Internationalisation If you want to contribute a translation the following hints may be of help to you: Step 1: enter the MusE directory and edit the file "" Append a new target file name at "TRANSLATIONS" e.g. change TRANSLATIONS = share/locale/muse_de.ts into TRANSLATIONS = share/locale/muse_de.ts \ share/locale/muse_fr.ts if you want to generate a french MusE version. Step 2: start the Qt-Program "lupdate" lupdate Maybe "lupdate" is not in your PATH and you must specify the complete pathname "lupdate" Example: /usr/qt3-2/bin/lupdate This generates the file "locale/muse_fr.ts". Step 3: Edit "locale/muse_fr.ts" manually or use the Qt "linguist" tool: linguist muse_fr.ts Step 4: Save the edited file "muse_fr.ts" from linguist and start File->Release. This generates the file "locale/muse_fr.qm" or start the Qt program "lrelease" lrelease This generates all *.qm files. Step 5: install the *.qm files: as superuser start "make install" Step 6: Test: set the environment variable LANG to the desired Language: export LANG=fr Start MusE: muse