTrack); if(act && mt) { int val = act->data().toInt(); if(val != -1) record_controller_change_and_maybe_send(ctrl_at_tick, MusECore::CTRL_PROGRAM, val, mt); } } void TList::setHeader(Header* h) { header=h; redraw(); } } // namespace MusEGui