import random from itertools import product from collections import defaultdict from sys import argv import keras from keras.models import Sequential from keras.layers.core import Dense, Dropout, Activation import numpy as np maze = [ [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2] ] start=(1,1) n_episodes = 1000000 theta = 0.001 gamma=0.9 # discount epsilon = 0.1 epsilon_reduction = 1 alpha = 0.4 alpha_reduction = 0.9998 friendlyness = 0.7 # probability that the model actually performs the action we've requested. # the model will perform a random other actions with probability of (1-friendlyness)/3. # putting 0.25 here will make it just random. frameskip_array = 99 frameskip_nn = 0 visu = True def cursor_up(n): print("\033[%dA" % n) def args(argv): result=defaultdict(lambda:None) ss=None for s in argv[1:]+["-"]: if s[0]=='-': if ss!=None: result[ss]=True ss=s else: if ss!=None: result[ss]=s ss=None else: explode return result arg=args(argv) print(arg) mode = None if arg['-h']: print("Usage: %s [OPTIONS]" % argv[0]) print(" OPTIONS: --theta NUM # convergence threshold\n" + " # default: %f\n" % theta + " --gamma NUM # learning discount\n" + " # default: %f\n" % gamma + " --alpha NUM # learning rate for q-learning\n" + " # default: %f\n" % alpha + " --alphared NUM # reduction of alpha per episode\n" + " # default: %f\n" % alpha_reduction + " --friendly NUM # friendlyness of the system (probability\n" + " that the requested action is really done)\n" + " # default: %f\n" % friendlyness + " --epsilon NUM # value for the epsilon-policy used in q-learning\n" + " # default: %f\n" % epsilon + " --epsred NUM # reduction of epsilon per episode\n" + " # default: %f\n" % epsilon_reduction + " --episodes NUM # maximum number of episodes\n"+ " # default: %i\n\n" % n_episodes + " --qfunc TYPE # type of the Q function's representation\n" + " arr / array -> plain standard array\n" + " nn -> neural network representation\n" + " default: array" + " --frameskip NUM # frameskip for visualisation\n" + " # default: %f for --qfunc array\n" % frameskip_array + " # %f for --qfunc nn\n" % frameskip_nn + " --sleep # sleep after every frames\n"+ " --quiet # disable visualisation\n" + " --file FILE # output file for q learning") exit() if arg['-q'] or arg['--quiet']: visu = False do_sleep = False if arg['--sleep']: do_sleep = True if arg['--frameskip']: frameskip_array=frameskip_nn = int(arg['--frameskip']) if arg['--episodes']: n_episodes = int(arg['--episodes']) if arg['--theta']: theta = float(arg['--theta']) if arg['--gamma']: gamma = float(arg['--gamma']) if arg['--epsilon']: epsilon = float(arg['--epsilon']) if arg['--epsred']: epsilon_reduction = float(arg['--epsred']) if arg['--alpha']: alpha = float(arg['--alpha']) if arg['--alphared']: alpha_reduction = float(arg['--alphared']) if arg['--friendly']: friendlyness = float(arg['--friendly']) logfile = None if arg['--file']: logfile = open(arg['--file'], "w") NORTH=0 EAST=1 SOUTH=2 WEST=3 directions = [NORTH, EAST, SOUTH, WEST] dir_coords = [(0,-1), (1,0), (0,1), (-1,0)] def argmax(l): return max(range(len(l)), key=lambda i:l[i]) def draw_randomly(d): c = 0. rnd = random.random() for k in d: c += d[k] if rnd < c: return k def visualize(maze, Q): n=0 for y in range(len(maze)): line1="" line2="" line3="" line4="" line5="" for x in range(len(maze[0])): if maze[y][x] == 1: f = lambda s : s.replace(" ","@") elif maze[y][x] == 2: f = lambda s : s.replace(" ","+") else: f = lambda s : s Qev = Q.eval(x,y) maxdir = argmax(Qev) line3 += f("' " + ("^" if maxdir == NORTH else " ") + " ") line5 += f(" " + ("v" if maxdir == SOUTH else " ") + " ") line1 += f(" %06.3f " % Qev[NORTH]) line2 += f("%s%06.3f %06.3f%s" % ("<" if maxdir == WEST else " ",Qev[WEST], Qev[EAST], ">" if maxdir == EAST else " ")) line4 += f(" %06.3f " % Qev[SOUTH]) print(line3) print(line1) print(line2) print(line4) print(line5) n+=5 return n class World: def __init__(self, maze, pos): self.x,self.y = pos self.maze = maze self.xlen = len(maze[0]) self.ylen = len(maze) def possible_next_states(self, s): # must return at least all possible states. # must only return valid states. x,y = s return filter(lambda s : s[0]>=0 and s[1]>=0 and s[0] < self.xlen and s[1] < self.ylen, [(x,y),(x+1,y),(x-1,y),(x,y-1),(x,y+1)]) # definitely walks from (x,y) into direction. # returns the neighboring coordinate on success, # or the old one if there was a wall def walk(self, x,y, direction): dx,dy=dir_coords[direction] nx,ny = x+dx, y+dy if 0 <= nx and nx < self.xlen and \ 0 <= ny and ny < self.ylen and \ self.maze[y][x] == 0 and \ self.maze[ny][nx] != 1: return nx,ny else: return x,y # gives probabilities for new states, given # the command "direction". def action(self, x,y , direction): newstates = defaultdict(lambda:0.) for i in range(4): newstates[ self.walk(x,y, (direction+i)%4 ) ] += friendlyness if i == 0 else (1-friendlyness)/3. #[1.0,0.,0.,0.][i] # [0.7,0.1,0.1,0.1][i] return newstates def take_action(self, x,y, direction): newstates = self.action(x,y,direction) ss = draw_randomly(newstates) return self.R((x,y),ss, None), ss def R(self, s, ss, pi): if s!=ss and self.maze[ss[1]][ss[0]] == 2: # goal #return 1.0 return 0.5 else: return 0. def is_final(self,s): return self.maze[s[1]][s[0]] == 2 class QCommon: def __init__(self): self.alpha = alpha self.gamma = gamma self.maxdiff = 0.0 # returns a pair of (diff, self.eval(oldstate)). # diff is meant to be added to self.eval(oldstate)[action] def value_update(self, oldstate, action, newstate, reward): eval_newstate = self.eval(newstate) eval_oldstate = self.eval(oldstate) diff = self.alpha * (reward + self.gamma * max( [ eval_newstate[aa] for aa in directions ] ) - eval_oldstate[action]) if self.maxdiff < diff: self.maxdiff = diff return diff, eval_oldstate def episode(self): maxdiff = self.maxdiff self.maxdiff = 0.0 return maxdiff # abstracts the Q-array. semantics of .eval(x,y) is `Q[y][x]`. semantics of .change((x,y),ac,diff) is `Q[y][x][ac]+=diff` class QArray(QCommon): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.Q = [ [ [0. for k in range(4)] for i in range(a.xlen) ] for j in range(a.ylen) ] self.learnbuffer = [] # calculates Q(x,y) def eval(self,x,y = None): if y==None: x,y = x return self.Q[y][x] def learn(self, oldstate, action, newstate, reward): self.learnbuffer += [(oldstate,action,newstate,reward)] # self.flush_learnbuffer() # TODO TRYME def flush_learnbuffer(self): for oldstate, action, newstate, reward in reversed(self.learnbuffer): diff,_ = self.value_update(oldstate,action,newstate,reward) self.Q[oldstate[1]][oldstate[0]][action] += diff self.learnbuffer = [] def episode(self): self.flush_learnbuffer() return super().episode() # implements the Q function not through an array, but through a neuronal network instead. class QNN (QCommon): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.learnbuffer = [] self.dumbtraining = False connection_rate = 1 num_input = 2 #hidden = (40,40) hidden = (50,) #hidden = (20,10,7) num_output = 4 learning_rate = 0.7 self.NN = keras.models.Sequential() self.NN.add(keras.layers.core.Dense(50, input_dim=num_input, init='glorot_normal', activation='tanh')) self.NN.add(keras.layers.core.Dense(4, init='glorot_normal', activation='tanh')) print("compiling model") self.NN.compile(optimizer='sgd', loss='mse') print("done") def eval(self,x,y = None): #print ("eval "+str(x)+", "+str(y)) if y==None: x,y = x return self.NN.predict(np.array([[x/7.,y/5.]]))[0].tolist() def change(self, s, action, diff): UNSUPPORTED #oldval = self.eval(s) #newval = list(oldval) # copy list #newval[action] += diff #self.NN.train([s[0]/7.,s[1]/5.], newval) # learn a transition "from oldstate by action into newstate with reward `reward`" # this does not necessarily mean that the action is instantly trained into the function # representation. It may be held back in a list, to be batch-trained lated. def learn(self, oldstate, action, newstate, reward): diff,_ = self.value_update(oldstate,action,newstate,reward) if self.dumbtraining == True: #self.change(oldstate,action,diff) UNSUPPORTED else: self.learnbuffer += [(oldstate, action, newstate, reward)] self.learnbuffer = self.learnbuffer[-20000:] #self.train_on_minibatch() def train_on_minibatch(self): n = min(300, len(self.learnbuffer)) if n < 300: return minibatch = random.sample(self.learnbuffer, n) inputs = [] outputs = [] for oldstate, action, newstate, reward in minibatch: diff, val = self.value_update(oldstate, action, newstate, reward) val[action] += diff inputs += [ [oldstate[0]/7., oldstate[1]/5.] ] outputs += [ val ] #print("training minibatch of size %i:\n%s\n%s\n\n"%(n, str(inputs), str(outputs))), np.array(outputs), batch_size=n, validation_split=0., verbose=0, nb_epoch=25) # must be called on every end-of-episode. might trigger batch-training or whatever. def episode(self): self.train_on_minibatch() self.train_on_minibatch() self.train_on_minibatch() self.train_on_minibatch() return 42 a = World(maze, start) Q = None if arg['--qfunc'] == "nn": Q = QNN() frameskip = frameskip_nn else: Q = QArray() frameskip = frameskip_array i=0 stopstate = -1 total_reward = 0. maxdiff = -1 for i in range(n_episodes): if (i % (frameskip+1) == 0): print("iteration %.3d, alpha=%.3e, epsilon=%.3e maxdiff=%.7f"%(i,Q.alpha,epsilon,maxdiff)) n = 0 if visu: n = visualize(maze,Q) cursor_up(n+2) if do_sleep: input() s = start for j in range(100): # epsilon-greedy greedy = argmax(Q.eval(s)) rnd = random.random() action = None if rnd < epsilon: action = ( greedy + int(1 + 3 * rnd / epsilon) ) % 4 else: action = greedy r,ss = a.take_action(s[0],s[1], action) Q.learn(s,action,ss,r) total_reward += r s = ss if a.is_final(ss): break maxdiff = Q.episode() if (logfile != None): print("%d\t%f" % (i, total_reward), file=logfile) # Wikipedia says on this: "When the problem is stochastic [which it is!], # the algorithm still converges under some technical conditions on the # learning rate, that require it to decrease to zero. # So let's sloooowly decrease our learning rate here. Otherwise it won't # converge, but instead oscillate plus/minus 0.5. # However, if we set the friendlyness of our system to 1.0, then it would # also converge without this learning rate reduction, because we have a # non-stochastic but a deterministic system now. Q.alpha *= alpha_reduction epsilon *= epsilon_reduction # stop once we're below theta for at least 100 episodes. But not before we went above theta at least once. if maxdiff < theta: stopstate -= 1 if stopstate == 0 and False: # TODO FIXME break else: stopstate = 1000 print("finished after %.3d iterations, alpha=%.3e, epsilon=%.3e"%(i,Q.alpha,epsilon)) visualize(maze,Q) if logfile != None: logfile.close()