================================================ MusE loadable Midi Instrument Definitions (valid from around MusE 0.8.1, Edited by Tim NOV.11.2012, at MusE 2.1rc1) ================================================ - File Extension ".idf" - searched in Subdirectory "instruments" (/usr/share/muse/instruments on my system) - Can be viewed, created or edited with menu 'Midi -> Edit Instrument' All found instrument definitions are presented by MusE in Config->MidiPorts in Pulldown in column "Instrument". ------------------------------------------------- Example of Instrument Definition File: ------------------------------------------------- <?xml version="1.0"?> <muse version="1.0"> <MidiInstrument name="GM"> <Init> ...MusE event list which initializes instrument </Init> <PatchGroup name="Piano"> <Patch name="Grand Piano" prog="0"/> <Patch name="Bright Piano" prog="1"/> ... </PatchGroup> <PatchGroup name="Bass"> <Patch name="Acoustic Bass" prog="32"/> <Patch name="Fingered Bass" prog="33"/> </PatchGroup> ... <Controller name="Pan" l="10" min="-64" max="63" init="0" /> <Controller name="PitchBendSensitivity" type="RPN" h="0" l="0" max="24" init="2" /> ... </MidiInstrument> </muse> ------------------------------------------------- Notes ------------------------------------------------- (1) PatchGroups are not mandatory; its valid to write: <MidiInstrument name="GM"> <Patch name="Grand Piano" prog="0"/> <Patch name="Bright Piano" prog="1"/> <Patch name="Acoustic Bass" prog="32"/> <Patch name="Fingered Bass" prog="33"/> ... </MidiInstrument> (2) An "Instrument Definition File" can define more than on Instrument, but it is recommended to use one file for one instrument (3) the "prog" parameter in a "Patch" is mandatory. Missing "hbank" or "lbank" are treated as "don't care". Missing "drum" is treated as drum="0". A XG-Patch looks like: <Patch name="Electro" drum="1" hbank="127" lbank="0" prog="24"/> (5) Prior to version 2.1: --------------------- A patch can be associated with a "mode" with one of 1 - GM 2 - GS 4 - XG Example: <Patch name="Electro" mode="4" drum="1" hbank="127" lbank="0" prog="24"/> Mode id's can be ore'd together for patches which are valid for more than one mode: <Patch name="Grand Piano" mode=7" hbank="0" lbank="0" prog="0"/> From version 2.1: ----------------- There is no 'mode' parameter. The selection of GM, GS, or XG instruments or other instruments with an sysex 'Init' section, determines what 'mode' the device is in. (4) example for MusE event (Sysex "XG-On"): <event tick="0" type="5" datalen="7"> 43 10 4c 00 00 7e 00 </event> (5) <Init> ... </Init> part can be omitted From version 2.1: ----------------- This section contains initialization events to be sent to the devices upon certain changes such as device selection, change of instrument etc. Usually it contains a brief series of sysex commands such as (4) to set the device to a 'mode'. (6) Controllers have the following properties: name: arbitrary unique (short) string describing the controller type: Controller7 regular 7-bit controller Controller14 14-bit controller RPN registered parameter 7-bit NRPN non registered parameter 7-bit RPN14 registered parameter 14-bit NRPN14 non registered parameter 14-bit Pitch pitch mod wheel Program program From version 2.1: PolyAftertouch key pressure controller Aftertouch channel pressure controller Default Controller7 if omitted. Pitch Program PolyAftertouch and Aftertouch are convenience controllers which wrap functionality in one controller. They translate to and from the real midi messages which are behind the scenes such as Pitch -> midi 0xE0. Their controller numbers are internal and cannot be changed. PolyAftertouch is really an internal per-pitch controller. h: controller number MSB. Default 0 if omitted. l: controller number LSB. Default 0 if omitted. For per-pitch controllers, 'l' can also be "pitch" indicating each 'note' or 'drum sound' has its own controller. Some devices such as XG support this. min: minimum value for controller max: maximum value for controller init: reset value for controller; when controller value is undefined after instrument reset, use the ''undefined'' value 0x10000 The min/max/init values can be omitted Auto-biasing feature: If min is less than zero, such as with pan = -64 -> 63, MusE automatically displays this range, yet uses the true range of 0-127 'behind the scenes'. From version 2.1: ---------------- showType: Combination of 1: Show controller in drum tracks. and 2: Show controller in midi tracks. Default is to show in both drum and midi tracks if omitted (same as "3"). Here is a per-pitch drum controller example from the XG instrument definition file: <Controller name="Drum Pan" type="NRPN" h="28" l="pitch" min="-64" max="63" showType="1" />