//========================================================= // MusE // Linux Music Editor // $Id: pcanvas.cpp,v 2009/11/22 11:08:33 spamatica Exp $ // (C) Copyright 1999 Werner Schweer (ws@seh.de) // Additions, modifications (C) Copyright 2011 Tim E. Real (terminator356 on users DOT sourceforge DOT net) //========================================================= #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "fastlog.h" #include "widgets/tools.h" #include "pcanvas.h" #include "midieditor.h" #include "globals.h" #include "icons.h" #include "event.h" #include "xml.h" #include "wave.h" #include "audio.h" #include "shortcuts.h" #include "gconfig.h" #include "app.h" #include "filedialog.h" #include "marker/marker.h" #include "mpevent.h" #include "midievent.h" #include "midi.h" #include "midictrl.h" #include "utils.h" //#define ABS(x) ((x) < 0) ? -(x) : (x)) //#define ABS(x) (x>=0?x:-x) #define ABS(x) (abs(x)) //--------------------------------------------------------- // colorRect // paints a rectangular icon with a given color //--------------------------------------------------------- QIcon colorRect(const QColor& color, int width, int height) { QPainter painter; QPixmap image(width, height); painter.begin(&image); painter.setBrush(color); QRect rectangle(0, 0, width, height); painter.drawRect(rectangle); painter.end(); QIcon icon(image); return icon; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // NPart //--------------------------------------------------------- NPart::NPart(Part* e) : CItem(Event(), e) { leftBorderTouches = false; rightBorderTouches = false; int y = track()->y(); setPos(QPoint(e->tick(), y)); setBBox(QRect(e->tick(), y, e->lenTick(), track()->height())); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // PartCanvas //--------------------------------------------------------- PartCanvas::PartCanvas(int* r, QWidget* parent, int sx, int sy) : Canvas(parent, sx, sy) { setAcceptDrops(true); _raster = r; setFocusPolicy(Qt::StrongFocus); // Defaults: lineEditor = 0; editMode = false; tracks = song->tracks(); setMouseTracking(true); drag = DRAG_OFF; curColorIndex = 0; //automation.currentCtrl = 0; automation.currentCtrlValid = false; automation.controllerState = doNothing; automation.moveController = false; partsChanged(); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // y2pitch //--------------------------------------------------------- int PartCanvas::y2pitch(int y) const { TrackList* tl = song->tracks(); int yy = 0; int idx = 0; for (iTrack it = tl->begin(); it != tl->end(); ++it, ++idx) { int h = (*it)->height(); // if ((y >= yy) && (y < yy+h)) if (y < yy+h) break; yy += h; } return idx; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // pitch2y //--------------------------------------------------------- int PartCanvas::pitch2y(int p) const { TrackList* tl = song->tracks(); int yy = 0; int idx = 0; for (iTrack it = tl->begin(); it != tl->end(); ++it, ++idx) { if (idx == p) break; yy += (*it)->height(); } return yy; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // leaveEvent //--------------------------------------------------------- void PartCanvas::leaveEvent(QEvent*) { emit timeChanged(MAXINT); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // returnPressed //--------------------------------------------------------- void PartCanvas::returnPressed() { lineEditor->hide(); Part* oldPart = editPart->part(); Part* newPart = oldPart->clone(); //printf("PartCanvas::returnPressed before msgChangePart oldPart refs:%d Arefs:%d newPart refs:%d Arefs:%d\n", oldPart->events()->refCount(), oldPart->events()->arefCount(), newPart->events()->refCount(), newPart->events()->arefCount()); newPart->setName(lineEditor->text()); // Indicate do undo, and do port controller values but not clone parts. audio->msgChangePart(oldPart, newPart, true, true, false); editMode = false; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // viewMouseDoubleClick //--------------------------------------------------------- void PartCanvas::viewMouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent* event) { if (_tool != PointerTool) { viewMousePressEvent(event); return; } QPoint cpos = event->pos(); curItem = items.find(cpos); bool ctrl = event->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier; if (curItem) { if (event->button() == Qt::LeftButton && ctrl) { editPart = (NPart*)curItem; QRect r = map(curItem->bbox()); if (lineEditor == 0) { lineEditor = new QLineEdit(this); lineEditor->setFrame(true); } editMode = true; lineEditor->setGeometry(r); lineEditor->setText(editPart->name()); lineEditor->setFocus(); lineEditor->show(); } else if (event->button() == Qt::LeftButton) { deselectAll(); selectItem(curItem, true); emit dclickPart(((NPart*)(curItem))->track()); } } // // double click creates new part between left and // right mark else { TrackList* tl = song->tracks(); iTrack it; int yy = 0; int y = event->y(); for (it = tl->begin(); it != tl->end(); ++it) { int h = (*it)->height(); if (y >= yy && y < (yy + h)) break; yy += h; } if (pos[2] - pos[1] > 0 && it != tl->end()) { Track* track = *it; switch(track->type()) { case Track::MIDI: case Track::DRUM: { MidiPart* part = new MidiPart((MidiTrack*)track); part->setTick(pos[1]); part->setLenTick(pos[2]-pos[1]); part->setName(track->name()); NPart* np = new NPart(part); items.add(np); deselectAll(); part->setSelected(true); audio->msgAddPart(part); } break; case Track::WAVE: case Track::AUDIO_OUTPUT: case Track::AUDIO_INPUT: case Track::AUDIO_GROUP: case Track::AUDIO_AUX: case Track::AUDIO_SOFTSYNTH: break; } } } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // update //--------------------------------------------------------- void PartCanvas::updateSong(DragType t, int flags) { song->update(flags | ((t == MOVE_COPY || t == MOVE_CLONE) ? SC_PART_INSERTED : SC_PART_MODIFIED)); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // moveCanvasItems //--------------------------------------------------------- void PartCanvas::moveCanvasItems(CItemList& items, int dp, int dx, DragType dtype) { Undo operations; for(iCItem ici = items.begin(); ici != items.end(); ++ici) { CItem* ci = ici->second; // If this item's part is in the parts2change list, change the item's part to the new part. //Part* pt = ci->part(); //iP2C ip2c = parts2change.find(pt); //if(ip2c != parts2change.end()) // ci->setPart(ip2c->second); int x = ci->pos().x(); int y = ci->pos().y(); int nx = x + dx; int ny = pitch2y(y2pitch(y) + dp); QPoint newpos = raster(QPoint(nx, ny)); selectItem(ci, true); UndoOp operation=moveItem(ci, newpos, dtype); if (operation.type != UndoOp::DoNothing) { ci->move(newpos); operations.push_back(operation); } if(moving.size() == 1) { itemReleased(curItem, newpos); } if(dtype == MOVE_COPY || dtype == MOVE_CLONE) selectItem(ci, false); } song->applyOperationGroup(operations); partsChanged(); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // moveItem // return false, if copy/move not allowed //--------------------------------------------------------- // Changed by T356. UndoOp PartCanvas::moveItem(CItem* item, const QPoint& newpos, DragType t) { UndoOp result; NPart* npart = (NPart*) item; Part* spart = npart->part(); Track* track = npart->track(); unsigned dtick = newpos.x(); unsigned ntrack = y2pitch(item->mp().y()); Track::TrackType type = track->type(); if (tracks->index(track) == ntrack && (dtick == spart->tick())) { return UndoOp(UndoOp::DoNothing); } if (ntrack >= tracks->size()) { ntrack = tracks->size(); if (debugMsg) printf("PartCanvas::moveItem - add new track\n"); Track* newTrack = song->addTrack(int(type)); if (type == Track::WAVE) { WaveTrack* st = (WaveTrack*) track; WaveTrack* dt = (WaveTrack*) newTrack; dt->setChannels(st->channels()); } emit tracklistChanged(); } Track* dtrack = tracks->index(ntrack); if (dtrack->type() != type) { QMessageBox::critical(this, QString("MusE"), tr("Cannot copy/move/clone to different Track-Type")); return UndoOp(UndoOp::DoNothing); } Part* dpart; bool clone = (t == MOVE_CLONE || (t == MOVE_COPY && spart->events()->arefCount() > 1)); if(t == MOVE_MOVE) { // This doesn't increment aref count, and doesn't chain clones. // It also gives the new part a new serial number, but it is // overwritten with the old one by Song::changePart(), from Audio::msgChangePart() below. dpart = spart->clone(); dpart->setTrack(dtrack); } else // This increments aref count if cloned, and chains clones. // It also gives the new part a new serial number. dpart = dtrack->newPart(spart, clone); dpart->setTick(dtick); if(t == MOVE_MOVE) item->setPart(dpart); if (t == MOVE_COPY && !clone) { dpart->events()->incARef(-1); // the later song->applyOperationGroup() will increment it // so we must decrement it first :/ // // Copy Events // EventList* se = spart->events(); EventList* de = dpart->events(); for (iEvent i = se->begin(); i != se->end(); ++i) { Event oldEvent = i->second; Event ev = oldEvent.clone(); de->add(ev); } } if (t == MOVE_COPY || t == MOVE_CLONE) { // These will not increment ref count, and will not chain clones... // TODO FINDMICH: is this still correct (by flo93)? i doubt it! result=UndoOp(UndoOp::AddPart,dpart); } else if (t == MOVE_MOVE) { dpart->setSelected(spart->selected()); // These will increment ref count if not a clone, and will chain clones... // TODO FINDMICH: is this still correct (by flo93)? i doubt it! result=UndoOp(UndoOp::ModifyPart,spart, dpart, true, false); spart->setSelected(false); } // else // will never happen -> result will always be defined if (song->len() < (dpart->lenTick() + dpart->tick())) song->setLen(dpart->lenTick() + dpart->tick()); return result; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // raster //--------------------------------------------------------- QPoint PartCanvas::raster(const QPoint& p) const { int y = pitch2y(y2pitch(p.y())); int x = p.x(); if (x < 0) x = 0; x = AL::sigmap.raster(x, *_raster); if (x < 0) x = 0; return QPoint(x, y); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // partsChanged //--------------------------------------------------------- void PartCanvas::partsChanged() { items.clear(); for (iTrack t = tracks->begin(); t != tracks->end(); ++t) { PartList* pl = (*t)->parts(); for (iPart i = pl->begin(); i != pl->end(); ++i) { Part* part = i->second; NPart* np = new NPart(part); items.add(np); if (i->second->selected()) { selectItem(np, true); } // Check for touching borders. p4.0.29 Part* pp; for(ciPart ii = pl->begin(); ii != pl->end(); ++ii) { pp = ii->second; if(pp == part) // Ignore this part continue; if(pp->tick() > part->endTick()) break; if(pp->endTick() == part->tick()) np->leftBorderTouches = true; if(pp->tick() == part->endTick()) np->rightBorderTouches = true; } } } redraw(); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // updateSelection //--------------------------------------------------------- void PartCanvas::updateSelection() { for (iCItem i = items.begin(); i != items.end(); ++i) { NPart* part = (NPart*)(i->second); part->part()->setSelected(i->second->isSelected()); } emit selectionChanged(); redraw(); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // resizeItem //--------------------------------------------------------- void PartCanvas::resizeItem(CItem* i, bool noSnap, bool ctrl) { Track* t = ((NPart*)(i))->track(); Part* p = ((NPart*)(i))->part(); int pos = p->tick() + i->width(); int snappedpos = p->tick(); if (!noSnap) { snappedpos = AL::sigmap.raster(pos, *_raster); } unsigned int newwidth = snappedpos - p->tick(); if (newwidth == 0) newwidth = AL::sigmap.rasterStep(p->tick(), *_raster); song->cmdResizePart(t, p, newwidth, !ctrl); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // newItem // first create local Item //--------------------------------------------------------- CItem* PartCanvas::newItem(const QPoint& pos, int) { int x = pos.x(); if (x < 0) x = 0; x = AL::sigmap.raster(x, *_raster); unsigned trackIndex = y2pitch(pos.y()); if (trackIndex >= tracks->size()) return 0; Track* track = tracks->index(trackIndex); if(!track) return 0; Part* pa = 0; NPart* np = 0; switch(track->type()) { case Track::MIDI: case Track::DRUM: pa = new MidiPart((MidiTrack*)track); pa->setTick(x); pa->setLenTick(0); break; case Track::WAVE: pa = new WavePart((WaveTrack*)track); pa->setTick(x); pa->setLenTick(0); break; case Track::AUDIO_OUTPUT: case Track::AUDIO_INPUT: case Track::AUDIO_GROUP: case Track::AUDIO_AUX: case Track::AUDIO_SOFTSYNTH: return 0; } pa->setName(track->name()); pa->setColorIndex(curColorIndex); np = new NPart(pa); return np; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // newItem //--------------------------------------------------------- void PartCanvas::newItem(CItem* i, bool noSnap) { Part* p = ((NPart*)(i))->part(); int len = i->width(); if (!noSnap) len = AL::sigmap.raster(len, *_raster); if (len == 0) len = AL::sigmap.rasterStep(p->tick(), *_raster); p->setLenTick(len); p->setSelected(true); audio->msgAddPart(p, true); //indicate undo } //--------------------------------------------------------- // deleteItem //--------------------------------------------------------- bool PartCanvas::deleteItem(CItem* i) { Part* p = ((NPart*)(i))->part(); audio->msgRemovePart(p, true); //Invokes songChanged which calls partsChanged which makes it difficult to delete them there return true; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // splitItem //--------------------------------------------------------- void PartCanvas::splitItem(CItem* item, const QPoint& pt) { NPart* np = (NPart*) item; Track* t = np->track(); Part* p = np->part(); int x = pt.x(); if (x < 0) x = 0; song->cmdSplitPart(t, p, AL::sigmap.raster(x, *_raster)); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // glueItem //--------------------------------------------------------- void PartCanvas::glueItem(CItem* item) { NPart* np = (NPart*) item; Track* t = np->track(); Part* p = np->part(); song->cmdGluePart(t, p); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // genItemPopup //--------------------------------------------------------- QMenu* PartCanvas::genItemPopup(CItem* item) { NPart* npart = (NPart*) item; Track::TrackType trackType = npart->track()->type(); QMenu* partPopup = new QMenu(this); QAction *act_cut = partPopup->addAction(*editcutIconSet, tr("C&ut")); act_cut->setData(4); act_cut->setShortcut(Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_X); QAction *act_copy = partPopup->addAction(*editcopyIconSet, tr("&Copy")); act_copy->setData(5); act_copy->setShortcut(Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_C); partPopup->addSeparator(); int rc = npart->part()->events()->arefCount(); QString st = QString(tr("s&elect ")); if(rc > 1) st += (QString().setNum(rc) + QString(" ")); st += QString(tr("clones")); QAction *act_select = partPopup->addAction(st); act_select->setData(18); partPopup->addSeparator(); QAction *act_rename = partPopup->addAction(tr("rename")); act_rename->setData(0); QMenu* colorPopup = partPopup->addMenu(tr("color")); // part color selection for (int i = 0; i < NUM_PARTCOLORS; ++i) { QAction *act_color = colorPopup->addAction(colorRect(config.partColors[i], 80, 80), config.partColorNames[i]); act_color->setData(20+i); } QAction *act_delete = partPopup->addAction(QIcon(*deleteIcon), tr("delete")); // ddskrjo added QIcon to all act_delete->setData(1); QAction *act_split = partPopup->addAction(QIcon(*cutIcon), tr("split")); act_split->setData(2); QAction *act_glue = partPopup->addAction(QIcon(*glueIcon), tr("glue")); act_glue->setData(3); QAction *act_declone = partPopup->addAction(tr("de-clone")); act_declone->setData(15); partPopup->addSeparator(); switch(trackType) { case Track::MIDI: { partPopup->addAction(muse->startPianoEditAction); partPopup->addMenu(muse->scoreSubmenu); partPopup->addAction(muse->startScoreEditAction); partPopup->addAction(muse->startListEditAction); QAction *act_mexport = partPopup->addAction(tr("save part to disk")); act_mexport->setData(16); } break; case Track::DRUM: { partPopup->addAction(muse->startDrumEditAction); partPopup->addAction(muse->startListEditAction); QAction *act_dexport = partPopup->addAction(tr("save part to disk")); act_dexport->setData(16); } break; case Track::WAVE: { QAction *act_wedit = partPopup->addAction(QIcon(*edit_waveIcon), tr("wave edit")); act_wedit->setData(14); QAction *act_wexport = partPopup->addAction(tr("save part to disk")); act_wexport->setData(16); QAction *act_wfinfo = partPopup->addAction(tr("file info")); act_wfinfo->setData(17); } break; case Track::AUDIO_OUTPUT: case Track::AUDIO_INPUT: case Track::AUDIO_GROUP: case Track::AUDIO_AUX: case Track::AUDIO_SOFTSYNTH: break; } act_select->setEnabled( rc > 1); act_delete->setEnabled( true); act_cut->setEnabled( true); act_declone->setEnabled( rc > 1); return partPopup; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // itemPopup //--------------------------------------------------------- void PartCanvas::itemPopup(CItem* item, int n, const QPoint& pt) { PartList* pl = new PartList; NPart* npart = (NPart*)(item); pl->add(npart->part()); switch(n) { case 0: // rename { editPart = npart; QRect r = map(curItem->bbox()); if (lineEditor == 0) { lineEditor = new QLineEdit(this); lineEditor->setFrame(true); } lineEditor->setText(editPart->name()); lineEditor->setFocus(); lineEditor->show(); lineEditor->setGeometry(r); editMode = true; } break; case 1: // delete deleteItem(item); break; case 2: // split splitItem(item, pt); break; case 3: // glue glueItem(item); break; case 4: copy(pl); audio->msgRemovePart(npart->part()); break; case 5: copy(pl); break; case 14: // wave edit emit startEditor(pl, 4); return; case 15: // declone { Part* spart = npart->part(); Track* track = npart->track(); Part* dpart = track->newPart(spart, false); EventList* se = spart->events(); EventList* de = dpart->events(); for (iEvent i = se->begin(); i != se->end(); ++i) { Event oldEvent = i->second; Event ev = oldEvent.clone(); de->add(ev); } // Indicate undo, and do port controller values but not clone parts. // changed by flo93: removed start and endUndo, instead changed first bool to true audio->msgChangePart(spart, dpart, true, true, false); break; // Has to be break here, right? } case 16: // Export to file { const Part* part = item->part(); bool popenFlag = false; QString fn = getSaveFileName(QString(""), part_file_save_pattern, this, tr("MusE: save part")); if (!fn.isEmpty()) { FILE* fp = fileOpen(this, fn, ".mpt", "w", popenFlag, false, false); if (fp) { Xml tmpXml = Xml(fp); // Write the part. Indicate that it's a copy operation - to add special markers, // and force full wave paths. part->write(0, tmpXml, true, true); fclose(fp); } } break; } case 17: // File info { Part* p = item->part(); EventList* el = p->events(); QString str = tr("Part name") + ": " + p->name() + "\n" + tr("Files") + ":"; for (iEvent e = el->begin(); e != el->end(); ++e) { Event event = e->second; SndFileR f = event.sndFile(); if (f.isNull()) continue; str.append(QString("\n@") + QString().setNum(event.tick()) + QString(" len:") + QString().setNum(event.lenTick()) + QString(" ") + f.path()); } QMessageBox::information(this, "File info", str, "Ok", 0); break; } case 18: // Select clones { Part* part = item->part(); // Traverse and process the clone chain ring until we arrive at the same part again. // The loop is a safety net. Part* p = part; int j = part->cevents()->arefCount(); if(j > 0) { for(int i = 0; i < j; ++i) { p->setSelected(true); p = p->nextClone(); if(p == part) break; } song->update(SC_SELECTION); } break; } case 20 ... NUM_PARTCOLORS+20: { curColorIndex = n - 20; bool selfound = false; //Loop through all parts and set color on selected: for (iCItem i = items.begin(); i != items.end(); i++) { if (i->second->isSelected()) { selfound = true; i->second->part()->setColorIndex(curColorIndex); } } // If no items selected, use the one clicked on. if(!selfound) item->part()->setColorIndex(curColorIndex); song->update(SC_PART_MODIFIED); redraw(); break; } default: printf("unknown action %d\n", n); break; } delete pl; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // viewMousePressEvent //--------------------------------------------------------- void PartCanvas::mousePress(QMouseEvent* event) { if (event->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier) { return; } QPoint pt = event->pos(); CItem* item = items.find(pt); if (item == 0 && _tool!=AutomationTool) return; switch (_tool) { default: emit trackChanged(item->part()->track()); break; case CutTool: splitItem(item, pt); break; case GlueTool: glueItem(item); break; case MuteTool: { NPart* np = (NPart*) item; Part* p = np->part(); p->setMute(!p->mute()); redraw(); break; } case AutomationTool: if (automation.controllerState != doNothing) automation.moveController=true; break; } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // viewMouseReleaseEvent //--------------------------------------------------------- void PartCanvas::mouseRelease(const QPoint&) { // clear all the automation parameters automation.moveController=false; automation.controllerState = doNothing; //automation.currentCtrl=0; automation.currentCtrlValid = false; automation.currentTrack=0; automation.currentCtrlList=0; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // viewMousevent //--------------------------------------------------------- void PartCanvas::mouseMove(QMouseEvent* event) { int x = event->pos().x(); if (x < 0) x = 0; if (_tool == AutomationTool) processAutomationMovements(event->pos(), event->modifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier); emit timeChanged(AL::sigmap.raster(x, *_raster)); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // y2Track //--------------------------------------------------------- Track* PartCanvas::y2Track(int y) const { TrackList* l = song->tracks(); int ty = 0; for (iTrack it = l->begin(); it != l->end(); ++it) { int h = (*it)->height(); if (y >= ty && y < ty + h) return *it; ty += h; } return 0; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // keyPress //--------------------------------------------------------- void PartCanvas::keyPress(QKeyEvent* event) { int key = event->key(); // if (_tool == AutomationTool) { // can't get the cursor pos to work right, skipping for now // // clear all the automation parameters // automation.moveController=false; // automation.controllerState = doNothing; // automation.currentCtrl=0; // automation.currentTrack=0; // automation.currentCtrlList=0; // // processAutomationMovements(mapDev(QCursor::pos()),event->key()& Qt::Key_Control); // } if (editMode) { if ( key == Qt::Key_Return || key == Qt::Key_Enter ) { returnPressed(); return; } else if ( key == Qt::Key_Escape ) { lineEditor->hide(); editMode = false; return; } } if (event->modifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier) key += Qt::SHIFT; if (event->modifiers() & Qt::AltModifier) key += Qt::ALT; if (event->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier) key += Qt::CTRL; if (key == shortcuts[SHRT_DELETE].key) { if (getCurrentDrag()) return; song->msgRemoveParts(); return; } else if (key == shortcuts[SHRT_POS_DEC].key) { int spos = pos[0]; if(spos > 0) { spos -= 1; // Nudge by -1, then snap down with raster1. spos = AL::sigmap.raster1(spos, *_raster); } if(spos < 0) spos = 0; Pos p(spos,true); song->setPos(0, p, true, true, true); return; } else if (key == shortcuts[SHRT_POS_INC].key) { int spos = AL::sigmap.raster2(pos[0] + 1, *_raster); // Nudge by +1, then snap up with raster2. Pos p(spos,true); song->setPos(0, p, true, true, true); return; } else if (key == shortcuts[SHRT_POS_DEC_NOSNAP].key) { int spos = pos[0] - AL::sigmap.rasterStep(pos[0], *_raster); if(spos < 0) spos = 0; Pos p(spos,true); song->setPos(0, p, true, true, true); return; } else if (key == shortcuts[SHRT_POS_INC_NOSNAP].key) { Pos p(pos[0] + AL::sigmap.rasterStep(pos[0], *_raster), true); song->setPos(0, p, true, true, true); return; } else if (key == shortcuts[SHRT_TOOL_POINTER].key) { emit setUsedTool(PointerTool); return; } else if (key == shortcuts[SHRT_TOOL_PENCIL].key) { emit setUsedTool(PencilTool); return; } else if (key == shortcuts[SHRT_TOOL_RUBBER].key) { emit setUsedTool(RubberTool); return; } else if (key == shortcuts[SHRT_TOOL_SCISSORS].key) { emit setUsedTool(CutTool); return; } else if (key == shortcuts[SHRT_TOOL_LINEDRAW].key) { emit setUsedTool(AutomationTool); return; } else if (key == shortcuts[SHRT_TOOL_GLUE].key) { emit setUsedTool(GlueTool); return; } else if (key == shortcuts[SHRT_TOOL_MUTE].key) { emit setUsedTool(MuteTool); return; } else if (key == shortcuts[SHRT_SEL_TRACK_ABOVE].key) { emit selectTrackAbove(); return; } else if (key == shortcuts[SHRT_SEL_TRACK_BELOW].key) { emit selectTrackBelow(); return; } // // Shortcuts that require selected parts from here // if (!curItem) { if (items.size()==0) { event->ignore(); // give global accelerators a chance return; } for (iCItem i = items.begin(); i != items.end(); ++i) { NPart* part = (NPart*)(i->second); if (part->isSelected()) { curItem=part; break; } } if (!curItem) curItem = (NPart*)items.begin()->second; // just grab the first part } CItem* newItem = 0; bool singleSelection = isSingleSelection(); bool add = false; //Locators to selection if (key == shortcuts[SHRT_LOCATORS_TO_SELECTION].key) { CItem *leftmost = 0, *rightmost = 0; for (iCItem i = items.begin(); i != items.end(); i++) { if (i->second->isSelected()) { // Check leftmost: if (!leftmost) leftmost = i->second; else if (leftmost->x() > i->second->x()) leftmost = i->second; // Check rightmost: if (!rightmost) rightmost = i->second; else if (rightmost->x() < i->second->x()) rightmost = i->second; } } int left_tick = leftmost->part()->tick(); int right_tick = rightmost->part()->tick() + rightmost->part()->lenTick(); Pos p1(left_tick, true); Pos p2(right_tick, true); song->setPos(1, p1); song->setPos(2, p2); return; } // Select part to the right else if (key == shortcuts[SHRT_SEL_RIGHT].key || key == shortcuts[SHRT_SEL_RIGHT_ADD].key) { if (key == shortcuts[SHRT_SEL_RIGHT_ADD].key) add = true; Part* part = curItem->part(); Track* track = part->track(); unsigned int tick = part->tick(); bool afterthis = false; for (iCItem i = items.begin(); i != items.end(); ++i) { NPart* npart = (NPart*)(i->second); Part* ipart = npart->part(); if (ipart->track() != track) continue; if (ipart->tick() < tick) continue; if (ipart == part) { afterthis = true; continue; } if(afterthis) { newItem = i->second; break; } } } // Select part to the left else if (key == shortcuts[SHRT_SEL_LEFT].key || key == shortcuts[SHRT_SEL_LEFT_ADD].key) { if (key == shortcuts[SHRT_SEL_LEFT_ADD].key) add = true; Part* part = curItem->part(); Track* track = part->track(); unsigned int tick = part->tick(); for (iCItem i = items.begin(); i != items.end(); ++i) { NPart* npart = (NPart*)(i->second); Part* ipart = npart->part(); if (ipart->track() != track) continue; if (ipart->tick() > tick) continue; if (ipart == part) break; newItem = i->second; } } // Select nearest part on track above else if (key == shortcuts[SHRT_SEL_ABOVE].key || key == shortcuts[SHRT_SEL_ABOVE_ADD].key) { if (key == shortcuts[SHRT_SEL_ABOVE_ADD].key) add = true; //To get an idea of which track is above us: int stepsize = rmapxDev(1); Track* track = curItem->part()->track();//top->part()->track(); track = y2Track(track->y() - 1); //If we're at topmost, leave if (!track) { printf("no track above!\n"); return; } int middle = curItem->x() + curItem->part()->lenTick()/2; CItem *aboveL = 0, *aboveR = 0; //Upper limit: song end, lower limit: song start int ulimit = song->len(); int llimit = 0; while (newItem == 0) { int y = track->y() + 2; int xoffset = 0; int xleft = middle - xoffset; int xright = middle + xoffset; while ((xleft > llimit || xright < ulimit) && (aboveL == 0) && (aboveR == 0)) { xoffset += stepsize; xleft = middle - xoffset; xright = middle + xoffset; if (xleft >= 0) aboveL = items.find(QPoint(xleft,y)); if (xright <= ulimit) aboveR = items.find(QPoint(xright,y)); } if ((aboveL || aboveR) != 0) { //We've hit something CItem* above = 0; above = (aboveL !=0) ? aboveL : aboveR; newItem = above; } else { //We didn't hit anything. Move to track above, if there is one track = y2Track(track->y() - 1); if (track == 0) return; } } emit trackChanged(track); } // Select nearest part on track below else if (key == shortcuts[SHRT_SEL_BELOW].key || key == shortcuts[SHRT_SEL_BELOW_ADD].key) { if (key == shortcuts[SHRT_SEL_BELOW_ADD].key) add = true; //To get an idea of which track is below us: int stepsize = rmapxDev(1); Track* track = curItem->part()->track();//bottom->part()->track(); track = y2Track(track->y() + track->height() + 1 ); int middle = curItem->x() + curItem->part()->lenTick()/2; //If we're at bottommost, leave if (!track) return; CItem *belowL = 0, *belowR = 0; //Upper limit: song end , lower limit: song start int ulimit = song->len(); int llimit = 0; while (newItem == 0) { int y = track->y() + 1; int xoffset = 0; int xleft = middle - xoffset; int xright = middle + xoffset; while ((xleft > llimit || xright < ulimit) && (belowL == 0) && (belowR == 0)) { xoffset += stepsize; xleft = middle - xoffset; xright = middle + xoffset; if (xleft >= 0) belowL = items.find(QPoint(xleft,y)); if (xright <= ulimit) belowR = items.find(QPoint(xright,y)); } if ((belowL || belowR) != 0) { //We've hit something CItem* below = 0; below = (belowL !=0) ? belowL : belowR; newItem = below; } else { //Get next track below, or abort if this is the lowest track = y2Track(track->y() + track->height() + 1 ); if (track == 0) return; } } emit trackChanged(track); } else if (key == shortcuts[SHRT_EDIT_PART].key && curItem) { //This should be the other way around - singleSelection first. if (!singleSelection) { event->ignore(); return; } PartList* pl = new PartList; NPart* npart = (NPart*)(curItem); Track* track = npart->part()->track(); pl->add(npart->part()); int type = 0; // Check if track is wave or drum, // else track is midi switch (track->type()) { case Track::DRUM: type = 3; break; case Track::WAVE: type = 4; break; case Track::MIDI: case Track::AUDIO_OUTPUT: case Track::AUDIO_INPUT: case Track::AUDIO_GROUP: case Track::AUDIO_AUX: case Track::AUDIO_SOFTSYNTH: //TODO break; } emit startEditor(pl, type); } else { event->ignore(); // give global accelerators a chance return; } // Check if anything happened to the selected parts if (newItem) { //If this is a single selection, toggle previous item if (singleSelection && !add) selectItem(curItem, false); else if(!add) deselectAll(); curItem = newItem; selectItem(newItem, true); //Check if we've hit the upper or lower boundaries of the window. If so, set a new position if (newItem->x() < mapxDev(0)) { int curpos = pos[0]; setPos(0,newItem->x(),true); setPos(0,curpos,false); //Dummy to put the current position back once we've scrolled } else if (newItem->x() > mapxDev(width())) { int curpos = pos[0]; setPos(0,newItem->x(),true); setPos(0,curpos,false); //Dummy to put the current position back once we've scrolled } redraw(); } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // drawPart // draws a part //--------------------------------------------------------- #if 0 void PartCanvas::drawItem(QPainter& p, const CItem* item, const QRect& rect) { int from = rect.x(); int to = from + rect.width(); //printf("from %d to %d\n", from,to); Part* part = ((NPart*)item)->part(); int pTick = part->tick(); from -= pTick; to -= pTick; if(from < 0) from = 0; if((unsigned int)to > part->lenTick()) to = part->lenTick(); // Item bounding box x is in tick coordinates, same as rectangle. if(item->bbox().intersect(rect).isNull()) { //printf("PartCanvas::drawItem rectangle is null\n"); return; } QRect r = item->bbox(); bool clone = part->events()->arefCount() > 1; QBrush brush; //QRect rr = map(r); //QRect rr = p.transform().mapRect(r); //printf("PartCanvas::drawItem called map rx:%d rw:%d rrx:%d rrw:%d\n", r.x(), r.width(), rr.x(), rr.width()); //printf("PartCanvas::drawItem called map rx:%d rw:%d\n", r.x(), r.width()); //p.save(); //p.setWorldMatrixEnabled(false); // NOTE: Optimization: For each item, hasHiddenEvents() is called once in Canvas::draw(), and we use cachedHasHiddenEvents(). // Not used for now. //int het = part->cachedHasHiddenEvents(); int het = part->hasHiddenEvents(); int y_1 = rmapyDev(1); // Hack, try to replace. double xs_0 = r.x(); double xe_0 = xs_0 + r.width(); double xs_m0 = rmapx_f(xs_0); double xe_m0 = rmapx_f(xe_0); double xs_1 = rmapxDev_f(xs_m0 + 1.0); if(xs_1 > xe_0) xs_1 = xe_0; double xs_2 = rmapxDev_f(xs_m0 + 2.0); if(xs_2 > xe_0) xs_2 = xe_0; double xs_6 = rmapxDev_f(xs_m0 + 6.0); if(xs_6 > xe_0) xs_6 = xe_0; double xe_1 = rmapxDev_f(xe_m0 - 1.0); if(xe_1 < xs_0) xe_1 = xs_0; double xe_2 = rmapxDev_f(xe_m0 - 2.0); if(xe_2 < xs_0) xe_2 = xs_0; double xe_6 = rmapxDev_f(xe_m0 - 6.0); if(xe_6 < xs_0) xe_6 = xs_0; double ys_0 = r.y(); double ye_0 = ys_0 + r.height(); double ys_m0 = rmapy_f(ys_0); double ye_m0 = rmapy_f(ye_0); double ys_1 = rmapyDev_f(ys_m0 + 1.0); if(ys_1 > ye_0) ys_1 = ye_0; double ys_2 = rmapyDev_f(ys_m0 + 2.0); if(ys_2 > ye_0) ys_2 = ye_0; double ye_1 = rmapyDev_f(ye_m0 - 1.0); if(ye_1 < ys_0) ye_1 = ys_0; double ye_2 = rmapyDev_f(ye_m0 - 2.0); if(ye_2 < ys_0) ye_2 = ys_0; int cidx = part->colorIndex(); if (item->isMoving()) { QColor c(Qt::gray); c.setAlpha(config.globalAlphaBlend); QLinearGradient gradient(r.topLeft(), r.bottomLeft()); gradient.setColorAt(0, c); gradient.setColorAt(1, c.darker()); brush = QBrush(gradient); } else if (part->selected()) { QColor c(Qt::black); c.setAlpha(config.globalAlphaBlend); QLinearGradient gradient(r.topLeft(), r.bottomLeft()); // Use a colour only about 20% lighter than black, rather than the 50% we use in gGradientFromQColor // and is used in darker()/lighter(), so that it is distinguished a bit better from grey non-part tracks. //c.setRgba(64, 64, 64, c.alpha()); gradient.setColorAt(0, QColor(51, 51, 51, config.globalAlphaBlend)); gradient.setColorAt(1, c); brush = QBrush(gradient); } else if (part->mute()) { QColor c(Qt::white); c.setAlpha(config.globalAlphaBlend); QLinearGradient gradient(r.topLeft(), r.bottomLeft()); gradient.setColorAt(0, c); gradient.setColorAt(1, c.darker()); brush = QBrush(gradient); // Not good. Aliasing missing lines happening at different mags. // And it's too much. If notes + automation is displayed (by removing 'return' below), cross hatch interferes. // TODO: Maybe try to draw a nice gradient SINGLE cross (or STAR) from corner to corner instead. // Then remove the 'return' below and let it draw the name and notes. //brush.setStyle(Qt::DiagCrossPattern); //p.fillRect(rf, brush); } else { QColor c(config.partColors[cidx]); c.setAlpha(config.globalAlphaBlend); brush = QBrush(gGradientFromQColor(c, r.topLeft(), r.bottomLeft())); } double h = r.height(); double s = h / 4.0; double y0 = r.y(); double y1 = y0 + s; double y2 = y0 + s * 2.0; double y3 = y0 + s * 3.0; double y4 = y0 + h; QPointF points[16]; int pts; // // Fill the part rectangles, accounting for hidden events by using 'jagged' edges... // p.setBrush(brush); p.setPen(Qt::NoPen); if(het) { pts = 0; if(het == (Part::LeftEventsHidden | Part::RightEventsHidden)) { points[pts++] = QPointF(xs_0, y0); points[pts++] = QPointF(xe_0, y0); points[pts++] = QPointF(xe_6, y1); points[pts++] = QPointF(xe_0, y2); points[pts++] = QPointF(xe_6, y3); points[pts++] = QPointF(xe_0, y4); points[pts++] = QPointF(xs_0, y4); points[pts++] = QPointF(xs_6, y3); points[pts++] = QPointF(xs_0, y2); points[pts++] = QPointF(xs_6, y1); p.drawConvexPolygon(points, pts); // Help says may be faster on some platforms (X11). } else if(het == Part::LeftEventsHidden) { points[pts++] = QPointF(xs_0, y0); points[pts++] = QPointF(xe_0, y0); points[pts++] = QPointF(xe_0, y4); points[pts++] = QPointF(xs_0, y4); points[pts++] = QPointF(xs_6, y3); points[pts++] = QPointF(xs_0, y2); points[pts++] = QPointF(xs_6, y1); p.drawConvexPolygon(points, pts); } else if(het == Part::RightEventsHidden) { points[pts++] = QPointF(xs_0, y0); points[pts++] = QPointF(xe_0, y0); points[pts++] = QPointF(xe_6, y1); points[pts++] = QPointF(xe_0, y2); points[pts++] = QPointF(xe_6, y3); points[pts++] = QPointF(xe_0, y4); points[pts++] = QPointF(xs_0, y4); p.drawConvexPolygon(points, pts); } // // Draw remaining 'hidden events' decorations with 'jagged' edges... // int part_r, part_g, part_b, brightness, color_brightness; config.partColors[cidx].getRgb(&part_r, &part_g, &part_b); brightness = part_r*29 + part_g*59 + part_b*12; //if ((brightness < 12000 || part->selected()) && !part->mute() && !item->isMoving()) // color_brightness=223; // too dark: use lighter color //else // color_brightness=32; // otherwise use dark color if ((brightness >= 12000 && !part->selected())) color_brightness=32; // too light: use dark color else color_brightness=223; // too dark: use lighter color QColor c(color_brightness,color_brightness,color_brightness, config.globalAlphaBlend); p.setBrush(QBrush(gGradientFromQColor(c, r.topLeft(), r.bottomLeft()))); //p.setBrush(QBrush(c)); if(het & Part::RightEventsHidden) { pts = 0; points[pts++] = QPointF(xe_0, y0); points[pts++] = QPointF(xe_0, y4); points[pts++] = QPointF(xe_6, y3); points[pts++] = QPointF(xe_0, y2); points[pts++] = QPointF(xe_6, y1); p.drawConvexPolygon(points, pts); } if(het & Part::LeftEventsHidden) { pts = 0; points[pts++] = QPointF(xs_0, y0); points[pts++] = QPointF(xs_6, y1); points[pts++] = QPointF(xs_0, y2); points[pts++] = QPointF(xs_6, y3); points[pts++] = QPointF(xs_0, y4); p.drawConvexPolygon(points, pts); } } else { p.fillRect(r, brush); } MidiPart* mp = 0; WavePart* wp = 0; Track::TrackType type = part->track()->type(); if (type == Track::WAVE) { wp =(WavePart*)part; } else { mp = (MidiPart*)part; } if (wp) drawWavePart(p, rect, wp, r); else if (mp) { drawMidiPart(p, rect, mp->events(), (MidiTrack*)part->track(), mp, r, mp->tick(), from, to); } #if 0 // // Now draw the borders... // Works great but requires clones be drawn with the highest priority on top of all other parts, in Canvas::draw. // QPen pen(part->selected() ? config.partColors[i] : Qt::black, 2.0, clone ? Qt::DotLine : Qt::SolidLine); pen.setCosmetic(true); p.setPen(pen); p.setBrush(Qt::NoBrush); p.drawRect(r); #else // // Now draw the borders, using custom segments... // // FIXME NOTE: For 1-pixel wide lines, setting pen style to anything other than solid didn't work out well. // Much too screwy - the single-width lines kept getting shifted one pixel over intermittently. // I tried EVERYTHING to make sure x is proper but the painter keeps shifting them over. // Meanwhile the fills are correct. Seems painter doesn't like line patterns, whether stock or custom. // Therefore I was forced to manually draw the left and right segments. // It works. Which seems to be more proof that painter is handling line patterns and pen widths badly... // DO NOT ERASE COMMENTED CODE BELOW for now, in case it can be fixed. Tim. p4.0.29 p.setBrush(Qt::NoBrush); QColor pc((part->mute() || item->isMoving())? Qt::white : config.partColors[cidx]); QPen penSelect1H(pc); QPen penSelect2H(pc, 2.0); QPen penSelect1V(pc); QPen penSelect2V(pc, 2.0); penSelect1H.setCosmetic(true); penSelect2H.setCosmetic(true); penSelect1V.setCosmetic(true); penSelect2V.setCosmetic(true); pc = Qt::black; QPen penNormal1H(pc); QPen penNormal2H(pc, 2.0); QPen penNormal1V(pc); QPen penNormal2V(pc, 2.0); penNormal1H.setCosmetic(true); penNormal2H.setCosmetic(true); penNormal1V.setCosmetic(true); penNormal2V.setCosmetic(true); QVector customDashPattern; if(clone) { customDashPattern << 4.0 << 8.0; penSelect1H.setDashPattern(customDashPattern); penNormal1H.setDashPattern(customDashPattern); //penSelect1V.setDashPattern(customDashPattern); //penNormal1V.setDashPattern(customDashPattern); customDashPattern.clear(); customDashPattern << 2.0 << 4.0; penSelect2H.setDashPattern(customDashPattern); penNormal2H.setDashPattern(customDashPattern); //penSelect2V.setDashPattern(customDashPattern); //penNormal2V.setDashPattern(customDashPattern); } pc = Qt::white; QPen penHidden1(pc); QPen penHidden2(pc, 2.0); penHidden2.setCosmetic(true); //customDashPattern.clear(); //customDashPattern << 2.0 << 10.0; //penHidden1.setDashPattern(customDashPattern); //customDashPattern.clear(); //customDashPattern << 1.0 << 5.0; //penHidden2.setDashPattern(customDashPattern); bool lbt = ((NPart*)item)->leftBorderTouches; bool rbt = ((NPart*)item)->rightBorderTouches; QLineF l1( lbt?xs_1:xs_0, ys_0, rbt?xe_1:xe_0, ys_0); // Top //QLineF l2(rbt?xe_1:xe_0, r.y() + (rbt?y_1:y_2) - 1, rbt?xe_1:xe_0, r.y() + r.height() - 1); // Right QLineF l3( lbt?xs_1:xs_0, ye_0, rbt?xe_1:xe_0, ye_0); // Bottom //QLineF l4(r.x(), r.y() + (lbt?y_1:y_2), r.x(), r.y() + r.height() - (lbt?y_1:y_2)); // Left if(het & Part::RightEventsHidden) p.setPen(((NPart*)item)->rightBorderTouches ? penHidden1 : penHidden2); else { if(((NPart*)item)->rightBorderTouches) p.setPen(part->selected() ? penSelect1V : penNormal1V); else p.setPen(part->selected() ? penSelect2V : penNormal2V); } //p.drawLine(l2); // Right line double xx = rbt?xe_1:xe_0; if(clone) { double yinc = 7.0 * y_1; for(double yy = (rbt?ys_1:ys_2); yy < ye_2; yy += yinc) { double yi = (rbt?3.0:2.0) * y_1; if(yy + yi > ye_2) yi = ye_2 - yy; p.drawLine(QPointF(xx, yy), QPointF(xx, yy + yi)); // Right dashed line } } else p.drawLine(QPointF(xx, rbt?ys_1:ys_2), QPointF(xx, rbt?ye_1:ye_2)); // Right line if(het & Part::LeftEventsHidden) p.setPen(((NPart*)item)->leftBorderTouches ? penHidden1 : penHidden2); else { if(((NPart*)item)->leftBorderTouches) p.setPen(part->selected() ? penSelect1V : penNormal1V); else p.setPen(part->selected() ? penSelect2V : penNormal2V); } //p.drawLine(l4); // Left line xx = xs_0; if(clone) { double yinc = 7.0 * y_1; for(double yy = (lbt?ys_1:ys_2); yy < ye_2; yy += yinc) { double yi = (lbt?3.0:2.0) * y_1; if(yy + yi > ye_2) yi = ye_2 - yy; p.drawLine(QPointF(xx, yy), QPointF(xx, yy + yi)); // Left dashed line } } else p.drawLine(QPointF(xx, lbt?ys_1:ys_2), QPointF(xx, lbt?ye_1:ye_2)); // Left line p.setPen(part->selected() ? penSelect2H : penNormal2H); p.drawLine(l1); // Top line p.drawLine(l3); // Bottom line #endif //p.restore(); if (config.canvasShowPartType & 1) { // show names // draw name // FN: Set text color depending on part color (black / white) int part_r, part_g, part_b, brightness; // Since we'll draw the text on the bottom (to accommodate drum 'slivers'), // get the lowest colour in the gradient used to draw the part. QRect rr = map(r); rr.setX(rr.x() + 3); gGradientFromQColor(config.partColors[cidx], rr.topLeft(), rr.bottomLeft()).stops().last().second.getRgb(&part_r, &part_g, &part_b); brightness = part_r*29 + part_g*59 + part_b*12; //bool rev = (brightness < 12000 || part->selected()) && !part->mute() && !item->isMoving(); bool rev = brightness >= 12000 && !part->selected(); p.save(); p.setFont(config.fonts[1]); p.setWorldMatrixEnabled(false); if (rev) p.setPen(Qt::white); else p.setPen(Qt::black); p.drawText(rr.translated(1, 1), Qt::AlignBottom|Qt::AlignLeft, part->name()); if (rev) p.setPen(Qt::black); else p.setPen(Qt::white); p.drawText(rr, Qt::AlignBottom|Qt::AlignLeft, part->name()); p.restore(); } } #endif void PartCanvas::drawItem(QPainter& p, const CItem* item, const QRect& rect) { int from = rect.x(); int to = from + rect.width(); //printf("from %d to %d\n", from,to); Part* part = ((NPart*)item)->part(); int pTick = part->tick(); from -= pTick; to -= pTick; if(from < 0) from = 0; if((unsigned int)to > part->lenTick()) to = part->lenTick(); bool clone = part->events()->arefCount() > 1; QBrush brush; QRect r = item->bbox(); // Compensation required for two pixel wide border. FIXME Prefer to do this after the map, but r is needed below. r.moveTop(r.y() + rmapyDev(1)); //QRect rr = p.transform().mapRect(r); // Gives inconsistent positions. Source shows wrong operation for our needs. QRect rr = map(r); // Use our own map instead. // Item bounding box x is in tick coordinates, same as rectangle. //if(item->bbox().intersect(rect).isNull()) //if((item->bbox() & rect).isNull()) if((rr & map(rect)).isNull()) { //printf("PartCanvas::drawItem rectangle is null\n"); return; } //printf("PartCanvas::drawItem called map rx:%d rw:%d rrx:%d rrw:%d\n", r.x(), r.width(), rr.x(), rr.width()); //printf("PartCanvas::drawItem called map rx:%d rw:%d\n", r.x(), r.width()); p.save(); p.setWorldMatrixEnabled(false); // NOTE: Optimization: For each item, hasHiddenEvents() is called once in Canvas::draw(), and we use cachedHasHiddenEvents(). // Not used for now. //int het = part->cachedHasHiddenEvents(); int het = part->hasHiddenEvents(); int xs_0 = rr.x(); int xe_0 = xs_0 + rr.width(); int xs_1 = xs_0 + 1; if(xs_1 > xe_0) xs_1 = xe_0; int xs_2 = xs_0 + 2; if(xs_2 > xe_0) xs_2 = xe_0; int xs_j = xs_0 + 8; if(xs_j > xe_0) xs_j = xe_0; int xe_1 = xe_0 - 1; if(xe_1 < xs_0) xe_1 = xs_0; int xe_2 = xe_0 - 2; if(xe_2 < xs_0) xe_2 = xs_0; int xe_j = xe_0 - 8; if(xe_j < xs_0) xe_j = xs_0; int ys_0 = rr.y(); int ye_0 = ys_0 + rr.height(); int ys_1 = ys_0 + 1; if(ys_1 > ye_0) ys_1 = ye_0; int ys_2 = ys_0 + 2; if(ys_2 > ye_0) ys_2 = ye_0; int ys_3 = ys_0 + 3; if(ys_3 > ye_0) ys_3 = ye_0; int ye_1 = ye_0 - 1; if(ye_1 < ys_0) ye_1 = ys_0; int ye_2 = ye_0 - 2; if(ye_2 < ys_0) ye_2 = ys_0; int cidx = part->colorIndex(); if (item->isMoving()) { QColor c(Qt::gray); c.setAlpha(config.globalAlphaBlend); QLinearGradient gradient(rr.topLeft(), rr.bottomLeft()); gradient.setColorAt(0, c); gradient.setColorAt(1, c.darker()); brush = QBrush(gradient); } else if (part->selected()) { QColor c(Qt::black); c.setAlpha(config.globalAlphaBlend); QLinearGradient gradient(rr.topLeft(), rr.bottomLeft()); // Use a colour only about 20% lighter than black, rather than the 50% we use in gGradientFromQColor // and is used in darker()/lighter(), so that it is distinguished a bit better from grey non-part tracks. //c.setRgba(64, 64, 64, c.alpha()); gradient.setColorAt(0, QColor(51, 51, 51, config.globalAlphaBlend)); gradient.setColorAt(1, c); brush = QBrush(gradient); } else if (part->mute()) { QColor c(Qt::white); c.setAlpha(config.globalAlphaBlend); QLinearGradient gradient(rr.topLeft(), rr.bottomLeft()); gradient.setColorAt(0, c); gradient.setColorAt(1, c.darker()); brush = QBrush(gradient); } else { QColor c(config.partColors[cidx]); c.setAlpha(config.globalAlphaBlend); brush = QBrush(gGradientFromQColor(c, rr.topLeft(), rr.bottomLeft())); } int h = rr.height(); double s = double(h) / 4.0; int y0 = ys_0; //int y1 = y0 + lrint(s); int y2 = y0 + lrint(s * 2.0); //int y3 = y0 + lrint(s * 3.0); int y4 = y0 + h; //QPoint points[12]; QPoint points[8]; int pts; // // Fill the part rectangles, accounting for hidden events by using 'jagged' edges... // p.setBrush(brush); p.setPen(Qt::NoPen); if(het) { pts = 0; if(het == (Part::LeftEventsHidden | Part::RightEventsHidden)) { //points[pts++] = QPoint(xs_0, y0); //points[pts++] = QPoint(xe_0, y0); //points[pts++] = QPoint(xe_j, y1); //points[pts++] = QPoint(xe_0, y2); //points[pts++] = QPoint(xe_j, y3); //points[pts++] = QPoint(xe_0, y4); //points[pts++] = QPoint(xs_0, y4); //points[pts++] = QPoint(xs_j, y3); //points[pts++] = QPoint(xs_0, y2); //points[pts++] = QPoint(xs_j, y1); points[pts++] = QPoint(xs_0, y0); points[pts++] = QPoint(xe_0, y0); points[pts++] = QPoint(xe_j, y2); points[pts++] = QPoint(xe_0, y4); points[pts++] = QPoint(xs_0, y4); points[pts++] = QPoint(xs_j, y2); p.drawConvexPolygon(points, pts); // Help says may be faster on some platforms (X11). } else if(het == Part::LeftEventsHidden) { //points[pts++] = QPoint(xs_0, y0); //points[pts++] = QPoint(xe_0, y0); //points[pts++] = QPoint(xe_0, y4); //points[pts++] = QPoint(xs_0, y4); //points[pts++] = QPoint(xs_j, y3); //points[pts++] = QPoint(xs_0, y2); //points[pts++] = QPoint(xs_j, y1); points[pts++] = QPoint(xs_0, y0); points[pts++] = QPoint(xe_0, y0); points[pts++] = QPoint(xe_0, y4); points[pts++] = QPoint(xs_0, y4); points[pts++] = QPoint(xs_j, y2); p.drawConvexPolygon(points, pts); } else if(het == Part::RightEventsHidden) { //points[pts++] = QPoint(xs_0, y0); //points[pts++] = QPoint(xe_0, y0); //points[pts++] = QPoint(xe_j, y1); //points[pts++] = QPoint(xe_0, y2); //points[pts++] = QPoint(xe_j, y3); //points[pts++] = QPoint(xe_0, y4); //points[pts++] = QPoint(xs_0, y4); points[pts++] = QPoint(xs_0, y0); points[pts++] = QPoint(xe_0, y0); points[pts++] = QPoint(xe_j, y2); points[pts++] = QPoint(xe_0, y4); points[pts++] = QPoint(xs_0, y4); p.drawConvexPolygon(points, pts); } // // Draw remaining 'hidden events' decorations with 'jagged' edges... // int part_r, part_g, part_b, brightness, color_brightness; config.partColors[cidx].getRgb(&part_r, &part_g, &part_b); brightness = part_r*29 + part_g*59 + part_b*12; //if ((brightness < 12000 || part->selected()) && !part->mute() && !item->isMoving()) // color_brightness=223; // too dark: use lighter color //else // color_brightness=32; // otherwise use dark color if ((brightness >= 12000 && !part->selected())) color_brightness=96; //0; // too light: use dark color else color_brightness=180; //255; // too dark: use lighter color QColor c(color_brightness,color_brightness,color_brightness, config.globalAlphaBlend); p.setBrush(QBrush(gGradientFromQColor(c, rr.topLeft(), rr.bottomLeft()))); //p.setBrush(QBrush(c)); if(het & Part::RightEventsHidden) { pts = 0; //points[pts++] = QPoint(xe_0, y0); //points[pts++] = QPoint(xe_0, y4); //points[pts++] = QPoint(xe_j, y3); //points[pts++] = QPoint(xe_0, y2); //points[pts++] = QPoint(xe_j, y1); points[pts++] = QPoint(xe_0, y0); points[pts++] = QPoint(xe_0, y4); points[pts++] = QPoint(xe_j, y2); p.drawConvexPolygon(points, pts); } if(het & Part::LeftEventsHidden) { pts = 0; //points[pts++] = QPoint(xs_0, y0); //points[pts++] = QPoint(xs_j, y1); //points[pts++] = QPoint(xs_0, y2); //points[pts++] = QPoint(xs_j, y3); //points[pts++] = QPoint(xs_0, y4); points[pts++] = QPoint(xs_0, y0); points[pts++] = QPoint(xs_j, y2); points[pts++] = QPoint(xs_0, y4); p.drawConvexPolygon(points, pts); } } else { p.fillRect(rr, brush); } // Draw a pattern brush on muted parts... if(part->mute()) { p.setPen(Qt::NoPen); //brush.setStyle(Qt::DiagCrossPattern); brush.setStyle(Qt::Dense7Pattern); p.fillRect(rr, brush); // FIXME: Some shifting going on //p.fillRect(QRect(rr.x(), rr.y(), rr.width() + 1, rr.height() + 1), brush); // Same here } p.setWorldMatrixEnabled(true); MidiPart* mp = 0; WavePart* wp = 0; Track::TrackType type = part->track()->type(); if (type == Track::WAVE) { wp =(WavePart*)part; } else { mp = (MidiPart*)part; } if (wp) drawWavePart(p, rect, wp, r); else if (mp) { drawMidiPart(p, rect, mp->events(), (MidiTrack*)part->track(), mp, r, mp->tick(), from, to); } p.setWorldMatrixEnabled(false); #if 0 // // Now draw the borders... // Works great but requires clones be drawn with the highest priority on top of all other parts, in Canvas::draw. // QPen pen(part->selected() ? config.partColors[i] : Qt::black, 2.0, clone ? Qt::DotLine : Qt::SolidLine); pen.setCosmetic(true); p.setPen(pen); p.setBrush(Qt::NoBrush); p.drawRect(r); #else // // Now draw the borders, using custom segments... // p.setBrush(Qt::NoBrush); QColor pc((part->mute() || item->isMoving())? Qt::white : config.partColors[cidx]); QPen penSelect1H(pc); QPen penSelect2H(pc, 2.0); QPen penSelect1V(pc); QPen penSelect2V(pc, 2.0); penSelect1H.setCosmetic(true); penSelect2H.setCosmetic(true); penSelect1V.setCosmetic(true); penSelect2V.setCosmetic(true); pc = Qt::black; QPen penNormal1H(pc); QPen penNormal2H(pc, 2.0); QPen penNormal1V(pc); QPen penNormal2V(pc, 2.0); penNormal1H.setCosmetic(true); penNormal2H.setCosmetic(true); penNormal1V.setCosmetic(true); penNormal2V.setCosmetic(true); //pc = Qt::white; //pc = Qt::darkGray; //QPen penHidden1(pc); //QPen penHidden2(pc, 2.0); //penHidden2.setCosmetic(true); QVector customDashPattern; if(clone) { customDashPattern << 4.0 << 6.0; penSelect1H.setDashPattern(customDashPattern); penNormal1H.setDashPattern(customDashPattern); penSelect1V.setDashPattern(customDashPattern); penNormal1V.setDashPattern(customDashPattern); penSelect1V.setDashOffset(2.0); penNormal1V.setDashOffset(2.0); //penHidden1.setDashPattern(customDashPattern); customDashPattern.clear(); customDashPattern << 2.0 << 3.0; penSelect2H.setDashPattern(customDashPattern); penNormal2H.setDashPattern(customDashPattern); penSelect2V.setDashPattern(customDashPattern); penNormal2V.setDashPattern(customDashPattern); penSelect2V.setDashOffset(1.0); penNormal2V.setDashOffset(1.0); //penHidden2.setDashPattern(customDashPattern); } bool lbt = ((NPart*)item)->leftBorderTouches; bool rbt = ((NPart*)item)->rightBorderTouches; QLine l1(lbt?xs_1:xs_0, ys_0, rbt?xe_1:xe_0, ys_0); // Top //QLine l2(rbt?xe_1:xe_0, rbt?ys_1:ys_2, rbt?xe_1:xe_0, rbt?ye_1:ye_2); // Right QLine l2(rbt?xe_1:xe_0, ys_0, rbt?xe_1:xe_0, ye_0); // Right QLine l3(lbt?xs_1:xs_0, ye_0, rbt?xe_1:xe_0, ye_0); // Bottom //QLine l4(xs_0, lbt?ys_1:ys_2, xs_0, lbt?ye_1:ye_2); // Left QLine l4(xs_0, ys_0, xs_0, ye_0); // Left //if(het & Part::RightEventsHidden) // p.setPen(((NPart*)item)->rightBorderTouches ? penHidden1 : penHidden2); //else { if(((NPart*)item)->rightBorderTouches) p.setPen(part->selected() ? penSelect1V : penNormal1V); else p.setPen(part->selected() ? penSelect2V : penNormal2V); } p.drawLine(l2); // Right line /* int xx = rbt?xe_1:xe_0; if(clone) { int yinc = 7; for(int yy = (rbt?ys_1:ys_2); yy < ye_2; yy += yinc) { int yi = rbt?3:2; if(yy + yi > ye_2) yi = ye_2 - yy; p.drawLine(QPoint(xx, yy), QPoint(xx, yy + yi)); // Right dashed line } } else p.drawLine(QPoint(xx, rbt?ys_1:ys_2), QPoint(xx, rbt?ye_1:ye_2)); // Right line */ //if(het & Part::LeftEventsHidden) // p.setPen(((NPart*)item)->leftBorderTouches ? penHidden1 : penHidden2); //else { if(((NPart*)item)->leftBorderTouches) p.setPen(part->selected() ? penSelect1V : penNormal1V); else p.setPen(part->selected() ? penSelect2V : penNormal2V); } p.drawLine(l4); // Left line /* xx = xs_0; if(clone) { int yinc = 7; for(int yy = (lbt?ys_1:ys_2); yy < ye_2; yy += yinc) { int yi = lbt?3:2; if(yy + yi > ye_2) yi = ye_2 - yy; p.drawLine(QPoint(xx, yy), QPoint(xx, yy + yi)); // Left dashed line } } else p.drawLine(QPoint(xx, lbt?ys_1:ys_2), QPoint(xx, lbt?ye_1:ye_2)); // Left line */ p.setPen(part->selected() ? penSelect2H : penNormal2H); p.drawLine(l1); // Top line p.drawLine(l3); // Bottom line #endif if (config.canvasShowPartType & 1) { // show names // draw name // FN: Set text color depending on part color (black / white) int part_r, part_g, part_b, brightness; // Since we'll draw the text on the bottom (to accommodate drum 'slivers'), // get the lowest colour in the gradient used to draw the part. //QRect rr = map(r); QRect tr = rr; tr.setX(tr.x() + 3); gGradientFromQColor(config.partColors[cidx], tr.topLeft(), tr.bottomLeft()).stops().last().second.getRgb(&part_r, &part_g, &part_b); brightness = part_r*29 + part_g*59 + part_b*12; //bool rev = (brightness < 12000 || part->selected()) && !part->mute() && !item->isMoving(); bool rev = brightness >= 12000 && !part->selected(); p.setFont(config.fonts[1]); if (rev) p.setPen(Qt::white); else p.setPen(Qt::black); p.drawText(tr.translated(1, 1), Qt::AlignBottom|Qt::AlignLeft, part->name()); if (rev) p.setPen(Qt::black); else p.setPen(Qt::white); p.drawText(tr, Qt::AlignBottom|Qt::AlignLeft, part->name()); } p.restore(); //p.setWorldMatrixEnabled(true); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // drawMoving // draws moving items //--------------------------------------------------------- void PartCanvas::drawMoving(QPainter& p, const CItem* item, const QRect&) { p.setPen( Qt::black); Part* part = ((NPart*)item)->part(); QColor c(part->mute() ? Qt::white : config.partColors[part->colorIndex()]); //c.setAlpha(config.globalAlphaBlend); c.setAlpha(128); // Fix this regardless of global setting. Should be OK. p.setBrush(c); p.drawRect(item->mp().x(), item->mp().y(), item->width(), item->height()); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // drawMidiPart // bb - bounding box of paint area // pr - part rectangle //--------------------------------------------------------- void PartCanvas::drawMidiPart(QPainter& p, const QRect&, EventList* events, MidiTrack *mt, MidiPart *pt, const QRect& r, int pTick, int from, int to) { int color_brightness; if(pt) { int part_r, part_g, part_b, brightness; config.partColors[pt->colorIndex()].getRgb(&part_r, &part_g, &part_b); brightness = part_r*29 + part_g*59 + part_b*12; //if ((brightness < 12000 || pt->selected()) && !pt->mute()) // color_brightness=192; // too dark: use lighter color //else // color_brightness=64; // otherwise use dark color if (brightness >= 12000 && !pt->selected()) color_brightness=64; // 96; // too bright: use dark color else color_brightness=190; //160; // too dark: use lighter color } else color_brightness=80; if (config.canvasShowPartType & 2) { // show events p.setPen(QColor(color_brightness,color_brightness,color_brightness)); // Do not allow this, causes segfault. if(from <= to) { iEvent ito(events->lower_bound(to)); for (iEvent i = events->lower_bound(from); i != ito; ++i) { EventType type = i->second.type(); if ( ((config.canvasShowPartEvent & 1) && (type == Note)) || ((config.canvasShowPartEvent & 2) && (type == PAfter)) || ((config.canvasShowPartEvent & 4) && (type == Controller)) || ((config.canvasShowPartEvent &16) && (type == CAfter)) || ((config.canvasShowPartEvent &64) && (type == Sysex || type == Meta)) ) { int t = i->first + pTick; int th = mt->height(); if(t >= r.left() && t <= r.right()) p.drawLine(t, r.y()+2, t, r.y()+th-4); } } } } else { // show Cakewalk Style using std::map; using std::pair; iEvent ito(events->lower_bound(to)); bool isdrum = (mt->type() == Track::DRUM); // draw controllers ------------------------------------------ p.setPen(QColor(192,192,color_brightness/2)); for (iEvent i = events->begin(); i != ito; ++i) { // PITCH BEND int t = i->first + pTick; EventType type = i->second.type(); if (type == Controller) { int ctrl_type=i->second.dataA(); int val=i->second.dataB(); int th = int(mt->height() * 0.75); // only draw on three quarters int hoffset = (mt->height() - th ) / 2; // offset from bottom if (ctrl_type == CTRL_PITCH) p.drawLine(t, hoffset + r.y() + th/2, t, hoffset + r.y() - val*th/8192/2 + th/2); } } p.setPen(QColor(192,color_brightness/2,color_brightness/2)); for (iEvent i = events->begin(); i != ito; ++i) { // PAN int t = i->first + pTick; EventType type = i->second.type(); if (type == Controller) { int ctrl_type=i->second.dataA(); int val=i->second.dataB(); int th = int(mt->height() * 0.75); // only draw on three quarters int hoffset = (mt->height() - th ) / 2; // offset from bottom if (ctrl_type == 10) p.drawLine(t, hoffset + r.y() + th - val*th/127, t, hoffset + r.y() + th); } } p.setPen(QColor(color_brightness/2,192,color_brightness/2)); for (iEvent i = events->begin(); i != ito; ++i) { // VOLUME int t = i->first + pTick; EventType type = i->second.type(); if (type == Controller) { int ctrl_type=i->second.dataA(); int val=i->second.dataB(); int th = int(mt->height() * 0.75); // only draw on three quarters int hoffset = (mt->height() - th ) / 2; // offset from bottom if (ctrl_type == 7) p.drawLine(t, hoffset + r.y() + th - val*th/127, t, hoffset + r.y() + th); } } p.setPen(QColor(0,0,255)); for (iEvent i = events->begin(); i != ito; ++i) { // PROGRAM CHANGE int t = i->first + pTick; EventType type = i->second.type(); if (type == Controller) { int ctrl_type=i->second.dataA(); int th = int(mt->height() * 0.75); // only draw on three quarters int hoffset = (mt->height() - th ) / 2; // offset from bottom if (ctrl_type == CTRL_PROGRAM) p.drawLine(t, hoffset + r.y(), t, hoffset + r.y() + th); } } // draw notes ------------------------------------------------ int lowest_pitch=127; int highest_pitch=0; map y_mapper; if (config.canvasShowPartType & 4) //y-stretch? { for (iEvent i = events->begin(); i != events->end(); ++i) { if (i->second.type()==Note) { int pitch=i->second.pitch(); if (!isdrum) { if (pitch > highest_pitch) highest_pitch=pitch; if (pitch < lowest_pitch) lowest_pitch=pitch; } else { y_mapper.insert(pair(pitch, 0)); } } } if (isdrum) { int cnt=0; for (map::iterator it=y_mapper.begin(); it!=y_mapper.end(); it++) { it->second=cnt; cnt++; } lowest_pitch=0; highest_pitch=cnt-1; } if (lowest_pitch==highest_pitch) { lowest_pitch--; highest_pitch++; } if (heavyDebugMsg) { if (!isdrum) printf("DEBUG: arranger: cakewalk enabled, y-stretching from %i to %i. eventlist=%p\n",lowest_pitch, highest_pitch, events); else { printf("DEBUG: arranger: cakewalk enabled, y-stretching drums: ");; for (map::iterator it=y_mapper.begin(); it!=y_mapper.end(); it++) printf("%i ", it->first); printf("; eventlist=%p\n",events); } } } else { lowest_pitch=0; highest_pitch=127; if (isdrum) for (int cnt=0;cnt<127;cnt++) y_mapper[cnt]=cnt; if (heavyDebugMsg) printf("DEBUG: arranger: cakewalk enabled, y-stretch disabled\n"); } p.setPen(QColor(color_brightness,color_brightness,color_brightness)); for (iEvent i = events->begin(); i != ito; ++i) { int t = i->first + pTick; int te = t + i->second.lenTick(); if (te < (from + pTick)) continue; //if (te > (to + pTick)) // te = to + pTick; if (te >= (to + pTick)) te = lrint(rmapxDev_f(rmapx_f(to + pTick) - 1.0)); EventType type = i->second.type(); if (type == Note) { int pitch = i->second.pitch(); int th = int(mt->height() * 0.75); // only draw on three quarters int hoffset = (mt->height() - th ) / 2; // offset from bottom int y; if (!isdrum) y = hoffset + r.y() + th - (pitch-lowest_pitch)*th/(highest_pitch-lowest_pitch); else y = hoffset + r.y() + y_mapper[pitch]*th/(highest_pitch-lowest_pitch); p.drawLine(t, y, te, y); } } } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // drawWavePart // bb - bounding box of paint area // pr - part rectangle //--------------------------------------------------------- void PartCanvas::drawWavePart(QPainter& p, const QRect& bb, WavePart* wp, const QRect& _pr) { //QRect rr = p.worldMatrix().mapRect(bb); // Gives inconsistent positions. Source shows wrong operation for our needs. QRect rr = map(bb); // Use our own map instead. //QRect pr = p.worldMatrix().mapRect(_pr); QRect pr = map(_pr); p.save(); p.resetTransform(); int x2 = 1; int x1 = rr.x() > pr.x() ? rr.x() : pr.x(); x2 += rr.right() < pr.right() ? rr.right() : pr.right(); if (x1 < 0) x1 = 0; if (x2 > width()) x2 = width(); int hh = pr.height(); int h = hh/2; int y = pr.y() + h; EventList* el = wp->events(); for (iEvent e = el->begin(); e != el->end(); ++e) { int cc = hh % 2 ? 0 : 1; Event event = e->second; SndFileR f = event.sndFile(); if (f.isNull()) continue; unsigned channels = f.channels(); if (channels == 0) { printf("drawWavePart: channels==0! %s\n", f.name().toLatin1().constData()); continue; } int xScale; int pos; int tickstep = rmapxDev(1); int postick = tempomap.frame2tick(wp->frame() + event.frame()); int eventx = mapx(postick); int drawoffset; if((x1 - eventx) < 0) drawoffset = 0; else drawoffset = rmapxDev(x1 - eventx); postick += drawoffset; pos = event.spos() + tempomap.tick2frame(postick) - wp->frame() - event.frame(); int i; if(x1 < eventx) i = eventx; else i = x1; int ex = mapx(tempomap.frame2tick(wp->frame() + event.frame() + event.lenFrame())); if(ex > x2) ex = x2; if (h < 20) { // // combine multi channels into one waveform // //printf("PartCanvas::drawWavePart i:%d ex:%d\n", i, ex); for (; i < ex; i++) { SampleV sa[channels]; xScale = tempomap.deltaTick2frame(postick, postick + tickstep); f.read(sa, xScale, pos); postick += tickstep; pos += xScale; int peak = 0; int rms = 0; for (unsigned k = 0; k < channels; ++k) { if (sa[k].peak > peak) peak = sa[k].peak; rms += sa[k].rms; } rms /= channels; peak = (peak * (hh-2)) >> 9; rms = (rms * (hh-2)) >> 9; p.setPen(QColor(Qt::darkGray)); p.drawLine(i, y - peak - cc, i, y + peak); p.setPen(QColor(Qt::darkGray).darker()); p.drawLine(i, y - rms - cc, i, y + rms); } } else { // // multi channel display // int hm = hh / (channels * 2); int cc = hh % (channels * 2) ? 0 : 1; for (; i < ex; i++) { y = pr.y() + hm; SampleV sa[channels]; xScale = tempomap.deltaTick2frame(postick, postick + tickstep); f.read(sa, xScale, pos); postick += tickstep; pos += xScale; for (unsigned k = 0; k < channels; ++k) { int peak = (sa[k].peak * (hm - 1)) >> 8; int rms = (sa[k].rms * (hm - 1)) >> 8; p.setPen(QColor(Qt::darkGray)); p.drawLine(i, y - peak - cc, i, y + peak); p.setPen(QColor(Qt::darkGray).darker()); p.drawLine(i, y - rms - cc, i, y + rms); y += 2 * hm; } } } } p.restore(); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // cmd //--------------------------------------------------------- void PartCanvas::cmd(int cmd) { PartList pl; for (iCItem i = items.begin(); i != items.end(); ++i) { if (!i->second->isSelected()) continue; NPart* npart = (NPart*)(i->second); pl.add(npart->part()); } switch (cmd) { case CMD_CUT_PART: { copy(&pl); Undo operations; for (iCItem i = items.begin(); i != items.end(); ++i) { if (i->second->isSelected()) { NPart* p = (NPart*)(i->second); Part* part = p->part(); operations.push_back(UndoOp(UndoOp::DeletePart, part)); } } song->applyOperationGroup(operations); break; } case CMD_COPY_PART: copy(&pl); break; case CMD_PASTE_PART: paste(false, false); break; case CMD_PASTE_CLONE_PART: paste(true, false); break; case CMD_PASTE_PART_TO_TRACK: paste(); break; case CMD_PASTE_CLONE_PART_TO_TRACK: paste(true); break; case CMD_INSERT_PART: paste(false, false, true); break; case CMD_INSERT_EMPTYMEAS: int startPos=song->vcpos(); int oneMeas=AL::sigmap.ticksMeasure(startPos); Undo temp=movePartsTotheRight(startPos,oneMeas); song->applyOperationGroup(temp); break; } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // copy // cut copy paste //--------------------------------------------------------- void PartCanvas::copy(PartList* pl) { if (pl->empty()) return; bool wave = false; bool midi = false; for(ciPart p = pl->begin(); p != pl->end(); ++p) { if(p->second->track()->isMidiTrack()) midi = true; else if(p->second->track()->type() == Track::WAVE) wave = true; if(midi && wave) break; } if(!(midi || wave)) return; //--------------------------------------------------- // write parts as XML into tmp file //--------------------------------------------------- FILE* tmp = tmpfile(); if (tmp == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "PartCanvas::copy() fopen failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return; } Xml xml(tmp); // Clear the copy clone list. cloneList.clear(); int level = 0; int tick = 0; for (ciPart p = pl->begin(); p != pl->end(); ++p) { // Indicate this is a copy operation. Also force full wave paths. p->second->write(level, xml, true, true); int endTick = p->second->endTick(); if (endTick > tick) tick = endTick; } Pos p(tick, true); song->setPos(0, p); //--------------------------------------------------- // read tmp file into QTextDrag Object //--------------------------------------------------- fflush(tmp); struct stat f_stat; if (fstat(fileno(tmp), &f_stat) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "PartCanvas::copy() fstat failed:<%s>\n", strerror(errno)); fclose(tmp); return; } int n = f_stat.st_size; char* fbuf = (char*)mmap(0, n+1, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE, fileno(tmp), 0); fbuf[n] = 0; QByteArray data(fbuf); QMimeData* md = new QMimeData(); if(midi && wave) md->setData("text/x-muse-mixedpartlist", data); // By T356. Support mixed .mpt files. else if(midi) md->setData("text/x-muse-midipartlist", data); else if(wave) md->setData("text/x-muse-wavepartlist", data); QApplication::clipboard()->setMimeData(md, QClipboard::Clipboard); munmap(fbuf, n); fclose(tmp); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // pasteAt //--------------------------------------------------------- Undo PartCanvas::pasteAt(const QString& pt, Track* track, unsigned int pos, bool clone, bool toTrack, int* finalPosPtr) { Undo operations; QByteArray ba = pt.toLatin1(); const char* ptxt = ba.constData(); Xml xml(ptxt); bool firstPart=true; int posOffset=0; unsigned int finalPos = pos; int notDone = 0; int done = 0; bool end = false; for (;;) { Xml::Token token = xml.parse(); const QString& tag = xml.s1(); switch (token) { case Xml::Error: case Xml::End: end = true; break; case Xml::TagStart: if (tag == "part") { // Read the part. Part* p = 0; p = readXmlPart(xml, track, clone, toTrack); // If it could not be created... if(!p) { // Increment the number of parts not done and break. ++notDone; break; } p->events()->incARef(-1); // the later song->applyOperationGroup() will increment it // so we must decrement it first :/ // Increment the number of parts done. ++done; if (firstPart) { firstPart=false; posOffset=pos-p->tick(); } p->setTick(p->tick()+posOffset); if (p->tick()+p->lenTick()>finalPos) { finalPos=p->tick()+p->lenTick(); } operations.push_back(UndoOp(UndoOp::AddPart,p)); } else xml.unknown("PartCanvas::pasteAt"); break; case Xml::TagEnd: break; default: end = true; break; } if(end) break; } if(notDone) { int tot = notDone + done; QMessageBox::critical(this, QString("MusE"), QString().setNum(notDone) + (tot > 1 ? (tr(" out of ") + QString().setNum(tot)) : QString("")) + (tot > 1 ? tr(" parts") : tr(" part")) + tr(" could not be pasted.\nLikely the selected track is the wrong type.")); } if (finalPosPtr) *finalPosPtr=finalPos; return operations; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // paste // paste part to current selected track at cpos //--------------------------------------------------------- void PartCanvas::paste(bool clone, bool toTrack, bool doInsert) { Track* track = 0; if (doInsert) // logic depends on keeping track of newly selected tracks deselectAll(); // If we want to paste to a selected track... if(toTrack) { TrackList* tl = song->tracks(); for (iTrack i = tl->begin(); i != tl->end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->selected()) { if (track) { QMessageBox::critical(this, QString("MusE"), tr("Cannot paste: multiple tracks selected")); return; } else track = *i; } } if (track == 0) { QMessageBox::critical(this, QString("MusE"), tr("Cannot paste: no track selected")); return; } } QClipboard* cb = QApplication::clipboard(); const QMimeData* md = cb->mimeData(QClipboard::Clipboard); QString pfx("text/"); QString mdpl("x-muse-midipartlist"); QString wvpl("x-muse-wavepartlist"); QString mxpl("x-muse-mixedpartlist"); QString txt; if(md->hasFormat(pfx + mdpl)) { // If we want to paste to a selected track... if(toTrack && !track->isMidiTrack()) { QMessageBox::critical(this, QString("MusE"), tr("Can only paste to midi/drum track")); return; } txt = cb->text(mdpl, QClipboard::Clipboard); } else if(md->hasFormat(pfx + wvpl)) { // If we want to paste to a selected track... if(toTrack && track->type() != Track::WAVE) { QMessageBox::critical(this, QString("MusE"), tr("Can only paste to wave track")); return; } txt = cb->text(wvpl, QClipboard::Clipboard); } else if(md->hasFormat(pfx + mxpl)) { // If we want to paste to a selected track... if(toTrack && !track->isMidiTrack() && track->type() != Track::WAVE) { QMessageBox::critical(this, QString("MusE"), tr("Can only paste to midi or wave track")); return; } txt = cb->text(mxpl, QClipboard::Clipboard); } else { QMessageBox::critical(this, QString("MusE"), tr("Cannot paste: wrong data type")); return; } if (!txt.isEmpty()) { int endPos=0; unsigned int startPos=song->vcpos(); Undo operations=pasteAt(txt, track, startPos, clone, toTrack, &endPos); Pos p(endPos, true); song->setPos(0, p); if (doInsert) { int offset = endPos-startPos; Undo temp=movePartsTotheRight(startPos, offset); operations.insert(operations.end(), temp.begin(), temp.end()); } song->applyOperationGroup(operations); } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // movePartsToTheRight //--------------------------------------------------------- Undo PartCanvas::movePartsTotheRight(unsigned int startTicks, int length) { Undo operations; // all parts that start after the pasted parts will be moved the entire length of the pasted parts for (iCItem i = items.begin(); i != items.end(); ++i) { if (!i->second->isSelected()) { Part* part = i->second->part(); if (part->tick() >= startTicks) { Part *newPart = part->clone(); newPart->setTick(newPart->tick()+length); operations.push_back(UndoOp(UndoOp::ModifyPart,part,newPart,false,false)); } } } // perhaps ask if markers should be moved? MarkerList *markerlist = song->marker(); for(iMarker i = markerlist->begin(); i != markerlist->end(); ++i) { Marker* m = &i->second; if (m->tick() >= startTicks) { Marker *oldMarker = new Marker(); *oldMarker = *m; m->setTick(m->tick()+length); operations.push_back(UndoOp(UndoOp::ModifyMarker,oldMarker, m)); } } return operations; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // startDrag //--------------------------------------------------------- void PartCanvas::startDrag(CItem* item, DragType t) { NPart* p = (NPart*)(item); Part* part = p->part(); //--------------------------------------------------- // write part as XML into tmp file //--------------------------------------------------- FILE* tmp = tmpfile(); if (tmp == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "PartCanvas::startDrag() fopen failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return; } Xml xml(tmp); int level = 0; part->write(level, xml); //--------------------------------------------------- // read tmp file into QTextDrag Object //--------------------------------------------------- fflush(tmp); struct stat f_stat; if (fstat(fileno(tmp), &f_stat) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "PartCanvas::startDrag fstat failed:<%s>\n", strerror(errno)); fclose(tmp); return; } int n = f_stat.st_size + 1; char* fbuf = (char*)mmap(0, n, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE, fileno(tmp), 0); fbuf[n] = 0; QByteArray data(fbuf); QMimeData* md = new QMimeData(); md->setData("text/x-muse-partlist", data); // "Note that setMimeData() assigns ownership of the QMimeData object to the QDrag object. // The QDrag must be constructed on the heap with a parent QWidget to ensure that Qt can // clean up after the drag and drop operation has been completed. " QDrag* drag = new QDrag(this); drag->setMimeData(md); if (t == MOVE_COPY || t == MOVE_CLONE) drag->exec(Qt::CopyAction); else drag->exec(Qt::MoveAction); munmap(fbuf, n); fclose(tmp); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // dragEnterEvent //--------------------------------------------------------- void PartCanvas::dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent* event) { event->acceptProposedAction(); // TODO CHECK Tim. } //--------------------------------------------------------- // dragvent //--------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------- // dropEvent //--------------------------------------------------------- void PartCanvas::viewDropEvent(QDropEvent* event) { if (debugMsg) printf("void PartCanvas::viewDropEvent(QDropEvent* event)\n"); if (event->source() == this) { printf("local DROP\n"); //event->ignore(); // TODO CHECK Tim. return; } int type = 0; // 0 = unknown, 1 = partlist, 2 = uri-list QString text; if(event->mimeData()->hasFormat("text/partlist")) type = 1; else if(event->mimeData()->hasUrls()) type = 2; else { if(debugMsg && event->mimeData()->formats().size() != 0) printf("Drop with unknown format. First format:<%s>\n", event->mimeData()->formats()[0].toLatin1().constData()); //event->ignore(); // TODO CHECK Tim. return; } // Make a backup of the current clone list, to retain any 'copy' items, // so that pasting works properly after. CloneList copyCloneList = cloneList; // Clear the clone list to prevent any dangerous associations with // current non-original parts. cloneList.clear(); if (type == 1) { printf("type1\n"); text = QString(event->mimeData()->data("text/partlist")); int x = AL::sigmap.raster(event->pos().x(), *_raster); if (x < 0) x = 0; unsigned trackNo = y2pitch(event->pos().y()); Track* track = 0; if (trackNo < tracks->size()) track = tracks->index(trackNo); if (track) { Undo temp=pasteAt(text, track, x); song->applyOperationGroup(temp); } } else if (type == 2) { unsigned trackNo = y2pitch(event->pos().y()); Track* track = 0; if (trackNo < tracks->size()) track = tracks->index(trackNo); int x = AL::sigmap.raster(event->pos().x(), *_raster); if (x < 0) x = 0; foreach(QUrl url, event->mimeData()->urls()) { text = url.path(); if (text.endsWith(".wav",Qt::CaseInsensitive) || text.endsWith(".ogg",Qt::CaseInsensitive) || text.endsWith(".mpt", Qt::CaseInsensitive) ) { if (!track) { // we need to create a track for this drop if (text.endsWith(".mpt", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { track = song->addTrack((Track::MIDI)); } else { track = song->addTrack((Track::WAVE)); } } if (track->type() == Track::WAVE && (text.endsWith(".wav", Qt::CaseInsensitive) || (text.endsWith(".ogg", Qt::CaseInsensitive)))) { unsigned tick = x; muse->importWaveToTrack(text, tick, track); } // Changed by T356. Support mixed .mpt files. else if ((track->isMidiTrack() || track->type() == Track::WAVE) && text.endsWith(".mpt", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { unsigned tick = x; muse->importPartToTrack(text, tick, track); } } else if(text.endsWith(".med",Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { emit dropSongFile(text); break; // we only support ONE drop of this kind } else if(text.endsWith(".mid",Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { emit dropMidiFile(text); } else { printf("dropped... something... no hable...\n"); } track=0; } } // Restore backup of the clone list, to retain any 'copy' items, // so that pasting works properly after. cloneList.clear(); cloneList = copyCloneList; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // drawCanvas //--------------------------------------------------------- void PartCanvas::drawCanvas(QPainter& p, const QRect& rect) { int x = rect.x(); //int y = rect.y(); int w = rect.width(); //int h = rect.height(); // Changed to draw in device coordinate space instead of virtual, transformed space. Tim. p4.0.30 //QRect mr = p.transform().mapRect(rect); // Gives inconsistent positions. Source shows wrong operation for our needs. QRect mr = map(rect); // Use our own map instead. p.save(); p.setWorldMatrixEnabled(false); int mx = mr.x(); int my = mr.y(); int mw = mr.width(); int mh = mr.height(); ////////// // GRID // ////////// QColor baseColor(config.partCanvasBg.light(104)); p.setPen(baseColor); //-------------------------------- // vertical lines //------------------------------- if (config.canvasShowGrid) { int bar, beat; unsigned tick; AL::sigmap.tickValues(x, &bar, &beat, &tick); for (;;) { int xt = AL::sigmap.bar2tick(bar++, 0, 0); //int xt = mapx(AL::sigmap.bar2tick(bar++, 0, 0)); if (xt >= x + w) //if (xt >= mx + mw) break; if (!((bar-1) % 4)) p.setPen(baseColor.dark(115)); else p.setPen(baseColor); //p.drawLine(xt, y, xt, y+h); int xtm = mapx(xt); p.drawLine(xtm, my, xtm, my+mh); // append int noDivisors=0; if (*_raster == config.division *2) // 1/2 noDivisors=2; else if (*_raster== config.division) // 1/4 noDivisors=4; else if (*_raster==config.division/2) // 1/8 noDivisors=8; else if (*_raster==config.division/4) // 1/16 noDivisors=16; else if (*_raster==config.division/8) // 1/16 noDivisors=32; else if (*_raster==config.division/16) // 1/16 noDivisors=64; int r = *_raster; int rr = rmapx(r); if (*_raster > 1) { while (rr < 4) { r *= 2; rr = rmapx(r); noDivisors=noDivisors/2; } p.setPen(baseColor); int xx; for (int t=1;t< noDivisors;t++) { //p.drawLine(xt+r*t, y, xt+r*t, y+h); xx = mapx(xt + r * t); p.drawLine(xx, my, xx, my+mh); } } } } //-------------------------------- // horizontal lines //-------------------------------- TrackList* tl = song->tracks(); //int yy = 0; int yy = -rmapy(yorg) - ypos; int th; for (iTrack it = tl->begin(); it != tl->end(); ++it) { //if (yy > y + h) if (yy > my + mh) break; Track* track = *it; th = track->height(); if (!th) continue; if (config.canvasShowGrid && (track->isMidiTrack() || track->type() == Track::WAVE)) // Tim. { p.setPen(baseColor.dark(130)); //p.drawLine(x, yy + th, x + w, yy + th); p.drawLine(mx, yy + th, mx + mw, yy + th); //p.setPen(baseColor); } // The update rectangle (rect and mr etc) is clipped at x<0 and y<0 in View::pdraw(). // The 'corrupt drawing' bug of drawAudioTrack was actually because the recently added gradient // used the update rectangle, so the gradient was also being clipped at 0,0. // One could remove that limiter, but no, that is the correct way. So instead let's construct a // 'pseudo bounding box' (half update rectangle, half bounding box), un-clipped. The gradient needs this! // // Here is a different situation than PartCanvas::drawItem which uses un-clipped part bounding boxes and // does NOT depend on the update rectangle (except to check intersection). That's why this issue // does not show up there. Should probably try to make that routine more efficient, just like here. Tim. p4.0.30 QRect r(mx, yy, mw, th); //if(r.intersects(mr)) { if (!track->isMidiTrack() && (track->type() != Track::WAVE)) { //QRect r = rect & QRect(x, yy, w, track->height()); drawAudioTrack(p, mr, r, (AudioTrack*)track); //p.setPen(baseColor); } // This was redundant drawing. Not required, done via drawTopItem in Canvas::draw /* //p.setWorldMatrixEnabled(true); //if (!track->isMidiTrack()) { // draw automation if (!track->isMidiTrack() && (track->type() != Track::WAVE)) { //QRect r = rect & QRect(x, yy, w, track->height()); drawAutomation(p, r, (AudioTrack*)track); //p.setPen(baseColor); } //p.setWorldMatrixEnabled(false); */ } yy += th; } p.restore(); //p.setWorldMatrixEnabled(true); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // drawLast //--------------------------------------------------------- void PartCanvas::drawTopItem(QPainter& p, const QRect& rect) { //int x = rect.x(); //int y = rect.y(); //int w = rect.width(); //int h = rect.height(); // Changed to draw in device coordinate space instead of virtual, transformed space. Tim. p4.0.30 //QRect mr = p.transform().mapRect(rect); // Gives inconsistent positions. Source shows wrong operation for our needs. QRect mr = map(rect); // Use our own map instead. //printf("PartCanvas::drawTopItem x:%d y:%d w:%d h:%d\n", rect.x(), rect.y(), rect.width(), rect.height()); int mx = mr.x(); int my = mr.y(); int mw = mr.width(); int mh = mr.height(); QColor baseColor(config.partCanvasBg.light(104)); //p.setPen(baseColor); p.save(); p.setWorldMatrixEnabled(false); TrackList* tl = song->tracks(); int yoff = -rmapy(yorg) - ypos; //int yy = 0; int yy = yoff; int th; for (iTrack it = tl->begin(); it != tl->end(); ++it) { //if (yy > y + h) if (yy > my + mh) break; Track* track = *it; th = track->height(); if (!th) continue; if (!track->isMidiTrack()) { // draw automation //QRect r = rect & QRect(x, yy, w, track->height()); QRect r(mx, yy, mw, th); if(r.intersects(mr)) { drawAutomation(p, r, (AudioTrack*)track); //p.setPen(baseColor); } } //yy += track->height(); yy += th; } unsigned int startPos = audio->getStartRecordPos().tick(); if (song->punchin()) startPos=song->lpos(); int startx = mapx(startPos); int width = mapx(song->cpos()) - mapx(startPos); if (song->cpos() < startPos) { //p.setWorldMatrixEnabled(true); p.restore(); return; // no drawing if we are before punch out } if (song->punchout() && song->cpos() > song->rpos()) { //p.setWorldMatrixEnabled(true); p.restore(); return; // no drawing if we are beyond punch out. } ///p.save(); ///p.resetTransform(); // write recording while it happens to get feedback // should be enhanced with solution that draws waveform also //int yPos=0; int yPos = yoff; if (song->record() && audio->isPlaying()) { for (iTrack it = tl->begin(); it != tl->end(); ++it) { Track* track = *it; th = track->height(); if (!th) continue; if (track->recordFlag()) { QPen pen(Qt::black, 0, Qt::SolidLine); p.setPen(pen); QColor c(config.partColors[0]); c.setAlpha(config.globalAlphaBlend); QLinearGradient gradient(QPoint(startx,yPos), QPoint(startx,yPos+th)); gradient.setColorAt(0, c); gradient.setColorAt(1, c.darker()); QBrush cc(gradient); p.setBrush(cc); p.drawRect(startx,yPos, width, th); } yPos+=th; } } p.restore(); //p.setWorldMatrixEnabled(true); // draw midi events on yPos=0; if (song->record() && audio->isPlaying()) { for (iTrack it = tl->begin(); it != tl->end(); ++it) { Track* track = *it; if (track->isMidiTrack() && track->recordFlag()) { MidiTrack *mt = (MidiTrack*)track; QRect partRect(startPos,yPos, song->cpos()-startPos, track->height()); // probably the wrong rect EventList myEventList; MPEventList *el = mt->mpevents(); if (el->size()) { for (iMPEvent i = el->begin(); i != el->end(); ++i) { MidiPlayEvent pe = *i; if (pe.isNote() && !pe.isNoteOff()) { Event e(Note); e.setPitch(pe.dataA()); e.setTick(pe.time()-startPos); e.setLenTick(song->cpos()-pe.time()); e.setC(1); // we abuse this value to determine that this note hasn't been concluded myEventList.add(e); } else if (pe.isNoteOff()) { for (iEvent i = myEventList.begin(); i != myEventList.end(); ++i) { Event &e = i->second; if (e.pitch() == pe.dataA() && e.dataC() == 1) { e.setLenTick(pe.time() - e.tick()- startPos); e.setC(0); // reset the variable we borrowed for state handling continue; } } } } } drawMidiPart(p, rect, &myEventList, mt, 0, partRect,startPos,0,song->cpos()-startPos); } yPos+=track->height(); } } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // drawAudioTrack //--------------------------------------------------------- void PartCanvas::drawAudioTrack(QPainter& p, const QRect& r, const QRect& bbox, AudioTrack* /*t*/) { QRect mr = r & bbox; if(mr.isNull()) return; int mx = mr.x(); int my = mr.y(); int mw = mr.width(); int mh = mr.height(); int mex = bbox.x(); int mey = bbox.y(); //int mew = bbox.width(); int meh = bbox.height(); p.setPen(Qt::black); QColor c(Qt::gray); c.setAlpha(config.globalAlphaBlend); //QLinearGradient gradient(r.topLeft(), r.bottomLeft()); QLinearGradient gradient(mex + 1, mey + 1, mex + 1, mey + meh - 1); // Inside the border gradient.setColorAt(0, c); gradient.setColorAt(1, c.darker()); QBrush brush(gradient); p.fillRect(mr, brush); // p4.0.30 ... //int xx = -rmapx(xorg) - xpos; //printf("PartCanvas::drawAudioTrack x:%d y:%d w:%d h:%d th:%d xx:%d\n", r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), r.height(), t->height(), xx); //if(r.x() <= xx) // p.drawLine(r.x(), r.y(), r.x(), r.y() + r.height()); // The left edge //p.drawLine(r.x(), r.y(), r.x() + r.width(), r.y()); // The top edge //p.drawLine(r.x(), r.y() + r.height(), r.x() + r.width(), r.y() + r.height()); // The bottom edge if(mex >= mx && mex <= mx + mw) p.drawLine(mex, my, mex, my + mh - 1); // The left edge //if(mex + mew >= mx && mex + mew <= mx + mw) // p.drawLine(mex + mew, my, mex + mew, my + mh - 1); // The right edge. Not used - infinite to the right if(mey >= my && mey <= my + mh) p.drawLine(mx, mey, mx + mw - 1, mey); // The top edge if(mey + meh >= my && mey + meh <= my + mh) p.drawLine(mx, mey + meh, mx + mw - 1, mey + meh); // The bottom edge. Special for Audio track - draw one past bottom. } //--------------------------------------------------------- // drawAutomation //--------------------------------------------------------- void PartCanvas::drawAutomation(QPainter& p, const QRect& rr, AudioTrack *t) { //QRect rr = p.worldMatrix().mapRect(r); //p.save(); //p.resetTransform(); int bottom = rr.bottom() - 2; int height = bottom - rr.top() - 2; // limit height //printf("PartCanvas::drawAutomation x:%d y:%d w:%d h:%d height:%d\n", rr.x(), rr.y(), rr.width(), rr.height(), height); p.setBrush(Qt::NoBrush); CtrlListList* cll = t->controller(); for(CtrlListList::iterator icll =cll->begin();icll!=cll->end();++icll) { CtrlList *cl = icll->second; if (cl->dontShow() || !cl->isVisible()) continue; iCtrl ic=cl->begin(); int oldX = mapx(0); if(rr.right() < oldX) { //p.restore(); return; } int xpixel = oldX; int oldY = -1; int ypixel = oldY; double min, max; cl->range(&min,&max); //bool discrete = cl->valueType() == VAL_BOOL || cl->mode() == CtrlList::DISCRETE; bool discrete = cl->mode() == CtrlList::DISCRETE; QPen pen1(cl->color(), 0); QPen pen2(cl->color(), 2); pen2.setCosmetic(true); // First check that there ARE automation, ic == cl->end means no automation if (ic == cl->end()) { double y; if (cl->valueType() == VAL_LOG ) { // use db scale for volume y = dbToVal(cl->curVal()); // represent volume between 0 and 1 if (y < 0) y = 0.0; } else y = (cl->curVal() - min)/(max-min); // we need to set curVal between 0 and 1 ypixel = oldY = bottom - rmapy_f(y) * height; } else { for (; ic !=cl->end(); ++ic) { double y = ic->second.val; if (cl->valueType() == VAL_LOG ) { // use db scale for volume y = dbToVal(y); // represent volume between 0 and 1 if (y < 0) y = 0.0; } else y = (y-min)/(max-min); // we need to set curVal between 0 and 1 ypixel = bottom - rmapy_f(y) * height; xpixel = mapx(tempomap.frame2tick(ic->second.frame)); if (oldY==-1) oldY = ypixel; //printf(" line x1:%d x2:%d prevVal:%f nextVal:%f\n", leftX, currentPixel, prevVal, nextVal); p.setPen(pen1); if(discrete) { p.drawLine(oldX, oldY, xpixel, oldY); p.drawLine(xpixel, oldY, xpixel, ypixel); } else p.drawLine(oldX, oldY, xpixel, ypixel); if (xpixel > rr.right()) break; // draw a square around the point //p.drawRect(mapx(tempomap.frame2tick(prevPosFrame))-2, (rr.bottom()-2)-prevVal*height-2, 5, 5); //p.drawRect(mapx(tempomap.frame2tick(prevPosFrame))-1, (rr.bottom()-1)-prevVal*height-2, 3, 3); pen2.setColor((automation.currentCtrlValid && automation.currentCtrlList == cl && automation.currentCtrlFrame == ic->second.frame) ? Qt::white : cl->color()); p.setPen(pen2); p.drawRect(xpixel-2, ypixel-2, 5, 5); oldX = xpixel; oldY = ypixel; } } if (xpixel <= rr.right()) { //printf(" endline prevVal:%f\n", prevVal); p.setPen(pen1); p.drawLine(xpixel, ypixel, rr.right(), ypixel); } } //p.restore(); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // checkAutomation // compares the current mouse pointer with the automation // lines on the track under it. // if there is a controller to be moved it is marked // in the automation object // if addNewCtrl is set and a valid line is found the // automation object will also be set but no // controller added. //--------------------------------------------------------- void PartCanvas::checkAutomation(Track * t, const QPoint &pointer, bool addNewCtrl) { if (t->isMidiTrack()) return; int currY; int trackY = t->y(); int trackH = t->height(); { int y = pointer.y(); if(y < trackY || y >= (trackY + trackH)) return; currY = mapy(y); } int currX = mapx(pointer.x()); int circumference = 5; CtrlListList* cll = ((AudioTrack*) t)->controller(); for(CtrlListList::iterator icll =cll->begin();icll!=cll->end();++icll) { CtrlList *cl = icll->second; if (cl->dontShow() || !cl->isVisible()) { continue; } iCtrl ic=cl->begin(); int oldX = mapx(0); int xpixel = oldX; int oldY = -1; int ypixel = oldY; double min, max; cl->range(&min,&max); //bool discrete = cl->valueType() == VAL_BOOL || cl->mode() == CtrlList::DISCRETE; // Tim // First check that there IS automation, ic == cl->end means no automation if (ic == cl->end()) { double y; if (cl->valueType() == VAL_LOG ) { // use db scale for volume y = dbToVal(cl->curVal()); // represent volume between 0 and 1 if (y < 0) y = 0.0; } else y = (cl->curVal() - min)/(max-min); // we need to set curVal between 0 and 1 ypixel = oldY = mapy(trackY+trackH-1 - 2 - y * trackH); } else { for (; ic !=cl->end(); ic++) { double y = ic->second.val; if (cl->valueType() == VAL_LOG ) { // use db scale for volume y = dbToVal(y); // represent volume between 0 and 1 if (y < 0) y = 0; } else y = (y-min)/(max-min); // we need to set curVal between 0 and 1 ypixel = mapy(trackY + trackH - 2 - y * trackH); xpixel = mapx(tempomap.frame2tick(ic->second.frame)); if (oldY==-1) oldY = ypixel; //printf(" oldX:%d oldY:%d xpixel:%d ypixel:%d\n", oldX, oldY, xpixel, ypixel); bool foundIt=false; if (addNewCtrl) { // check if we are reasonably close to a line //printf("xpixel=%d oldX=%d\n", xpixel, oldX); double firstX=oldX; double lastX=xpixel; double firstY=oldY; double lastY=ypixel; double proportion = (currX-firstX)/(lastX-firstX); //if ( (currX > lastX && firstY!=lastY) // omit special cases. // || firstX==lastX ) { if((currX < oldX) || (currX > lastX) || (firstX==lastX) ) { oldX = xpixel; oldY = ypixel; continue; // not the right region } // 10 X(15) 20 // proportion = 0.5 // 10 // / // Y(5) // / // 1 double calcY = (lastY-firstY)*proportion+firstY; //printf("calcY=%f currY=%d\n", calcY, currY); if(ABS(calcY-currY) < circumference || (xpixel == oldX && ABS(currX-xpixel) < circumference)) foundIt=true; } else { int x1 = ABS(currX - xpixel) ; int y1 = ABS(currY - ypixel); if (x1 < circumference && y1 < circumference && pointer.x() > 0 && pointer.y() > 0) { foundIt=true; } } oldX = xpixel; oldY = ypixel; if (foundIt) { QWidget::setCursor(Qt::CrossCursor); if (addNewCtrl) { //automation.currentCtrl = 0; automation.currentCtrlValid = false; automation.controllerState = addNewController; }else { //automation.currentCtrl=&ic->second; automation.currentCtrlFrame = ic->second.frame; //automation.currentCtrlVal = ic->second.val; automation.currentCtrlValid = true; automation.controllerState = movingController; } automation.currentCtrlList = cl; automation.currentTrack = t; return; } } } if (addNewCtrl) { // check if we are reasonably close to a line, we only need to check Y // as the line is straight after the last controller //printf("post oldX:%d oldY:%d xpixel:%d ypixel:%d currX:%d currY:%d\n", oldX, oldY, xpixel, ypixel, currX, currY); if(currX >= xpixel && ypixel == oldY && ABS(currY-ypixel) < circumference) { QWidget::setCursor(Qt::CrossCursor); automation.controllerState = addNewController; automation.currentCtrlList = cl; automation.currentTrack = t; //automation.currentCtrl = 0; automation.currentCtrlValid = false; return; } } } // if there are no hits we default to clearing all the data automation.controllerState = doNothing; //automation.currentCtrl = 0; automation.currentCtrlValid = false; automation.currentCtrlList = 0; automation.currentTrack = 0; setCursor(); } void PartCanvas::controllerChanged(Track* t) { //redraw(); redraw((QRect(0, mapy(t->y()), width(), rmapy(t->height())))); // TODO Check this - correct? } void PartCanvas::processAutomationMovements(QPoint pos, bool addPoint) { if (_tool == AutomationTool) { if (!automation.moveController) { // currently nothing going lets's check for some action. Track * t = y2Track(pos.y()); if (t) { checkAutomation(t, pos, addPoint); } return; } // automation.moveController is set, lets rock. int prevFrame = 0; int nextFrame = -1; int currFrame = 0; if (automation.controllerState == addNewController) { //printf("adding a new ctrler!\n"); int frame = tempomap.tick2frame(pos.x()); // FIXME Inefficient to add with wait here, then remove and add with wait again below. Tim. audio->msgAddACEvent((AudioTrack*)automation.currentTrack, automation.currentCtrlList->id(), frame, 1.0 /*dummy value */); //song->addACEvent((AudioTrack*)automation.currentTrack, automation.currentCtrlList->id(), frame, 1.0 /*dummy value */); iCtrl ic=automation.currentCtrlList->begin(); for (; ic !=automation.currentCtrlList->end(); ++ic) { CtrlVal &cv = ic->second; if (cv.frame == frame) { //automation.currentCtrl = &cv; automation.currentCtrlFrame = cv.frame; //automation.currentCtrlVal = cv.val; automation.currentCtrlValid = true; automation.controllerState = movingController; break; } } } // get previous and next frame position to give x bounds for this event. iCtrl ic=automation.currentCtrlList->begin(); iCtrl iprev = ic; for (; ic !=automation.currentCtrlList->end(); ++ic) { CtrlVal &cv = ic->second; //if (&cv == automation.currentCtrl) if (cv.frame == automation.currentCtrlFrame) { currFrame = cv.frame; break; } prevFrame = cv.frame; iprev = ic; } iCtrl icc = ic; if ( ++ic != automation.currentCtrlList->end()) { CtrlVal &cv = ic->second; nextFrame = cv.frame; } // A perfectly straight vertical line (two points with same frame) is impossible: // there is only one value at t, and the next value at t+1, and so on. // Also these are maps, not multimaps. p4.0.32 Tim. int newFrame = tempomap.tick2frame(pos.x()); //if(currFrame == 0) // newFrame = 0; // Force first item to stay at x = 0. //else if (newFrame <= prevFrame) newFrame=prevFrame + (icc == automation.currentCtrlList->begin() ? 0: 1); // Only first item is allowed to go to zero x. if (nextFrame!=-1 && newFrame >= nextFrame) newFrame=nextFrame-1; int posy=mapy(pos.y()); int tracky = mapy(automation.currentTrack->y()); int trackHeight = automation.currentTrack->height(); //printf("posy=%d tracky=%d trackHeight=%d\n", posy,tracky,trackHeight); int mouseY = trackHeight - (posy - tracky)-2; double yfraction = ((double)mouseY)/automation.currentTrack->height(); double min, max; automation.currentCtrlList->range(&min,&max); double cvval; if (automation.currentCtrlList->valueType() == VAL_LOG ) { // use db scale for volume cvval = valToDb(yfraction); //printf("calc yfraction = %f v=%f ",yfraction,cvval); if (cvval< min) cvval=min; if (cvval>max) cvval=max; } else { // we need to set val between 0 and 1 (unless integer) cvval = yfraction * (max-min) + min; // 'Snap' to integer or boolean if (automation.currentCtrlList->valueType() == VAL_INT || automation.currentCtrlList->valueType() == VAL_BOOL) cvval = rint(cvval + 0.1); // LADSPA docs say add a slight bias to avoid rounding errors. Try this. if (cvval< min) cvval=min; if (cvval>max) cvval=max; } automation.currentCtrlFrame = newFrame; //automation.currentCtrlVal = cvval; automation.currentCtrlValid = true; if(icc != automation.currentCtrlList->end()) audio->msgChangeACEvent((AudioTrack*)automation.currentTrack, automation.currentCtrlList->id(), icc->second.frame, newFrame, cvval); //song->changeACEvent((AudioTrack*)automation.currentTrack, automation.currentCtrlList->id(), icc->second.frame, newFrame, cvval); else audio->msgAddACEvent((AudioTrack*)automation.currentTrack, automation.currentCtrlList->id(), newFrame, cvval); //song->addACEvent((AudioTrack*)automation.currentTrack, automation.currentCtrlList->id(), newFrame, cvval); // Not needed. Redraw is now handled by msgXXX(). //controllerChanged(automation.currentTrack); } } double PartCanvas::dbToVal(double inDb) { return (20.0*fast_log10(inDb)+60.0) / 70.0; } double PartCanvas::valToDb(double inV) { return exp10((inV*70.0-60.0)/20.0); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // endMoveItems // dir = 0 move in all directions // 1 move only horizontal // 2 move only vertical //--------------------------------------------------------- void PartCanvas::endMoveItems(const QPoint& pos, DragType dragtype, int dir) { int dp = y2pitch(pos.y()) - y2pitch(start.y()); int dx = pos.x() - start.x(); if (dir == 1) dp = 0; else if (dir == 2) dx = 0; moveCanvasItems(moving, dp, dx, dragtype); moving.clear(); updateSelection(); redraw(); }