==================================================================== MusE --- Linux (Midi) Music Editor ==================================================================== Welcome to MusE, the open source MIDI/Audio sequencer. MusE is distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL). Please check out the file COPYING in this directory for more details. ,-----------------------------------------------------------------. | NOTICE | |-----------------------------------------------------------------| | Some parts of MusE code are EXPERIMENTAL, and may well result | | in a CRASH, and who knows what other ill effects. | | RUN THIS SOFTWARE AT YOUR OWN RISK. | `-----------------------------------------------------------------' ============================= Requirements ============================= - QT: Qt 3.2.0 or above ftp://ftp.trolltech.com/qt/source MusE does _not_ compile with older versions Please compile Qt3 with "-thread" option so you get the qt-mt.so lib instead of qt.so MAKE SURE YOU SET YOUR 'QTDIR' ENVIRONMENT VARIABLE - ALSA 0.9.x or newer (cvs) http://www.alsa-project.org/ - gcc 3.x.x NOTE: you _must_ compile MusE with the same compiler you used to compile QT - libsndfile 1.0.1 (current 1.0.4) http://www.zip.com.au/~erikd/libsndfile/ - Linux kernel with rtc (RealTimeClock) driver (device /dev/rtc) (you may also apply "low latency patches" for low timing jitter) - JACK http://jackit.sourceforge.net/download/ - fluidsynth-1.0.3 (formerly known as iiwusynth) from http://savannah.nongnu.org/download/fluid - of course: a soundcard and/or some midi gear - (if you compile from cvs:) automake 1.7 and autoconf 2.54 ============================= Compiling: ============================= - download source from http://lmuse.sourceforge.net/ - uncompress source: bunzip2 muse-x.x.x.tar.bz2 - untar source: tar xvof muse-x.x.x.tar or if you have a recent tar, you can combine both steps: tar xvofj muse-x.x.x.tar.bz2 - enter dirctory muse-x.x.x: MAKE SURE YOU SET YOUR 'QTDIR' ENVIRONMENT VARIABLE run configure run make all - as root run: make install to install MusE ============================= some known bugs ============================= - many ==================================================================== Let me know whether MusE works for you !!! Have a look at the webpage http://www.muse-sequencer.org/ for details.