DeicsOnze Copyright (C) 2005-2006 by Nil Geisweiller ------- License ------- DeicsOnze is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (see COPYING file). ---------- Descripion ---------- DeicsOnze is a virtual synthesizer plugin for MusE which reproduces the FM synthesis of the YAMAHA DX11 synthesizer/TX81Z sound module. ------- Remarks ------- It contains over 2000 presets archived by Bryan Sutula belonging to the public domain. If by any chance you find some of them that are under copyright please contact me to take them off. Not every function is implemented but it's already sounding like the original (even better). Pitch bend, modulation and some others are not implemented yet. The files with the extention .fig in the directory pics have been made with xfig. ----------- Compilation ----------- DeicsOnze is compiled with the optimization -O3. This permits it to be twice faster than without optimization, however the compilation time is longer (10 minutes on my Athlon XP-M 2000) and may not pass on any machine. If not remove -O3 in the file CMakeLists.txt. ---- Help ---- The last features (portamento and pitch envelope) have been implemented without DX11 only with the documentation. If you have a DX11 or TX81Z I need you! Please record your sound with different values of portamento and pitch envelope and send it to me so I can adjust the paramenter of DeicsOnze to fit the real DX11. ------- Contact ------- Nil Geisweiller a-lin[NO_SPAM_PLEASE]