==================================================================== MusE --- Linux Music Editor ==================================================================== Welcome to MusE, the open source MIDI/Audio sequencer. MusE is distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL). Please check out the file COPYING in this directory for more details. ,-----------------------------------------------------------------. | NOTICE | |-----------------------------------------------------------------| | Some parts of MusE code are EXPERIMENTAL, and may well result | | in a CRASH, and who knows what other ill effects. | | RUN THIS SOFTWARE AT YOUR OWN RISK. | `-----------------------------------------------------------------' ============================= Requirements: ============================= - CMake >= 2.4 http:/www.cmake.org/HTML/Download.html - QT: Qt >= 4.2.0 http://qt.nokia.com/products/ MusE does _not_ compile with older versions - gcc >= 4.x.x - libsndfile >= 1.0.1 http://www.mega-nerd.com/libsndfile/ - libsamplerate http://www.mega-nerd.com/SRC/ - JACK >= 0.103 http://jackit.sourceforge.net/download/ - libuuid e2fsprogs package http://e2fsprogs.sourceforge.net/ Some distros may include it in another package, offering a choice. Optional: - fluidsynth >= 1.0.3 (formerly known as iiwusynth) from http://savannah.nongnu.org/download/fluid - liblo Lightweight OSC (Open Sound Control) http://liblo.sourceforge.net/ - DSSI Disposable Soft Synth Interface. http://dssi.sourceforge.net/ (Both recommended - DSSI alone will have no native GUIs, OSC alone does nothing, for now.) - dssi-vst Support for DSSI vst plugins http://www.breakfastquay.com/dssi-vst/ - LASH Audio Session Handler http://lash.nongnu.org/ Recently LADISH has been emulating it instead. http://ladish.org/ - ConTeXt (for building documentation, by default the build script tries to build documentation, can be disabled by setting ENABLE_DOCUMENTATION to OFF) ============================= Building MusE: ============================= - Download source from http://lmuse.sourceforge.net/ - Unpack the source somewhere. You may also try the various MusE development SVN branches for up-to-the-minute features and fixes, but they may be less stable. - To compile MusE, run the following commands from the top level directory where the source code was unpacked (the directory where THIS README FILE is found): ****************************************************** * Notice: * * A quick way is to run the ./compile_muse.sh * * script in the same dir, it should perform the same * * steps for a basic setup without asking any * * questions. If it fails you may be better off using * * the instructions below. * ****************************************************** The build directory: -------------------- Building in a subdirectory is recommended to keep the build directory separate from the source tree. So create a new subdirectory with a useful name like "build" or "debug" or "release": mkdir build Change directory (cd) to the new directory: cd build Configuration: -------------- There are a few different ways to configure (notice the two dots): Type "cmake -i .." to run in step-by-step 'Wizard' mode. Or type "cmake -L .." to see options, then compose "cmake <options>" yourself. Some <options> are: -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=<type> <type> can be blank (to reset a previous cached type to 'empty'), debug, release, RelWithDebInfo and MinSizeRel. Release is recommended, to get optimizations. If no CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE is given at all, cmake uses either the previous cached value, or else 'empty' (plain or default system optimizations). -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<prefix> The installation <prefix> where the program is installed. The default is to install in /usr/local. Or type "ccmake .." (if you have it - text-mode GUI). It may be blank so hit 'C' to first-time configure. Fiddle with yer options if ye so desire, then hit 'C' to configure then 'G' to generate and exit, or 'Q' to quit without generating. Or there is also a desktop GUI for cmake called cmake-gui. Compiling: ---------- After configuration, while still in the build directory,type: make Installing: ---------- After compiling, type: make install (as root) or sudo make install ============================= Running MusE: ============================= Recommended setup: ------------------ MusE is a realtime program which requires special rights to work properly. - Check if you are running a sufficiently new linux kernel > 2.6.x A modern, standard destop kernel might suit your needs. However, for the best performance a so-called 'low latency' or 'realtime' kernel may be required. Check your distro's packages for availability. - create an "audio" group if it does not already exists and put yourself into this group - For realtime priority, you may want to ensure either the file: /etc/security/limits.conf or /etc/security/limits.d/audio.conf contains: @audio - rtprio 95 @audio - memlock unlimited - make sure you can acces the realtime clock (RTC) chmod 660 /dev/rtc chgrp audio /dev/rtc - make sure MusE can set the rtc clock: echo 8192 > /proc/sys/dev/rtc/max-user-freq inspect with: cat /proc/sys/dev/rtc/max-user-freq - some distros do not load the alsa sequencer module by default. if necessary, load the alsa sequencer module with: /sbin/modprobe snd-seq - Start jack, typically by using the qjackctl application. MusE can also be run without Jack. MusE will use a dummy audio driver if Jack is not detected, or the -a option is given. Running: ------------------ start MusE by typing: muse2 <options> Some <options> are: -h help -v print version -d debug mode: no threads, no RT -D debug mode: enable some debug messages specify twice for lots of debug messages this may slow down MusE massively! -m debug mode: trace midi Input -M debug mode: trace midi Output -s debug mode: trace sync -a no audio -P n set audio driver real time priority to n (Dummy only, default 40. Else fixed by Jack.) -Y n force midi real time priority to n (default: audio driver prio +2) -p don't load LADSPA plugins -I don't load DSSI plugins -L don't use LASH -l xx force locale to the given language/country code (xx = de,en,es,fr,pl,ru,sv_SE) (JACK and all its clients (qjackctl & MusE) must run with the same user id) ============================= known bugs ============================= - not so many: only some usability quirks we're working on currently ==================================================================== Let us know whether MusE works for you !!! Have a look at the webpage http://www.muse-sequencer.org for details.