#include #include "road_thresholder.h" #include "util.h" using namespace cv; RoadThresholder::RoadThresholder() { road_0=77; road_1=77; road_2=77; erode_2d_small = circle_mat(3); } RoadThresholder::RoadThresholder(int r0, int r1, int r2) { road_0=r0; road_1=r1; road_2=r2; erode_2d_small = circle_mat(3); } Mat RoadThresholder::create_diff_image_and_fill_histogram(const Mat& img, int* hist) { Mat img_diff(img.rows, img.cols, CV_8U); for (int i=0; i<256; i++) hist[i]=0; // zero the histogram // iterate through every pixel of img for (int row=0; row(row); uchar* data_out=img_diff.ptr(row); for (int col=0; col255) { printf("error, diff is %i\n",diff); diff=255; } *data_out=diff; hist[diff]++; data+=img.step[1]; data_out++; } } return img_diff; } void RoadThresholder::smoothen_histogram(int* hist, int* hist_smooth, int smoothness) { for (int i=0; i<256; i++) { int sum=0; for (int j=-smoothness; j<=smoothness; j++) { if (i+j < 0 || i+j > 255) continue; sum+=hist[i+j]; } hist_smooth[i]=sum; } } void RoadThresholder::calc_road_color(const Mat& img, const Mat& mask_eroded) { int avg_sum=0; int r0=0, r1=0, r2=0; for (int row = 0; row(row); const uchar* mask=mask_eroded.ptr(row); for (int col=0; col20) { road_0=r0/avg_sum; road_1=r1/avg_sum; road_2=r2/avg_sum; } } void RoadThresholder::process_image(const Mat& img) { int hist_unsmoothened[256]; Mat img_diff = create_diff_image_and_fill_histogram(img, hist_unsmoothened); int hist_smoothened[256]; smoothen_histogram(hist_unsmoothened, hist_smoothened, 7); // road has to occupy at least 1% of the image int cumul=0; int x_begin=0; for (x_begin=0;x_begin<256;x_begin++) { cumul+=hist_unsmoothened[x_begin]; if (cumul > img.rows*img.cols/100) break; } // find first valley in the histogram, and set the threshold at the way down. int hist_max=0; int thres=0; for (int i=0; i<256; i++) { if (hist_smoothened[i]>hist_max) hist_max=hist_smoothened[i]; if ((hist_smoothened[i] < hist_max/2) && (i>x_begin)) { thres=i; break; } } // drawing stuff Mat img_hist(100,256, CV_8U); for (int row = 0; row(row); for (int col=0; col (img_hist.rows-row)*800) *data=0; data++; } } imshow("hist", img_hist); mask_raw = Mat(img_diff.rows, img_diff.cols, img_diff.type()); threshold(img_diff, mask_raw, thres, 255, THRESH_BINARY_INV); Mat mask_eroded(mask_raw.rows, mask_raw.cols, mask_raw.type()); erode(mask_raw, mask_eroded, erode_2d_small); calc_road_color(img, mask_eroded); // update our road color } Mat& RoadThresholder::get_road() { return mask_raw; }