from log import log from collections import deque import sys import mechanics class DummySubscriber: def on_connect_error(self,s): log("on conn err"+s) def on_sock_open(self): log("on sock open") def on_sock_closed(self): log("on sock closed") def on_message_error(self,s): log("on msg err "+s) def on_ingame(self): log("we're ingame :)") def on_world_update_pre(self): log("updatepre") def on_cell_eaten(self,eater_id, eaten_id): log("%s ate %s" % (eater_id, eaten_id)) def on_death(self): log("we died :(") def on_cell_removed(self,cid): log("cell removed") def on_cell_info(self,cid, x,y, size, name, color, is_virus, is_agitated): log("cell info") def on_world_update_post(self): log("updatepost") def on_leaderboard_names(self,leaderboard): #OAR WINDOWS if sys.platform != "win32": log("leaderboard names") log(leaderboard) def on_leaderboard_groups(self,angles): log("leaderboard groups") def on_respawn(self): log("respawned") def on_own_id(self,cid): log("my id is %i" % cid) def on_world_rect(self,left,top,right,bottom): log("worldrect %i,%i,%i,%i"%(left,top,right,bottom)) def on_spectate_update(self,pos, scale): log("spect update") def on_experience_info(self,level, current_xp, next_xp): log("exper info") def on_clear_cells(self): log("clear cells") def on_debug_line(self,x,y): log("debug line") class CellHistory: def __init__(self): self.poslog = deque(maxlen=300) self.stale = False class OtherPlayer: def __init__(self, playerid): self.playerid = playerid self.cells = set() class EnhancingSubscriber(DummySubscriber): def __init__(self): self.c = None self.history = {} self.time = 0 self.victims = {} def set_client(self,c): self.c = c def cleanup_victims(self): delete = [] for eater in self.victims: self.victims[eater] = list(filter(lambda v : v[1] < self.time - 100, self.victims[eater])) if len(self.victims[eater]) == 0: delete += [eater] for eater in delete: del self.victims[eater] def on_cell_eaten(self, eater_id, eaten_id): if eater_id in and[eater_id].is_virus: print("virus ate something!") if eater_id not in self.victims: self.victims[eater_id] = [] self.victims[eater_id] += [([eaten_id], self.time)] def on_world_update_post(self): = self.time self.time += 1 if self.time % 100 == 0: self.cleanup_victims() # create and purge poslog history, movement and movement_angle for cid in self.history: self.history[cid].stale = True for cid in if cid not in self.history: self.history[cid] = CellHistory() self.history[cid].poslog.append([cid].pos.copy())[cid].poslog = self.history[cid].poslog self.history[cid].stale = False self.history = {k: v for k, v in self.history.items() if v.stale == False} for cid in cell =[cid] if not hasattr(cell, "spawntime"): cell.spawntime = try: oldpos = cell.poslog[-3-1] cell.movement = (cell.pos - oldpos)/3 cell.movement_angle = cell.movement.angle() except (AttributeError, IndexError): pass # create OtherPlayer entries otherplayers = {} for cell in playerid = None if not cell.is_food and not cell.is_ejected_mass and not cell.is_virus: playerid = (, cell.color) elif cell.is_virus: playerid = "virus" elif cell.is_food: playerid = "food" elif cell.is_ejected_mass: playerid = "ejected mass" else: playerid = "???" if playerid not in otherplayers: otherplayers[playerid] = OtherPlayer(playerid) cell.player = otherplayers[playerid] cell.player.cells.add(cell) # detect split cells and clean up obsolete parent references for cell in # create attribute if not already there try: cell.parent = cell.parent except: cell.parent = None cell.calmed_down = True # clean up obsolete parent references if cell.parent and cell.parent.cid not in cell.parent = None # find split cells is_split = False if not cell.is_food and not cell.is_ejected_mass and not cell.is_virus: try: if cell.parent == None and cell.movement.len() > 2 * mechanics.speed(cell.size): print("looks like a split!"+str(cell.movement.len() / mechanics.speed(cell.size))) is_split = True except AttributeError: pass if is_split: history_len = len(cell.poslog) cell.parent = min(cell.player.cells, key=lambda c : (c.poslog[-history_len] - cell.poslog[-history_len]).len() if c != cell and len(c.poslog) >= history_len else float('inf')) try: cell.shoot_vec = cell.parent.movement.copy() except: cell.shoot_vec = None cell.calmed_down = False elif cell.is_virus: try: if cell.parent == None and cell.movement.len() > 0: print("split virus!") is_split = True except AttributeError: pass if is_split: cell.parent = min(cell.player.cells, key=lambda c : (c.pos - cell.poslog[0]).len() if c != cell else float('inf')) try: last_feed = self.victims[cell.parent.cid][-1][0] if not last_feed.is_ejected_mass: print("wtf, last virus feed was not ejected mass?!") raise KeyError else: cell.shoot_vec = cell.parent.pos - last_feed.poslog[0] cell.shoot_vec2 = last_feed.poslog[-1] - last_feed.poslog[0] try: pos_when_shot = last_feed.parent.poslog[-len(last_feed.poslog)] cell.shoot_vec3 = cell.parent.pos - pos_when_shot except: print("MOAAAHH") cell.shoot_vec3 = None except KeyError: print("wtf, no last virus feed?!") cell.shoot_vec = None cell.shoot_vec2 = None cell.shoot_vec3 = None cell.calmed_down = False elif cell.is_ejected_mass: try: if cell.parent == None and cell.movement.len() > 0: print("ejected mass!") is_split = True except AttributeError: pass if is_split: history_len = len(cell.poslog) try: cell.parent = min(filter(lambda c : not c.is_ejected_mass and not c.is_food and not c.is_virus and c.color == cell.color,, key=lambda c : (c.poslog[-history_len] - cell.poslog[-history_len]).len() if len(c.poslog) >= history_len else float('inf')) try: cell.shoot_vec = cell.parent.movement.copy() except: cell.shoot_vec = None cell.calmed_down = False except ValueError: # if no possible parents are found, min will raise a ValueError. ignore that. pass if is_split: cell.spawnpoint = cell.pos.copy() cell.parentsize_when_spawned = cell.parent.size if cell.parent != None else None cell.parentpos_when_spawned = cell.parent.pos.copy() if cell.parent != None else None