//TODO: auf unbenutzte envelopes achten! #include #include #include "parser.h" #include "programs.h" #include "util.h" #include "../synth/fixed.h" using namespace std; ostream &out=cout; ostream &comment=cout; program_t prog; void write_empty_line() { out << "\n"; } void include_file(string file) { file="templates/"+file; ifstream in; in.open(file.c_str()); if (!in.good()) throw string ("include: could not open '"+file+"'"); char tempbuf[2000]; while (!in.eof()) { in.getline(tempbuf, sizeof(tempbuf)); out << tempbuf << "\n"; } } void write_env_decs() { for (int i=0;iwave_len, osc"<samp_rate);\n"; else out << "ONE * PHASE_INIT;\n"; } out << "\t\n" "\tdo_ksl();\n" "\t\n" "\t\n"; if ((prog.filter.enabled==true) || (prog.filter.enabled_const==false)) { //a filter_params and orig.filter_params member exist out << "\tfilter_params=prg.filter_settings;\n"; if (prog.use_pfactor) out << "\torig.filter_params=prg.filter_settings;\n"; if (prog.filter.enabled_const==false) { out << "\tif (filter_params.enabled)\n" "\t{\n"; tabtmp="\t"; } out << tabtmp << "\tfilter_envelope=new Envelope(filter_params.env_settings);\n" << tabtmp << "\tfilter_update_counter=filter_update_frames;\n"; if (prog.filter.enabled_const==false) out << "\t}\n"; tabtmp=""; out << "\t\n" "\t\n"; } if ((prog.sync_factor!=0) || (prog.sync_factor_const==false)) out << "\tsync_factor=prg.sync_factor;\n" "\tsync_phase=0;\n" "\t\n" "\t\n"; include_file("ctor.foot"); } void write_dtor() { int i; out << "Note::~Note()\n" "{\n"; for (i=0;ipfactor.filter_env, vel);\n" "\tpfactor.filter_res=calc_pfactor(curr_prg->pfactor.filter_res, vel);\n" "\tpfactor.filter_offset=calc_pfactor(curr_prg->pfactor.filter_offset, vel);\n" "\t\n"; } out << "\tfor (int i=0;i<"<pfactor.out[i], vel);\n" "\t\t\n" "\t\tfor (int j=0;j<"<pfactor.fm[i][j], vel);\n" "\t}\n"; } out << "}\n"; } void write_apply_pfactor() { out << "void Note::apply_pfactor()\n" "{\n"; if (prog.use_pfactor) { if ((prog.filter.enabled==true) || (prog.filter.enabled_const==false)) out << "\tfilter_params.env_amount=orig.filter_params.env_amount*pfactor.filter_env /ONE;\n" "\tfilter_params.freqfactor_offset=orig.filter_params.freqfactor_offset*pfactor.filter_offset /ONE;\n" "\tfilter_params.resonance=orig.filter_params.resonance*pfactor.filter_res /ONE;\n" "\t\n"; for (int i=0;i>SCALE;\n" "\tfor (int i=0;i<"<>SCALE;\n"; } } out << "}\n"; } void write_still_active() { out << "bool Note::still_active()\n" "{\n"; out << "\tif ( "; if (prog.env[0].enabled) out << " ((osc"<<0<<".output>0) && (env"<<0<<"->still_active()))"; else out << " // envelope"<<0<<" is disabled"; for (int i=1;i0) && (env"<still_active()))"; else out << "\n\t /* envelope"<release_key();\n"; else comment << "\t//envelope"<release_key();\n"; else if (prog.filter.enabled_const==false) out << "\n\tif (filter_params.enabled)\n" "\t\tfilter_envelope->release_key();\n"; out << "}\n"; } void write_release_quickly() { out << "void Note::release_quickly(jack_nframes_t maxt)\n" "{\n"; for (int i=0;iget_release() > maxt)\n" "\t\tenv"<set_release(maxt);\n" "\tenv"<release_key();\n" "\t\n"; else comment << "\t//envelope"<reattack();\n"; else comment << "\t//envelope"<reattack();\n"; else if (prog.filter.enabled_const==false) out << "\n\tif (filter_params.enabled)\n" "\t\tfilter_envelope->reattack();\n"; out << "}\n"; } void write_do_ksr() { out << "void Note::do_ksr()\n" "{\n"; for (int i=0;iset_ratefactor(1.0 / pow(freq>>SCALE, osc"<> SCALE );\n" "\t\n"; for (int i=0;iset_max( "<> SCALE;\n" << tabtemp << "\t\n" << tabtemp << "\tif (sync_phase >= ONE)\n" << tabtemp << "\t{\n" << tabtemp << "\t\tsync_phase-=ONE;\n" << tabtemp << "\t\t\n"; for (int i=0;iwave_len, osc"+IntToStr(i)+".custom_wave->samp_rate)"; else initstring="ONE * PHASE_INIT"; string full_command="osc"+IntToStr(i)+".phase="+initstring+";\n"; if ( prog.osc[i].sync_const && prog.osc[i].sync ) out << tabtemp << "\t\t" << full_command; else if ( prog.osc[i].sync_const && (prog.osc[i].sync==false) ) comment << tabtemp << "\t\t//sync is disabled for osc"<>SCALE)*osc"+IntToStr(i)+".factor/samp_rate)>>SCALE"; string phase_inc = "(actual_freq*osc"+IntToStr(i)+".factor/samp_rate)>>SCALE"; if (prog.osc[i].vibrato_depth_const == false) out << "\tosc"<>SCALE fehlt noch! for (int j=0;j>SCALE ) )"; else phase="osc"+IntToStr(i)+".phase"; // generate string for wave string wavetemp; if (prog.osc[i].have_custom_wave) { string cw="osc"+IntToStr(i)+".custom_wave"; wavetemp=cw+"->wave[ ( "+phase+" * "+cw+"->samp_rate >>(2*SCALE) ) % "+cw+"->wave_len ]"; } else { string waveformtemp; if (prog.osc[i].waveform_const) waveformtemp=IntToStr(prog.osc[i].waveform); else waveformtemp="osc"+IntToStr(i)+".waveform"; wavetemp="wave["+waveformtemp+"][ ( "+phase+" * WAVE_RES >>SCALE ) % WAVE_RES ]"; } // finally write "oscval[n]=..." out << "\toscval["<get_level() >>SCALE;\n"; else if ( (prog.osc[i].ksl!=0) || (prog.osc[i].ksl_const==false) ) // i.e.: if osc[i] has a kslval variable out<<" * kslval"<>SCALE;\n"; else //no envelope, no kslval out<<";\n"; // maybe do tremolo string tremlfo; if (prog.osc[i].tremolo_lfo_const==false) tremlfo="osc"+IntToStr(i)+".tremolo_lfo"; else tremlfo=IntToStr(prog.osc[i].tremolo_lfo); if (prog.osc[i].tremolo_depth_const==false) out << "\tif (osc"<>SCALE;\n"; else if (prog.osc[i].tremolo_depth!=0) out << "\toscval["<>SCALE;\n"; else comment << "\t//oscillator"<>SCALE )"; if (outstring_nonscaled!="") outstring+=" "+outstring_nonscaled; if (outstring=="") throw string ("this instrument has no output at all!"); out << "\tfixed_t out = "<=filter_update_frames)\n" << tabtemp << "\t{\n" << tabtemp << "\t\tfilter_update_counter=0;\n" << tabtemp << "\t\t\n" << tabtemp << "\t\tfloat cutoff= float(actual_freq)/ONE * \n" << tabtemp << "\t\t\tfloat(curr_lfo[filter_params.trem_lfo][filter_params.trem_strength])/ONE *\n" << tabtemp << "\t\t\t( filter_params.freqfactor_offset + filter_envelope->get_level() * filter_params.env_amount / float(ONE) );\n" << tabtemp << "\t\tfilter.set_params( cutoff, filter_params.resonance );\n" << tabtemp << "\t}\n" << tabtemp << "\t\n" << tabtemp << "\tfilter.process_sample(&out);\n"; if (prog.filter.enabled_const==false) { out << "\t}\n"; tabtemp=""; } out << "\t\n"; } out << "\treturn out;\n"; out << "}\n"; } void write_set_param() { out << "void Note::set_param(const parameter_t &p, fixed_t v)\n" "{\n" "\toscillator_t *sel_osc=NULL;\n" "\tEnvelope *sel_env=NULL;\n" "\t\n" "\tswitch (p.osc)\n" "\t{\n"; for (int i=0;ifm_strength[p.index]=v*pfactor.fm[p.osc][p.index] >>SCALE; break;\n" "\t\tcase OUTPUT: sel_osc->output=v*pfactor.out[p.osc] >>SCALE; break;\n"; else out << "\t\tcase MODULATION: sel_osc->fm_strength[p.index]=v; break;\n" "\t\tcase OUTPUT: sel_osc->output=v; break;\n"; if ((prog.filter.enabled==true) || (prog.filter.enabled_const==false)) { out << "\t\t\n" "\t\tcase FILTER_ENABLED: output_note(\"NOTE: cannot enable filter in playing notes\"); break;\n" "\t\t\n"; if (prog.filter.env_settings.enabled) include_file("set_param.2"); else include_file("set_param.nofilterenv"); if (prog.use_pfactor) out << "\t\tcase FILTER_ENV_AMOUNT: filter_params.env_amount=float(v*pfactor.filter_env)/ONE/ONE; break;\n" "\t\tcase FILTER_OFFSET: filter_params.freqfactor_offset=float(v*pfactor.filter_offset)/ONE/ONE; break;\n" "\t\tcase FILTER_RESONANCE: filter_params.resonance=float(v*pfactor.filter_res)/ONE/ONE; break;\n"; else out << "\t\tcase FILTER_ENV_AMOUNT: filter_params.env_amount=float(v)/ONE; break;\n" "\t\tcase FILTER_OFFSET: filter_params.freqfactor_offset=float(v)/ONE; break;\n" "\t\tcase FILTER_RESONANCE: filter_params.resonance=float(v)/ONE; break;\n"; out << "\t\tcase FILTER_TREMOLO: filter_params.trem_strength=v; break;\n" "\t\tcase FILTER_TREM_LFO: filter_params.trem_lfo=v; break;\n"; } else include_file("set_param.nofilter"); if ((prog.sync_factor!=0) || (prog.sync_factor_const==false)) out << "\t\t\n" "\t\tcase SYNC_FACTOR: sync_factor=v; break;\n"; else out << "\t\t\n" "\t\tcase SYNC_FACTOR: output_note(\"NOTE: trying to set sync_factor, but it's disabled\"); break;\n"; out << "\t\t\n" "\t\tdefault: throw string(\"trying to set an unknown parameter\");\n" "\t}\n" "}\n"; } void write_create_note() { out << "extern \"C\" NoteSkel* create_note(int n, float v,program_t &prg, jack_nframes_t pf, fixed_t pb, int prg_no)\n" "{\n" "\treturn new Note(n,v,prg,pf,pb,prg_no);\n" "}\n"; } void write_destroy() { out << "void Note::destroy()\n" "{\n" "\tdelete this;\n" "}\n"; } void generate_source() { //#includes and definition of class Note include_file("head.1"); write_env_decs(); write_empty_line(); write_oscval_decs(); write_empty_line(); write_osc_decs(); write_empty_line(); write_sync_decs(); write_empty_line(); write_filter_decs(); write_empty_line(); write_pfactor_decs(); include_file("head.2"); //implementation of Note's functions write_ctor(); write_dtor(); write_destroy(); write_empty_line(); write_recalc_factors(); write_apply_pfactor(); write_empty_line(); write_still_active(); write_release(); write_release_quickly(); write_reattack(); write_empty_line(); write_do_ksr(); write_do_ksl(); write_empty_line(); write_get_sample(); write_empty_line(); write_set_param(); write_empty_line(); write_empty_line(); write_empty_line(); //implementation of create_note and init_vars include_file("interface.1"); } int main(int argc, char** argv) { prog=parse("../../filtertest.prog"); generate_source(); return 0; }