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The <SPAN CLASS="textit">QT-Assistant</SPAN> is an important tool for getting help. Almost everything can be looked up there. <P> GUIs can be either be hardcoded (see <TT>fterfirsta`a=95 _ `a=58 : `a>64 `a<91 aaa <`<=95 _ `<=58 : `<>64 `<<91 <<< c@amelhyph<269>>rranger.cpp</TT> for an example) or can be created using <SPAN CLASS="textit">QT-Designer</SPAN> (see the dialogs under <TT>fterfirstw`w=95 _ `w=58 : `w>64 `w<91 www <`<=95 _ `<=58 : `<>64 `<<91 <<< c@amelhyph<269>>idgets/function_dialogs/</TT> for mostly cleanly-written examples). Don't forget to add your <TT>fterfirstc`c=95 _ `c=58 : `c>64 `c<91 ccc <`<=95 _ `<=58 : `<>64 `<<91 <<< c@amelhyph<269>>pp</TT>, <TT>fterfirsth`h=95 _ `h=58 : `h>64 `h<91 hhh <`<=95 _ `<=58 : `<>64 `<<91 <<< c@amelhyph<269>></TT> and <TT>fterfirstu`u=95 _ `u=58 : `u>64 `u<91 uuu <`<=95 _ `<=58 : `<>64 `<<91 <<< c@amelhyph<269>>i</TT> files to the corresponding sections in the <TT>fterfirstC`C=95 _ `C=58 : `C>64 `C<91 CCC <`<=95 _ `<=58 : `<>64 `<<91 <<< c@amelhyph<269>>MakeLists.txt</TT>! <P> Additionally, MusE offers some custom widgets, like menu title items etc. Following, there will be a small, unordered list about custom widgets: <UL> <LI><TT>fterfirstM`M=95 _ `M=58 : `M>64 `M<91 MMM <`<=95 _ `<=58 : `<>64 `<<91 <<< c@amelhyph<269>>usEGui::MenuTitleItem</TT>: Provides a title-bar in a <TT>fterfirstQ`Q=95 _ `Q=58 : `Q>64 `Q<91 QQQ <`<=95 _ `<=58 : `<>64 `<<91 <<< c@amelhyph<269>>Menu</TT>. <BR> Usage: <TT>fterfirsts`s=95 _ `s=58 : `s>64 `s<91 sss <`<=95 _ `<=58 : `<>64 `<<91 <<< c@amelhyph<269>>omeMenu->addAction(new MusEGui::MenuTitleItem(tr("fnord"), someMenu));</TT> <BR> Defined in <TT>fterfirstw`w=95 _ `w=58 : `w>64 `w<91 www <`<=95 _ `<=58 : `<>64 `<<91 <<< c@amelhyph<269>>idgets/menutitleitem.h</TT>. </LI> <LI><TT>fterfirstM`M=95 _ `M=58 : `M>64 `M<91 MMM <`<=95 _ `<=58 : `<>64 `<<91 <<< c@amelhyph<269>>usEGui::PopupMenu</TT>: Provides a <TT>fterfirstQ`Q=95 _ `Q=58 : `Q>64 `Q<91 QQQ <`<=95 _ `<=58 : `<>64 `<<91 <<< c@amelhyph<269>>Menu</TT>-like menu which can stay open after the user checks a checkable action. <BR> Usage: just create a <TT>fterfirstn`n=95 _ `n=58 : `n>64 `n<91 nnn <`<=95 _ `<=58 : `<>64 `<<91 <<< c@amelhyph<269>>ew PopupMenu( true|false )</TT> instead of a <TT>fterfirstn`n=95 _ `n=58 : `n>64 `n<91 nnn <`<=95 _ `<=58 : `<>64 `<<91 <<< c@amelhyph<269>>ew QMenu()</TT>. (<TT>fterfirstt`t=95 _ `t=58 : `t>64 `t<91 ttt <`<=95 _ `<=58 : `<>64 `<<91 <<< c@amelhyph<269>>rue</TT> means 'stay open') <BR> Defined in <TT>fterfirstw`w=95 _ `w=58 : `w>64 `w<91 www <`<=95 _ `<=58 : `<>64 `<<91 <<< c@amelhyph<269>>idgets/popupmenu.h</TT>. </LI> </UL> <P> <DIV CLASS="navigation"><HR> <!--Navigation Panel--> <A NAME="tex2html90" HREF="node4.html"> <IMG WIDTH="37" HEIGHT="24" ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="0" ALT="next" SRC="/usr/share/latex2html/icons/next.png"></A> <A NAME="tex2html86" HREF="node2.html"> <IMG WIDTH="26" HEIGHT="24" ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="0" ALT="up" SRC="/usr/share/latex2html/icons/up.png"></A> <A NAME="tex2html80" HREF="node2.html"> <IMG WIDTH="63" HEIGHT="24" ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="0" ALT="previous" SRC="/usr/share/latex2html/icons/prev.png"></A> <A NAME="tex2html88" HREF="node1.html"> <IMG WIDTH="65" HEIGHT="24" ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="0" ALT="contents" SRC="/usr/share/latex2html/icons/contents.png"></A> <BR> <B> Next:</B> <A NAME="tex2html91" HREF="node4.html">Configuration</A> <B> Up:</B> <A NAME="tex2html87" HREF="node2.html">Internals - how it</A> <B> Previous:</B> <A NAME="tex2html81" HREF="node2.html">Internals - how it</A> <B> <A NAME="tex2html89" HREF="node1.html">Contents</A></B> </DIV> <!--End of Navigation Panel--> </BODY> </HTML>