MusE can create LADSPA GUI's (graphical user interfaces) from Qt designer *.ui files at runtime. This allows a user to create or modify customized LADSPA guis without recompiling MusE. ====================== Installation ===================== Copy the file muse/awl/ and muse/awl/ into a directory were Qt (designer) can find it. Example: if you installed Qt in /usr/qt4: su -c "cp -af /usr/qt4/plugins/designer" Check: After starting the Qt designer you see all MusE specific widgets in the widget box titled "MusE Awl Widgets". If you cannot find any MusE widgets, designer did not find the muse shared libs. The MusE shared libs must have a signature qt designer understands. If the signature is wrong, qt designer silently ignores the libs. ====================== Environment ====================== Naming: The Qt designer files are named after the LADSPA plugin ID. Example: the "freeverb" plugin has the id "1050". A gui for freeverb has to be named "1050.ui". The plugin ID is shown in the MusE plugin browser. Path: MusE looks for *ui files at (museglobalshare)/plugins/. If you installed MusE at "/usr" (configured with --prefix=/usr) MusE looks at "/usr/share/muse/plugins" for *ui files. ====================== Creating *.ui file ====================== The association between LADSPA plugin parameters and Qt-Widgets is done by name. All input widgets which manipulate a LADSPA parameter must have a name starting with the letter "P". The "id" property of every widget must be set to the parameter index of the plugin, One parameter can be manipulated with more than one widgets. Example: A "Slider" widget which manipulates the 3th parameter of a plugin has the name "Pslider" and the "id" property has a value of "3". Supported Widgets: "AwlSlider" slider for float values "AwlFloatEntry" entry for float values "AwlCheckbox" to manipulate a on/off LADSPA parameter "AwlComboBox" select from a list of named values; sets integer LADSPA values (for more hints please look at the example *.ui files)