//============================================================================= // Awl // Audio Widget Library // $Id:$ // // Copyright (C) 1999-2011 by Werner Schweer and others // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of // the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. //============================================================================= #include "tcanvas.h" #include "al/al.h" #include "al/sig.h" #include "al/tempo.h" #include "../muse/gconfig.h" #include "../muse/icons.h" #include "metronom.xpm" #include "clock.xpm" #ifdef __APPLE__ inline double exp10(double a) { return pow(10.0, a); } #endif static QIcon* clockIcon; static QIcon* metronomIcon; FollowMode TimeCanvas::followMode = FOLLOW_JUMP; QPixmap* TimeCanvas::octave; QPixmap* TimeCanvas::mk1; QPixmap* TimeCanvas::mk2; QPixmap* TimeCanvas::mk3; QPixmap* TimeCanvas::mk4; enum DragType { DRAG_RULER, DRAG_CANVASA, DRAG_CANVAS_B, DRAG_PANELA, DRAG_PANELB, DRAG_OTHER }; //--------------------------------------------------------- // TimeCanvas //--------------------------------------------------------- TimeCanvas::TimeCanvas(TimeCanvasType t) : QFrame() { setAttribute(Qt::WA_NoSystemBackground, true); _yFit = false; _tool = PointerTool; type = t; _timeType = AL::TICKS; marker = 0; showCursor = false; ctrlHeight = 0; curPitch = -1; mouseInB = false; dragType = DRAG_OTHER; followPos = true; // set default color canvasBackgroundColor = QColor(0x71, 0x8d, 0xbe); if (clockIcon == 0) { clockIcon = new QIcon(QPixmap(clock_xpm)); metronomIcon = new QIcon(QPixmap(metronom_xpm)); } button = Qt::NoButton; grid = new QGridLayout; grid->setMargin(0); grid->setSpacing(1); setLayout(grid); _widget = new QWidget; _widget->setAttribute(Qt::WA_NoSystemBackground); _widget->setAttribute(Qt::WA_StaticContents); _widget->installEventFilter(this); _widget->setMouseTracking(true); _widget->setAcceptDrops(true); // allow to set slider position before slider range // is known: pos1.setTick(0); pos2.setTick(INT_MAX); hmag = new QSlider(Qt::Horizontal); hmag->setRange(0, 100); _xmagMin = 0.001; _xmagMax = 0.3; _xmag = 0.04; hmag->setValue(xmag2s(_xmag)); vmag = 0; if (type != TIME_CANVAS_DRUMEDIT) { vmag = new QSlider(Qt::Vertical); vmag->setRange(0, 100); vmag->setPageStep(1); } _ymag = 1.0; hbar = new QScrollBar(Qt::Horizontal); hbar->setRange(0, INT_MAX); vbar = new QScrollBar(Qt::Vertical); timeTypeButton = new QToolButton; timeTypeButton->setFixedSize(20, rulerHeight); setTimeType1(AL::TICKS); yRange = 0; switch(type) { case TIME_CANVAS_PIANOROLL: _ymagMin = 0.5; _ymagMax = 3.0; vmag->setValue(lrint((_ymag-_ymagMin)*100.0/(_ymagMax-_ymagMin))); initPianoroll(); break; case TIME_CANVAS_DRUMEDIT: _ymagMin = 1.0; _ymagMax = 1.0; yRange = drumHeight * 128; break; case TIME_CANVAS_WAVEEDIT: _xmagMin = 0.001; _xmagMax = 100.0; _xmag = 0.04; _ymagMin = 1.0; _ymagMax = 10.0; _ymag = 1.0; break; default: _ymagMin = 1.0; _ymagMax = 1.0; break; } updateGeometry(); if (type == TIME_CANVAS_PIANOROLL || type == TIME_CANVAS_DRUMEDIT || type == TIME_CANVAS_WAVEEDIT) { addCtrlButton = new QPushButton(tr("Ctrl"), _widget); addCtrlButton->setGeometry(1, 1, rPanelA.width()-4, rulerHeight-4); addCtrlButton->setToolTip(tr("Add Controller View")); connect(addCtrlButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(addCtrlClicked())); } grid->addWidget(_widget, 0, 0, 3, 2); grid->addWidget(hbar, 3, 0, Qt::AlignVCenter); grid->addWidget(hmag, 3, 1, Qt::AlignVCenter); grid->addWidget(timeTypeButton, 0, 2); grid->addWidget(vbar, 1, 2, Qt::AlignHCenter); if (vmag) grid->addWidget(vmag, 2, 2, Qt::AlignHCenter); grid->setColumnStretch(0, 100); grid->setRowStretch(1, 100); _raster = 0; updateScrollBars(); connect(hbar, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), SLOT(moveX(int))); connect(vbar, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), SLOT(moveY(int))); connect(hmag, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), SLOT(scaleX(int))); if (vmag) connect(vmag, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), SLOT(scaleY(int))); connect(timeTypeButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(toggleTimeType())); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // resizeController //--------------------------------------------------------- void TimeCanvas::resizeController(int h) { if (h == ctrlHeight) return; int updateH = h > ctrlHeight ? h : ctrlHeight; ctrlHeight = h; updateGeometry(); updateScrollBars(); widget()->update(0, widget()->height() - updateH, widget()->width(), updateH); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // eventFilter //--------------------------------------------------------- bool TimeCanvas::eventFilter(QObject* obj, QEvent* event) { if (obj != _widget) return QFrame::eventFilter(obj, event); switch(event->type()) { case QEvent::Paint: { QPainter p(_widget); canvasPaintEvent(((QPaintEvent*)event)->rect(), p); } return true; case QEvent::Resize: updateGeometry(); updateScrollBars(); layout(); return false; case QEvent::MouseButtonDblClick: { QMouseEvent* me = (QMouseEvent*)event; QPoint p(me->pos()); button = me->button(); keyState = me->modifiers(); mouseDoubleClick(me); } return true; case QEvent::MouseButtonPress: { QMouseEvent* me = (QMouseEvent*)event; keyState = me->modifiers(); button = me->button(); QPoint p(me->pos()); int x = p.x() - rRuler.x(); bool shift = keyState & Qt::ShiftModifier; if (rRuler.contains(p)) { dragType = DRAG_RULER; if (shift) { AL::Pos pos(pix2pos(x)); if (button == Qt::LeftButton) emit addMarker(pos); else if (button == Qt::RightButton) emit removeMarker(pos); return true; } } else { dragType = DRAG_OTHER; mousePress(me); } } // go on with MouseMove case QEvent::MouseMove: { QMouseEvent* me = (QMouseEvent*)event; keyState = me->modifiers(); button = me->buttons(); QPoint p(me->pos()); AL::Pos pos(pix2pos(p.x()-rCanvasA.x())); if (dragType == DRAG_OTHER) { if (button == 0 && (rPanelB.contains(p) || rCanvasB.contains(p))) { if (!mouseInB) { mouseInB = true; enterB(); } } else { if (button == 0 && mouseInB) { mouseInB = false; leaveB(); } } if (showCursor && p.x() < rCanvasA.x()) { showCursor = false; widget()->update(rRuler); emit cursorPos(cursor, showCursor); } if (p.x() >= rCanvasA.x() && (cursor != pos)) { int x1 = pos2pix(cursor) + rCanvasA.x(); int x2 = pos2pix(pos) + rCanvasA.x(); QRect r1(x1-1, 0, 2, rRuler.height()); QRect r2(x2-1, 0, 2, rRuler.height()); widget()->update(rRuler & (r1 | r2)); cursor = pos; showCursor = true; emit cursorPos(cursor, showCursor); } if (rRuler.contains(p)) { int b = me->buttons(); if (b == 0) return true; int i = 0; if (b & Qt::MidButton) i = 1; else if (b & Qt::RightButton) i = 2; if (keyState & Qt::ShiftModifier) emit addMarker(i); emit posChanged(i, pos); } else { mouseMove(p); } } else if (dragType == DRAG_RULER) { int b = me->buttons(); if (b == 0) return true; int i = 0; if (b & Qt::MidButton) i = 1; else if (b & Qt::RightButton) i = 2; if (keyState & Qt::ShiftModifier) emit addMarker(i); emit posChanged(i, pos); } } return true; case QEvent::MouseButtonRelease: { QMouseEvent* me = (QMouseEvent*)event; button = Qt::NoButton; keyState = me->modifiers(); mouseRelease(me); dragType = DRAG_OTHER; } return true; case QEvent::DragEnter: dragEnter((QDragEnterEvent*)event); return true; case QEvent::Drop: drop((QDropEvent*)event); return true; case QEvent::DragMove: dragMove((QDragMoveEvent*)event); return true; case QEvent::DragLeave: dragLeave((QDragLeaveEvent*)event); return true; case QEvent::Leave: { emit cursorPos(cursor, false); showCursor = false; emit pitchChanged(-1); curPitch = -1; QRect r(rRuler); if (!rPanelA.isEmpty()) r |= rPanelA; widget()->update(r); if (mouseInB) { mouseInB = false; // button = ((QMouseEvent*)event)->buttons(); leaveB(); } } return false; case QEvent::Wheel: { QWheelEvent* e = (QWheelEvent*)event; if (e->orientation() != Qt::Vertical) return true; if ((e->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier) || (e->modifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier)) { // // xmag // int oldx = e->x() - rCanvasA.x(); AL::Pos pos(pix2pos(oldx)); int step = e->delta() / 120; if (step > 0) { for (int i = 0; i< step; ++i) _xmag *= 1.1; } else { for (int i = 0; i < -step; ++i) _xmag *= 0.9; } if (_xmag < _xmagMin) _xmag = _xmagMin; else if (_xmag > _xmagMax) _xmag = _xmagMax; hmag->setValue(xmag2s(_xmag)); int newx = pos2pix(pos); updateScrollBars(); hbar->setValue(wpos.x() + (newx - oldx)); updateRulerMag(); magChanged(); _widget->update(); } else { // // scroll // int step = qMin(QApplication::wheelScrollLines() * vbar->singleStep(), vbar->pageStep()); int offset = e->delta() * step / 120; if (vbar->invertedControls()) offset = -offset; if (qAbs(offset) < 1) return true; vbar->setValue(vbar->value() + offset); } } return true; default: // printf("event %d missed\n", event->type()); break; } return false; } void TimeCanvas::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e) { if (e->key() == Qt::Key_Up || e->key() == Qt::Key_Down || e->key() == Qt::Key_Left || e->key() == Qt::Key_Right) keyboardNavigate(e); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // moveX //--------------------------------------------------------- void TimeCanvas::moveX(int x) { int dx = wpos.x() - x; wpos.setX(x); int wh = _widget->height(); if (type == TIME_CANVAS_PIANOROLL || type == TIME_CANVAS_DRUMEDIT || TIME_CANVAS_WAVEEDIT) { _widget->scroll(dx, 0, QRect(rCanvasA.x(), 0, rCanvasA.width(), wh)); //HACK: // update controller names int w = 100 + ((dx > 0) ? dx : 0); _widget->update(rCanvasB.x(), rCanvasB.y(), w, rCanvasB.height()); //HACK: // repaint rounded line end (splitter handle for controller // canvas) int x = rCanvasB.x() + rCanvasB.width() - 1; w = 1; if (dx < 0) { x += dx; w -= dx; } _widget->update(x, rCanvasB.y(), w, rCanvasB.height()); } else _widget->scroll(dx, 0); emit contentsMoving(wpos.x(), wpos.y()); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // moveY //--------------------------------------------------------- void TimeCanvas::moveY(int y) { int dy = wpos.y() - y; if (dy == 0) return; wpos.setY(y); // dont move ruler: int ww = _widget->width(); int wh = _widget->height(); QRect r(0, rulerHeight, ww, wh - rulerHeight - ctrlHeight); _widget->scroll(0, dy, r); emit contentsMoving(wpos.x(), wpos.y()); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // setYPos //--------------------------------------------------------- void TimeCanvas::setYPos(int y) { setWPos(QPoint(wpos.x(), y)); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // setWPos //--------------------------------------------------------- void TimeCanvas::setWPos(const QPoint& p) { if (wpos != p) { wpos = p; hbar->setValue(wpos.x()); vbar->setValue(wpos.y()); _widget->update(); // QCoreApplication::flush(); } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // paintClockRuler //--------------------------------------------------------- void TimeCanvas::paintClockRuler(QPainter& p, const QRect& r) { int x1 = r.x(); int x2 = x1 + r.width(); int y1 = r.y(); int rh = r.height(); if (y1 < rulerHeight) { rh -= rulerHeight - y1; y1 = rulerHeight; } int y2 = y1 + rh; //--------------------------------------------------- // draw Marker //--------------------------------------------------- int y = rulerHeight - 16; p.setPen(Qt::black); p.setFont(_font3); QRect tr(r); tr.setHeight(12); if (marker) { for (AL::iMarker m = marker->begin(); m != marker->end(); ++m) { int xp = mapx(int(m->second.frame())); if (xp > x2) break; AL::iMarker mm = m; ++mm; int xe = x2; if (mm != marker->end()) { xe = mapx(mm->first); } QRect tr(xp, 0, x2 - xp, 11); if (m->second.current()) { p.fillRect(tr, Qt::white); } if (r.intersects(tr)) { int x2; AL::iMarker mm = m; ++mm; if (mm != marker->end()) x2 = mapx(mm->first); else x2 = xp+200; QRect r = QRect(xp+10, 0, x2-xp, 12); p.drawPixmap(xp, 0, *flagIconS); p.drawText(r, Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignVCenter, m->second.name()); } } } p.setPen(Qt::black); if (showCursor) { int xp = pos2pix(cursor); if (xp >= x1 && xp < x2) p.drawLine(xp, 0, xp, rulerHeight); } AL::Pos p1(pix2pos(x1)); AL::Pos p2(pix2pos(x2)); int sec1 = p1.frame() / AL::sampleRate; int sec2 = (p2.frame() + AL::sampleRate - 1) / AL::sampleRate; int sw = lrint(AL::sampleRate * _xmag); if (sw > 20) { for (int sec = sec1; sec < sec2; ++sec) { int min = sec / 60; int sr = sec % 60; int yy; QString s; if (sr == 0) { p.setFont(_font2); s.sprintf("%d:00", min); yy = y; } else { p.setFont(_font1); s.sprintf("%02d", sr); yy = y + 7; } int xp = pos2pix(AL::Pos(sec * AL::sampleRate, AL::FRAMES)); // printf(" sec %d min %d sr %d xp %d\n", sec, min, sr, xp); p.setPen(Qt::black); p.drawLine(xp, yy, xp, rulerHeight); p.drawText(xp + 2, rulerHeight - 4, s); p.setPen(sr == 0 ? Qt::lightGray : Qt::gray); p.drawLine(xp, y1, xp, y2); } } else { int min1 = sec1/60; int min2 = (sec2+59)/60; for (int min = min1; min < min2; ++min) { QString s; p.setFont(_font2); s.sprintf("%d", min); int xp = pos2pix(AL::Pos(min * AL::sampleRate * 60, AL::FRAMES)); p.setPen(Qt::black); p.drawLine(xp, y, xp, rulerHeight); p.drawText(xp + 2, rulerHeight - 4, s); p.setPen(Qt::lightGray); p.drawLine(xp, y1, xp, y2); } } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // updateRulerMag //--------------------------------------------------------- void TimeCanvas::updateRulerMag() { int bar1, beat, tick; pos1.mbt(&bar1, &beat, &tick); AL::Pos stick(bar1, 0, 0); AL::Pos ntick = AL::Pos(bar1 + 1, 0, 0); int tpix = pos2pix(ntick) - pos2pix(stick); metronomeRulerMag = 0; if (tpix < 64) metronomeRulerMag = 1; if (tpix < 32) metronomeRulerMag = 2; if (tpix <= 16) metronomeRulerMag = 3; if (tpix < 8) metronomeRulerMag = 4; if (tpix <= 4) metronomeRulerMag = 5; if (tpix <= 2) metronomeRulerMag = 6; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // paintMetronomRuler //--------------------------------------------------------- void TimeCanvas::paintMetronomRuler(QPainter& p, const QRect& r) { static const int mag[7] = { 1, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 }; int x = r.x(); int w = r.width(); int y = rulerHeight - 16; p.setFont(_font3); int h = 14; int y1 = r.y(); int rh = r.height(); if (y1 < rulerHeight) { rh -= rulerHeight - y1; y1 = rulerHeight; } int y2 = y1 + rh; if (x < (MAP_OFFSET - wpos.x())) x = MAP_OFFSET - wpos.x(); AL::Pos pos1 = pix2pos(x); AL::Pos pos2 = pix2pos(x+w); if (marker) { AL::iMarker start = marker->lower_bound(pos1.tick()); if (start != marker->begin()) --start; AL::iMarker end = marker->lower_bound(pos2.tick()); for (AL::iMarker m = start; m != end; ++m) { AL::Pos pm1(m->second); AL::iMarker m2 = m; ++m2; AL::Pos pm2(pos2); if (m2 != marker->end()) pm2 = m2->second; int x1 = pos2pix(pm1); int x2 = pos2pix(pm2); if (pos[0] >= pm1 && (m2 == marker->end() || pos[0] < pm2)) p.fillRect(x1, 0, x2 - x1, 11, Qt::white); QRect r = QRect(x1 + 10, 0, x2 - x1, 12); p.drawPixmap(x1, 0, *flagIconS); p.drawText(r, Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignVCenter, m->second.name()); } } //--------------------------------------------------- // draw raster //--------------------------------------------------- int bar1, bar2, beat, tick; pos1.mbt(&bar1, &beat, &tick); pos2.mbt(&bar2, &beat, &tick); int n = mag[metronomeRulerMag]; bar1 = (bar1 / n) * n; // round down if (bar1 && n >= 2) bar1 -= 1; bar2 = ((bar2 + n - 1) / n) * n; // round up for (int bar = bar1; bar <= bar2;) { AL::Pos stick(bar, 0, 0); if (metronomeRulerMag) { p.setFont(_font2); int x = pos2pix(stick); QString s; s.setNum(bar + 1); p.setPen(Qt::black); p.drawLine(x, y, x, y + h); QRect r = QRect(x+2, y, 1000, h); p.drawText(r, Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter, s); p.setPen(Qt::lightGray); if (x > 0) p.drawLine(x, y1, x, y2); } else { AL::TimeSignature sig = stick.timesig(); int z = sig.z; for (int beat = 0; beat < z; beat++) { AL::Pos xx(bar, beat, 0); int xp = pos2pix(xx); if (xp < 0) continue; QString s; QRect r(xp+2, y + 1, 1000, h); int y3; int num; if (beat == 0) { num = bar + 1; y3 = y + 2; p.setFont(_font2); } else { num = beat + 1; y3 = y + 8; p.setFont(_font1); r.moveTop(r.top() + 1); } s.setNum(num); p.setPen(Qt::black); p.drawLine(xp, y3, xp, y+h); p.drawText(r, Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter, s); p.setPen(beat == 0 ? Qt::lightGray : Qt::gray); if (xp > 0) p.drawLine(xp, y1, xp, y2); } } if (bar == 0 && n >= 2) bar += (n-1); else bar += n; } // // draw mouse cursor marker // p.setPen(Qt::black); if (showCursor) { int xp = pos2pix(cursor); if (xp >= x && xp < x+w) p.drawLine(xp, 0, xp, rulerHeight-1); } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // tempoChanged //--------------------------------------------------------- void TimeCanvas::tempoChanged() { widget()->update(rCanvasA.x(), 0, rCanvasA.width(), widget()->height()); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // canvasPaintEvent //--------------------------------------------------------- void TimeCanvas::canvasPaintEvent(const QRect& r, QPainter& p) { if (r.intersects(rButton)) { p.fillRect(rButton, QColor(0xe0, 0xe0, 0xe0)); p.setPen(QPen(Qt::black, 2)); int y = rButton.y() + rButton.height() - 1; p.drawLine(rButton.x(), y, rButton.width(), y); } p.setRenderHint(QPainter::TextAntialiasing, true); QRect par = r & rPanelA; if (!(par.isEmpty() || rPanelA.isEmpty())) { if (type == TIME_CANVAS_DRUMEDIT) { paintDrumList(p, par); } else if (type == TIME_CANVAS_PIANOROLL) { paintPiano(p, par); } else if (type == TIME_CANVAS_WAVEEDIT) { p.fillRect(par, QColor(0xe0, 0xe0, 0xe0)); } } QRect pbr(r & rPanelB); QRect hor(r & (rRuler | rCanvasA | rCanvasB)); QRect car(r & rCanvasA); QRect cbr(r & rCanvasB); bool drawPanelB = !(pbr.isEmpty() || rPanelB.isEmpty()); bool drawRuler = !(hor.isEmpty() || (rRuler.isEmpty() && rCanvasA.isEmpty() && rCanvasB.isEmpty())); bool drawCanvasA = !(car.isEmpty() || rCanvasA.isEmpty()); bool drawCanvasB = !(cbr.isEmpty() || rCanvasB.isEmpty()); // // draw canvas background // p.setClipRect(r); p.setBrushOrigin(QPoint(car.x() + wpos.x(), car.y() + wpos.y())); if (drawCanvasA) { if (canvasBackgroundPixmap.isNull()) { if (type == TIME_CANVAS_DRUMEDIT || type == TIME_CANVAS_PIANOROLL || type == TIME_CANVAS_WAVEEDIT) { QRect rr(car); // paint inactive area different // (darker) QColor c = canvasBackgroundColor.darker(150); int x1 = pos2pix(partPos1) + rCanvasA.x(); if (rr.x() < x1) { QRect r(rr.x(), rr.y(), x1-rr.x(), rr.height()); p.fillRect(r, c); rr.adjust(x1-rr.x(), 0, 0, 0); } int x2 = pos2pix(partPos2) + rCanvasA.x(); int xx2 = rr.x() + rr.width(); if (xx2 > x2) { if (x2 < rr.x()) x2 = rr.x(); QRect r(x2, rr.y(), xx2-x2, rr.height()); p.fillRect(r, c); rr.adjust(0, 0, -(xx2-x2), 0); } if (!rr.isEmpty()) { p.fillRect(rr, canvasBackgroundColor); } } else p.fillRect(car, canvasBackgroundColor); } else { p.drawTiledPixmap(car, canvasBackgroundPixmap, car.topLeft() + QPoint(wpos)); } } if (drawCanvasB) p.fillRect(cbr, canvasBackgroundColor); //--------------------------------------------------- // draw Ruler //--------------------------------------------------- if (drawRuler) { QRect rrr(r & rRuler); if (!rrr.isEmpty()) p.fillRect(rrr, QColor(0xe0, 0xe0, 0xe0)); int x1 = hor.x(); int x2 = x1 + hor.width(); int y1 = rulerHeight - 17; int y2 = rulerHeight - 1; p.setPen(QPen(Qt::black, 1)); p.drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y1); p.setPen(QPen(Qt::black, 2)); p.drawLine(x1, y2, x2, y2); QPoint off(rRuler.topLeft()); p.translate(off); if (_timeType == AL::TICKS) paintMetronomRuler(p, hor.translated(-off)); else paintClockRuler(p, hor.translated(-off)); p.translate(-off); } if (drawCanvasA) { p.setClipRect(car); paintCanvas(p, car); } p.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, false); if (drawPanelB) { p.setClipRect(pbr); QPoint off(rPanelB.topLeft()); p.translate(off); paintControllerPanel(p, pbr.translated(-off)); p.translate(-off); } if (drawCanvasB) { p.setClipRect(cbr); QPoint off(rCanvasB.topLeft()); p.translate(off); paintControllerCanvas(p, cbr.translated(-off)); p.translate(-off); } //--------------------------------------------------- // draw marker //--------------------------------------------------- int y1 = r.y(); int y2 = y1 + r.height(); if (drawRuler) { p.setClipRect(hor); int w = r.width(); int x = r.x(); int y = rulerHeight - 16; QColor lcColors[3] = { Qt::red, Qt::blue, Qt::blue }; for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { p.setPen(lcColors[i]); int xp = pos2pix(pos[i]) + rRuler.x(); QPixmap* pm = markIcon[i]; int pw = (pm->width() + 1) / 2; int x1 = x - pw; int x2 = x + w + pw; if (xp >= x1 && xp < x2) { p.drawPixmap(xp - pw, y-2, *pm); p.drawLine(xp, y1, xp, y2); } } } if (marker) { int yy1 = y1; if (yy1 < rCanvasA.x()) yy1 = rCanvasA.x(); p.setPen(Qt::green); AL::iMarker start = marker->lower_bound(pos1.tick()); if (start != marker->begin()) --start; AL::iMarker end = marker->lower_bound(pos2.tick()); if (end != marker->end()) ++end; for (AL::iMarker m = start; m != end; ++m) { AL::Pos pm(m->second); int x = pos2pix(pm) + rRuler.x(); p.drawLine(x, yy1, x, y2); } } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // paintCanvas //--------------------------------------------------------- void TimeCanvas::paintCanvas(QPainter& p, const QRect& cr) { QPoint off(rCanvasA.topLeft()); if (type == TIME_CANVAS_PIANOROLL) { paintPianorollHorizontalGrid(p, cr); p.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, true); } else if (type == TIME_CANVAS_DRUMEDIT) { paintDrumeditHorizontalGrid(p, cr); p.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, true); } else off = QPoint(rCanvasA.x(), rCanvasA.y() - wpos.y()); p.translate(off); paint(p, cr.translated(-off)); p.resetMatrix(); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // setLocatorPos //--------------------------------------------------------- void TimeCanvas::setLocatorPos(int idx, const AL::Pos& val, bool follow) { if (pos[idx] == val) return; QFontMetrics fm(_font2); int fw = fm.width("123") + 2; int w = qMax(markIcon[idx]->width() + 2, fw); int h = widget()->height(); int x = pos2pix(val); if (idx == 0 && follow && followPos && followMode != FOLLOW_NO) { int scroll = 0; if (followMode == FOLLOW_JUMP) { int x2 = rRuler.width() - 20; if (x2 < 0) x2 = rRuler.width(); if (x > x2) { int x1 = 20; if (x1 >= rRuler.width()) x1 = 0; scroll = x - x1; } else if (x < 0) { scroll = x - MAP_OFFSET; } } else if (followMode == FOLLOW_CONTINUOUS) { int x1 = rRuler.width() / 2; if (x != x1) { scroll = x - (rRuler.width() / 2); } } if (scroll) { moveX(wpos.x() + scroll); hbar->setValue(wpos.x()); } } int offset = rRuler.x() - (w/2); int x1 = pos2pix(pos[idx]); int x2 = pos2pix(val); QRect oR(x1 + offset, 0, w, h); QRect nR(x2 + offset, 0, w, h); pos[idx] = val; widget()->update(oR | nR); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // setMag //--------------------------------------------------------- void TimeCanvas::setMag(double x, double y) { if (_xmag == x && _ymag == y) return; _xmag = x; _ymag = y; if (vmag) vmag->setValue(lrint((_ymag-_ymagMin)*100.0/(_ymagMax-_ymagMin))); hmag->setValue(xmag2s(_xmag)); updateScrollBars(); updateRulerMag(); magChanged(); _widget->update(); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // scaleX //--------------------------------------------------------- void TimeCanvas::scaleX(int val) { _xmag = s2xmag(val); updateScrollBars(); updateRulerMag(); magChanged(); _widget->update(); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // scaleY //--------------------------------------------------------- void TimeCanvas::scaleY(int val) { int y = lrint(wpos.y() / _ymag); _ymag = (_ymagMax - _ymagMin) / 100.0 * val + _ymagMin; y = lrint(y * _ymag); wpos.setY(y); updateScrollBars(); magChanged(); _widget->update(); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // setRaster // r = 1 - no raster // 0 - measure raster // > 1 - tick raster //--------------------------------------------------------- void TimeCanvas::setRaster(int r) { if (_raster != r) { _raster = r; _widget->update(); } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // setTimeRange //--------------------------------------------------------- void TimeCanvas::setTimeRange(const AL::Pos& p1, const AL::Pos& p2) { if (pos1 == p1 && pos2 == p2) return; pos1 = p1; pos2 = p2; updateScrollBars(); widget()->update(); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // setEndPos //--------------------------------------------------------- void TimeCanvas::setEndPos(const AL::Pos& p2) { if (pos2 == p2) return; pos2 = p2; updateScrollBars(); widget()->update(); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // updateScrollBars //--------------------------------------------------------- void TimeCanvas::updateScrollBars() { hbar->blockSignals(true); vbar->blockSignals(true); int ymax = lrint(yRange * _ymag) - rCanvasA.height(); if (ymax < 0) ymax = 0; vbar->setRange(0, ymax); vbar->setPageStep(rCanvasA.height()); int xmin = lrint(pos1.time(_timeType) * _xmag); unsigned x2 = pos2.time(_timeType); int xmax = lrint(x2 * _xmag) - rCanvasA.width(); if (xmax - xmin < 0) xmax = xmin; hbar->setRange(xmin, xmax); hbar->setPageStep(rCanvasA.width()); wpos.setX(hbar->value()); wpos.setY(vbar->value()); hbar->blockSignals(false); vbar->blockSignals(false); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // setTimeType1 //--------------------------------------------------------- void TimeCanvas::setTimeType1(AL::TType t) { double conv = 1.0; if (t == AL::TICKS) { timeTypeButton->setIcon(*metronomIcon); if (_timeType == AL::FRAMES) conv = AL::sampleRate / double(AL::division * 120 / 60); } else { timeTypeButton->setIcon(*clockIcon); if (_timeType == AL::TICKS) conv = double(AL::division * 120 / 60) / double(AL::sampleRate); } _timeType = t; _xmag *= conv; _xmagMax *= conv; _xmagMin *= conv; updateRulerMag(); magChanged(); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // setTimeType //--------------------------------------------------------- void TimeCanvas::setTimeType(AL::TType t) { setTimeType1(t); updateScrollBars(); timeTypeChanged(); widget()->update(); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // toggleTimeType //--------------------------------------------------------- void TimeCanvas::toggleTimeType() { if (_timeType == AL::TICKS) setTimeType(AL::FRAMES); else setTimeType(AL::TICKS); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // setMarkerList //--------------------------------------------------------- void TimeCanvas::setMarkerList(AL::MarkerList* ml) { if (marker == ml) return; marker = ml; widget()->update(); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // pix2pos //--------------------------------------------------------- AL::Pos TimeCanvas::pix2pos(int x) const { int val = lrint((x + wpos.x() - MAP_OFFSET)/_xmag); if (val < 0) val = 0; return AL::Pos(val, _timeType); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // pos2pix //--------------------------------------------------------- int TimeCanvas::pos2pix(const AL::Pos& p) const { return lrint(p.time(_timeType) * _xmag) + MAP_OFFSET - wpos.x(); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // mapx //--------------------------------------------------------- int TimeCanvas::mapx(int x) const { return lrint(x * _xmag) + MAP_OFFSET - wpos.x(); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // mapxDev //--------------------------------------------------------- int TimeCanvas::mapxDev(int x) const { int val = lrint((x + wpos.x() - MAP_OFFSET)/_xmag); if (val < 0) val = 0; return val; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // setCorderWidget //--------------------------------------------------------- void TimeCanvas::setCornerWidget(QWidget* w) { grid->addWidget(w, 3, 2); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // initPianoroll //--------------------------------------------------------- /* 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 c-2 c-1 C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 - G8 Grid ve: +------------+ ------------------------------ 11 | | | b | 7 +------+ | 10 | a# +-----+ .............................. +------+ a | 9 | | 6 +------+ | 8 | g# +-----+ .............................. +------+ g | 7 | | 5 +------+ | 6 | f# +-----+ .............................. +------+ f | 5 | | 4 | | +------------+ ------------------------------ 4 | | | e | 3 +------+ | 3 | d# +-----+ .............................. +------+ d | 2 | | 2 +------+ | 1 | c# +-----+ .............................. +------+ c | | | 1 0 | | +------------+ ------------------------------ */ void TimeCanvas::initPianoroll() { static const char *oct_xpm[] = { // w h colors "40 91 2 1", ". c #f0f0f0", "# c #000000", // x "####################################### ", ".......................................#", ".......................................#", ".......................................#", ".......................................#", ".......................................#", // 10 ".......................................#", ".......................................#", ".......................................#", ".......................................#", //------------------------ "#######################................#", "########################...............#", "########################...............#", "####################################### ", // 7 "########################...............#", "########################...............#", "#######################................#", //------------------------ ".......................................#", ".......................................#", ".......................................#", // 6 ".......................................#", ".......................................#", ".......................................#", //------------------------ "#######################................#", "########################...............#", "########################...............#", // 7 "####################################### ", "########################...............#", "########################...............#", "#######################................#", //------------------------ ".......................................#", ".......................................#", ".......................................#", // 6 ".......................................#", ".......................................#", ".......................................#", //------------------------ "#######################................#", "########################...............#", "########################...............#", // 7 "####################################### ", "########################...............#", "########################...............#", "#######################................#", //------------------------ ".......................................#", ".......................................#", ".......................................#", ".......................................#", // 10 ".......................................#", ".......................................#", ".......................................#", ".......................................#", ".......................................#", "####################################### ", //---------------------- ".......................................#", ".......................................#", ".......................................#", ".......................................#", // 9 ".......................................#", ".......................................#", ".......................................#", ".......................................#", ".......................................#", //------------------------ "#######################................#", "########################...............#", "########################...............#", "####################################### ", // 7 "########################...............#", "########################...............#", "#######################................#", //------------------------ ".......................................#", ".......................................#", ".......................................#", // 6 ".......................................#", ".......................................#", ".......................................#", //-------------------------- "#######################................#", "########################...............#", "########################...............#", // 7 "####################################### ", "########################...............#", "########################...............#", "#######################................#", //------------------------ ".......................................#", ".......................................#", ".......................................#", ".......................................#", ".......................................#", ".......................................#", // 10 ".......................................#", ".......................................#", ".......................................#", ".......................................#", }; static const char *mk1_xpm[] = { "40 13 2 1", ". c #ff0000", "# c none", ".......................................#", ".......................................#", ".......................................#", ".......................................#", ".......................................#", ".......................................#", ".......................................#", ".......................................#", ".......................................#", "#######################................#", "########################...............#", "########################...............#", "####################################### ", }; static const char *mk2_xpm[] = { "40 13 2 1", ". c #ff0000", "# c none", "########################...............#", "########################...............#", "#######################................#", //------------------------ ".......................................#", ".......................................#", ".......................................#", // 6 ".......................................#", ".......................................#", ".......................................#", //-------------------------- "#######################................#", "########################...............#", "########################...............#", // 7 "####################################### ", }; static const char *mk3_xpm[] = { "40 13 2 1", ". c #ff0000", "# c none", "########################...............#", "########################...............#", "#######################................#", ".......................................#", ".......................................#", ".......................................#", ".......................................#", ".......................................#", ".......................................#", ".......................................#", ".......................................#", ".......................................#", "########################################", }; static const char *mk4_xpm[] = { "40 13 2 1", "# c #ff0000", ". c none", "........................................", "........................................", "........................................", "#######################.................", "########################................", "########################................", "########################................", "########################................", "########################................", "#######################.................", "........................................", "........................................", "........................................", }; if (octave == 0) { octave = new QPixmap(oct_xpm); mk1 = new QPixmap(mk1_xpm); mk2 = new QPixmap(mk2_xpm); mk3 = new QPixmap(mk3_xpm); mk4 = new QPixmap(mk4_xpm); } yRange = keyHeight * 75; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // pitch2y // y = 0 == origin of rCanvasA //--------------------------------------------------------- int TimeCanvas::pitch2y(int pitch) const { int y; if (type == TIME_CANVAS_DRUMEDIT) y = pitch * drumHeight; else { static int tt[] = { 12, 19, 25, 32, 38, 51, 58, 64, 71, 77, 84, 90 }; y = (75 * keyHeight) - (tt[pitch % 12] + (7 * keyHeight) * (pitch / 12)); if (y < 0) y = 0; } return lrint(y - wpos.y() / _ymag); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // y2pitch // y = 0 == origin of rCanvasA //--------------------------------------------------------- int TimeCanvas::y2pitch(int y) const { y = lrint((y + wpos.y()) / _ymag); int pitch; if (type == TIME_CANVAS_DRUMEDIT) pitch = y / drumHeight; else { const int total = (10 * 7 + 5) * keyHeight; // 75 Ganztonschritte y = total - y; int oct = (y / (7 * keyHeight)) * 12; char kt[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11 }; pitch = kt[y % 91] + oct; if (pitch < 0 || pitch > 127) pitch = -1; } return pitch; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // paintPiano //--------------------------------------------------------- void TimeCanvas::paintPiano(QPainter& p, QRect r) { int d = int(_ymag)+1; qreal x = qreal(r.x()); qreal y = (r.y()-rulerHeight-d) / _ymag; if (y < 0.0) y = 0.0; qreal h = (r.height()+d) / _ymag; QPointF offset(x, wpos.y() / _ymag + keyHeight * 2 + y); p.translate(0.0, qreal(rulerHeight)); p.scale(1.0, _ymag); p.drawTiledPixmap(QRectF(x, y, qreal(r.width()), h), *octave, offset); if (curPitch != -1) { int y = pitch2y(curPitch); QPixmap* pm; switch(curPitch % 12) { case 0: case 5: pm = mk3; break; case 2: case 7: case 9: pm = mk2; break; case 4: case 11: pm = mk1; break; default: pm = mk4; break; } p.drawPixmap(0, y, *pm); } p.resetMatrix(); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // paintPianorollHorizontalGrid //--------------------------------------------------------- void TimeCanvas::paintPianorollHorizontalGrid(QPainter& p, QRect r) { qreal offset = rulerHeight - wpos.y(); qreal kh = keyHeight * _ymag; int x1 = r.x(); int x2 = x1 + r.width(); if (x1 < pianoWidth) x1 = pianoWidth; qreal y = kh + offset; qreal y1 = r.y() - _ymag; qreal y2 = y1 + r.height() + _ymag; for (int key = 1; key < 75; ++key, y += kh) { if (y < y1) continue; if (y > y2) break; switch (key % 7) { case 2: case 5: p.setPen(QPen(Qt::lightGray)); break; default: p.setPen(QPen(Qt::gray)); break; } p.drawLine(QLineF(x1, y, x2, y)); } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // paintDrumeditHorizontalGrid //--------------------------------------------------------- void TimeCanvas::paintDrumeditHorizontalGrid(QPainter& p, QRect r) { int offset = rulerHeight - wpos.y(); p.setPen(QPen(Qt::lightGray)); int x1 = r.x(); int x2 = x1 + r.width(); if (x1 < drumWidth) x1 = drumWidth; p.setPen(QPen(Qt::lightGray)); int y = offset; int y1 = r.y(); int y2 = y1 + r.height(); for (int i = 0; i < 128; ++i, y += drumHeight) { if (y < y1) continue; if (y > y2) break; p.drawLine(QLine(x1, y, x2, y)); } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // addCtrlClicked //--------------------------------------------------------- void TimeCanvas::addCtrlClicked() { addController(); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // updateGeometry //--------------------------------------------------------- void TimeCanvas::updateGeometry() { int wh = _widget->height(); int ww = _widget->width(); if (wh < ctrlHeight) ctrlHeight = wh; int x1 = 0; if (type == TIME_CANVAS_PIANOROLL) x1 = pianoWidth; else if (type == TIME_CANVAS_DRUMEDIT) x1 = drumWidth; else if (type == TIME_CANVAS_WAVEEDIT) x1 = waveWidth; int y2 = wh - ctrlHeight; rPanelA.setRect(0, rulerHeight, x1, wh - rulerHeight - ctrlHeight); rPanelB.setRect(0, y2, x1, ctrlHeight); int cw = ww - x1; rRuler.setRect( x1, 0, cw, rulerHeight); rCanvasA.setRect(x1, rulerHeight, cw, wh - rulerHeight - ctrlHeight); rCanvasB.setRect(x1, y2, cw, ctrlHeight); rButton.setRect(0, 0, rCanvasA.x(), rPanelA.y()); if (yRange > 0 && _yFit) { _ymagMin = double(rCanvasA.height()) / double(yRange); if (_ymag < _ymagMin) _ymag = _ymagMin; if (vmag) vmag->setValue(lrint((_ymag-_ymagMin)*100.0/(_ymagMax-_ymagMin))); } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // setTool //--------------------------------------------------------- void TimeCanvas::setTool(int t) { if (_tool == Tool(t)) return; _tool = Tool(t); emit toolChanged(_tool); setCursor(); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // setCursor //--------------------------------------------------------- void TimeCanvas::setCursor() { switch(_tool) { case PencilTool: widget()->setCursor(QCursor(QPixmap(":/xpm/pencil.xpm"), 4, 15)); break; case RubberTool: widget()->setCursor(QCursor(QPixmap(":/xpm/delete.xpm"), 4, 15)); break; case GlueTool: widget()->setCursor(QCursor(QPixmap(":/xpm/glue.xpm"), 4, 15)); break; case CutTool: widget()->setCursor(QCursor(QPixmap(":/xpm/cut.xpm"), 4, 15)); break; case MuteTool: widget()->setCursor(QCursor(QPixmap(":/xpm/editmute.xmp"), 4, 15)); break; default: widget()->setCursor(QCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor)); break; } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // setCanvasBackground //--------------------------------------------------------- void TimeCanvas::setCanvasBackground(const QColor& color) { canvasBackgroundPixmap = QPixmap(); canvasBackgroundColor = color; widget()->update(); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // setCanvasBackground //--------------------------------------------------------- void TimeCanvas::setCanvasBackground(const QPixmap& pm) { canvasBackgroundPixmap = pm; widget()->update(); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // setYMagRange //--------------------------------------------------------- void TimeCanvas::setYMagRange(double min, double max) { _ymagMin = min; _ymagMax = max; if (vmag) vmag->setValue(lrint((_ymag-_ymagMin)*100.0/(_ymagMax-_ymagMin))); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // setVSize //--------------------------------------------------------- void TimeCanvas::setVSize(int val) { if (yRange == val) return; yRange = val; if (_yFit) { _ymagMin = double(rCanvasA.height()) / double(yRange); if (_ymag < _ymagMin) _ymag = _ymagMin; if (vmag) vmag->setValue(lrint((_ymag-_ymagMin)*100.0/(_ymagMax-_ymagMin))); } updateScrollBars(); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // s2xmag // nonlinear xmag behaviour, feels better //--------------------------------------------------------- double TimeCanvas::s2xmag(int val) { val = 100 - val; double f = 1.0 - log10(val * val + 1) * 0.25; return (_xmagMax - _xmagMin) * f + _xmagMin; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // xmag2s //--------------------------------------------------------- int TimeCanvas::xmag2s(double m) { m -= _xmagMin; m /= (_xmagMax - _xmagMin); double val = sqrt(exp10((1.0 - m) * 4.0)-1.0); return lrint(100.0 - val); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // setPart //--------------------------------------------------------- void TimeCanvas::setPart(const AL::Pos& p1, const AL::Pos& p2) { partPos1 = p1; partPos2 = p2; widget()->update(); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // setFont1 //--------------------------------------------------------- void TimeCanvas::setFont1(const QFont& f) { _font1 = f; printf("TimeCanvas::setFont1\n"); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // setFont2 //--------------------------------------------------------- void TimeCanvas::setFont2(const QFont& f) { _font2 = f; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // setFont3 //--------------------------------------------------------- void TimeCanvas::setFont3(const QFont& f) { _font3 = f; }